public void GetDirectoryHandlers_NullConnectionServer_Failure() { List <DirectoryHandler> oHandlerList; WebCallResult res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandlers(null, out oHandlerList, 1, 10, null); Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "GetDirectoryHandler should fail with null ConnectionServerRest passed to it"); }
public void DirectoryHandler_Test() { _errorString = ""; List <DirectoryHandler> oDirectoryHandlers; var res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandlers(_connectionServer, out oDirectoryHandlers, 1, 2); Assert.IsTrue(res.Success & oDirectoryHandlers.Count > 0, "Failed to fetch directory handlers:" + res); Assert.IsTrue(string.IsNullOrEmpty(_errorString), "Error parsing Json for directory handlers:" + _errorString); }
public void GetDirectoryHandlers_EmptyResult_Failure() { Reset(); _mockTransport.Setup(x => x.GetCupiResponse(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <MethodType>(), It.IsAny <ConnectionServerRest>(), It.IsAny <string>(), true)).Returns(new WebCallResult { Success = true, ResponseText = "" }); List <DirectoryHandler> oHandlers; var res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandlers(_mockServer, out oHandlers, 1, 5, null); Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Calling GetDirectoryHandlers with EmptyResultText did not fail"); }
public void GetDirectoryHandlers_ZeroCount_Success() { Reset(); _mockTransport.Setup(x => x.GetCupiResponse(It.IsAny <string>(), MethodType.GET, It.IsAny <ConnectionServerRest>(), It.IsAny <string>(), true)).Returns(new WebCallResult { Success = true, ResponseText = "junk text", TotalObjectCount = 0 }); List <DirectoryHandler> oHandlers; var res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandlers(_mockServer, out oHandlers, 1, 5, null); Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Calling GetDirectoryHandlers with ZeroCount failed:" + res); }
public void GetDirectoryHandlers_ErrorResponse_Failure() { Reset(); _mockTransport.Setup(x => x.GetCupiResponse(It.IsAny <string>(), MethodType.GET, It.IsAny <ConnectionServerRest>(), It.IsAny <string>(), true)).Returns(new WebCallResult { Success = false, ResponseText = "error text", StatusCode = 404 }); List <DirectoryHandler> oHandlers; var res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandlers(_mockServer, out oHandlers, 1, 5, null); Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Calling GetDirectoryHandlers with ErrorResponse did not fail"); }
public void GetDirectoryHandlers_GarbageResponse_Failure() { Reset(); _mockTransport.Setup(x => x.GetCupiResponse(It.IsAny <string>(), MethodType.GET, It.IsAny <ConnectionServerRest>(), It.IsAny <string>(), true)).Returns(new WebCallResult { Success = true, TotalObjectCount = 1, ResponseText = "garbage result that will not be parsed out as call handler JSON data" }); List <DirectoryHandler> oHandlers; var res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandlers(_mockServer, out oHandlers, 1, 5, null); Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Calling GetDirectoryHandlers with garbage results should fail"); Assert.IsTrue(oHandlers.Count == 0, "Invalid result text should produce an empty list"); }
public void GetActionDescripiton_DirectoryHandlers() { List <DirectoryHandler> oDirHandlers; var res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandlers(_connectionServer, out oDirHandlers, 1, 1); Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Failed to fetch directory handlers:" + res); Assert.IsTrue(oDirHandlers.Count > 0, "Failed to find any directory handlers"); string strRet = _connectionServer.GetActionDescription(ActionTypes.GoTo, ConversationNames.AD, oDirHandlers[0].ObjectId); Assert.IsTrue(strRet.ToLower().Contains("route to name lookup handler:"), "Directory handler route description not correct:" + strRet); strRet = _connectionServer.GetActionDescription(ActionTypes.GoTo, ConversationNames.AD, "bogus"); Assert.IsTrue(strRet.ToLower().Contains("invalid link"), "Directory handler route description not correct for missing link:" + strRet); }
public void GetDirectoryHandlers_FetchTest() { List <DirectoryHandler> oHandlerList; DirectoryHandler oNewHandler; WebCallResult res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandlers(_connectionServer, out oHandlerList, 1, 1); Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Fetching of first directory handler failed: " + res.ToString()); Assert.AreEqual(oHandlerList.Count, 1, "Fetching of the first directory handler returned a different number of handlers: " + res.ToString()); //exercise the ToString and DumpAllProperties as part of this test as well foreach (DirectoryHandler oHandler in oHandlerList) { Console.WriteLine(oHandler.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(oHandler.DumpAllProps()); //fetch a new directory handler using the objectId res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandler(out oNewHandler, _connectionServer, oHandler.ObjectId); Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "Fetching directory handler by ObjectId: " + res.ToString()); } try { oNewHandler = new DirectoryHandler(_connectionServer, "", oHandlerList[0].DisplayName); Console.WriteLine(oNewHandler); } catch (Exception ex) { Assert.Fail("Failed to create new direcotry handler using valid display name for search:" + ex); } //hit failed searches res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandler(out oNewHandler, _connectionServer, "", "bogus name that shouldnt match"); Assert.IsFalse(res.Success, "Fetching directory handler by bogus name did not fail"); res = DirectoryHandler.GetDirectoryHandlers(_connectionServer, out oHandlerList, 1, 1, "query=(ObjectId is bogus)"); Assert.IsTrue(res.Success, "fetching handlers with invalid query should not fail:" + res); Assert.IsTrue(oHandlerList.Count == 0, "Invalid query string should return an empty handler list:" + oHandlerList.Count); }