static void Main(string[] arguments) { var conf = new HlidacStatu.Api.V2.CoreApi.Client.Configuration(); conf.AddDefaultHeader("Authorization", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["apikey"]); conf.Timeout = 180 * 1000; api2 = HlidacStatu.Api.V2.Dataset.Typed.Dataset <record> .OpenDataset(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["apikey"], DataSetId); args = new Devmasters.Args(arguments, new string[] { "/mp3path" }); logger.Info("Starting with params" + string.Join(" ", args.Arguments)); //create dataset if (!args.MandatoryPresent()) { Help(); return; } string osobaId = args["/osobaid"]; string playlist = args["/playlist"]; int threads = args.GetNumber("/t") ?? 5; int max = args.GetNumber("/max") ?? 300; string[] vids = args.GetArray("/ids"); string mp3path = args["/mp3path"]; HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(); httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("Authorization", System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["apikey"]); var jsonResult = httpClient.GetStringAsync("") .Result; var osoby = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <osoba[]>(jsonResult); foreach (var o in osoby) { foreach (var url in o.SocialniSite) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(osobaId)) { Process(o, url.Url, threads, max, vids, mp3path); } else if (o.NameId == osobaId) { Process(o, url.Url, threads, max, vids, mp3path); } } } }
static void Main(string[] arguments) { Console.WriteLine($"Jednání-Rady-ČT - {System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version}"); Devmasters.Logging.Logger.Root.Info($"Jednání-Rady-ČT - {System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version}"); Devmasters.Logging.Logger.Root.Debug("Jednání Rady ČT starting with " + string.Join(',', arguments)); var args = new Devmasters.Args(arguments, new string[] { "/mp3path", "/apikey" }); if (args.MandatoryPresent() == false) { Help(); } mp3path = args.Get("/mp3path", null); if (args.Exists("/utdl")) { YTDL = args["/utdl"]; } else { YTDL = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + "\\youtube-dl.exe"; } startPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); apiKey = args["/apikey"]; rewrite = args.Exists("/rewrite"); afterDay = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1 * args.GetNumber("/daysback", 10000).Value); if (args.Exists("/ids")) { ids = args.GetArray("/ids"); } skips2t = args.Exists("/skips2t"); int threads = args.GetNumber("/t") ?? 5; try { ds = HlidacStatu.Api.V2.Dataset.Typed.Dataset <Jednani> .OpenDataset(apiKey, DataSetId); } catch (ApiException e) { ds = HlidacStatu.Api.V2.Dataset.Typed.Dataset <Jednani> .CreateDataset(apiKey, Registration()); } catch (Exception e) { throw; } string nextPages = "{0}"; int page = 0; bool stop = false; List <Jednani> jednani = new List <Jednani>(); do { page++; using (Devmasters.Net.HttpClient.URLContent net = new Devmasters.Net.HttpClient.URLContent(string.Format(nextPages, page))) { Console.WriteLine($"Page {page}"); net.IgnoreHttpErrors = true; net.Tries = 5; net.TimeInMsBetweenTries = 2000; string html = ""; try { Devmasters.Logging.Logger.Root.Debug($"downloading {net.Url} "); html = net.GetContent().Text; } catch (Exception e) { Devmasters.Logging.Logger.Root.Error($"{net.Url} failed", e); } Devmasters.XPath xp = new Devmasters.XPath(html); var links = xp.GetNodes("//li[contains(@class,'itemBlock')]"); if (links == null || links.Count == 0) { break; } foreach (var link in links) { Jednani j = new Jednani(); j.Odkaz = urlPrefix + Devmasters.XPath.Tools.GetNodeAttributeValue(link, "div/h3/a[@class='itemSetPaging']", "href"); j.Titulek = Devmasters.XPath.Tools.GetNodeText(link, "div/h3/a[@class='itemSetPaging']").Trim(); j.DatumJednani = Devmasters.DT.Util.ToDate(Devmasters.XPath.Tools.GetNodeText(link, "div/p").Trim()) ?? DateTime.MinValue; j.Id = Devmasters.RegexUtil.GetRegexGroupValue(j.Odkaz, "/ivysilani/10000000064-jednani-rady-ceske-televize/(?<id>\\d{2,})", "id"); if (j.DatumJednani > afterDay && (ids == null || ids.Contains(j.Id)) ) { jednani.Add(j); } } } } while (stop == false); // Devmasters.Logging.Logger.Root.Debug($"Starting {jednani.Count} items "); Devmasters.Batch.Manager.DoActionForAll <string>(jednani.Select(m => m.Id).Reverse(), id => { bool exists = ds.ItemExists(id); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && (!exists || rewrite) ) { Devmasters.Logging.Logger.Root.Debug($"Start parsing {id} "); var fullJ = ParseJednani(jednani.First(m => m.Id == id)); Devmasters.Logging.Logger.Root.Debug($"Saving {id} "); ds.AddOrUpdateItem(fullJ, HlidacStatu.Api.V2.Dataset.Typed.ItemInsertMode.rewrite); } else if (exists) { //check voice2text var fullJ = ds.GetItemSafe(id); if (!(fullJ.PrepisAudia?.Count() > 0)) { Devmasters.Logging.Logger.Root.Debug($"Checking AUDIO text {id} "); var aud = Audio(fullJ); if (aud?.Count() > 0) { fullJ.PrepisAudia = aud; ds.AddOrUpdateItem(fullJ, HlidacStatu.Api.V2.Dataset.Typed.ItemInsertMode.rewrite); } } } return(new Devmasters.Batch.ActionOutputData() { Log = id }); }, true, maxDegreeOfParallelism: threads); }