예제 #1
        public SobolRsg(int dimensionality, ulong seed, DirectionIntegers directionIntegers)
            dimensionality_  = dimensionality;
            sequenceCounter_ = 0;
            firstDraw_       = true;

            sequence_        = new Sample <List <double> >(new InitializedList <double>(dimensionality), 1.0);
            integerSequence_ = new InitializedList <ulong>(dimensionality);

            directionIntegers_ = new InitializedList <List <ulong> >(dimensionality);
            for (int i = 0; i < dimensionality; i++)
                directionIntegers_[i] = new InitializedList <ulong>(bits_);

            if (!(dimensionality > 0))
                throw new Exception("dimensionality must be greater than 0");
            if (!(dimensionality <= PPMT_MAX_DIM))
                throw new Exception("dimensionality " + dimensionality + " exceeds the number of available "
                                    + "primitive polynomials modulo two (" + PPMT_MAX_DIM + ")");

            // initializes coefficient array of the k-th primitive polynomial
            // and degree of the k-th primitive polynomial
            List <uint> degree = new InitializedList <uint>(dimensionality_);
            List <long> ppmt   = new InitializedList <long>(dimensionality_);

            bool useAltPolynomials = false;

            if (directionIntegers == DirectionIntegers.Kuo || directionIntegers == DirectionIntegers.Kuo2 ||
                directionIntegers == DirectionIntegers.Kuo3 || directionIntegers == DirectionIntegers.SobolLevitan ||
                directionIntegers == DirectionIntegers.SobolLevitanLemieux)
                useAltPolynomials = true;

            // degree 0 is not used
            ppmt[0]   = 0;
            degree[0] = 0;
            int  k, index;
            uint currentDegree = 1;

            k     = 1;
            index = 0;

            uint altDegree = useAltPolynomials ? maxAltDegree : 0;

            for ( ; k < Math.Min(dimensionality_, altDegree); k++, index++)
                ppmt[k] = AltPrimitivePolynomials[currentDegree - 1][index];
                if (ppmt[k] == -1)
                    index   = 0;
                    ppmt[k] = AltPrimitivePolynomials[currentDegree - 1][index];

                degree[k] = currentDegree;

            for ( ; k < dimensionality_; k++, index++)
                ppmt[k] = PrimitivePolynomials[currentDegree - 1][index];
                if (ppmt[k] == -1)
                    index   = 0;
                    ppmt[k] = PrimitivePolynomials[currentDegree - 1][index];
                degree[k] = currentDegree;

            // initializes bits_ direction integers for each dimension
            // and store them into directionIntegers_[dimensionality_][bits_]
            // In each dimension k with its associated primitive polynomial,
            // the first degree_[k] direction integers can be chosen freely
            // provided that only the l leftmost bits can be non-zero, and
            // that the l-th leftmost bit must be set

            // degenerate (no free direction integers) first dimension
            int j;

            for (j = 0; j < bits_; j++)
                directionIntegers_[0][j] = (1UL << (bits_ - j - 1));

            int maxTabulated = 0;

            // dimensions from 2 (k=1) to maxTabulated (k=maxTabulated-1) included
            // are initialized from tabulated coefficients
            switch (directionIntegers)
            case DirectionIntegers.Unit:
                maxTabulated = dimensionality_;
                for (k = 1; k < maxTabulated; k++)
                    for (int l = 1; l <= degree[k]; l++)
                        directionIntegers_[k][l - 1]   = 1UL;
                        directionIntegers_[k][l - 1] <<= (bits_ - l);

            case DirectionIntegers.Jaeckel:
                // maxTabulated=32
                maxTabulated = initializers.Length + 1;
                for (k = 1; k < Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++)
                    j = 0;
                    // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                    while (initializers[k - 1][j] != 0UL)
                        directionIntegers_[k][j]   = initializers[k - 1][j];
                        directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_ - j - 1);

            case DirectionIntegers.SobolLevitan:
                // maxTabulated=40
                maxTabulated = SLinitializers.Length + 1;
                for (k = 1; k < Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++)
                    j = 0;
                    // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                    while (SLinitializers[k - 1][j] != 0UL)
                        directionIntegers_[k][j]   = SLinitializers[k - 1][j];
                        directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_ - j - 1);

            case DirectionIntegers.SobolLevitanLemieux:
                // maxTabulated=360
                maxTabulated = Linitializers.Length + 1;
                for (k = 1; k < Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++)
                    j = 0;
                    // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                    while (Linitializers[k - 1][j] != 0UL)
                        directionIntegers_[k][j]   = Linitializers[k - 1][j];
                        directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_ - j - 1);

            case DirectionIntegers.JoeKuoD5:
                // maxTabulated=1898
                maxTabulated = JoeKuoD5initializers.Length + 1;
                for (k = 1; k < Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++)
                    j = 0;
                    // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                    while (JoeKuoD5initializers[k - 1][j] != 0UL)
                        directionIntegers_[k][j]   = JoeKuoD5initializers[k - 1][j];
                        directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_ - j - 1);

            case DirectionIntegers.JoeKuoD6:
                // maxTabulated=1799
                maxTabulated = JoeKuoD6initializers.Length + 1;
                for (k = 1; k < Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++)
                    j = 0;
                    // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                    while (JoeKuoD6initializers[k - 1][j] != 0UL)
                        directionIntegers_[k][j]   = JoeKuoD6initializers[k - 1][j];
                        directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_ - j - 1);

            case DirectionIntegers.JoeKuoD7:
                // maxTabulated=1898
                maxTabulated = JoeKuoD7initializers.Length + 1;
                for (k = 1; k < Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++)
                    j = 0;
                    // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                    while (JoeKuoD7initializers[k - 1][j] != 0UL)
                        directionIntegers_[k][j]   = JoeKuoD7initializers[k - 1][j];
                        directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_ - j - 1);

            case DirectionIntegers.Kuo:
                // maxTabulated=4925
                maxTabulated = Kuoinitializers.Length + 1;
                for (k = 1; k < Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++)
                    j = 0;
                    // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                    while (Kuoinitializers[k - 1][j] != 0UL)
                        directionIntegers_[k][j]   = Kuoinitializers[k - 1][j];
                        directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_ - j - 1);

            case DirectionIntegers.Kuo2:
                // maxTabulated=3946
                maxTabulated = Kuo2initializers.Length + 1;
                for (k = 1; k < Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++)
                    j = 0;
                    // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                    while (Kuo2initializers[k - 1][j] != 0UL)
                        directionIntegers_[k][j]   = Kuo2initializers[k - 1][j];
                        directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_ - j - 1);

            case DirectionIntegers.Kuo3:
                // maxTabulated=4585
                maxTabulated = Kuo3initializers.Length + 1;
                for (k = 1; k < Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++)
                    j = 0;
                    // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                    while (Kuo3initializers[k - 1][j] != 0UL)
                        directionIntegers_[k][j]   = Kuo3initializers[k - 1][j];
                        directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_ - j - 1);


            // random initialization for higher dimensions
            if (dimensionality_ > maxTabulated)
                MersenneTwisterUniformRng uniformRng = new MersenneTwisterUniformRng(seed);
                for (k = maxTabulated; k < dimensionality_; k++)
                    for (int l = 1; l <= degree[k]; l++)
                            // u is in (0,1)
                            double u = uniformRng.next().value;
                            // the direction integer has at most the
                            // rightmost l bits non-zero
                            directionIntegers_[k][l - 1] = (ulong)(u * (1UL << l));
                        } while (!((directionIntegers_[k][l - 1] & 1UL) != 0));
                        // iterate until the direction integer is odd
                        // that is it has the rightmost bit set

                        // shifting bits_-l bits to the left
                        // we are guaranteed that the l-th leftmost bit
                        // is set, and only the first l leftmost bit
                        // can be non-zero
                        directionIntegers_[k][l - 1] <<= (bits_ - l);

            // computation of directionIntegers_[k][l] for l>=degree_[k]
            // by recurrence relation
            for (k = 1; k < dimensionality_; k++)
                uint gk = degree[k];
                for (int l = (int)gk; l < bits_; l++)
                    // eq. 8.19 "Monte Carlo Methods in Finance" by P. Jдckel
                    ulong n = (directionIntegers_[k][(int)(l - gk)] >> (int)gk);
                    // a[k][j] are the coefficients of the monomials in ppmt[k]
                    // The highest order coefficient a[k][0] is not actually
                    // used in the recurrence relation, and the lowest order
                    // coefficient a[k][gk] is always set: this is the reason
                    // why the highest and lowest coefficient of
                    // the polynomial ppmt[k] are not included in its encoding,
                    // provided that its degree is known.
                    // That is: a[k][j] = ppmt[k] >> (gk-j-1)
                    for (uint z = 1; z < gk; z++)
                        // XORed with a selection of (unshifted) direction
                        // integers controlled by which of the a[k][j] are set
                        if ((((ulong)ppmt[k] >> (int)(gk - z - 1)) & 1UL) != 0)
                            n ^= directionIntegers_[k][(int)(l - z)];
                    // a[k][gk] is always set, so directionIntegers_[k][l-gk]
                    // will always enter
                    n ^= directionIntegers_[k][(int)(l - gk)];
                    directionIntegers_[k][l] = n;

            // in case one needs to check the directionIntegers used

            /* bool printDirectionIntegers = false;
             * if (printDirectionIntegers) {
             *     std::ofstream outStream("directionIntegers.txt");
             *     for (k=0; k<std::min(32UL,dimensionality_); k++) {
             *         outStream << std::endl << k+1       << "\t"
             *                                << degree[k] << "\t"
             *                                << ppmt[k]   << "\t";
             *         for (j=0; j<10; j++) {
             *             outStream << io::power_of_two(
             *                 directionIntegers_[k][j]) << "\t";
             *         }
             *     }
             *     outStream.close();
             * }

            // initialize the Sobol integer/double vectors
            // first draw
            for (k = 0; k < dimensionality_; k++)
                integerSequence_[k] = directionIntegers_[k][0];
예제 #2
파일: sobolrsg.cs 프로젝트: Yenyenx/qlnet
        public SobolRsg(int dimensionality, ulong seed, DirectionIntegers directionIntegers)
            dimensionality_ = dimensionality;
            sequenceCounter_ = 0;
            firstDraw_ = true;

            sequence_ = new Sample<List<double>>(new InitializedList<double>(dimensionality), 1.0);
            integerSequence_ = new InitializedList<ulong>(dimensionality);

            directionIntegers_ = new InitializedList<List<ulong>>(dimensionality, new List<ulong>(bits_));
            for (int i = 0; i < dimensionality; i++)
                directionIntegers_[i] = new InitializedList<ulong>(bits_);

            if (!(dimensionality>0)) throw new ApplicationException("dimensionality must be greater than 0");
            if (!(dimensionality<=PPMT_MAX_DIM))
                throw new ApplicationException("dimensionality " + dimensionality + " exceeds the number of available "
                       + "primitive polynomials modulo two (" + PPMT_MAX_DIM + ")");

            // initializes coefficient array of the k-th primitive polynomial
            // and degree of the k-th primitive polynomial
            List<uint> degree = new InitializedList<uint>(dimensionality_);
            List<long> ppmt = new InitializedList<long>(dimensionality_);

            bool useAltPolynomials = false;

            if (directionIntegers == DirectionIntegers.Kuo || directionIntegers == DirectionIntegers.Kuo2
                || directionIntegers == DirectionIntegers.Kuo3 || directionIntegers == DirectionIntegers.SobolLevitan
                || directionIntegers == DirectionIntegers.SobolLevitanLemieux)
                useAltPolynomials = true;

            // degree 0 is not used
            int k, index;
            uint currentDegree=1;

            uint altDegree = useAltPolynomials ? maxAltDegree : 0;

            for (; k<Math.Min(dimensionality_,altDegree); k++,index++)
                ppmt[k] = AltPrimitivePolynomials[currentDegree-1][index];
                if (ppmt[k]==-1)
                    ppmt[k] = AltPrimitivePolynomials[currentDegree-1][index];

                degree[k] = currentDegree;

            for (; k<dimensionality_; k++,index++)
                ppmt[k] = PrimitivePolynomials[currentDegree-1][index];
                if (ppmt[k]==-1)
                    ppmt[k] = PrimitivePolynomials[currentDegree-1][index];
                degree[k] = currentDegree;


            // initializes bits_ direction integers for each dimension
            // and store them into directionIntegers_[dimensionality_][bits_]
            // In each dimension k with its associated primitive polynomial,
            // the first degree_[k] direction integers can be chosen freely
            // provided that only the l leftmost bits can be non-zero, and
            // that the l-th leftmost bit must be set

            // degenerate (no free direction integers) first dimension
            int j;
            for (j=0; j<bits_; j++)
                directionIntegers_[0][j] = (1UL<<(bits_-j-1));

            int maxTabulated = 0;
            // dimensions from 2 (k=1) to maxTabulated (k=maxTabulated-1) included
            // are initialized from tabulated coefficients
            switch (directionIntegers) {
                case DirectionIntegers.Unit:
                    for (k=1; k<maxTabulated; k++) {
                        for (int l=1; l<=degree[k]; l++) {
                            directionIntegers_[k][l-1] = 1UL;
                            directionIntegers_[k][l-1] <<= (bits_-l);
                case DirectionIntegers.Jaeckel:
                    // maxTabulated=32
                    maxTabulated = initializers.Length + 1;
                    for (k=1; k<Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++) {
                        j = 0;
                        // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                        while (initializers[k-1][j] != 0UL) {
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] = initializers[k-1][j];
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_-j-1);
                case DirectionIntegers.SobolLevitan:
                    // maxTabulated=40
                    maxTabulated = SLinitializers.Length + 1;
                    for (k=1; k<Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++) {
                        j = 0;
                        // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                        while (SLinitializers[k-1][j] != 0UL) {
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] = SLinitializers[k-1][j];
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_-j-1);
                case DirectionIntegers.SobolLevitanLemieux:
                    // maxTabulated=360
                    maxTabulated = Linitializers.Length + 1;
                    for (k=1; k<Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++) {
                        j = 0;
                        // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                        while (Linitializers[k-1][j] != 0UL) {
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] = Linitializers[k-1][j];
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_-j-1);
                case DirectionIntegers.JoeKuoD5:
                    // maxTabulated=1898
                    maxTabulated = JoeKuoD5initializers.Length + 1;
                    for (k=1; k<Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++) {
                        j = 0;
                        // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                        while (JoeKuoD5initializers[k-1][j] != 0UL) {
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] = JoeKuoD5initializers[k-1][j];
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_-j-1);
                case DirectionIntegers.JoeKuoD6:
                    // maxTabulated=1799
                    maxTabulated = JoeKuoD6initializers.Length + 1;
                    for (k=1; k<Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++) {
                        j = 0;
                        // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                        while (JoeKuoD6initializers[k-1][j] != 0UL) {
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] = JoeKuoD6initializers[k-1][j];
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_-j-1);
                case DirectionIntegers.JoeKuoD7:
                    // maxTabulated=1898
                    maxTabulated = JoeKuoD7initializers.Length + 1;
                    for (k=1; k<Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++) {
                        j = 0;
                        // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                        while (JoeKuoD7initializers[k-1][j] != 0UL) {
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] = JoeKuoD7initializers[k-1][j];
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_-j-1);

                case DirectionIntegers.Kuo:
                    // maxTabulated=4925
                    maxTabulated = Kuoinitializers.Length + 1;
                    for (k=1; k<Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++) {
                        j = 0;
                        // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                        while (Kuoinitializers[k-1][j] != 0UL) {
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] = Kuoinitializers[k-1][j];
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_-j-1);
                case DirectionIntegers.Kuo2:
                    // maxTabulated=3946
                    maxTabulated = Kuo2initializers.Length+1;
                    for (k=1; k<Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++) {
                        j = 0;
                        // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                        while (Kuo2initializers[k-1][j] != 0UL) {
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] = Kuo2initializers[k-1][j];
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_-j-1);

                case DirectionIntegers.Kuo3:
                    // maxTabulated=4585
                    maxTabulated = Kuo3initializers.Length+1;
                    for (k=1; k<Math.Min(dimensionality_, maxTabulated); k++) {
                        j = 0;
                        // 0UL marks coefficients' end for a given dimension
                        while (Kuo3initializers[k-1][j] != 0UL) {
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] = Kuo3initializers[k-1][j];
                            directionIntegers_[k][j] <<= (bits_-j-1);


            // random initialization for higher dimensions
            if (dimensionality_>maxTabulated) {
                MersenneTwisterUniformRng uniformRng = new MersenneTwisterUniformRng(seed);
                for (k=maxTabulated; k<dimensionality_; k++) {
                    for (int l=1; l<=degree[k]; l++) {
                        do {
                            // u is in (0,1)
                            double u = uniformRng.next().value;
                            // the direction integer has at most the
                            // rightmost l bits non-zero
                            directionIntegers_[k][l-1] = (ulong)(u*(1UL<<l));
                        } while (!((directionIntegers_[k][l-1] & 1UL) != 0));
                        // iterate until the direction integer is odd
                        // that is it has the rightmost bit set

                        // shifting bits_-l bits to the left
                        // we are guaranteed that the l-th leftmost bit
                        // is set, and only the first l leftmost bit
                        // can be non-zero
                        directionIntegers_[k][l-1] <<= (bits_-l);

            // computation of directionIntegers_[k][l] for l>=degree_[k]
            // by recurrence relation
            for (k=1; k<dimensionality_; k++) {
                uint gk = degree[k];
                for (int l=(int)gk; l<bits_; l++) {
                    // eq. 8.19 "Monte Carlo Methods in Finance" by P. Jдckel
                    ulong n = (directionIntegers_[k][(int)(l - gk)] >> (int)gk);
                    // a[k][j] are the coefficients of the monomials in ppmt[k]
                    // The highest order coefficient a[k][0] is not actually
                    // used in the recurrence relation, and the lowest order
                    // coefficient a[k][gk] is always set: this is the reason
                    // why the highest and lowest coefficient of
                    // the polynomial ppmt[k] are not included in its encoding,
                    // provided that its degree is known.
                    // That is: a[k][j] = ppmt[k] >> (gk-j-1)
                    for (uint z=1; z<gk; z++) {
                        // XORed with a selection of (unshifted) direction
                        // integers controlled by which of the a[k][j] are set
                        if ((((ulong)ppmt[k] >> (int)(gk - z - 1)) & 1UL) != 0)
                            n ^= directionIntegers_[k][(int)(l-z)];
                    // a[k][gk] is always set, so directionIntegers_[k][l-gk]
                    // will always enter
                    n ^= directionIntegers_[k][(int)(l-gk)];

            // in case one needs to check the directionIntegers used
            /* bool printDirectionIntegers = false;
               if (printDirectionIntegers) {
                   std::ofstream outStream("directionIntegers.txt");
                   for (k=0; k<std::min(32UL,dimensionality_); k++) {
                       outStream << std::endl << k+1       << "\t"
                                              << degree[k] << "\t"
                                              << ppmt[k]   << "\t";
                       for (j=0; j<10; j++) {
                           outStream << io::power_of_two(
                               directionIntegers_[k][j]) << "\t";

            // initialize the Sobol integer/double vectors
            // first draw
            for (k=0; k<dimensionality_; k++) {