public void displayText(string unsplitLine)
        NPCFaceRenderer.sprite = currentNode.getSprite();

        string[] dialogue = unsplitLine.Split('|');
        textBox.text = dialogue[0];
        if (currentNode.getName() != "")
            nameBox.text = currentNode.getName();

        if (currentButtonLayout != null)

        if (currentNode.getNumButtons() != 0 && currentNode.getNextNode() == -1)
            //Well so much for elegance. To get the buttons to spawn on top of the text box and other things they need to be below them in the heirarcy
            //Before chilcount - 1 was pretty perfect, but now we use childcount + 2 because there are 3 more objects on top of the button layouts
            currentButtonLayout = transform.GetChild(currentNode.getNumButtons() + 2).gameObject.GetComponent <DisableButtonChildren>();
            currentButtonLayout = transform.GetChild(3).gameObject.GetComponent <DisableButtonChildren>();

        //didn't use foreach here because (reason)
        if (currentNode.getNextNode() == -1)
            if (dialogue.Length > 1)
                //didn't use foreach here because (reason)
                for (int i = 0; i < currentNode.getChildCount() && i + 1 < dialogue.Length; i++)
                    currentButtonLayout.transform.GetChild(i).GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = dialogue[i + 1];
                currentButtonLayout.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "";
            if (dialogue.Length > 1)
                currentButtonLayout.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = dialogue[1];
                currentButtonLayout.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "";
    ///<summary>Start a dialogue with the existing tree and without disabling anything.
    ///This is mostly used for colliders, where we still want them to have collision but we don't want it to stop interacting entirely
    public void startDialogue()
        gameObject.GetComponent <Canvas>().enabled           = true;
        gameObject.GetComponent <GraphicRaycaster>().enabled = true;
        //Prevent the player from moving while they're in dialogue
        player.GetComponent <CustomPlatformer2DUserControl>().canControl = false;
        player.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().SetFloat("Speed", 0f);
        player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity =;

        currentNode         = dialogueTree.getNodeAtIndex(1);
        currentButtonLayout = null;
    public void startDialogue(TextAsset dialogue, Collider2D triggerToDisable, Sprite NPCSprite)
        triggeredThis         = triggerToDisable;
        triggeredThis.enabled = false;
        gameObject.GetComponent <Canvas>().enabled           = true;
        gameObject.GetComponent <GraphicRaycaster>().enabled = true;

        //Prevent the player from moving while they're in dialogue
        player.GetComponent <CustomPlatformer2DUserControl>().canControl = false;
        player.GetComponentInChildren <Animator>().SetFloat("Speed", 0f);
        player.GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity =;

        dialogueTextAsset   = dialogue;
        dialogueTree        = new dialogueTree(dialogue.text, dialogueEvent, NPCSprite);
        currentNode         = dialogueTree.getNodeAtIndex(1);
        currentButtonLayout = null;