public void DeleteObject <T>(long uniqueId) where T : class, new()
            Type objType      = typeof(T);
            var  objAttribute = objType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RightNowCustomObjectAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault() as RightNowCustomObjectAttribute;

            if (objAttribute == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("The type provided is not a RightNow custom object type. Please use the RightNowObjectAttribute to associate the proper metadata with the type");

            GenericObject genericObject = new GenericObject();
            RNObjectType  rnObjType     = new RNObjectType()
                Namespace = objAttribute.PackageName, TypeName = objAttribute.ObjectName

            genericObject.ObjectType = rnObjType;

            List <GenericField> genericFields = new List <GenericField>();

            genericObject.GenericFields = genericFields.ToArray();
            ID autoID = new ID();

            = uniqueId;
            autoID.idSpecified = true;
            genericObject.ID   = autoID;

            DestroyProcessingOptions options = new DestroyProcessingOptions();

            options.SuppressExternalEvents = false;
            options.SuppressRules          = false;
            DestroyRequest  destroyRequest  = new DestroyRequest(getClientInfoHeader(), new RNObject[] { genericObject }, options);
            DestroyResponse destroyResponse = getChannel().Destroy(destroyRequest);
        public void DeleteObjects <T>(List <T> lstObj) where T : class, new()
            List <GenericObject> lstgenericObject = new List <GenericObject>();

            foreach (T sam in lstObj)
                ID autoID = new ID();

                Type objType      = typeof(T);
                var  objAttribute = objType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RightNowCustomObjectAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault() as RightNowCustomObjectAttribute;
                if (objAttribute == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("The type provided is not a RightNow custom object type. Please use the RightNowObjectAttribute to associate the proper metadata with the type");

                GenericObject genericObject = new GenericObject();
                RNObjectType  rnObjType     = new RNObjectType()
                    Namespace = objAttribute.PackageName, TypeName = objAttribute.ObjectName
                genericObject.ObjectType = rnObjType;

                List <GenericField> genericFields = new List <GenericField>();
                PropertyInfo[]      properties    = objType.GetProperties();
                foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
                    RightNowCustomObjectFieldAttribute attribute = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RightNowCustomObjectFieldAttribute), true).FirstOrDefault() as RightNowCustomObjectFieldAttribute;
                    if (attribute != null && attribute.CanUpdate)
                        var propValue = property.GetValue(sam, null);
                        //if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propValue.ToString())) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propValue.ToString())
                        if (propValue != null && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(propValue.ToString()))
                            genericFields.Add(createGenericField(attribute, propValue));
                        if (attribute.Name == "ID")
                            var propValue = property.GetValue(sam, null);
                   = Convert.ToInt64(propValue);

                genericObject.GenericFields = genericFields.ToArray();

                autoID.idSpecified = true;
                genericObject.ID   = autoID;
            DestroyProcessingOptions options = new DestroyProcessingOptions();

            options.SuppressExternalEvents = false;
            options.SuppressRules          = false;
            RNObject[]      rnobj           = lstgenericObject.ToArray <RNObject>();
            DestroyRequest  destroyRequest  = new DestroyRequest(getClientInfoHeader(), rnobj, options);
            DestroyResponse destroyResponse = getChannel().Destroy(destroyRequest);
        public void DestroyReasoncodes(long config)
            List <RNObject> destroyfields = new List <RNObject>();

            List <ScreenPopOptions> profiledata = new List <ScreenPopOptions>(GetObjects <ScreenPopOptions>(string.Format(" where ScreenPopConfigID={0}", config)));

            foreach (ScreenPopOptions rn in profiledata)
                _icGenericObject            = new GenericObject();
                _rnObjType.Namespace        = OracleCtiObjectStrings.ScreenPopPackageName;
                _rnObjType.TypeName         = OracleCtiObjectStrings.ScreenPopOptions;
                _icGenericObject.ObjectType = _rnObjType;
                NamedID relationid = new NamedID();
                ID      incID      = new ID();
                = config;
                incID.idSpecified = true;
                relationid.ID     = incID;

                ID rowid = new ID();
                  = rn.ID;
                rowid.idSpecified   = true;
                _icGenericObject.ID = rowid;

                List <GenericField> gfs = new List <GenericField>();
                //gfs.Add(createGenericField("AgentEntityID", ItemsChoiceType.NamedIDValue, relationid));
                _icGenericObject.GenericFields = gfs.ToArray();

            if (destroyfields.Count() > 0)
                DestroyProcessingOptions drop = new DestroyProcessingOptions();
                drop.SuppressExternalEvents = false;
                drop.SuppressRules          = false;
                DestroyRequest  destroyReq = new DestroyRequest(getClientInfoHeader(), destroyfields.ToArray(), drop);
                DestroyResponse destroyRes = getChannel().Destroy(destroyReq);