예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes drive speed based on requestedSpeed, current DrivingState, timing and sensors input
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override IEnumerator <ISubsumptionTask> Execute()
            FiredOn = true;

            while (!MustExit && !MustTerminate)
                double?gbd = goalBearingDegrees;

                if (!gbd.HasValue || behaviorData.robotPose.direction == null || !behaviorData.robotPose.direction.heading.HasValue)
                    // no goal set in RobotState. Stop till it appears.
                    setSpeedAndTurn(0.0d, 0.0d);
                    goalBearingDegrees = null;      // set it in robot state
                else if (!GrabByOther())
                    //double heading = behaviorData.sensorsData.CompassHeadingDegrees;  // robot's heading by compass
                    double heading = behaviorData.robotPose.direction.heading.Value;    // robot's heading by SLAM

                    double desiredTurnDegrees = DirectionMath.to180(heading - (double)gbd);

                    //Debug.WriteLine("BehaviorGoToAngle: desiredTurnDegrees=" + desiredTurnDegrees);

                    behaviorData.robotState.goalBearingRelativeDegrees = desiredTurnDegrees;

                    if (Math.Abs(desiredTurnDegrees) > 30.0d)
                        // sharp turn:
                        setSpeedAndTurn(0.0d, -turnFactor * Math.Sign(desiredTurnDegrees));
                        // adjust trajectory towards goal:
                        setSpeedAndTurn(cruiseSpeed, -turnFactor * desiredTurnDegrees / 30.0d);

                yield return(RobotTask.Continue);

            FiredOn = false;

            Debug.WriteLine("BehaviorGoToAngle: " + (MustExit ? "MustExit" : "completed"));

            yield break;
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes goalBearingDegrees based on current location and the next trackpoint
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override IEnumerator <ISubsumptionTask> Execute()
            FiredOn = true;

            while (!MustExit && !MustTerminate)
                nextWp = missionTrack.nextTargetWp;

                while (!MustActivate && !MustExit && !MustTerminate) // wait for activation
                    yield return(RobotTask.Continue);                // dormant state - no need to calculate

                if (MustExit || MustTerminate)

                // we have next trackpoint to go to, enter the work loop:

                //int i = 0;
                while (!MustDeactivate && !MustExit && !MustTerminate)
                    nextWp = missionTrack.nextTargetWp;

                    if (nextWp == null)

                    Direction dirToWp  = nextWp.directionToWp(behaviorData.robotPose.geoPosition, behaviorData.robotPose.direction);
                    Distance  distToWp = nextWp.distanceToWp(behaviorData.robotPose.geoPosition);

                    if (distToWp.Meters < closeEnoughMeters)
                        nextWp.trackpointState = TrackpointState.Passed;            // trackpoint will be ignored on the next cycle
                        //speaker.Speak("Waypoint " + nextWp.number + " reached");

                        if (nextWp.headingDegrees.HasValue)
                            // if the trackpoint was saved with a heading, we need to turn to that heading:
                            speaker.Speak("turning to " + Math.Round(nextWp.headingDegrees.Value));

                            turnStartedTime = DateTime.Now;

                            // TODO: we overshoot a lot here. Maybe having a PID controller would help.
                            while (Math.Abs(behaviorData.robotPose.direction.heading.Value - nextWp.headingDegrees.Value) > trackpointHeadingToleranceDegrees &&
                                   (DateTime.Now - turnStartedTime).TotalSeconds < waitOnTurnSeconds)
                                double heading            = behaviorData.robotPose.direction.heading.Value; // robot's heading by SLAM
                                double desiredTurnDegrees = DirectionMath.to180(heading - nextWp.headingDegrees.Value);
                                setSpeedAndTurn(0.0d, -turnFactor * Math.Sign(desiredTurnDegrees));
                                yield return(RobotTask.Continue);    // let the chain work

                            if (Math.Abs(behaviorData.robotPose.direction.heading.Value - nextWp.headingDegrees.Value) > trackpointHeadingToleranceDegrees)
                                speaker.Speak("Error: turning to " + Math.Round(nextWp.headingDegrees.Value) + " failed");


                        // pause and declare to other behaviors that we reached trackpoing:
                        if (stopStartedTime == null)
                            stopStartedTime = DateTime.Now;
                            while ((DateTime.Now - stopStartedTime.Value).TotalSeconds < waitOnTrackpointsSeconds)
                                goalBearingRelativeDegrees           = null;         // BehaviorGoToAngle will stop the robot
                                goalDistanceMeters                   = null;
                                getCoordinatorData().EnablingRequest = "trackpoint"; // let other behaviors know we are waiting on a trackpoint
                                yield return(RobotTask.Continue);                    // wait a bit on the trackpoint
                            stopStartedTime = null;

                        if (missionTrack.nextTargetWp != null)
                    else if (nextWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.HasValue &&
                             (DateTime.Now - nextWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.Value).TotalSeconds > waypointCantReachSeconds)
                        nextWp.trackpointState = TrackpointState.CouldNotReach;     // will be ignored on the next cycle
                        speaker.Speak("Waypoint " + nextWp.number + " could not reach");
                        goalBearingRelativeDegrees = dirToWp.bearingRelative.Value;       // update robotState
                        goalDistanceMeters         = distToWp.Meters;

                        Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("IP: Trackpoint {0}  abs bearing= {1}  distToWp.Meters= {2}", nextWp.number, dirToWp.bearing, distToWp.Meters));

                        if (!nextWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival.HasValue)
                            nextWp.trackpointState = TrackpointState.SelectedAsTarget;
                            double maxVelocityMSec = ToVelocity(behaviorData.robotState.powerLevelPercent * powerFactor);  // m/sec
                            double timeToReachSec  = distToWp.Meters / maxVelocityMSec;
                            nextWp.estimatedTimeOfArrival = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(timeToReachSec);
                            speaker.Speak("Next " + Math.Round(distToWp.Meters) + " " + Math.Round(timeToReachSec));
                            //speaker.Speak("Next trackpoint " + Math.Round(distToWp.Meters) + " meters away. I expect reaching it in " + Math.Round(timeToReachSec) + " seconds");

                    yield return(RobotTask.Continue);

                speaker.Speak("No more trackpoints");
                goalBearingRelativeDegrees = null;      // BehaviorGoToAngle will stop the robot
                goalDistanceMeters         = null;

            FiredOn = false;

            Debug.WriteLine("BehaviorRouteFollowing: " + (MustExit ? "MustExit" : "completed"));

            yield break;