List <FileSystemPath> RecurseInteractiveDeleteDir( CommandEvaluationContext context, DirectoryPath dir, bool simulate, bool noattributes, bool verbose, CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource) { var fullname = true; var r = new List <FileSystemPath>(); verbose |= simulate; if (cancellationTokenSource.IsCancellationRequested) { return(r); } if (dir.IsEmpty || Confirm("rm: descend " + dir.GetPrintableName(fullname))) { foreach (var subdir in dir.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateDirectories()) { r.Merge(RecurseInteractiveDeleteDir(context, new DirectoryPath(subdir.FullName), simulate, noattributes, verbose, cancellationTokenSource)); } var options = new FileSystemPathFormattingOptions(!noattributes, false, "", Br, -1, "removed "); var echoContext = new EchoEvaluationContext(context.Out, context, options); foreach (var subfile in dir.DirectoryInfo.EnumerateFiles()) { var subfi = new FilePath(subfile.FullName); if (Confirm("rm: remove file " + subfi.GetPrintableName(fullname))) { if (!simulate) { subfi.FileSystemInfo.Delete(); } if (verbose) { subfi.Echo(echoContext); } r.Add(subfi); } } if (Confirm("rm: remove directory " + dir.GetPrintableName(fullname))) { if (!simulate) { dir.DirectoryInfo.Delete(true); } if (verbose) { dir.Echo(echoContext); } r.Add(dir); } } return(r); }
public CommandResult <DirectoryPath> Pwd( CommandEvaluationContext context, [Option("s", "short", "short display: do not print file system attributes")] bool noattributes ) { var path = new DirectoryPath(Environment.CurrentDirectory); if (path.CheckExists(context)) { path.Echo(new EchoEvaluationContext(context.Out, context, new FileSystemPathFormattingOptions(!noattributes, false, "", Br))); return(new CommandResult <DirectoryPath>(path)); } else { return(new CommandResult <DirectoryPath>()); } }
public CommandVoidResult NewModule( CommandEvaluationContext context, [Parameter(0, "module ID")] string id, [Parameter(1, "module project repository url (if not set do net set project repository properties, thus the project repo is not connected to any remote repository)", true)] string repoUrl = null, [Option("o", "out", "output path", true, true)] DirectoryPath output = null, [Option("i", "in", "take parameters from json input file", true, true)] string inputFile = defaultSettingsFileName, [Option("f", "force", "delete target if already exists")] bool force = false, [Option("s", "skip-errors", "skip ant error if possible")] bool skipErrors = false, [Option(null, "no-push", "don't perform an initial push of project repo")] bool noPush = false, [Option("project template url", "modproj-tpl-url", "module project template url", true, true)] string url = moduleProjectTemplateRepositoryUrl, [Option(null, "preserve-curdir", "preserve current dir")] bool preserveCurrentDir = false ) { var o = context.Out; var c = context.ShellEnv.Colors; output ??= new DirectoryPath(Environment.CurrentDirectory); output = new DirectoryPath(Path.Combine(output.FullName, id)); var input = new FilePath(inputFile); var ectx = new EchoEvaluationContext(context); ectx.Options.LineBreak = true; CommandVoidResult result = CommandVoidResult.Instance; o.Echo(_title("shell module dotnet project generator")); #region download_pattern_project if (force && output.CheckExists()) { Directory.Delete(output.FullName, true); } o.Echoln(_subTitle("cloning module project repository", url)); o.Echo(_("into: ")); output.Echo(ectx); o.Echoln("(br)"); if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", $"clone {url} {output.FullName}", out result)) { return(result); } #endregion #region setup project template properties if (!input.CheckExists(context)) { return(new CommandVoidResult(ReturnCode.Error)); } o.Echoln(_subTitle($"set project template properties", $"'{id}'")); string packageId = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repoUrl) ? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(repoUrl) : null; string repoOwner = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repoUrl) ? Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(repoUrl)) : null; var settingsText = File.ReadAllText(input.FullName); var settings = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <ModuleSettings>(settingsText) .AutoFill(id, packageId); settings.ModuleRepositoryUrl = repoUrl; settings.ModuleRepositoryOwner = repoOwner; o.Echoln(_subTitle("using settings", input.FullName)); settings.Echo(ectx); o.Echoln("(br)"); var items = fs.FindItems( context, output.FullName, "*", false, true, false, true, false, null, false, new FindCounts(), false); var fields = typeof(ModuleSettings).GetFields(); foreach (var item in items) { var path = item.FullName; if (item.IsFile && fs.IsTextFile(path)) { var tpl = path; _templateReplace(fields, settings, ref tpl); var txt = File.ReadAllText(path); if (tpl != path) { File.Delete(path); path = tpl; } tpl = txt + ""; _templateReplace(fields, settings, ref tpl); if (tpl != txt) { File.WriteAllText(path, tpl); } } } void _deleteIfExists(string n) { if (File.Exists(n)) { File.Delete(n); } } _deleteIfExists(Path.Combine(output.FullName, "templateInfo.txt")); _deleteIfExists(Path.Combine(output.FullName, "./module-settings.json")); #endregion #region setup project repository o.Echoln(_subTitle("setup project repository", url)); o.Echoln(); var curDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; Environment.CurrentDirectory = output.FullName; if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", "remote remove origin", out result)) { return(result); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.ModuleRepositoryUrl)) { if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", $"remote add origin {settings.ModuleRepositoryUrl}", out result)) { return(result); } // check this if (!noPush && !ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", "push --set-upstream origin main", out result)) { return(result); } } #endregion #region restore & build project o.Echoln(_subTitle("restore & build module project", "")); o.Echoln(); if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "dotnet", "build", out result)) { return(result); } #endregion if (preserveCurrentDir) { Environment.CurrentDirectory = curDir; } o.Echoln(_subTitle($"module project has been generated", id)); return(result ?? CommandVoidResult.Instance); }
public CommandVoidResult NewModule( CommandEvaluationContext context, [Parameter(0, "module ID")] string id, [Parameter(1, "module project repository url (if not set do net set project repository properties, thus the project repo is not connected to any remote repository)", true)] string repoUrl = null, [Option("o", "out", "output path", true, true)] DirectoryPath output = null, [Option("i", "in", "take parameters from json input file", true, true)] string inputFile = defaultSettingsFileName, [Option("f", "force", "delete target if already exists")] bool force = false, [Option("s", "skip-errors", "skip ant error if possible")] bool skipErrors = false, [Option(null, "no-git-init", "don't perform an initial init of the git repository - do not init the project as a git repository")] bool noInitRemote = false, [Option("project template url", "modproj-tpl-url", "module project template url", true, true)] string url = moduleProjectTemplateRepositoryUrl, [Option("project archive url", "modproj-arch-url", "module project archive template url", true, true)] string archUrl = moduleProjectTemplateArchiveUrl, [Option(null, "preserve-curdir", "preserve current dir")] bool preserveCurrentDir = false ) { var o = context.Out; var c = context.ShellEnv.Colors; bool noRepo = repoUrl == null; noInitRemote |= noRepo; string packageId = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repoUrl) ? Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(repoUrl) : null; string repoOwner = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(repoUrl) ? Path.GetFileName(Path.GetDirectoryName(repoUrl)) : null; output ??= new DirectoryPath(Environment.CurrentDirectory); output = new DirectoryPath(Path.Combine(output.FullName, packageId ?? id)); var targetId = packageId ?? id; var input = new FilePath(inputFile); var ectx = new EchoEvaluationContext(context); ectx.Options.LineBreak = true; CommandVoidResult result = CommandVoidResult.Instance; o.Echo(_title("shell module dotnet project generator")); #region download_pattern_project try { if (force && output.CheckExists()) { Directory.Delete(output.FullName, true); } } catch (Exception ex) { o.Errorln(ex.Message); if (!skipErrors) { throw; } } o.Echoln(_subTitle("cloning module project repository", url)); o.Echo(_("into: ")); output.Echo(ectx); o.Echoln("(br)"); if (!noInitRemote) { // checkout repo if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", $"clone {url} {output.FullName}", out result) && !skipErrors) { return(result); } } else { // download & unpack as an archive o.Echoln(_subTitle("download project template archive", "")); var downloadArchRes = context.CommandLineProcessor.Eval(context, @$ "get " "{archUrl}" " -q -b"); var archFile = ""; var res = downloadArchRes.GetResult <HttpContentBody>(); File.WriteAllBytes( archFile, (byte[])res.Content); if (File.Exists(archFile)) { _try(() => { var arc = ZipFile.OpenRead(archFile); var root = arc.Entries.First(); arc.Dispose(); var rootName = root.FullName.Replace("/", ""); ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(archFile, ".", true); Directory.Move(rootName, targetId); File.Delete(archFile); }); } } #endregion #region setup project template properties if (!input.CheckExists(context)) { return(new CommandVoidResult(ReturnCode.Error)); } o.Echoln(_subTitle($"set project template properties", $"'{id}'")); var settings = new ModuleSettings(); _try(() => { var settingsText = File.ReadAllText(input.FullName); var settings = JsonConvert .DeserializeObject <ModuleSettings>(settingsText) .AutoFill(id, packageId); if (!noInitRemote) { settings.ModuleRepositoryUrl = repoUrl; settings.ModuleRepositoryOwner = repoOwner; } o.Echoln(_subTitle("using settings", input.FullName)); settings.Echo(ectx); o.Echoln("(br)"); var items = fs.FindItems( context, output.FullName, "*", false, true, false, true, false, null, false, new FindCounts(), false); var fields = typeof(ModuleSettings).GetFields(); foreach (var item in items) { var path = item.FullName; if (item.IsFile && FilePath.IsTextFile(path)) { var tpl = path; _templateReplace(fields, settings, ref tpl); var txt = File.ReadAllText(path); if (tpl != path) { _try(() => File.Delete(path)); path = tpl; } tpl = txt + ""; _templateReplace(fields, settings, ref tpl); if (tpl != txt) { _try(() => File.WriteAllText(path, tpl)); } } } }); void _deleteIfExists(string n) { if (File.Exists(n)) { File.Delete(n); } } void _try(Action a) { try { a(); } catch (Exception ex) { context.Error(ex.Message); if (!skipErrors) { throw; } } } _try(() => { _deleteIfExists(Path.Combine(output.FullName, "templateInfo.txt")); _deleteIfExists(Path.Combine(output.FullName, "module-settings.json")); }); #endregion #region setup project repository o.Echoln(_subTitle("setup project repository", url)); o.Echoln(); var curDir = Environment.CurrentDirectory; _try(() => Environment.CurrentDirectory = output.FullName); if (!noInitRemote && !ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", "remote remove origin", out result) && !skipErrors) { return(result); } if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(settings.ModuleRepositoryUrl) && !noInitRemote) { if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", $"remote add origin {settings.ModuleRepositoryUrl}", out result) && !skipErrors) { return(result); } if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", "fetch", out result) && !skipErrors) { return(result); } if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", "branch --set-upstream-to=origin/main main", out result) && !skipErrors) { return(result); } if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", "pull --allow-unrelated-histories", out result) && !skipErrors) { return(result); } if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", "add .", out result) && !skipErrors) { return(result); } if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", "commit -a -m \"initial commit\"", out result) && !skipErrors) { return(result); } if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "git", "push", out result) && !skipErrors) { return(result); } } #endregion #region restore & build project o.Echoln(_subTitle("restore & build module project", "")); o.Echoln(); if (!ShellExec(context, skipErrors, "dotnet", "build", out result) && !skipErrors) { return(result); } #endregion if (preserveCurrentDir) { _try(() => Environment.CurrentDirectory = curDir); } o.Echoln(_subTitle($"module project has been generated", id)); return(result ?? CommandVoidResult.Instance); }