예제 #1
            public void Run(string dataFile)
                FileInfo f = new FileInfo(dataFile);

                Console.WriteLine($"Using data file at '{f.FullName}'");
                // Use the DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder to build a new Pipeline
                // to use an on-premise Hash engine with the low memory
                // performance profile.
                using (var pipeline = new DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder()
                                      .UseOnPremise(dataFile, null, false)
                                      // Prefer low memory profile where all data streamed
                                      // from disk on-demand. Experiment with other profiles.
                    // First try a desktop User-Agent.
                    AnalyseUserAgent(desktopUserAgent, pipeline);
                    // Now try a mobile User-Agent.
                    AnalyseUserAgent(mobileUserAgent, pipeline);
                    // Now try the User Agent Client Hints.
                    AnalyseUach(platformUach, pipeline);
        public static bool IsMobileDevice(
            string userAgent
            string resourceFileName = "51Degrees-LiteV4.1.hash";
            string resourceName     = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceNames()
                                      .Where(n => n.Contains(resourceFileName))
            var assembly       = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            var resourceStream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(resourceName);
            var fileInfo       = new FileInfo(resourceName);

            // Testing for directory; disregard
            //var asdf = Assembly.GetTypes();//GetAssembly(typeof(FiftyOneDegreesMobileDeviceDetector)).Name;
            //using (var reader = new StreamReader(resourceStream, Encoding.UTF8))
            //    return await reader.ReadToEndAsync();
            //var folder1 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            //string assemblyFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
            //string folder2 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly().Location);
            //string folder3 = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
            //var myType = typeof(FiftyOneDegreesMobileDeviceDetector);
            //var n = myType.Namespace;
            //string baseDirectory = AppContext.BaseDirectory;
            //string AssemblyPath = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(AppContext.BaseDirectory, "..\\..\\..\\"));
            //var directory = new DirectoryInfo(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory());
            //while (directory != null && !directory.GetFiles("*.sln").Any())
            //    directory = directory.Parent;
            //var a = directory != null;

            var pipelineInstance = new DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder()
                                   .UseOnPremise(resourceName, null, true)

            // Create a new FlowData instance ready to be populated with evidence for the
            // Pipeline.
            var data = pipelineInstance.CreateFlowData();

            // Add a User-Agent string to the evidence collection.
            data.AddEvidence(FiftyOne.Pipeline.Core.Constants.EVIDENCE_QUERY_USERAGENT_KEY, userAgent);

            // Process the supplied evidence.

            // Get device data from the flow data.
            var device = data.Get <IDeviceData>();

            return(device.IsMobile.HasValue ? device.IsMobile.Value : false);
예제 #3
            public void Run(string dataFile)
                FileInfo f = new FileInfo(dataFile);

                Console.WriteLine($"Using data file at '{f.FullName}'");
                Console.WriteLine($"This example demonstrates detection " +
                                  $"using user-agent client hints.");
                Console.WriteLine($"The sec-ch-ua value can be used to " +
                                  $"determine the browser of the connecting device, " +
                                  $"but not other components such as the hardware.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Similarly, sec-ch-ua-platform and " +
                                  $"platform-version value can be used to " +
                                  $"determine the platform/operating system.");
                Console.WriteLine($"We show this by first performing " +
                                  $"detection with the sec-ch-ua fields only.");
                Console.WriteLine($"We then repeat with the user-agent " +
                                  $"header only.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Finally, we use both sec-ch-ua  fields " +
                                  "and user-agent. Note that sec-ch-ua takes priority " +
                                  "over the user-agent for detection of the browser and" +
                                  "sec-ch-ua-platform and platform-version act similarly " +
                                  "for the platform.");
                // Use the DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder to build a new Pipeline
                // to use an on-premise Hash engine with the low memory
                // performance profile.
                using (var pipeline = new DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder()
                                      .UseOnPremise(dataFile, null, false)
                                      // Prefer low memory profile where all data streamed
                                      // from disk on-demand. Experiment with other profiles.
                    // first try with just sec-ch-ua.
                    AnalyseClientHints(pipeline, false, true);
                    // Now with just user-agent.
                    AnalyseClientHints(pipeline, true, false);
                    // Finally, perform detection with both.
                    AnalyseClientHints(pipeline, true, true);
        public void DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder_CheckConfiguration(
            string datafilename, bool autoUpdate, bool shareUsage, string licenseKey)
            var datafile      = Utils.GetFilePath(datafilename);
            var updateService = new Mock <IDataUpdateService>();

            // Configure the pipeline.
            var pipeline = new DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder(
                new NullLoggerFactory(), null, updateService.Object)
                           .UseOnPremise(datafile.FullName, licenseKey, false)

            // Check that the flow elements in the pipeline are as expected.
            if (shareUsage)
                Assert.AreEqual(2, pipeline.FlowElements.Count);
                                  e => e.GetType() == typeof(ShareUsageElement)));
                Assert.AreEqual(1, pipeline.FlowElements.Count);
                              e => e.GetType() == typeof(DeviceDetectionHashEngine)));

            // Get the device detection engine element and check that it has
            // been configured as specified.
            var engine = pipeline.FlowElements.Single(
                e => e.GetType() == typeof(DeviceDetectionHashEngine)) as DeviceDetectionHashEngine;

            if (licenseKey != null)
                Assert.AreEqual(autoUpdate, engine.DataFiles[0].AutomaticUpdatesEnabled);
                Assert.AreEqual(licenseKey, engine.DataFiles[0].Configuration.DataUpdateLicenseKeys[0]);
                // If there is no license key ocnifugred then automatic updates will be
                // disabled.
                Assert.AreEqual(false, engine.DataFiles[0].AutomaticUpdatesEnabled);
예제 #5
            public void Run(string resourceKey, string cloudEndPoint = "")
                var builder = new DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder()
                              // Tell it that we want to use cloud and pass our resource key.

                // If a cloud endpoint has been provided then set the
                // cloud pipeline endpoint.
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cloudEndPoint) == false)

                // Create the pipeline
                using (var pipeline = builder.Build())
                    // Output details for a mobile User-Agent.
                    AnalyseUserAgent(mobileUserAgent, pipeline);
예제 #6
            public void Run(string dataFile, string uaFile, int count)
                FileInfo f = new FileInfo(dataFile);

                Console.WriteLine($"Using data file at '{f.FullName}'");
                // Build a pipeline containing a Device Detection Hash engine
                // using the Device Detection Pipeline Builder.
                using (var pipeline = new DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder()
                                      .UseOnPremise(dataFile, null, false)
                                      // Prefer maximum performance profile where all data loaded
                                      // into memory. Experiment with other profiles.
                    Run(uaFile, count, pipeline);
예제 #7
            public void Run(string originalDataFile, string licenseKey)
                // Copy the original data file to another location as we do not
                // want to preserve the original for other examples.
                File.Copy(originalDataFile, dataFile, true);

                FileInfo f = new FileInfo(dataFile);

                Console.WriteLine($"Using data file at '{f.FullName}'");

                DateTime initialPublishedDate = DateTime.MinValue;

                // Create a temporary Device Detection 'Hash' Engine to check the initial published date of the data file.
                // There is no need to do this in production, it is for demonstration purposes only.
                // This also higlights the added simplicity of the Device Detection Pipeline builder.
                using (var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory()) {
                    var dataUpdateService = new DataUpdateService(loggerFactory.CreateLogger <DataUpdateService>(), new HttpClient());
                    using (var temporaryDeviceDetectionEngine = new DeviceDetectionHashEngineBuilder(loggerFactory, dataUpdateService)
                                                                .Build(dataFile, false))
                        // Get the published date of the device data file. Engines can have multiple data files but
                        // for the Device Detection 'Hash' engine we can guarantee there will only be one.
                        initialPublishedDate = temporaryDeviceDetectionEngine.DataFiles.Single().DataPublishedDateTime;

                Console.WriteLine($"Data file published date: {initialPublishedDate}");
                Console.Write($"Creating pipeline and updating device data");
                CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                Task.Run(() => { OutputUntilCancelled(".", 1000, cancellationSource.Token); });

                // Build a new Pipeline to use an on-premise Hash engine and
                // configure automatic updates.
                var pipeline = new DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder()
                               // Use the On-Premise engine (aka Hash engine) and pass in
                               // the path to the data file, your license key and whether
                               // to use a temporary file.
                               // A license key is required otherwise automatic updates will
                               // remain disabled.
                               .UseOnPremise(dataFile, licenseKey, true)
                               // Enable automatic updates.
                               // Watch the data file on disk and refresh the engine
                               // as soon as that file is updated.
                               // Enable update on startup, the auto update system
                               // will be used to check for an update before the
                               // device detection engine is created. This will block
                               // creation of the pipeline.


                // Get the published date of the data file from the Hash engine
                // after building the pipeline.
                var updatedPublishedDate = pipeline
                                           .GetElement <DeviceDetectionHashEngine>()

                if (DateTime.Equals(initialPublishedDate, updatedPublishedDate))
                    Console.WriteLine("There was no update available at this time.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Data file published date: {updatedPublishedDate}");
        /// <summary>
        /// This test will create a device detection pipeline based on the
        /// supplied parameters, process 1000 user agents.
        /// The various parameters allow the test to be run for many
        /// different configurations.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="datafileName">
        /// The filename of the data file to use for device detection.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="performanceProfile">
        /// The performance profile to use.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="useLazyLoading">
        /// Whether or not to use the lazy loading feature.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="multiThreaded">
        /// Whether to use a single thread or multiple threads when
        /// passing user agents to the pipeline for processing.
        /// </param>
        public void TestOnPremise_AllConfigurations_100_UserAgents(
            string datafileName,
            PerformanceProfiles performanceProfile,
            bool useLazyLoading,
            bool multiThreaded)
            var datafile      = TestHelpers.Utils.GetFilePath(datafileName);
            var updateService = new Mock <IDataUpdateService>();

            // Configure the pipeline builder based on the
            // parameters passed to this method.
            var builder = new DeviceDetectionPipelineBuilder(
                new NullLoggerFactory(), null, updateService.Object)
                          .UseOnPremise(datafile.FullName, null, false)

            if (useLazyLoading)

            CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

            using (var pipeline = builder.Build())
                var options = new ParallelOptions()
                    CancellationToken = cancellationSource.Token,
                    // The max parallelism is limited to 8 when the
                    // multiThreaded flag is enabled.
                    // This is because, if it is not limited, the lazy
                    // loading tests will start all requests almost
                    // immediately and then some will take so long to
                    // complete that they exceed the configured timeout.
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = (multiThreaded ? 8 : 1)

                // Create a parallel loop to actually process the user agents.
                Parallel.ForEach(USER_AGENTS.GetRandomUserAgents(100), options,
                                 (useragent) =>
                    // Create the flow data instance
                    using (var flowData = pipeline.CreateFlowData())
                        // Add the user agent to the flow data
                        // and process it
                            Pipeline.Core.Constants.EVIDENCE_HTTPHEADER_PREFIX +
                            Pipeline.Core.Constants.EVIDENCE_SEPERATOR + "User-Agent", useragent)

                        // Make sure no errors occurred. If any did then
                        // cancel the parallel process.
                        if (flowData.Errors != null)
                            Assert.AreEqual(0, flowData.Errors.Count,
                                            $"Expected no errors but got {flowData.Errors.Count}" +

                        // Get the device data instance and access the
                        // IsMobile property to ensure we can get
                        // data out.
                        var deviceData = flowData.Get <IDeviceData>();
                        var result     = deviceData.IsMobile;