public void OnEncoding(Token fieldToken, DirectBuffer buffer, int index, Token typeToken, int actingVersion)
            string value = ReadEncodingAsString(buffer, index, typeToken, actingVersion);

            Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", fieldToken.Name, value);
        public static int Decode(MessageHeader messageHeader,
            MarketDataIncrementalRefreshTrades marketData,
            DirectBuffer buffer,
            int bufferIndex)
            messageHeader.Wrap(buffer, bufferIndex, 0);

            int actingVersion = messageHeader.Version;
            int actingBlockLength = messageHeader.BlockLength;

            marketData.WrapForDecode(buffer, bufferIndex + MessageHeader.Size, actingBlockLength, actingVersion);

            var transactTime = marketData.TransactTime;
            var matchEventIndicator = marketData.MatchEventIndicator;

            var mdIncGrpGroup = marketData.MdIncGrp;
            while (mdIncGrpGroup.HasNext)
                var tradeId = mdIncGrpGroup.TradeId;
                var securityId = mdIncGrpGroup.SecurityId;
                var mantissa = mdIncGrpGroup.MdEntryPx.Mantissa;
                var i = mdIncGrpGroup.MdEntrySize.Mantissa;
                var numberOfOrders = mdIncGrpGroup.NumberOfOrders;
                var mdUpdateAction = mdIncGrpGroup.MdUpdateAction;
                var rptSeq = mdIncGrpGroup.RptSeq;
                var aggressorSide = mdIncGrpGroup.AggressorSide;
                var mdEntryType = mdIncGrpGroup.MdEntryType;

            return marketData.Size;
 public IrDecoder(byte[] buffer)
     _size = buffer.Length;
     _directBuffer = new DirectBuffer(buffer);
     _offset = 0;
     _valBuffer = new DirectBuffer(_valArray);
        private static int DecodeField(DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, IList<Token> tokens, int fromIndex,
            int actingVersion, ITokenListener listener)
            int toIndex = FindNextOrLimit(tokens, fromIndex + 1, tokens.Count, Signal.EndField);
            Token fieldToken = tokens[fromIndex];
            Token typeToken = tokens[fromIndex + 1];

            switch (typeToken.Signal)
                case Signal.BeginComposite:
                    DecodeComposite(fieldToken, buffer, bufferIndex + typeToken.Offset, tokens, fromIndex + 1,
                        toIndex - 1, actingVersion, listener);

                case Signal.BeginEnum:
                    listener.OnEnum(fieldToken, buffer, bufferIndex + typeToken.Offset, tokens, fromIndex + 1,
                        toIndex - 1, actingVersion);

                case Signal.BeginSet:
                    listener.OnBitSet(fieldToken, buffer, bufferIndex + typeToken.Offset, tokens, fromIndex + 1,
                        toIndex - 1, actingVersion);

                case Signal.Encoding:
                    listener.OnEncoding(fieldToken, buffer, bufferIndex + typeToken.Offset, typeToken, actingVersion);

            return toIndex;
예제 #5
	public IrEncoder(string fileName, IntermediateRepresentation ir)
		Channel = (new FileOutputStream(fileName)).Channel;
		ResultBuffer = null;
		Buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(CAPACITY);
		DirectBuffer = new DirectBuffer(Buffer);
		this.Ir = ir;
예제 #6
	public IrEncoder(ByteBuffer buffer, IntermediateRepresentation ir)
		Channel = null;
		ResultBuffer = buffer;
		this.Buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(CAPACITY);
		DirectBuffer = new DirectBuffer(this.Buffer);
		this.Ir = ir;
        public void SetUp()
            _buffer = new Byte[16];
            _directBuffer = new DirectBuffer(_buffer);
            var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(_buffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);

            _pBuffer = (byte*)handle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToPointer();
 public IrDecoder(string fileName)
     byte[] buffer = File.ReadAllBytes(fileName);
     _directBuffer = new DirectBuffer(buffer);
     _size = buffer.Length;
     _offset = 0;
     _valBuffer = new DirectBuffer(_valArray);
예제 #9
        public static PrimitiveValue Get(DirectBuffer buffer, PrimitiveType type, int length)
            if (length == 0)
                return null;

            switch (type.Type)
                case SbePrimitiveType.Char:
                    if (length == 1)
                        return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.CharGet(0), 1);
                        var array = new byte[length];
                        buffer.GetBytes(0, array, 0, array.Length);
                        return new PrimitiveValue(array, "UTF-8", array.Length);

                case SbePrimitiveType.Int8:
                    return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.Int8Get(0), 1);

                case SbePrimitiveType.Int16:
                    return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.Int16GetLittleEndian(0), 2);

                case SbePrimitiveType.Int32:
                    return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.Int32GetLittleEndian(0), 4);

                case SbePrimitiveType.Int64:
                    return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.Int64GetLittleEndian(0), 8);

                case SbePrimitiveType.UInt8:
                    return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.Uint8Get(0), 1);

                case SbePrimitiveType.UInt16:
                    return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.Uint16GetLittleEndian(0), 2);

                case SbePrimitiveType.UInt32:
                    return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.Uint32GetLittleEndian(0), 4);

                case SbePrimitiveType.UInt64:
                    return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.Uint64GetLittleEndian(0), 8);

                case SbePrimitiveType.Float:
                    return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.FloatGetLittleEndian(0), 4);

                case SbePrimitiveType.Double:
                    return new PrimitiveValue(buffer.DoubleGetLittleEndian(0), 8);

                    return null;
 private static void DecodeFields(DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, int actingVersion, IList<Token> tokens,
     int fromIndex, int toIndex, ITokenListener listener)
     for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++)
         if (Signal.BeginField == tokens[i].Signal)
             i = DecodeField(buffer, bufferIndex, tokens, i, actingVersion, listener);
        private static void DecodeComposite(Token fieldToken, DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, IList<Token> tokens,
            int fromIndex, int toIndex, int actingVersion, ITokenListener listener)
            listener.OnBeginComposite(fieldToken, tokens, fromIndex, toIndex);

            for (int i = fromIndex + 1; i < toIndex; i++)
                Token token = tokens[i];
                listener.OnEncoding(token, buffer, bufferIndex + token.Offset, token, actingVersion);

            listener.OnEndComposite(fieldToken, tokens, fromIndex, toIndex);
        public void ConstructFromNativeBuffer()
            var managedBuffer = new Byte[16];
            var handle = GCHandle.Alloc(managedBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            var unmanagedBuffer = (byte*) handle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToPointer();

            const int value = 5;
            const int index = 0;
            using (var directBufferFromUnmanagedbuffer = new DirectBuffer(unmanagedBuffer, managedBuffer.Length))
                directBufferFromUnmanagedbuffer.Int64PutLittleEndian(index, value);
                Assert.AreEqual(value, *(long*) (unmanagedBuffer + index));
        private static int DecodeGroups(DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, int actingVersion, IList<Token> tokens,
            int fromIndex, int toIndex, ITokenListener listener)
            for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++)
                Token token = tokens[i];

                if (Signal.BeginGroup == token.Signal)
                    Token blockLengthToken = tokens[i + 2];
                    int blockLength = Util.GetInt(buffer, bufferIndex + blockLengthToken.Offset,
                        blockLengthToken.Encoding.PrimitiveType, blockLengthToken.Encoding.ByteOrder);

                    Token numInGroupToken = tokens[i + 3];
                    int numInGroup = Util.GetInt(buffer, bufferIndex + numInGroupToken.Offset,
                        numInGroupToken.Encoding.PrimitiveType, numInGroupToken.Encoding.ByteOrder);

                    Token dimensionTypeComposite = tokens[i + 1];
                    bufferIndex += dimensionTypeComposite.Size;

                    int beginFieldsIndex = i + GroupDimTypeTokens;
                    int endGroupIndex = FindNextOrLimit(tokens, beginFieldsIndex, toIndex, Signal.EndGroup);
                    int nextGroupIndex = FindNextOrLimit(tokens, beginFieldsIndex, toIndex, Signal.BeginGroup);
                    int endOfFieldsIndex = Math.Min(endGroupIndex, nextGroupIndex) - 1;

                    for (int g = 0; g < numInGroup; g++)
                        listener.OnBeginGroup(token, g, numInGroup);

                        DecodeFields(buffer, bufferIndex, actingVersion, tokens, beginFieldsIndex, endOfFieldsIndex,
                        bufferIndex += blockLength;

                        if (nextGroupIndex < endGroupIndex)
                            bufferIndex = DecodeGroups(buffer, bufferIndex, actingVersion, tokens, nextGroupIndex,
                                toIndex, listener);

                        listener.OnEndGroup(token, g, numInGroup);

                    i = endGroupIndex;

            return bufferIndex;
        private static void EncodeTestMessage(byte[] buffer)
            var directBuffer = new DirectBuffer(buffer);

            int bufferOffset = 0;
            MESSAGE_HEADER.Wrap(directBuffer, bufferOffset, ActingVersion);
            MESSAGE_HEADER.BlockLength = Car.BlockLength;
            MESSAGE_HEADER.TemplateId = Car.TemplateId;
            MESSAGE_HEADER.Version = Car.TemplateVersion;

            bufferOffset += MessageHeader.Size;

            bufferOffset += ExampleUsingGeneratedStub.Encode(Car, directBuffer, bufferOffset);

            //buffer.po (bufferOffset);
        public void Recycle()
            var directBuffer = new DirectBuffer();
            var firstBuffer = new Byte[16];

            directBuffer.Int64PutLittleEndian(0, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, BitConverter.ToInt64(firstBuffer, 0));

            var secondBuffer = new byte[16];
            var secondBufferHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(secondBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            var secondUnmanagedBuffer = (byte*)secondBufferHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToPointer();
            directBuffer.Wrap(secondUnmanagedBuffer, 16);
            directBuffer.Int64PutLittleEndian(0, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, BitConverter.ToInt64(secondBuffer, 0));

        public static int Encode(MessageHeader messageHeader,
            MarketDataIncrementalRefreshTrades marketData,
            DirectBuffer buffer,
            int bufferIndex)
            messageHeader.Wrap(buffer, bufferIndex, 0);
            messageHeader.BlockLength = MarketDataIncrementalRefreshTrades.BlockLength;
            messageHeader.TemplateId = MarketDataIncrementalRefreshTrades.TemplateId;
            messageHeader.SchemaId = MarketDataIncrementalRefreshTrades.SchemaId;
            messageHeader.Version = MarketDataIncrementalRefreshTrades.Schema_Version;

            marketData.WrapForEncode(buffer, bufferIndex + MessageHeader.Size);
            marketData.TransactTime = 1234L;
            marketData.EventTimeDelta = 987;
            marketData.MatchEventIndicator = MatchEventIndicator.END_EVENT;

            var mdIncGrp = marketData.MdIncGrpCount(2);

            mdIncGrp.TradeId = 1234L;
            mdIncGrp.SecurityId = 56789L;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntryPx.Mantissa = 50;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntrySize.Mantissa = 10;
            mdIncGrp.NumberOfOrders = 1;
            mdIncGrp.MdUpdateAction = MDUpdateAction.NEW;
            mdIncGrp.RptSeq = 1;
            mdIncGrp.AggressorSide = Side.BUY;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntryType = MDEntryType.BID;

            mdIncGrp.TradeId = 1234L;
            mdIncGrp.SecurityId = 56789L;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntryPx.Mantissa = 50;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntrySize.Mantissa = 10;
            mdIncGrp.NumberOfOrders = 1;
            mdIncGrp.MdUpdateAction = MDUpdateAction.NEW;
            mdIncGrp.RptSeq = 1;
            mdIncGrp.AggressorSide = Side.SELL;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntryType = MDEntryType.OFFER;

            return marketData.Size;
예제 #17
        public static unsafe bool TryGetDuplicate(this ReadOnlyTransaction tx, Database db, Bufferable key, ref Bufferable value)
            using (var c = db.OpenReadOnlyCursor(tx))
                fixed(byte *keyPtr = &key.Buffer[0], valPtr = &value.Buffer[0])
                    var keydb   = new DirectBuffer(key.Buffer.Length, keyPtr);
                    var valuedb = new DirectBuffer(value.Buffer.Length, valPtr);

                    var success = c.TryFindDup(Lookup.EQ, ref keydb, ref valuedb);

                    if (success)
                        value = new Bufferable(valuedb.Span.ToArray());

        public void Recycle()
            var directBuffer = new DirectBuffer();
            var firstBuffer  = new Byte[16];


            directBuffer.Int64PutLittleEndian(0, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, BitConverter.ToInt64(firstBuffer, 0));

            var secondBuffer          = new byte[16];
            var secondBufferHandle    = GCHandle.Alloc(secondBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned);
            var secondUnmanagedBuffer = (byte *)secondBufferHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject().ToPointer();

            directBuffer.Wrap(secondUnmanagedBuffer, 16);
            directBuffer.Int64PutLittleEndian(0, 2);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, BitConverter.ToInt64(secondBuffer, 0));

예제 #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Iterate over dupsorted values by key.
        /// </summary>
        public IEnumerable <TValue> AsEnumerable <TKey, TValue>(ReadOnlyTransaction txn, TKey key)
            var keyPtr    = AsPointer(ref key);
            var keyLength = TypeHelper <TKey> .EnsureFixedSize();

            var key1        = new DirectBuffer(keyLength, (byte *)keyPtr);
            var fixedMemory = BufferPool.Retain(keyLength, true);


            return(AsEnumerable(txn, fixedMemory).Select(buf =>
                var valueSize = TypeHelper <TValue> .EnsureFixedSize();
                if (buf.Length != valueSize)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Buffer length does not equals to value size");
                return buf.Read <TValue>(0);
        public void OnEnum(Token fieldToken, DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, IList<Token> tokens, int beginIndex,
            int endIndex, int actingVersion)
            Token typeToken = tokens[beginIndex + 1];
            long encodedValue = ReadEncodingAsLong(buffer, bufferIndex, typeToken, actingVersion);

            string value = null;
            for (int i = beginIndex + 1; i < endIndex; i++)
                // TODO to check..
                if (encodedValue == tokens[i].Encoding.ConstValue.LongValue())
                    value = tokens[i].Name;

            Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", fieldToken.Name, value);
예제 #21
        public void Update(DirectBuffer input)
            if (f[0] != 0)

            var s = (Blake2bContext *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref Unsafe.AsRef(this));

            uint consumed  = 0;
            uint remaining = (uint)input.Length;

            uint blockrem = BlockBytes - c;

            if ((c != 0) && (remaining > blockrem))
                if (blockrem != 0)
                    Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned(ref b[c], ref *input.Data, blockrem);

                c = 0;
                compress(s->b, 0, BlockBytes);
                consumed  += blockrem;
                remaining -= blockrem;

            if (remaining > BlockBytes)
                uint cb = (remaining - 1) & ~((uint)BlockBytes - 1);
                compress(input.Data, consumed, cb);
                consumed  += cb;
                remaining -= cb;

            if (remaining != 0)
                Unsafe.CopyBlockUnaligned(ref b[c], ref *(input.Data + consumed), remaining);
                c += remaining;
예제 #22
        public LogBuffers(string logFileName, int termLength = LogBufferDescriptor.TERM_MIN_LENGTH)
            try {
                long logLength = LogBufferDescriptor.PARTITION_COUNT *
                                 (LogBufferDescriptor.TERM_META_DATA_LENGTH + termLength) +
                termLength = LogBufferDescriptor.ComputeTermLength(logLength);
                _df         = new DirectFile(logFileName, logLength);
                _termLength = termLength;

                // if log length exceeds MAX_INT we need multiple mapped buffers, (see doc).
                if (logLength < int.MaxValue)
                    int metaDataSectionOffset = termLength * LogBufferDescriptor.PARTITION_COUNT;

                    for (int i = 0; i < LogBufferDescriptor.PARTITION_COUNT; i++)
                        int metaDataOffset = metaDataSectionOffset + (i * LogBufferDescriptor.TERM_META_DATA_LENGTH);

                        _buffers[i] = new DirectBuffer(termLength, _df.Buffer.Data + i * termLength);
                        _buffers[i + LogBufferDescriptor.PARTITION_COUNT] = new DirectBuffer(LogBufferDescriptor.TERM_META_DATA_LENGTH, _df.Buffer.Data + metaDataOffset);
                        _partitions[i] = new LogBufferPartition(_buffers[i], _buffers[i + LogBufferDescriptor.PARTITION_COUNT]);

                    _buffers[_buffers.Length - 1] = new DirectBuffer(LogBufferDescriptor.LOG_META_DATA_LENGTH,
                                                                     _df.Buffer.Data + (int)(logLength - LogBufferDescriptor.LOG_META_DATA_LENGTH));
                    throw new NotImplementedException("TODO Check .NET mapping limit");
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                throw new AggregateException(ex);

            foreach (var buffer in _buffers)
예제 #23
        public String DecodeSBEMessageQATEngine(byte[] MessageBytes)
            StringBuilder sb           = new StringBuilder();
            var           directBuffer = new DirectBuffer(MessageBytes);
            int           bufferOffset = 0;

            ushort blockLength = directBuffer.Uint16GetLittleEndian(bufferOffset);

            bufferOffset += 2;
            sb.AppendLine(CrackHelper.CreateLine("Header", "BlockLength", blockLength.ToString()));

            ushort templateId = directBuffer.Uint16GetLittleEndian(bufferOffset);

            bufferOffset += 2;
            sb.AppendLine(CrackHelper.CreateLine("Header", "TemplateId", templateId.ToString()));

            ushort schemaId = directBuffer.Uint16GetLittleEndian(bufferOffset);

            bufferOffset += 2;
            sb.AppendLine(CrackHelper.CreateLine("Header", "SchemaId", schemaId.ToString()));

            ushort version = directBuffer.Uint16GetLittleEndian(bufferOffset);

            bufferOffset += 2;
            sb.AppendLine(CrackHelper.CreateLine("Header", "Version", version.ToString()));

            SbeMessage Message = SbeLoader.LoadMessageById(templateId.ToString());

            if (Message == null)
                throw new Exception("Message not recognized! TemplateId = " + templateId.ToString());

            foreach (SbeField field in Message.Fields)
                FillValue(directBuffer, field, ref bufferOffset);

예제 #24
    public static void ExampleMain()
        // This byte array is used for encoding and decoding, this is what you would send on the wire or save to disk
        var byteBuffer = new byte[4096];
        // You need to "wrap" the array with a DirectBuffer, this class is used by the generated code to read and write efficiently to the underlying byte array
        var         directBuffer  = new DirectBuffer(byteBuffer);
        const short SchemaVersion = 0;
        int         bufferOffset  = 0;

        var MessageHeader = new MessageHeader();
        var Car           = new Car();

        // Before encoding a message we need to create a SBE header which specify what we are going to encode (this will allow the decoder to detect that it's an encoded 'car' object)
        // We will probably simplify this part soon, so the header gets applied automatically, but for now it's manual
        MessageHeader.Wrap(directBuffer, bufferOffset, Car.SchemaVersion); // position the MessageHeader on the DirectBuffer, at the correct position
        MessageHeader.BlockLength = Car.BlockLength;                       // size that a car takes on the wire
        MessageHeader.SchemaId    = Car.SchemaId;
        MessageHeader.TemplateId  = Car.TemplateId;                        // identifier for the car object (SBE template ID)
        MessageHeader.Version     = Car.SchemaVersion;                     // this can be overriden if we want to support different versions of the car object (advanced functionality)

        // Now that we have encoded the header in the byte array we can encode the car object itself
        bufferOffset += MessageHeader.Size;
        CarExample.Encode(Car, directBuffer, bufferOffset);

        // Now we have encoded the message is the byte array, we are going to decode it

        // first we decode the header (in a real world scenario you would need the header to decide which SBE decoder you are going to use
        bufferOffset = 0;
        // position the MessageHeader object at the beginning of the array
        MessageHeader.Wrap(directBuffer, bufferOffset, SchemaVersion);

        // Extract info from the header
        // In a real app you would use that to lookup the applicable flyweight to decode this type of message based on templateId and version.
        int actingBlockLength = MessageHeader.BlockLength;
        int actingVersion     = MessageHeader.Version;

        bufferOffset += MessageHeader.Size;
        // now we decode the message
        CarExample.Decode(Car, directBuffer, bufferOffset, actingBlockLength, actingVersion);
        public static int Encode(MessageHeader messageHeader,
                                 MarketDataIncrementalRefreshTrades marketData,
                                 DirectBuffer buffer,
                                 int bufferIndex)
            messageHeader.Wrap(buffer, bufferIndex, 0);
            messageHeader.TemplateId  = MarketDataIncrementalRefreshTrades.TemplateId;
            messageHeader.Version     = MarketDataIncrementalRefreshTrades.TemplateVersion;
            messageHeader.BlockLength = MarketDataIncrementalRefreshTrades.BlockLength;

            marketData.WrapForEncode(buffer, bufferIndex + MessageHeader.Size);
            marketData.TransactTime        = 1234L;
            marketData.EventTimeDelta      = 987;
            marketData.MatchEventIndicator = MatchEventIndicator.END_EVENT;

            var mdIncGrp = marketData.MdIncGrpCount(2);

            mdIncGrp.TradeId              = 1234L;
            mdIncGrp.SecurityId           = 56789L;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntryPx.Mantissa   = 50;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntrySize.Mantissa = 10;
            mdIncGrp.NumberOfOrders       = 1;
            mdIncGrp.MdUpdateAction       = MDUpdateAction.NEW;
            mdIncGrp.RptSeq        = 1;
            mdIncGrp.AggressorSide = Side.BUY;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntryType   = MDEntryType.BID;

            mdIncGrp.TradeId              = 1234L;
            mdIncGrp.SecurityId           = 56789L;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntryPx.Mantissa   = 50;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntrySize.Mantissa = 10;
            mdIncGrp.NumberOfOrders       = 1;
            mdIncGrp.MdUpdateAction       = MDUpdateAction.NEW;
            mdIncGrp.RptSeq        = 1;
            mdIncGrp.AggressorSide = Side.SELL;
            mdIncGrp.MdEntryType   = MDEntryType.OFFER;

        /// <summary>
        ///     Decode a message from the provided buffer based on the message schema described with IR
        ///     <seealso cref="Token" />s.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">        containing the encoded message. </param>
        /// <param name="bufferIndex">   at which the message encoding starts in the buffer. </param>
        /// <param name="actingVersion"> of the encoded message for dealing with extension fields. </param>
        /// <param name="blockLength">   of the root message fields. </param>
        /// <param name="msgTokens">     in IR format describing the message structure. </param>
        /// <param name="listener">      to callback for decoding the primitive values as discovered in the structure. </param>
        /// <returns> the index in the underlying buffer after decoding. </returns>
        public static int Decode(DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, int actingVersion, int blockLength,
            IList<Token> msgTokens, ITokenListener listener)
            int groupsBeginIndex = FindNextOrLimit(msgTokens, 1, msgTokens.Count, Signal.BeginGroup);
            int varDataSearchStart = groupsBeginIndex != msgTokens.Count ? groupsBeginIndex : 1;
            int varDataBeginIndex = FindNextOrLimit(msgTokens, varDataSearchStart, msgTokens.Count, Signal.BeginVarData);


            DecodeFields(buffer, bufferIndex, actingVersion, msgTokens, 0, groupsBeginIndex, listener);
            bufferIndex += blockLength;

            bufferIndex = DecodeGroups(buffer, bufferIndex, actingVersion, msgTokens, groupsBeginIndex,
                varDataBeginIndex, listener);

            bufferIndex = DecodeVarData(buffer, bufferIndex, msgTokens, varDataBeginIndex, msgTokens.Count, listener);

            listener.OnEndMessage(msgTokens[msgTokens.Count - 1]);

            return bufferIndex;
        public void RemoveSubFingerprint(SubFingerprintDataDTO subFingerprintDataDTO)
            var subFingerprintKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(subFingerprintDataDTO.SubFingerprintReference).AsMemory();

            using (subFingerprintKey.Pin())
                var keyBuffer = new DirectBuffer(subFingerprintKey.Span);
                databasesHolder.SubFingerprintsDatabase.Delete(tx, ref keyBuffer);

                var trackKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(subFingerprintDataDTO.TrackReference).AsMemory();
                using (trackKey.Pin())
                    var trackKeyBuffer = new DirectBuffer(trackKey.Span);
                    using var cursor = indexesHolder.TracksSubfingerprintsIndex.OpenCursor(tx);
                    if (cursor.TryGet(ref trackKeyBuffer, ref keyBuffer, CursorGetOption.GetBoth))
예제 #28
        public void CouldSetTypeEnumInJson()
#pragma warning disable 618
            Settings.DoAdditionalCorrectnessChecks = false;
#pragma warning restore 618

            var rm = BufferPool.Retain(10_000);
            var db = new DirectBuffer(rm.Span);

            var value = new SampleStruct(42);

            var size    = BinarySerializer.SizeOf(in value, out var tmpBuffer, SerializationFormat.Json);
            var written = BinarySerializer.Write(in value, ref db, tmpBuffer, SerializationFormat.Json);

            Assert.AreEqual(size, written);

            var typeEnumByte = db[1];

            Assert.AreEqual(123, typeEnumByte);
예제 #29
        public TrackDataDTO GetTrackById(string id)
            var idKey = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(id).AsMemory();

            using (idKey.Pin())
                var keyBuffer = new DirectBuffer(idKey.Span);
                if (indexesHolder.IdIndex.TryGet(tx, ref keyBuffer, out var valueBuffer))
                    var trackId  = valueBuffer.ReadUInt64(0);
                    var trackKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(trackId).AsMemory();
                    using (trackKey.Pin())
                        var trackKeyBuffer = new DirectBuffer(trackKey.Span);
                        return(GetTrackById(ref trackKeyBuffer, tx));

예제 #30
        /// <summary>
        ///     Decode a message from the provided buffer based on the message schema described with IR
        ///     <seealso cref="Token" />s.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">        containing the encoded message. </param>
        /// <param name="bufferIndex">   at which the message encoding starts in the buffer. </param>
        /// <param name="actingVersion"> of the encoded message for dealing with extension fields. </param>
        /// <param name="blockLength">   of the root message fields. </param>
        /// <param name="msgTokens">     in IR format describing the message structure. </param>
        /// <param name="listener">      to callback for decoding the primitive values as discovered in the structure. </param>
        /// <returns> the index in the underlying buffer after decoding. </returns>
        public static int Decode(DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, int actingVersion, int blockLength,
                                 IList <Token> msgTokens, ITokenListener listener)
            int groupsBeginIndex   = FindNextOrLimit(msgTokens, 1, msgTokens.Count, Signal.BeginGroup);
            int varDataSearchStart = groupsBeginIndex != msgTokens.Count ? groupsBeginIndex : 1;
            int varDataBeginIndex  = FindNextOrLimit(msgTokens, varDataSearchStart, msgTokens.Count, Signal.BeginVarData);


            DecodeFields(buffer, bufferIndex, actingVersion, msgTokens, 0, groupsBeginIndex, listener);
            bufferIndex += blockLength;

            bufferIndex = DecodeGroups(buffer, bufferIndex, actingVersion, msgTokens, groupsBeginIndex,
                                       varDataBeginIndex, listener);

            bufferIndex = DecodeVarData(buffer, bufferIndex, msgTokens, varDataBeginIndex, msgTokens.Count, listener);

            listener.OnEndMessage(msgTokens[msgTokens.Count - 1]);

예제 #31
        public virtual void OnBitSet(Token fieldToken, DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, IList <Token> tokens,
                                     int beginIndex, int endIndex, int actingVersion)
            Token typeToken    = tokens[beginIndex + 1];
            long  encodedValue = ReadEncodingAsLong(buffer, bufferIndex, typeToken, actingVersion);

            Console.Write("{0}:", fieldToken.Name);

            for (int i = beginIndex + 1; i < endIndex; i++)
                Console.Write(" {0}=", tokens[i].Name);

                long bitPosition = tokens[i].Encoding.ConstValue.LongValue();
                bool flag        = (encodedValue & (long)Math.Pow(2, bitPosition)) != 0;


        public virtual void OnBitSet(Token fieldToken, DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, IList<Token> tokens,
            int beginIndex, int endIndex, int actingVersion)
            Token typeToken = tokens[beginIndex + 1];
            long encodedValue = ReadEncodingAsLong(buffer, bufferIndex, typeToken, actingVersion);

            Console.Write("{0}:", fieldToken.Name);

            for (int i = beginIndex + 1; i < endIndex; i++)
                Console.Write(" {0}=", tokens[i].Name);

                long bitPosition = tokens[i].Encoding.ConstValue.LongValue();
                bool flag = (encodedValue & (long) Math.Pow(2, bitPosition)) != 0;


예제 #33
        public void OnEnum(Token fieldToken, DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, IList <Token> tokens, int beginIndex,
                           int endIndex, int actingVersion)
            Token typeToken    = tokens[beginIndex + 1];
            long  encodedValue = ReadEncodingAsLong(buffer, bufferIndex, typeToken, actingVersion);

            string value = null;

            for (int i = beginIndex + 1; i < endIndex; i++)
                // TODO to check..
                if (encodedValue == tokens[i].Encoding.ConstValue.LongValue())
                    value = tokens[i].Name;

            Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", fieldToken.Name, value);
예제 #34
        public virtual void OnVarData(Token fieldToken, DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, int length,
                                      Token typeToken)
            string value;

                int varDataLength             = buffer.GetBytes(bufferIndex, _tempBuffer, 0, length);
                System.Text.Encoding encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(typeToken.Encoding.CharacterEncoding);
                value = encoding.GetString(_tempBuffer, 0, varDataLength);
            catch (Exception ex)

            Console.WriteLine("{0}={1}", fieldToken.Name, value);
예제 #35
        static void WriteObjectToMMF(string mmfFile, object objectData)
            string mapName = "MyFile";

            // Convert .NET object to byte array
            byte[] buffer = ObjectToByteArray(objectData);

            DirectBuffer _directBuffer = new DirectBuffer(buffer);

            Console.WriteLine("size:" + buffer.Length);
            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(mmfFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                // Create a new memory mapped file
                using (MemoryMappedFile mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateFromFile(
                           , mapName
                           , buffer.Length,
                           , new MemoryMappedFileSecurity()
                           , HandleInheritability.Inheritable
                           , true))
                    //Create a view accessor into the file to accommmodate binary data size
                    using (MemoryMappedViewAccessor mmfWriter = mmf.CreateViewAccessor(0, buffer.Length))
                        // Write the data
                        mmfWriter.WriteArray <byte>(0, buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                    //using (MemoryMappedViewStream mmfWriter = mmf.CreateViewStream(0, buffer.Length))
                    //    // Write the data
                    //    mmfWriter.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
예제 #36
        /// <summary>
        /// Deletes up to (but not including) this value for the key.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tx">transaction</param>
        /// <param name="db">database</param>
        /// <param name="key">key</param>
        /// <param name="value">Value (or part of the value) to which the data will be deleted</param>
        /// <param name="firstValue">First value to position to the beginning of dupes. Even if first value is bigger it is OK.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static unsafe bool DeleteUpToValue(this Transaction tx, Database db, long key, long value, long firstValue = 0L)
            int deletedCount = 0;

            using (var c = db.OpenCursor(tx))
                    byte *keyptr      = (byte *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref key);
                    byte *valptr      = (byte *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref value);
                    byte *firstvalptr = (byte *)Unsafe.AsPointer(ref firstValue);
                    var   keydb       = new DirectBuffer(sizeof(long), keyptr);
                    var   valdb       = new DirectBuffer(sizeof(long), firstvalptr);
                    c.TryFindDup(Lookup.LE, ref keydb, ref valdb);

                    while (c.Delete(false))
                        if (!c.TryGet(ref keydb, ref valdb, CursorGetOption.GetBothRange) || valdb.IsEmpty)
                            break; // empty now
                        var currentValue = valdb.ReadInt64(0);
                        if (currentValue == value)

                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new DeleteUpToException(
                              $"Failed after deleting {deletedCount} records."
                              , e);
        public void PutSubFingerprint(SubFingerprintDataDTO subFingerprintDataDTO)
            var subFingerprintKey   = BitConverter.GetBytes(subFingerprintDataDTO.SubFingerprintReference).AsMemory();
            var subFingerprintValue = MessagePackSerializer.Serialize(subFingerprintDataDTO, options: serializerOptions).AsMemory();

            using (subFingerprintKey.Pin())
                var subFingerprintKeyBuffer = new DirectBuffer(subFingerprintKey.Span);
                using (subFingerprintValue.Pin())
                    var valueBuffer = new DirectBuffer(subFingerprintValue.Span);
                    databasesHolder.SubFingerprintsDatabase.Put(tx, ref subFingerprintKeyBuffer, ref valueBuffer);

                var trackKey = BitConverter.GetBytes(subFingerprintDataDTO.TrackReference).AsMemory();
                using (trackKey.Pin())
                    var trackKeyBuffer = new DirectBuffer(trackKey.Span);
                    indexesHolder.TracksSubfingerprintsIndex.Put(tx, ref trackKeyBuffer, ref subFingerprintKeyBuffer);
        public static void Main()
            // This byte array is used for encoding and decoding, this is what ou would send on the wire or save to disk
            var byteBuffer = new byte[4096];
            // You need to "wrap" the array with a DirectBuffer, this class is used by the generated code to read and write efficiently to the underlying byte array
            var directBuffer = new DirectBuffer(byteBuffer);
            const short messageTemplateVersion = 0; 
            int bufferOffset = 0;

            // Before encoding a message we need to create a SBE header which specify what we are going to encode (this will allow the decoder to detect that it's an encoded 'car' object)
            // We will probably simplify this part soon, so the header gets applied automatically, but for now it's manual
            MessageHeader.Wrap(directBuffer, bufferOffset, messageTemplateVersion); // position the MessageHeader on the DirectBuffer, at the correct position
            MessageHeader.BlockLength = Car.BlockLength; // size that a car takes on the wire
            MessageHeader.SchemaId = Car.SchemaId;
            MessageHeader.TemplateId = Car.TemplateId;   // identifier for the car object (SBE template ID)
            MessageHeader.Version = Car.Schema_Version; // this can be overriden if we want to support different versions of the car object (advanced functionality)

            // Now that we have encoded the header in the byte array we can encode the car object itself
            bufferOffset += MessageHeader.Size;
            Encode(Car, directBuffer, bufferOffset);

            // Now we have encoded the message is the byte array, we are going to decode it

            // first we decode the header (in a real world scenario you would need the header to decide which SBE decoder you are going to use
            bufferOffset = 0;
            // position the MessageHeader object at the beginning of the array
            MessageHeader.Wrap(directBuffer, bufferOffset, messageTemplateVersion);

            // Extract infos from the header
            // In a real app you would use that to lookup the applicable flyweight to decode this type of message based on templateId and version.
            int actingBlockLength = MessageHeader.BlockLength;
            int schemaId = MessageHeader.SchemaId;
            int actingVersion = MessageHeader.Version;

            bufferOffset += MessageHeader.Size;
            // now we decode the message
            Decode(Car, directBuffer, bufferOffset, actingBlockLength, schemaId, actingVersion);
예제 #39
        // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment
        public bool Write(ref DirectBuffer directBuf)
            // If the entire array fits in our buffer, copy it as usual.
            // Otherwise, switch to direct write from the user-provided buffer
            if (_value.Count <= _buf.WriteSpaceLeft)
                _buf.WriteBytesSimple(_value.Array, _value.Offset, _value.Count);

            if (!_returnedBuffer)
                directBuf.Buffer = _value.Array;
                directBuf.Offset = _value.Offset;
                directBuf.Size   = _value.Count;
                _returnedBuffer  = true;

            _returnedBuffer = false;
예제 #40
        private Timestamped <T> Deserialize(DirectBuffer db)
            Timestamp timestamp = default;


            timestamp = db.Read <Timestamp>(0);
            db        = db.Slice(Timestamp.Size);

            var len = BinarySerializer.Read <T>(Inner.ItemDth, db, out var value);

            if (len <= 0)
            return(new Timestamped <T>(timestamp, value));

            void ThrowCannotDeserialize()
                throw new InvalidDataException("Cannot deserialize data");
예제 #41
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads data from a term in a log buffer.
        /// If a fragmentsLimit of 0 or less is passed then at least one read will be attempted.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="termBuffer">     to be read for fragments. </param>
        /// <param name="offset">         offset within the buffer that the read should begin. </param>
        /// <param name="handler">        the handler for data that has been read </param>
        /// <param name="fragmentsLimit"> limit the number of fragments read. </param>
        /// <param name="header">         to be used for mapping over the header for a given fragment. </param>
        /// <param name="errorHandler">   to be notified if an error occurs during the callback. </param>
        /// <returns> the number of fragments read </returns>
        public static long Read(
            DirectBuffer termBuffer,
            int offset,
            FragmentHandler handler,
            int fragmentsLimit,
            Header header,
            ErrorHandler errorHandler)
            int fragmentsRead = 0;
            int capacity      = (int)termBuffer.Length;

            try {
                    int frameLength = FrameDescriptor.FrameLengthVolatile(termBuffer, offset);
                    if (frameLength <= 0)

                    int termOffset = offset;
                    offset += BitUtil.Align(frameLength, FrameDescriptor.FRAME_ALIGNMENT);

                    if (!FrameDescriptor.IsPaddingFrame(termBuffer, termOffset))
                        header.Buffer = termBuffer;
                        header.Offset = termOffset;

                        handler?.Invoke(termBuffer, termOffset + DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH, frameLength - DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH, header);

                }while (fragmentsRead < fragmentsLimit && offset < capacity);
            } catch (Exception t) {

            return(Pack(offset, fragmentsRead));
예제 #42
        public static void Decode(NewOrderCross sno,
                                  DirectBuffer directBuffer,
                                  int bufferOffset,
                                  int actingBlockLength,
                                  int actingVersion)
            var buffer = new byte[128];
            var sb     = new StringBuilder();

            // position the car flyweight just after the header on the DirectBuffer
            sno.WrapForDecode(directBuffer, bufferOffset, actingBlockLength, actingVersion);

            NewOrderCross.NoSidesGroup g = sno.NoSides;
            while (g.HasNext)
예제 #43
 public async Task <Snapshot> Load(string emitterId)
     return(env.Read(txn =>
         using (var owner = MemoryPool <byte> .Shared.Rent(MaxBufferSize))
             var key = new DirectBuffer(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(emitterId));
             var data = new DirectBuffer(owner.Memory.Span);
             using (var cursor = db.OpenReadOnlyCursor(txn))
                 if (cursor.TryGet(ref key, ref data, CursorGetOption.Last))
                     return (Snapshot)snapshotSerializer.FromBinary(owner.Memory.ToArray(), typeof(Snapshot));
                     return default(Snapshot);
예제 #44
        // TODO reuse code, but with yield cursor must be opened inside. Need manual enumerable/enumerator impl
        public IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <DirectBuffer, DirectBuffer> > AsEnumerable(Transaction txn)
            DirectBuffer key   = default;
            DirectBuffer value = default;

            using (var c = OpenReadOnlyCursor(txn))
                if (c.TryGet(ref key, ref value, CursorGetOption.First))
                    yield return(new KeyValuePair <DirectBuffer, DirectBuffer>(key, value));

                    value = default;

                    while (c.TryGet(ref key, ref value, CursorGetOption.NextNoDuplicate))
                        yield return(new KeyValuePair <DirectBuffer, DirectBuffer>(key, value));

                        value = default;
예제 #45
        static byte[] GenerateNewOrderSingle()
            var byteBuffer   = new byte[4096];
            var directBuffer = new DirectBuffer(byteBuffer);
            int bufferOffset = 0;

            Type MessageHeaderType = GetType("MessageHeader");
            var  MessageHeaderObj  = GetObjectByType("MessageHeader");

            Type SimpleNewOrderType   = GetType("SimpleNewOrder");
            var  SimpleNewOrderObject = GetObjectByType("SimpleNewOrder");

            FieldInfo schemaVersion = GetFieldByName("SimpleNewOrder", "SchemaVersion");

            MessageHeaderType.InvokeMember("Wrap", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public,
                                           null, MessageHeaderObj, new object[] { directBuffer, bufferOffset, schemaVersion.GetValue(SimpleNewOrderObject) });

            FieldInfo size = GetFieldByName("MessageHeader", "Size");

            bufferOffset += int.Parse(size.GetValue(MessageHeaderObj).ToString());

            SimpleNewOrderType.InvokeMember("WrapForEncode", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public,
                                            null, SimpleNewOrderObject, new object[] { directBuffer, bufferOffset });

            PropertyInfo clOrdId = GetPropertyByName("SimpleNewOrder", "ClOrdID");

            clOrdId.SetValue(SimpleNewOrderObject, 1234567890);

            FieldInfo sizeSimpleNewOrder = GetFieldByName("SimpleNewOrder", "Size");

            int SimpleNewOrderLength = int.Parse(sizeSimpleNewOrder.GetValue(SimpleNewOrderObject).ToString()); //NewOrderSingleExample.Encode(sno, directBuffer, bufferOffset);
            var byteBuffer2          = new byte[SimpleNewOrderLength];

            directBuffer.GetBytes(0, byteBuffer2, 0, SimpleNewOrderLength);
예제 #46
        public bool TryFindDup <TKey, TValue>(ReadOnlyTransaction txn, Lookup direction, ref TKey key, ref TValue value)
            where TKey : struct where TValue : struct
            EnsureNoRefs <TKey>();
            EnsureNoRefs <TValue>();

            var keyPtr = AsPointer(ref key);
            var key1   = new DirectBuffer(SizeOf <TKey>(), (nint)keyPtr);

            var valuePtr = AsPointer(ref value);
            var value1   = new DirectBuffer(SizeOf <TValue>(), (nint)valuePtr);

            var res = TryFindDup(txn, direction, ref key1, ref value1);

            if (res)
                key   = ReadUnaligned <TKey>(key1.Data);
                value = ReadUnaligned <TValue>(value1.Data);
예제 #47
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("\n*** OTF Example ***\n");

            // Load a schema (serialized IR) as if we just got it off the wire (you can create a serialized IR schema with SbeTool)
            byte[] encodedSchemaBuffer = LoadSchema();

            // Encode up a message as if we just got it off the wire
            var encodedMsgBuffer = new byte[MsgBufferCapacity];


            // Now lets decode the schema IR so we have IR objects.
            IntermediateRepresentation ir = DecodeIr(encodedSchemaBuffer);

            // From the IR we can create OTF decoder for message headers.
            var headerDecoder = new OtfHeaderDecoder(ir.HeaderStructure);

            // Now we have IR we can read the message header
            int bufferOffset = 0;
            var buffer       = new DirectBuffer(encodedMsgBuffer);

            int templateId    = headerDecoder.GetTemplateId(buffer, bufferOffset);
            int schemaId      = headerDecoder.GetSchemaId(buffer, bufferOffset);
            int actingVersion = headerDecoder.GetSchemaVersion(buffer, bufferOffset);
            int blockLength   = headerDecoder.GetBlockLength(buffer, bufferOffset);

            bufferOffset += headerDecoder.Size;

            // Given the header information we can select the appropriate message template to do the decode.
            // The OTF Java classes are thread safe so the same instances can be reused across multiple threads.

            IList <Token> msgTokens = ir.GetMessage(templateId);

            bufferOffset = OtfMessageDecoder.Decode(buffer, bufferOffset, actingVersion, blockLength, msgTokens,
                                                    new ExampleTokenListener());
예제 #48
        public override bool Write(ref DirectBuffer directBuf)
            var bitArray = _value as BitArray;

            if (bitArray != null)

            if (_value is bool)

            var str = _value as string;

            if (str != null)

            throw PGUtil.ThrowIfReached($"Bad type {_value.GetType()} some made its way into BitStringHandler.Write()");
예제 #49
        /// <summary>
        /// Get an integer value from a buffer at a given index.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer"> from which to read. </param>
        /// <param name="bufferIndex"> at which he integer should be read. </param>
        /// <param name="type"> of the integer encoded in the buffer. </param>
        /// <param name="byteOrder"> of the integer in the buffer. </param>
        /// <returns> the value of the encoded integer. </returns>
        internal static int GetInt(DirectBuffer buffer, int bufferIndex, PrimitiveType type, ByteOrder byteOrder)
            switch (type.Type)
                case SbePrimitiveType.Int8:
                    return buffer.Int8Get(bufferIndex);

                case SbePrimitiveType.UInt8:
                    return buffer.Uint8Get(bufferIndex);

                case SbePrimitiveType.Int16:
                    return byteOrder == ByteOrder.LittleEndian ? buffer.Int16GetLittleEndian(bufferIndex) : buffer.Int16GetBigEndian(bufferIndex);

                case SbePrimitiveType.UInt16:
                    return byteOrder == ByteOrder.LittleEndian ? buffer.Uint16GetLittleEndian(bufferIndex) : buffer.Uint16GetBigEndian(bufferIndex);

                case SbePrimitiveType.Int32:
                    return byteOrder == ByteOrder.LittleEndian ? buffer.Int32GetLittleEndian(bufferIndex) : buffer.Int32GetBigEndian(bufferIndex);

                    throw new System.ArgumentException("Unsupported type: " + type);
예제 #50
        // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment
        public override bool Write(ref DirectBuffer directBuf)
            // If we're back here after having returned a direct buffer, we're done.
            if (_returnedBuffer)
                _returnedBuffer = false;

            // If the entire array fits in our buffer, copy it as usual.
            // Otherwise, switch to direct write from the user-provided buffer
            if (_value.Count <= _writeBuf.WriteSpaceLeft)
                _writeBuf.WriteBytes(_value.Array, _value.Offset, _value.Count);

            directBuf.Buffer = _value.Array;
            directBuf.Offset = _value.Offset;
            directBuf.Size   = _value.Count;
            _returnedBuffer  = true;
예제 #51
        private static string ReadEncodingAsString(DirectBuffer buffer, int index, Token typeToken, int actingVersion)
            PrimitiveValue constOrNotPresentValue = ConstOrNotPresentValue(typeToken, actingVersion);

            if (null != constOrNotPresentValue)

            var      sb          = new StringBuilder();
            Encoding encoding    = typeToken.Encoding;
            int      elementSize = encoding.PrimitiveType.Size;

            for (int i = 0, size = typeToken.ArrayLength; i < size; i++)
                MapEncodingToString(sb, buffer, index + (i * elementSize), encoding);
                sb.Append(", ");

            sb.Length = sb.Length - 2;

예제 #52
        public static void Main()
            Console.WriteLine("\n*** OTF Example ***\n");

            // Load a schema (serialized IR) as if we just got it off the wire (you can create a serialized IR schema with SbeTool)
            byte[] encodedSchemaBuffer = LoadSchema();

            // Encode up a message as if we just got it off the wire
            var encodedMsgBuffer = new byte[MsgBufferCapacity];

            // Now lets decode the schema IR so we have IR objects.
            IntermediateRepresentation ir = DecodeIr(encodedSchemaBuffer);

            // From the IR we can create OTF decoder for message headers.
            var headerDecoder = new OtfHeaderDecoder(ir.HeaderStructure);

            // Now we have IR we can read the message header
            int bufferOffset = 0;
            var buffer = new DirectBuffer(encodedMsgBuffer);

            int templateId = headerDecoder.GetTemplateId(buffer, bufferOffset);
            int schemaId = headerDecoder.GetSchemaId(buffer, bufferOffset);
            int actingVersion = headerDecoder.GetSchemaVersion(buffer, bufferOffset);
            int blockLength = headerDecoder.GetBlockLength(buffer, bufferOffset);

            bufferOffset += headerDecoder.Size;

            // Given the header information we can select the appropriate message template to do the decode.
            // The OTF Java classes are thread safe so the same instances can be reused across multiple threads.

            IList<Token> msgTokens = ir.GetMessage(templateId);

            bufferOffset = OtfMessageDecoder.Decode(buffer, bufferOffset, actingVersion, blockLength, msgTokens,
                new ExampleTokenListener());
예제 #53
        internal bool Write(WriteBuffer buf, ref DirectBuffer directBuf)
            Contract.Requires(Statement != null && Statement.All(c => c < 128));
            Contract.Requires(Portal != null && Portal.All(c => c < 128));

            switch (_state)
                case State.Header:
                    var formatCodesSum = InputParameters.Select(p => p.FormatCode).Sum(c => (int)c);
                    _formatCodeListLength = formatCodesSum == 0 ? 0 : formatCodesSum == InputParameters.Count ? 1 : InputParameters.Count;
                    var headerLength =
                        1 +                        // Message code
                        4 +                        // Message length
                        Portal.Length + 1 +
                        Statement.Length + 1 +
                        2;                         // Number of parameter format codes that follow

                    if (buf.WriteSpaceLeft < headerLength)
                        Contract.Assume(buf.Size >= headerLength, "Buffer too small for Bind header");
                        return false;

                    foreach (var c in InputParameters.Select(p => p.LengthCache).Where(c => c != null))
                    var messageLength = headerLength +
                        2 * _formatCodeListLength + // List of format codes
                        2 +                         // Number of parameters
                        4 * InputParameters.Count +                                     // Parameter lengths
                        InputParameters.Select(p => p.ValidateAndGetLength()).Sum() +   // Parameter values
                        2 +                                                             // Number of result format codes
                        2 * (UnknownResultTypeList?.Length ?? 1);                       // Result format codes

                    _paramIndex = 0;

                    _state = State.ParameterFormatCodes;
                    goto case State.ParameterFormatCodes;

                case State.ParameterFormatCodes:
                    // 0 length implicitly means all-text, 1 means all-binary, >1 means mix-and-match
                    if (_formatCodeListLength == 1)
                        if (buf.WriteSpaceLeft < 2)
                            return false;
                    else if (_formatCodeListLength > 1)
                        for (; _paramIndex < InputParameters.Count; _paramIndex++)
                            if (buf.WriteSpaceLeft < 2)
                                return false;
                    _state = State.ParameterCount;
                    goto case State.ParameterCount;

                case State.ParameterCount:
                    if (buf.WriteSpaceLeft < 2)
                        return false;

                    _paramIndex = 0;

                    _state = State.ParameterValues;
                    goto case State.ParameterValues;

                case State.ParameterValues:
                    if (!WriteParameters(buf, ref directBuf))
                        return false;
                    _state = State.ResultFormatCodes;
                    goto case State.ResultFormatCodes;

                case State.ResultFormatCodes:
                    if (UnknownResultTypeList != null)
                        if (buf.WriteSpaceLeft < 2 + UnknownResultTypeList.Length * 2)
                            return false;
                        foreach (var t in UnknownResultTypeList)
                            buf.WriteInt16(t ? 0 : 1);
                        if (buf.WriteSpaceLeft < 4)
                            return false;
                        buf.WriteInt16(AllResultTypesAreUnknown ? 0 : 1);

                    _state = State.Done;
                    return true;

                    throw PGUtil.ThrowIfReached();
예제 #54
 /// <summary>
 /// Populates the send buffer with Parse/Describe protocol messages, used for preparing commands
 /// and for execution in SchemaOnly mode.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// true whether all messages could be populated in the buffer, false otherwise (method needs to be
 /// called again)
 /// </returns>
 bool PopulatePrepare(ref DirectBuffer directBuf) => PopulateParseDescribe(true);
예제 #55
        void Send(PopulateMethod populateMethod)
            while (true)
                var directBuf = new DirectBuffer();
                var completed = populateMethod(ref directBuf);
                if (completed)
                    break;  // Sent all messages

                // The following is an optimization hack for writing large byte arrays without passing
                // through our buffer
                if (directBuf.Buffer != null)
                    _connector.WriteBuffer.DirectWrite(directBuf.Buffer, directBuf.Offset, directBuf.Size == 0 ? directBuf.Buffer.Length : directBuf.Size);
                    directBuf.Buffer = null;
                    directBuf.Size = 0;

                if (_writeStatementIndex > 0)
                    // We've send all the messages for the first statement in a multistatement command.
                    // If we continue blocking writes for the rest of the messages, we risk a deadlock where
                    // PostgreSQL sends large results for the first statement, while we're sending large
                    // parameter data for the second. To avoid this, switch to async sends.
                    // See #641
                    RemainingSendTask = SendRemaining(populateMethod, CancellationToken.None);
예제 #56
        /// <summary>
        /// This method is used to asynchronously sends all remaining protocol messages for statements
        /// beyond the first one, and *without* waiting for the send to complete. This technique is
        /// used to avoid the deadlock described in #641 by allowing the user to read query results
        /// while at the same time sending messages for later statements.
        /// </summary>
        async Task SendRemaining(PopulateMethod populateMethod, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            Contract.Requires(_writeStatementIndex > 0);
                while (true)
                    var directBuf = new DirectBuffer();
                    var completed = populateMethod(ref directBuf);
                    await _connector.SendBufferAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    if (completed)
                        return; // Sent all messages

                    // The following is an optimization hack for writing large byte arrays without passing
                    // through our buffer
                    if (directBuf.Buffer != null)
                        await _connector.WriteBuffer.DirectWriteAsync(directBuf.Buffer, directBuf.Offset,
                                directBuf.Size == 0 ? directBuf.Buffer.Length : directBuf.Size, cancellationToken
                        directBuf.Buffer = null;
                        directBuf.Size = 0;
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Exception while asynchronously sending remaining messages", e, _connector.Id);
예제 #57
        bool PopulateDeallocate(ref DirectBuffer directBuf)
            Contract.Requires(_connector != null);

            var buf = _connector.WriteBuffer;
            for (; _writeStatementIndex < _statements.Count; _writeStatementIndex++)
                var statement = _statements[_writeStatementIndex];
                var closeMsg = new CloseMessage(StatementOrPortal.Statement, statement.PreparedStatementName);
                if (closeMsg.Length > buf.WriteSpaceLeft)
                    return false;
            if (SyncMessage.Instance.Length > buf.WriteSpaceLeft)
                return false;
            return true;
예제 #58
 /// <summary>
 /// Populates the send buffer with Parse/Describe protocol messages, used for preparing commands
 /// and for execution in SchemaOnly mode.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>
 /// true whether all messages could be populated in the buffer, false otherwise (method needs to be
 /// called again)
 /// </returns>
 bool PopulateExecuteSchemaOnly(ref DirectBuffer directBuf) => PopulateParseDescribe(false);
예제 #59
        void SendMessage(FrontendMessage msg)
                _log.DebugFormat("Sending: {0}", msg);

                var asSimple = msg as SimpleFrontendMessage;
                if (asSimple != null)
                    if (asSimple.Length > Buffer.WriteSpaceLeft)
                    Contract.Assume(Buffer.WriteSpaceLeft >= asSimple.Length);

                var asComplex = msg as ChunkingFrontendMessage;
                if (asComplex != null)
                    var directBuf = new DirectBuffer();
                    while (!asComplex.Write(Buffer, ref directBuf))

                        // The following is an optimization hack for writing large byte arrays without passing
                        // through our buffer
                        if (directBuf.Buffer != null)
                            Buffer.Underlying.Write(directBuf.Buffer, 0, directBuf.Size == 0 ? directBuf.Buffer.Length : directBuf.Size);
                            directBuf.Buffer = null;
                            directBuf.Size = 0;

                throw PGUtil.ThrowIfReached();
                State = ConnectorState.Broken;
예제 #60
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the send buffer with protocol messages for the execution of prepared statement(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// true whether all messages could be populated in the buffer, false otherwise (method needs to be
        /// called again)
        /// </returns>
        bool PopulateExecutePrepared(ref DirectBuffer directBuf)
            Contract.Requires(_connector != null);

            var buf = _connector.WriteBuffer;
            for (; _writeStatementIndex < _statements.Count; _writeStatementIndex++)
                var statement = _statements[_writeStatementIndex];
                switch (_sendState)
                case SendState.Start:
                    var bind = _connector.BindMessage;
                    bind.Populate(statement.InputParameters, "", statement.PreparedStatementName);
                    if (AllResultTypesAreUnknown)
                        bind.AllResultTypesAreUnknown = AllResultTypesAreUnknown;
                    else if (_writeStatementIndex == 0 && UnknownResultTypeList != null)
                        bind.UnknownResultTypeList = UnknownResultTypeList;
                    _sendState = SendState.Bind;
                    goto case SendState.Bind;

                case SendState.Bind:
                    if (!_connector.BindMessage.Write(buf, ref directBuf))
                        return false;
                    var execute = _connector.ExecuteMessage;
                    _sendState = SendState.Execute;
                    goto case SendState.Execute;

                case SendState.Execute:
                    execute = _connector.ExecuteMessage;
                    if (execute.Length > buf.WriteSpaceLeft)
                        return false;
                    _sendState = SendState.Start;

                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Invalid state {_sendState} in {nameof(PopulateExecutePrepared)}");
            if (SyncMessage.Instance.Length > buf.WriteSpaceLeft)
                return false;
            return true;