private IEnumerable <HBaseCell> ProcessDictionaryMap(DictionaryMap map, ObjectAccessor accessor, string key, IList <string> descriptors) { if (!(accessor[map.Name] is IDictionary target)) // prob fail { return(new List <HBaseCell>()); } var output = new ConcurrentBag <HBaseCell>(); Parallel.ForEach((IList <object>)target.Keys, dk => { var fullName = $"{map.ColumnFamily}:{dk}"; if ((descriptors.Count > 0 && descriptors.Contains(fullName)) || descriptors.Count == 0) { output.Add(new HBaseCell { FullColumnName = fullName, ValueString = target[dk].ToString(), RowKey = key }); } }); return(output); }
public EntityMap(Scene scene) { Name = string.Format("{0}.{1}", scene.Name, GetType().Name); this.scene = scene; entities = new Dictionary <long, Entity>(); components = new Dictionary <long, Component>(); componentsByEntity = new DictionaryMap <long, long, Component>(); }
/// <summary> /// Setup the layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param> /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param> public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { if (colBottom.Count == 1 && m_colBlobs.Count > 0) { m_log.WriteLine("Skipping parameter initialization."); } else if (colBottom.Count == 1) { // bias is a learned parameter; initialize it. BiasParameter p = m_param.bias_param; int nAxis = colBottom[0].CanonicalAxisIndex(p.axis); int nNumAxes = p.num_axes; m_log.CHECK_GE(nNumAxes, -1, "num_axes must be non-negative, or -1 to extend to end of bottom[0]."); if (nNumAxes >= 0) { m_log.CHECK_GE(colBottom[0].num_axes, nAxis + nNumAxes, "bias blob's shape extends past bottom[0]'s shape when applied starting with bottom[0] axis = " + nAxis.ToString()); } m_colBlobs = new BlobCollection <T>(); List <int> rgBiasShape = new List <int>(); int nStart = nAxis; int nEnd = (nNumAxes == -1) ? colBottom[0].shape().Count : nStart + nNumAxes; for (int i = nStart; i < nEnd; i++) { rgBiasShape.Add(colBottom[0].shape(i)); } Blob <T> blobBias = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobBias.Name = + " bias"; blobBias.type = BLOB_TYPE.INTERNAL; blobBias.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobBias, rgBiasShape)) { blobBias.Reshape(rgBiasShape); FillerParameter fp = p.filler; if (fp == null) { fp = new FillerParameter("constant", 0.0); } Filler <T> filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, fp); filler.Fill(blobBias); } m_colBlobs.Add(blobBias); } m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(m_colBlobs.Count, true); }
public ITermMappingProvider Visit(DictionaryMap.ValueMap valueMap) { if (valueMap.TermUri != null) { return new ValueMappingProvider(valueMap.TermUri); } if (valueMap.NamespacePrefix != null && valueMap.TermName != null) { return new ValueMappingProvider(valueMap.NamespacePrefix, valueMap.TermName); } return new ValueMappingProvider(); }
public ITermMappingProvider Visit(DictionaryMap.KeyMap keyMap) { if (keyMap.TermUri != null) { return new KeyMappingProvider(keyMap.TermUri); } if (keyMap.NamespacePrefix != null && keyMap.TermName != null) { return new KeyMappingProvider(keyMap.NamespacePrefix, keyMap.TermName); } return new KeyMappingProvider(); }
/// <summary> /// The Layer constructor. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Setup code for derivative classes should go into an override of the LayerSetup function where the /// dimensionsn of the Blob%s are provided to the Layer. /// </remarks> /// <param name="cuda">Specifies the CudaDnn connection to Cuda.</param> /// <param name="log">Specifies the Log for output.</param> /// <param name="p">Specifies the LayerParameter that contains the settings of the Layer.</param> public Layer(CudaDnn <T> cuda, Log log, LayerParameter p) { m_cuda = cuda; m_log = log; m_param = p.Clone(true); m_phase = p.phase; m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(false); m_rgLoss = new DictionaryMap <double>(0.0); m_colBlobs = new BlobCollection <T>(); for (int i = 0; i < p.blobs.Count; i++) { m_colBlobs.Add(new Blob <T>(cuda, log, p.blobs[i])); } m_tOne = (T)Convert.ChangeType(1, typeof(T)); m_tZero = (T)Convert.ChangeType(0, typeof(T)); }
private void ProcessDictionaryMap(DictionaryMap map, ObjectAccessor accessor, Dictionary <byte[], TCell> input, ConcurrentDictionary <string, long> ts) { var targetedCells = input.Where(x => x.Key.StartsWith(map.FullColumnFamily.GetBytes())); var genericParams = map.Type.GetGenericArguments(); if (genericParams.Length > 2) { throw new Exception($"Expected 2 type params, got {genericParams.Length}"); } var type = typeof(Dictionary <,>).MakeGenericType(genericParams); var obj = (IDictionary)Activator.CreateInstance(type); foreach (var column in targetedCells) //TODO: Paralelize this (protip: make a concurrent dictionary from the interface!!) { var key = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(genericParams.First()); var value = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(genericParams.Last()); obj.Add(key.ConvertFromString(column.Key.GetString().RemoveCf(map.ColumnFamily)), value.ConvertFromString(column.Value.Value.GetString())); ts.TryAdd(column.Key.GetString(), column.Value.Timestamp); } }
/// <summary> /// Setup the layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param> /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param> public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { int nNumOutput = (int)m_param.inner_product_param.num_output; m_bBiasTerm = m_param.inner_product_param.bias_term; m_bTranspose = m_param.inner_product_param.transpose; m_bEnableNoise = m_param.inner_product_param.enable_noise; m_dfSigmaInit = m_param.inner_product_param.sigma_init; m_nN = nNumOutput; List <int> rgShape = colBottom[0].shape(); int nShapeCount = rgShape.Count; for (int i = nShapeCount; i <= m_param.inner_product_param.axis; i++) { rgShape.Add(1); } if (nShapeCount != rgShape.Count) { colBottom[0].Reshape(rgShape); } int nAxis = colBottom[0].CanonicalAxisIndex(m_param.inner_product_param.axis); // Dimensions starting from 'axis' are 'flattened' into a single // length K_ vector. For example, if bottom[0]'s shape is (N, C, H, W), // and axis == 1, N inner products with dimension CHW are preformed.. m_nK = colBottom[0].count(nAxis); // Check if we need to set up the weights. if (m_colBlobs.Count > 0) { m_log.WriteLine("Skipping parameter initialization."); } else { // Initialize the weight. List <int> rgWeightShape = Utility.Create <int>(2, 0); if (m_bTranspose) { rgWeightShape[0] = m_nK; rgWeightShape[1] = m_nN; } else { rgWeightShape[0] = m_nN; rgWeightShape[1] = m_nK; } double dfNoiseRange = 1.0 / Math.Sqrt(rgWeightShape[1]); Blob <T> blobWeight = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobWeight.Name = + " weights"; blobWeight.type = BLOB_TYPE.IP_WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobWeight, rgWeightShape)) { blobWeight.Reshape(rgWeightShape); Filler <T> weight_filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, m_param.inner_product_param.weight_filler); weight_filler.Fill(blobWeight); if (m_bEnableNoise) { blobWeight.scale_data(dfNoiseRange); } } m_colBlobs.Add(blobWeight); // If necessary, initialize and fill the bias term. if (m_bBiasTerm) { List <int> rgBiasShape = Utility.Create <int>(1, 0); rgBiasShape[0] = m_nN; Blob <T> blobBias = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobBias.Name = + " bias"; blobBias.type = BLOB_TYPE.IP_WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobBias, rgBiasShape)) { blobBias.Reshape(rgBiasShape); Filler <T> bias_filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, m_param.inner_product_param.bias_filler); bias_filler.Fill(blobBias); if (m_bEnableNoise) { blobBias.scale_data(dfNoiseRange); } } m_colBlobs.Add(blobBias); } // Add Noise sigma weight and bias if (m_bEnableNoise) { FillerParameter fp = new FillerParameter("uniform"); fp.min = -1; fp.max = 1; m_fillerEpsilon = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, fp); Blob <T> blobSigmaWeight = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobSigmaWeight.Name = + " sigma_wt"; blobSigmaWeight.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; blobSigmaWeight.ReshapeLike(m_colBlobs[0]); blobSigmaWeight.SetData(m_dfSigmaInit / Math.Sqrt(blobSigmaWeight.shape(1))); m_colBlobs.Add(blobSigmaWeight); m_blobEpsilonWeight.ReshapeLike(blobSigmaWeight); if (m_bBiasTerm) { Blob <T> blobSigmaBias = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobSigmaBias.Name = + " sigma_bias"; blobSigmaBias.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; blobSigmaBias.ReshapeLike(m_colBlobs[1]); blobSigmaBias.SetData(m_dfSigmaInit / Math.Sqrt(blobSigmaBias.shape(0))); m_colBlobs.Add(blobSigmaBias); m_blobEpsilonBias.ReshapeLike(blobSigmaBias); } ResetNoise(); } } m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(m_colBlobs.Count, true); }
/// <summary> /// Computes the multibox loss error gradient w.r.t the predictions. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Gradients cannot be computed with respect to the label inputs (bottom[1]), /// so this method ignores bottom[1] and requires !propagate_down[1], crashing /// if propagate_down[1] == true. /// </remarks> /// <param name="colTop">top output blob vector, providing the error gradient with /// respect to the outputs. /// </param> /// <param name="rgbPropagateDown">see Layer::Backward. propagate_down[1] must be false as /// we can't compute gradients with respect to the labels.</param> /// <param name="colBottom">bottom input blob vector /// </param> protected override void backward(BlobCollection <T> colTop, List <bool> rgbPropagateDown, BlobCollection <T> colBottom) { if (rgbPropagateDown[2]) { m_log.FAIL(m_type.ToString() + " Layer cannot backpropagate to prior inputs."); } if (rgbPropagateDown[3]) { m_log.FAIL(m_type.ToString() + " Layer cannot backpropagate to label inputs."); } // Back propagate on location prediction. if (rgbPropagateDown[0]) { colBottom[0].SetDiff(0); if (m_nNumMatches >= 1) { int nLocBottomDiffOffset = 0; float[] rgfLocBottomDiff = Utility.ConvertVecF <T>(colBottom[0].mutable_cpu_diff); List <bool> rgLocPropagateDown = new List <bool>(); // Only back propagate on prediction, not ground truth. rgLocPropagateDown.Add(true); rgLocPropagateDown.Add(false); m_locLossLayer.Backward(m_colLocTop, rgLocPropagateDown, m_colLocBottom); // Scale gradient. double dfNormalizer = GetNormalizer(m_param.loss_param.normalization.Value, m_nNum, m_nNumPriors, m_nNumMatches); double dfLossWeight = Utility.ConvertVal <T>(colTop[0].GetDiff(0)) / dfNormalizer; m_blobLocPred.scale_diff(dfLossWeight); // Copy gradient back to bottom[0]; float[] rgfLocPredDiff = Utility.ConvertVecF <T>(m_blobLocPred.mutable_cpu_diff); int nCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_nNum; i++) { DictionaryMap <List <int> > rgMap = m_rgAllMatchIndices[i]; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <int> > kv in rgMap.Map) { int nLabel = (m_bShareLocation) ? 0 : kv.Key; List <int> rgMatchIndex = kv.Value; for (int j = 0; j < rgMatchIndex.Count; j++) { if (rgMatchIndex[j] <= -1) { continue; } // Copy the diff to the right place. int nStartIdx = m_nLocClasses * 4 * j + nLabel * 4; Array.Copy(rgfLocPredDiff, nCount * 4, rgfLocBottomDiff, nLocBottomDiffOffset + nStartIdx, 4); nCount++; } nLocBottomDiffOffset += colBottom[0].offset(1); } } colBottom[0].mutable_cpu_diff = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(rgfLocBottomDiff); } } // Back propagate on confidence prediction if (rgbPropagateDown[1]) { colBottom[1].SetDiff(0); if (m_nNumConf >= 1) { int nConfBottomDiffOffset = 0; float[] rgfConfBottomDiff = Utility.ConvertVecF <T>(colBottom[1].mutable_cpu_diff); List <bool> rgConfPropagateDown = new List <bool>(); // Only back propagate on prediction, not ground truth. rgConfPropagateDown.Add(true); rgConfPropagateDown.Add(false); m_locLossLayer.Backward(m_colConfTop, rgConfPropagateDown, m_colConfBottom); // Scale gradient. double dfNormalizer = GetNormalizer(m_param.loss_param.normalization.Value, m_nNum, m_nNumPriors, m_nNumMatches); double dfLossWeight = Utility.ConvertVal <T>(colTop[0].GetDiff(0)) / dfNormalizer; m_blobConfPred.scale_diff(dfLossWeight); // Copy gradient back to bottom[0]; float[] rgfConfPredDiff = Utility.ConvertVecF <T>(m_blobConfPred.mutable_cpu_diff); if (m_bDoNegMining) { int nCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_nNum; i++) { Dictionary <int, List <int> > rgMap = m_rgAllMatchIndices[i].Map; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, List <int> > kv in rgMap) { int nLabel = kv.Key; List <int> rgMatchIndex = kv.Value; for (int j = 0; j < m_nNumPriors; j++) { if (rgMatchIndex[j] <= -1) { continue; } // Copy the diff to the right place. Array.Copy(rgfConfPredDiff, nCount * m_nNumClasses, rgfConfBottomDiff, nConfBottomDiffOffset + j * m_nNumClasses, 4); nCount++; } nConfBottomDiffOffset += colBottom[0].offset(1); } } } else { // The diff is already computed and stored. m_cuda.copy(colBottom[1].count(), m_blobConfPred.gpu_diff, colBottom[1].mutable_gpu_diff); } colBottom[1].mutable_cpu_diff = Utility.ConvertVec <T>(rgfConfBottomDiff); } } // After backward, remove match statistics. m_rgAllMatchIndices.Clear(); m_rgrgAllNegIndices.Clear(); }
/// <summary> /// Forward computation. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">input blob vector. /// </param> /// <param name="colTop">output blob vector. /// </param> protected override void forward(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { float[] rgfLocData = Utility.ConvertVecF <T>(colBottom[0].mutable_cpu_data); float[] rgfConfData = Utility.ConvertVecF <T>(colBottom[1].mutable_cpu_data); float[] rgfPriorData = Utility.ConvertVecF <T>(colBottom[2].mutable_cpu_data); float[] rgfGtData = Utility.ConvertVecF <T>(colBottom[3].mutable_cpu_data); // Retrieve all ground truth. DictionaryMap <List <NormalizedBBox> > rgAllGtBboxes = m_bboxUtil.GetGroundTruth(rgfGtData, m_nNumGt, m_nBackgroundLabelId, m_bUseDifficultGt); // Retrieve all prior bboxes. It is the same within a batch since we assume all // images in a batch are of the same dimension. List <List <float> > rgrgPriorVariances; List <NormalizedBBox> rgPriorBboxes = m_bboxUtil.GetPrior(rgfPriorData, m_nNumPriors, out rgrgPriorVariances); // Retrieve all predictions. List <LabelBBox> rgAllLocPreds = m_bboxUtil.GetLocPredictions(rgfLocData, m_nNum, m_nNumPriors, m_nLocClasses, m_bShareLocation); // Find matches between source bboxes and ground truth bboxes. List <DictionaryMap <List <float> > > rgAllMatchOverlaps; m_bboxUtil.FindMatches(rgAllLocPreds, rgAllGtBboxes, rgPriorBboxes, rgrgPriorVariances, m_param.multiboxloss_param, out rgAllMatchOverlaps, out m_rgAllMatchIndices); // Sample hard negative (and positive) examples based on mining type. int nNumNegs; m_nNumMatches = m_bboxUtil.MineHardExamples(colBottom[0], rgAllLocPreds, rgAllGtBboxes, rgPriorBboxes, rgrgPriorVariances, rgAllMatchOverlaps, m_param.multiboxloss_param, m_rgAllMatchIndices, m_rgrgAllNegIndices, out nNumNegs); if (m_nNumMatches >= 1) { // Form data to pass on to loc_loss_layer. List <int> rgLocShape = new List <int>() { 1, m_nNumMatches * 4 }; m_blobLocPred.Reshape(rgLocShape); m_blobLocGt.Reshape(rgLocShape); m_bboxUtil.EncodeLocPrediction(rgAllLocPreds, rgAllGtBboxes, m_rgAllMatchIndices, rgPriorBboxes, rgrgPriorVariances, m_param.multiboxloss_param, m_blobLocPred, m_blobLocGt); m_locLossLayer.Reshape(m_colLocBottom, m_colLocTop); m_locLossLayer.Forward(m_colLocBottom, m_colLocTop); } else { m_blobLocLoss.SetData(0, 0); } // Form data to pass on to conf_loss_layer if (m_bDoNegMining) { m_nNumConf = m_nNumMatches + nNumNegs; } else { m_nNumConf = m_nNum * m_nNumPriors; } if (m_nNumConf >= 1) { // Reshape the confidence data. List <int> rgConfShape = new List <int>(); if (m_confLossType == MultiBoxLossParameter.ConfLossType.SOFTMAX) { rgConfShape.Add(m_nNumConf); m_blobConfGt.Reshape(rgConfShape); rgConfShape.Add(m_nNumClasses); m_blobConfPred.Reshape(rgConfShape); } else if (m_confLossType == MultiBoxLossParameter.ConfLossType.LOGISTIC) { rgConfShape.Add(1); rgConfShape.Add(m_nNumConf); rgConfShape.Add(m_nNumClasses); m_blobConfGt.Reshape(rgConfShape); m_blobConfPred.Reshape(rgConfShape); } else { m_log.FAIL("Unknown confidence loss type."); } if (!m_bDoNegMining) { // Consider all scores. // Share data and diff with bottom[1]. m_log.CHECK_EQ(m_blobConfPred.count(), colBottom[1].count(), "The conf pred and bottom[1] should have the same count."); m_blobConfPred.ShareData(colBottom[1]); } m_blobConfGt.SetData(m_nBackgroundLabelId); m_bboxUtil.EncodeConfPrediction(rgfConfData, m_nNum, m_nNumPriors, m_param.multiboxloss_param, m_rgAllMatchIndices, m_rgrgAllNegIndices, rgAllGtBboxes, m_blobConfPred, m_blobConfGt); } else { m_blobConfLoss.SetData(0, 0); } colTop[0].SetData(0, 0); if (m_param.propagate_down[0]) { double dfNormalizer = GetNormalizer(m_param.loss_param.normalization.Value, m_nNum, m_nNumPriors, m_nNumMatches); double dfLocLoss = Utility.ConvertVal <T>(m_blobLocLoss.GetData(0)); double dfLoss = Utility.ConvertVal <T>(colTop[0].GetData(0)); dfLoss += m_fLocWeight * dfLocLoss / dfNormalizer; colTop[0].SetData(dfLoss, 0); } if (m_param.propagate_down[1]) { double dfNormalizer = GetNormalizer(m_param.loss_param.normalization.Value, m_nNum, m_nNumPriors, m_nNumMatches); double dfConfLoss = Utility.ConvertVal <T>(m_blobConfLoss.GetData(0)); double dfLoss = Utility.ConvertVal <T>(colTop[0].GetData(0)); dfLoss += dfConfLoss / dfNormalizer; colTop[0].SetData(dfLoss, 0); } }
/// <summary> /// Setup the layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param> /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param> public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { ScaleParameter p = m_param.scale_param; if (colBottom.Count == 1 && blobs.Count > 0) { m_log.WriteLine("Skipping parameter initialization."); } else if (colBottom.Count == 1) { // scale is a learned parameter; initialize it. m_nAxis = colBottom[0].CanonicalAxisIndex(p.axis); int nNumAxes = p.num_axes; m_log.CHECK_GE(nNumAxes, -1, "num_axes must be non-negative, or -1 to extend to the end of bottom[0]."); if (nNumAxes >= 0) { m_log.CHECK_GE(colBottom[0].num_axes, m_nAxis + nNumAxes, "scale blob's shape extends past bottom[0]'s shape when applied starting with bottom[0] axis = " + m_nAxis.ToString()); } m_colBlobs = new BlobCollection <T>(); List <int> rgShape = new List <int>(); int nStart = m_nAxis; int nEnd = (nNumAxes == -1) ? colBottom[0].shape().Count : nStart + nNumAxes; for (int i = nStart; i < nEnd; i++) { rgShape.Add(colBottom[0].shape(i)); } Blob <T> blobScale = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log, rgShape); blobScale.Name = "scale"; FillerParameter fp = p.filler; // Default to unit (1) filler for identity operation. if (fp == null) { fp = new FillerParameter("constant", 1.0); } Filler <T> filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, fp); filler.Fill(blobScale); m_colBlobs.Add(blobScale); } if (p.bias_term) { LayerParameter pb = new LayerParameter(LayerParameter.LayerType.BIAS); pb.bias_param.axis = p.axis; pb.bias_param.num_axes = (colBottom.Count > 1) ? colBottom[1].num_axes : p.num_axes; pb.bias_param.filler = p.bias_filler; m_colBiasBottomVec = new BlobCollection <T>(); m_colBiasBottomVec.Add(colBottom[0]); m_biasLayer = new BiasLayer <T>(m_cuda, m_log, pb); m_biasLayer.Setup(m_colBiasBottomVec, colTop); m_nBiasParamId = m_colBlobs.Count; m_colBlobs.Add(m_biasLayer.blobs[0]); m_rgbBiasPropagateDown = Utility.Create <bool>(1, false); } m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(m_colBlobs.Count(), true); }
/// <summary> /// Setup the layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param> /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param> public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { Blob <T> blobX = colBottom[0]; Blob <T> blobCy = colBottom[1]; Blob <T> blobClip = colBottom[2]; m_log.CHECK_EQ(blobX.shape(1), 1, "Currently, only batch size = 1 is supported."); m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(m_colBlobs.Count, true); List <int> rgDimX = new List <int>() { 1, 0 }; while (rgDimX.Count < colBottom[0].num_axes) { rgDimX.Add(rgDimX.Count); } LayerParameter transposeXparam = new LayerParameter(LayerParameter.LayerType.TRANSPOSE); transposeXparam.transpose_param.dim = new List <int>(rgDimX); m_transposeX = new TransposeLayer <T>(m_cuda, m_log, transposeXparam); addInternal(blobX, m_blobX); m_transposeX.Setup(m_colInternalBottom, m_colInternalTop); m_blobX1.ReshapeLike(m_blobX); addInternal(m_blobX, m_blobUh); m_ipUa.Setup(m_colInternalBottom, m_colInternalTop); addInternal(blobClip, m_blobClip); m_transposeClip.Setup(m_colInternalBottom, m_colInternalTop); // Make sure the first item is set to 1. m_blobClip.SetData(1, 0); m_blobState.ReshapeLike(blobCy); addInternal(m_blobState, m_blobWc); m_ipWa.Setup(m_colInternalBottom, m_colInternalTop); m_blobFullWc.ReshapeLike(m_blobUh); addInternal(new List <Blob <T> >() { m_blobUh, m_blobFullWc }, m_blobAddOutput); m_add1.Setup(m_colInternalBottom, m_colInternalTop); addInternal(m_blobAddOutput, m_blobGG); m_tanh.Setup(m_colInternalBottom, m_colInternalTop); addInternal(m_blobGG, m_blobAA); m_ipV.Setup(m_colInternalBottom, m_colInternalTop); List <int> rgFocusShape = Utility.Clone <int>(blobX.shape()); rgFocusShape[0] = blobX.shape(1); rgFocusShape[1] = blobX.shape(0); m_blobFocusedInput.Reshape(rgFocusShape); List <int> rgContextShape = Utility.Clone <int>(blobX.shape()); rgContextShape[0] = rgContextShape[1]; rgContextShape[1] = 1; m_blobContext.Reshape(rgContextShape); List <int> rgTopShape = Utility.Clone <int>(m_blobContext.shape()); rgTopShape[0] = m_blobContext.shape(1); rgTopShape[1] = m_blobContext.shape(0); colTop[0].Reshape(rgTopShape); blobs.Clear(); foreach (Blob <T> blob in m_ipUa.blobs) { blobs.Add(blob); } foreach (Blob <T> blob in m_ipWa.blobs) { blobs.Add(blob); } // V blobs.Add(m_ipV.blobs[0]); }
/// <summary> /// Setup the layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param> /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param> public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { m_nN = (int)m_param.embed_param.num_output; m_log.CHECK_GT(m_nN, 0, "EmbedLayer num_output must be positive."); m_nK = (int)m_param.embed_param.input_dim; m_log.CHECK_GT(m_nK, 0, "EmbedLayer input_dim must be positive."); m_bBiasTerm = m_param.embed_param.bias_term; if (m_colBlobs.Count > 0) { m_log.WriteLine("Skipping parameter initialization."); } else { m_colBlobs.Clear(); // Initialize the weights -- // transposed from InnerProductLayer for spacial locality. List <int> rgWeightShape = new List <int>() { m_nK, m_nN }; Blob <T> blobWeight = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobWeight.Name = + " weights"; blobWeight.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobWeight, rgWeightShape)) { blobWeight.Reshape(rgWeightShape); // fill the weights Filler <T> weight_filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, m_param.embed_param.weight_filler); weight_filler.Fill(blobWeight); } m_colBlobs.Add(blobWeight); // If necessary, initialize and fill the bias term if (m_bBiasTerm) { List <int> rgBiasShape = new List <int>() { m_nN }; Blob <T> blobBias = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobBias.Name = + " bias"; blobBias.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobBias, rgBiasShape)) { blobBias.Reshape(rgBiasShape); Filler <T> bias_filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, m_param.embed_param.bias_filler); bias_filler.Fill(blobBias); } m_colBlobs.Add(blobBias); } } m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(m_colBlobs.Count, true); }
/// <summary> /// Setup the layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param> /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param> public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { LSTMAttentionParameter p = m_param.lstm_attention_param; if (m_param.lstm_attention_param.enable_attention) { m_log.CHECK_GE(colBottom.Count, 4, "When using attention, four bottoms are required: x, xClip, encoding, encodingClip."); m_log.CHECK_LE(colBottom.Count, 5, "When using attention, four bottoms are required: x, xClip, encoding, encodingClip, vocabcount (optional)."); if (colBottom.Count == 5) { if (p.num_output_ip != 0) { p.num_output_ip = (uint)convertF(colBottom[4].GetData(0)); } } } else { m_log.CHECK_GE(colBottom.Count, 1, "When not using attention, at least one bottom is required: x."); m_log.CHECK_LE(colBottom.Count, 2, "When not using attention, no more than two bottoms is required: x, clip."); } m_dfClippingThreshold = p.clipping_threshold; m_nN = colBottom[0].channels; m_nH = (int)p.num_output; // number of hidden units. m_nI = colBottom[0].count(2); // input dimension. // Check if we need to set up the weights. if (m_colBlobs.Count > 0) { m_log.WriteLine("Skipping parameter initialization."); } else { m_colBlobs = new BlobCollection <T>(); Filler <T> weight_filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, p.weight_filler); Filler <T> bias_filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, p.bias_filler); // input-to-hidden weights // Initialize the weight. List <int> rgShape1 = new List <int>() { 4 * m_nH, m_nI }; Blob <T> blobWeights_I_H = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobWeights_I_H.Name = + " weights I to H"; blobWeights_I_H.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobWeights_I_H, rgShape1)) { blobWeights_I_H.Reshape(rgShape1); weight_filler.Fill(blobWeights_I_H); } m_nWeightItoHidx = m_colBlobs.Count; m_colBlobs.Add(blobWeights_I_H); // hidden-to-hidden weights // Initialize the weight. List <int> rgShape2 = new List <int>() { 4 * m_nH, m_nH }; Blob <T> blobWeights_H_H = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobWeights_H_H.Name = + " weights H to H"; blobWeights_H_H.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobWeights_H_H, rgShape2)) { blobWeights_H_H.Reshape(rgShape2); weight_filler.Fill(blobWeights_H_H); } m_nWeightHtoHidx = m_colBlobs.Count; m_colBlobs.Add(blobWeights_H_H); // If necessary, initialize and fill the bias term. List <int> rgShape3 = new List <int>() { 4 * m_nH }; Blob <T> blobBias = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobBias.Name = + " bias weights"; blobBias.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobBias, rgShape3)) { blobBias.Reshape(rgShape3); bias_filler.Fill(blobBias); } m_nWeightBiasidx = m_colBlobs.Count; m_colBlobs.Add(blobBias); // Initialize the bias for the forget gate to 5.0 as described in the // Clockwork RNN paper: // [1] Koutnik, J., Greff, K., Gomez, F., Schmidhuber, J., 'A Clockwork RNN', 2014" if (p.enable_clockwork_forgetgate_bias) { double[] rgBias = convertD(blobBias.mutable_cpu_data); for (int i = m_nH; i < 2 * m_nH; i++) { rgBias[i] = 5.0; } blobBias.mutable_cpu_data = convert(rgBias); } if (m_param.lstm_attention_param.num_output_ip > 0) { Blob <T> blobWeightWhd = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobWeightWhd.Name = + " weights Whd"; blobWeightWhd.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; List <int> rgShapeWhd = new List <int>() { m_nH, (int)m_param.lstm_attention_param.num_output_ip }; if (!shareParameter(blobWeightWhd, rgShapeWhd)) { blobWeightWhd.Reshape(rgShapeWhd); weight_filler.Fill(blobWeightWhd); } m_nWeightWhdidx = m_colBlobs.Count; m_colBlobs.Add(blobWeightWhd); Blob <T> blobWeightWhdb = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobWeightWhdb.Name = + " weights Whdb"; blobWeightWhdb.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; List <int> rgShapeWhdb = new List <int>() { 1, (int)m_param.lstm_attention_param.num_output_ip }; if (!shareParameter(blobWeightWhdb, rgShape1)) { blobWeightWhdb.Reshape(rgShapeWhdb); bias_filler.Fill(blobWeightWhdb); } m_nWeightWhdbidx = m_colBlobs.Count; m_colBlobs.Add(blobWeightWhdb); } if (m_param.lstm_attention_param.enable_attention) { // context-to-hidden weights // Initialize the weight. Blob <T> blobWeights_C_H = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobWeights_C_H.Name = + " weights C to H"; blobWeights_C_H.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobWeights_C_H, rgShape1)) { blobWeights_C_H.Reshape(rgShape1); // same shape as I to H weight_filler.Fill(blobWeights_C_H); } m_nWeightCtoHidx = m_colBlobs.Count; m_colBlobs.Add(blobWeights_C_H); } } m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(m_colBlobs.Count, true); List <int> rgCellShape = new List <int>() { m_nN, m_nH }; m_blob_C_0.Reshape(rgCellShape); m_blob_H_0.Reshape(rgCellShape); m_blob_C_T.Reshape(rgCellShape); m_blob_H_T.Reshape(rgCellShape); m_blob_H_to_H.Reshape(rgCellShape); List <int> rgGateShape = new List <int>() { m_nN, 4, m_nH }; m_blob_H_to_Gate.Reshape(rgGateShape); // Attention settings if (m_param.lstm_attention_param.enable_attention) { m_blob_C_to_Gate = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log, false); m_blob_C_to_Gate.Name = + "c_to_gate"; m_blob_C_to_Gate.Reshape(rgGateShape); m_blobContext = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); m_blobContext.Name = "context_out"; m_blobContextFull = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); m_blobContextFull.Name = "context_full"; m_blobPrevCt = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); m_blobPrevCt.Name = "prev_ct"; LayerParameter attentionParam = new LayerParameter(LayerParameter.LayerType.ATTENTION); attentionParam.attention_param.axis = 2; attentionParam.attention_param.dim = m_param.lstm_attention_param.num_output; attentionParam.attention_param.weight_filler = m_param.lstm_attention_param.weight_filler; attentionParam.attention_param.bias_filler = m_param.lstm_attention_param.bias_filler; if (m_param is LayerParameterEx <T> ) { LayerParameterEx <T> pEx = m_param as LayerParameterEx <T>; attentionParam = new LayerParameterEx <T>(attentionParam, pEx.SharedBlobs, pEx.SharedLayerBlobs, pEx.SharedLayer); } m_attention = new AttentionLayer <T>(m_cuda, m_log, attentionParam); Blob <T> blobEncoding = colBottom[2]; Blob <T> blobEncodingClip = colBottom[3]; addInternal(new List <Blob <T> >() { blobEncoding, m_blob_C_T, blobEncodingClip }, m_blobContext); m_attention.Setup(m_colInternalBottom, m_colInternalTop); foreach (Blob <T> b in m_attention.blobs) { m_colBlobs.Add(b); } } }
public IPropertyMappingProvider Visit(DictionaryMap dictionaryMap, ITermMappingProvider key, ITermMappingProvider value) { var propertyMapping = CreatePropertyMapping(dictionaryMap); return new DictionaryMappingProvider(propertyMapping, key, value); }
/// <summary> /// Setup the layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param> /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param> public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { m_log.CHECK_GE(colBottom[0].num_axes, 2, "Number of axes of bottom must be >= 2"); PReLUParameter p = m_param.prelu_param; int nChannels = colBottom[0].channels; m_bChannelShared = p.channel_shared; if (m_colBlobs.Count > 0) { m_log.WriteLine("Skipping parameter initialization."); } else { m_colBlobs = new BlobCollection <T>(); List <int> rgSlopeShape = new List <int>(); if (!m_bChannelShared) { rgSlopeShape.Add(nChannels); } Blob <T> blobSlope = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobSlope.Name = + " slope"; blobSlope.type = BLOB_TYPE.INTERNAL; if (!shareParameter(blobSlope, rgSlopeShape)) { blobSlope.Reshape(rgSlopeShape); FillerParameter fp = p.filler; if (fp == null) { fp = new FillerParameter("constant", 0.25); } Filler <T> filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, fp); filler.Fill(blobSlope); } m_colBlobs.Add(blobSlope); } if (m_bChannelShared) { m_log.CHECK_EQ(m_colBlobs[0].count(), 1, "Negative slope size is inconsistent with prototxt config."); } else { m_log.CHECK_EQ(m_colBlobs[0].count(), nChannels, "Negative slope size is inconsistent with prototxt config."); } // Propagate gradients to the parameters (as directed by backward pass) m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(m_colBlobs.Count, true); List <int> rgShape = new List <int>() { colBottom[0].count(1) }; m_blobMultiplier.Reshape(rgShape); m_blobBackwardBuff.Reshape(rgShape); m_blobMultiplier.SetData(1.0); }
/// <summary> /// Setup the layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param> /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param> public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { if (!reshapeNeeded(colBottom, colTop)) { return; } // Configure the kernel size, padding, stride and inputs. ConvolutionParameter p = m_param.convolution_param; m_bForceNDim2col = p.force_nd_im2col; m_nChannelAxis = colBottom[0].CanonicalAxisIndex(p.axis); int nFirstSpatialAxis = m_nChannelAxis + 1; int nNumAxes = colBottom[0].num_axes; m_nNumSpatialAxes = nNumAxes - nFirstSpatialAxis; m_log.CHECK_GE(m_nNumSpatialAxes, 0, "The number of spatial axes must be zero or greater."); List <int> rgBottomDimBlobShape = new List <int>() { m_nNumSpatialAxes + 1 }; List <int> rgSpaitalDimBlobShape = new List <int>() { Math.Max(m_nNumSpatialAxes, 1) }; // Setup filter kernel dimensions (blobKernelShape) m_blobKernelShape.Reshape(rgSpaitalDimBlobShape); T[] rgKernelShape = m_blobKernelShape.mutable_cpu_data; if (p.kernel_h.HasValue || p.kernel_w.HasValue) { m_log.CHECK_EQ(m_nNumSpatialAxes, 2, "kernel_h & kernel_w can only be used in 2D convolution."); m_log.CHECK_EQ(0, p.kernel_size.Count, "Either kernel_size or kernel_h/w should be specified; not both."); rgKernelShape[0] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(p.kernel_h.Value, typeof(T)); rgKernelShape[1] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(p.kernel_w.Value, typeof(T)); } else { int nNumKernelDims = p.kernel_size.Count; m_log.CHECK(nNumKernelDims == 1 || nNumKernelDims == m_nNumSpatialAxes, "Kernel size must be specified once, or once per spatial dimension (kernel_size specified " + nNumKernelDims.ToString() + " times; " + m_nNumSpatialAxes.ToString() + " spatial dims);"); for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumSpatialAxes; i++) { int nIdx = (nNumKernelDims == 1) ? 0 : i; rgKernelShape[i] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(p.kernel_size[nIdx], typeof(T)); } } for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumSpatialAxes; i++) { m_log.CHECK_GT((int)Convert.ChangeType(rgKernelShape[i], typeof(int)), 0, "Filter dimension must be non-zero."); } m_blobKernelShape.mutable_cpu_data = rgKernelShape; // Setup stride dimensions (blobStride) m_blobStride.Reshape(rgSpaitalDimBlobShape); T[] rgStrideData = m_blobStride.mutable_cpu_data; if (p.stride_h.HasValue || p.stride_w.HasValue) { m_log.CHECK_EQ(m_nNumSpatialAxes, 2, "stride_h & stride_w can only be used in 2D convolution."); m_log.CHECK_EQ(0, p.stride.Count, "Either stride_size or stride_h/w should be specified; not both."); rgStrideData[0] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(p.stride_h.Value, typeof(T)); rgStrideData[1] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(p.stride_w.Value, typeof(T)); } else { int nNumStrideDims = p.stride.Count; m_log.CHECK(nNumStrideDims == 0 || nNumStrideDims == 1 || nNumStrideDims == m_nNumSpatialAxes, "Stride size must be specified once, or once per spatial dimension (stride specified " + nNumStrideDims.ToString() + " times; " + m_nNumSpatialAxes.ToString() + " spatial dims);"); int nDefaultStride = 1; for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumSpatialAxes; i++) { if (nNumStrideDims == 0) { rgStrideData[i] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(nDefaultStride, typeof(T)); } else { int nIdx = (nNumStrideDims == 1) ? 0 : i; rgStrideData[i] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(p.stride[nIdx], typeof(T)); } m_log.CHECK_GT((int)Convert.ChangeType(rgStrideData[i], typeof(int)), 0, "Stride dimension must be non-zero."); } } m_blobStride.mutable_cpu_data = rgStrideData; // Setup pad dimensions (blobPad) m_blobPad.Reshape(rgSpaitalDimBlobShape); T[] rgPadData = m_blobPad.mutable_cpu_data; if (p.pad_h.HasValue || p.pad_w.HasValue) { m_log.CHECK_EQ(m_nNumSpatialAxes, 2, "pad_h & pad_w can only be used in 2D convolution."); m_log.CHECK_EQ(0, p.pad.Count, "Either pad_size or pad_h/w should be specified; not both."); rgPadData[0] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(p.pad_h.Value, typeof(T)); rgPadData[1] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(p.pad_w.Value, typeof(T)); } else { int nNumPadDims = p.pad.Count; m_log.CHECK(nNumPadDims == 0 || nNumPadDims == 1 || nNumPadDims == m_nNumSpatialAxes, "Pad size must be specified once, or once per spatial dimension (pad specified " + nNumPadDims.ToString() + " times; " + m_nNumSpatialAxes.ToString() + " spatial dims);"); int nDefaultPad = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumSpatialAxes; i++) { if (nNumPadDims == 0) { rgPadData[i] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(nDefaultPad, typeof(T)); } else { int nIdx = (nNumPadDims == 1) ? 0 : i; rgPadData[i] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(p.pad[nIdx], typeof(T)); } } } m_blobPad.mutable_cpu_data = rgPadData; // Setup dilation dimensions (blobDilation) m_blobDilation.Reshape(rgSpaitalDimBlobShape); T[] rgDilationData = m_blobDilation.mutable_cpu_data; int nNumDilationDims = p.dilation.Count; m_log.CHECK(nNumDilationDims == 0 || nNumDilationDims == 1 || nNumDilationDims == m_nNumSpatialAxes, "Dilation size must be specified once, or once per spatial dimension (dilation specified " + nNumDilationDims.ToString() + " times; " + m_nNumSpatialAxes.ToString() + " spatial dims);"); int nDefaultDilation = 1; for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumSpatialAxes; i++) { if (nNumDilationDims == 0) { rgDilationData[i] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(nDefaultDilation, typeof(T)); } else { int nIdx = (nNumDilationDims == 1) ? 0 : i; rgDilationData[i] = (T)Convert.ChangeType(p.dilation[nIdx], typeof(T)); } } m_blobDilation.mutable_cpu_data = rgDilationData; // Special case: im2col is the identity for 1x1 convolution with stride 1 // add no padding, so flag for skipping the buffer and transformation. m_bIs1x1 = true; for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumSpatialAxes; i++) { if (!(val_at(rgKernelShape, i) == 1 && val_at(rgStrideData, i) == 1 && val_at(rgPadData, i) == 0)) { m_bIs1x1 = false; break; } } // Configure output channels and groups. m_nChannels = colBottom[0].shape(m_nChannelAxis); m_nNumOutput = (int)p.num_output; m_log.CHECK_GT(m_nNumOutput, 0, "Output count must be greater than zero."); m_nGroup = (int); m_log.CHECK_EQ(m_nChannels % m_nGroup, 0, "The channels must span evenly across the groups."); m_log.CHECK_EQ(m_nNumOutput % m_nGroup, 0, "The number of output should be a in multiples of group."); if (reverse_dimensions()) { m_nConvOutChannels = m_nChannels; m_nConvInChannels = m_nNumOutput; } else { m_nConvOutChannels = m_nNumOutput; m_nConvInChannels = m_nChannels; } // Handle the parameters: weights and biases // - blobs[0] holds the filter weights. // - blobs[1] holds the biases (optional) List <int> rgWeightShape = new List <int>(); rgWeightShape.Add(m_nConvOutChannels); rgWeightShape.Add(m_nConvInChannels / m_nGroup); for (int i = 0; i < m_nNumSpatialAxes; i++) { rgWeightShape.Add(val_at(rgKernelShape, i)); } m_bBiasTerm = p.bias_term; List <int> rgBiasShape = new List <int>() { m_nNumOutput }; // Setup the convert to half flags used by the Layer just before calling forward and backward. if (p.useCudnn(m_nNumSpatialAxes)) { m_bUseHalfSize = m_param.use_halfsize; } if (m_colBlobs.Count > 0) { m_log.CHECK_EQ(1 + ((m_bBiasTerm) ? 1 : 0), m_colBlobs.Count, "Incorrect number of weight blobs."); if (!Utility.Compare <int>(rgWeightShape, m_colBlobs[0].shape())) { Blob <T> b = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log, rgWeightShape); m_log.FAIL("Incorrect weight shape: expected shape " + b.shape_string + "; instead, shape was " + m_colBlobs[0].shape_string); } if (m_bBiasTerm && !Utility.Compare <int>(rgBiasShape, m_colBlobs[1].shape())) { Blob <T> b = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log, rgBiasShape); m_log.FAIL("Incorrect bias shape: expected shape " + b.shape_string + "; instead, shape was " + m_colBlobs[1].shape_string); } m_log.WriteLine("Skipping parameter initialization."); } else { m_colBlobs.Clear(); // Initialize and fill the weights: // output channels x input channels per-group x kernel height x kernel width. Blob <T> blobWts = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log, true, m_bUseHalfSize); blobWts.Name = colTop[0].Name + " weights"; blobWts.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (m_bUseHalfSize || !shareParameter(blobWts, rgWeightShape)) { blobWts.Reshape(rgWeightShape, m_bUseHalfSize); Filler <T> wtFiller = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, p.weight_filler); Blob <T> blobWts1 = blobWts; if (m_bUseHalfSize) { blobWts1 = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log, false, false); blobWts1.ReshapeLike(blobWts); } wtFiller.Fill(blobWts1); if (m_bUseHalfSize) { blobWts.CopyFrom(blobWts1); blobWts1.Dispose(); } } m_colBlobs.Add(blobWts); // If necessary, initialize and fill the biases: if (m_bBiasTerm) { Blob <T> blobBias = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log, true, m_bUseHalfSize); blobBias.Name = colTop[0].Name + " bias"; blobBias.type = BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (m_bUseHalfSize || !shareParameter(blobBias, rgBiasShape)) { blobBias.Reshape(rgBiasShape, m_bUseHalfSize); Filler <T> biasFiller = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, p.bias_filler); Blob <T> blobBias1 = blobBias; if (m_bUseHalfSize) { blobBias1 = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log, false, false); blobBias1.ReshapeLike(blobBias); } biasFiller.Fill(blobBias1); if (m_bUseHalfSize) { blobBias.CopyFrom(blobBias1); blobBias1.Dispose(); } } m_colBlobs.Add(blobBias); } } m_nKernelDim = m_colBlobs[0].count(1); m_nWeightOffset = m_nConvOutChannels * m_nKernelDim / m_nGroup; // Propagate gradients to the parameters (as directed by backward pass). m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(m_colBlobs.Count, true); }
private void layerSetUpCaffe(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { // Get (recurrent) input/output names. List <string> rgOutputNames = new List <string>(); OutputBlobNames(rgOutputNames); List <string> rgRecurInputNames = new List <string>(); RecurrentInputBlobNames(rgRecurInputNames); List <string> rgRecurOutputNames = new List <string>(); RecurrentOutputBlobNames(rgRecurOutputNames); int nNumRecurBlobs = rgRecurInputNames.Count; m_log.CHECK_EQ(nNumRecurBlobs, rgRecurOutputNames.Count, "The number of recurrent input names must equal the number of recurrent output names."); // If provided, bottom[2] is a static input to the recurrent net. int nNumHiddenExposed = (m_bExposeHidden) ? nNumRecurBlobs : 0; m_bStaticInput = (colBottom.Count > 2 + nNumHiddenExposed) ? true : false; if (m_bStaticInput) { m_log.CHECK_GE(colBottom[2].num_axes, 1, "When static input is present, the bottom[2].num_axes must be >= 1"); m_log.CHECK_EQ(m_nN, colBottom[2].shape(0), "When static input is present, the bottom[2].shape(0) must = N which is " + m_nN.ToString()); } // Create a NetParameter; setup the inputs that aren't unique to particular // recurrent architectures. NetParameter net_param = new NetParameter(); LayerParameter input_layer = new LayerParameter(LayerParameter.LayerType.INPUT);"x"); BlobShape input_shape1 = new param.BlobShape(); for (int i = 0; i < colBottom[0].num_axes; i++) { input_shape1.dim.Add(colBottom[0].shape(i)); } input_layer.input_param.shape.Add(input_shape1);"cont"); BlobShape input_shape2 = new param.BlobShape(); for (int i = 0; i < colBottom[1].num_axes; i++) { input_shape2.dim.Add(colBottom[1].shape(i)); } input_layer.input_param.shape.Add(input_shape2); if (m_bStaticInput) {"x_static"); BlobShape input_shape3 = new BlobShape(); for (int i = 0; i < colBottom[2].num_axes; i++) { input_shape3.dim.Add(colBottom[2].shape(i)); } input_layer.input_param.shape.Add(input_shape3); } net_param.layer.Add(input_layer); // Call the child's FillUnrolledNet implementation to specify the unrolled // recurrent architecture. FillUnrolledNet(net_param); // Prepend this layer's name to the names of each layer in the unrolled net. string strLayerName =; if (strLayerName.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < net_param.layer.Count; i++) { LayerParameter layer = net_param.layer[i]; = strLayerName + "_" +; } } // Add 'pseudo-losses' to all outputs to force backpropagation. // (Setting force_backward is too agressive as we may not need to backprop to // all inputs, e.g., the sequence continuation indicators.) List <string> rgPseudoLosses = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < rgOutputNames.Count; i++) { rgPseudoLosses.Add(rgOutputNames[i] + "_pseudoloss"); LayerParameter layer = new LayerParameter(LayerParameter.LayerType.REDUCTION, rgPseudoLosses[i]); layer.bottom.Add(rgOutputNames[i]);[i]); layer.loss_weight.Add(1.0); net_param.layer.Add(layer); } // Create the unrolled net. Net <T> sharedNet = null; if (m_param is LayerParameterEx <T> ) { RecurrentLayer <T> sharedLayer = ((LayerParameterEx <T>)m_param).SharedLayer as RecurrentLayer <T>; if (sharedLayer != null) { sharedNet = sharedLayer.m_unrolledNet; } } m_unrolledNet = new Net <T>(m_cuda, m_log, net_param, m_evtCancel, null, m_phase, null, sharedNet); m_unrolledNet.set_debug_info(m_param.recurrent_param.debug_info); // Setup pointers to the inputs. m_blobXInputBlob = m_unrolledNet.blob_by_name("x"); m_blobContInputBlob = m_unrolledNet.blob_by_name("cont"); if (m_bStaticInput) { m_blobXStaticInputBlob = m_unrolledNet.blob_by_name("x_static"); } // Setup pointers to paired recurrent inputs/outputs. m_colRecurInputBlobs = new common.BlobCollection <T>(); m_colRecurOutputBlobs = new common.BlobCollection <T>(); for (int i = 0; i < nNumRecurBlobs; i++) { m_colRecurInputBlobs.Add(m_unrolledNet.blob_by_name(rgRecurInputNames[i])); m_colRecurOutputBlobs.Add(m_unrolledNet.blob_by_name(rgRecurOutputNames[i])); } // Setup pointers to outputs. m_log.CHECK_EQ(colTop.Count() - nNumHiddenExposed, rgOutputNames.Count, "OutputBlobNames must provide output blob name for each top."); m_colOutputBlobs = new common.BlobCollection <T>(); for (int i = 0; i < rgOutputNames.Count; i++) { m_colOutputBlobs.Add(m_unrolledNet.blob_by_name(rgOutputNames[i])); } // We should have 2 inputs (x and cont), plus a number of recurrent inputs, // plus maybe a static input. int nStaticInput = (m_bStaticInput) ? 1 : 0; m_log.CHECK_EQ(2 + nNumRecurBlobs + nStaticInput, m_unrolledNet.input_blobs.Count, "The unrolled net input count should equal 2 + number of recurrent blobs (" + nNumRecurBlobs.ToString() + ") + static inputs (" + nStaticInput.ToString() + ")"); // This layer's parameters are any parameters in the layers of the unrolled // net. We only want one copy of each parameter, so check that the parameter // is 'owned' by the layer, rather than shared with another. blobs.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < m_unrolledNet.parameters.Count; i++) { if (m_unrolledNet.param_owners[i] == -1) { m_log.WriteLine("Adding parameter " + i.ToString() + ": " + m_unrolledNet.param_display_names[i]); blobs.Add(m_unrolledNet.parameters[i]); } } // Check that param_propagate_down is set for all of the parameters in the // unrolled net; set param_propagate_down to true in this layer. for (int i = 0; i < m_unrolledNet.layers.Count; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < m_unrolledNet.layers[i].blobs.Count; j++) { m_log.CHECK(m_unrolledNet.layers[i].param_propagate_down(j), "param_propagate_down not set for layer " + i.ToString() + ", param " + j.ToString()); } } m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(blobs.Count, true); // Set the diffs of recurrent outputs to 0 -- we can't backpropagate across // batches. for (int i = 0; i < m_colRecurOutputBlobs.Count; i++) { m_colRecurOutputBlobs[i].SetDiff(0); } // Check that the last output_names.count layers are the pseudo-losses; // set last_layer_index so that we don't actually run these layers. List <string> rgLayerNames = m_unrolledNet.layer_names; m_nLastLayerIndex = rgLayerNames.Count - 1 - rgPseudoLosses.Count; for (int i = m_nLastLayerIndex + 1, j = 0; i < rgLayerNames.Count; i++, j++) { m_log.CHECK(rgLayerNames[i] == rgPseudoLosses[j], "The last layer at idx " + i.ToString() + " should be the pseudo layer named " + rgPseudoLosses[j]); } }
/// <summary> /// Setup the layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param> /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param> public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { m_dfClippingThreshold = m_param.lstm_simple_param.clipping_threshold; m_nN = (int)m_param.lstm_simple_param.batch_size; // batch size. m_nH = (int)m_param.lstm_simple_param.num_output; // number of hidden units. m_nI = (int)(colBottom[0].count() / colBottom[0].num); // input dimension. // Check if we need to set up the weights. if (m_colBlobs.Count > 0) { m_log.WriteLine("Skipping parameter initialization."); } else { m_colBlobs = new BlobCollection <T>(); Filler <T> weight_filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, m_param.lstm_simple_param.weight_filler); Filler <T> bias_filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, m_param.lstm_simple_param.bias_filler); // input-to-hidden weights // Initialize the weight. List <int> rgShape1 = new List <int>() { 4 * m_nH, m_nI }; Blob <T> blobWeights_I_H = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobWeights_I_H.Name = + " weights I to H"; blobWeights_I_H.type = Blob <T> .BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobWeights_I_H, rgShape1)) { blobWeights_I_H.Reshape(rgShape1); weight_filler.Fill(blobWeights_I_H); } m_colBlobs.Add(blobWeights_I_H); // hidden-to-hidden weights // Initialize the weight. List <int> rgShape2 = new List <int>() { 4 * m_nH, m_nH }; Blob <T> blobWeights_H_H = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobWeights_H_H.Name = + " weights H to H"; blobWeights_H_H.type = Blob <T> .BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobWeights_H_H, rgShape2)) { blobWeights_H_H.Reshape(rgShape2); weight_filler.Fill(blobWeights_H_H); } m_colBlobs.Add(blobWeights_H_H); // If necessary, initialize and fill the bias term. List <int> rgShape3 = new List <int>() { 4 * m_nH }; Blob <T> blobBias = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobBias.Name = + " bias weights"; blobBias.type = Blob <T> .BLOB_TYPE.WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobBias, rgShape3)) { blobBias.Reshape(rgShape3); bias_filler.Fill(blobBias); } m_colBlobs.Add(blobBias); // Initialize the bias for the forget gate to 5.0 as described in the // Clockwork RNN paper: // [1] Koutnik, J., Greff, K., Gomez, F., Schmidhuber, J., 'A Clockwork RNN', 2014" if (m_param.lstm_simple_param.enable_clockwork_forgetgate_bias) { double[] rgBias = convertD(blobBias.mutable_cpu_data); for (int i = m_nH; i < 2 * m_nH; i++) { rgBias[i] = 5.0; } blobBias.mutable_cpu_data = convert(rgBias); } } m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(m_colBlobs.Count, true); List <int> rgCellShape = new List <int>() { m_nN, m_nH }; m_blob_C_0.Reshape(rgCellShape); m_blob_H_0.Reshape(rgCellShape); m_blob_C_T.Reshape(rgCellShape); m_blob_H_T.Reshape(rgCellShape); m_blob_H_to_H.Reshape(rgCellShape); List <int> rgGateShape = new List <int>() { m_nN, 4, m_nH }; m_blob_H_to_Gate.Reshape(rgGateShape); }
/// <summary> /// Setup the layer. /// </summary> /// <param name="colBottom">Specifies the collection of bottom (input) Blobs.</param> /// <param name="colTop">Specifies the collection of top (output) Blobs.</param> public override void LayerSetUp(BlobCollection <T> colBottom, BlobCollection <T> colTop) { int nNumOutput = (int)m_param.inner_product_param.num_output; m_bBiasTerm = m_param.inner_product_param.bias_term; m_bTranspose = m_param.inner_product_param.transpose; m_nN = nNumOutput; int nAxis = colBottom[0].CanonicalAxisIndex(m_param.inner_product_param.axis); // Dimensions starting from 'axis' are 'flattened' into a single // length K_ vector. For example, if bottom[0]'s shape is (N, C, H, W), // and axis == 1, N inner products with dimension CHW are preformed.. m_nK = colBottom[0].count(nAxis); // Check if we need to set up the weights. if (m_colBlobs.Count > 0) { m_log.WriteLine("Skipping parameter initialization."); } else { // Initialize the weight. List <int> rgWeightShape = Utility.Create <int>(2, 0); if (m_bTranspose) { rgWeightShape[0] = m_nK; rgWeightShape[1] = m_nN; } else { rgWeightShape[0] = m_nN; rgWeightShape[1] = m_nK; } Blob <T> blobWeight = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobWeight.Name = + " weights"; blobWeight.type = Blob <T> .BLOB_TYPE.IP_WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobWeight, rgWeightShape)) { blobWeight.Reshape(rgWeightShape); Filler <T> weight_filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, m_param.inner_product_param.weight_filler); weight_filler.Fill(blobWeight); } m_colBlobs.Add(blobWeight); // If necessary, initialize and fill the bias term. if (m_bBiasTerm) { List <int> rgBiasShape = Utility.Create <int>(1, 0); rgBiasShape[0] = m_nN; Blob <T> blobBias = new Blob <T>(m_cuda, m_log); blobBias.Name = + " bias"; blobBias.type = Blob <T> .BLOB_TYPE.IP_WEIGHT; if (!shareParameter(blobBias, rgBiasShape)) { blobBias.Reshape(rgBiasShape); Filler <T> bias_filler = Filler <T> .Create(m_cuda, m_log, m_param.inner_product_param.bias_filler); bias_filler.Fill(blobBias); } m_colBlobs.Add(blobBias); } } m_rgbParamPropagateDown = new DictionaryMap <bool>(m_colBlobs.Count, true); }