private ResumeJobForm(int exec, int sent, int target, DetectedIssue issue, bool allowHoming, bool suggestHoming, bool allowWCO, bool suggestWCO, GPoint wcopos) { InitializeComponent(); mAllowH = allowHoming; mSuggestH = suggestHoming; mSomeLine = Math.Max(0, exec - 17) + 1; mExec = exec + 1; mSent = sent + 1; LblSomeLines.Text = mSomeLine.ToString(); LblSent.Text = mSent.ToString(); UdSpecific.Maximum = mSent; UdSpecific.Value = mSent; RbSomeLines.Enabled = LblSomeLines.Enabled = mSomeLine > 1; RbFromSent.Enabled = true; LblSent.Enabled = sent < target; TxtCause.Text = issue.ToString(); if (/*issue == GrblCore.DetectedIssue.StopMoving ||*/ issue == DetectedIssue.StopResponding || issue == DetectedIssue.UnexpectedReset || issue == DetectedIssue.ManualReset) { //all this causes indicate a situation where grbl does not execute the content of buffers (both planned and rx) //so restart from some line (17 lines) before the last command in planned buffer if (RbSomeLines.Enabled) { RbSomeLines.Checked = true; } else { RbFromBeginning.Checked = true; } } else if (issue == DetectedIssue.ManualDisconnect || issue == DetectedIssue.UnexpectedDisconnect) { //if issue is a disconnect all sent lines could be already executed //so restart from sent if (RbFromSent.Enabled) { RbFromSent.Checked = true; } else { RbFromSpecific.Checked = true; } } else if (issue == DetectedIssue.ManualAbort) { RbFromBeginning.Checked = true; } CbRedoHoming.Visible = allowHoming; CbRedoHoming.Checked = allowHoming && suggestHoming; CbRestoreWCO.Visible = allowWCO; CbRestoreWCO.Checked = allowWCO && suggestWCO; CbRestoreWCO.Text = String.Format("{0} X{1} Y{2}", CbRestoreWCO.Text, wcopos.X, wcopos.Y); if (wcopos.Z != 0) { CbRestoreWCO.Text += String.Format(" Z{0}", wcopos.Z); } }
internal static void CreateAndShowDialog(DetectedIssue issue) { IssueDetectorForm f = new IssueDetectorForm(); f.TxtCause.Text = issue.ToString(); f.ShowDialog(); f.Dispose(); }