private void JobWorkLoop() { try { while (true) { //check to see if we should still be running if (jobLoopRunning == false) { break; } jobsToCheck = false; lock (JobsDictLock) { List <Job> jobsToDelete = new List <Job>(); foreach (Job j in jobs.Keys) { try { JobStatus js = jobs[j]; if (js.State == JobStates.Received) { if (vmMap.ContainsKey(j.Configuration)) { VirtualMachine vm = vmMap[j.Configuration]; try { //check other jobs to see if any are using this VM, if so don't start this job yet //also count the number of running VMs so we can check against the max bool vmInUse = false; Dictionary <string, int> runningVMsCount = new Dictionary <string, int>();//per host foreach (Job otherJob in jobs.Keys) { JobStatus otherJobStatus = jobs[otherJob]; if (otherJobStatus.IsRunning) { VirtualMachine otherVM = vmMap[otherJob.Configuration]; string computeResource = otherVM.ComputeResourceName; if (!runningVMsCount.ContainsKey(computeResource)) { runningVMsCount[computeResource] = 0; } runningVMsCount[computeResource]++; if (vm.Identifier == otherVM.Identifier) { vmInUse = true; } } } //check to see if the vm is locked foreach (string lockedVMPath in lockedVMs) { if (lockedVMPath == vm.Identifier) { vmInUse = true; break; } } //if this job relies on another job, make sure that job has finished before starting this one bool waitingForAnotherJob = false; if (j.DependsOnJobIds != null && j.DependsOnJobIds.Count > 0) { foreach (string jobId in j.DependsOnJobIds) { bool jobFinished = false; foreach (Job baseJob in jobs.Keys) { JobStatus baseJobStatus = jobs[baseJob]; if (baseJob.JobID == jobId) { if (baseJobStatus.State == JobStates.WaitingForChildJobs) { jobFinished = true; } } } if (!jobFinished) { waitingForAnotherJob = true; } } } int vmsRunningOnThisResource = 0; string thisComputeResource = vm.ComputeResourceName; if (runningVMsCount.ContainsKey(thisComputeResource)) { vmsRunningOnThisResource = runningVMsCount[thisComputeResource]; } if (!vmInUse && !waitingForAnotherJob && vmsRunningOnThisResource < AppConfig.MaxVMsAtOnce) { //copy ISO to drop directory List <string> keys = new List <string>(j.ISOs.Keys); foreach (string isoName in keys) { string isoPath = j.ISOs[isoName]; if (File.Exists(isoPath)) { string dropFile = dropManager.GetDropFilePath(isoPath, isoPath); j.ISOs[isoName] = dropFile; } else { //TODO error? } } if (j.Packages == null || j.Packages.Count == 0) { js.ErrorOut("Job does not have any packages defined", null, null); } else { //copy Test Files to readable dir foreach (ExecutablePackage ep in j.Packages) { DirectoryInfo sourceDir = new DirectoryInfo(ep.ContentDirectory); DirectoryData testFiles = DirectoryData.FromDirectory(sourceDir); DirectoryInfo destDir = new DirectoryInfo(AppConfig.FileDrop.FullName + "\\" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); destDir.Create(); testFiles.DumpContentsToDir(destDir); foreach (string subDirName in ep.SubContentDirectories.Keys) { DirectoryInfo subDirSource = new DirectoryInfo(ep.SubContentDirectories[subDirName]); DirectoryData subDirFiles = DirectoryData.FromDirectory(subDirSource); DirectoryInfo subDirDest = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(destDir.FullName, subDirName)); subDirDest.Create(); subDirFiles.DumpContentsToDir(subDirDest); } ep.ContentDirectory = destDir.FullName; } vm.RevertToNamedSnapshot(); //vm.RevertToCurrentSnapshot(); vm.Start(); js.State = JobStates.VMStarted; } } } catch (Exception ex) { List <FileData> attachements = new List <FileData>(); FileData exceptionDetails = new FileData(); string exceptionDetailsStr = ex.ToString(); if (ex is System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException) { System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException soapEx = (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException)ex; if (soapEx.Detail != null) { exceptionDetailsStr += Environment.NewLine + soapEx.Detail.OuterXml; } } exceptionDetails.Data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(exceptionDetailsStr); exceptionDetails.Name = "exception.txt"; attachements.Add(exceptionDetails); js.ErrorOut("Exception: " + ex.Message, null, attachements); } } else { js.ErrorOut("Could not find a VM suitable for this configuration(" + j.Configuration.ToString() + ")", null, null); } } else if (js.State == JobStates.VMStarted || js.State == JobStates.AutoStarted) { if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(js.LastStateChange) > JOB_RUN_TIMEOUT) { js.ErrorOut("Job timed out. No response from VM after " + JOB_RUN_TIMEOUT.TotalHours + " hours", null, null); } } else if (js.State == JobStates.AutoFinished) { //check to see if any jobs rely on this job bool hasChildJobs = false; foreach (Job other in jobs.Keys) { if (other.DependsOnJobIds != null && other.DependsOnJobIds.Contains(j.JobID))//if the other job relies on this job { hasChildJobs = true; break; } } if (hasChildJobs) { js.State = JobStates.WaitingForChildJobs; jobsToCheck = true; } else if (js.Result.SnapshotOnShutdown) { js.State = JobStates.TakingSnapshot; } else { js.State = JobStates.JobFinishedNotSent; } } else if (js.State == JobStates.TakingSnapshot) { VirtualMachine vm = vmMap[j.Configuration]; if (vm.IsStarted) { //VM is still shuting down, do nothing, this will get checked again on the next go around. } else { string snapshotName = vm.SnapshotName; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(js.Result.SnapshotName)) { snapshotName = js.Result.SnapshotName; } string snapshotDesc = String.Empty; if (js.Result.SnapshotDesc != null) { snapshotDesc = js.Result.SnapshotDesc; } vm.TakeSnapshot(snapshotName, snapshotDesc); if (js.Result.CloneOnShutdown) { try { vm.CreateLinkedClone(snapshotName, vm.VMName + "_" + snapshotName); } catch (Exception ex) { js.ErrorOut("Exception: " + ex.Message, null, null); } } js.State = JobStates.JobFinishedNotSent; } } else if (js.State == JobStates.WaitingForChildJobs) { bool inUse = false; foreach (Job other in jobs.Keys) { if (other.DependsOnJobIds != null && other.DependsOnJobIds.Contains(j.JobID))//if the other job relies on this job { JobStatus otherStatus = jobs[other]; if (!otherStatus.IsFinished) { inUse = true; break; } } } if (!inUse) { if (js.Result.SnapshotOnShutdown) { js.State = JobStates.TakingSnapshot; } else { js.State = JobStates.JobFinishedNotSent; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO throw; } } foreach (Job j in jobs.Keys) { JobStatus js = jobs[j]; if (js.State == JobStates.JobFinishedNotSent) { AutomationMessage m = new AutomationMessage(j.OriginalHost, j.OriginalMessageID, new JobCompleted(j, js.Result)); SendToHost(m); js.State = JobStates.JobFinishedSent; //if the iso has been copied to the temp directory, delete it if (j.ISOs != null) { foreach (string isoPath in j.ISOs.Values) { if (isoPath.Contains(AppConfig.FileDrop.FullName)) { try { //release the iso copy dropManager.ReleaseDropFile(isoPath); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLog.WriteEntry("Could not release ISO \"" + isoPath + "\" : " + ex.ToString()); } } } } //if the test package directory has been copied to the temp directory, delete it if (j.Packages != null) { foreach (ExecutablePackage ep in j.Packages) { string packageDir = ep.ContentDirectory; if (packageDir != null) { if (packageDir.Contains(AppConfig.FileDrop.FullName)) { try { //delete the test files System.IO.Directory.Delete(packageDir, true); } catch (Exception ex) { EventLog.WriteEntry("Could not delete directory \"" + packageDir + "\" : " + ex.ToString()); } } } } } } else if (js.State == JobStates.JobFinishedSent) { if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(js.LastStateChange) > DURATION_TO_KEEP_JOBS) { jobsToDelete.Add(j); } } } foreach (Job j in jobsToDelete) { jobs.Remove(j); } } lock (ExecuteJobsLock) { if (jobsToCheck) { continue; } //check to see if we should still be running if (jobLoopRunning == false) { break; } Monitor.Wait(ExecuteJobsLock); } } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { //eat it } catch (Exception ex) { EventLog.WriteEntry("Exception in work loop: " + ex.ToString(), EventLogEntryType.Error); throw; } }