/// <summary>
        /// Updates historical log of user positions
        /// Trigger update for GUI, Database and
        ///  client classB (which transmit to traderdipatcher, and
        ///  then to clients)
        /// Call from UserDealsPosBox
        /// this.CalculateBotsPos
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="botId"></param>
        /// <param name="instrument"></param>
        /// <param name="bp"></param>
        /// <param name="rd"></param>
        public void UpdateUserPosLog(int botId, string instrument, CBotPos bp, CRawUserDeal rd)
                CBotPos botPos = (CBotPos)bp.Copy();

                DicBotPosLog.Update(botId, instrument, botPos);

                UserDealsPosBoxClient.GUIBotUpdatePosLog(botPos, botId);

                //  UpdateLatestBotPos(botId, instrument, bp);

            catch (Exception e)
                Error("UpdateUserPosLog(", e);
        /// <summary>

        /// Calculate total VM. vm_total = vm_opened + vm_closed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="BotId"></param>
        /// <param name="isin"></param>
        /// <param name="vmClosed">closed VM</param>
        /// <param name="bFound">was found in DicBotPosLog (closed posirions dictionary)</param>
        /// <returns> opened and closed VM</returns>
        /// Was modified 2018.12.20 added vm opened and refactored
        public decimal CalcBotVMOpenedAndClosed(int BotId, string isin, ref decimal vmClosed, ref bool bFoundClosed,
                                                ref decimal vmOpenedPos)
            decimal vmTotal = 0;

            //  LckDictPositionsOfBots.WaitOne();
            lock (LckDictPositionsOfBots)
                if (DicBotPosLog.ContainsKey(BotId) && DicBotPosLog[BotId].ContainsKey(isin))
                    var ListBtorPos = DicBotPosLog[BotId][isin];
                    //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<CBotPos>> kv in DicBotPosLog[BotID])
                    foreach (CBotPos bp in ListBtorPos)
                        vmTotal     += bp.VMClosed_RUB;
                        bFoundClosed = true;

                    vmClosed = vmTotal;

            //if no instrument in "Instruments"- that means must be no opened pos of this instrument
            if (_client.IsInstrumentExist(isin))
                //2018-01-11 Now do not use getting full copy of BotPos which
                // is significally reduce perfomance. Use speciel method GetVMCurrent_RUB
                // which gets just VMCurrent_RUB value from BotPos storage.

                // decimal openedVm =  (GetBotPos(BotId, isin)).VMCurrent_RUB;
                decimal openedVm = GetVMCurrent_RUB(BotId, isin);
                vmTotal     += openedVm;
                vmOpenedPos += openedVm;

            // LckDictPositionsOfBots.ReleaseMutex();
            //tempo debug

            //  if (BotId == 101 && isin =="Si-3.18")
            //  Thread.Sleep(0);

예제 #3
        public decimal CalcTotalBotVMClosed(int BotID, string isin)
            decimal v = 0;

            lock (LckDictPositionsOfBots)
                if (DicBotPosLog.ContainsKey(BotID))
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <CBotPos> > kv in DicBotPosLog[BotID])
                        foreach (CBotPos bp in kv.Value)
                            v += bp.VMClosed_RUB;

        //May be no need an will remove. NOt used at the moment
        public decimal CalcBotVMClosed(int BotId, string isin, ref decimal vmClosed, ref bool bFound)
            decimal v = 0;

            //  LckDictPositionsOfBots.WaitOne();
            lock (LckDictPositionsOfBots)
                if (DicBotPosLog.ContainsKey(BotId) && DicBotPosLog[BotId].ContainsKey(isin))
                    var ListBtorPos = DicBotPosLog[BotId][isin];
                    //foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<CBotPos>> kv in DicBotPosLog[BotID])
                    foreach (CBotPos bp in ListBtorPos)
                        v     += bp.VMClosed_RUB;
                        bFound = true;

                    vmClosed = v;

        /// <summary>
        /// Late updates fee data of BotPos. Deals data (id, price etc)
        /// was already saved before to specific lists of CPosChangeFrag structs:
        /// ListOpeningPosChanges and ListClosingPosChanges
        /// So we need to find CPosChangeFrag element with DealId and update
        /// it's fee.
        /// Could be three cases:
        /// 1) If BotPos is opened (is not fully closed yet) than update fee of DictPositionsOfBots
        ///     element.
        /// 2) If BotPot was fully closed than update fee of DicBotPosLog
        /// 3) If position "rotated". For that case, if botpos is opening,
        ///   we check last DicBotPosLog element and if IsFeeLateCalced is not set
        ///   we perform recalc fee for this element. Note: fee of rotating deal
        ///   adds to the new "opened" position.
        /// If position was fully closed or rotated, saved to DicBotPosLog and all fees are
        /// not zeroes do update BotPos fee, and update other systems(Database, bots, etc)
        ///     2018-06-16 - as could be two deals with the same DealId (cross situation)
        ///                  do check DealId and Dir now.
        /// Call from:
        /// 1) CryptoDealingServer.UpdateUserDealsLateUpd
        /// 2) UserDealsPosBoxCrypto.Update
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="botId"></param>
        /// <param name="instrument"></param>
        /// <param name="dealId"></param>
        /// <param name="fee"></param>
        public void UpdateFee(int botId, string instrument, long dealId, decimal fee, EnmDealDir dir)
            bool bDealWithNoFee         = false;
            bool bFoundInPosLog         = false;
            bool bFoundInOpenedPos      = false;
            bool bFoundHistNotFeeCalced = false;
            bool bNullAnomalyFound      = false;

            CBotPos bpClosed   = null;
            decimal calcedFee  = 0;
            decimal feeDealing = 0;
            decimal feeStock   = 0;

            decimal calcedFeeForPos  = 0;
            decimal feeDealingForPos = 0;
            decimal feeStockForPos   = 0;

            Log(String.Format("[UpdateFee] botId={0} instrument={1} dealId={2} fee={3}",
                              botId, instrument, dealId, fee));

            //first find in opened positions

            lock (LckDictPositionsOfBots)
                if (DictPositionsOfBots.ContainsKey(botId))
                    if (DictPositionsOfBots[botId].ContainsKey(instrument))
                        CBotPos bp = DictPositionsOfBots[botId][instrument];
                        foreach (var el in bp.ListOpeningPosChanges)
                            if (el.IdDeal == dealId && el.Dir == dir)                             //2018-06-16 check dir
                                //2018-06-07 protect against override fee with wrong "0" value
                                if (fee == 0 && el.Fee != 0)
                                    Log("Protect to owerrite with zero. ListOpeningPosChanges");
                                    Log("Deals of DictPositionsOfBot's opening positions. Do Update fee.");
                                    //2018-08-03 removed check
                                    // if (el.Fee == 0)
                                    CalculateFees(botId, fee, ref calcedFee, ref feeDealing, ref feeStock, el);

                                    bFoundInOpenedPos = true;
                                //return; //2018-05-23 removed

                        foreach (var el in bp.ListClosingPosChanges)
                            if (el.IdDeal == dealId && el.Dir == dir)  //2018-06-16 check dir
                                //2018-06-07 protect against override fee with wrong "0" value
                                if (fee == 0 && el.Fee != 0)
                                    Log("Protect to owerrite with zero. ListClosingPosChanges");
                                    Log("Deals of DictPositionsOfBot's closing positions. Do Update fee.");
                                    //2018-08-03 removed check
                                    //if (el.FeeDealing == 0)
                                    CalculateFees(botId, fee, ref calcedFee, ref feeDealing, ref feeStock, el);

                                    bFoundInOpenedPos = true;
                                //return; //2018-05-23 removed

            //then look in historical positions
            lock (DicBotPosLog)
                //if not found in opened pos find in poslog
                if (!bFoundInOpenedPos)
                    if (DicBotPosLog.ContainsKey(botId))
                        if (DicBotPosLog[botId].ContainsKey(instrument))
                            if (DicBotPosLog[botId][instrument].Count > 0)
                                bpClosed = DicBotPosLog[botId][instrument].Last();
                                foreach (var el in bpClosed.ListClosingPosChanges)
                                    if (el.IdDeal == dealId && el.Dir == dir) //2018-06-16 check dir
                                        //TODO normal loading  from DB after disconnect
                                        //   //2018-08-03 removed check
                                        //if (el.FeeDealing == 0)
                                        CalculateFees(botId, fee, ref calcedFee, ref feeDealing, ref feeStock, el);

                                        bFoundInPosLog = true;
                                    else if (el.Fee == 0)
                                        bDealWithNoFee = true;
                                        Log(String.Format("bDealWithNoFee DealId={0}", el.IdDeal));

                //2018-05-23 check if last pos "fee processed".
                //This is for processing "rotate" position case
                if (bFoundInOpenedPos)
                    if (DicBotPosLog.ContainsKey(botId))
                        if (DicBotPosLog[botId].ContainsKey(instrument))
                            if (DicBotPosLog[botId][instrument].Count > 0)
                                bpClosed = DicBotPosLog[botId][instrument].Last();
                                if (bpClosed != null)
                                    if (bpClosed.IsFeeLateCalced == 0)
                                        bFoundHistNotFeeCalced = true;

                //2018-06-03 protect against  bpClosed==null "anlomaly"
                if (bFoundInPosLog && bpClosed == null)
                    bpClosed          = DicBotPosLog[botId][instrument].Last();
                    bNullAnomalyFound = true;
                    Log("Null anomaly found");
                //end protect amomaly

                //TODO check if fee not recalc yet
                //if all deals of historical postions are closed, all fees are saved (no bDealWithNoFee)
                // perform recalc and set botpos as fee calculated.
                //2018-05-23 also perform calc when "rotate pos" situation (bFoundHistNotFeeCalced)
                //2018-06-20 try to remove bDealWithNoFee and IsFeeLateCalced condition becaused
                //fee COULD BE zero in a "very little" amount case. Note: as we check "bpClosed!=null"
                //we calcuylate and update total position fee after position close.
                if (bpClosed != null)
                    if (/*bpClosed.IsFeeLateCalced==0 &&*/ (bFoundInPosLog || bFoundHistNotFeeCalced)
                        /*&& !bDealWithNoFee*/)
                        Log("Update fee of historical position");
                        if (bpClosed.ListOpeningPosChanges != null) //2018-07-19 protect against null data (when loaded from DB to poslog)
                            bpClosed.ListOpeningPosChanges.ForEach(el =>
                                calcedFeeForPos  += el.Fee;
                                feeStockForPos   += el.Fee_Stock;
                                feeDealingForPos += el.FeeDealing;

                        if (bpClosed.ListClosingPosChanges != null) //2018-07-19  protect against null data (when loaded from DB to poslog)
                            bpClosed.ListClosingPosChanges.ForEach(el =>
                                calcedFeeForPos  += el.Fee;
                                feeStockForPos   += el.Fee_Stock;
                                feeDealingForPos += el.FeeDealing;

                        if (calcedFeeForPos != 0)                                                           //2018-07-19 protect against owerride fee (if null we do not need)
                            bpClosed.Fee_Stock  = feeStockForPos;;                                          //fee recieved from stock
                            bpClosed.FeeDealing = feeDealingForPos;                                         //fee by dealing
                            bpClosed.Fee        = calcedFeeForPos;                                          //  2018-07-19
                            bpClosed.Fee_Total  = bpClosed.Fee;                                             //is equal fee

                            bpClosed.VMClosed_RUB_stock = bpClosed.VMClosed_RUB_clean - bpClosed.Fee_Stock; //is equal VM on stock exchange (for checking), substract only stock fee
                            bpClosed.VMClosed_RUB       = bpClosed.VMClosed_RUB_clean - bpClosed.Fee;       //resulting VM substract full fee
                            bpClosed.VMClosed_RUB_user  = bpClosed.VMClosed_RUB;                            //is equal VMClosed_RUB

                            bpClosed.IsFeeLateCalced = 1;

                            _client.UpdateUserPosLogLate(new CDBUpdateLate
                                Instrument         = instrument,
                                ReplId             = bpClosed.ReplIdClosed,
                                BotId              = botId,
                                Fee_Total          = bpClosed.Fee_Total,
                                Fee                = bpClosed.Fee,
                                Fee_Stock          = bpClosed.Fee_Stock,
                                FeeDealing         = bpClosed.FeeDealing,
                                VMClosed_RUB       = bpClosed.VMClosed_RUB,
                                VMClosed_RUB_user  = bpClosed.VMClosed_RUB_user,
                                VMClosed_RUB_stock = bpClosed.VMClosed_RUB_stock,
                                IsFeeLateCalced    = bpClosed.IsFeeLateCalced

                //===================== DEBUGGING START
                //2018-06-03 this is for debugging
                //to catch bpClosed==null situation
                if (bFoundInPosLog)
                    if (bpClosed == null || bNullAnomalyFound)
                        Log("bpClosed == null catching situation");
                        if (DicBotPosLog.ContainsKey(botId))
                            if (DicBotPosLog[botId].ContainsKey(instrument))
                                if (DicBotPosLog[botId][instrument].Count != 0)
                                    var lastEl = DicBotPosLog[botId][instrument].Last();
                                    if (lastEl == null)
                                        Log("Last el is null");

                                    foreach (var elBp in DicBotPosLog[botId][instrument])
                                        Log(String.Format("DtOpen={0} DtClosed={1} BuySell={2} " +
                                                          "CloseAmount={3} Priceopen={4} Priceopen={4} PriceClose={5}",
                                    Log("Count is 0");
                                Log("Doesn't contain instrument");
                            Log("Doesn't contain botId");
                //DEBUGGING END
            } //end lock (DicBotPosLog)

            _client.TriggerRecalculateBot(botId, "", EnmBotEventCode.OnForceUpdTotalVM, null);

            _client.UpdateFeeUserDealsLog(new CDBUpdateFeeUserDealsLog
                DealId     = dealId,
                Fee        = calcedFee,
                FeeDealing = feeDealing,
                FeeStock   = feeStock
