public void TestDirectionalLightAccumulation() { //TODO: add a way to show the specular in the alpha channel var game = new DX11Game(); game.InitDirectX(); var device = game.Device; var context = device.ImmediateContext; var filledGBuffer = new TestFilledGBuffer(game, 800, 600); var light = new DirectionalLightRenderer(game, filledGBuffer.GBuffer); game.GameLoopEvent += delegate { filledGBuffer.DrawUpdatedGBuffer(); game.SetBackbuffer(); if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.C)) { game.SpectaterCamera.Enabled = false; var mat = Matrix.RotationY(game.Mouse.RelativeX * game.Elapsed * 5) * Matrix.RotationX(game.Mouse.RelativeY * game.Elapsed * 5); light.LightDirection = Vector3.TransformNormal(light.LightDirection, mat); } else { game.SpectaterCamera.Enabled = true; } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.I)) { GBufferTest.DrawGBuffer(game, filledGBuffer.GBuffer); } else { light.Draw(); } }; game.Run(); }
public void TestDirectionalLightShadowing() { var game = new DX11Game(); game.InitDirectX(); var device = game.Device; var context = device.ImmediateContext; var filledGBuffer = new TestFilledGBuffer(game, 800, 600); var light = new DirectionalLightRenderer(game, filledGBuffer.GBuffer); light.ShadowsEnabled = true; var toggle = false; game.GameLoopEvent += delegate { filledGBuffer.DrawUpdatedGBuffer(); light.UpdateShadowmap(delegate(OrthographicCamera lightCamera) { game.Camera = lightCamera; filledGBuffer.Draw(); game.Camera = game.SpectaterCamera; }, game.SpectaterCamera); game.SetBackbuffer(); if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Key.C)) { toggle = !toggle; } if (toggle) { light.LightDirection = game.SpectaterCamera.CameraDirection; } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.I)) { GBufferTest.DrawGBuffer(game, filledGBuffer.GBuffer); } else { light.Draw(); game.TextureRenderer.Draw(light.CSMRenderer.ShadowMapRV, new Vector2(10, 10), new Vector2(590, 200)); for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { //game.LineManager3D.AddViewFrustum(light.LightCameras[i].ViewProjection, //new Color4(0, 1, 0)); } } }; game.Run(); }
public void TestMultipleLightAccumulation() { //TODO: add a way to show the specular in the alpha channel var game = new DX11Game(); game.InitDirectX(); var device = game.Device; var context = device.ImmediateContext; var filledGBuffer = new TestFilledGBuffer(game, 800, 600); var spot = new SpotLightRenderer(game, filledGBuffer.GBuffer); var point = new PointLightRenderer(game, filledGBuffer.GBuffer); var directional = new DirectionalLightRenderer(game, filledGBuffer.GBuffer); var state = 0; var bsDesc = new BlendStateDescription(); var b = new RenderTargetBlendDescription(); b.BlendEnable = true; b.BlendOperation = BlendOperation.Add; b.BlendOperationAlpha = BlendOperation.Add; b.DestinationBlend = BlendOption.One; b.DestinationBlendAlpha = BlendOption.One; b.SourceBlend = BlendOption.One; b.SourceBlendAlpha = BlendOption.One; b.RenderTargetWriteMask = ColorWriteMaskFlags.All; bsDesc.RenderTargets[0] = b; var blendState = BlendState.FromDescription(device, bsDesc); var depthState = DepthStencilState.FromDescription(device, new DepthStencilStateDescription { IsDepthEnabled = false, IsStencilEnabled = false, }); game.GameLoopEvent += delegate { filledGBuffer.DrawUpdatedGBuffer(); game.SetBackbuffer(); if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Key.D1)) { state = 0; } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Key.D2)) { state = 1; } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Key.D3)) { state = 2; } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Key.D4)) { state = 3; } switch (state) { case 0: break; case 1: directional.LightDirection = game.SpectaterCamera.CameraDirection; break; case 2: point.LightPosition = game.SpectaterCamera.CameraPosition; break; case 3: spot.LightPosition = game.SpectaterCamera.CameraPosition; spot.SpotDirection = game.SpectaterCamera.CameraDirection; break; } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.I)) { GBufferTest.DrawGBuffer(game, filledGBuffer.GBuffer); } else { context.OutputMerger.DepthStencilState = depthState; directional.Draw(); context.OutputMerger.BlendState = blendState; spot.Draw(); point.Draw(); context.OutputMerger.BlendState = null; context.OutputMerger.DepthStencilState = null; } }; game.Run(); }
public void DrawUpdatedDeferredRendering() { FilledGBuffer.DrawUpdatedGBuffer(); if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Key.D1)) { state = 0; } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Key.D2)) { state = 1; } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Key.D3)) { state = 2; } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Key.D4)) { state = 3; } switch (state) { case 0: break; case 1: directional.LightDirection = game.SpectaterCamera.CameraDirection; break; case 2: point.LightPosition = game.SpectaterCamera.CameraPosition; break; case 3: spot.LightPosition = game.SpectaterCamera.CameraPosition; spot.SpotDirection = game.SpectaterCamera.CameraDirection; break; } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Key.I)) { context.ClearState(); game.SetBackbuffer(); GBufferTest.DrawGBuffer(game, FilledGBuffer.GBuffer); } else { combineFinal.ClearLightAccumulation(); combineFinal.SetLightAccumulationStates(); directional.Draw(); spot.Draw(); point.Draw(); context.ClearState(); game.SetBackbuffer(); // This is to set viewport, not sure this is correct context.OutputMerger.SetTargets(hdrImageRTV); DrawCombined(); } if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyPressed(Key.O)) { Resource.SaveTextureToFile(game.Device.ImmediateContext, hdrImage, ImageFileFormat.Dds, TWDir.Test.CreateSubdirectory("Deferred") + "\\"); } }