private async void SetUpRound() { try { // stop the sound if any is being played audio.Stop(); //stop the timer deviceTimer.Stop(); } catch { } // clear the options and answer buttons.Clear(); Answer = ""; timerGuagePointer.Value = 0; // set options : wrap the awaited task within a task to make it wait this.buttons = Task.Run(async() => await SetDummmyOptionsAsync()).Result; // set new synopsis lblSynopsis.Text = Task.Run(async() => await GetAnimeSynopsisAsync()).Result; buttons = buttons.OrderBy(a => Guid.NewGuid()).ToList(); this.frameOption1.Content = buttons[0]; this.frameOption2.Content = buttons[1]; this.frameOption3.Content = buttons[2]; this.frameOption4.Content = buttons[3]; deviceTimer = new DeviceTimer(StartTimer, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), true, true); }
private void CloseAll() { IsCounting = false; DependencyService.Get <MessageBoxService>().ShowConfirm( $"루틴 종료", $"루틴을 종료하시겠습니까?", () => { IsCounting = true; }, async() => { deviceTimer?.Stop(); await CloseAllNavigationPage(); }); }