private static bool IsSimpleValue(this Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> src)
            // this is no any values when the actual value is undefined (null in .net terms)
            if (!src.HasValue())

            if (src.Values.Count > 1)

            var val = src.Values.First();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val.S) ||
                !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(val.N) ||
                val.NS.Any() ||
                val.SS.Any() ||
                val.IsBOOLSet ||
                val.BS.Any() ||
                val.B != null ||

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///  将集合 转成DataTable ,如集合没有值,返回null
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">必须是class</typeparam>
        /// <param name="value">待处理的value </param>
        /// <param name="defalueKeyValues">字段 需默认值</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataTable ToDataTable <T>(this IEnumerable <T> value, Dictionary <string, object> defalueKeyValues = null) where T : class
            if (!value.HasValue())
            var properties = typeof(T).GetProperties();
            var dataTable  = new DataTable();

            dataTable.Columns.AddRange(properties.Select(p => new DataColumn(p.Name, p.PropertyType)).ToArray());

            bool hasDefault = defalueKeyValues.HasValue();

            for (int i = 0; i < value.Count(); i++)
                var tempList = new ArrayList();
                foreach (PropertyInfo propertyInfo in properties)
                    if (hasDefault && defalueKeyValues.ContainsKey(propertyInfo.Name)) // 赋默认值
                    object objValue = propertyInfo.GetValue(value.ElementAt(i), null);
                var valueArray = tempList.ToArray();
                dataTable.LoadDataRow(valueArray, true);
        private static (string, DataType, List <string>) GetValue(this Dictionary <string, AttributeValue> src)
            // DynamoDB attribute types
            if (!src.HasValue())
                return("undefined", DataType.Unknown, null);

            var val = src.Values.First();

예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets/Adds class type to mongo table connection mapping
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mappings">Entity mappings: class type to mongo table connection</param>
 public void Mappings(Dictionary <Type, string> mappings)
     // If only mapping is present
     if (mappings.HasValue())
         // We do set/add each one
         foreach (var mapping in mappings)
             // ... If mapping is not present yet
             if (!Entities.ContainsKey(mapping.Key))
                 Entities.Add(mapping.Key, mapping.Value);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the child DATA nodes out of the given config node, and returns the parsed values back in dataValues.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configNode">The ConfigNode to load child DATA nodes from.</param>
        /// <param name="obj">The ContractConfigurator object to load from.</param>
        /// <param name="dataValues"></param>
        /// <param name="uniquenessChecks"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool ParseDataNodes(ConfigNode configNode, IContractConfiguratorFactory obj,
                                   Dictionary <string, ContractType.DataValueInfo> dataValues, Dictionary <string, UniquenessCheck> uniquenessChecks)
            bool valid = true;

            foreach (ConfigNode data in ConfigNodeUtil.GetChildNodes(configNode, "DATA"))
                Type   type          = null;
                bool   requiredValue = true;
                bool   hidden        = true;
                bool   isLiteral     = false;
                string title         = "";

                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <Type>(data, "type", x => type = x, obj);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(data, "requiredValue", x => requiredValue = x, obj, true);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <string>(data, "title", x => title = x, obj, "");
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(data, "hidden", x => hidden = x, obj, false);
                valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(data, "isLiteral", x => isLiteral = x, obj, false);

                bool doneTitleWarning = false;

                UniquenessCheck uniquenessCheck = UniquenessCheck.NONE;
                // Backwards compatibility for Contract Configurator 1.8.3
                if (data.HasValue("uniqueValue") || data.HasValue("activeUniqueValue"))
                    LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, "The use of uniqueValue and activeUniqueValue is obsolete since Contract Configurator 1.9.0, use uniquenessCheck instead.");

                    bool uniqueValue       = false;
                    bool activeUniqueValue = false;
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(data, "uniqueValue", x => uniqueValue = x, obj, false);
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <bool>(data, "activeUniqueValue", x => activeUniqueValue = x, obj, false);

                    uniquenessCheck = activeUniqueValue ? UniquenessCheck.CONTRACT_ACTIVE : uniqueValue ? UniquenessCheck.CONTRACT_ALL : UniquenessCheck.NONE;
                    valid &= ConfigNodeUtil.ParseValue <UniquenessCheck>(data, "uniquenessCheck", x => uniquenessCheck = x, obj, UniquenessCheck.NONE);


                if (type != null)
                    foreach (ConfigNode.Value pair in data.values)
                        string name =;
                        if (name != "type" && name != "title" && name != "hidden" && name != "requiredValue" && name != "uniqueValue" && name != "activeUniqueValue" && name != "uniquenessCheck" && name != "isLiteral")
                            if (uniquenessCheck != UniquenessCheck.NONE)
                                uniquenessChecks[name] = uniquenessCheck;

                            object value = null;

                            // Create the setter function
                            Type     actionType = typeof(Action <>).MakeGenericType(type);
                            Delegate del        = Delegate.CreateDelegate(actionType, value, typeof(DataNode).GetMethod("NullAction"));

                            // Set the ParseValue method generic
                            MethodInfo method = (isLiteral ? methodParseValueLiteral : methodParseValue).MakeGenericMethod(new Type[] { type });

                            // Invoke the ParseValue method
                            if (isLiteral)
                                this[name] = method.Invoke(null, new object[] { data, name, false });
                                valid &= (bool)method.Invoke(null, new object[] { data, name, del, obj });

                            dataValues[name] = new ContractType.DataValueInfo(title, requiredValue, hidden, type);

                            // Recommend a title
                            if (!data.HasValue("title") && requiredValue && !IsDeterministic(name) && !hidden && !doneTitleWarning && !dataValues[name].IsIgnoredType())
                                doneTitleWarning = true;

                                LoggingUtil.Log(obj.minVersion >= ContractConfigurator.ENHANCED_UI_VERSION ? LoggingUtil.LogLevel.ERROR : LoggingUtil.LogLevel.WARNING, this,
                                                obj.ErrorPrefix() + ": " + name + ": The field 'title' is required in for data node values where 'requiredValue' is true.  Alternatively, the attribute 'hidden' can be set to true (but be careful - this can cause player confusion if all lines for the contract type show as 'Met' and the contract isn't generating).");

                                // Error on newer versions of contract packs
                                if (obj.minVersion >= ContractConfigurator.ENHANCED_UI_VERSION)
                                    valid = false;

예제 #6
        static ClassReflector()
            #region finding all types that are suppose to be to reflected
            Type[] allTypes = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
            //finding all 'Reflector'
            IEnumerable <Type> classReflectors = allTypes.Where(
                type => typeof(ClassReflector) != type &&
                typeof(ClassReflector).IsAssignableFrom(type) &&
                type.DeclaringType == null);
            foreach (var type in classReflectors)
                //detecting if current 'Reflector' has custom className to reflect if not present its own name is used
                FieldInfo classNameConst = type.GetField("className", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
                if (classNameConst != null && (!classNameConst.IsLiteral || classNameConst.IsInitOnly))
                    classNameConst = null;
                //detecting if current 'Reflector' has custom nameSpace to reflect if not present no no namespace is used
                FieldInfo nameSpaceConst = type.GetField("nameSpace", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
                if (nameSpaceConst != null && (!nameSpaceConst.IsLiteral || nameSpaceConst.IsInitOnly))
                    nameSpaceConst = null;

                    //finding 'Target'
                    Type reflectedType = Methods.FindType(
                        nameSpaceConst == null ? null : (string)nameSpaceConst.GetValue(null) + '.',
                        classNameConst == null ? type.Name : (string)classNameConst.GetValue(null));

                    //detecting if this 'Reflector' reflects back to itself
                    if (reflectedType == type)
                        throw new Exception(string.Format("Reflector \"{0}\" is reflecting itself", type));

                    //members present inside 'Reflector' that have to be present on 'Target' side
                    IEnumerable <MethodInfo> membersToReflect = type.GetMethods(
                        BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic |
                        BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy)
                                                                .Where(memb => memb.DeclaringType != typeof(ClassReflector));
                    //all members present in 'Target'
                    Dictionary <string, MethodInfo> reflectedMembers = reflectedType.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic |
                                                                                                BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy).ToDictionary(memb => memb.ToString());
                    //Dictionary to hold all 'Reflector' members that found their 'Target' counter part.
                    Dictionary <MethodInfo, MethodInfo> membersDict = new Dictionary <MethodInfo, MethodInfo>();

                    #region finidng all members that are suppose to be present on 'Target' side
                    foreach (var toReflect in membersToReflect)
                        MethodInfo fitinMember;
                        if (reflectedMembers.TryGetValue(toReflect.ToString(), out fitinMember))
                            membersDict.Add(toReflect, fitinMember);
                            throw new MissingMemberException(reflectedType.Name, toReflect.ToString());

                    s_reflectedTypeMembers.Add(type, membersDict);
                    s_reflectedTypes.Add(type, reflectedType);
                catch (Exception e)
                    s_notReflectedTypes.Add(type, e);

            // if error occured throwing them out
            if (s_notReflectedTypes.HasValue())
                throw new ReflectionTypeLoadException(s_notReflectedTypes.Keys.ToArray(), s_notReflectedTypes.Values.ToArray());
예제 #7
        public string RenderEvtAsHtml(ZonelessEvent evt, Calinfo calinfo, Dictionary<string,object> args)
            if (evt.urls_and_sources == null)
                evt.urls_and_sources = new Dictionary<string, string>() { { evt.url, evt.source } };

            string dtstart;
             if (evt.allday && evt.dtstart.Hour == 0)
                dtstart = "  ";
                dtstart = evt.dtstart.ToString("ddd hh:mm tt");

            var month_day = evt.dtstart.ToString("M/d");

            string categories = "";
            List<string> catlist_links = new List<string>();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.categories))
                List<string> catlist = Utils.GetTagListFromTagString(evt.categories);
                if (args.ContainsKey("hub_tags") )  // exclude autogenerated hub names
                    var hub_tags = (List<string>)args["hub_tags"];
                    catlist = catlist.FindAll(c => hub_tags.Contains(c) == false);

                // catlist = catlist.FindAll(c => c.Contains("{") == false); // don't show squiggly tags inline?
                // actually leave them in so client can show related images. curator can suppress display if desired using css

                foreach (var cat in catlist)
                    var category_url = string.Format("javascript:show_view('{0}')", cat);
                    catlist_links.Add(string.Format(@"<a title=""open the {1} view"" href=""{0}"">{1}</a>", category_url, cat));
                categories = string.Format(@" <span class=""cat"">{0}</span>", string.Join(", ", catlist_links.ToArray()));

            String description = ( String.IsNullOrEmpty(evt.description) || evt.description.Length < 10 ) ? "" : evt.description.UrlsToLinks();

            string dom_id = "e" + evt.uid;

            string expander = "";
            if ( ! String.IsNullOrEmpty(description) && args.HasValue("eventsonly",true) )
                expander = String.Format(@"<span class=""sd""><a title=""show description"" href=""javascript:show_desc('{0}')"">...</a></span>", dom_id);

            string add_to_cal = String.Format(@"<span class=""atc""><a title=""add to calendar"" href=""javascript:add_to_cal('{0}')"">+</a></span>", dom_id);

            if ( args.HasValue("add_to_cal",false) ) // for view_calendar
                add_to_cal = "";

            string visibility = "";
            string more = "";
            string source_key = "";
            //string source_attr = "";  // not needed,
            int sequence_count = 1;
            int sequence_position = 1;
            string show_more_call;

            if (evt.urls_and_sources.Count == 1)
                sequence_count = (int)args["sequence_count"];
                source_key = (string)args["source_key"];
                sequence_position = (int)args["sequence_position"];

            visibility = (sequence_count > 1 && sequence_position > 1) ? @" style=""display:none"" " : "";

            if (sequence_count > 1 && sequence_position == 1)
                show_more_call = "javascript:show_more('" + source_key + "')";
                more = string.Format(@" <span class=""{0}""><a title=""show {2} more from {3}"" href=""{1}"">show {2} more</a></span>",
                    sequence_count - 1,
                more = "";

            var html = string.Format(
            @"<div id=""{0}"" class=""bl {12}"" {13} xmlns:v="""" typeof=""v:Event"" >
            <span style=""display:none"" class=""uid"">{15}</span>
            <span style=""display:none"" class=""hash"">{16}</span>
            <span class=""md"">{14}</span>
            <span class=""st"" property=""v:startDate"" content=""{1}"">{2}</span>
            <span href=""{3}"" rel=""v:url""></span>
            <span class=""ttl"">{4}</span>
            <span class=""src"" property=""v:description"">{5}</span> {6}
            dom_id,                                                 // 0
            String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm}", evt.dtstart),     // 1
            dtstart,                                                // 2
            evt.url,                                                // 3
            MakeTitleForRDFa(evt, dom_id, args),                    // 4
            evt.urls_and_sources.Keys.Count == 1 ? evt.source : "", // 5 suppress source if multiple
            categories,                                             // 6
            MakeGeoForRDFa(evt),                                    // 7
            expander,                                               // 8
            add_to_cal,                                             // 9
            "",														// 10 was source_attr, not needed
            more,                                                   // 11
            source_key,                                             // 12
            visibility,                                             // 13
            month_day,												// 14
            evt.uid,												// 15
            evt.hash												// 16

            this.event_counter += 1;
            return html;
예제 #8
        // possibly filter an event list by view or count
        public List<ZonelessEvent> Filter(string view, int count, DateTime from, DateTime to, string source, ZonelessEventStore es, Dictionary<string,object> args)
            var events =;

            var bare_events = args.HasValue("bare_events", true);
            var is_html_renderer = args.HasValue("html_renderer", true);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(source))
                events = SourceFilter(source, events);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(view))
                events = ViewFilter(view, events);

            if (from != DateTime.MinValue && to != DateTime.MinValue)
                events = TimeFilter(from, to, events);

            if (! bare_events)									// bracket the available range before (maybe) reducing to count
                es.RememberFirstAndLastAvailableDays(events);   // not required for non-html renderers but no reason to exclude them

            if (count != 0)                                      // includes case where bare_events is true
                events = CountFilter(count, events);

            if ( ! is_html_renderer )   // do nothing else for non-html views
                return events;
            else                                   // post-process result set to yield ~500 day-aligned events
                var from_to = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>();

                if (bare_events)
                    from_to = HandleBareEvents(from);
                    from_to = HandleClothedEvents(events);

                if (from_to == null)
                    return events;
                    return TimeFilter((DateTime)from_to["from_date"], (DateTime)from_to["to_date"], events);
예제 #9
        public static string MakeTitleForRDFa(ZonelessEvent evt, string dom_id, Dictionary<string,object> args)
            var is_eventsonly = args.HasValue("eventsonly", true);
            var coalesced_links = BuildCoalescedLinks(evt, dom_id);
            bool is_coalesced = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(coalesced_links);

            // case 1: eventsonly, coalesced
            // <span class="ttl"><a target="elmcity" property="v:summary" title="open event page on source site" href="">Homeschool Program: Biographies of Famous Birds</a></span>
            // case 2: eventsonly, not coalesced
            // <span class="ttl"><span property="v:summary">Crazy Quilters</span> [<a target="elmcity" title="gilsum church" href="">&nbsp;1&nbsp;</a><a target="elmcity" title="town of gilsum" href="">&nbsp;2&nbsp;</a>]</span>
            // case 3: not eventsonly, coalesced
            // <span class="ttl"><span property="v:summary"><a href="javascript:show_desc('e3')">Crazy Quilters</a></span> [<a title="gilsum church" href="">&nbsp;1&nbsp;</a><a title="town of gilsum" href="">&nbsp;2&nbsp;</a>]</span>
            // case 4: not eventsonly, not coalesced
            // <span class="ttl"><a property="v:summary" title="see details" href='javascript:show_desc("e2")'>Lunchtime Rallies at Central Square</a></span>

            //  <span class="ttl"><span property="v:summary">Crazy Quilters</span> [<a target="elmcity" title="gilsum church" href="">&nbsp;1&nbsp;</a><a target="elmcity" title="town of gilsum" href="">&nbsp;2&nbsp;</a>]</span>
            // otherwise this
            // <span class="ttl"><span property="v:summary"><a href="javascript:show_desc('e3')">Crazy Quilters</a></span> [<a title="gilsum church" href="">&nbsp;1&nbsp;</a><a title="town of gilsum" href="">&nbsp;2&nbsp;</a>]</span>

            TitleType title_type;

            if (is_coalesced)
                title_type = is_eventsonly ? TitleType.EventsOnlyCoalesced : TitleType.NotEventsOnlyCoalesced;
                title_type = is_eventsonly ? TitleType.EventsOnlyNotCoalesced : TitleType.NotEventsOnlyNotCoalesced;

            string title;

            if ( title_type == TitleType.EventsOnlyCoalesced )
                title = string.Format("<span property=\"v:summary\">{0}</span>", evt.title);
                title = string.Format("<a property=\"v:summary\" title=\"{0}\" href=\"{1}\">{2}</a>",
                    is_eventsonly ? "open event page on source site": "see details",
                    is_eventsonly ? evt.url : string.Format("javascript:show_desc('{0}')", dom_id),

            if (is_coalesced)
                title += coalesced_links;

            return title;