public void DrawLine(WindowsPen pen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(this.dc, this.dc.Hdc);
            DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags binaryRasterOperation = this.dc.BinaryRasterOperation;
            DeviceContextBackgroundMode             backgroundMode        = this.dc.BackgroundMode;

            if (binaryRasterOperation != DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen)
                binaryRasterOperation = this.dc.SetRasterOperation(DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen);
            if (backgroundMode != DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent)
                backgroundMode = this.dc.SetBackgroundMode(DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent);
            if (pen != null)
                this.dc.SelectObject(pen.HPen, GdiObjectType.Pen);
            IntNativeMethods.POINT pt = new IntNativeMethods.POINT();
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.MoveToEx(hdc, x1, y1, pt);
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.LineTo(hdc, x2, y2);
            if (backgroundMode != DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent)
            if (binaryRasterOperation != DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen)
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.MoveToEx(hdc, pt.x, pt.y, null);
 public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Rectangle bounds, Color foreColor, Color backColor, IntTextFormatFlags flags)
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) && (foreColor != Color.Transparent))
         HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(this.dc, this.dc.Hdc);
         if (this.dc.TextAlignment != DeviceContextTextAlignment.Top)
         if (!foreColor.IsEmpty && (foreColor != this.dc.TextColor))
         if (font != null)
         DeviceContextBackgroundMode newMode = (backColor.IsEmpty || (backColor == Color.Transparent)) ? DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent : DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Opaque;
         if (this.dc.BackgroundMode != newMode)
         if ((newMode != DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent) && (backColor != this.dc.BackgroundColor))
         IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS textMargins = this.GetTextMargins(font);
         bounds = AdjustForVerticalAlignment(hdc, text, bounds, flags, textMargins);
         if (bounds.Width == MaxSize.Width)
             bounds.Width -= bounds.X;
         if (bounds.Height == MaxSize.Height)
             bounds.Height -= bounds.Y;
         IntNativeMethods.RECT lpRect = new IntNativeMethods.RECT(bounds);
         IntUnsafeNativeMethods.DrawTextEx(hdc, text, ref lpRect, (int)flags, textMargins);
예제 #3
        public unsafe void DrawLine(WindowsPen pen, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(dc, dc.Hdc);

            DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags rasterOp = dc.BinaryRasterOperation;
            DeviceContextBackgroundMode             bckMode  = dc.BackgroundMode;

            if (rasterOp != DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen)
                rasterOp = dc.SetRasterOperation(DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen);

            if (bckMode != DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent)
                bckMode = dc.SetBackgroundMode(DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent);

            if (pen != null)
                dc.SelectObject(pen.HPen, GdiObjectType.Pen);

            Point oldPoint = new Point();

            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.MoveToEx(hdc, x1, y1, &oldPoint);
            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.LineTo(hdc, x2, y2);

            if (bckMode != DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent)

            if (rasterOp != DeviceContextBinaryRasterOperationFlags.CopyPen)

            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.MoveToEx(hdc, oldPoint.X, oldPoint.Y, &oldPoint);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        ///  Draws the text in the given bounds, using the given Font, foreColor and backColor, and according to the specified
        ///  TextFormatFlags flags.
        ///  If font is null, the font currently selected in the hdc is used.
        ///  If foreColor and/or backColor are Color.Empty, the hdc current text and/or background color are used.
        /// </summary>
        public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Rectangle bounds, Color foreColor, Color backColor, User32.TextFormatFlags flags)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || foreColor == Color.Transparent)

            Debug.Assert(((uint)flags & GdiUnsupportedFlagMask) == 0, "Some custom flags were left over and are not GDI compliant!");
            Debug.Assert((flags & User32.TextFormatFlags.DT_CALCRECT) == 0, "DT_CALCRECT flag is set, text won't be drawn");

            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(dc, dc.Hdc);

            // DrawText requires default text alignment.
            if (dc.TextAlignment != DeviceContextTextAlignment.Default)

            // color empty means use the one currently selected in the dc.

            if (!foreColor.IsEmpty && foreColor != dc.TextColor)

            if (font != null)

            DeviceContextBackgroundMode newBackGndMode = (backColor.IsEmpty || backColor == Color.Transparent) ?
                                                         DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent :

            if (dc.BackgroundMode != newBackGndMode)

            if (newBackGndMode != DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent && backColor != dc.BackgroundColor)

            User32.DRAWTEXTPARAMS dtparams = GetTextMargins(font);

            bounds = AdjustForVerticalAlignment(hdc, text, bounds, flags, ref dtparams);

            // Adjust unbounded rect to avoid overflow since Rectangle ctr does not do param validation.
            if (bounds.Width == MaxSize.Width)
                bounds.Width -= bounds.X;
            if (bounds.Height == MaxSize.Height)
                bounds.Height -= bounds.Y;

            var rect = new RECT(bounds);

            User32.DrawTextExW(hdc, text, text.Length, ref rect, flags, ref dtparams);

            // No need to restore previous objects into the dc (see comments on top of the class).
예제 #5
 /// <devdoc>
 ///     Sets the DC background mode and returns the old value.
 /// </devdoc>
 public DeviceContextBackgroundMode SetBackgroundMode(DeviceContextBackgroundMode newMode)
     return((DeviceContextBackgroundMode)IntUnsafeNativeMethods.SetBkMode(new HandleRef(this, this.Hdc), (int)newMode));
예제 #6
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Draws the text in the given bounds, using the given Font, foreColor and backColor, and according to the specified
        ///     TextFormatFlags flags.
        ///     If font is null, the font currently selected in the hdc is used.
        ///     If foreColor and/or backColor are Color.Empty, the hdc current text and/or background color are used.
        /// </devdoc>
        public void DrawText(string text, WindowsFont font, Rectangle bounds, Color foreColor, Color backColor, IntTextFormatFlags flags)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(text) || foreColor == Color.Transparent)

            Debug.Assert(((uint)flags & GdiUnsupportedFlagMask) == 0, "Some custom flags were left over and are not GDI compliant!");
            Debug.Assert((flags & IntTextFormatFlags.CalculateRectangle) == 0, "CalculateRectangle flag is set, text won't be drawn");

            HandleRef hdc = new HandleRef(this.dc, this.dc.Hdc);

            // DrawText requires default text alignment.
            if (this.dc.TextAlignment != DeviceContextTextAlignment.Default)

            // color empty means use the one currently selected in the dc.

            if (!foreColor.IsEmpty && foreColor != this.dc.TextColor)

            if (font != null)

            DeviceContextBackgroundMode newBackGndMode = (backColor.IsEmpty || backColor == Color.Transparent) ?
                                                         DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent :

            if (this.dc.BackgroundMode != newBackGndMode)

            if (newBackGndMode != DeviceContextBackgroundMode.Transparent && backColor != this.dc.BackgroundColor)

            IntNativeMethods.DRAWTEXTPARAMS dtparams = GetTextMargins(font);

            bounds = AdjustForVerticalAlignment(hdc, text, bounds, flags, dtparams);

            // Adjust unbounded rect to avoid overflow since Rectangle ctr does not do param validation.
            if (bounds.Width == MaxSize.Width)
                bounds.Width = bounds.Width - bounds.X;
            if (bounds.Height == MaxSize.Height)
                bounds.Height = bounds.Height - bounds.Y;

            IntNativeMethods.RECT rect = new IntNativeMethods.RECT(bounds);

            IntUnsafeNativeMethods.DrawTextEx(hdc, text, ref rect, (int)flags, dtparams);

            /* No need to restore previous objects into the dc (see comments on top of the class).
             * if (hOldFont != IntPtr.Zero)
             * {
             *  IntUnsafeNativeMethods.SelectObject(hdc, new HandleRef( null, hOldFont));
             * }
             * if( foreColor != textColor )
             * {
             *  this.dc.SetTextColor(textColor);
             * }
             * if( backColor != bkColor )
             * {
             *  this.dc.SetBackgroundColor(bkColor);
             * }
             * if( bckMode != newMode )
             * {
             *  this.dc.SetBackgroundMode(bckMode);
             * }
             * if( align != DeviceContextTextAlignment.Default )
             * {
             *  // Default text alignment required by DrewText.
             *  this.dc.SetTextAlignment(align);
             * }
 public DeviceContextBackgroundMode SetBackgroundMode(DeviceContextBackgroundMode newMode)
     return (DeviceContextBackgroundMode) IntUnsafeNativeMethods.SetBkMode(new HandleRef(this, this.Hdc), (int) newMode);