예제 #1
        public DeviceIndexSelectionControl(IServiceProvider provider, DeviceIndexSelection selection)
            //editorService = new DeviceIndexSelectionEditorService(this, provider);

            using (var graphics = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero))

                if (selection.Indices != null)
                    foreach (var idx in selection.Indices)
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(selection.DevIndexToString(idx)))

                var drawScale = graphics.DpiY / DefaultDpi;
                deviceIndexListBox.Height = (int)Math.Ceiling(deviceIndexListBox.ItemHeight * deviceIndexListBox.Items.Count * drawScale);
예제 #2
        public PCECameraWriter()
            // Reference to context
            oni_ref = ONIManager.ReserveDAQ();

            // Find all RHD devices
            devices = oni_ref.DAQ.DeviceMap.Where(pair => pair.Value.id == 10000).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            // Stop here if there are no devices to use
            if (devices.Count == 0)
                throw new oni.ONIException((int)oni.lib.Error.DEVIDX);

            DeviceIndex         = new DeviceIndexSelection();
            DeviceIndex.Indices = devices.Keys.ToArray();

            //rows = (int)oni.DAQ.DeviceMap[DeviceIndex.SelectedIndex].num_writes;
            rows = 256;
            cols = (int)oni_ref.DAQ.DeviceMap[DeviceIndex.SelectedIndex].write_size / 4; //4 // ushorts, First element is row index and there is extra garbage at end
 public DeviceIndexSelectionControl(DeviceIndexSelection selection)
     : this(null, selection)
예제 #4
        public PCECameraReader()
            // Reference to context
            oni_ref = ONIManager.ReserveDAQ();

            // Find the hardware clock rate
            var sample_clock_hz = (int)50e6; // TODO: oni_ref.DAQ.AcquisitionClockHz;

            // Find all RHD devices
            devices = oni_ref.DAQ.DeviceMap.Where(pair => pair.Value.id == 10000).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            // Stop here if there are no devices to use
            if (devices.Count == 0)
                throw new oni.ONIException((int)oni.lib.Error.DEVIDX);

            DeviceIndex         = new DeviceIndexSelection();
            DeviceIndex.Indices = devices.Keys.ToArray();

            int rows = (int)oni_ref.DAQ.DeviceMap[DeviceIndex.SelectedIndex].num_reads;
            int cols = (int)oni_ref.DAQ.DeviceMap[DeviceIndex.SelectedIndex].read_size / 2 - 1; // ushorts, First element is row index

            var image_data = new ushort[rows * cols];

            source = Observable.Create <PCEImage>(observer =>
                EventHandler <FrameReceivedEventArgs> inputReceived;
                var image = new PCEImage(rows, cols, image_data, sample_clock_hz);


                inputReceived = (sender, e) =>
                    var frame = e.Value;

                    // TODO: There is a bug here that needs to be fixed. It potentially applies to all devices.
                    // 1. If we look at low level test programs, and send a fixed pattern of increasing row numbers, we see that all row numbers are read out in order
                    // 2. If we send this same data here, we see that rows are regularly skipped. This seems to indicate that events are either being ingored (contain the wrong device) or they are being dropped.

                    //If this frame contains data from the selected device_index
                    if (frame.DeviceIndices.Contains(DeviceIndex.SelectedIndex))
                        // Pull the sample
                        if (image.FillFromFrame(frame, DeviceIndex.SelectedIndex))
                            image_data = image.image_data;
                            image      = new PCEImage(rows, cols, image_data, sample_clock_hz);

                oni_ref.Environment.FrameInputReceived += inputReceived;
                return(Disposable.Create(() =>
                    oni_ref.Environment.FrameInputReceived -= inputReceived;