예제 #1
        public IPuzzleOutput Solve()
            var inputLines    = File.ReadAllLines(inputFile);
            var locToInt      = new Dictionary <(int, int), SquareVal>();
            var claimIdToSize = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (var line in inputLines)
                var lineSplit = line.Split(" ");

                var marginStr = lineSplit[2].TrimEnd(':').Split(",");
                var sizingStr = lineSplit[3].Split("x");

                var margins = marginStr.Select(int.Parse).ToArray();
                var sizing  = sizingStr.Select(int.Parse).ToArray();

                var claimId = int.Parse(lineSplit[0].TrimStart('#'));

                claimIdToSize.Add(claimId, sizing[0] * sizing[1]);

                for (int y = margins[1]; y < margins[1] + sizing[1]; ++y)
                    for (int x = margins[0]; x < margins[0] + sizing[0]; ++x)
                        (int, int)loc = (x, y);
                        if (locToInt.ContainsKey(loc))
                            locToInt.Add(loc, new SquareVal(claimId));

            var overlaps = locToInt.Count((a) => a.Value.NumClaims > 1);

            var nonOverlappingSquares = locToInt.Where(x => x.Value.NumClaims == 1);
            var remainingClaims       = nonOverlappingSquares.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Claims).Distinct();
            var claimToActualSize     = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (var square in nonOverlappingSquares)
                var claimId = square.Value.Claims[0];
                if (!claimToActualSize.ContainsKey(claimId))
                    claimToActualSize.Add(claimId, 1);
                    claimToActualSize[claimId] = claimToActualSize[claimId] + 1;

            var claimIdWithoutOverlap = claimIdToSize.Intersect(claimToActualSize).First().Key;

            return(new TwoPartPuzzleOutput(new Day3Part1SolverOutput(overlaps), new Day3Part2SolverOutput(claimIdWithoutOverlap)));
예제 #2
 public void TestDictionaryExtensions()
         var a = new Dictionary <string, string>()
             { "key1", "a" }, { "key2", "b" }
         var b = new Dictionary <string, string>()
             { "key1", "a" }
         Assert.Equal("[key1, a]", a.Intersect(b).Single().ToString());
         Assert.Equal("[key2, b]", a.ExceptKeys(b).Single().ToString());
         var a = new HashSet <string>()
             "a", "b"
         var b = new HashSet <string>()
             "c", "d"
         Assert.Equal("[a, b, c, d]", a.ToStringV2(x => "" + x));
         Assert.Equal("[a, b, c, d]", a.ToStringV2(x => "" + x));
예제 #3
 public IEnumerable <FileSnapshot> GetChangedSnapshots(string[] filters = null)
            .Intersect(_previousSnapshot, _comparer)
            .Where(x => MatchPattern(x.Key, filters))
            .Where(x => !x.Value.Equals(_previousSnapshot[x.Key]))
            .Select(x => x.Value));
예제 #4
        public void IntersectNoEqualityComparer_SameKeyInSecondDict_TakesDuplicateKeyValuePair()
            var first = new Dictionary<int, int> { { 2, 3 }, { 3, 5 }, {6, 4} };
            var second = new SortedList<int, int> { { 3, 2 }, { 4, 7 } };

            var expected = 1;
            var actual = first.Intersect(second).Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #5
        public void IntersectDefaultEqualityComparer_SameKeyDifferentValues_OnlyKeepsMatchingKeyAndValue()
            var first = new Dictionary<int, int> { { 2, 3 }, { 3, 5 }, {6, 4} };
            var second = new SortedList<int, int> { { 3, 2 }, { 6, 4 } };

            var expected = 1;
            var actual = first.Intersect(second, EqualityComparer<KeyValuePair<int, int>>.Default).Count;
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
예제 #6
        private static Dictionary <int, char> CompareDictionaries(Dictionary <int, char> curLine, Dictionary <int, char> compLine)
            if (compCount % 100 == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("CompareCount: {0}", compCount);
            Dictionary <int, char> same = curLine.Intersect(compLine).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            if (same.Count == curLine.Count - 1)
        private void CheckData(int size)
            var result = new Dictionary <TKey, TValue>();

            using (var nativeHashMapEnumerator = _nativeHashMap.GetEnumerator())
                while (nativeHashMapEnumerator.MoveNext())
                    var data = nativeHashMapEnumerator.Current;
                    result.Add(data.Key, data.Value);

            Assert.AreEqual(size, result.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(result.Intersect(_checkingResults).Count(), result.Union(_checkingResults).Count());
예제 #8
        public Fixup(DataElement parent, Dictionary <string, Variant> args, params string[] refs)
            this.parent = parent;
            this.args   = args;

            if (!refs.SequenceEqual(refs.Intersect(args.Keys)))
                string msg = string.Format("Error, {0} requires a '{1}' argument!",
                                           string.Join("' AND '", refs));

                throw new PeachException(msg);

            foreach (var item in refs)
                this.refs.Add(item, (string)args[item]);
        private void PopulateSheets()
            foreach (Excel.Worksheet ws in _excelDiffViewModel.XlLeftWorkBook.Worksheets)
                _leftWorkBookSheets.Add(ws.Name, ws.UsedRange.Count);

            foreach (Excel.Worksheet ws in _excelDiffViewModel.XlRightWorkBook.Worksheets)
                _rightWorkBookSheets.Add(ws.Name, ws.UsedRange.Count);

            // find sheets that are present in both dictionaries
            _commonInBothSheets = _rightWorkBookSheets.Intersect(_leftWorkBookSheets).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            // find sheets that are present only in Left but not in Right
            _onlyInLeftSheets = _leftWorkBookSheets.Except(_rightWorkBookSheets).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            // find sheets that are present only in Right but not in Left
            _onlyInRightSheets = _rightWorkBookSheets.Except(_leftWorkBookSheets).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);
예제 #10
		public void TestListCompare()
			var firstDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
				{ "a", "1" },
				{ "c", "3" },
				{ "b", "2" }
			var secondDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
				{ "c", "3" },
				{ "a", "1" },
				{ "b", "2" }
			var thirdDictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>
				{ "a", "5" },
				{ "c", "3" },
				{ "b", "2" }
			var fourthDictionray = new Dictionary<string, string>
				{ "a", "1" },
				{ "c", "3" },
				{ "b", "2" },
				{ "d", "4" }

			Console.WriteLine($"Object.Equals: {firstDictionary.Equals(secondDictionary)}");
			Console.WriteLine($"Enumerable.SequenceEqual: {firstDictionary.SequenceEqual(secondDictionary)}");

			Console.WriteLine($"firstDictionary.Except: {!firstDictionary.Except(secondDictionary).Any()}");
			Console.WriteLine($"secondDictionary.Except: {!secondDictionary.Except(firstDictionary).Any()}");
			Console.WriteLine($"firstDictionary.Intersect.Except: {firstDictionary.Intersect(secondDictionary).Count() == secondDictionary.Count()}");

			Console.WriteLine($"first compared to second: {EnumerablesAreEquivalent(firstDictionary, secondDictionary)}");
			Console.WriteLine($"first compared to third: {EnumerablesAreEquivalent(firstDictionary, thirdDictionary)}");
			Console.WriteLine($"first compared to fourth: {EnumerablesAreEquivalent(firstDictionary, fourthDictionray)}");
예제 #11
        private void timer_elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs args)

            List <string> dir_files = new List <string> (System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(this.PathName, this.searchPattern));

            dir_files.ForEach(f => {
                if (!files_realtime.ContainsKey(f))
                    files_realtime.Add(f, new PyFileInfo(f, get_file_md5(f), Status.None));

            var both = files_realtime.Intersect(files_last, new PyFileInfoCompare());
            var files_added_or_modified = files_realtime.Except(both, new PyFileInfoCompare());
            var files_removed           = files_last.Except(files_realtime, new PyFilenameCompare());

            foreach (var item in files_added_or_modified)
                item.Value.status = Status.Added_Modified;
                if (OnFileChanged != null)
                    OnFileChanged(this, new FileChangedEventArgs(item.Value));
                    item.Value.status = Status.None;

            foreach (var item in files_removed)
                item.Value.status = Status.Removed;
                if (OnFileChanged != null)
                    OnFileChanged(this, new FileChangedEventArgs(item.Value));
                    item.Value.status = Status.None;

            files_last = files_realtime.ToDictionary(k => k.Key, v => v.Value);
예제 #12
        public static bool TraceEquivalent(this Dictionary <String, List <String> > A, Dictionary <String, List <String> > B)
            KeyEqualityComparer <string, List <String> > comparer = new KeyEqualityComparer <string, List <string> >();

            return(A.Intersect(B, comparer).Count() == A.Union(B, comparer).Count());
예제 #13
        //Персечение вычисляется как морфизмы, одновременно содержащиеся и в l и в r
        private static Dictionary <string, Конус> ВычислитьПересечение(Dictionary <string, Конус> l, Dictionary <string, Конус> r)
            Dictionary <string, Конус> результат = new Dictionary <string, Конус>(l);

            return(результат.Intersect(r).ToDictionary(m => m.Key, m => m.Value));
예제 #14
        static void ranking(LifeExpectancyAnalyzer analyzer)
            while (true)
                string str_year_of_interest = prompt("Enter year of interest (-1 to quit): ");

                int year_of_interest;

                if (!int.TryParse(str_year_of_interest, out year_of_interest))
                    l("Error parsing year of interest, integers only please!");

                if (year_of_interest == -1)

                string user_input_region_name = prompt("Enter region (type 'all' to consider all): ");

                if (user_input_region_name != "all" && !analyzer.Regions.Contains(user_input_region_name))
                    l("No such region!");

                string user_input_income_category = prompt("Enter income category (type 'all' to consider all): ");

                if (user_input_income_category != "all" && !analyzer.Income_Groups.Contains(user_input_income_category))
                    l("No such income category!");

                Dictionary <string, Entity> countries_filtered_by_region =
                    (user_input_region_name == "all" ?
                     analyzer.Entities :

                Dictionary <string, Entity> countries_filtered_by_income_category =
                    (user_input_income_category == "all" ?
                     countries_filtered_by_region :
                         ).ToDictionary(k => k.Key, k => countries_filtered_by_region[k.Key]));

                Dictionary <string, Entity> countries_filtered_by_has_data = countries_filtered_by_income_category.Where(p => p.Value.LifeExpectancyByYear.ContainsKey(year_of_interest)).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

                Dictionary <string, Entity> sorted_countries_dict = countries_filtered_by_has_data.OrderByDescending(
                    p => p.Value.LifeExpectancyByYear[year_of_interest]
                    ).ToDictionary(p => p.Key, p => p.Value);

                List <Entity> sorted_countries = sorted_countries_dict.Values.ToList();

                l("Top 10 Life Expectancy for ", year_of_interest);

                for (int i = 0; i < (sorted_countries.Count >= 10 ? 10 : sorted_countries.Count); i++)
                    l(i + 1, ": ", sorted_countries[i].Country_Name, " ", sorted_countries[i].LifeExpectancyByYear[year_of_interest]);


                l("Bottom 10 Life Expectancy for ", year_of_interest);

                for (int i = sorted_countries.Count - 1; i > (sorted_countries.Count - 1) - (sorted_countries.Count >= 10 ? 10 : sorted_countries.Count); i--)
                    l(i + 1, ": ", sorted_countries[i].Country_Name, " ", sorted_countries[i].LifeExpectancyByYear[year_of_interest]);
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the two objects at the top of the stack and adds them together.
        /// Then, pushes the result on to the top of the stack.
        /// </summary>
        public override void PerformOperation()

            // If we have fewer than 2 objects on the stack we are el-bonerino-ed
            Debug.Assert(CelesteStack.StackSize >= 2, "Not enough elements on the stack for add operator");

            CelesteObject rhs = CelesteStack.Pop();
            CelesteObject lhs = CelesteStack.Pop();

            // The stack will wrap our addition result in a CelesteObject, so just push the actual value of the addition
            if (lhs.IsNumber() && rhs.IsNumber())
                CelesteStack.Push(lhs.As <float>() + rhs.As <float>());
            else if (lhs.IsString() && rhs.IsString())
                CelesteStack.Push(lhs.As <string>() + rhs.As <string>());
            else if (lhs.IsList() && rhs.IsList())
                lhs.AsList <object>().AddRange(rhs.AsList <object>());
            else if (lhs.IsTable() && rhs.IsTable())
                Dictionary <object, object> lhsTable = lhs.AsTable();
                Dictionary <object, object> rhsTable = rhs.AsTable();

                // Tables can be added, but only if they are all indexed by number or string completely
                // No other way can be used because the reference type of 'object' makes value equality difficult
                // These two types of adding are the only two we can realistically support

                // Check whether our lhs table has all number keys
                if (lhsTable.Keys.Count(x => x is float) == lhsTable.Keys.Count)
                    // If it does, check the rhs table too
                    if (rhsTable.Keys.Count(x => x is float) == rhsTable.Keys.Count)
                        // We now go through and see if any keys overlap in the two tables
                        if (lhsTable.Intersect(rhsTable, new TableKeyComparer()).Count() == 0)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <object, object> pair in rhsTable)
                                lhsTable.Add((float)pair.Key, pair.Value);
                            Debug.Fail("Invalid parameters to add operation.  Right hand side table has at least one key the same as the left hand side table");
                        Debug.Fail("Invalid parameters to add operation.  Right hand side table has inconsistent key types (should be numbers)");
                // Check whether our lhs table has all string keys
                else if (lhsTable.Keys.Count(x => x is string) == lhsTable.Keys.Count)
                    // If it does, check the rhs table too
                    if (rhsTable.Keys.Count(x => x is string) == rhsTable.Keys.Count)
                        // We now go through and see if any keys overlap in the two tables
                        if (lhsTable.Intersect(rhsTable, new TableKeyComparer()).Count() == 0)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <object, object> pair in rhsTable)
                                lhsTable.Add((string)pair.Key, pair.Value);
                            Debug.Fail("Invalid parameters to add operation.  Right hand side table has at least one key the same as the left hand side table");
                        Debug.Fail("Invalid parameters to add operation.  Right hand side table has inconsistent key types (should be strings)");
                    Debug.Fail("Invalid parameters to add operation.  Left hand side table has inconsistent key types (should be numbers or strings)");

                Debug.Fail("Invalid parameters to add operation.");
예제 #16
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Vector3 a  = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            Vector3 b  = new Vector3(1, 0, 0);
            bool    bE = a.Equals(b);

            //bE = a == b;

            //struct key
            Dictionary <Vector3, CustomClass> dic = new Dictionary <Vector3, CustomClass>(new Vector3Comparer());
            Vector3     key1   = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            CustomClass value1 = new CustomClass(0, 0, 0);

            dic.Add(key1, value1);
            key1.x = 1;
            dic.Add(key1, value1);

            Dictionary <Vector3, CustomClass> dicCopy = new Dictionary <Vector3, CustomClass>(new Vector3Comparer());

            key1.x = 0;
            dicCopy.Add(key1, value1);
            key1.x = 3;
            dicCopy.Add(key1, value1);

            Dictionary <Vector3, CustomClass> unionDic = new Dictionary <Vector3, CustomClass>(new Vector3Comparer());
            var unionList = dicCopy.Union(dic);

            foreach (var pair in unionList)
                var k1 = pair.Key;
                var v1 = pair.Value;
                unionDic.Add(k1, v1);

            Dictionary <Vector3, CustomClass> interDic = new Dictionary <Vector3, CustomClass>(new Vector3Comparer());
            var interList = dicCopy.Intersect(dic);

            foreach (var pair in interList)
                var k1 = pair.Key;
                var v1 = pair.Value;
                interDic.Add(k1, v1);

            bool aaa = false;

            bool bEqual = interDic == unionDic;

            //class key
//            Dictionary<KeyClass, CustomClass> dic2 = new Dictionary<KeyClass, CustomClass>();
//            KeyClass k = new KeyClass(0);
//            dic2.Add(k, value1);
//            value1.x = 1;
//            k.x = 1;
//            dic2.Add(k, value1);