예제 #1
        public void ReturnsEmptySetIfNothingFound()
            var search = new DijkstraSearch <int>(EqualityComparer <int> .Default, _ => Enumerable.Empty <(int, float)>());
            var result = search.FindAll(0, x => false);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count);
예제 #2
        public void FindsInitialNode()
            var search = new DijkstraSearch <int>(
                EqualityComparer <int> .Default,
                _ => Enumerable.Empty <(int, float)>());

            var result = search.FindAll(33, x => true);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result[0].Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, result[0].Steps.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(33, result[0].Steps[0]);
예제 #3
        public void TestSearch2()
            var graph = new WeightedDirectedGraph <string>();

            var a = graph.AddVertex("A");
            var b = graph.AddVertex("B");
            var c = graph.AddVertex("C");
            var d = graph.AddVertex("D");
            var e = graph.AddVertex("E");
            var f = graph.AddVertex("F");
            var g = graph.AddVertex("G");
            var h = graph.AddVertex("H");

            graph.AddEdge(a, b, 2);
            graph.AddEdge(a, d, 4);
            graph.AddEdge(a, c, 1);
            graph.AddEdge(b, c, 5);
            graph.AddEdge(b, f, 2);
            graph.AddEdge(b, e, 10);
            graph.AddEdge(c, a, 9);
            graph.AddEdge(c, e, 11);
            graph.AddEdge(d, c, 2);
            graph.AddEdge(e, d, 7);
            graph.AddEdge(e, g, 1);
            graph.AddEdge(f, h, 3);
            graph.AddEdge(g, e, 3);
            graph.AddEdge(g, f, 2);
            graph.AddEdge(h, g, 1);

            var actual = DijkstraSearch <string> .Search(graph, d, e);

            var expected = new string[] { d, c, e };

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #4
        private static RouteInfo GetRoute(Map map, InputOption inputOption)
            ISearchAlgorithm algorithm = new DijkstraSearch();
            var directionService       = new DirectionService(algorithm, inputOption);

예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns mission randomly generated on current worldMap, from current location. Sets mission destination
        /// and price per unit depending of routes hardness. Quantity is not set cuz its should be available on
        /// graphic menu to get as much quantity as player wants.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worldMap"></param>
        /// <param name="currentLocation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Mission GenerateMission(WorldMap worldMap, float basePricePerUnit)
            Mission mission = new Mission();

            mission.Cargo = new Cargo();

            //Vertex destination = worldMap.WorldGraph.Vertices[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, worldMap.WorldGraph.Vertices.Length)];
            Vertex destination = worldMap.GetRandomVertex(2);

            mission.Cargo.Destination = destination.Location;

            Vertex[] locations = DijkstraSearch.Search(worldMap.WorldGraph, worldMap.CurrentLocation, destination);

            List <Route> routes = new List <Route>();

            for (int i = 0; i < locations.Length - 1; i++)
                routes.Add(worldMap.RouteBetween(locations[i].Location, locations[i + 1].Location));

            int hardnessModifier = 0;

            foreach (Route route in routes)
                hardnessModifier += route.HowHard + route.HowLong;

            mission.Cargo.PricePerUnit = (hardnessModifier * PERCENTAGE_OF_PRICE_PER_UNIT + 1.0f) * basePricePerUnit;
            UnityEngine.Debug.Log("MNOZNIK: " + (hardnessModifier * PERCENTAGE_OF_PRICE_PER_UNIT + 1.0f) * basePricePerUnit);
예제 #6
        public void FindAllTargetsWithDistance()
            var search = new DijkstraSearch <int>(
                EqualityComparer <int> .Default,

            var targets = new Dictionary <int, float> {
                { 6, 1.8f },
                { 12, 2.8f },
                { 24, 3.8f },
                { 36, 3.6f },
                { 72, 4.6f },
                { 108, 4.6f },
                { 192, 6.8f }

            var result = search.FindAll(1, node => targets.ContainsKey(node));

            Assert.AreEqual(targets.Count, result.Count);
            foreach (var hit in result)
                Assert.AreEqual(targets[hit.Target], hit.Cost, 1e-6f);
예제 #7
        public void TestSearch3()
            var graph = new WeightedDirectedGraph <string>();

            var a = graph.AddVertex("A");
            var b = graph.AddVertex("B");
            var c = graph.AddVertex("C");
            var d = graph.AddVertex("D");
            var e = graph.AddVertex("E");
            var f = graph.AddVertex("F");
            var g = graph.AddVertex("G");

            graph.AddEdge(a, d, 1);
            graph.AddEdge(a, c, 2);
            graph.AddEdge(b, a, 2);
            graph.AddEdge(c, d, 1);
            graph.AddEdge(c, f, 2);
            graph.AddEdge(d, b, 5);
            graph.AddEdge(d, e, 1);
            graph.AddEdge(d, g, 5);
            graph.AddEdge(d, f, 6);
            graph.AddEdge(e, b, 1);
            graph.AddEdge(f, g, 10);
            graph.AddEdge(g, e, 3);

            var actual = DijkstraSearch <string> .Search(graph, a, g);

            var expected = new string[] { a, d, g };

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #8
        public void GetRoute_NightTime_Involving_DT_In_Middle()
            var rawRecords = new List <RawStationData>
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE1", StationName = "SengKang", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE2", StationName = "Kovan", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE3", StationName = "Serangoon", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE4", StationName = "BoonKeng", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "DT1", StationName = "Lorang", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "DT2", StationName = "Serangoon", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "DT3", StationName = "Bishan", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "EW1", StationName = "Bugis", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "EW2", StationName = "Bishan", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "EW3", StationName = "Katib", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "EW4", StationName = "Lavender", OpeningDate = string.Empty

            var map = new Map(rawRecords).LinkStations();

            var start = new Station("Lavender");
            var end   = new Station("SengKang");

            ISearchAlgorithm algorithm = new DijkstraSearch();
            var directionService       = new DirectionService(algorithm, new InputOption
                Start     = start.StationName,
                End       = end.StationName,
                StartTime = new DateTime(2021, 3, 5, 23, 40, 00)
            var routeInfo = directionService.PrepareRouteInfoFrom(map);

            Assert.IsTrue(routeInfo.JourneyTitle.Contains("\"Not\" possible"), $"Was : {routeInfo.JourneyTitle}");
예제 #9
        private string Processor(char startValue, char endValue)
            var start = _graph.Vertices.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Value == startValue);
            var end   = _graph.Vertices.FirstOrDefault(v => v.Value == endValue);

            var path = DijkstraSearch.FindPath(_graph, start, end);

            return(string.Join("->", path?.Select(v => v.Value) ?? ""));
예제 #10
        public void FindsFirstTarget()
            var search = new DijkstraSearch <int>(EqualityComparer <int> .Default, InfiniteExpander);
            var result = search.FindFirst(1, x => x == 192);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Steps.First());
            Assert.AreEqual(192, result.Steps.Last());
            Assert.AreEqual(6, result.Length);
            Assert.AreEqual(5 + 1.8, result.Cost, 1e-6f);
예제 #11
        private static void FindShortestRoute(IDictionary <char, Intersection> intersections, IEnumerable <Street> streets, string requirements)
            Regex pattern = new Regex(@"^(?<from>[A-Z]{1}) (?<to>[A-Z]{1}) (?<time>\d{4})$");
            Match match   = pattern.Match(requirements);

            if (!match.Success)
                Console.Write("Bad requirements: {0}", requirements);

            int timeIndex;
            int time = int.Parse(match.Groups["time"].Value);

            if (time >= 600 && time <= 1000)
                timeIndex = 0;
            else if (time >= 1000 && time <= 1500)
                timeIndex = 1;
            else if (time >= 1500 && time <= 1900)
                timeIndex = 2;
                timeIndex = 3;

            DijkstraSearch search = new DijkstraSearch();

            foreach (Street street in streets)
                search.AddConnection(street.Intersection1, street.Intersection2, street.Times[timeIndex]);

            Intersection from = intersections[match.Groups["from"].Value[0]];
            Intersection to   = intersections[match.Groups["to"].Value[0]];

            DijkstraPathSearchResult result = search.FindShortestPath(from, to);

            Console.WriteLine("Path from {0} to {1} at {2}:", from, to, time);
            IDijkstraSearchNode[] path = result.Path.ToArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < path.Length - 1; ++i)
                Street street = streets.First(s => (s.Intersection1 == path[i] || s.Intersection2 == path[i]) && (s.Intersection1 == path[i + 1] || s.Intersection2 == path[i + 1]));
                Console.WriteLine("  ({0,2} minutes) {1}", street.Times[timeIndex], street.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("Total time: {0} minutes", result.TotalDistance);
예제 #12
        public void FindTargetSetInInfiniteGraph()
            var search = new DijkstraSearch <int>(EqualityComparer <int> .Default, InfiniteExpander);

            var result = search.FindAll(1, x => x < 30, null, 12);

            var expected = new[] { 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 3, 6, 12, 24, 9, 18, 27 };

            Assert.AreEqual(12, result.Count);
            foreach (var target in expected)
                Assert.IsTrue(result.Any(p => p.Target == target));
예제 #13
        public void Given_3_Stations_We_Can_Trace_To_BeginingStation_FromEndStation()
            _sengkangStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _kovanStation, Cost = 1
            _kovanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _sengkangStation, Cost = 1
            _kovanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _harborStation, Cost = 1
            _harborStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _kovanStation, Cost = 1

            _stations = new List <Station>
            var dijkstraSearch = new DijkstraSearch();
            var option         = new InputOption {
                Start = _sengkangStation.StationName, End = _harborStation.StationName
            var path = dijkstraSearch.FillShortestPath(_stations, option);

            var expected = new List <Station>
                new Station("Harbor")
                    NearestToStart = _kovanStation, MinimumCost = 2
                new Station("Kovan")
                    NearestToStart = _sengkangStation, MinimumCost = 1
                new Station("Sengkang")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = 0

            .And.BeEquivalentTo(expected, options => options
                                .Including(o => o.StationName)
                                .Including(o => o.MinimumCost)
                                .Including(a => a.NearestToStart));
예제 #14
    private List <Coord> GetPath(Coord A, Coord B, MapGrid mapGrid, bool isVisualize)
        switch (AppConfig.searchAlgorithm)
        case Algorithm.DFS: return(DepthFirstSearch.GetPath(A, B, mapGrid, isVisualize));

        case Algorithm.BFS: return(BreadthFirstSearch.GetPath(A, B, mapGrid, isVisualize));

        case Algorithm.Dijkstra: return(DijkstraSearch.GetPath(A, B, mapGrid, isVisualize));

        case Algorithm.AStar: return(AStarSearch.GetPath(A, B, mapGrid, isVisualize));

        default: return(AStarSearch.GetPath(A, B, mapGrid, isVisualize));
예제 #15
    public void Search(int algrithm)
        SearchAlgrithm ag = (SearchAlgrithm)algrithm;
        PathFind       pathFind;

        switch (ag)
        case SearchAlgrithm.BFS:
            pathFind = new BreadthFirstSearch();

        case SearchAlgrithm.DFS:
            pathFind = new DeepFirstSearch();

        case SearchAlgrithm.Dijkstra:
            pathFind = new DijkstraSearch();

        case SearchAlgrithm.Greedy:
            pathFind = new GreedyBestFirstSearch();

        case SearchAlgrithm.AStar:
            pathFind = new AStarSearch();

            pathFind = new AStarSearch();
        Node start = graph.GetNode((int)mapView.startPos.x, (int)mapView.startPos.y);
        Node end   = graph.GetNode((int)mapView.endPos.x, (int)mapView.endPos.y);

        if (pathFind.Find(graph, start, end))
            path = pathFind.GetPath();
            Queue <Node> searchSteps = pathFind.GetSearchSteps();
            mainUI.labelSearchDesc.text = pathFind.Name() + " " + pathFind.SearchResultDesc();
            mainUI.SearchConsoleTxt     = "";
            StartCoroutine(DrawSearchSteps(searchSteps, path));
            mainUI.labelConsole.text = "no path to the target point from the start point";
예제 #16
        public void GetRoute_WithOutTimeFactor()
            var rawRecords = new List <RawStationData>
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE1", StationName = "SengKang", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE2", StationName = "Kovan", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE3", StationName = "Serangoon", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "NE4", StationName = "BoonKeng", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "CC1", StationName = "Lorang", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "CC2", StationName = "Serangoon", OpeningDate = string.Empty
                new RawStationData {
                    StationCode = "CC3", StationName = "Bishan", OpeningDate = string.Empty

            var map = new Map(rawRecords).LinkStations();

            var start = new Station("SengKang");
            var end   = new Station("Bishan");

            ISearchAlgorithm algorithm = new DijkstraSearch();
            var directionService       = new DirectionService(algorithm, new InputOption
                Start = start.StationName,
                End   = end.StationName
            var routeInfo = directionService.PrepareRouteInfoFrom(map);

            Assert.IsTrue(routeInfo.JourneyTitle.Contains(start.StationName), $"Was : {start.StationName}");
            Assert.IsTrue(routeInfo.StationsTraveled.Contains("4"), $"Was : {routeInfo.StationsTraveled}");
예제 #17
        static void Main()
            var sw = new Stopwatch();

            _laby = Grid2D.FromFile("../../../input.txt");

            var labels = ReadLabels().ToList();

            Debug.Assert(labels.Count == 2 * labels.Select(x => x.name).Distinct().Count() - 2);

            _portals = new Dictionary <Point, Point>();
            var openLabels = new Dictionary <string, Point>();

            foreach (var labelGroup in labels.ToLookup(x => x.name))
                if (labelGroup.Count() == 2)
                    var pos = labelGroup.Select(x => x.pos).ToArray();
                    _portals.Add(pos[0], pos[1]);
                    _portals.Add(pos[1], pos[0]);
                    openLabels.Add(labelGroup.Key, labelGroup.First().pos);

            var search = new DijkstraSearch <Point>(EqualityComparer <Point> .Default, Expander);
            var path   = search.FindFirst(openLabels["AA"], p => p == openLabels["ZZ"]);

            Console.WriteLine($"Part 1: Path has {path.Length} steps.");

            _innerregion = _laby.Bounds.InflatedCopy(-3, -3);
            var search2 = new DijkstraSearch <(Point, int level)>(EqualityComparer <(Point, int)> .Default, Expander2);
            var path2   = search2.FindFirst((openLabels["AA"], 0), p => p.Item1 == openLabels["ZZ"] && p.level == 0);

            Console.WriteLine($"Part 2: Path has {path2.Length} steps.");

            Console.WriteLine($"Solving took {sw.ElapsedMilliseconds}ms.");
            _ = Console.ReadLine();
예제 #18
        public void Scenario_User_Cant_Take_DT_CG_CE_Lines_At_Night(string line)
            _sengkangStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _kovanStation, Cost = 1
            _kovanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _sengkangStation, Cost = 1
            _stations = new List <Station>
            var dijkstraSearch = new DijkstraSearch();
            var option         = new InputOption
                Start     = _sengkangStation.StationName,
                End       = _kovanStation.StationName,
                StartTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 31, 22, 00, 00)
            var path = dijkstraSearch.FillShortestPath(_stations, option);

            var expected = new List <Station>
                new Station("Sengkang")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = 0
                new Station("Kovan")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = null

            .And.BeEquivalentTo(expected, options => options
                                .Including(o => o.StationName)
                                .Including(o => o.MinimumCost)
                                .Including(a => a.NearestToStart));
예제 #19
        public void Scenario_User_Journey_Needs_Interchange_At_Other_Times_Costs_10_More()
            _sengkangStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _kovanStation, Cost = 1
            _kovanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _sengkangStation, Cost = 1
            _stations = new List <Station>
            var dijkstraSearch = new DijkstraSearch();
            var option         = new InputOption
                Start     = _sengkangStation.StationName,
                End       = _kovanStation.StationName,
                StartTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 31, 21, 30, 00)
            var path = dijkstraSearch.FillShortestPath(_stations, option);

            var expected = new List <Station>
                new Station("Kovan")
                    NearestToStart = _sengkangStation, MinimumCost = 11
                new Station("Sengkang")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = 0

            .And.BeEquivalentTo(expected, options => options
                                .Including(o => o.StationName)
                                .Including(o => o.MinimumCost)
                                .Including(a => a.NearestToStart));
예제 #20
        public void Scenario_User_Journey_Falls_In_Line_During_PeakTime_WeekDays_Costs_More(string line, int cost)
            _sengkangStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _kovanStation, Cost = 1
            _kovanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _sengkangStation, Cost = 1
            _stations = new List <Station>
            var dijkstraSearch = new DijkstraSearch();
            var option         = new InputOption
                Start     = _sengkangStation.StationName,
                End       = _kovanStation.StationName,
                StartTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 31, 8, 00, 00)
            var path = dijkstraSearch.FillShortestPath(_stations, option);

            var expected = new List <Station>
                new Station("Kovan")
                    NearestToStart = _sengkangStation, MinimumCost = cost
                new Station("Sengkang")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = 0

            .And.BeEquivalentTo(expected, options => options
                                .Including(o => o.StationName)
                                .Including(o => o.MinimumCost)
                                .Including(a => a.NearestToStart));
예제 #21
        private async void SearchButton_ClickAsync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Disable Control to prevent this method from running parallely multiple times
            SearchButton.IsEnabled = false;

            //Create Start and Goal Vertices
            Vertex start = new Vertex(StartVertexTextBox.Text);
            Vertex goal  = new Vertex(GoalVertexTextBox.Text);

            //Give feedback to the user
            DijkstraPathLabel.Content = "Searching for path from " + start + " to " + goal + " ...";

            //if the graph was not initialized yet, tell the user to create one
            if (graph == null)
                DijkstraPathLabel.Content = "Create a Graph before doing a path search.";
            //if the graph does not contain both the vertices tell the user to use other vertices
            else if (!(graph.Vertices.Contains(start) && graph.Vertices.Contains(goal)))
                DijkstraPathLabel.Content = "The Graph does not contain that start and/or goal.";
                //Search for the Path
                Vertex[] path = await Task.Run(() => { return(DijkstraSearch.Search(graph, start, goal)); });

                //Convert path to a readable string
                string sPath = ConvertVerticesToString(path);

                //Set Label Text to found path
                DijkstraPathLabel.Content = sPath;

            //Enable Control again
            SearchButton.IsEnabled = true;
예제 #22
        public void DijkstraTest()
            var graph = new WeightedDirectedGraph();
            var s     = new Vertex("S");
            var a     = new Vertex("A");
            var b     = new Vertex("B");
            var c     = new Vertex("C");
            var d     = new Vertex("D");
            var e     = new Vertex("E");

            graph.AddPair(s, a, 4);
            graph.AddPair(s, e, 2);

            graph.AddPair(a, c, 6);
            graph.AddPair(a, b, 5);
            graph.AddPair(a, d, 3);

            graph.AddPair(e, d, 1);

            graph.AddPair(d, a, 1);
            graph.AddPair(d, c, 3);

            graph.AddPair(c, b, 1);
            graph.AddPair(b, a, 3);

            foreach (var vertex in graph.Vertices)

            var dijkstra = new DijkstraSearch();

            dijkstra.PrintShortestPaths(graph, s);
예제 #23
    private BaseSearchAlgo GetAlgorithm()
        BaseSearchAlgo algo = null;

        switch (m_searchAlgo)
        case SearchAlgo.A_Star:
            algo = new AStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_weight, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.Theta_Star:
            algo = new ThetaStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_weight, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.LazyTheta_Star:
            algo = new LazyThetaStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_weight, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.BestFirstSearch:
            algo = new BestFirstSearch(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_weight, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.BreadthFirstSearch:
            algo = new BreadthFirstSearch(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_weight, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.DijkstraSearch:
            algo = new DijkstraSearch(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_weight, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.JPS:
            algo = new JumpPointSearch(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_weight, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.JPSPlus:
            algo = new JPSPlus(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_weight, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.BiA_Star:
            algo = new BiAStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_weight, m_showTime);

            #region Incremental
        case SearchAlgo.D_Star:
            algo = new DStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.FocussedD_Star:
            algo = new FocussedDStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.LPA_Star:
            algo = new LPAStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_showTime);
            //algo = new LPAStar_Optimized(m_startNode, m_endNode, m_nodes, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.DstarLite:
            algo = new DStarLite(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.Path_AA_Star:
            algo = new Path_AAStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.Tree_AA_Star:
            algo = new Tree_AAStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_showTime);

            #region Moving Target
        case SearchAlgo.GAA_Star:
            algo = new GAAStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.GFRA_Star:
            algo = new GFRAStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.MT_DstarLite:
            algo = new MT_DStarLite(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_showTime);

        case SearchAlgo.AnnotatedA_Star:
            algo = new AnnotatedAStar(m_startNode, m_goalNode, m_nodes, m_weight, m_showTime, m_unitSize);

            Debug.LogError($"No code for SearchAlgo={m_searchAlgo}");

예제 #24
        public void Scenario_4_Stations_Where_Start_And_End_Is_Same_Then_LowestCostRouteReached_WillBe_Returned()
            _sengkangStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _bishanStation, Cost = 1
            _bishanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _sengkangStation, Cost = 1
            _bishanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _harborStation, Cost = 1
            _harborStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _bishanStation, Cost = 1

            _sengkangStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _kovanStation, Cost = 1
            _kovanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _sengkangStation, Cost = 1
            _kovanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _harborStation, Cost = 0.5m
            _harborStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _kovanStation, Cost = 0.5m

            _stations = new List <Station>
            var dijkstraSearch = new DijkstraSearch();
            var option         = new InputOption {
                Start = _sengkangStation.StationName, End = _harborStation.StationName
            var path = dijkstraSearch.FillShortestPath(_stations, option);

            var expected = new List <Station>
                new Station("Harbor")
                    NearestToStart = _kovanStation, MinimumCost = 1.5m
                new Station("Kovan")
                    NearestToStart = _sengkangStation, MinimumCost = 1
                new Station("Bishan")
                    NearestToStart = _sengkangStation, MinimumCost = 1
                new Station("Sengkang")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = 0

            .And.BeEquivalentTo(expected, options => options
                                .Including(o => o.StationName)
                                .Including(o => o.MinimumCost)
                                .Including(a => a.NearestToStart));
예제 #25
        public void Scenario_User_Cant_Journey_When_DT_CG_CE_Comes_As_Interchanges_At_Night(string line)
            _sengkangStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _bishanStation, Cost = 1
            _bishanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _sengkangStation, Cost = 1
            _bishanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _kovanStation, Cost = 1
            _kovanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _bishanStation, Cost = 1
            _kovanStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _tuasStation, Cost = 1
            _tuasStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _kovanStation, Cost = 1
            _tuasStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _ubiStation, Cost = 1
            _ubiStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _tuasStation, Cost = 1
            _ubiStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _harborStation, Cost = 1
            _harborStation.Connections.Add(new Edge {
                ConnectedStation = _ubiStation, Cost = 1
            _stations = new List <Station>
            var dijkstraSearch = new DijkstraSearch();
            var option         = new InputOption
                Start     = _sengkangStation.StationName,
                End       = _harborStation.StationName,
                StartTime = new DateTime(2019, 01, 31, 22, 00, 00)
            var path = dijkstraSearch.FillShortestPath(_stations, option);

            var expected = new List <Station>
                new Station("Sengkang")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = 0
                new Station("Bishan")
                    NearestToStart = _sengkangStation, MinimumCost = 11
                new Station("Kovan")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = null
                new Station("Tuas")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = null
                new Station("Ubi")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = null
                new Station("Harbor")
                    NearestToStart = null, MinimumCost = null

            .And.BeEquivalentTo(expected, options => options
                                .Including(o => o.StationName)
                                .Including(o => o.MinimumCost)
                                .Including(a => a.NearestToStart)