public void AfterCreate() { if (DigitalInfo == null) { DigitalInfo = new MediaDigitalInfo(); } DigitalInfo.AfterCreate(); }
public void Dispose() { DataChanged = null; DataSource = null; DigitalInfo.Dispose(); DigitalInfo = null; Summary.Dispose(); Summary = null; ContractSettings = null; Programs.ForEach(p => p.Dispose()); Programs.Clear(); Parent = null; }
public void AfterCreate() { if (DigitalInfo == null) { DigitalInfo = new MediaDigitalInfo(); } DigitalInfo.AfterCreate(); if (Summary == null) { Summary = new SectionSummary(this); } Summary.AfterCreate(); if (ContractSettings == null) { ContractSettings = new ContractSettings(); } }
private Product GetProduct(SymmetryInfo info) { if (info.SecurityType.ToLowerInvariant() == "bonds") { var pr = Env.Current.Trade.GetProductByDescription(info.Security); if (pr != null) return pr; if (!Utilities.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Cusip)) { pr = Env.Current.Trade.GetProductByCode(Product.CusipProductCode, info.Cusip); if (pr != null) return pr; } var ccys = new List<string> { info.Currency }; var allBonds = Env.Current.Trade.LoadBondProducts(null, null, null, 0, ccys, -1, info.Coupon, info.Coupon, null, null, SimpleDate.Today, false, false, null, null); if (allBonds != null) { foreach (var v in allBonds) { var bd = v as Bond; if (bd == null) continue; if (Math.Abs(bd.FixedRate - info.Coupon) < Utilities.Epsilon && bd.MaturityDate == info.Maturity) { if (!StatusDisabled.Equals(bd.Status)) return bd; } } } throw new Exception("Bonds " + info.Security + " not retrieved"); } if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "currency") { return null; } if (info.SecurityType == "Caps/Floors") { } if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "currency swaps") { return null; } if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "interest rate swaps") { return null; } if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "swaptions") { return null; } if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "fras") { return null; } //Fx Vol Swap if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "flexible deal" && info.Security.Contains("VOLSWAP")) { //GBP/USD VOLSWAP 5.925 04 Dec 2014 (02 Sep 2014-02 Dec 2014) //USD/JPY VOLSWAP 8.05 17 Nov 2014 (12 Sep 2014-13 Nov 2014) var volswap = new VolSwap(); var desc = info.Security.Split(' '); var cpl = desc[0].Split('/'); var cp = Env.Current.Trade.GetCurrencyPair(cpl[0], cpl[1]); volswap.Underlier = cp; volswap.UnderlierId = cp.Id; volswap.EndDate = info.Maturity; volswap.Notional = Math.Abs(info.CurrentDayPosition/100); volswap.IsBuy = info.CurrentDayPosition > 0; volswap.PaymentCurrency = info.Currency; if (desc.Length > 2) { double strike; if (double.TryParse(desc[2], out strike)) volswap.Strike = strike; } return volswap; } //FX Option if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "simple option" || info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "simple barrier" || info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "touch rebate" || info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "flexible deal" || info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "double barrier") { // EUR/USD 1.3204 CALL (26 Nov 2014) var fxoption = info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "flexible deal" ? new FxFva { FvaExpiryDate = info.Maturity } : new FXOption { ExpiryDate = info.Maturity }; var desc = info.Security.Split(' '); var cpl = desc[0].Split('/'); fxoption.Primary = cpl[0]; fxoption.Quoting = cpl[1]; if (!(fxoption is FxFva)) fxoption.OptionStrike = Convert.ToDouble(desc[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); fxoption.PrimaryAmount = Math.Abs(info.CurrentDayPosition); fxoption.QuotingAmount = fxoption.PrimaryAmount * fxoption.OptionStrike; if (info.Security.Contains("CALL ")) fxoption.OptionType = OptionType.Call; else if (info.Security.Contains("PUT ")) fxoption.OptionType = OptionType.Put; else fxoption.OptionType = OptionType.None; if (info.CurrentDayPosition > 0) { fxoption.IsBuy = true; fxoption.QuotingAmount = -fxoption.QuotingAmount; } else { fxoption.IsBuy = false; fxoption.PrimaryAmount = -fxoption.PrimaryAmount; } fxoption.ExerciseType = OptionExerciseType.European; if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "flexible deal") { // EUR/USD FVA 0 25 Feb 2015 (21 Nov 2014-23 Feb 2015) var fva = fxoption as FxFva; if (fva != null) fva.Volatility = Convert.ToDouble(desc[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) / 100; } else if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "simple barrier") { // USD/CNY 6.16 PUT 16 Dec 2014 DO 6.07 // USD/SGD 1.265 CALL 24 Sep 2014 UI 1.2725 fxoption.ExerciseType = OptionExerciseType.Barrier; var binfo = new BarrierInfo(); fxoption.OptionInfo = binfo; var len = desc.Length; var barrierType = desc[len - 2]; var barrierStrike = desc[len - 1]; if (barrierType.StartsWith("D")) { if (barrierType.EndsWith("I")) binfo.LowerBarrierType = OptionBarrierType.KnockIn; else binfo.LowerBarrierType = OptionBarrierType.KnockOut; binfo.LowerBarrierStrike = double.Parse(barrierStrike); } else { if (barrierType.EndsWith("I")) binfo.BarrierType = OptionBarrierType.KnockIn; else binfo.BarrierType = OptionBarrierType.KnockOut; binfo.BarrierStrike = double.Parse(barrierStrike); } } else if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "double barrier") { // USD/JPY 105 CALL 18 Dec 2014 KO 108 101 fxoption.ExerciseType = OptionExerciseType.Barrier; var binfo = new BarrierInfo(); fxoption.OptionInfo = binfo; var len = desc.Length; var barrierType = desc[len - 3]; var barrierStrike1 = desc[len - 1]; var barrierStrike2 = desc[len - 2]; if (barrierType.Equals("KO")) { binfo.BarrierType = OptionBarrierType.KnockIn; binfo.LowerBarrierType = OptionBarrierType.KnockIn; } else { binfo.BarrierType = OptionBarrierType.KnockOut; binfo.LowerBarrierType = OptionBarrierType.KnockOut; } double strike1, strike2; if (double.TryParse(barrierStrike1, out strike1)) binfo.BarrierStrike = strike1; if (double.TryParse(barrierStrike2, out strike2)) binfo.LowerBarrierStrike = strike2; if (binfo.BarrierStrike < binfo.LowerBarrierStrike) { var temp = binfo.BarrierStrike; binfo.BarrierStrike = binfo.LowerBarrierStrike; binfo.LowerBarrierStrike = temp; } } else if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "touch rebate") { // USD/MXN 13.45 10 Sep 2014 UO 13.45 // USD/CAD 1.105 12 Sep 2014 KI 1.105 1.082 // GBP/USD 1.59 04 Nov 2014 DO 1.59 // for touch, please only compare strikes fxoption.ExerciseType = OptionExerciseType.Touch; var tinfo = new DigitalInfo(); fxoption.OptionInfo = tinfo; var len = desc.Length; double strike1, strike2; if (double.TryParse(desc[len - 2], out strike1)) tinfo.BarrierStrike = strike1; if (double.TryParse(desc[len - 1], out strike2)) tinfo.LowerBarrierStrike = strike2; if (tinfo.BarrierStrike < tinfo.LowerBarrierStrike) { var temp = tinfo.BarrierStrike; tinfo.BarrierStrike = tinfo.LowerBarrierStrike; tinfo.LowerBarrierStrike = temp; } } return fxoption; } if (info.SecurityType.ToLower().Contains("futures") || info.SecurityType.ToLower().Contains("future options")) { var pr = Env.Current.Trade.GetProductByCode(Product.DefaultTicker, info.Security.Trim()); if (pr != null) return pr; if (!info.SecurityType.ToLower().Equals("equity futures")) pr = Env.Current.Trade.GetProductByCode(Product.DefaultTicker, info.Security.Trim() + " Comdty"); if (pr != null) return pr; if (!info.SecurityType.ToLower().Equals("equity futures")) pr = Env.Current.Trade.GetProductByCode(Product.DefaultTicker, info.Security.Trim() + " Curncy"); if (pr != null) return pr; pr = Env.Current.Trade.GetProductByCode(Product.DefaultTicker, info.Security.Trim() + " Index"); if (pr != null) return pr; pr = Env.Current.Trade.GetProductByCode(Product.DefaultTicker, info.Security.Trim() + " Equity"); if (pr != null) return pr; throw new Exception("Futures " + info.SecurityType + " " + info.Security + " not retrieved"); } if (info.SecurityType.ToLower() == "spot-forward") { var fx = new FX(); var splits = info.Security.Substring(0, 7).Split('/'); string ccy1 = splits[0]; string ccy2 = splits[1]; var cp = Env.Current.Trade.GetCurrencyPair(ccy1, ccy2); if (cp == null) return null; fx.Primary = cp.Primary; fx.Quoting = cp.Quoting; var settleDate = info.Maturity; fx.PrimarySettleDate = settleDate; fx.QuotingSettleDate = settleDate; /* var ccy2Obj = Env.Current.StaticData.GetCurrency(ccy2); if (ccy2Obj != null && ccy2Obj.IsNonDeliverable) { var ndf = new NDF { Primary = cp.Primary, Quoting = cp.Quoting, PrimarySettleDate = settleDate, QuotingSettleDate = settleDate }; return ndf; }*/ return fx; } throw new Exception("Reconciliation not supported for Product" + info.SecurityType.ToLower()); }
private void FillOptionInfo(TradeInfo info, FXOption fxo, OptionInfo optionInfo) { if (info.SecurityType.Equals(FxoInfo.SimpleFXO)) { // european digital and european if (info.OptionStyle.Equals("D")) { var dinfo = optionInfo as DigitalInfo; if (dinfo == null) { dinfo = new DigitalInfo(); fxo.OptionInfo = dinfo; dinfo.Option = fxo; } fxo.ExerciseType = OptionExerciseType.Digital; dinfo.ExerciseType = OptionExerciseType.European; dinfo.StartDate = info.Maturity; dinfo.EndDate = info.Maturity; if (fxo.OptionType == OptionType.Call) { dinfo.BarrierStrike = fxo.OptionStrike; dinfo.BarrierType = OptionBarrierType.Touch; dinfo.LowerBarrierStrike = 0; dinfo.LowerBarrierType = OptionBarrierType.None; } else { dinfo.LowerBarrierStrike = fxo.OptionStrike; dinfo.LowerBarrierType = OptionBarrierType.Touch; dinfo.BarrierStrike = 0; dinfo.BarrierType = OptionBarrierType.None; } // pay off, currency, and payout style: deferred or... } else fxo.ExerciseType = OptionExerciseType.European; // settle currency } /* else if (info.SecurityType.Equals(TradeInfo.BarrierFXO)) { // barrier var binfo = optionInfo as BarrierInfo; if (binfo == null) { binfo = new BarrierInfo(); fxo.OptionInfo = binfo; binfo.Option = fxo; } binfo.ExerciseType = OptionExerciseType.European; // start/end date // barrier type and strike } else if (info.SecurityType.Equals(TradeInfo.TouchFXO)) { // touch var tinfo = optionInfo as DigitalInfo; if (tinfo == null) { tinfo = new DigitalInfo(); fxo.OptionInfo = tinfo; tinfo.Option = fxo; } tinfo.ExerciseType = OptionExerciseType.American; // barrier strike and type // rebate amount }*/ }
public void PopulateReplacementsList() { var key = string.Empty; var value = string.Empty; var temp = new List <string>(); ReplacementsList.Clear(); key = "Flightdates"; value = FlightDates; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } key = "Advertiser - Decisionmaker"; value = String.Format("{0} - {1}", Advertiser, DecisionMaker); if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } key = "Flightdates - Advertiser - Decisionmaker"; value = String.Format("{0} - {1} - {2}", FlightDates, Advertiser, DecisionMaker); if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Quarter)) { key = "Program"; value = String.Format(ShowProgram ? "Program ({0})" : "Day-Time ({0})", Quarter); if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } else if (!ShowProgram) { key = "Program"; value = "Day-Time"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (!ShowLength && SpotsPerSlide < 24) { key = "Lgth"; value = "Delete Column"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if ((!ShowDay || !ShowProgram) && SpotsPerSlide < 20) { key = "Day"; value = "Delete Column"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if ((!ShowTime || !ShowProgram) && SpotsPerSlide < 20) { key = "Time"; value = "Delete Column"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (!ShowRates) { key = "Rate"; value = "Delete Column"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (!ShowTotalSpots) { key = "Total Spots"; value = "Delete Column"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (!ShowCost) { key = "Total Cost"; value = "Delete Column"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (SpotsPerSlide < 15) { key = "Rtg"; value = ShowRating ? RtgHeaderTitle : "Delete Column"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (SpotsPerSlide < 14) { key = "Total Points"; value = ShowGRP ? GRPHeaderTitle : "Delete Column"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } key = "CPP"; value = ShowCPP ? CPPHeaderTitle : "Delete Column"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (!(ShowSpots || ShowTotalSpots || ShowCPP || ShowGRP || ShowCost)) { key = "Total"; value = "Delete Row"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } key = "tspot"; value = TotalSpot; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } key = "tcost"; value = TotalCost; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } if (SpotsPerSlide < 14) { key = "totalpts"; value = TotalGRP; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } key = "cppavg"; value = TotalCPP; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } var totalCount = Totals.Count; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) { var firsrtTagIndex = i * 2; var secondTagIndex = firsrtTagIndex + 1; key = String.Format("[info{0}] [info{1}]", firsrtTagIndex + 1, secondTagIndex + 1); var firsrtDataIndex = i * 4; var secondDataIndex = firsrtDataIndex + 1; var thirdDataIndex = firsrtDataIndex + 2; var forthDataIndex = firsrtDataIndex + 3; temp.Clear(); if (firsrtDataIndex < totalCount) { temp.Add(String.Format("[{0} {1}]", Totals.ElementAt(firsrtDataIndex).Key, Totals.ElementAt(firsrtDataIndex).Value)); } if (secondDataIndex < totalCount) { temp.Add(String.Format("[{0} {1}]", Totals.ElementAt(secondDataIndex).Key, Totals.ElementAt(secondDataIndex).Value)); } if (thirdDataIndex < totalCount) { temp.Add(String.Format("[{0} {1}]", Totals.ElementAt(thirdDataIndex).Key, Totals.ElementAt(thirdDataIndex).Value)); } if (forthDataIndex < totalCount) { temp.Add(String.Format("[{0} {1}]", Totals.ElementAt(forthDataIndex).Key, Totals.ElementAt(forthDataIndex).Value)); } value = temp.Any() ? String.Join(" ", temp) : "Delete Row"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } { key = "[info1] [info2] [info3] [info4] [info5] [info6] [info7] [info8]"; temp.Clear(); if (Totals.Any()) { temp.Add(String.Join(" ", Totals.Select(pair => String.Format("[{0} {1}]", pair.Key, pair.Value)))); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(DigitalInfo.SummaryInfo)) { temp.Add(DigitalInfo.SummaryInfo); } value = String.Join(String.Format("{0}", (char)13), temp); if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } var totalSpotsCount = TotalSpots.Count; for (var i = 0; i < SpotsPerSlide; i++) { key = string.Format("MO {0}", (i + 1).ToString("00")); if (i < totalSpotsCount && ShowSpots) { if (_parent.UseGenericDateColumns) { value = string.Format("{0}{2}{1}", _parent.SpotType == SpotType.Week ? "wk" : "mo", (i + 1), (char)13); } else if (_parent.SpotType == SpotType.Week) { value = TotalSpots[i].Month + (char)13 + TotalSpots[i].Day; } else if (_parent.SpotType == SpotType.Month) { value = TotalSpots[i].Month; } if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } key = string.Format("t{0}", i + 1); value = TotalSpots[i].Value; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } else { value = "Delete Column"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } Application.DoEvents(); } var progarmsCount = Programs.Count; for (var i = 0; i < ProgramsPerSlide; i++) { key = String.Format("[Station{0}] Program{0}", i + 1); if (i < progarmsCount) { var program = Programs[i]; temp.Clear(); if (ShowStation) { temp.Add(ShowStationInBrackets ? String.Format("[{0}]", program.Station) : String.Format("{0} ", program.Station)); } temp.Add(ShowProgram ? program.Name : String.Format("{0} {1}", program.Days, program.Time)); value = String.Join(" ", temp); if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } key = String.Format("{0}", (i + 1).ToString("00")); value = program.LineID; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } if (SpotsPerSlide >= 24) { key = String.Format("len{0} day{0} time{0} rtg{0} pts{0} cpp{0}", i + 1); temp.Clear(); if (ShowLength) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}", program.Length)); } if (ShowDay && ShowProgram) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}", program.Days)); } if (ShowTime && ShowProgram) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}", program.Time)); } if (ShowRating) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", RtgHeaderTitle.Replace(((char)13).ToString(), " "), program.Rating)); } if (ShowGRP) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", GRPHeaderTitle, program.GRP)); } if (ShowCPP) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", CPPHeaderTitle, program.CPP)); } value = String.Format(" {0}", String.Join(" ", temp)); if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (SpotsPerSlide < 24) { key = String.Format("len{0}", (i + 1)); value = ShowLength ? program.Length : String.Empty; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } if (SpotsPerSlide >= 20) { key = String.Format("day{0} time{0} rtg{0} pts{0} cpp{0}", i + 1); temp.Clear(); if (ShowDay && ShowProgram) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}", program.Days)); } if (ShowTime && ShowProgram) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}", program.Time)); } if (ShowRating) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", RtgHeaderTitle.Replace(((char)13).ToString(), " "), program.Rating)); } if (ShowGRP) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", GRPHeaderTitle, program.GRP)); } if (ShowCPP) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", CPPHeaderTitle, program.CPP)); } value = String.Format(" {0}", String.Join(" ", temp)); if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } } if (SpotsPerSlide < 20) { key = String.Format("day{0}", (i + 1)); value = ShowDay && ShowProgram ? program.Days : String.Empty; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } key = String.Format("time{0}", (i + 1)); value = ShowTime && ShowProgram ? program.Time : String.Empty; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } if (SpotsPerSlide >= 15) { key = String.Format("rtg{0} pts{0} cpp{0}", i + 1); temp.Clear(); if (ShowRating) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", RtgHeaderTitle.Replace(((char)13).ToString(), " "), program.Rating)); } if (ShowGRP) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", GRPHeaderTitle, program.GRP)); } if (ShowCPP) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", CPPHeaderTitle, program.CPP)); } value = String.Format(" {0}", String.Join(" ", temp)); if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } } if (SpotsPerSlide < 15) { key = String.Format("rtg{0}", (i + 1)); value = ShowRating ? program.Rating : String.Empty; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } if (SpotsPerSlide >= 14) { key = String.Format("pts{0} cpp{0}", i + 1); temp.Clear(); if (ShowGRP) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", GRPHeaderTitle, program.GRP)); } if (ShowCPP) { temp.Add(String.Format("{0}: {1}", CPPHeaderTitle, program.CPP)); } value = String.Format(" {0}", String.Join(" ", temp)); if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } } if (SpotsPerSlide < 14) { key = String.Format("pts{0}", (i + 1)); value = ShowGRP ? program.GRP : String.Empty; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } key = String.Format("cpp{0}", (i + 1)); value = ShowCPP ? program.CPP : String.Empty; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (ShowRates) { key = String.Format("rt{0}", (i + 1)); value = program.Rate; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (ShowTotalSpots) { key = String.Format("sp{0}", (i + 1)); value = program.TotalSpots; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (ShowCost) { key = String.Format("cs{0}", (i + 1)); value = program.TotalRate; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } if (ShowSpots) { var spotsCount = program.Spots.Count; for (int j = 0; j < SpotsPerSlide; j++) { if (j < spotsCount) { var spotSuffix = "a"; switch (j) { case 0: spotSuffix = "a"; break; case 1: spotSuffix = "b"; break; case 2: spotSuffix = "c"; break; case 3: spotSuffix = "d"; break; case 4: spotSuffix = "e"; break; case 5: spotSuffix = "f"; break; case 6: spotSuffix = "g"; break; case 7: spotSuffix = "h"; break; case 8: spotSuffix = "i"; break; case 9: spotSuffix = "j"; break; case 10: spotSuffix = "k"; break; case 11: spotSuffix = "l"; break; case 12: spotSuffix = "m"; break; case 13: spotSuffix = "n"; break; case 14: spotSuffix = "o"; break; case 15: spotSuffix = "p"; break; case 16: spotSuffix = "q"; break; case 17: spotSuffix = "r"; break; case 18: spotSuffix = "s"; break; case 19: spotSuffix = "t"; break; case 20: spotSuffix = "u"; break; case 21: spotSuffix = "v"; break; case 22: spotSuffix = "w"; break; case 23: spotSuffix = "x"; break; case 24: spotSuffix = "y"; break; case 25: spotSuffix = "z"; break; } key = string.Format("{0}{1}", (i + 1), spotSuffix); value = program.Spots[j]; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } Application.DoEvents(); } else { break; } } } Application.DoEvents(); } else { value = "Delete Row"; if (!ReplacementsList.Keys.Contains(key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(key, value); } } } DigitalInfo.PopulateReplacementsList(); foreach (var digitalInfoReplacementRecord in DigitalInfo.ReplacementsList) { if (!ReplacementsList.ContainsKey(digitalInfoReplacementRecord.Key)) { ReplacementsList.Add(digitalInfoReplacementRecord.Key, digitalInfoReplacementRecord.Value); } } }
public void CopyDigitalToOptionsSet(OptionSet targetOptionsSet) { targetOptionsSet.DigitalInfo = DigitalInfo.Clone <MediaDigitalInfo, MediaDigitalInfo>(); }
public void CopyDigitalToSnapshot(Snapshot.Snapshot targetSnapshot) { targetSnapshot.DigitalInfo = DigitalInfo.Clone <MediaDigitalInfo, MediaDigitalInfo>(); }