예제 #1
		internal FileDialog ()
			form = new DialogForm (this);
			vfs = new MWFVFS ();
			Size formConfigSize = Size.Empty;
			Point formConfigLocation = Point.Empty;
			object formWidth = MWFConfig.GetValue (filedialog_string, width_string);
			object formHeight = MWFConfig.GetValue (filedialog_string, height_string);
			if (formHeight != null && formWidth != null)
				formConfigSize = new Size ((int)formWidth, (int)formHeight);
			object formLocationX = MWFConfig.GetValue (filedialog_string, x_string);
			object formLocationY = MWFConfig.GetValue (filedialog_string, y_string);
			if (formLocationX != null && formLocationY != null)
				formConfigLocation = new Point ((int)formLocationX, (int)formLocationY);
			configFileNames = (string[])MWFConfig.GetValue (filedialog_string, filenames_string);
			fileTypeComboBox = new ComboBox ();
			backToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton ();
			newdirToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton ();
			searchSaveLabel = new Label ();
			mwfFileView = new MWFFileView (vfs);
			fileNameLabel = new Label ();
			fileNameComboBox = new ComboBox ();
			dirComboBox = new DirComboBox (vfs);
			smallButtonToolBar = new ToolBar ();
			menueToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton ();
			fileTypeLabel = new Label ();
			openSaveButton = new Button ();
			helpButton = new Button ();
			popupButtonPanel = new PopupButtonPanel ();
			upToolBarButton = new ToolBarButton ();
			cancelButton = new Button ();
			form.CancelButton = cancelButton;
			imageListTopToolbar = new ImageList ();
			menueToolBarButtonContextMenu = new ContextMenu ();
			readonlyCheckBox = new CheckBox ();
			form.SuspendLayout ();
			imageListTopToolbar.ColorDepth = ColorDepth.Depth32Bit;
			imageListTopToolbar.ImageSize = new Size (16, 16); // 16, 16
			imageListTopToolbar.Images.Add (ResourceImageLoader.Get ("go-previous.png"));
			imageListTopToolbar.Images.Add (ResourceImageLoader.Get ("go-top.png"));
			imageListTopToolbar.Images.Add (ResourceImageLoader.Get ("folder-new.png"));
			imageListTopToolbar.Images.Add (ResourceImageLoader.Get ("preferences-system-windows.png"));
			imageListTopToolbar.TransparentColor = Color.Transparent;
			// searchLabel
			searchSaveLabel.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			searchSaveLabel.Location = new Point (6, 6);
			searchSaveLabel.Size = new Size (86, 22);
			searchSaveLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
			// dirComboBox
			dirComboBox.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)(((AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left) | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			dirComboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
			dirComboBox.Location = new Point (99, 6);
			dirComboBox.Size = new Size (261, 22);
			dirComboBox.TabIndex = 7;
			// smallButtonToolBar
			smallButtonToolBar.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			smallButtonToolBar.Appearance = ToolBarAppearance.Flat;
			smallButtonToolBar.AutoSize = false;
			smallButtonToolBar.Buttons.AddRange (new ToolBarButton [] {
			smallButtonToolBar.ButtonSize = new Size (24, 24); // 21, 16
			smallButtonToolBar.Divider = false;
			smallButtonToolBar.Dock = DockStyle.None;
			smallButtonToolBar.DropDownArrows = true;
			smallButtonToolBar.ImageList = imageListTopToolbar;
			smallButtonToolBar.Location = new Point (372, 6);
			smallButtonToolBar.ShowToolTips = true;
			smallButtonToolBar.Size = new Size (140, 28);
			smallButtonToolBar.TabIndex = 8;
			smallButtonToolBar.TextAlign = ToolBarTextAlign.Right;
			// buttonPanel
			popupButtonPanel.Dock = DockStyle.None;
			popupButtonPanel.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((((AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom) | AnchorStyles.Left))));
			popupButtonPanel.Location = new Point (6, 35);
			popupButtonPanel.Size = new Size (87, 338);
			popupButtonPanel.TabIndex = 9;
			// mwfFileView
			mwfFileView.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((((AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom) | AnchorStyles.Left) | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			mwfFileView.Location = new Point (99, 35);
			mwfFileView.Size = new Size (450, 283);
			mwfFileView.MultiSelect = false;
			mwfFileView.TabIndex = 10;
			mwfFileView.RegisterSender (dirComboBox);
			mwfFileView.RegisterSender (popupButtonPanel);
			// fileNameLabel
			fileNameLabel.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left)));
			fileNameLabel.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			fileNameLabel.Location = new Point (101, 326);
			fileNameLabel.Size = new Size (70, 21);
			fileNameLabel.Text = "File name:";
			fileNameLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
			// fileNameComboBox
			fileNameComboBox.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)(((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left) | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			fileNameComboBox.Location = new Point (195, 326);
			fileNameComboBox.Size = new Size (246, 22);
			fileNameComboBox.TabIndex = 1;
			fileNameComboBox.MaxDropDownItems = MaxFileNameItems;
			fileNameComboBox.RestoreContextMenu ();
			UpdateRecentFiles ();
			// fileTypeLabel
			fileTypeLabel.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left)));
			fileTypeLabel.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			fileTypeLabel.Location = new Point (101, 355);
			fileTypeLabel.Size = new Size (90, 21);
			fileTypeLabel.Text = "Files of type:";
			fileTypeLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
			// fileTypeComboBox
			fileTypeComboBox.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)(((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left) | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			fileTypeComboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
			fileTypeComboBox.Location = new Point (195, 355);
			fileTypeComboBox.Size = new Size (246, 22);
			fileTypeComboBox.TabIndex = 2;
			// backToolBarButton
			backToolBarButton.ImageIndex = 0;
			backToolBarButton.Enabled = false;
			backToolBarButton.Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.PushButton;
			mwfFileView.AddControlToEnableDisableByDirStack (backToolBarButton);
			// upToolBarButton
			upToolBarButton.ImageIndex = 1;
			upToolBarButton.Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.PushButton;
			mwfFileView.SetFolderUpToolBarButton (upToolBarButton);
			// newdirToolBarButton
			newdirToolBarButton.ImageIndex = 2;
			newdirToolBarButton.Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.PushButton;
			// menueToolBarButton
			menueToolBarButton.ImageIndex = 3;
			menueToolBarButton.DropDownMenu = menueToolBarButtonContextMenu;
			menueToolBarButton.Style = ToolBarButtonStyle.DropDownButton;
			// menueToolBarButtonContextMenu
			menueToolBarButtonContextMenu.MenuItems.AddRange (mwfFileView.ViewMenuItems);
			// openSaveButton
			openSaveButton.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			openSaveButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			openSaveButton.Location = new Point (474, 326);
			openSaveButton.Size = new Size (75, 23);
			openSaveButton.TabIndex = 4;
			openSaveButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			// cancelButton
			cancelButton.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			cancelButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			cancelButton.Location = new Point (474, 353);
			cancelButton.Size = new Size (75, 23);
			cancelButton.TabIndex = 5;
			cancelButton.Text = "Cancel";
			cancelButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			// helpButton
			helpButton.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			helpButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			helpButton.Location = new Point (474, 353);
			helpButton.Size = new Size (75, 23);
			helpButton.TabIndex = 6;
			helpButton.Text = "Help";
			helpButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			helpButton.Visible = false;
			// checkBox
			readonlyCheckBox.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)(((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left) | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			readonlyCheckBox.Text = "Open Readonly";
			readonlyCheckBox.Location = new Point (195, 350);
			readonlyCheckBox.Size = new Size (245, 21);
			readonlyCheckBox.TabIndex = 3;
			readonlyCheckBox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			readonlyCheckBox.Visible = false;
			form.SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Show;
			form.AcceptButton = openSaveButton;
			form.MaximizeBox = true;
			form.MinimizeBox = true;
			form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.Sizable;
			form.ClientSize =  new Size (555, 385);
			form.MinimumSize = form.Size;

			form.Controls.Add (smallButtonToolBar);
			form.Controls.Add (cancelButton);
			form.Controls.Add (openSaveButton);
			form.Controls.Add (mwfFileView);
			form.Controls.Add (fileTypeLabel);
			form.Controls.Add (fileNameLabel);
			form.Controls.Add (fileTypeComboBox);
			form.Controls.Add (fileNameComboBox);
			form.Controls.Add (dirComboBox);
			form.Controls.Add (searchSaveLabel);
			form.Controls.Add (popupButtonPanel);
			form.Controls.Add (helpButton);
			form.Controls.Add (readonlyCheckBox);
			form.ResumeLayout (true);

			if (formConfigSize != Size.Empty) {
				form.ClientSize = formConfigSize;
			if (formConfigLocation != Point.Empty) {
				form.Location = formConfigLocation;
			openSaveButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickOpenSaveButton);
			cancelButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickCancelButton);
			helpButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickHelpButton);
			smallButtonToolBar.ButtonClick += new ToolBarButtonClickEventHandler (OnClickSmallButtonToolBar);
			fileTypeComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler (OnSelectedIndexChangedFileTypeComboBox);
			mwfFileView.SelectedFileChanged += new EventHandler (OnSelectedFileChangedFileView);
			mwfFileView.ForceDialogEnd += new EventHandler (OnForceDialogEndFileView);
			mwfFileView.SelectedFilesChanged += new EventHandler (OnSelectedFilesChangedFileView);
			mwfFileView.ColumnClick += new ColumnClickEventHandler(OnColumnClickFileView);
			dirComboBox.DirectoryChanged += new EventHandler (OnDirectoryChangedDirComboBox);
			popupButtonPanel.DirectoryChanged += new EventHandler (OnDirectoryChangedPopupButtonPanel);

			readonlyCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler (OnCheckCheckChanged);
#if NET_2_0
			form.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler (OnFileDialogFormClosed);
			custom_places = new FileDialogCustomPlacesCollection ();
			form.Closed += new EventHandler (OnFileDialogFormClosed);
예제 #2
		public FontDialog( )
			form = new DialogForm (this);
			example_panel_text = char_sets [0];
			okButton = new Button( );
			cancelButton = new Button( );
			applyButton = new Button( );
			helpButton = new Button( );
			fontTextBox = new TextBox( );
			fontstyleTextBox = new TextBox( );
			fontsizeTextBox = new TextBox( );
			fontListBox = new MouseWheelListBox ();
			fontsizeListBox = new MouseWheelListBox ();
			fontstyleListBox = new MouseWheelListBox ();
			fontLabel = new Label( );
			fontstyleLabel = new Label( );
			sizeLabel = new Label( );
			scriptLabel = new Label( );
			exampleGroupBox = new GroupBox( );
			effectsGroupBox = new GroupBox( );
			underlinedCheckBox = new CheckBox( );
			strikethroughCheckBox = new CheckBox( );
			scriptComboBox = new ComboBox( );
			examplePanel = new Panel( );
			colorComboBox = new ColorComboBox( this );
			exampleGroupBox.SuspendLayout( );
			effectsGroupBox.SuspendLayout( );
			form.SuspendLayout( );
			form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
			form.MaximizeBox = false;
			// fontsizeListBox
			fontsizeListBox.Location = new Point( 284, 47 );
			fontsizeListBox.Size = new Size( 52, 95 );
			fontsizeListBox.TabIndex = 10;
			fontListBox.Sorted = true;
			// fontTextBox
			fontTextBox.Location = new Point( 16, 26 );
			fontTextBox.Size = new Size( 140, 21 );
			fontTextBox.TabIndex = 5;
			fontTextBox.Text = "";
			// fontstyleLabel
			fontstyleLabel.Location = new Point( 164, 10 );
			fontstyleLabel.Size = new Size( 100, 16 );
			fontstyleLabel.TabIndex = 1;
			fontstyleLabel.Text = "Font Style:";
			// typesizeTextBox
			fontsizeTextBox.Location = new Point( 284, 26 );
			fontsizeTextBox.Size = new Size( 52, 21 );
			fontsizeTextBox.TabIndex = 7;
			fontsizeTextBox.Text = "";
			fontsizeTextBox.MaxLength = 2;
			// schriftartListBox
			fontListBox.Location = new Point( 16, 47 );
			fontListBox.Size = new Size( 140, 95 );
			fontListBox.TabIndex = 8;
			fontListBox.Sorted = true;
			// exampleGroupBox
			exampleGroupBox.Controls.Add( examplePanel );
			exampleGroupBox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			exampleGroupBox.Location = new Point( 164, 158 );
			exampleGroupBox.Size = new Size( 172, 70 );
			exampleGroupBox.TabIndex = 12;
			exampleGroupBox.TabStop = false;
			exampleGroupBox.Text = "Example";
			// fontstyleListBox
			fontstyleListBox.Location = new Point( 164, 47 );
			fontstyleListBox.Size = new Size( 112, 95 );
			fontstyleListBox.TabIndex = 9;
			// schriftartLabel
			fontLabel.Location = new Point( 16, 10 );
			fontLabel.Size = new Size( 88, 16 );
			fontLabel.TabIndex = 0;
			fontLabel.Text = "Font:";
			// effectsGroupBox
			effectsGroupBox.Controls.Add( underlinedCheckBox );
			effectsGroupBox.Controls.Add( strikethroughCheckBox );
			effectsGroupBox.Controls.Add( colorComboBox );
			effectsGroupBox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			effectsGroupBox.Location = new Point( 16, 158 );
			effectsGroupBox.Size = new Size( 140, 116 );
			effectsGroupBox.TabIndex = 11;
			effectsGroupBox.TabStop = false;
			effectsGroupBox.Text = "Effects";
			// strikethroughCheckBox
			strikethroughCheckBox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			strikethroughCheckBox.Location = new Point( 8, 16 );
			strikethroughCheckBox.TabIndex = 0;
			strikethroughCheckBox.Text = "Strikethrough";
			// colorComboBox
			colorComboBox.Location = new Point( 8, 70 );
			colorComboBox.Size = new Size( 130, 21 );
			// sizeLabel
			sizeLabel.Location = new Point( 284, 10 );
			sizeLabel.Size = new Size( 100, 16 );
			sizeLabel.TabIndex = 2;
			sizeLabel.Text = "Size:";
			// scriptComboBox
			scriptComboBox.Location = new Point( 164, 253 );
			scriptComboBox.Size = new Size( 172, 21 );
			scriptComboBox.TabIndex = 14;
			scriptComboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
			// okButton
			okButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			okButton.Location = new Point( 352, 26 );
			okButton.Size = new Size( 70, 23 );
			okButton.TabIndex = 3;
			okButton.Text = "OK";
			// cancelButton
			cancelButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			cancelButton.Location = new Point( 352, 52 );
			cancelButton.Size = new Size( 70, 23 );
			cancelButton.TabIndex = 4;
			cancelButton.Text = "Cancel";
			// applyButton
			applyButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			applyButton.Location = new Point( 352, 78 );
			applyButton.Size = new Size( 70, 23 );
			applyButton.TabIndex = 5;
			applyButton.Text = "Apply";
			// helpButton
			helpButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			helpButton.Location = new Point( 352, 104 );
			helpButton.Size = new Size( 70, 23 );
			helpButton.TabIndex = 6;
			helpButton.Text = "Help";
			// underlinedCheckBox
			underlinedCheckBox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			underlinedCheckBox.Location = new Point( 8, 36 );
			underlinedCheckBox.TabIndex = 1;
			underlinedCheckBox.Text = "Underlined";
			// fontstyleTextBox
			fontstyleTextBox.Location = new Point( 164, 26 );
			fontstyleTextBox.Size = new Size( 112, 21 );
			fontstyleTextBox.TabIndex = 6;
			fontstyleTextBox.Text = "";
			// scriptLabel
			scriptLabel.Location = new Point( 164, 236 );
			scriptLabel.Size = new Size( 100, 16 );
			scriptLabel.TabIndex = 13;
			scriptLabel.Text = "Script:";
			// examplePanel
			examplePanel.Location = new Point( 8, 20 );
			examplePanel.TabIndex = 0;
			examplePanel.Size = new Size( 156, 40 );
			examplePanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
			form.AcceptButton = okButton;
			form.CancelButton = cancelButton;
			form.Controls.Add( scriptComboBox );
			form.Controls.Add( scriptLabel );
			form.Controls.Add( exampleGroupBox );
			form.Controls.Add( effectsGroupBox );
			form.Controls.Add( fontsizeListBox );
			form.Controls.Add( fontstyleListBox );
			form.Controls.Add( fontListBox );
			form.Controls.Add( fontsizeTextBox );
			form.Controls.Add( fontstyleTextBox );
			form.Controls.Add( fontTextBox );
			form.Controls.Add( cancelButton );
			form.Controls.Add( okButton );
			form.Controls.Add( sizeLabel );
			form.Controls.Add( fontstyleLabel );
			form.Controls.Add( fontLabel );
			form.Controls.Add( applyButton );
			form.Controls.Add( helpButton );
			exampleGroupBox.ResumeLayout( false );
			effectsGroupBox.ResumeLayout( false );
			form.Size = new Size( 430, 318 );
			form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
			form.MaximizeBox = false;
			form.Text = "Font";
			form.ResumeLayout( false );
			scriptComboBox.BeginUpdate ();
			scriptComboBox.Items.AddRange (char_sets_names);
			scriptComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
			scriptComboBox.EndUpdate ();
			applyButton.Hide( );
			helpButton.Hide( );
			colorComboBox.Hide( );
			cancelButton.Click += new EventHandler( OnClickCancelButton );
			okButton.Click += new EventHandler( OnClickOkButton );
			applyButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnApplyButton);
			examplePanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler( OnPaintExamplePanel );
			fontListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler( OnSelectedIndexChangedFontListBox );
			fontsizeListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler( OnSelectedIndexChangedSizeListBox );
			fontstyleListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler( OnSelectedIndexChangedFontStyleListBox );
			underlinedCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler( OnCheckedChangedUnderlinedCheckBox );
			strikethroughCheckBox.CheckedChanged += new EventHandler( OnCheckedChangedStrikethroughCheckBox );
			scriptComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler (OnSelectedIndexChangedScriptComboBox);
			fontTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler (OnFontTextBoxKeyPress);
			fontstyleTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler (OnFontStyleTextBoxKeyPress);
			fontsizeTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler (OnFontSizeTextBoxKeyPress);
			fontTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler (OnFontTextBoxTextChanged);
			fontstyleTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler (OnFontStyleTextTextChanged);
			fontsizeTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler (OnFontSizeTextBoxTextChanged);
			fontTextBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler (OnFontTextBoxKeyDown);
			fontstyleTextBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler (OnFontStyleTextBoxKeyDown);
			fontsizeTextBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler (OnFontSizeTextBoxKeyDown);
			fontTextBox.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler (OnFontTextBoxMouseWheel);
			fontstyleTextBox.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler (OnFontStyleTextBoxMouseWheel);
			fontsizeTextBox.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler (OnFontSizeTextBoxMouseWheel);
			PopulateFontList ();
예제 #3
        public FolderBrowserDialog()
            form = new DialogForm(this);
            Size  formConfigSize     = Size.Empty;
            Point formConfigLocation = Point.Empty;

            object formWidth = MWFConfig.GetValue(folderbrowserdialog_string, width_string);

            object formHeight = MWFConfig.GetValue(folderbrowserdialog_string, height_string);

            if (formHeight != null && formWidth != null)
                formConfigSize = new Size((int)formWidth, (int)formHeight);

            object formLocationX = MWFConfig.GetValue(folderbrowserdialog_string, x_string);
            object formLocationY = MWFConfig.GetValue(folderbrowserdialog_string, y_string);

            if (formLocationX != null && formLocationY != null)
                formConfigLocation = new Point((int)formLocationX, (int)formLocationY);

            newFolderButton       = new Button();
            folderBrowserTreeView = new FolderBrowserTreeView(this);
            okButton         = new Button();
            cancelButton     = new Button();
            descriptionLabel = new Label();
            folderBrowserTreeViewContextMenu = new ContextMenu();

            form.AcceptButton = okButton;
            form.CancelButton = cancelButton;

            form.ClientSize    = new Size(322, 324);
            form.MinimumSize   = new Size(310, 254);
            form.Text          = "Browse For Folder";
            form.SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Show;

            newFolderMenuItem = new MenuItem("New Folder", new EventHandler(OnClickNewFolderButton));

            // descriptionLabel
            descriptionLabel.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)(((AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left)
                                                       | AnchorStyles.Right)));
            descriptionLabel.Location = new Point(15, 14);
            descriptionLabel.Size     = new Size(292, 40);
            descriptionLabel.TabIndex = 0;
            descriptionLabel.Text     = string.Empty;

            // folderBrowserTreeView
            folderBrowserTreeView.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((((AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom)
                                                             | AnchorStyles.Left)
                                                            | AnchorStyles.Right)));
            folderBrowserTreeView.ImageIndex         = -1;
            folderBrowserTreeView.Location           = new Point(15, 60);
            folderBrowserTreeView.SelectedImageIndex = -1;
            folderBrowserTreeView.Size          = new Size(292, 212);
            folderBrowserTreeView.TabIndex      = 3;
            folderBrowserTreeView.ShowLines     = false;
            folderBrowserTreeView.ShowPlusMinus = true;
            folderBrowserTreeView.HotTracking   = true;
            folderBrowserTreeView.BorderStyle   = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
            folderBrowserTreeView.ContextMenu   = folderBrowserTreeViewContextMenu;
            //folderBrowserTreeView.Indent = 2;

            // newFolderButton
            newFolderButton.Anchor    = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left)));
            newFolderButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
            newFolderButton.Location  = new Point(15, 285);
            newFolderButton.Size      = new Size(105, 23);
            newFolderButton.TabIndex  = 4;
            newFolderButton.Text      = "Make New Folder";
            newFolderButton.Enabled   = true;

            // okButton
            okButton.Anchor    = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right)));
            okButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
            okButton.Location  = new Point(135, 285);
            okButton.Size      = new Size(80, 23);
            okButton.TabIndex  = 1;
            okButton.Text      = "OK";

            // cancelButton
            cancelButton.Anchor       = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right)));
            cancelButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
            cancelButton.FlatStyle    = FlatStyle.System;
            cancelButton.Location     = new Point(227, 285);
            cancelButton.Size         = new Size(80, 23);
            cancelButton.TabIndex     = 2;
            cancelButton.Text         = "Cancel";



            if (formConfigSize != Size.Empty)
                form.Size = formConfigSize;

            if (formConfigLocation != Point.Empty)
                form.Location = formConfigLocation;

            okButton.Click        += new EventHandler(OnClickOKButton);
            cancelButton.Click    += new EventHandler(OnClickCancelButton);
            newFolderButton.Click += new EventHandler(OnClickNewFolderButton);

            form.VisibleChanged += new EventHandler(OnFormVisibleChanged);

            RootFolder = rootFolder;
예제 #4
		public ColorDialog () : base()
			form = new DialogForm (this);
			form.SuspendLayout ();
			form.Text = "Color";
			form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
			form.MaximizeBox = false;
			satTextBox = new TextBox ();
			briTextBox = new TextBox ();
			blueTextBox = new TextBox ();
			greenTextBox = new TextBox ();
			redTextBox = new TextBox ();
			hueTextBox = new TextBox ();
			redLabel = new Label ();
			blueLabel = new Label ();
			greenLabel = new Label ();
			colorBaseLabel = new Label ();
			hueLabel = new Label ();
			satLabel = new Label ();
			briLabel = new Label ();
			okButton = new Button ();
			cancelButton = new Button ();
			form.CancelButton = cancelButton;
			helpButton = new Button ();
			defineColoursButton = new Button ();
			addColoursButton = new Button ();
			baseColorControl = new BaseColorControl (this);
			colorMatrixControl = new ColorMatrixControl (this);
			brightnessControl = new BrightnessControl (this);
			triangleControl = new TriangleControl (this);
			selectedColorPanel = new Panel ();
			// hueTextBox
			hueTextBox.Location = new Point (324, 203);
			hueTextBox.Size = new Size (27, 21);
			hueTextBox.TabIndex = 11;
			hueTextBox.MaxLength = 3;
			// satTextBox
			satTextBox.Location = new Point (324, 225);
			satTextBox.Size = new Size (27, 21);
			satTextBox.TabIndex = 15;
			satTextBox.MaxLength = 3;
			// greenTextBox
			greenTextBox.Location = new Point (404, 225);
			greenTextBox.Size = new Size (27, 21);
			greenTextBox.TabIndex = 18;
			greenTextBox.MaxLength = 3;
			// briTextBox
			briTextBox.Location = new Point (324, 247);
			briTextBox.Size = new Size (27, 21);
			briTextBox.TabIndex = 16;
			briTextBox.MaxLength = 3;
			// blueTextBox
			blueTextBox.Location = new Point (404, 247);
			blueTextBox.Size = new Size (27, 21);
			blueTextBox.TabIndex = 19;
			blueTextBox.MaxLength = 3;
			// redTextBox
			redTextBox.Location = new Point (404, 203);
			redTextBox.Size = new Size (27, 21);
			redTextBox.TabIndex = 17;
			redTextBox.MaxLength = 3;
			// redLabel
			redLabel.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			redLabel.Location = new Point (361, 206);
			redLabel.Size = new Size (40, 16);
			redLabel.TabIndex = 25;
			redLabel.Text = Locale.GetText ("Red") + ":";
			redLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
			// blueLabel
			blueLabel.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			blueLabel.Location = new Point (361, 250);
			blueLabel.Size = new Size (40, 16);
			blueLabel.TabIndex = 26;
			blueLabel.Text = Locale.GetText ("Blue") + ":";
			blueLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
			// greenLabel
			greenLabel.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			greenLabel.Location = new Point (361, 228);
			greenLabel.Size = new Size (40, 16);
			greenLabel.TabIndex = 27;
			greenLabel.Text = Locale.GetText ("Green") + ":";
			greenLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
			// colorBaseLabel
			colorBaseLabel.Location = new Point (228, 247);
			colorBaseLabel.Size = new Size (60, 25);
			colorBaseLabel.TabIndex = 28;
			colorBaseLabel.Text = Locale.GetText ("Color");
			colorBaseLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
			// hueLabel
			hueLabel.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			hueLabel.Location = new Point (287, 206);
			hueLabel.Size = new Size (36, 16);
			hueLabel.TabIndex = 23;
			hueLabel.Text = Locale.GetText ("Hue") + ":";
			hueLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
			// satLabel
			satLabel.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			satLabel.Location = new Point (287, 228);
			satLabel.Size = new Size (36, 16);
			satLabel.TabIndex = 22;
			satLabel.Text = Locale.GetText ("Sat") + ":";
			satLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
			// briLabel
			briLabel.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			briLabel.Location = new Point (287, 250);
			briLabel.Size = new Size (36, 16);
			briLabel.TabIndex = 24;
			briLabel.Text = Locale.GetText ("Bri") + ":";
			briLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
			// defineColoursButton
			defineColoursButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			defineColoursButton.Location = new Point (5, 244);
			defineColoursButton.Size = new Size (210, 22);
			defineColoursButton.TabIndex = 6;
			// FIXME: update resource files
			defineColoursButton.Text = "Define Custom Colors >>";
			//defineColoursButton.Text = Locale.GetText ("Define Custom Colors >>");
			// okButton
			okButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			okButton.Location = new Point (5, 271);
			okButton.Size = new Size (66, 22);
			okButton.TabIndex = 0;
			okButton.Text = Locale.GetText ("OK");
			// cancelButton
			cancelButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			cancelButton.Location = new Point (78, 271);
			cancelButton.Size = new Size (66, 22);
			cancelButton.TabIndex = 1;
			cancelButton.Text = Locale.GetText ("Cancel");
			// helpButton
			helpButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			helpButton.Location = new Point (149, 271);
			helpButton.Size = new Size (66, 22);
			helpButton.TabIndex = 5;
			helpButton.Text = Locale.GetText ("Help");
			helpButton.Hide ();
			// addColoursButton
			addColoursButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			addColoursButton.Location = new Point (227, 271);
			addColoursButton.Size = new Size (213, 22);
			addColoursButton.TabIndex = 7;
			// FIXME: update resource files
			addColoursButton.Text =  "Add To Custom Colors";
			//addColoursButton.Text =  Locale.GetText ("Add To Custom Colors");
			// baseColorControl
			baseColorControl.Location = new Point (3, 6);
			baseColorControl.Size = new Size (212, 231);
			baseColorControl.TabIndex = 13;
			// colorMatrixControl
			colorMatrixControl.Location = new Point (227, 7);
			colorMatrixControl.Size = new Size (179, 190);
			colorMatrixControl.TabIndex = 14;
			// triangleControl
			triangleControl.Location = new Point (432, 0);
			triangleControl.Size = new Size (16, 204);
			triangleControl.TabIndex = 12;
			// brightnessControl
			brightnessControl.Location = new Point (415, 7);
			brightnessControl.Size = new Size (14, 190);
			brightnessControl.TabIndex = 20;
			// selectedColorPanel
			selectedColorPanel.BackColor = SystemColors.Desktop;
			selectedColorPanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
			selectedColorPanel.Location = new Point (227, 202);
			selectedColorPanel.Size = new Size (60, 42);
			selectedColorPanel.TabIndex = 10;
			form.Controls.Add (hueTextBox);
			form.Controls.Add (satTextBox);
			form.Controls.Add (briTextBox);
			form.Controls.Add (redTextBox);
			form.Controls.Add (greenTextBox);
			form.Controls.Add (blueTextBox);
			form.Controls.Add (defineColoursButton);
			form.Controls.Add (okButton);
			form.Controls.Add (cancelButton);
			form.Controls.Add (addColoursButton);
			form.Controls.Add (helpButton);
			form.Controls.Add (baseColorControl);
			form.Controls.Add (colorMatrixControl);
			form.Controls.Add (brightnessControl);
			form.Controls.Add (triangleControl);
			form.Controls.Add (colorBaseLabel);
			form.Controls.Add (greenLabel);
			form.Controls.Add (blueLabel);
			form.Controls.Add (redLabel);
			form.Controls.Add (briLabel);
			form.Controls.Add (hueLabel);
			form.Controls.Add (satLabel);
			form.Controls.Add (selectedColorPanel);
			form.ResumeLayout (false);
			Color = Color.Black;
			defineColoursButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickButtonDefineColours);
			addColoursButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickButtonAddColours);
			helpButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickHelpButton);
			cancelButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickCancelButton);
			okButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickOkButton);
			hueTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler (OnKeyPressTextBoxes);
			satTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler (OnKeyPressTextBoxes);
			briTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler (OnKeyPressTextBoxes);
			redTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler (OnKeyPressTextBoxes);
			greenTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler (OnKeyPressTextBoxes);
			blueTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler (OnKeyPressTextBoxes);
			hueTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler (OnTextChangedTextBoxes);
			satTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler (OnTextChangedTextBoxes);
			briTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler (OnTextChangedTextBoxes);
			redTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler (OnTextChangedTextBoxes);
			greenTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler (OnTextChangedTextBoxes);
			blueTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler (OnTextChangedTextBoxes);
			hueTextBox.GotFocus += new EventHandler (OnGotFocusTextBoxes);
			satTextBox.GotFocus += new EventHandler (OnGotFocusTextBoxes);
			briTextBox.GotFocus += new EventHandler (OnGotFocusTextBoxes);
			redTextBox.GotFocus += new EventHandler (OnGotFocusTextBoxes);
			greenTextBox.GotFocus += new EventHandler (OnGotFocusTextBoxes);
			blueTextBox.GotFocus += new EventHandler (OnGotFocusTextBoxes);
			hueTextBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler (OnLostFocusTextBoxes);
			satTextBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler (OnLostFocusTextBoxes);
			briTextBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler (OnLostFocusTextBoxes);
			redTextBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler (OnLostFocusTextBoxes);
			greenTextBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler (OnLostFocusTextBoxes);
			blueTextBox.LostFocus += new EventHandler (OnLostFocusTextBoxes);
			ResetCustomColors ();
예제 #5
        public FontDialog( )
            form = new DialogForm(this);
            example_panel_text = char_sets [0];

            okButton     = new Button( );
            cancelButton = new Button( );
            applyButton  = new Button( );
            helpButton   = new Button( );

            fontTextBox      = new TextBox( );
            fontstyleTextBox = new TextBox( );
            fontsizeTextBox  = new TextBox( );

            fontListBox      = new MouseWheelListBox();
            fontsizeListBox  = new MouseWheelListBox();
            fontstyleListBox = new MouseWheelListBox();

            fontLabel      = new Label( );
            fontstyleLabel = new Label( );
            sizeLabel      = new Label( );
            scriptLabel    = new Label( );

            exampleGroupBox = new GroupBox( );

            effectsGroupBox       = new GroupBox( );
            underlinedCheckBox    = new CheckBox( );
            strikethroughCheckBox = new CheckBox( );
            scriptComboBox        = new ComboBox( );

            examplePanel = new Panel( );

            colorComboBox = new ColorComboBox(this);

            exampleGroupBox.SuspendLayout( );
            effectsGroupBox.SuspendLayout( );
            form.SuspendLayout( );

            form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
            form.MaximizeBox     = false;

            // fontsizeListBox
            fontsizeListBox.Location = new Point(284, 47);
            fontsizeListBox.Size     = new Size(52, 95);
            fontsizeListBox.TabIndex = 10;
            fontListBox.Sorted       = true;
            // fontTextBox
            fontTextBox.Location = new Point(16, 26);
            fontTextBox.Size     = new Size(140, 21);
            fontTextBox.TabIndex = 5;
            fontTextBox.Text     = "";
            // fontstyleLabel
            fontstyleLabel.Location = new Point(164, 10);
            fontstyleLabel.Size     = new Size(100, 16);
            fontstyleLabel.TabIndex = 1;
            fontstyleLabel.Text     = "Font Style:";
            // typesizeTextBox
            fontsizeTextBox.Location  = new Point(284, 26);
            fontsizeTextBox.Size      = new Size(52, 21);
            fontsizeTextBox.TabIndex  = 7;
            fontsizeTextBox.Text      = "";
            fontsizeTextBox.MaxLength = 2;
            // schriftartListBox
            fontListBox.Location = new Point(16, 47);
            fontListBox.Size     = new Size(140, 95);
            fontListBox.TabIndex = 8;
            fontListBox.Sorted   = true;
            // exampleGroupBox
            exampleGroupBox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
            exampleGroupBox.Location  = new Point(164, 158);
            exampleGroupBox.Size      = new Size(172, 70);
            exampleGroupBox.TabIndex  = 12;
            exampleGroupBox.TabStop   = false;
            exampleGroupBox.Text      = "Example";
            // fontstyleListBox
            fontstyleListBox.Location = new Point(164, 47);
            fontstyleListBox.Size     = new Size(112, 95);
            fontstyleListBox.TabIndex = 9;
            // schriftartLabel
            fontLabel.Location = new Point(16, 10);
            fontLabel.Size     = new Size(88, 16);
            fontLabel.TabIndex = 0;
            fontLabel.Text     = "Font:";
            // effectsGroupBox
            effectsGroupBox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
            effectsGroupBox.Location  = new Point(16, 158);
            effectsGroupBox.Size      = new Size(140, 116);
            effectsGroupBox.TabIndex  = 11;
            effectsGroupBox.TabStop   = false;
            effectsGroupBox.Text      = "Effects";
            // strikethroughCheckBox
            strikethroughCheckBox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
            strikethroughCheckBox.Location  = new Point(8, 16);
            strikethroughCheckBox.TabIndex  = 0;
            strikethroughCheckBox.Text      = "Strikethrough";
            // colorComboBox
            colorComboBox.Location = new Point(8, 70);
            colorComboBox.Size     = new Size(130, 21);
            // sizeLabel
            sizeLabel.Location = new Point(284, 10);
            sizeLabel.Size     = new Size(100, 16);
            sizeLabel.TabIndex = 2;
            sizeLabel.Text     = "Size:";
            // scriptComboBox
            scriptComboBox.Location      = new Point(164, 253);
            scriptComboBox.Size          = new Size(172, 21);
            scriptComboBox.TabIndex      = 14;
            scriptComboBox.DropDownStyle = ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList;
            // okButton
            okButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
            okButton.Location  = new Point(352, 26);
            okButton.Size      = new Size(70, 23);
            okButton.TabIndex  = 3;
            okButton.Text      = "OK";
            // cancelButton
            cancelButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
            cancelButton.Location  = new Point(352, 52);
            cancelButton.Size      = new Size(70, 23);
            cancelButton.TabIndex  = 4;
            cancelButton.Text      = "Cancel";
            // applyButton
            applyButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
            applyButton.Location  = new Point(352, 78);
            applyButton.Size      = new Size(70, 23);
            applyButton.TabIndex  = 5;
            applyButton.Text      = "Apply";
            // helpButton
            helpButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
            helpButton.Location  = new Point(352, 104);
            helpButton.Size      = new Size(70, 23);
            helpButton.TabIndex  = 6;
            helpButton.Text      = "Help";
            // underlinedCheckBox
            underlinedCheckBox.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
            underlinedCheckBox.Location  = new Point(8, 36);
            underlinedCheckBox.TabIndex  = 1;
            underlinedCheckBox.Text      = "Underlined";
            // fontstyleTextBox
            fontstyleTextBox.Location = new Point(164, 26);
            fontstyleTextBox.Size     = new Size(112, 21);
            fontstyleTextBox.TabIndex = 6;
            fontstyleTextBox.Text     = "";
            // scriptLabel
            scriptLabel.Location = new Point(164, 236);
            scriptLabel.Size     = new Size(100, 16);
            scriptLabel.TabIndex = 13;
            scriptLabel.Text     = "Script:";
            // examplePanel
            examplePanel.Location    = new Point(8, 20);
            examplePanel.TabIndex    = 0;
            examplePanel.Size        = new Size(156, 40);
            examplePanel.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;

            form.AcceptButton = okButton;
            form.CancelButton = cancelButton;



            form.Size = new Size(430, 318);

            form.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedDialog;
            form.MaximizeBox     = false;

            form.Text = "Font";


            scriptComboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            applyButton.Hide( );
            helpButton.Hide( );
            colorComboBox.Hide( );

            cancelButton.Click += new EventHandler(OnClickCancelButton);
            okButton.Click     += new EventHandler(OnClickOkButton);
            applyButton.Click  += new EventHandler(OnApplyButton);
            examplePanel.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(OnPaintExamplePanel);
            fontListBox.SelectedIndexChanged      += new EventHandler(OnSelectedIndexChangedFontListBox);
            fontsizeListBox.SelectedIndexChanged  += new EventHandler(OnSelectedIndexChangedSizeListBox);
            fontstyleListBox.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(OnSelectedIndexChangedFontStyleListBox);
            underlinedCheckBox.CheckedChanged     += new EventHandler(OnCheckedChangedUnderlinedCheckBox);
            strikethroughCheckBox.CheckedChanged  += new EventHandler(OnCheckedChangedStrikethroughCheckBox);
            scriptComboBox.SelectedIndexChanged   += new EventHandler(OnSelectedIndexChangedScriptComboBox);

            fontTextBox.KeyPress      += new KeyPressEventHandler(OnFontTextBoxKeyPress);
            fontstyleTextBox.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(OnFontStyleTextBoxKeyPress);
            fontsizeTextBox.KeyPress  += new KeyPressEventHandler(OnFontSizeTextBoxKeyPress);

            fontTextBox.TextChanged      += new EventHandler(OnFontTextBoxTextChanged);
            fontstyleTextBox.TextChanged += new EventHandler(OnFontStyleTextTextChanged);
            fontsizeTextBox.TextChanged  += new EventHandler(OnFontSizeTextBoxTextChanged);

            fontTextBox.KeyDown      += new KeyEventHandler(OnFontTextBoxKeyDown);
            fontstyleTextBox.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(OnFontStyleTextBoxKeyDown);
            fontsizeTextBox.KeyDown  += new KeyEventHandler(OnFontSizeTextBoxKeyDown);

            fontTextBox.MouseWheel      += new MouseEventHandler(OnFontTextBoxMouseWheel);
            fontstyleTextBox.MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(OnFontStyleTextBoxMouseWheel);
            fontsizeTextBox.MouseWheel  += new MouseEventHandler(OnFontSizeTextBoxMouseWheel);

예제 #6
		public FolderBrowserDialog ()
			form = new DialogForm (this);
			Size formConfigSize = Size.Empty;
			Point formConfigLocation = Point.Empty;
			object formWidth = MWFConfig.GetValue (folderbrowserdialog_string, width_string);
			object formHeight = MWFConfig.GetValue (folderbrowserdialog_string, height_string);
			if (formHeight != null && formWidth != null)
				formConfigSize = new Size ((int)formWidth, (int)formHeight);
			object formLocationX = MWFConfig.GetValue (folderbrowserdialog_string, x_string);
			object formLocationY = MWFConfig.GetValue (folderbrowserdialog_string, y_string);
			if (formLocationX != null && formLocationY != null)
				formConfigLocation = new Point ((int)formLocationX, (int)formLocationY);
			newFolderButton = new Button ();
			folderBrowserTreeView = new FolderBrowserTreeView (this);
			okButton = new Button ();
			cancelButton = new Button ();
			descriptionLabel = new Label ();
			folderBrowserTreeViewContextMenu = new ContextMenu ();
			form.AcceptButton = okButton;
			form.CancelButton = cancelButton;
			form.SuspendLayout ();
			form.ClientSize = new Size (322, 324);
			form.MinimumSize = new Size (310, 254);
			form.Text = "Browse For Folder";
			form.SizeGripStyle = SizeGripStyle.Show;

			newFolderMenuItem = new MenuItem("New Folder", new EventHandler (OnClickNewFolderButton));
			// descriptionLabel
			descriptionLabel.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)(((AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Left)
				| AnchorStyles.Right)));
			descriptionLabel.Location = new Point (15, 14);
			descriptionLabel.Size = new Size (292, 40);
			descriptionLabel.TabIndex = 0;
			descriptionLabel.Text = string.Empty;
			// folderBrowserTreeView
			folderBrowserTreeView.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((((AnchorStyles.Top | AnchorStyles.Bottom)
				| AnchorStyles.Left)
				| AnchorStyles.Right)));
			folderBrowserTreeView.ImageIndex = -1;
			folderBrowserTreeView.Location = new Point (15, 60);
			folderBrowserTreeView.SelectedImageIndex = -1;
			folderBrowserTreeView.Size = new Size (292, 212);
			folderBrowserTreeView.TabIndex = 3;
			folderBrowserTreeView.ShowLines = false;
			folderBrowserTreeView.ShowPlusMinus = true;
			folderBrowserTreeView.HotTracking = true;
			folderBrowserTreeView.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
			folderBrowserTreeView.ContextMenu = folderBrowserTreeViewContextMenu;
			//folderBrowserTreeView.Indent = 2;
			// newFolderButton
			newFolderButton.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left)));
			newFolderButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			newFolderButton.Location = new Point (15, 285);
			newFolderButton.Size = new Size (105, 23);
			newFolderButton.TabIndex = 4;
			newFolderButton.Text = "Make New Folder";
			newFolderButton.Enabled = true;
			// okButton
			okButton.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			okButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			okButton.Location = new Point (135, 285);
			okButton.Size = new Size (80, 23);
			okButton.TabIndex = 1;
			okButton.Text = "OK";
			// cancelButton
			cancelButton.Anchor = ((AnchorStyles)((AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Right)));
			cancelButton.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;
			cancelButton.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.System;
			cancelButton.Location = new Point (227, 285);
			cancelButton.Size = new Size (80, 23);
			cancelButton.TabIndex = 2;
			cancelButton.Text = "Cancel";
			form.Controls.Add (cancelButton);
			form.Controls.Add (okButton);
			form.Controls.Add (newFolderButton);
			form.Controls.Add (folderBrowserTreeView);
			form.Controls.Add (descriptionLabel);
			form.ResumeLayout (false);
			if (formConfigSize != Size.Empty) {
				form.Size = formConfigSize;
			if (formConfigLocation != Point.Empty) {
				form.Location = formConfigLocation;
			okButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickOKButton);
			cancelButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickCancelButton);
			newFolderButton.Click += new EventHandler (OnClickNewFolderButton);

			form.VisibleChanged += new EventHandler (OnFormVisibleChanged);
			RootFolder = rootFolder;