/// <summary> /// Trains a model from a collection of custom forms in a blob storage container. /// </summary> /// <param name="trainingFilesUri">An externally accessible Azure storage blob container Uri. /// For more information see <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cognitive-services/form-recognizer/build-training-data-set#upload-your-training-data"/>.</param> /// <param name="useTrainingLabels">If <c>true</c>, use a label file created in the <link-to-label-tool-doc> to provide training-time labels for training a model. If <c>false</c>, the model will be trained from forms only.</param> /// <param name="trainingOptions">A set of options available for configuring the training request.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> controlling the request lifetime.</param> /// <returns> /// <para>A <see cref="TrainingOperation"/> to wait on this long-running operation. Its <see cref="TrainingOperation.Value"/> upon successful /// completion will contain meta-data about the trained model.</para> /// <para>Even if training fails, a model is created in the Form Recognizer account with an "invalid" status. /// A <see cref="RequestFailedException"/> will be raised containing the modelId to access this invalid model.</para> /// </returns> public virtual TrainingOperation StartTraining(Uri trainingFilesUri, bool useTrainingLabels, TrainingOptions trainingOptions = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { Argument.AssertNotNull(trainingFilesUri, nameof(trainingFilesUri)); trainingOptions ??= new TrainingOptions(); using DiagnosticScope scope = Diagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(FormTrainingClient)}.{nameof(StartTraining)}"); scope.Start(); try { var trainRequest = new TrainRequest(trainingFilesUri.AbsoluteUri) { SourceFilter = trainingOptions.TrainingFileFilter, UseLabelFile = useTrainingLabels }; ResponseWithHeaders <ServiceTrainCustomModelAsyncHeaders> response = ServiceClient.TrainCustomModelAsync(trainRequest); return(new TrainingOperation(response.Headers.Location, ServiceClient, Diagnostics)); } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a <see cref="CryptographyClient"/> capable of performing cryptographic operations with the key represented by the specfiied <paramref name="keyId"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyId">The key idenitifier of the key used by the created <see cref="CryptographyClient"/>.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> controlling the request lifetime.</param> /// <returns>A new <see cref="CryptographyClient"/> capable of performing cryptographic operations with the key represented by the specfiied <paramref name="keyId"/>.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="keyId"/> is null.</exception> public virtual CryptographyClient Resolve(Uri keyId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { Argument.AssertNotNull(keyId, nameof(keyId)); using DiagnosticScope scope = _clientDiagnostics.CreateScope("Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys.Cryptography.KeyResolver.Resolve"); scope.AddAttribute("key", keyId); scope.Start(); try { Argument.AssertNotNull(keyId, nameof(keyId)); KeyVaultKey key = GetKey(keyId, cancellationToken); KeyVaultPipeline pipeline = new KeyVaultPipeline(keyId, _apiVersion, _pipeline, _clientDiagnostics); return((key != null) ? new CryptographyClient(key, pipeline) : new CryptographyClient(keyId, pipeline)); } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Gets a list of tables from the storage account. /// </summary> /// <param name="filter">Returns only tables that satisfy the specified filter.</param> /// <param name="maxPerPage">The maximum number of tables that will be returned per page.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> controlling the request lifetime.</param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual AsyncPageable <TableItem> GetTablesAsync(string filter = null, int?maxPerPage = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { using DiagnosticScope scope = _diagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(TableServiceClient)}.{nameof(GetTables)}"); scope.Start(); try { return(PageableHelpers.CreateAsyncEnumerable(async _ => { var response = await _tableOperations.QueryAsync( null, null, new QueryOptions() { Filter = filter, Select = null, Top = maxPerPage, Format = _format }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); return Page.FromValues(response.Value.Value, response.Headers.XMsContinuationNextTableName, response.GetRawResponse()); }, async(nextLink, _) => { var response = await _tableOperations.QueryAsync( null, nextTableName: nextLink, new QueryOptions() { Filter = filter, Select = null, Top = maxPerPage, Format = _format }, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); return Page.FromValues(response.Value.Value, response.Headers.XMsContinuationNextTableName, response.GetRawResponse()); })); } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Failed(ex); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Retrieves a <see cref="CryptographyClient"/> capable of performing cryptographic operations with the key represented by the specfiied <paramref name="keyId"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="keyId">The key idenitifier of the key used by the created <see cref="CryptographyClient"/>.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> controlling the request lifetime.</param> /// <returns>A new <see cref="CryptographyClient"/> capable of performing cryptographic operations with the key represented by the specfiied <paramref name="keyId"/>.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="keyId"/> is null.</exception> public virtual async Task <CryptographyClient> ResolveAsync(Uri keyId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { Argument.AssertNotNull(keyId, nameof(keyId)); using DiagnosticScope scope = _clientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(KeyResolver)}.{nameof(Resolve)}"); scope.AddAttribute("key", keyId); scope.Start(); try { Argument.AssertNotNull(keyId, nameof(keyId)); KeyVaultKey key = await GetKeyAsync(keyId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); KeyVaultPipeline pipeline = new KeyVaultPipeline(keyId, _apiVersion, _pipeline, _clientDiagnostics); return((key != null) ? new CryptographyClient(key, pipeline) : new CryptographyClient(keyId, pipeline)); } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
public virtual Response <WrapResult> WrapKey(KeyWrapAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] key, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var parameters = new KeyWrapParameters() { Algorithm = algorithm.ToString(), Key = key }; using DiagnosticScope scope = Pipeline.CreateScope($"{nameof(RemoteCryptographyClient)}.{nameof(WrapKey)}"); scope.AddAttribute("key", _keyId); scope.Start(); try { return(Pipeline.SendRequest(RequestMethod.Post, parameters, () => new WrapResult { Algorithm = algorithm }, cancellationToken, "/wrapKey")); } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a composed model from a collection of existing models. /// A composed model allows multiple models to be called with a single model ID. When a document is /// submitted to be analyzed with a composed model ID, a classification step is first performed to /// route it to the correct custom model. /// </summary> /// <param name="modelIds">List of model ids to use in the composed model.</param> /// <param name="modelId">A unique ID for your composed model. If not specified, a model ID will be created for you.</param> /// <param name="modelDescription">An optional description to add to the model.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> controlling the request lifetime.</param> /// <returns> /// <para>A <see cref="BuildModelOperation"/> to wait on this long-running operation. Its Value upon successful /// completion will contain meta-data about the composed model.</para> /// </returns> public virtual BuildModelOperation StartCreateComposedModel(IEnumerable <string> modelIds, string modelId = default, string modelDescription = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { Argument.AssertNotNull(modelIds, nameof(modelIds)); using DiagnosticScope scope = Diagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(DocumentModelAdministrationClient)}.{nameof(StartCreateComposedModel)}"); scope.Start(); try { modelId ??= Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var composeRequest = new ComposeDocumentModelRequest(modelId, ConvertToComponentModelInfo(modelIds)) { Description = modelDescription }; var response = ServiceClient.ComposeDocumentModel(composeRequest, cancellationToken); return(new BuildModelOperation(response.Headers.OperationLocation, response.GetRawResponse(), ServiceClient, Diagnostics)); } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
public virtual Response <UnwrapResult> UnwrapKey(KeyWrapAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] encryptedKey, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var parameters = new KeyWrapParameters() { Algorithm = algorithm.ToString(), Key = encryptedKey }; using DiagnosticScope scope = Pipeline.CreateScope("Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys.Cryptography.RemoteCryptographyClient.UnwrapKey"); scope.AddAttribute("key", _keyId); scope.Start(); try { return(Pipeline.SendRequest(RequestMethod.Post, parameters, () => new UnwrapResult { Algorithm = algorithm }, cancellationToken, "/unwrapKey")); } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
public virtual Response <SignResult> Sign(SignatureAlgorithm algorithm, byte[] digest, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { var parameters = new KeySignParameters { Algorithm = algorithm.ToString(), Digest = digest }; using DiagnosticScope scope = Pipeline.CreateScope("Azure.Security.KeyVault.Keys.Cryptography.RemoteCryptographyClient.Sign"); scope.AddAttribute("key", _keyId); scope.Start(); try { return(Pipeline.SendRequest(RequestMethod.Post, parameters, () => new SignResult { Algorithm = algorithm }, cancellationToken, "/sign")); } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Recognizes layout elements from one or more passed-in forms. /// </summary> /// <param name="form">The stream containing one or more forms to recognize elements from.</param> /// <param name="recognizeContentOptions">A set of options available for configuring the recognize request.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> controlling the request lifetime.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="RecognizeContentOperation"/> to wait on this long-running operation. Its <see cref="RecognizeContentOperation.Value"/> upon successful /// completion will contain layout elements extracted from the form.</returns> public virtual RecognizeContentOperation StartRecognizeContent(Stream form, RecognizeContentOptions recognizeContentOptions = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { Argument.AssertNotNull(form, nameof(form)); recognizeContentOptions ??= new RecognizeContentOptions(); using DiagnosticScope scope = Diagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(FormRecognizerClient)}.{nameof(StartRecognizeContent)}"); scope.Start(); try { FormContentType contentType = recognizeContentOptions.ContentType ?? DetectContentType(form, nameof(form)); Response response = ServiceClient.AnalyzeLayoutAsync(contentType, form, cancellationToken); string location = ClientCommon.GetResponseHeader(response.Headers, Constants.OperationLocationHeader); return(new RecognizeContentOperation(ServiceClient, Diagnostics, location)); } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// Generate authorization for copying a custom model into the target Form Recognizer resource. /// </summary> /// <param name="modelId">A unique ID for your copied model. If not specified, a model ID will be created for you.</param> /// <param name="modelDescription">An optional description to add to the model.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> controlling the request lifetime.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="Response{T}"/> representing the result of the operation. It can be cast to <see cref="CopyAuthorization"/> containing /// the authorization information necessary to copy a custom model into a target Form Recognizer resource.</returns> public virtual async Task <Response <CopyAuthorization> > GetCopyAuthorizationAsync(string modelId = default, string modelDescription = default, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { modelId ??= Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var request = new AuthorizeCopyRequest(modelId) { Description = modelDescription }; using DiagnosticScope scope = Diagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(DocumentModelAdministrationClient)}.{nameof(GetCopyAuthorization)}"); scope.Start(); try { var response = await ServiceClient.AuthorizeCopyDocumentModelAsync(request, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); return(Response.FromValue(response.Value, response.GetRawResponse())); } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
private static async Task UpdateClientsideKeyEncryptionKeyInternal( BlobClient client, ClientSideEncryptionOptions encryptionOptionsOverride, BlobRequestConditions conditions, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // argument validation Argument.AssertNotNull(client, nameof(client)); ClientSideEncryptionOptions operationEncryptionOptions = encryptionOptionsOverride ?? client.ClientSideEncryption ?? throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(ClientSideEncryptionOptions)} are not configured on this client and none were provided for the operation."); Argument.AssertNotNull(operationEncryptionOptions.KeyEncryptionKey, nameof(ClientSideEncryptionOptions.KeyEncryptionKey)); Argument.AssertNotNull(operationEncryptionOptions.KeyResolver, nameof(ClientSideEncryptionOptions.KeyResolver)); Argument.AssertNotNull(operationEncryptionOptions.KeyWrapAlgorithm, nameof(ClientSideEncryptionOptions.KeyWrapAlgorithm)); using (client.ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.BeginLoggingScope(nameof(BlobClient))) { client.ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogMethodEnter( nameof(BlobBaseClient), message: $"{nameof(Uri)}: {client.Uri}\n" + $"{nameof(conditions)}: {conditions}"); DiagnosticScope scope = client.ClientConfiguration.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(BlobClient)}.{nameof(UpdateClientSideKeyEncryptionKey)}"); try { // hold onto etag, metadata, encryptiondata BlobProperties getPropertiesResponse = await client.GetPropertiesInternal(conditions, async, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); ETag etag = getPropertiesResponse.ETag; IDictionary <string, string> metadata = getPropertiesResponse.Metadata; EncryptionData encryptionData = BlobClientSideDecryptor.GetAndValidateEncryptionDataOrDefault(metadata) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException("Resource has no client-side encryption key to rotate."); // rotate keywrapping byte[] newWrappedKey = await WrapKeyInternal( await UnwrapKeyInternal( encryptionData, operationEncryptionOptions.KeyResolver, async, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false), operationEncryptionOptions.KeyWrapAlgorithm, operationEncryptionOptions.KeyEncryptionKey, async, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // set new wrapped key info and reinsert into metadata encryptionData.WrappedContentKey = new KeyEnvelope { EncryptedKey = newWrappedKey, Algorithm = operationEncryptionOptions.KeyWrapAlgorithm, KeyId = operationEncryptionOptions.KeyEncryptionKey.KeyId }; metadata[Constants.ClientSideEncryption.EncryptionDataKey] = EncryptionDataSerializer.Serialize(encryptionData); // update blob ONLY IF ETAG MATCHES (do not take chances encryption info is now out of sync) BlobRequestConditions modifiedRequestConditions = BlobRequestConditions.CloneOrDefault(conditions) ?? new BlobRequestConditions(); modifiedRequestConditions.IfMatch = etag; await client.SetMetadataInternal(metadata, modifiedRequestConditions, async, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception ex) { client.ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogException(ex); scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { client.ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogMethodExit(nameof(BlobBaseClient)); scope.Dispose(); } } }
/// <summary> /// The <see cref="BreakInternal"/> operation breaks the files's /// previously-acquired lease (if it exists). /// /// Once a lease is broken, it cannot be renewed. Any authorized /// request can break the lease; the request is not required to /// specify a matching lease ID. /// /// A lease that has been broken can also be released. A client can /// immediately acquire a file lease that has been /// released. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="async"> /// Whether to invoke the operation asynchronously. /// </param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"> /// Optional <see cref="CancellationToken"/> to propagate /// notifications that the operation should be cancelled. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="Response{FileLease}"/> describing the broken lease. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// A <see cref="RequestFailedException"/> will be thrown if /// a failure occurs. /// </remarks> private async Task <Response <ShareFileLease> > BreakInternal( bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { EnsureClient(); using (ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.BeginLoggingScope(nameof(ShareLeaseClient))) { ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogMethodEnter( nameof(ShareLeaseClient), message: $"{nameof(Uri)}: {Uri}\n" + $"{nameof(LeaseId)}: {LeaseId}"); DiagnosticScope scope = ClientConfiguration.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(ShareLeaseClient)}.{nameof(Break)}"); try { scope.Start(); if (FileClient != null) { ResponseWithHeaders <FileBreakLeaseHeaders> response; if (async) { response = await FileClient.FileRestClient.BreakLeaseAsync( leaseAccessConditions : null, cancellationToken : cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { response = FileClient.FileRestClient.BreakLease( leaseAccessConditions: null, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); } return(Response.FromValue( response.ToShareFileLease(), response.GetRawResponse())); } else { ResponseWithHeaders <ShareBreakLeaseHeaders> response; if (async) { response = await ShareClient.ShareRestClient.BreakLeaseAsync( breakPeriod : null, leaseAccessConditions : null, cancellationToken : cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { response = ShareClient.ShareRestClient.BreakLease( breakPeriod: null, leaseAccessConditions: null, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); } return(Response.FromValue( response.ToShareFileLease(), response.GetRawResponse())); } } catch (Exception ex) { ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogException(ex); scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogMethodExit(nameof(ShareLeaseClient)); scope.Dispose(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Submit a <see cref="BlobBatch"/> of sub-operations. /// </summary> /// <param name="batch"> /// A <see cref="BlobBatch"/> of sub-operations. /// </param> /// <param name="throwOnAnyFailure"> /// A value indicating whether or not to throw exceptions for /// sub-operation failures. /// </param> /// <param name="async"> /// Whether to invoke the operation asynchronously. /// </param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"> /// Optional <see cref="CancellationToken"/> to propagate notifications /// that the operation should be cancelled. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="Response"/> on successfully submitting. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// A <see cref="RequestFailedException"/> will be thrown if /// a failure to submit the batch occurs. Individual sub-operation /// failures will only throw if <paramref name="throwOnAnyFailure"/> is /// true and be wrapped in an <see cref="AggregateException"/>. /// </remarks> private async Task <Response> SubmitBatchInternal( BlobBatch batch, bool throwOnAnyFailure, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { DiagnosticScope scope = ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(BlobBatchClient)}.{nameof(SubmitBatch)}"); try { scope.Start(); batch = batch ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(batch)); if (batch.Submitted) { throw BatchErrors.CannotResubmitBatch(nameof(batch)); } else if (!batch.IsAssociatedClient(this)) { throw BatchErrors.BatchClientDoesNotMatch(nameof(batch)); } // Get the sub-operation messages to submit IList <HttpMessage> messages = batch.GetMessagesToSubmit(); if (messages.Count == 0) { throw BatchErrors.CannotSubmitEmptyBatch(nameof(batch)); } // TODO: Consider validating the upper limit of 256 messages // Merge the sub-operations into a single multipart/mixed Stream (Stream content, string contentType) = await MergeOperationRequests( messages, async, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); if (IsContainerScoped) { ResponseWithHeaders <Stream, ContainerSubmitBatchHeaders> response; if (async) { response = await _containerRestClient.SubmitBatchAsync( containerName : ContainerName, contentLength : content.Length, multipartContentType : contentType, body : content, cancellationToken : cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { response = _containerRestClient.SubmitBatch( containerName: ContainerName, contentLength: content.Length, multipartContentType: contentType, body: content, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); } await UpdateOperationResponses( messages, response.GetRawResponse(), response.Value, response.Headers.ContentType, throwOnAnyFailure, async, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); return(response.GetRawResponse()); } else { ResponseWithHeaders <Stream, ServiceSubmitBatchHeaders> response; if (async) { response = await _serviceRestClient.SubmitBatchAsync( contentLength : content.Length, multipartContentType : contentType, body : content, cancellationToken : cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { response = _serviceRestClient.SubmitBatch( contentLength: content.Length, multipartContentType: contentType, body: content, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); } await UpdateOperationResponses( messages, response.GetRawResponse(), response.Value, response.Headers.ContentType, throwOnAnyFailure, async, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); return(response.GetRawResponse()); } } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { scope.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a single segment of containers starting from the specified marker. /// /// For more information, see /// <see href="https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/storageservices/list-queues1"> /// List Queues</see>. /// </summary> /// <param name="marker"> /// Marker from the previous request. /// </param> /// <param name="traits"> /// Optional trait options for shaping the queues. /// </param> /// <param name="prefix"> /// Optional string that filters the results to return only queues /// whose name begins with the specified <paramref name="prefix"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="pageSizeHint"> /// Optional hint to specify the desired size of the page returned. /// </param> /// <param name="async"> /// Whether to invoke the operation asynchronously. /// </param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"> /// <see cref="CancellationToken"/> /// </param> /// <returns> /// A single segment of containers starting from the specified marker, including the next marker if appropriate. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// Use an empty marker to start enumeration from the beginning. Queue names are returned in lexicographic order. /// After getting a segment, process it, and then call ListQueuesSegmentAsync again (passing in the next marker) to get the next segment. /// </remarks> internal async Task <Response <ListQueuesSegmentResponse> > GetQueuesInternal( string marker, QueueTraits traits, string prefix, int?pageSizeHint, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { using (ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.BeginLoggingScope(nameof(QueueServiceClient))) { ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogMethodEnter( nameof(QueueServiceClient), message: $"{nameof(Uri)}: {Uri}\n" + $"{nameof(marker)}: {marker}\n" + $"{nameof(traits)}: {traits}\n" + $"{nameof(prefix)}: {prefix}"); DiagnosticScope scope = ClientConfiguration.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(QueueServiceClient)}.{nameof(GetQueues)}"); try { ResponseWithHeaders <ListQueuesSegmentResponse, ServiceListQueuesSegmentHeaders> response; scope.Start(); IEnumerable <string> includeTypes = traits.AsIncludeTypes(); if (async) { response = await _serviceRestClient.ListQueuesSegmentAsync( prefix : prefix, marker : marker, maxresults : pageSizeHint, include : includeTypes.Any()?includeTypes : null, cancellationToken : cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { response = _serviceRestClient.ListQueuesSegment( prefix: prefix, marker: marker, maxresults: pageSizeHint, include: includeTypes.Any() ? includeTypes : null, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); } if ((traits & QueueTraits.Metadata) != QueueTraits.Metadata) { IEnumerable <QueueItem> queueItems = response.Value.QueueItems; foreach (QueueItem queueItem in queueItems) { queueItem.Metadata = null; } } return(response); } catch (Exception ex) { ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogException(ex); scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogMethodExit(nameof(QueueServiceClient)); scope.Dispose(); } } }
private Response <PathInfo> UploadInSequence( Stream content, int blockSize, PathHttpHeaders httpHeaders, DataLakeRequestConditions conditions, IProgress <long> progressHandler, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Wrap the append and flush calls in an Upload span for // distributed tracing DiagnosticScope scope = _client.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope( _operationName ?? $"{nameof(Azure)}.{nameof(Storage)}.{nameof(Files)}.{nameof(DataLake)}.{nameof(DataLakeFileClient)}.{nameof(DataLakeFileClient.Upload)}"); try { scope.Start(); // Wrap progressHandler in a AggregatingProgressIncrementer to prevent // progress from being reset with each append file operation. if (progressHandler != null) { progressHandler = new AggregatingProgressIncrementer(progressHandler); } // Partition the stream into individual blocks and stage them // We need to keep track of how much data we have appended to // calculate offsets for the next appends, and the final // position to flush long appendedBytes = 0; foreach (ChunkedStream block in PartitionedUploadExtensions.GetBlocksAsync( content, blockSize, async: false, _arrayPool, cancellationToken).EnsureSyncEnumerable()) { // Dispose the block after the loop iterates and return its memory to our ArrayPool using (block) { // Append the next block _client.Append( new MemoryStream(block.Bytes, 0, block.Length, writable: false), offset: appendedBytes, leaseId: conditions?.LeaseId, progressHandler: progressHandler, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); appendedBytes += block.Length; } } // Commit the block list after everything has been staged to // complete the upload return(_client.Flush( position: appendedBytes, httpHeaders: httpHeaders, conditions: conditions, cancellationToken: cancellationToken)); } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { scope.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> Publishes a batch of EventGridEvents to an Azure Event Grid topic. </summary> /// <param name="events"> An array of events to be published to Event Grid. </param> /// <param name="async">Whether to invoke the operation asynchronously.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"> The cancellation token to use. </param> private async Task <Response> SendEventsInternal(IEnumerable <EventGridEvent> events, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { using DiagnosticScope scope = _clientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(EventGridPublisherClient)}.{nameof(SendEvents)}"); scope.Start(); try { // List of events cannot be null Argument.AssertNotNull(events, nameof(events)); List <EventGridEventInternal> eventsWithSerializedPayloads = new List <EventGridEventInternal>(); foreach (EventGridEvent egEvent in events) { // Individual events cannot be null Argument.AssertNotNull(egEvent, nameof(egEvent)); JsonDocument data; if (egEvent.Data is BinaryData binaryEventData) { try { data = JsonDocument.Parse(binaryEventData); } catch (JsonException) { data = SerializeObjectToJsonDocument(binaryEventData.ToString(), typeof(string), cancellationToken); } } else { data = SerializeObjectToJsonDocument(egEvent.Data, egEvent.Data.GetType(), cancellationToken); } EventGridEventInternal newEGEvent = new EventGridEventInternal( egEvent.Id, egEvent.Subject, data.RootElement, egEvent.EventType, egEvent.EventTime, egEvent.DataVersion) { Topic = egEvent.Topic }; eventsWithSerializedPayloads.Add(newEGEvent); } if (async) { // Publish asynchronously if called via an async path return(await _serviceRestClient.PublishEventsAsync( _hostName, eventsWithSerializedPayloads, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)); } else { return(_serviceRestClient.PublishEvents( _hostName, eventsWithSerializedPayloads, cancellationToken)); } } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
private async Task <Response <BlobContentInfo> > UploadInParallelAsync( Stream content, int blockSize, BlobHttpHeaders blobHttpHeaders, IDictionary <string, string> metadata, BlobRequestConditions conditions, IProgress <long> progressHandler, AccessTier?accessTier, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Wrap the staging and commit calls in an Upload span for // distributed tracing DiagnosticScope scope = _client.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope( _operationName ?? $"{nameof(Azure)}.{nameof(Storage)}.{nameof(Blobs)}.{nameof(BlobClient)}.{nameof(BlobClient.Upload)}"); try { scope.Start(); // Wrap progressHandler in a AggregatingProgressIncrementer to prevent // progress from being reset with each stage blob operation. if (progressHandler != null) { progressHandler = new AggregatingProgressIncrementer(progressHandler); } // The list tracking blocks IDs we're going to commit List <string> blockIds = new List <string>(); // A list of tasks that are currently executing which will // always be smaller than _maxWorkerCount List <Task> runningTasks = new List <Task>(); // Partition the stream into individual blocks await foreach (ChunkedStream block in PartitionedUploadExtensions.GetBlocksAsync( content, blockSize, async: true, _arrayPool, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { // Start staging the next block (but don't await the Task!) string blockId = GenerateBlockId(block.AbsolutePosition); Task task = StageBlockAsync( block, blockId, conditions, progressHandler, cancellationToken); // Add the block to our task and commit lists runningTasks.Add(task); blockIds.Add(blockId); // If we run out of workers if (runningTasks.Count >= _maxWorkerCount) { // Wait for at least one of them to finish await Task.WhenAny(runningTasks).ConfigureAwait(false); // Clear any completed blocks from the task list for (int i = 0; i < runningTasks.Count; i++) { Task runningTask = runningTasks[i]; if (!runningTask.IsCompleted) { continue; } await runningTask.ConfigureAwait(false); runningTasks.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } } // Wait for all the remaining blocks to finish staging and then // commit the block list to complete the upload await Task.WhenAll(runningTasks).ConfigureAwait(false); return(await _client.CommitBlockListAsync( blockIds, blobHttpHeaders, metadata, conditions, accessTier, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false)); } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { scope.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// RecordOtelAttributes /// </summary> /// <param name="exception"></param> /// <param name="scope"></param> internal static void RecordOtelAttributes(ChangeFeedProcessorUserException exception, DiagnosticScope scope) { scope.AddAttribute(OpenTelemetryAttributeKeys.ExceptionMessage, exception.Message); }
private Response <BlobContentInfo> UploadInSequence( Stream content, int blockSize, BlobHttpHeaders blobHttpHeaders, IDictionary <string, string> metadata, BlobRequestConditions conditions, IProgress <long> progressHandler, AccessTier?accessTier, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Wrap the staging and commit calls in an Upload span for // distributed tracing DiagnosticScope scope = _client.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope( _operationName ?? $"{nameof(Azure)}.{nameof(Storage)}.{nameof(Blobs)}.{nameof(BlobClient)}.{nameof(BlobClient.Upload)}"); try { scope.Start(); // Wrap progressHandler in a AggregatingProgressIncrementer to prevent // progress from being reset with each stage blob operation. if (progressHandler != null) { progressHandler = new AggregatingProgressIncrementer(progressHandler); } // The list tracking blocks IDs we're going to commit List <string> blockIds = new List <string>(); // Partition the stream into individual blocks and stage them foreach (ChunkedStream block in PartitionedUploadExtensions.GetBlocksAsync( content, blockSize, async: false, _arrayPool, cancellationToken).EnsureSyncEnumerable()) { // Dispose the block after the loop iterates and return its memory to our ArrayPool using (block) { // Stage the next block string blockId = GenerateBlockId(block.AbsolutePosition); _client.StageBlock( blockId, new MemoryStream(block.Bytes, 0, block.Length, writable: false), conditions: conditions, progressHandler: progressHandler, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); blockIds.Add(blockId); } } // Commit the block list after everything has been staged to // complete the upload return(_client.CommitBlockList( blockIds, blobHttpHeaders, metadata, conditions, accessTier, cancellationToken)); } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { scope.Dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// The main loop of a partition pump. It receives events from the Azure Event Hubs service /// and delegates their processing to the inner partition processor. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> instance to signal the request to cancel the operation.</param> /// /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns> /// private async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { IEnumerable <EventData> receivedEvents; Exception unrecoverableException = null; // We'll break from the loop upon encountering a non-retriable exception. The event processor periodically // checks its pumps' status, so it should be aware of when one of them stops working. while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { try { receivedEvents = await InnerConsumer.ReceiveAsync(Options.MaximumMessageCount, Options.MaximumReceiveWaitTime, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); using DiagnosticScope diagnosticScope = EventDataInstrumentation.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope(DiagnosticProperty.EventProcessorProcessingActivityName); diagnosticScope.AddAttribute("kind", "server"); if (diagnosticScope.IsEnabled) { foreach (var eventData in receivedEvents) { if (EventDataInstrumentation.TryExtractDiagnosticId(eventData, out string diagnosticId)) { diagnosticScope.AddLink(diagnosticId); } } } diagnosticScope.Start(); try { await PartitionProcessor.ProcessEventsAsync(Context, receivedEvents, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception partitionProcessorException) { diagnosticScope.Failed(partitionProcessorException); unrecoverableException = partitionProcessorException; CloseReason = PartitionProcessorCloseReason.PartitionProcessorException; break; } } catch (Exception eventHubException) { // Stop running only if it's not a retriable exception. if (s_retryPolicy.CalculateRetryDelay(eventHubException, 1) == null) { unrecoverableException = eventHubException; CloseReason = PartitionProcessorCloseReason.EventHubException; break; } } } if (unrecoverableException != null) { // In case an exception is encountered while partition processor is processing the error, don't // catch it and let the calling method (StopAsync) handle it. await PartitionProcessor.ProcessErrorAsync(Context, unrecoverableException, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } }
/// <summary> /// The main loop of a partition pump. It receives events from the Azure Event Hubs service /// and delegates their processing to the event processor processing handlers. /// </summary> /// /// <param name="cancellationToken">A <see cref="CancellationToken"/> instance to signal the request to cancel the operation.</param> /// /// <returns>A task to be resolved on when the operation has completed.</returns> /// private async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken) { List <EventData> receivedEvents; Exception unrecoverableException = null; // We'll break from the loop upon encountering a non-retriable exception. The event processor periodically // checks its pumps' status, so it should be aware of when one of them stops working. while (!cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested) { try { receivedEvents = (await InnerConsumer.ReceiveAsync(MaximumMessageCount, Options.MaximumReceiveWaitTime, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)).ToList(); using DiagnosticScope diagnosticScope = EventDataInstrumentation.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope(DiagnosticProperty.EventProcessorProcessingActivityName); diagnosticScope.AddAttribute("kind", "server"); if (diagnosticScope.IsEnabled) { foreach (var eventData in receivedEvents) { if (EventDataInstrumentation.TryExtractDiagnosticId(eventData, out string diagnosticId)) { diagnosticScope.AddLink(diagnosticId); } } } // Small workaround to make sure we call ProcessEvent with EventData = null when no events have been received. // The code is expected to get simpler when we start using the async enumerator internally to receive events. if (receivedEvents.Count == 0) { receivedEvents.Add(null); } diagnosticScope.Start(); foreach (var eventData in receivedEvents) { try { var processorEvent = new EventProcessorEvent(Context, eventData, UpdateCheckpointAsync); await ProcessEventAsync(processorEvent).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception eventProcessingException) { diagnosticScope.Failed(eventProcessingException); unrecoverableException = eventProcessingException; break; } } } catch (Exception eventHubException) { // Stop running only if it's not a retriable exception. if (RetryPolicy.CalculateRetryDelay(eventHubException, 1) == null) { throw eventHubException; } } if (unrecoverableException != null) { throw unrecoverableException; } } }
/// <summary> /// Attest an Intel SGX enclave. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">Aggregate type containing the information needed to perform an attestation operation.</param> /// <param name="async">true if the API call should be asynchronous, false otherwise.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">Cancellation token used to cancel the request.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="AttestationResponse{AttestationResult}"/> which contains the validated claims for the supplied <paramref name="request"/></returns> /// <remarks>The <see cref="AttestationRequest.Evidence"/> must be an Intel SGX Quote. /// <seealso href="https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/articles/code-sample-intel-software-guard-extensions-remote-attestation-end-to-end-example.html"/> for more information. ///</remarks> private async Task <AttestationResponse <AttestationResult> > AttestSgxEnclaveInternal(AttestationRequest request, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { Argument.AssertNotNull(request, nameof(request)); Argument.AssertNotNull(request.Evidence, nameof(request.Evidence)); using DiagnosticScope scope = _clientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(AttestationClient)}.{nameof(AttestSgxEnclave)}"); scope.Start(); try { var attestSgxEnclaveRequest = new AttestSgxEnclaveRequest { Quote = request.Evidence.ToArray(), DraftPolicyForAttestation = request.DraftPolicyForAttestation, }; if (request.InittimeData != null) { attestSgxEnclaveRequest.InitTimeData = new InitTimeData { Data = request.InittimeData.BinaryData.ToArray(), DataType = request.InittimeData.DataIsJson ? DataType.Json : DataType.Binary, }; } else { attestSgxEnclaveRequest.InitTimeData = null; } if (request.RuntimeData != null) { attestSgxEnclaveRequest.RuntimeData = new RuntimeData { Data = request.RuntimeData.BinaryData.ToArray(), DataType = request.RuntimeData.DataIsJson ? DataType.Json : DataType.Binary, }; } else { attestSgxEnclaveRequest.RuntimeData = null; } Response <AttestationResponse> response; if (async) { response = await _restClient.AttestSgxEnclaveAsync(attestSgxEnclaveRequest, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); } else { response = _restClient.AttestSgxEnclave(attestSgxEnclaveRequest, cancellationToken); } var attestationToken = AttestationToken.Deserialize(response.Value.Token, _clientDiagnostics); if (_options.TokenOptions.ValidateToken) { var signers = await GetSignersAsync(async, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!await attestationToken.ValidateTokenInternal(_options.TokenOptions, signers, async, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { AttestationTokenValidationFailedException.ThrowFailure(signers, attestationToken); } } return(new AttestationResponse <AttestationResult>(response.GetRawResponse(), attestationToken)); } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Failed(ex); throw; } }
/// <summary> Publishes a batch of CloudEvents to an Azure Event Grid topic. </summary> /// <param name="events"> An array of events to be published to Event Grid. </param> /// <param name="async">Whether to invoke the operation asynchronously.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"> The cancellation token to use. </param> private async Task <Response> SendCloudEventsInternal(IEnumerable <CloudEvent> events, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { using DiagnosticScope scope = _clientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(EventGridPublisherClient)}.{nameof(SendEvents)}"); scope.Start(); try { // List of events cannot be null Argument.AssertNotNull(events, nameof(events)); List <CloudEventInternal> eventsWithSerializedPayloads = new List <CloudEventInternal>(); foreach (CloudEvent cloudEvent in events) { // Individual events cannot be null Argument.AssertNotNull(cloudEvent, nameof(cloudEvent)); CloudEventInternal newCloudEvent = new CloudEventInternal( cloudEvent.Id, cloudEvent.Source, cloudEvent.Type, "1.0") { Time = cloudEvent.Time, DataBase64 = cloudEvent.DataBase64, Datacontenttype = cloudEvent.DataContentType, Dataschema = cloudEvent.DataSchema, Subject = cloudEvent.Subject }; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in cloudEvent.ExtensionAttributes) { newCloudEvent.Add(kvp.Key, new CustomModelSerializer(kvp.Value, _dataSerializer, cancellationToken)); } // The 'Data' property is optional for CloudEvents // Additionally, if the type of data is binary, 'Data' will not be populated (data will be stored in 'DataBase64' instead) if (cloudEvent.Data != null) { JsonDocument data = SerializeObjectToJsonDocument(cloudEvent.Data, cloudEvent.Data.GetType(), cancellationToken); newCloudEvent.Data = data.RootElement; } eventsWithSerializedPayloads.Add(newCloudEvent); } if (async) { // Publish asynchronously if called via an async path return(await _serviceRestClient.PublishCloudEventEventsAsync( _hostName, eventsWithSerializedPayloads, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)); } else { return(_serviceRestClient.PublishCloudEventEvents( _hostName, eventsWithSerializedPayloads, cancellationToken)); } } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
/// <summary> Publishes a batch of CloudEvents to an Azure Event Grid topic. </summary> /// <param name="events"> An array of events to be published to Event Grid. </param> /// <param name="async">Whether to invoke the operation asynchronously</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"> The cancellation token to use. </param> private async Task <Response> PublishCloudEventsInternal(IEnumerable <CloudEvent> events, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { using DiagnosticScope scope = _clientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(EventGridPublisherClient)}.{nameof(PublishCloudEvents)}"); scope.Start(); try { // List of events cannot be null Argument.AssertNotNull(events, nameof(events)); List <CloudEventInternal> eventsWithSerializedPayloads = new List <CloudEventInternal>(); foreach (CloudEvent cloudEvent in events) { // Individual events cannot be null Argument.AssertNotNull(cloudEvent, nameof(cloudEvent)); CloudEventInternal newCloudEvent = new CloudEventInternal( cloudEvent.Id, cloudEvent.Source, cloudEvent.Type, cloudEvent.SpecVersion) { Time = cloudEvent.Time, Datacontenttype = cloudEvent.DataContentType, Dataschema = cloudEvent.DataSchema, Subject = cloudEvent.Subject }; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> kvp in cloudEvent.ExtensionAttributes) { newCloudEvent.Add(kvp.Key, new EventGridSerializer(kvp.Value, _serializer, cancellationToken)); } // The 'Data' property is optional for CloudEvents if (cloudEvent.Data != null) { if (cloudEvent.Data is IEnumerable <byte> enumerable) { newCloudEvent.DataBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(enumerable.ToArray()); } else if (cloudEvent.Data is ReadOnlyMemory <byte> memory) { newCloudEvent.DataBase64 = Convert.ToBase64String(memory.ToArray()); } else { newCloudEvent.Data = new EventGridSerializer( cloudEvent.Data, _serializer, cancellationToken); } } eventsWithSerializedPayloads.Add(newCloudEvent); } if (async) { // Publish asynchronously if called via an async path return(await _serviceRestClient.PublishCloudEventEventsAsync( _hostName, eventsWithSerializedPayloads, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)); } else { return(_serviceRestClient.PublishCloudEventEvents( _hostName, eventsWithSerializedPayloads, cancellationToken)); } } catch (Exception e) { scope.Failed(e); throw; } }
private async Task <Response <PathInfo> > UploadInParallelAsync( Stream content, int blockSize, PathHttpHeaders httpHeaders, DataLakeRequestConditions conditions, IProgress <long> progressHandler, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Wrap the staging and commit calls in an Upload span for // distributed tracing DiagnosticScope scope = _client.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope( _operationName ?? $"{nameof(Azure)}.{nameof(Storage)}.{nameof(Files)}.{nameof(DataLake)}.{nameof(DataLakeFileClient)}.{nameof(DataLakeFileClient.Upload)}"); try { scope.Start(); // Wrap progressHandler in a AggregatingProgressIncrementer to prevent // progress from being reset with each stage blob operation. if (progressHandler != null) { progressHandler = new AggregatingProgressIncrementer(progressHandler); } // A list of tasks that are currently executing which will // always be smaller than _maxWorkerCount List <Task> runningTasks = new List <Task>(); // We need to keep track of how much data we have appended to // calculate offsets for the next appends, and the final // position to flush long appendedBytes = 0; // Partition the stream into individual blocks await foreach (ChunkedStream block in PartitionedUploadExtensions.GetBlocksAsync( content, blockSize, async: true, _arrayPool, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false)) { // Start appending the next block (but don't await the Task!) Task task = AppendBlockAsync( block, appendedBytes, conditions?.LeaseId, progressHandler, cancellationToken); // Add the block to our task and commit lists runningTasks.Add(task); appendedBytes += block.Length; // If we run out of workers if (runningTasks.Count >= _maxWorkerCount) { // Wait for at least one of them to finish await Task.WhenAny(runningTasks).ConfigureAwait(false); // Clear any completed blocks from the task list for (int i = 0; i < runningTasks.Count; i++) { Task runningTask = runningTasks[i]; if (!runningTask.IsCompleted) { continue; } await runningTask.ConfigureAwait(false); runningTasks.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } } // Wait for all the remaining blocks to finish staging and then // commit the block list to complete the upload await Task.WhenAll(runningTasks).ConfigureAwait(false); return(await _client.FlushAsync( position : appendedBytes, httpHeaders : httpHeaders, conditions : conditions, cancellationToken : cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false)); } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { scope.Dispose(); } }
public Response DownloadTo( Stream destination, BlobRequestConditions conditions, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Wrap the download range calls in a Download span for distributed // tracing DiagnosticScope scope = _client.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(BlobBaseClient)}.{nameof(BlobBaseClient.DownloadTo)}"); try { scope.Start(); // Just start downloading using an initial range. If it's a // small blob, we'll get the whole thing in one shot. If it's // a large blob, we'll get its full size in Content-Range and // can keep downloading it in segments. var initialRange = new HttpRange(0, _initialRangeSize); Response <BlobDownloadInfo> initialResponse = _client.Download( initialRange, conditions, rangeGetContentHash: false, cancellationToken); // If the initial request returned no content (i.e., a 304), // we'll pass that back to the user immediately if (initialResponse.IsUnavailable()) { return(initialResponse.GetRawResponse()); } // Copy the first segment to the destination stream CopyTo(initialResponse, destination, cancellationToken); // If the first segment was the entire blob, we're finished now long initialLength = initialResponse.Value.ContentLength; long totalLength = ParseRangeTotalLength(initialResponse.Value.Details.ContentRange); if (initialLength == totalLength) { return(initialResponse.GetRawResponse()); } // Capture the etag from the first segment and construct // conditions to ensure the blob doesn't change while we're // downloading the remaining segments ETag etag = initialResponse.Value.Details.ETag; BlobRequestConditions conditionsWithEtag = CreateConditionsWithEtag(conditions, etag); // Download each of the remaining ranges in the blob foreach (HttpRange httpRange in GetRanges(initialLength, totalLength)) { // Don't need to worry about 304s here because the ETag // condition will turn into a 412 and throw a proper // RequestFailedException Response <BlobDownloadInfo> result = _client.Download( httpRange, conditionsWithEtag, rangeGetContentHash: false, cancellationToken); CopyTo(result.Value, destination, cancellationToken); } return(initialResponse.GetRawResponse()); } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { scope.Dispose(); } }
public static void SetMessageData(this DiagnosticScope scope, IEnumerable <ServiceBusMessage> messages) { scope.AddLinkedDiagnostics(messages); }
public async Task <Response> DownloadToAsync( Stream destination, BlobRequestConditions conditions, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // Wrap the download range calls in a Download span for distributed // tracing DiagnosticScope scope = _client.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(BlobBaseClient)}.{nameof(BlobBaseClient.DownloadTo)}"); try { scope.Start(); // Just start downloading using an initial range. If it's a // small blob, we'll get the whole thing in one shot. If it's // a large blob, we'll get its full size in Content-Range and // can keep downloading it in segments. var initialRange = new HttpRange(0, _initialRangeSize); Task <Response <BlobDownloadInfo> > initialResponseTask = _client.DownloadAsync( initialRange, conditions, rangeGetContentHash: false, cancellationToken); Response <BlobDownloadInfo> initialResponse = await initialResponseTask.ConfigureAwait(false); // If the initial request returned no content (i.e., a 304), // we'll pass that back to the user immediately if (initialResponse.IsUnavailable()) { return(initialResponse.GetRawResponse()); } // If the first segment was the entire blob, we'll copy that to // the output stream and finish now long initialLength = initialResponse.Value.ContentLength; long totalLength = ParseRangeTotalLength(initialResponse.Value.Details.ContentRange); if (initialLength == totalLength) { await CopyToAsync( initialResponse, destination, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); return(initialResponse.GetRawResponse()); } // Capture the etag from the first segment and construct // conditions to ensure the blob doesn't change while we're // downloading the remaining segments ETag etag = initialResponse.Value.Details.ETag; BlobRequestConditions conditionsWithEtag = CreateConditionsWithEtag(conditions, etag); // Create a queue of tasks that will each download one segment // of the blob. The queue maintains the order of the segments // so we can keep appending to the end of the destination // stream when each segment finishes. var runningTasks = new Queue <Task <Response <BlobDownloadInfo> > >(); runningTasks.Enqueue(initialResponseTask); // Fill the queue with tasks to download each of the remaining // ranges in the blob foreach (HttpRange httpRange in GetRanges(initialLength, totalLength)) { // Add the next Task (which will start the download but // return before it's completed downloading) runningTasks.Enqueue(_client.DownloadAsync( httpRange, conditionsWithEtag, rangeGetContentHash: false, cancellationToken)); // If we have fewer tasks than alotted workers, then just // continue adding tasks until we have _maxWorkerCount // running in parallel if (runningTasks.Count < _maxWorkerCount) { continue; } // Once all the workers are busy, wait for the first // segment to finish downloading before we create more work await ConsumeQueuedTask().ConfigureAwait(false); } // Wait for all of the remaining segments to download while (runningTasks.Count > 0) { await ConsumeQueuedTask().ConfigureAwait(false); } return(initialResponse.GetRawResponse()); // Wait for the first segment in the queue of tasks to complete // downloading and copy it to the destination stream async Task ConsumeQueuedTask() { // Don't need to worry about 304s here because the ETag // condition will turn into a 412 and throw a proper // RequestFailedException using BlobDownloadInfo result = await runningTasks.Dequeue().ConfigureAwait(false); // Even though the BlobDownloadInfo is returned immediately, // CopyToAsync causes ConsumeQueuedTask to wait until the // download is complete await CopyToAsync( result, destination, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { scope.Dispose(); } }
public async Task <FetchResult> FetchAsync( string dtmi, Uri repositoryUri, ModelDependencyResolution dependencyResolution, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { using DiagnosticScope scope = _clientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(HttpModelFetcher)}.{nameof(Fetch)}"); scope.Start(); try { Queue <string> work = PrepareWork(dtmi, repositoryUri, dependencyResolution == ModelDependencyResolution.TryFromExpanded); string remoteFetchError = string.Empty; RequestFailedException requestFailedExceptionThrown = null; Exception genericExceptionThrown = null; while (work.Count != 0) { cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested(); string tryContentPath = work.Dequeue(); ModelsRepositoryEventSource.Instance.FetchingModelContent(tryContentPath); try { string content = await EvaluatePathAsync(tryContentPath, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); return(new FetchResult() { Definition = content, Path = tryContentPath }); } catch (RequestFailedException ex) { requestFailedExceptionThrown = ex; } catch (Exception ex) { genericExceptionThrown = ex; } if (genericExceptionThrown != null || requestFailedExceptionThrown != null) { remoteFetchError = $"{string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, StandardStrings.GenericGetModelsError, dtmi)} " + string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, StandardStrings.ErrorFetchingModelContent, tryContentPath); } } if (requestFailedExceptionThrown != null) { throw new RequestFailedException( requestFailedExceptionThrown.Status, remoteFetchError, requestFailedExceptionThrown.ErrorCode, requestFailedExceptionThrown); } else { throw new RequestFailedException( (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, remoteFetchError, null, genericExceptionThrown); } } catch (Exception ex) { scope.Failed(ex); throw; } }
/// <summary> /// The <see cref="AcquireInternal"/> operation acquires a lease on /// the file. /// /// If the file does not have an active lease, the File service /// creates a lease on the file and returns it. If the /// file has an active lease, you can only request a new lease /// using the active lease ID as <see cref="LeaseId"/>. /// /// </summary> /// <param name="duration"> /// Specifies the duration of the lease, in seconds, or specify /// <see cref="InfiniteLeaseDuration"/> for a lease that never expires. /// A non-infinite lease can be between 15 and 60 seconds. /// A lease duration cannot be changed using <see cref="RenewAsync"/> /// or <see cref="ChangeAsync"/>. /// </param> /// <param name="async"> /// Whether to invoke the operation asynchronously. /// </param> /// <param name="cancellationToken"> /// Optional <see cref="CancellationToken"/> to propagate /// notifications that the operation should be cancelled. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A <see cref="Response{Lease}"/> describing the lease. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// A <see cref="RequestFailedException"/> will be thrown if /// a failure occurs. /// </remarks> private async Task <Response <ShareFileLease> > AcquireInternal( TimeSpan?duration, bool async, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { EnsureClient(); using (ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.BeginLoggingScope(nameof(ShareLeaseClient))) { ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogMethodEnter( nameof(ShareLeaseClient), message: $"{nameof(Uri)}: {Uri}\n" + $"{nameof(LeaseId)}: {LeaseId}\n"); DiagnosticScope scope = ClientConfiguration.ClientDiagnostics.CreateScope($"{nameof(ShareLeaseClient)}.{nameof(Acquire)}"); try { scope.Start(); if (FileClient != null) { ResponseWithHeaders <FileAcquireLeaseHeaders> response; if (async) { response = await FileClient.FileRestClient.AcquireLeaseAsync( duration : (int)Constants.File.Lease.InfiniteLeaseDuration, proposedLeaseId : LeaseId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { response = FileClient.FileRestClient.AcquireLease( duration: (int)Constants.File.Lease.InfiniteLeaseDuration, proposedLeaseId: LeaseId, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); } return(Response.FromValue( response.ToShareFileLease(), response.GetRawResponse())); } else { // Int64 is an overflow safe cast relative to TimeSpan.MaxValue long serviceDuration; if (duration.HasValue && duration.Value >= TimeSpan.Zero) { serviceDuration = Convert.ToInt64(duration.Value.TotalSeconds); } else { serviceDuration = Constants.File.Lease.InfiniteLeaseDuration; } ResponseWithHeaders <ShareAcquireLeaseHeaders> response; if (async) { response = await ShareClient.ShareRestClient.AcquireLeaseAsync( duration : (int)serviceDuration, proposedLeaseId : LeaseId, cancellationToken : cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); } else { response = ShareClient.ShareRestClient.AcquireLease( duration: (int)serviceDuration, proposedLeaseId: LeaseId, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); } return(Response.FromValue( response.ToShareFileLease(), response.GetRawResponse())); } } catch (Exception ex) { ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogException(ex); scope.Failed(ex); throw; } finally { ClientConfiguration.Pipeline.LogMethodExit(nameof(ShareLeaseClient)); scope.Dispose(); } } }