예제 #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        async Task <IDictionaryRange <int, MapName> > IRepository <int, MapName> .FindAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IMapNameRepository self = this;
            var request             = new MapNameRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = await this.serviceClient.SendAsync <ICollection <MapNameDTO> >(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (response.Content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <int, MapName>(0));

            var values   = response.Content.Select(value => this.mapNameConverter.Convert(value, null)).ToList();
            var mapNames = new DictionaryRange <int, MapName>(values.Count)
                SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                TotalCount    = values.Count

            foreach (var mapName in values)
                mapName.Culture = request.Culture;
                mapNames.Add(mapName.MapId, mapName);

예제 #2
        private IDictionaryRange <string, Asset> ConvertAsyncResponse(Task <IResponse <IDictionary <string, FileDataContract> > > task)
            var response = task.Result;
            var content  = response.Content;

            if (content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <string, Asset>(0));

            var values = new DictionaryRange <string, Asset>(content.Count)
                SubtotalCount = content.Count,
                TotalCount    = content.Count

            foreach (var kvp in content)
                var value = this.converterForAsset.Convert(kvp.Value, null);
                if (value == null)

                value.Identifier = kvp.Key;
                values.Add(value.Identifier, value);

예제 #3
        /// <inheritdoc />
        Task <IDictionaryRange <int, ColorPalette> > IRepository <int, ColorPalette> .FindAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IColorRepository self = this;
            var request           = new ColorRequest
                Culture = self.Culture

            return(this.serviceClient.SendAsync <ColorCollectionDataContract>(request, cancellationToken).ContinueWith <IDictionaryRange <int, ColorPalette> >(
                       task =>
                var response = task.Result;
                if (response.Content == null || response.Content.Colors == null)
                    return new DictionaryRange <int, ColorPalette>(0);

                var values = this.converterForColorPaletteCollection.Convert(response.Content, null);
                var colorPalettes = new DictionaryRange <int, ColorPalette>(values.Count)
                    SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                    TotalCount = values.Count

                foreach (var colorPalette in values)
                    colorPalette.Culture = request.Culture;
                    colorPalettes.Add(colorPalette.ColorId, colorPalette);

                return colorPalettes;
예제 #4
        /// <inheritdoc />
        IDictionaryRange <TKey, TValue> IConverter <IResponse <ICollection <TDTO> >, IDictionaryRange <TKey, TValue> > .Convert(IResponse <ICollection <TDTO> > value, object state)
            if (value == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <TKey, TValue>(0));

            var dataContracts = value.Content;

            if (dataContracts == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <TKey, TValue>(0));

            var range = new DictionaryRange <TKey, TValue>(dataContracts.Count)
                SubtotalCount = value.GetResultCount(),
                TotalCount    = value.GetResultTotal()

            foreach (var item in dataContracts.Select(dataContract => this.dataContractConverter.Convert(dataContract, value)))
                range.Add(this.keySelector(item), item);

예제 #5
        /// <inheritdoc />
        async Task <IDictionaryRange <string, Objective> > IRepository <string, Objective> .FindAllAsync(ICollection <string> identifiers, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IObjectiveRepository self = this;
            var request = new ObjectiveBulkRequest
                Culture     = self.Culture,
                Identifiers = identifiers
            var response = await this.serviceClient.SendAsync <ICollection <ObjectiveDTO> >(request);

            if (response.Content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <string, Objective>(0));

            var values     = response.Content.Select(value => this.objectiveConverter.Convert(value, null)).ToList();
            var objectives = new DictionaryRange <string, Objective>(values.Count)
                SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                TotalCount    = values.Count

            foreach (var objective in values)
                objective.Culture = request.Culture;
                objectives.Add(objective.ObjectiveId, objective);

예제 #6
        private IDictionaryRange <int, World> ConvertAsyncResponse(Task <IResponse <ICollection <WorldDataContract> > > task, CultureInfo culture)
            Debug.Assert(task != null, "task != null");
            var response      = task.Result;
            var dataContracts = response.Content;

            if (dataContracts == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <int, World>(0));

            var worlds = new DictionaryRange <int, World>(dataContracts.Count)
                SubtotalCount = dataContracts.Count,
                TotalCount    = dataContracts.Count

            foreach (var world in this.converterForWorldCollection.Convert(dataContracts, null))
                world.Culture = culture;
                worlds.Add(world.WorldId, world);

예제 #7
        /// <inheritdoc />
        async Task <IDictionaryRange <int, World> > IRepository <int, World> .FindAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IWorldRepository self = this;
            var request           = new WorldNameRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = await this.serviceClient.SendAsync <ICollection <WorldDTO> >(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (response.Content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <int, World>(0));

            var worlds = new DictionaryRange <int, World>(response.Content.Count)
                SubtotalCount = response.Content.Count,
                TotalCount    = response.Content.Count

            foreach (var world in this.worldCollectionConverter.Convert(response.Content, response))
                world.Culture = request.Culture;
                worlds.Add(world.WorldId, world);

예제 #8
        /// <inheritdoc />
        IDictionaryRange <string, Asset> IRepository <string, Asset> .FindAll()
            var request  = new FileRequest();
            var response = this.serviceClient.Send <IDictionary <string, FileDTO> >(request);
            var content  = response.Content;

            if (content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <string, Asset>(0));

            var values = new DictionaryRange <string, Asset>(content.Count)
                SubtotalCount = content.Count,
                TotalCount    = content.Count

            foreach (var kvp in content)
                var value = this.assetConverter.Convert(kvp.Value, null);
                if (value == null)

                value.Identifier = kvp.Key;
                values.Add(value.Identifier, value);

예제 #9
        /// <inheritdoc />
        IDictionaryRange <int, World> IRepository <int, World> .FindAll()
            IWorldRepository self = this;
            var request           = new WorldNameRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = this.serviceClient.Send <ICollection <WorldDTO> >(request);

            if (response.Content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <int, World>(0));

            var worlds = new DictionaryRange <int, World>(response.Content.Count)
                SubtotalCount = response.Content.Count,
                TotalCount    = response.Content.Count

            foreach (var world in this.worldCollectionConverter.Convert(response.Content, null))
                world.Culture = request.Culture;
                worlds.Add(world.WorldId, world);

예제 #10
        /// <inheritdoc />
        IDictionaryRange <int, MapName> IRepository <int, MapName> .FindAll()
            IMapNameRepository self = this;
            var request             = new MapNameRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = this.serviceClient.Send <ICollection <MapNameDataContract> >(request);

            if (response.Content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <int, MapName>(0));

            var values   = response.Content.Select(value => this.converterForMapName.Convert(value, null)).ToList();
            var mapNames = new DictionaryRange <int, MapName>(values.Count)
                SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                TotalCount    = values.Count

            foreach (var mapName in values)
                mapName.Culture = request.Culture;
                mapNames.Add(mapName.MapId, mapName);

예제 #11
        /// <inheritdoc />
        IDictionaryRange <int, ColorPalette> IRepository <int, ColorPalette> .FindAll()
            IColorRepository self = this;
            var request           = new ColorRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = this.serviceClient.Send <ColorCollectionDataContract>(request);

            if (response.Content == null || response.Content.Colors == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <int, ColorPalette>(0));

            var values        = this.converterForColorPaletteCollection.Convert(response.Content, null);
            var colorPalettes = new DictionaryRange <int, ColorPalette>(values.Count)
                SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                TotalCount    = values.Count

            foreach (var colorPalette in values)
                colorPalette.Culture = request.Culture;
                colorPalettes.Add(colorPalette.ColorId, colorPalette);

예제 #12
        /// <inheritdoc />
        async Task <IDictionaryRange <int, Continent> > IRepository <int, Continent> .FindAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IContinentRepository self = this;
            var request = new ContinentRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = await this.serviceClient.SendAsync <ContinentCollectionDTO>(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (response.Content == null || response.Content.Continents == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <int, Continent>(0));

            var values     = this.continentCollectionConverter.Convert(response.Content, null);
            var continents = new DictionaryRange <int, Continent>(values.Count)
                SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                TotalCount    = values.Count

            foreach (var continent in values)
                continent.Culture = request.Culture;
                continents.Add(continent.ContinentId, continent);

예제 #13
        /// <inheritdoc />
        IDictionaryRange <int, Map> IRepository <int, Map> .FindAll()
            IMapRepository self    = this;
            var            request = new MapRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = this.serviceClient.Send <MapCollectionDTO>(request);

            if (response.Content == null || response.Content.Maps == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <int, Map>(0));

            var values = this.mapCollectionConverter.Convert(response.Content, null);
            var maps   = new DictionaryRange <int, Map>(values.Count)
                SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                TotalCount    = values.Count

            foreach (var map in values)
                map.Culture = request.Culture;
                maps.Add(map.MapId, map);

예제 #14
        /// <inheritdoc />
        async Task <IDictionaryRange <int, Map> > IRepository <int, Map> .FindAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IMapRepository self    = this;
            var            request = new MapRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = await this.serviceClient.SendAsync <MapCollectionDTO>(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (response.Content == null || response.Content.Maps == null)

            var values = this.mapCollectionConverter.Convert(response.Content, null);
            var maps   = new DictionaryRange <int, Map>(values.Count)
                SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                TotalCount    = values.Count

            foreach (var map in values)
                map.Culture = request.Culture;
                maps.Add(map.MapId, map);

예제 #15
        /// <inheritdoc />
        async Task <IDictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEventName> > IRepository <Guid, DynamicEventName> .FindAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IEventNameRepository self = this;
            var request = new DynamicEventNameRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = await this.serviceClient.SendAsync <ICollection <EventNameDTO> >(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (response.Content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEventName>(0));

            var dynamicEventNames = new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEventName>(response.Content.Count)
                SubtotalCount = response.Content.Count,
                TotalCount    = response.Content.Count

            foreach (var dynamicEventName in this.dynamicEventNameCollectionConverter.Convert(response.Content, null))
                dynamicEventName.Culture = request.Culture;
                dynamicEventNames.Add(dynamicEventName.EventId, dynamicEventName);

예제 #16
        /// <inheritdoc />
        IDictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEventName> IRepository <Guid, DynamicEventName> .FindAll()
            IEventNameRepository self = this;
            var request = new DynamicEventNameRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = this.serviceClient.Send <ICollection <EventNameDTO> >(request);

            if (response.Content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEventName>(0));

            var dynamicEventNames = new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEventName>(response.Content.Count)
                SubtotalCount = response.Content.Count,
                TotalCount    = response.Content.Count

            foreach (var dynamicEventName in this.dynamicEventNameCollectionConverter.Convert(response.Content, null))
                dynamicEventName.Culture = request.Culture;
                dynamicEventNames.Add(dynamicEventName.EventId, dynamicEventName);

예제 #17
        /// <inheritdoc />
        Task <IDictionaryRange <int, MapName> > IRepository <int, MapName> .FindAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IMapNameRepository self = this;
            var request             = new MapNameRequest
                Culture = self.Culture

            return(this.serviceClient.SendAsync <ICollection <MapNameDataContract> >(request, cancellationToken).ContinueWith <IDictionaryRange <int, MapName> >(
                       task =>
                var response = task.Result;
                if (response.Content == null)
                    return new DictionaryRange <int, MapName>(0);

                var values = response.Content.Select(value => this.converterForMapName.Convert(value, null)).ToList();
                var mapNames = new DictionaryRange <int, MapName>(values.Count)
                    SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                    TotalCount = values.Count

                foreach (var mapName in values)
                    mapName.Culture = request.Culture;
                    mapNames.Add(mapName.MapId, mapName);

                return mapNames;
예제 #18
        /// <inheritdoc />
        IDictionaryRange <int, Continent> IRepository <int, Continent> .FindAll()
            IContinentRepository self = this;
            var request = new ContinentRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = this.serviceClient.Send <ContinentCollectionDTO>(request);

            if (response.Content == null || response.Content.Continents == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <int, Continent>(0));

            var values     = this.continentCollectionConverter.Convert(response.Content, null);
            var continents = new DictionaryRange <int, Continent>(values.Count)
                SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                TotalCount    = values.Count

            foreach (var continent in values)
                continent.Culture = request.Culture;
                continents.Add(continent.ContinentId, continent);

예제 #19
        /// <inheritdoc />
        Task <IDictionaryRange <int, Map> > IRepository <int, Map> .FindAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IMapRepository self    = this;
            var            request = new MapRequest
                Culture = self.Culture

            return(this.serviceClient.SendAsync <MapCollectionDataContract>(request, cancellationToken).ContinueWith <IDictionaryRange <int, Map> >(
                       task =>
                var response = task.Result;
                if (response.Content == null || response.Content.Maps == null)
                    return null;

                var values = this.converterForMapCollection.Convert(response.Content, null);
                var maps = new DictionaryRange <int, Map>(values.Count)
                    SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                    TotalCount = values.Count

                foreach (var map in values)
                    map.Culture = request.Culture;
                    maps.Add(map.MapId, map);

                return maps;
예제 #20
        /// <inheritdoc />
        async Task <IDictionaryRange <string, Asset> > IRepository <string, Asset> .FindAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var request  = new FileRequest();
            var response = await this.serviceClient.SendAsync <IDictionary <string, FileDTO> >(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (response.Content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <string, Asset>(0));

            var values = new DictionaryRange <string, Asset>(response.Content.Count)
                SubtotalCount = response.Content.Count,
                TotalCount    = response.Content.Count

            foreach (var kvp in response.Content)
                var value = this.assetConverter.Convert(kvp.Value, null);
                if (value == null)

                value.Identifier = kvp.Key;
                values.Add(value.Identifier, value);

예제 #21
        /// <inheritdoc />
        IDictionaryRange <int, ObjectiveName> IRepository <int, ObjectiveName> .FindAll()
            IObjectiveNameRepository self = this;
            var request = new ObjectiveNameRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = this.serviceClient.Send <ICollection <ObjectiveNameDTO> >(request);

            if (response.Content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <int, ObjectiveName>(0));

            var values         = response.Content.Select(value => this.objectiveNameConverter.Convert(value, null)).ToList();
            var objectiveNames = new DictionaryRange <int, ObjectiveName>(values.Count)
                SubtotalCount = values.Count,
                TotalCount    = values.Count

            foreach (var objectiveName in values)
                objectiveName.Culture = request.Culture;
                objectiveNames.Add(objectiveName.ObjectiveId, objectiveName);

예제 #22
        /// <summary>Saves the settings to the repository.</summary>
        public void SaveSettings()
            var settings = new DictionaryRange <string, object>
                { "SkyrimPath", this.SkyrimPath },
                { "ModOrganizerPath", this.OrganizerPath }

        /// <summary>Saves the selected solution to the solution repository.</summary>
        public void SaveSolution()
            // Create a solution object with the information attainable from this view model.
            Solution sln = new Solution
                Path    = this.SolutionPath,
                Name    = this.SolutionName,
                Version = this.Version

            // Get the configurations the solution currently has
            IList <CompileConfiguration> compileConfigs = new List <CompileConfiguration>(this.Configurations.Where(config => !Equals(config, Constants.EditCompileConfiguration)));

            sln.CompileConfigurations = compileConfigs;

            // Refresh the information on the currently selected configuration and set the name.
            CompileConfiguration selectedConfig = this.GenerateConfigurationDetails();

            selectedConfig.Name       = this.SelectedConfiguration;
            sln.SelectedConfiguration = this.SelectedConfiguration;

            // Now we need to pass the solution to the repository. Since it only accepts DictionaryRanges
            // we need to wrap the solution.
            IDictionaryRange <string, Solution> solutions = new DictionaryRange <string, Solution>();

            solutions.Add(this.SolutionName, sln);

            // We also need to check if the solution name changed and handle it properly.
            if (this.oldSolutionName != this.SolutionName)
                this.solutionRepository.Delete(new List <string> {
                this.oldSolutionName = sln.Name;

            // Refresh the view models properties
            this.Configurations = new ObservableCollection <CompileConfiguration>(sln.CompileConfigurations)

            // Reset the selected configuration
            this.SelectedConfiguration = sln.SelectedConfiguration;
예제 #24
        /// <inheritdoc />
        IDictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent> IRepository <Guid, DynamicEvent> .FindAll()
            IEventRepository self = this;
            var request           = new DynamicEventDetailsRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = this.serviceClient.Send <EventCollectionDataContract>(request);
            var eventCollectionDataContract = response.Content;

            if (eventCollectionDataContract == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(0));

            var eventDataContracts = eventCollectionDataContract.Events;

            if (eventDataContracts == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(0));

            var dynamicEvents = this.converterForDynamicEventCollection.Convert(eventCollectionDataContract, null);

            if (dynamicEvents == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(0));

            var events = new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(dynamicEvents.Count)
                SubtotalCount = dynamicEvents.Count,
                TotalCount    = dynamicEvents.Count

            foreach (var dynamicEvent in dynamicEvents)
                dynamicEvent.Culture = request.Culture;
                events.Add(dynamicEvent.EventId, dynamicEvent);

예제 #25
        /// <inheritdoc />
        async Task <IDictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent> > IRepository <Guid, DynamicEvent> .FindAllAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            IEventRepository self = this;
            var request           = new DynamicEventDetailsRequest
                Culture = self.Culture
            var response = await this.serviceClient.SendAsync <EventCollectionDTO>(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            if (response.Content == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(0));

            if (response.Content.Events == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(0));

            var dynamicEvents = this.dynamicEventCollectionConverter.Convert(response.Content, null);

            if (dynamicEvents == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(0));

            var events = new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(dynamicEvents.Count)
                SubtotalCount = dynamicEvents.Count,
                TotalCount    = dynamicEvents.Count

            foreach (var dynamicEvent in dynamicEvents)
                dynamicEvent.Culture = request.Culture;
                events.Add(dynamicEvent.EventId, dynamicEvent);

예제 #26
        private IDictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent> ConvertAsyncResponse(Task <IResponse <EventCollectionDataContract> > task, CultureInfo culture)
            var response = task.Result;
            var eventCollectionDataContract = response.Content;

            if (eventCollectionDataContract == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(0));

            var eventDataContracts = eventCollectionDataContract.Events;

            if (eventDataContracts == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(0));

            var dynamicEvents = this.converterForDynamicEventCollection.Convert(eventCollectionDataContract, null);

            if (dynamicEvents == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(0));

            var events = new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEvent>(dynamicEvents.Count)
                SubtotalCount = dynamicEvents.Count,
                TotalCount    = dynamicEvents.Count

            foreach (var dynamicEvent in dynamicEvents)
                dynamicEvent.Culture = culture;
                events.Add(dynamicEvent.EventId, dynamicEvent);

예제 #27
        private IDictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEventName> ConvertAsyncResponse(Task <IResponse <ICollection <EventNameDataContract> > > task, CultureInfo culture)
            var response = task.Result;
            var eventNameDataContracts = response.Content;

            if (eventNameDataContracts == null)
                return(new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEventName>(0));

            var dynamicEventNames = new DictionaryRange <Guid, DynamicEventName>(eventNameDataContracts.Count)
                SubtotalCount = eventNameDataContracts.Count,
                TotalCount    = eventNameDataContracts.Count

            foreach (var dynamicEventName in this.converterForDynamicEventNameCollection.Convert(eventNameDataContracts, null))
                dynamicEventName.Culture = culture;
                dynamicEventNames.Add(dynamicEventName.EventId, dynamicEventName);

        /// <summary>Saves the settings to the repository.</summary>
        public void SaveSettings()
            var settings = new DictionaryRange<string, object>
                                   { "SkyrimPath", this.SkyrimPath },
                                   { "ModOrganizerPath", this.OrganizerPath }
