protected override string Render()
            TagBuilder builder = new TagBuilder("tr");

            builder.MergeAttribute("id", Id);

            _innerHtml?.ForEach(o =>
                TagBuilder td = new TagBuilder("td")
                    InnerHtml = o
                builder.InnerHtml += td;

            _keyAndInnerHtml?.ForEach(o =>
                TagBuilder td = new TagBuilder("td")
                    InnerHtml = o.Value
                td.MergeAttribute("name", o.Key);
                builder.InnerHtml += td;

 public static HtmlBuilder SelectableItems(
     this HtmlBuilder hb,
     Dictionary <string, ControlData> listItemCollection = null,
     IEnumerable <string> selectedValueTextCollection    = null,
     bool basket = false,
     bool _using = true)
     if (_using)
         listItemCollection?.ForEach(listItem => hb
                                         attributes: new HtmlAttributes()
                                             selectedValueTextCollection?.Contains(listItem.Key) == true
                             ? "ui-widget-content ui-selected"
                             : "ui-widget-content")
                                         .DataValue(listItem.Key, _using: listItem.Value?.Text != listItem.Key),
                                         action: () =>
             if (basket)
                 .Span(action: () => hb
                 .Span(css: "ui-icon ui-icon-close delete");
                 hb.Text(text: listItem.Value?.Text);
예제 #3
        public SqlOrderByCollection OrderBy(
            Context context,
            SiteSettings ss,
            SqlOrderByCollection orderBy = null,
            int pageSize = 0)
            orderBy = orderBy ?? new SqlOrderByCollection();
            if (ColumnSorterHash?.Any() == true)
                ColumnSorterHash?.ForEach(data =>
                    switch (data.Key)
                    case "ItemTitle":
                        orderBy.Add(new SqlOrderBy(
                                        columnBracket: "[Title]",
                                        orderType: data.Value,
                                        tableName: "Items"));

                            column: ss.GetColumn(context: context, columnName: data.Key),
                            orderType: data.Value);
            return(pageSize > 0 && orderBy?.Any() != true
                ? new SqlOrderByCollection().Add(
                       tableName: ss.ReferenceType,
                       columnBracket: "[UpdatedTime]",
                       orderType: SqlOrderBy.Types.desc)
                : orderBy);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StaticFilesModule" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileSystemPath">The file system path.</param>
        /// <param name="headers">The headers to set in every request.</param>
        /// <param name="additionalPaths">The additional paths.</param>
        /// <param name="useDirectoryBrowser">if set to <c>true</c> [use directory browser].</param>
        /// <param name="cacheMappedPaths">if set to <c>true</c>, [cache mapped paths].</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Path ' + fileSystemPath + ' does not exist.</exception>
        public StaticFilesModule(
            string fileSystemPath,
            Dictionary <string, string> headers         = null,
            Dictionary <string, string> additionalPaths = null,
            bool useDirectoryBrowser = false,
            bool cacheMappedPaths    = true)
            if (!Directory.Exists(fileSystemPath))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Path '{fileSystemPath}' does not exist.");

            _virtualPathManager = new VirtualPathManager(Path.GetFullPath(fileSystemPath), useDirectoryBrowser, cacheMappedPaths);

            DefaultDocument = DefaultDocumentName;
            UseGzip         = true;
            // When debugging, disable RamCache
            UseRamCache = false;
            UseRamCache = true;

            additionalPaths?.ForEach((virtualPath, physicalPath) =>
                if (virtualPath != "/")
                    RegisterVirtualPath(virtualPath, physicalPath);

            AddHandler(ModuleMap.AnyPath, HttpVerbs.Head, (context, ct) => HandleGet(context, ct, false));
            AddHandler(ModuleMap.AnyPath, HttpVerbs.Get, (context, ct) => HandleGet(context, ct));
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="StaticFilesModule" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileSystemPath">The file system path.</param>
        /// <param name="headers">The headers to set in every request.</param>
        /// <param name="additionalPaths">The additional paths.</param>
        /// <param name="useDirectoryBrowser">if set to <c>true</c> [use directory browser].</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Path ' + fileSystemPath + ' does not exist.</exception>
        public StaticFilesModule(
            string fileSystemPath,
            Dictionary <string, string> headers         = null,
            Dictionary <string, string> additionalPaths = null,
            bool useDirectoryBrowser = false)
            if (!Directory.Exists(fileSystemPath))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Path '{fileSystemPath}' does not exist.");

            _virtualPaths = new VirtualPaths(Path.GetFullPath(fileSystemPath), useDirectoryBrowser);

            UseGzip = true;
            // When debugging, disable RamCache
            UseRamCache = false;
            // Otherwise, enable it by default
            UseRamCache = true;
            DefaultDocument = DefaultDocumentName;

            additionalPaths?.Where(path => path.Key != "/")
            .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value)

            AddHandler(ModuleMap.AnyPath, HttpVerbs.Head, (context, ct) => HandleGet(context, ct, false));
            AddHandler(ModuleMap.AnyPath, HttpVerbs.Get, (context, ct) => HandleGet(context, ct));
        /// <summary>
        /// Fixed:
        /// </summary>
        private static DataSet ExecuteDataSet(
            Context context,
            string name,
            Dictionary <string, object> _params)
            var extendedSql = Parameters.ExtendedSqls
                              ?.Where(o => o.Api)
                              .Where(o => o.Name == name)
                              .ExtensionWhere <ParameterAccessor.Parts.ExtendedSql>(context: context)

            if (extendedSql == null)
            var param = new SqlParamCollection();

            _params?.ForEach(part =>
                                 variableName: part.Key,
                                 value: part.Value));
            var dataSet = Repository.ExecuteDataSet(
                context: context,
                statements: new SqlStatement(
                    commandText: extendedSql.CommandText
                    .Replace("{{SiteId}}", context.SiteId.ToString())
                    .Replace("{{Id}}", context.Id.ToString()),
                    param: param));

예제 #7
        private void CreateLegacyGSDKConfigFile(int instanceNumber, string sessionHostUniqueId, Dictionary <string, string> certThumbprints, IDictionary <string, string> portMappings)
            // Legacy games are currently assumed to have only 1 file which will have the game.exe as well
            // as the assets. We just place ServiceDefinition.json in that folder itself (since it contains game.exe).
            // This assumption will change later on and the code below will need to adapt.
            string configFilePath =
                Path.Combine(VmConfiguration.GetAssetExtractionFolderPathForSessionHost(instanceNumber, 0),
            ServiceDefinition serviceDefinition;

            if (_systemOperations.FileExists(configFilePath))
                _logger.LogInformation($"Parsing the existing service definition file at {configFilePath}.");
                serviceDefinition = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServiceDefinition>(File.ReadAllText(configFilePath));
                serviceDefinition.JsonWorkerRole = serviceDefinition.JsonWorkerRole ?? new JsonWorkerRole();
                _logger.LogInformation($"Creating the service definition file at {configFilePath}.");
                serviceDefinition = new ServiceDefinition
                    JsonWorkerRole = new JsonWorkerRole()

            SetUpLegacyConfigValues(serviceDefinition, sessionHostUniqueId, instanceNumber, GetVmAgentIpAddress());

            certThumbprints?.ForEach(x => serviceDefinition.JsonWorkerRole.SetConfigValue(x.Key, x.Value));
            portMappings?.ForEach(x => serviceDefinition.JsonWorkerRole.SetConfigValue(x.Key, x.Value));
            _sessionHostsStartInfo.DeploymentMetadata?.ForEach(x => serviceDefinition.JsonWorkerRole.SetConfigValue(x.Key, x.Value));
            string outputJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(serviceDefinition, Formatting.Indented, CommonSettings.JsonSerializerSettings);

            // This will overwrite the file if it was already there (which would happen when restarting containers for the same assignment)
            _systemOperations.FileWriteAllText(configFilePath, outputJson);
예제 #8
        static void LoadModels()
            if (currentApiModels != null)
            var data = Utility.GetSecured(currentApiModelString);

                currentApiModels = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data)
                                        ? new Dictionary <int, ApiModel>()
                                        : data.ToObject <Dictionary <int, ApiModel> >();
                if (!IsFirstRun)
                lock (currentApiModels)
                    currentApiModels?.ForEach(x => x.Value.ExtraData = "");
            catch (Exception ex)
                currentApiModels = new Dictionary <int, ApiModel>();
예제 #9
        private byte[] DownloadResultFrom(
            HttpServer server,
            HttpMethods method,
            string path,
            Dictionary <string, string> addHeaders,
            out string contentType)
            var request = WebRequest.Create(server.GetFullUrlFor(path));

            (request as HttpWebRequest).KeepAlive = false;
            request.Method = method.ToString().ToUpper();
            addHeaders?.ForEach(kvp => request.Headers[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value);
            var          response             = request.GetResponse();
            const string contentTypeHeader    = "Content-Type";
            var          hasContentTypeHeader = response.Headers.AllKeys.Contains(contentTypeHeader);

            contentType = hasContentTypeHeader
                ? response.Headers[contentTypeHeader]
                : null;
            using (var s = response.GetResponseStream())
                var memStream = new MemoryStream();
예제 #10
        public async Task <WebRequest> CreateCustomRequestAsync(string serviceUrl, string body, Dictionary <string, string> rawHeaders, string method = WebRequestMethods.Http.Get, string parameters = null)
                var compositeUrl = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters) ? serviceUrl : $"{serviceUrl.TrimEnd( '/', '?' )}/?{parameters}";

                var serviceRequest = ( HttpWebRequest )WebRequest.Create(compositeUrl);
                serviceRequest.Method      = method;
                serviceRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
                serviceRequest.KeepAlive   = true;

                rawHeaders?.ForEach(k => serviceRequest.Headers.Add(k.Key, k.Value));

                if ((serviceRequest.Method == WebRequestMethods.Http.Post || serviceRequest.Method == WebRequestMethods.Http.Put) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(body))
                    var encodedBody = new UTF8Encoding().GetBytes(body);
                    serviceRequest.ContentLength = encodedBody.Length;
                    using (var newStream = await serviceRequest.GetRequestStreamAsync().ConfigureAwait(false))
                        newStream.Write(encodedBody, 0, encodedBody.Length);
            catch (Exception exc)
                var methodParameters = $@"{{Url:'{serviceUrl}', Body:'{body}', Headers:{rawHeaders.ToJson()}}}";
                throw new MagentoWebException($"Exception occured. {this.CreateMethodCallInfo( methodParameters )}", exc);
예제 #11
 private static HtmlBuilder YearlyTable(
     this HtmlBuilder hb,
     Context context,
     Column groupBy,
     DateTime begin,
     Dictionary <string, ControlData> choices)
                id: "Grid",
                css: "grid fixed",
                action: () => hb
                .THead(action: () => hb
                       .Tr(action: () =>
             css: "ui-widget-header",
             action: () => hb.Text(groupBy.LabelText),
             _using: groupBy != null);
         for (var x = 0; x < 12; x++)
             var currentDate = begin.ToLocal(context: context).AddMonths(x);
             hb.Th(action: () => hb
                       css: "calendar-to-monthly",
                       href: "javascript:void(0);",
                       attributes: new HtmlAttributes()
                       action: () => hb
                       .Text(text: currentDate.ToString(
                                 "Y", context.CultureInfo()))));
                .TBody(action: () =>
         choices = choices ?? new Dictionary <string, ControlData>()
             [string.Empty] = null
         choices?.ForEach(choice =>
             hb.Tr(css: "calendar-row", action: () =>
                 hb.Th(action: () => hb.Text(
                           choice.Value.DisplayValue(context: context)),
                       _using: choice.Value != null);
                 for (var x = 0; x < 12; x++)
                     var date = begin.ToLocal(context: context).AddMonths(x);
                         attributes: new HtmlAttributes()
                         .DataValue(value: choice.Key, _using: choice.Value != null)
                         action: () => hb
예제 #12
 private static HtmlBuilder Breadcrumb(
     this HtmlBuilder hb, Dictionary <string, string> data = null)
     return(hb.Ul(id: "Breadcrumb", action: () =>
         hb.Li(Locations.Top(), Displays.Top());
         data?.ForEach(item => hb
                       .Li(href: item.Key, text: item.Value));
예제 #13
 public SqlOrderByCollection OrderBy(SiteSettings ss, SqlOrderByCollection orderBy = null)
     orderBy = orderBy ?? new SqlOrderByCollection();
     if (ColumnSorterHash?.Any() == true)
         ColumnSorterHash?.ForEach(data =>
                                   orderBy.Add(ss.GetColumn(data.Key), data.Value));
        public void Can_Use_ForEach_On_Dictionaries()
            var dictionary = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            var i = 0;

            dictionary.Add("John", "Doe");
            dictionary.ForEach(o => i++);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, i);
예제 #15
        public static SqlCommand GetSPCommand(string sp, Dictionary <string, object> parameters = null, int timeout = 30)
            var cmd = new SqlCommand();

            cmd.CommandType    = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText    = sp;
            cmd.CommandTimeout = timeout;
            parameters?.ForEach(p => cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter(p.Key, p.Value)));
예제 #16
        public HttpResponseMessage GenerateResponse(HttpStatusCode code, Dictionary<string, string> headers = null)
            HttpResponseMessage res = request.CreateResponse(code, data ?? errors);

            if (headers != null)
                headers.ForEach(header => res.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value));

            return res;
예제 #17
        private void PerformRequest(string url, string method, Dictionary <string, string> headers)
            var request = WebRequest.CreateHttp(url);

            request.Method = method;
            headers?.ForEach(h => request.Headers[h.Key] = h.Value);
            using (request.GetResponse())
                /* intentially left blank */
예제 #18
        ParserNode AddNode(ParserRuleContext context, NodeTypes type, Dictionary <NodeTypes, object> attributes = null)
            var node = new ParserNode {
                Parent = Parent, LocationParserRule = context, Type = type.ToString()

            attributes?.ForEach(pair => AddAttribute(node, pair.Key, pair.Value));

        public void ForEachDictionary()
            Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>
                                                  { "foo", "bar" },
                                                  { "baz", "qux" }

            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
            dict.ForEach(kvp => builder.Append(kvp.Value));

            Assert.AreEqual("barqux", builder.ToString());
예제 #20
 private static HtmlBuilder Breadcrumb(
     this HtmlBuilder hb,
     Context context,
     SiteSettings ss,
     Dictionary <string, string> data = null)
     return(hb.Ul(id: "Breadcrumb", action: () =>
         hb.Li(Locations.Top(), Displays.Top());
         data?.ForEach(item => hb
                       .Li(href: item.Key, text: item.Value));
         hb.TrashBox(context: context, ss: ss);
예제 #21
        public void ForEachDict()
            string res = "";
            Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>()
                { "a", "1" },
                { "b", "2" },
                { "c", "3" }

            dict.ForEach((k, v) =>
                res += k + "=" + v + ";";
            Assert.AreEqual("a=1;b=2;c=3;", res);

            res = "";
            dict.ForEach((k, v) =>
                res += k + "^" + v + " ";
            Assert.AreEqual("a^1 b^2 c^3 ", res);
예제 #22
파일: Grammar.cs 프로젝트: pb0/ID0_Test
        static Grammar()
            keywords = new Dictionary<SyntacticPart, IEnumerable<string>>();
            keywords.Add(SyntacticPart.ActionName, ArrayTool.Create("Action", "Motion", "Projectile"));
            keywords.Add(SyntacticPart.BraceOpen, ArrayTool.Create("{"));
            keywords.Add(SyntacticPart.BraceClose, ArrayTool.Create("}"));
            keywords.Add(SyntacticPart.ParenOpen, ArrayTool.Create("("));
            keywords.Add(SyntacticPart.ParenClose, ArrayTool.Create(")"));
            keywords.Add(SyntacticPart.If, ArrayTool.Create("if"));
            keywords.Add(SyntacticPart.Else, ArrayTool.Create("else"));
            keywords.Add(SyntacticPart.Semicolon, ArrayTool.Create(";"));

            textToPart = new Dictionary<string, SyntacticPart>();
            keywords.ForEach(x => x.Value.ForEach(y => textToPart.Add(y, x.Key)));
예제 #23
    public static ISearchResponse <T> SearchByJson <T>(this IElasticClient client, string json, string indexName, Dictionary <string, object> queryStringParams = null) where T : class
        var qs = new Dictionary <string, object>()
            { "index", indexName }

        queryStringParams?.ForEach(pair => qs.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value));
        using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(json)))
            var searchRequest = client.Serializer.Deserialize <SearchRequest>(stream);
            ((IRequestParameters)((IRequest <SearchRequestParameters>)searchRequest).RequestParameters).QueryString = qs;
            return(client.Search <T>(searchRequest));
예제 #24
 public SqlOrderByCollection OrderBy(
     SiteSettings ss, SqlOrderByCollection orderBy = null, int pageSize = 0)
     orderBy = orderBy ?? new SqlOrderByCollection();
     if (ColumnSorterHash?.Any() == true)
         ColumnSorterHash?.ForEach(data =>
                                   orderBy.Add(ss.GetColumn(data.Key), data.Value));
     return(pageSize > 0 && orderBy?.Any() != true
         ? new SqlOrderByCollection().Add(
                tableName: ss.ReferenceType,
                columnBracket: "[UpdatedTime]",
                orderType: SqlOrderBy.Types.desc)
         : orderBy);
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// 请求数据
        /// 注:若使用证书,推荐使用X509Certificate2的pkcs12证书
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">请求方法</param>
        /// <param name="url">请求地址</param>
        /// <param name="body">请求的body内容</param>
        /// <param name="contentType">请求数据类型</param>
        /// <param name="headers">请求头</param>
        /// <param name="cerFile">证书</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string RequestData(string method, string url, string body, string contentType, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null, X509Certificate cerFile = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                throw new Exception("请求地址不能为NULL或空!");

            string         newUrl  = url;
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(newUrl);

            request.Method      = method.ToUpper();
            request.ContentType = contentType;
            headers?.ForEach(aHeader =>
                request.Headers.Add(aHeader.Key, aHeader.Value);

            byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body);
            request.ContentLength = data.Length;

            if (cerFile != null)

            if (method.ToUpper() != "GET")
                using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())
                    requestStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

            using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
                int httpStatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;
                using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                    StreamReader reader  = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
                    string       resData = reader.ReadToEnd();

        private static void Body(
            this StringBuilder csv,
            Context context,
            SiteSettings ss,
            View view,
            Dictionary <string, ControlData> choicesX,
            Dictionary <string, ControlData> choicesY,
            string aggregateType,
            Column value,
            string firstHeaderText,
            string timePeriod,
            DateTime month,
            List <CrosstabElement> data,
            IEnumerable <Column> columnList = null)
            var headers = new List <string>()

            headers.AddRange(choicesX.Select(o => o.Value.DisplayValue(context: context)));
            choicesY?.ForEach(choiceY =>
                var cells = new List <string>()
                    choiceY.Value.DisplayValue(context: context)
                var column = columnList?.Any() != true
                    ? value
                    : ss.GetColumn(context: context, columnName: choiceY.Key);
                var row = data.Where(o => o.GroupByY == choiceY.Key).ToList();
                               .Select(choiceX => CellText(
                                           context: context,
                                           value: column,
                                           aggregateType: aggregateType,
                                           data: CellValue(
                                               data: data,
                                               choiceX: choiceX,
                                               choiceY: choiceY))));
예제 #27
        public void testEqualityOfInMemoryDictionary()
            var randomvalues = new Dictionary<string, string>
                {"KEYYYYYYY" + Random.value, "valuuuuuuuueeeee" + Random.value},
                {"chunky" + Random.value, "monkey" + Random.value},
                {"that " + Random.value, "funky" + Random.value},
                {"1234", "5678"},
                {"abc", "def"},
            var inMemory = new InMemoryKeyStore();
            var playerprefs = new PlayerPrefsKeyStore();
            var editor = new EditorKeyStore();
            var values = new List<string>();
            randomvalues.ForEach((KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp) => { values.Add(kvp.Value); });
            string valueStringNewlineDelimited = string.Join("\n", values.ToArray());
            var fileProvider = new FileLineBasedKeyStore(getMemoryStream(valueStringNewlineDelimited), values);

            foreach(var kvp in randomvalues)
                Debug.Log("Setting kvp:" + kvp.Key + " val" + kvp.Value);
                inMemory.set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                playerprefs.set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                editor.set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
                fileProvider.set(kvp.Key, kvp.Value);
            standardCheck(inMemory, dictionary);
            standardCheck(playerprefs, dictionary);
            standardCheck(editor, dictionary);
            standardCheck(fileProvider, dictionary);


            var provider = new FileBasedCredentialProvider();
            Assert.AreEqual(provider.username, "*****@*****.**");
            Debug.Log("HELLO" + provider.username);
        private Dictionary <string, object> GenerateAdditionalColumnValues(ApprovalRequest request,
                                                                           Dictionary <string, object> extraValues = null)
            var additionalColumnValues = request.AdditionalColumnValues ?? new Dictionary <string, object>();

            request.AdditionalValues?.ForEach(item => {
                if (!additionalColumnValues.ContainsKey(item.Key))
                    additionalColumnValues.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
            extraValues?.ForEach(item => {
                if (!additionalColumnValues.ContainsKey(item.Key))
                    additionalColumnValues.Add(item.Key, item.Value);
예제 #29
 private void ApplyOptions(object sender, Dictionary<string, bool> options)
     logger.Info("Applying new options.");
     options.ForEach((option) =>
         if (option.Key == OptionStore.MINIMIZE_ON_CLOSE)
             window.cbMinimizeOnClose.IsChecked = option.Value;
         else if (option.Key == OptionStore.SHOW_CONFIRMATIONS)
             window.cbShowConfirm.IsChecked = option.Value;
         else if (option.Key == OptionStore.START_WITH_WINDOWS)
             window.cbStartWithWindows.IsChecked = option.Value;
         shouldClose = !optionStore.Options[OptionStore.MINIMIZE_ON_CLOSE];
예제 #30
        public override IHttpResult OnAuthenticated(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, IAuthTokens tokens, Dictionary<string, string> authInfo)
            var userSession = session as AuthUserSession;
            if (userSession != null) {
                LoadUserAuthInfo(userSession, tokens, authInfo);

            var authRepo = authService.TryResolve<IAuthRepository>();
            if (authRepo != null) {
                if (tokens != null) {
                    authInfo.ForEach((x, y) => tokens.Items[x] = y);
                    session.UserAuthId = authRepo.CreateOrMergeAuthSession(session, tokens);

                foreach (var oAuthToken in session.ProviderOAuthAccess) {
                    var authProvider = AuthenticateService.GetAuthProvider(oAuthToken.Provider);
                    if (authProvider == null) {
                    var userAuthProvider = authProvider as OAuthProvider;
                    if (userAuthProvider != null) {
                        userAuthProvider.LoadUserOAuthProvider(session, oAuthToken);

                var failed = ValidateAccount(authService, authRepo, session, tokens);
                if (failed != null)
                    return failed;

                session.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo);
                authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry);

            return null;
예제 #31
파일: VaultEval.cs 프로젝트: xeno-by/elf4b
        public static object Eval(this IBranch b, IVault repository)
                var ei = new ElfInteractive();
                var stack = new List<Expression>();
                var nodes = new Dictionary<String, IBranch>();

                var expandedCode = ExpandRhs(b, repository, stack, nodes).RenderElfCode(null);
                nodes.ForEach(kvp => ei.Ctx.Add(kvp.Key, kvp.Value));

                return ei.Eval(expandedCode).Retval;
            catch(ErroneousScriptRuntimeException esex)
                if (esex.Type == ElfExceptionType.OperandsDontSuitMethod)
                    throw new ArgsDontSuitTheFunctionException(esex.Thread.RuntimeContext.PendingClrCall, esex);
                    throw new UnexpectedErrorException(esex);
            catch(Exception ex)
                if (ex.InnerException is FormatException)
                    throw new BadFormatOfSerializedStringException(ex);
                    throw new UnexpectedErrorException(ex);
        public LSystemVisualizer()
            var ctxMenu = new ContextMenu();
            var menuItem = new MenuItem("Save");
            menuItem.Click += SavePicture;
            picLSystem.ContextMenu = ctxMenu;
            systems = Parser.LoadSystems();
            systems.ForEach(sys => cboxSystems.Items.Add(sys.Key));
            cboxSystems.SelectedIndex = 0;

            btnDraw.Click += (sender, e) => Draw();

            sliderGeneration.ValueChanged += (sender, e) =>
                generation = sliderGeneration.Value;
                label4.Text = $"N = {sliderGeneration.Value}";
예제 #33
        /// <summary>
        ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ResourceFilesModule" /> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceAssembly">The source assembly.</param>
        /// <param name="resourcePath">The resource path.</param>
        /// <param name="headers">The headers.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">sourceAssembly.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Path ' + fileSystemPath + ' does not exist.</exception>
        public ResourceFilesModule(Assembly sourceAssembly, string resourcePath, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null)
            if (sourceAssembly == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sourceAssembly));

            if (sourceAssembly.GetName() == null)
                throw new ArgumentException($"Assembly '{sourceAssembly}' not valid.");

            UseGzip           = true;
            _sourceAssembly   = sourceAssembly;
            _resourcePathRoot = resourcePath;


            AddHandler(ModuleMap.AnyPath, HttpVerbs.Head, (context, ct) => HandleGet(context, ct, false));
            AddHandler(ModuleMap.AnyPath, HttpVerbs.Get, (context, ct) => HandleGet(context, ct));
예제 #34
    private static IEnumerable<EdgeData> EncodeEdges(
        IList<ExplorationNode> nodes,
        out Dictionary<ExplorationEdge, uint> edgeToId)
        HashSet<ExplorationEdge> edgeSet = new HashSet<ExplorationEdge>();
        foreach (ExplorationNode node in nodes)
            node.OutgoingExploration.ForEach(e => edgeSet.Add(e));
            node.IncomingExploration.ForEach(e => edgeSet.Add(e));

        edgeToId = new Dictionary<ExplorationEdge, uint>();
        uint edgeId = 0;
        foreach (ExplorationEdge edge in edgeSet)
            edgeToId[edge] = edgeId++;

        List<EdgeData> edgeData = new List<EdgeData>();
            (kv) => edgeData.Add(new EdgeData(kv.Value, kv.Key)));
        return edgeData.OrderBy((data) => data.EdgeId);
예제 #35
        public async Task <ResponseInfo> SendRequest(string url, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null, CancellationToken?cancellationToken = null)
            var response = new ResponseInfo();

            using (var client = new HttpClient()
                Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(Settings.Default.RequestTimeoutSec)
                headers?.ForEach(pair => client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value));

                var httpResponse = await client.GetAsync(url, HttpCompletionOption.ResponseHeadersRead, cancellationToken ?? CancellationToken.None)

                response.StatusCode = (int)httpResponse.StatusCode;
                response.Headers    = httpResponse.Content.Headers.ToDictionary(h => h.Key, h => h.Value.FirstOrDefault());
                response.Content    = await httpResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

예제 #36
        protected override string Render()
            // Table
            TagBuilder table = new TagBuilder("table");


            // Header
            TagBuilder header = new TagBuilder("thead")
                InnerHtml = new HeaderControl(_header).ToHtmlString()

            // Body
            TagBuilder body = new TagBuilder("tbody");

            _rows?.ForEach(o =>
                body.InnerHtml += new RowControl(o);
            _rowsWithId?.ForEach(o =>
                body.InnerHtml += new RowControl(o.Value).SetId(o.Key);
            _rowsWithIdAndTrWithNameAttr?.ForEach(o =>
                body.InnerHtml += new RowControl(o.Value).SetId(o.Key);

            table.InnerHtml = header + body.ToString();

            // Container
            var container = new DivControl(table.ToString())

예제 #37
 public void SaveStickies(Dictionary<int, NoteWindow> stickies)
     logger.Info("Attempting to save stickies.");
     if (stickies == null || stickies.Count == 0)
         logger.Info("There are no stickies to save.");;
     using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fullPath))
         stickies.ForEach((sticky) =>
             StickyBase stickyBase = sticky.Value;
             writer.WriteLine(@stickyBase.ToString().Replace("\n", "\\n").Replace("\r", "\\r"));
     logger.Info("Stickies successfully saved.");
예제 #38
        public static string AskSingle(Dictionary<ConsoleKey, string> a)
                (KeyValuePair<ConsoleKey, string> k, int i) =>
                    Console.WriteLine("  " + k.Key.ToString().Substring(1) + ". " + k.Value);

            while (true)
                var key = Console.ReadKey(true);

                if (a.ContainsKey(key.Key))
                    Console.WriteLine(">>" + key.Key.ToString().Substring(1) + ". " + a[key.Key]);

                    return a[key.Key];

                Console.WriteLine("Try again.");
        public override IEnumerable<SitecoreClassConfig> Load()
            if (_namespaces == null || _namespaces.Count() == 0) return new List<SitecoreClassConfig>();

            Dictionary<Type,SitecoreClassConfig> classes = new Dictionary<Type, SitecoreClassConfig>();
            foreach (string space in _namespaces)
                string[] parts = space.Split(',');
                var namespaceClasses = GetClass(parts[1], parts[0]);
                namespaceClasses.ForEach(cls =>
                    //stops duplicates being added
                    if (!classes.ContainsKey(cls.Type))
                        classes.Add(cls.Type, cls);

            classes.ForEach(x => x.Value.Properties = GetProperties(x.Value.Type));

            return classes.Select(x => x.Value);
예제 #40
        public static void AskSingle(Dictionary<string, Action> a)
            var keys = new[]

            var x = new Dictionary<ConsoleKey, string>();

                (KeyValuePair<string, Action> k, int i) =>
                    x[keys[i]] = k.Key;

            var y = AskSingle(x);

예제 #41
        private void TransposeRange(int squareSide)
            var cellsToInsert = new Dictionary<XLSheetPoint, XLCell>();
            var cellsToDelete = new List<XLSheetPoint>();
            var rngToTranspose = Worksheet.Range(
                RangeAddress.FirstAddress.RowNumber + squareSide - 1,
                RangeAddress.FirstAddress.ColumnNumber + squareSide - 1);

            Int32 roCount = rngToTranspose.RowCount();
            Int32 coCount = rngToTranspose.ColumnCount();
            for (Int32 ro = 1; ro <= roCount; ro++)
                for (Int32 co = 1; co <= coCount; co++)
                    var oldCell = rngToTranspose.Cell(ro, co);
                    var newKey = rngToTranspose.Cell(co, ro).Address;
                        // new XLAddress(Worksheet, c.Address.ColumnNumber, c.Address.RowNumber);
                    var newCell = new XLCell(Worksheet, newKey, oldCell.GetStyleId());
                    newCell.CopyFrom(oldCell, true);
                    cellsToInsert.Add(new XLSheetPoint(newKey.RowNumber, newKey.ColumnNumber), newCell);
                    cellsToDelete.Add(new XLSheetPoint(oldCell.Address.RowNumber, oldCell.Address.ColumnNumber));

            cellsToDelete.ForEach(c => Worksheet.Internals.CellsCollection.Remove(c));
            cellsToInsert.ForEach(c => Worksheet.Internals.CellsCollection.Add(c.Key, c.Value));
예제 #42
        public virtual IHttpResult OnAuthenticated(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, IAuthTokens tokens, Dictionary <string, string> authInfo)
            var userSession = session as AuthUserSession;

            if (userSession != null)
                LoadUserAuthInfo(userSession, tokens, authInfo);
                HostContext.TryResolve <IAuthMetadataProvider>().SafeAddMetadata(tokens, authInfo);

                LoadUserAuthFilter?.Invoke(userSession, tokens, authInfo);

            var hasTokens = tokens != null && authInfo != null;

            if (hasTokens)
                authInfo.ForEach((x, y) => tokens.Items[x] = y);

            var authRepo = HostContext.AppHost.GetAuthRepository(authService.Request);

            using (authRepo as IDisposable)
                if (CustomValidationFilter != null)
                    var ctx = new AuthContext
                        Request        = authService.Request,
                        Service        = authService,
                        AuthProvider   = this,
                        Session        = session,
                        AuthTokens     = tokens,
                        AuthInfo       = authInfo,
                        AuthRepository = authRepo,
                    var response = CustomValidationFilter(ctx);
                    if (response != null)

                if (authRepo != null)
                    var failed = ValidateAccount(authService, authRepo, session, tokens);
                    if (failed != null)

                    if (hasTokens)
                        var authDetails = authRepo.CreateOrMergeAuthSession(session, tokens);
                        session.UserAuthId = authDetails.UserAuthId.ToString();

                        var firstTimeAuthenticated = authDetails.CreatedDate == authDetails.ModifiedDate;
                        if (firstTimeAuthenticated)
                            session.OnRegistered(authService.Request, session, authService);
                            AuthEvents.OnRegistered(authService.Request, session, authService);

                    authRepo.LoadUserAuth(session, tokens);

                    foreach (var oAuthToken in session.GetAuthTokens())
                        var authProvider     = AuthenticateService.GetAuthProvider(oAuthToken.Provider);
                        var userAuthProvider = authProvider as OAuthProvider;
                        userAuthProvider?.LoadUserOAuthProvider(session, oAuthToken);

                    var httpRes = authService.Request.Response as IHttpResponse;
                    if (session.UserAuthId != null)
                        httpRes?.Cookies.AddPermanentCookie(HttpHeaders.XUserAuthId, session.UserAuthId);
                    if (hasTokens)
                        session.UserAuthId = CreateOrMergeAuthSession(session, tokens);

                session.IsAuthenticated = true;
                session.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo);
                AuthEvents.OnAuthenticated(authService.Request, session, authService, tokens, authInfo);
                this.SaveSession(authService, session, SessionExpiry);

예제 #43
        private static HtmlBuilder Table(
            this HtmlBuilder hb,
            Context context,
            SiteSettings ss,
            Dictionary <string, ControlData> choicesX,
            Dictionary <string, ControlData> choicesY,
            string aggregateType,
            Column value,
            bool daily,
            IEnumerable <CrosstabElement> data,
            IEnumerable <Column> columns = null)
            var max = data.Any() && columns == null
                ? data.Select(o => o.Value).Max()
                : 0;

                       css: "grid fixed",
                       action: () => hb
                       .THead(action: () => hb
                              .Tr(css: "ui-widget-header", action: () =>
                if (choicesY != null)
                choicesX.ForEach(choiceX => hb
                                 .Th(action: () => hb
                                         ss: ss,
                                         aggregateType: aggregateType,
                                         value: value,
                                         showValue: columns?.Any() != true,
                                         data: data.Where(o => o.GroupByX == choiceX.Key),
                                         choice: choiceX)));
                       .TBody(action: () =>
                choicesY?.ForEach(choiceY =>
                    var column = columns?.Any() != true
                                ? value
                                : ss.GetColumn(
                        context: context,
                        columnName: choiceY.Key);
                    hb.Tr(css: "crosstab-row", action: () =>
                        var row = data.Where(o => o.GroupByY == choiceY.Key).ToList();
                        hb.Th(action: () => hb
                                  ss: ss,
                                  aggregateType: aggregateType,
                                  value: column,
                                  showValue: true,
                                  data: row,
                                  choice: choiceY));
                        if (columns != null)
                            max = row.Any()
                                        ? row.Max(o => o.Value)
                                        : 0;
                        choicesX.ForEach(choiceX => hb
                                         .Td(ss: ss,
                                             aggregateType: aggregateType,
                                             daily: daily,
                                             value: column,
                                             x: choiceX.Key,
                                             max: max,
                                             data: CrosstabUtilities
                                             .CellValue(data, choiceX, choiceY)));
예제 #44
        public virtual void OnAuthenticated(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, IOAuthTokens tokens, Dictionary<string, string> authInfo)
            var userSession = session as AuthUserSession;
            if (userSession != null)
                LoadUserAuthInfo(userSession, tokens, authInfo);

            var authRepo = authService.TryResolve<IUserAuthRepository>();
            if (authRepo != null)
                if (tokens != null)
                    authInfo.ForEach((x, y) => tokens.Items[x] = y);
                    session.UserAuthId = authRepo.CreateOrMergeAuthSession(session, tokens);
                //SaveUserAuth(authService, userSession, authRepo, tokens);

                authRepo.LoadUserAuth(session, tokens);

                foreach (var oAuthToken in session.ProviderOAuthAccess)
                    var authProvider = AuthService.GetAuthProvider(oAuthToken.Provider);
                    if (authProvider == null) continue;
                    var userAuthProvider = authProvider as OAuthProvider;
                    if (userAuthProvider != null)
                        userAuthProvider.LoadUserOAuthProvider(session, oAuthToken);

                var httpRes = authService.RequestContext.Get<IHttpResponse>();
                if (httpRes != null)
                    httpRes.Cookies.AddPermanentCookie(HttpHeaders.XUserAuthId, session.UserAuthId);


            //OnSaveUserAuth(authService, session);
            authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry);
            session.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo);
예제 #45
        public virtual IHttpResult OnAuthenticated(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, IAuthTokens tokens, Dictionary<string, string> authInfo)
            var userSession = session as AuthUserSession;
            if (userSession != null)
                LoadUserAuthInfo(userSession, tokens, authInfo);
                HostContext.TryResolve<IAuthMetadataProvider>().SafeAddMetadata(tokens, authInfo);

                if (LoadUserAuthFilter != null)
                    LoadUserAuthFilter(userSession, tokens, authInfo);

            var hasTokens = tokens != null && authInfo != null;
            if (hasTokens)
                authInfo.ForEach((x, y) => tokens.Items[x] = y);

            var authRepo = authService.TryResolve<IAuthRepository>();

            if (CustomValidationFilter != null)
                var ctx = new AuthContext
                    Request = authService.Request,
                    Service = authService,
                    AuthProvider = this,
                    Session = session,
                    AuthTokens = tokens,
                    AuthInfo = authInfo,
                    AuthRepository = authRepo,
                var response = CustomValidationFilter(ctx);
                if (response != null)
                    return response;

            if (authRepo != null)
                var failed = ValidateAccount(authService, authRepo, session, tokens);
                if (failed != null)
                    return failed;

                if (hasTokens)
                    var authDetails = authRepo.CreateOrMergeAuthSession(session, tokens);
                    session.UserAuthId = authDetails.UserAuthId.ToString();

                    var firstTimeAuthenticated = authDetails.CreatedDate == authDetails.ModifiedDate;
                    if (firstTimeAuthenticated)
                        session.OnRegistered(authService.Request, session, authService);
                        AuthEvents.OnRegistered(authService.Request, session, authService);

                authRepo.LoadUserAuth(session, tokens);

                foreach (var oAuthToken in session.ProviderOAuthAccess)
                    var authProvider = AuthenticateService.GetAuthProvider(oAuthToken.Provider);
                    if (authProvider == null) continue;
                    var userAuthProvider = authProvider as OAuthProvider;
                    if (userAuthProvider != null)
                        userAuthProvider.LoadUserOAuthProvider(session, oAuthToken);

                var httpRes = authService.Request.Response as IHttpResponse;
                if (session.UserAuthId != null && httpRes != null)
                    httpRes.Cookies.AddPermanentCookie(HttpHeaders.XUserAuthId, session.UserAuthId);
                if (hasTokens)
                    session.UserAuthId = CreateOrMergeAuthSession(session, tokens);

                session.IsAuthenticated = true;
                session.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo);
                AuthEvents.OnAuthenticated(authService.Request, session, authService, tokens, authInfo);
                authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry);

            return null;
예제 #46
        public virtual IHttpResult OnAuthenticated(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, IAuthTokens tokens, Dictionary<string, string> authInfo)
            var userSession = session as AuthUserSession;
            if (userSession != null)
                LoadUserAuthInfo(userSession, tokens, authInfo);
                HostContext.TryResolve<IAuthMetadataProvider>().SafeAddMetadata(tokens, authInfo);

                if (LoadUserAuthFilter != null)
                    LoadUserAuthFilter(userSession, tokens, authInfo);

            var hasTokens = tokens != null && authInfo != null;
            if (hasTokens)
                authInfo.ForEach((x, y) => tokens.Items[x] = y);

            var authRepo = authService.TryResolve<IAuthRepository>();
            if (authRepo != null)
                var failed = ValidateAccount(authService, authRepo, session, tokens);
                if (failed != null)
                    return failed;

                if (hasTokens)
                    session.UserAuthId = authRepo.CreateOrMergeAuthSession(session, tokens);

                authRepo.LoadUserAuth(session, tokens);

                foreach (var oAuthToken in session.ProviderOAuthAccess)
                    var authProvider = AuthenticateService.GetAuthProvider(oAuthToken.Provider);
                    if (authProvider == null) continue;
                    var userAuthProvider = authProvider as OAuthProvider;
                    if (userAuthProvider != null)
                        userAuthProvider.LoadUserOAuthProvider(session, oAuthToken);

                var httpRes = authService.Request.Response as IHttpResponse;
                if (session.UserAuthId != null && httpRes != null)
                    httpRes.Cookies.AddPermanentCookie(HttpHeaders.XUserAuthId, session.UserAuthId);
                if (hasTokens)
                    session.UserAuthId = CreateOrMergeAuthSession(session, tokens);

                session.IsAuthenticated = true;
                session.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo);
                authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry);

            return null;
        public Method BuildMethod(HttpMethod httpMethod, string url, string methodName, string methodGroup)
            EnsureUniqueMethodName(methodName, methodGroup);

            var method = New<Method>(new 
                HttpMethod = httpMethod,
                Url = url,
                Name = methodName,
                SerializedName = _operation.OperationId
            method.RequestContentType = _effectiveConsumes.FirstOrDefault() ?? APP_JSON_MIME;
            string produce = _effectiveConsumes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StartsWith(APP_JSON_MIME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(produce))
                method.RequestContentType = produce;

            if (method.RequestContentType.StartsWith(APP_JSON_MIME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                method.RequestContentType.IndexOf("charset=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)
                // Enable UTF-8 charset
                method.RequestContentType += "; charset=utf-8";

            method.Description = _operation.Description;
            method.Summary = _operation.Summary;
            method.ExternalDocsUrl = _operation.ExternalDocs?.Url;
            method.Deprecated = _operation.Deprecated;

            // Service parameters
            if (_operation.Parameters != null)

            // Build header object
            var responseHeaders = new Dictionary<string, Header>();
            foreach (var response in _operation.Responses.Values)
                if (response.Headers != null)
                    response.Headers.ForEach(h => responseHeaders[h.Key] = h.Value);

            var headerTypeName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                "{0}-{1}-Headers", methodGroup, methodName).Trim('-');
            var headerType = New<CompositeType>(headerTypeName,new
                SerializedName = headerTypeName,
                Documentation = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Defines headers for {0} operation.", methodName)
            responseHeaders.ForEach(h =>
                var property = New<Property>(new
                    Name = h.Key,
                    SerializedName = h.Key,
                    ModelType = h.Value.GetBuilder(this._swaggerModeler).BuildServiceType(h.Key),
                    Documentation = h.Value.Description

            if (!headerType.Properties.Any())
                headerType = null;

            // Response format
            List<Stack<IModelType>> typesList = BuildResponses(method, headerType);

            method.ReturnType = BuildMethodReturnType(typesList, headerType);
            if (method.Responses.Count == 0)
                method.ReturnType = method.DefaultResponse;

            if (method.ReturnType.Headers != null)
                _swaggerModeler.CodeModel.AddHeader(method.ReturnType.Headers as CompositeType);

            // Copy extensions
            _operation.Extensions.ForEach(extention => method.Extensions.Add(extention.Key, extention.Value));

            return method;
예제 #48
 public static async Task<TwitterStatus> UpdateWithMediaAsync(
     this IOAuthCredential credential, string status, IEnumerable<byte[]> images,
     bool? possiblySensitive = false, long? inReplyToStatusId = null,
     Tuple<double, double> geoLatLong = null, string placeId = null, bool? displayCoordinates = null)
     if (credential == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("credential");
     if (status == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("status");
     var param = new Dictionary<string, object>
         {"status", status},
         {"possibly_sensitive", possiblySensitive},
         {"in_reply_to_status_id", inReplyToStatusId},
         {"lat", geoLatLong != null ? geoLatLong.Item1 : (double?) null},
         {"long", geoLatLong != null ? geoLatLong.Item2 : (double?) null},
         {"place_id", placeId},
         {"display_coordinates", displayCoordinates}
     }.Where(kvp => kvp.Value != null);
     var content = new MultipartFormDataContent();
     param.ForEach(kvp => content.Add(new StringContent(kvp.Value.ToString()), kvp.Key));
     images.ForEach((b, i) => content.Add(new ByteArrayContent(b), "media[]", "image_" + i + ".png"));
     var client = credential.CreateOAuthClient();
     var response = await client.PostAsync(new ApiAccess("statuses/update_with_media.json"), content);
     return await response.ReadAsStatusAsync();
예제 #49
        public Method BuildMethod(HttpMethod httpMethod, string url, string methodName, string methodGroup)
            EnsureUniqueMethodName(methodName, methodGroup);

            var method = new Method
                HttpMethod = httpMethod,
                Url = url,
                Name = methodName,
                SerializedName = _operation.OperationId

            method.RequestContentType = _effectiveConsumes.FirstOrDefault() ?? APP_JSON_MIME;
            string produce = _effectiveConsumes.FirstOrDefault(s => s.StartsWith(APP_JSON_MIME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(produce))
                method.RequestContentType = produce;

            if (method.RequestContentType.StartsWith(APP_JSON_MIME, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) &&
                method.RequestContentType.IndexOf("charset=", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == -1)
                // Enable UTF-8 charset
                method.RequestContentType += "; charset=utf-8";
            method.Description = _operation.Description;
            method.Summary = _operation.Summary;

            // Service parameters
            if (_operation.Parameters != null)
                foreach (var swaggerParameter in DeduplicateParameters(_operation.Parameters))
                    var parameter = ((ParameterBuilder) swaggerParameter.GetBuilder(_swaggerModeler)).Build();

                    StringBuilder parameterName = new StringBuilder(parameter.Name);
                    parameterName = CollectionFormatBuilder.OnBuildMethodParameter(method, swaggerParameter,

                    if (swaggerParameter.In == ParameterLocation.Header)
                        method.RequestHeaders[swaggerParameter.Name] =
                            string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{{{0}}}", parameterName);

            // Build header object
            var responseHeaders = new Dictionary<string, Header>();
            foreach (var response in _operation.Responses.Values)
                if (response.Headers != null)
                    response.Headers.ForEach( h => responseHeaders[h.Key] = h.Value);

            var headerTypeName = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
                "{0}-{1}-Headers", methodGroup, methodName).Trim('-');
            var headerType = new CompositeType
                Name = headerTypeName,
                SerializedName = headerTypeName,
                Documentation = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Defines headers for {0} operation.", methodName)
            responseHeaders.ForEach(h =>
                var property = new Property
                    Name = h.Key,
                    SerializedName = h.Key,
                    Type = h.Value.GetBuilder(this._swaggerModeler).BuildServiceType(h.Key),
                    Documentation = h.Value.Description

            if (!headerType.Properties.Any())
                headerType = null;

            // Response format
            var typesList = new List<Stack<IType>>();
            foreach (var response in _operation.Responses)
                if (string.Equals(response.Key, "default", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    TryBuildDefaultResponse(methodName, response.Value, method, headerType);
                    if (
                        !(TryBuildResponse(methodName, response.Key.ToHttpStatusCode(), response.Value, method,
                            typesList, headerType) ||
                          TryBuildStreamResponse(response.Key.ToHttpStatusCode(), response.Value, method, typesList, headerType) ||
                          TryBuildEmptyResponse(methodName, response.Key.ToHttpStatusCode(), response.Value, method,
                              typesList, headerType)))
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(

            method.ReturnType = BuildMethodReturnType(typesList, headerType);
            if (method.Responses.Count == 0)
                method.ReturnType = method.DefaultResponse;

            if (method.ReturnType.Headers != null)
                _swaggerModeler.ServiceClient.HeaderTypes.Add(method.ReturnType.Headers as CompositeType);

            // Copy extensions
            _operation.Extensions.ForEach(extention => method.Extensions.Add(extention.Key, extention.Value));

            return method;
예제 #50
        /// <summary>
        /// 请求数据
        /// 注:若使用证书,推荐使用X509Certificate2的pkcs12证书
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="method">请求方法</param>
        /// <param name="url">请求地址</param>
        /// <param name="body">请求的body内容</param>
        /// <param name="contentType">请求数据类型</param>
        /// <param name="headers">请求头</param>
        /// <param name="cerFile">证书</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string RequestData(string method, string url, string body, string contentType, Dictionary <string, string> headers = null, X509Certificate cerFile = null)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                throw new Exception("请求地址不能为NULL或空!");

            string         newUrl  = url;
            HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(newUrl);

            request.Method      = method.ToUpper();
            request.ContentType = contentType;
            headers?.ForEach(aHeader =>
                request.Headers.Add(aHeader.Key, aHeader.Value);

            if (cerFile != null)

            if (method.ToUpper() != "GET")
                byte[] data = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(body);
                request.ContentLength = data.Length;

                using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())
                    requestStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length);

            string   resData   = string.Empty;
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

                using (HttpWebResponse response = request.GetResponse() as HttpWebResponse)
                    int httpStatusCode = (int)response.StatusCode;
                    using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream())
                        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(responseStream, Encoding.UTF8);
                        resData = reader.ReadToEnd();

            catch (Exception ex)
                resData = $"异常:{ExceptionHelper.GetExceptionAllMsg(ex)}";

                throw ex;
                var time = DateTime.Now - startTime;
                if (resData?.Length > 1000)
                    resData  = new string(resData.Copy(0, 1000).ToArray());
                    resData += "......";

                string log =

예제 #51
        public void CorrectlyHandlesMultipleLogicalMessages()
            var gotWhat = new Dictionary<string, ManualResetEvent>
                {"a", new ManualResetEvent(false)},
                {"b", new ManualResetEvent(false)},
                {"c", new ManualResetEvent(false)},

            _activator.Handle<OldSchoolMessage>(async message =>

            var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            var messageId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            var headers = new Dictionary<string, string>
                    {"rebus-return-address", _newEndpoint},
                    {"rebus-correlation-id", correlationId},
                    {"rebus-msg-id", messageId},
                    {"rebus-content-type", "text/json"},
                    {"rebus-encoding", "utf-7"}

            var jsonBody = ValidLegacyRebusMessageWithMultipleLogicalMessages;

            using (var queue = new MessageQueue(MsmqUtil.GetFullPath(_newEndpoint)))
                queue.SendLegacyRebusMessage(jsonBody, headers);

            gotWhat.ForEach(kvp => kvp.Value.WaitOrDie(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5),
                $"Did not get message with KeyChar = '{kvp.Key}'"));
예제 #52
 private void ResetScoreBoard()
     _scoresBoards.ForEach((player, text) => text.text = "0");
예제 #53
        public virtual void OnAuthenticated(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, IOAuthTokens tokens, Dictionary<string, string> authInfo)
            var userSession = session as AuthUserSession;
            if (userSession != null)
                LoadUserAuthInfo(userSession, tokens, authInfo);

            var authRepo = authService.TryResolve<IUserAuthRepository>();
            if (authRepo != null)
                if (tokens != null)
                    authInfo.ForEach((x, y) => tokens.Items[x] = y);
                SaveUserAuth(authService, userSession, authRepo, tokens);

            OnSaveUserAuth(authService, session);
            authService.SaveSession(session, SessionExpiry);
            session.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo);
예제 #54
        public override IHttpResult OnAuthenticated(IServiceBase authService, IAuthSession session, IAuthTokens tokens, Dictionary<string, string> authInfo)
            var userSession = session as AuthUserSession;
            if (userSession != null)
                LoadUserAuthInfo(userSession, tokens, authInfo);
                HostContext.TryResolve<IAuthMetadataProvider>().SafeAddMetadata(tokens, authInfo);

            var authRepo = HostContext.AppHost.GetAuthRepository(authService.Request);
            using (authRepo as IDisposable)
                if (authRepo != null)
                    if (tokens != null)
                        authInfo.ForEach((x, y) => tokens.Items[x] = y);
                        session.UserAuthId = authRepo.CreateOrMergeAuthSession(session, tokens).UserAuthId.ToString();

                    foreach (var oAuthToken in session.GetAuthTokens())
                        var authProvider = AuthenticateService.GetAuthProvider(oAuthToken.Provider);

                        var userAuthProvider = authProvider as OAuthProvider;
                        userAuthProvider?.LoadUserOAuthProvider(session, oAuthToken);

                    var failed = ValidateAccount(authService, authRepo, session, tokens);
                    if (failed != null)
                        return failed;

                session.OnAuthenticated(authService, session, tokens, authInfo);
                AuthEvents.OnAuthenticated(authService.Request, session, authService, tokens, authInfo);
                this.SaveSession(authService, session, SessionExpiry);

            return null;
예제 #55
        public void Send(
            Context context,
            SiteSettings ss,
            string title,
            string body,
            Dictionary <Column, string> values = null)
            if (Disabled == true)
            var from = MailAddressUtilities.Get(
                context: context,
                userId: context.UserId,
                withFullName: true);

            switch (Type)
            case Types.Mail:
                if (Parameters.Notification.Mail)
                    var mailFrom = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(
                        Addresses.BadAddress(addresses: from) == string.Empty
                                ? from
                                : Parameters.Mail.SupportFrom);
                    values?.ForEach(data => Address = Address.Replace($"[{data.Key.ColumnName}]",
                                                                      (data.Key.Type == Column.Types.User
                                ? data.Key.MultipleSelections == true
                                    ? data.Value.Deserialize <List <int> >()
                                                                       ?.Where(userId => !SiteInfo.User(
                                                                                   context: context,
                                                                                   userId: userId).Anonymous())
                                                                       .Select(userId => $"[User{userId}]")
                                    : !SiteInfo.User(
                                                                           context: context,
                                                                           userId: data.Value.ToInt()).Anonymous()
                                            ? $"[User{data.Value}]"
                                            : string.Empty
                                : data.Key.MultipleSelections == true
                                    ? data.Value.Deserialize <List <string> >()
                                    : data.Value)));
                    var to = Addresses.Get(
                        context: context,
                        addresses: Address).Join(",");
                    if (!to.IsNullOrEmpty())
                        new OutgoingMailModel()
                            Title = new Title(Prefix + title),
                            Body  = body,
                            From  = mailFrom,
                            To    = to
                        }.Send(context: context, ss: ss);

            case Types.Slack:
                if (Parameters.Notification.Slack)
                    new Slack(
                        _context: context,
                        _text: $"*{Prefix}{title}*\n{body}",
                        _username: from)

            case Types.ChatWork:
                if (Parameters.Notification.ChatWork)
                    new ChatWork(
                        _context: context,
                        _text: $"*{Prefix}{title}*\n{body}",
                        _username: from,
                        _token: Token)

            case Types.Line:
            case Types.LineGroup:
                if (Parameters.Notification.Line)
                    new Line(
                        _context: context,
                        _text: $"*{Prefix}{title}*\n{body}",
                        _username: from,
                        _token: Token)
                    .Send(Address, Type == Types.LineGroup);

            case Types.Teams:
                if (Parameters.Notification.Teams)
                    new Teams(
                        _context: context,
                        _text: $"*{Prefix}{title}*\n{body}")

        public virtual void OnAuthenticated(IServiceBase oAuthService, IOAuthTokens tokens, Dictionary<string, string> authInfo)
            var provider = tokens.Provider;
            var authProvider = oAuthService.TryResolve<IUserAuthRepository>();
            if (authProvider != null)
                authProvider.LoadUserAuth(this, tokens);

            if (provider == TwitterAuthConfig.Name)
                if (authInfo.ContainsKey("user_id"))
                    tokens.UserId = this.TwitterUserId = authInfo.GetValueOrDefault("user_id");

                if (authInfo.ContainsKey("screen_name"))
                    tokens.UserName = this.TwitterScreenName = authInfo.GetValueOrDefault("screen_name");

                    var json = AuthHttpGateway.DownloadTwitterUserInfo(this.TwitterUserId);
                    var obj = JsonObject.Parse(json);
                    tokens.DisplayName = obj.Get("name");
                    this.DisplayName = tokens.DisplayName ?? this.DisplayName;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error("Could not retrieve twitter user info for '{0}'".Fmt(TwitterUserId), ex);
            else if (provider == FacebookAuthConfig.Name)
                    var json = AuthHttpGateway.DownloadFacebookUserInfo(tokens.AccessTokenSecret);
                    var obj = JsonObject.Parse(json);
                    tokens.UserId = obj.Get("id");
                    tokens.UserName = obj.Get("username");
                    tokens.DisplayName = obj.Get("name");
                    tokens.FirstName = obj.Get("first_name");
                    tokens.LastName = obj.Get("last_name");
                    tokens.Email = obj.Get("email");

                    this.FacebookUserId = tokens.UserId ?? this.FacebookUserId;
                    this.FacebookUserName = tokens.UserName ?? this.FacebookUserName;
                    this.DisplayName = tokens.DisplayName ?? this.DisplayName;
                    this.FirstName = tokens.FirstName ?? this.FirstName;
                    this.LastName = tokens.LastName ?? this.LastName;
                    this.Email = tokens.Email ?? this.Email;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Error("Could not retrieve facebook user info for '{0}'".Fmt(tokens.DisplayName), ex);

            authInfo.ForEach((x, y) => tokens.Items[x] = y);

            SaveUserAuth(oAuthService.TryResolve<IUserAuthRepository>(), tokens);
            OnSaveUserAuth(oAuthService, this.UserAuthId);
        private void GenerateWorkbookStylesPartContent(WorkbookStylesPart workbookStylesPart, SaveContext context)
            var defaultStyle = new XLStyle(null, DefaultStyle);
            var defaultStyleId = GetStyleId(defaultStyle);
            if (!context.SharedFonts.ContainsKey(defaultStyle.Font))
                context.SharedFonts.Add(defaultStyle.Font, new FontInfo {FontId = 0, Font = defaultStyle.Font as XLFont});

            var sharedFills = new Dictionary<IXLFill, FillInfo>
            {{defaultStyle.Fill, new FillInfo {FillId = 2, Fill = defaultStyle.Fill as XLFill}}};

            var sharedBorders = new Dictionary<IXLBorder, BorderInfo>
            {{defaultStyle.Border, new BorderInfo {BorderId = 0, Border = defaultStyle.Border as XLBorder}}};

            var sharedNumberFormats = new Dictionary<IXLNumberFormat, NumberFormatInfo>
                    new NumberFormatInfo
                    {NumberFormatId = 0, NumberFormat = defaultStyle.NumberFormat}

            //Dictionary<String, AlignmentInfo> sharedAlignments = new Dictionary<String, AlignmentInfo>();
            //sharedAlignments.Add(defaultStyle.Alignment.ToString(), new AlignmentInfo() { AlignmentId = 0, Alignment = defaultStyle.Alignment });

            if (workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet == null)
                workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet = new Stylesheet();

            // Cell styles = Named styles
            if (workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellStyles == null)
                workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellStyles = new CellStyles();

            UInt32 defaultFormatId;
            if (workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellStyles.Elements<CellStyle>().Any(c => c.Name == "Normal"))
                defaultFormatId =
                    workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellStyles.Elements<CellStyle>().Single(c => c.Name == "Normal").FormatId.Value;
            else if (workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellStyles.Elements<CellStyle>().Any())
                defaultFormatId =
                    workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellStyles.Elements<CellStyle>().Max(c => c.FormatId.Value) + 1;
                defaultFormatId = 0;

                new StyleInfo
                    StyleId = defaultFormatId,
                    Style = defaultStyle,
                    FontId = 0,
                    FillId = 0,
                    BorderId = 0,
                    NumberFormatId = 0
                    //AlignmentId = 0

            UInt32 styleCount = 1;
            UInt32 fontCount = 1;
            UInt32 fillCount = 3;
            UInt32 borderCount = 1;
            var numberFormatCount = 1;
            var xlStyles = new HashSet<Int32>();

            foreach (var worksheet in WorksheetsInternal)
                foreach (var s in worksheet.GetStyleIds().Where(s => !xlStyles.Contains(s)))

                foreach (
                    var s in
                        worksheet.Internals.ColumnsCollection.Select(kp => kp.Value.GetStyleId()).Where(
                            s => !xlStyles.Contains(s)))

                foreach (
                    var s in
                        worksheet.Internals.RowsCollection.Select(kp => kp.Value.GetStyleId()).Where(
                            s => !xlStyles.Contains(s))

            foreach (var xlStyle in xlStyles.Select(GetStyleById))
                if (!context.SharedFonts.ContainsKey(xlStyle.Font))
                        new FontInfo {FontId = fontCount++, Font = xlStyle.Font as XLFont});

                if (!sharedFills.ContainsKey(xlStyle.Fill))
                    sharedFills.Add(xlStyle.Fill, new FillInfo {FillId = fillCount++, Fill = xlStyle.Fill as XLFill});

                if (!sharedBorders.ContainsKey(xlStyle.Border))
                        new BorderInfo {BorderId = borderCount++, Border = xlStyle.Border as XLBorder});

                if (xlStyle.NumberFormat.NumberFormatId != -1
                    || sharedNumberFormats.ContainsKey(xlStyle.NumberFormat))

                    new NumberFormatInfo
                        NumberFormatId = numberFormatCount + 164,
                        NumberFormat = xlStyle.NumberFormat

            var allSharedNumberFormats = ResolveNumberFormats(workbookStylesPart, sharedNumberFormats);
            ResolveFonts(workbookStylesPart, context);
            var allSharedFills = ResolveFills(workbookStylesPart, sharedFills);
            var allSharedBorders = ResolveBorders(workbookStylesPart, sharedBorders);

            foreach (var id in xlStyles)
                var xlStyle = GetStyleById(id);
                if (context.SharedStyles.ContainsKey(id)) continue;

                var numberFormatId = xlStyle.NumberFormat.NumberFormatId >= 0
                    ? xlStyle.NumberFormat.NumberFormatId
                    : allSharedNumberFormats[xlStyle.NumberFormat].NumberFormatId;

                    new StyleInfo
                        StyleId = styleCount++,
                        Style = xlStyle,
                        FontId = context.SharedFonts[xlStyle.Font].FontId,
                        FillId = allSharedFills[xlStyle.Fill].FillId,
                        BorderId = allSharedBorders[xlStyle.Border].BorderId,
                        NumberFormatId = numberFormatId

            ResolveCellStyleFormats(workbookStylesPart, context);
            ResolveRest(workbookStylesPart, context);

            if (workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellStyles.Elements<CellStyle>().All(c => c.Name != "Normal"))
                //var defaultFormatId = context.SharedStyles.Values.Where(s => s.Style.Equals(DefaultStyle)).Single().StyleId;

                var cellStyle1 = new CellStyle {Name = "Normal", FormatId = defaultFormatId, BuiltinId = 0U};
            workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellStyles.Count = (UInt32)workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellStyles.Count();

            var newSharedStyles = new Dictionary<Int32, StyleInfo>();
            foreach (var ss in context.SharedStyles)
                var styleId = -1;
                foreach (CellFormat f in workbookStylesPart.Stylesheet.CellFormats)
                    if (CellFormatsAreEqual(f, ss.Value))
                if (styleId == -1)
                    styleId = 0;
                var si = ss.Value;
                si.StyleId = (UInt32)styleId;
                newSharedStyles.Add(ss.Key, si);
            newSharedStyles.ForEach(kp => context.SharedStyles.Add(kp.Key, kp.Value));

            AddDifferentialFormats(workbookStylesPart, context);
예제 #58
		private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs routedEventArgs)
			var shapes = new Dictionary<string, RadDiagramShape>
					{ "Start", new RadDiagramShape { 
													Geometry = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(FlowChartShapeType.StartShape), 
													GlidingStyle = GlidingStyle.Ellipse, 
													Position = new Point(380, 50), 
													Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green),
													Width = 50, 
													Height = 50,
													BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
													Effect = effect
													} },
					{ "Stop", new RadDiagramShape { 
													Geometry = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(FlowChartShapeType.StartShape), 
													GlidingStyle = GlidingStyle.Ellipse, 
													Position = new Point(386, 573), 
													Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange),
													Width = 50, 
													Height = 50,
													BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
													Effect = effect
													} },
					{ "New?", new RadDiagramShape { Geometry = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(FlowChartShapeType.DecisionShape) ,
													GlidingStyle = GlidingStyle.Diamond, 
													Position = new Point(350, 150), 
													Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Orange),
													Content = "New?",
													BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
													Effect = effect
													} },
					{ "CreateCart", new RadDiagramShape {	Geometry = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(FlowChartShapeType.CreateRequestShape), 
															GlidingStyle = GlidingStyle.Rectangle, 
															Position = new Point(222,280), 
															Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue),
															Content = "Create New",
															BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
															Effect = effect
													} },
					{ "FetchCart", new RadDiagramShape {	Geometry = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(FlowChartShapeType.CreateRequestShape), 
															GlidingStyle = GlidingStyle.Rectangle, 
															Position = new Point(478,280), 
															Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue),
															Content = "Fetch Existing",
															BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
															Effect = effect
													} },
					{ "Database", new RadDiagramShape {	Geometry = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(FlowChartShapeType.Database1Shape), 
															GlidingStyle = GlidingStyle.Rectangle, 
															Position = new Point(725,255), 
															Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray),
															Content = "Oracle",
															BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
															Effect = effect,
															Opacity = .85
													} },
					{ "BizTalk", new RadDiagramShape {	Geometry = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(CommonShapeType.RoundedRectangleShape), 
															GlidingStyle = GlidingStyle.Rectangle, 
															Position = new Point(890,255), 
															Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray),
															Content = "BizTalk",
															BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
															Effect = effect,
															Opacity = .85
													} },
					{ "Azure", new RadDiagramShape {	Geometry = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(CommonShapeType.CloudShape), 
															GlidingStyle = GlidingStyle.Rectangle, 
															Position = new Point(1070,255), 
															Background =new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue),
															Content = "Azure",
															BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
															Effect = effect,
															Opacity = .6
													} },
					{ "Present", new RadDiagramShape {	Geometry = ShapeFactory.GetShapeGeometry(FlowChartShapeType.DocumentShape), 
															GlidingStyle = GlidingStyle.Rectangle, 
															Position = new Point(355,432), 
															Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green),
															Content = "Present",
															BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
															Effect = effect,
															Opacity = 1
													} },
					{ "FSM", new RadDiagramShape {	Geometry = null, 
															GlidingStyle = GlidingStyle.Rectangle, 
															Position = new Point(830,400), 
															Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Blue),
															Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black),
															Content = "FSM",
															BorderBrush = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent),
															Effect = effect,
															Opacity = 1
													} },
			// add all shapes
			shapes.ForEach(s => diagram.AddShape(s.Value));

			var ctShapes = new[] { "Database", "FSM", "Azure", "BizTalk" };
			var container = new RadDiagramContainerShape
				Position = new Point(692, 204),
				Width = 565,
				Height = 305,
				Content = "Backend",
				Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Red),
				StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { 1, 1 },
				Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.LightGray),
				Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Gray),
				ZIndex = -5
			ctShapes.ForEach(s => container.Items.Add(shapes[s]));
			shapes["CreateCart"].RotationAngle = 315;
			shapes["FetchCart"].RotationAngle = 45;

			var c1 = diagram.AddConnection(shapes["Start"], shapes["New?"]) as RadDiagramConnection;
			c1.Content = "always";

			var c2 = diagram.AddConnection(shapes["New?"], shapes["CreateCart"]) as RadDiagramConnection;
			c2.Content = "yes";

			var c3 = diagram.AddConnection(shapes["New?"], shapes["FetchCart"]) as RadDiagramConnection;
			c3.Content = "no";

			var c4 = diagram.AddConnection(container, shapes["FetchCart"]) as RadDiagramConnection;
			c4.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { 2, 2 };
			c4.SourceCapType = CapType.Arrow6Filled;
			c4.Opacity = .5;

			var c5 = diagram.AddConnection(shapes["Database"], shapes["BizTalk"]) as RadDiagramConnection;
			c5.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { 3, 2 };
			c5.SourceCapType = CapType.Arrow5Filled;
			c5.Content = "Orchestration";
			c5.Opacity = .5;

			var c6 = diagram.AddConnection(shapes["Azure"], shapes["BizTalk"]) as RadDiagramConnection;
			c6.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { 3, 2 };
			c6.SourceCapType = CapType.Arrow5Filled;
			c6.Content = "Async";
			c6.Opacity = .5;

			var c7 = diagram.AddConnection(shapes["FSM"], shapes["BizTalk"]) as RadDiagramConnection;
			c7.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { 3, 2 };
			c7.SourceCapType = CapType.Arrow5Filled;
			c7.Content = "Async";
			c7.Opacity = .5;

			var c8 = diagram.AddConnection(shapes["FSM"], shapes["Database"]) as RadDiagramConnection;
			c8.StrokeDashArray = new DoubleCollection { 3, 2 };
			c8.SourceCapType = CapType.Arrow5Filled;
			c8.Content = "Async";
			c8.BezierTension = .72;
			c8.ManipulationPoints[0].Position = new Point(50, 550);
			c8.Opacity = .5;

			var c9 = diagram.AddConnection(shapes["CreateCart"], shapes["Present"]) as RadDiagramConnection;
			c9.TargetCapType = CapType.Arrow1Filled;

			var c10 = diagram.AddConnection(shapes["FetchCart"], shapes["Present"]) as RadDiagramConnection;

			var c11 = diagram.AddConnection(shapes["Present"], shapes["Stop"]) as RadDiagramConnection;
예제 #59
        public static WfProcessStartupParams PrepareStartupParams(this IWfProcessDescriptor processDesp, Dictionary<string, object> runtimeParameters = null)
            WfProcessStartupParams startupParams = new WfProcessStartupParams();
            startupParams.ResourceID = UuidHelper.NewUuidString();
            startupParams.ProcessDescriptor = processDesp;

            if (runtimeParameters != null)
                runtimeParameters.ForEach(kp => startupParams.ApplicationRuntimeParameters.Add(kp.Key, kp.Value));

            return startupParams;
예제 #60
        protected WebParameterCollection BuildRequestParameters()
            var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            var properties = Info.GetType().GetProperties();

            Info.ParseAttributes<ParameterAttribute>(properties, parameters);

            var collection = new WebParameterCollection();
            parameters.ForEach(p => collection.Add(new WebParameter(p.Key, p.Value)));

            return collection;