public void buildRoad(Player type) // Function the build a road, passes the plyaer through the argument { if (type.playerType == "player") // If a player is building { road = "player"; // Set the road ownership to player edge.image.color =; //Change the road colour to the player's colour } else if (type.playerType == "ai") // If the ai is building { road = "ai"; // Set the ownership to the AI edge.image.color =; // Change the road colour to rhe AI's colour } if (type.roadBuilding == false && game.roadSetup == false) //If it is not setup or roadbuilding charge the player resoruces to build { type.lumber = type.lumber - 1; type.bricks = type.bricks - 1; } else if (humanPlayer.roadBuilding == true) //If the road building development card was played { humanPlayer.roadBuildingCount++; // Counts how many roads were placed if (humanPlayer.roadBuildingCount == 2) //If two roads have been placed { dev.endRoadBuilding(); // End the development card effect } } else if (game.roadSetup == true && game.gameTurn == "player") // If it is the setup phase and it is the plaeyrs turn { game.setupEdgePointsChosen++; // Tracks the number of roads palced game.gameTurn = "ai"; // Sets the turn to the AI aiScript.createRoad(); // AI places its setup road game.gameTurn = "player"; // Sets the game turn to player if (game.setupEdgePointsChosen == 2) // If two raods have been placed { diceroll.produce(); //Produce resoruces for the start of the game announcements.text = "Your Turn"; // Tells the player its their turn game.roadSetup = false; game.setup = false; // Ends setup } } }