/// <summary>
        /// Gets the adorners used with this control during a hard selection (left-click).
        /// Currently used to create an adorner that allows browsing to two channel paths
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An enumerable collection of hard select adorners.</returns>
        public override IEnumerable <Adorner> GetHardSelectAdorners()
            var adorners = new Collection <Adorner>();
            var toolbar  = new FloatingToolBar();

            // if there is no model then don't return adorners
            if (Model == null)
            // create a new instance of our adorner class and add it to the floating toolbar which is used as the container for the adorner
            var control = new TwoChannelAdorner(DesignerNodeHelpers.GetVisualForViewModel(this));

            toolbar.ToolBar = control;
            adorners.Add(new ControlAdorner(DesignerNodeHelpers.GetVisualForViewModel(this), toolbar, Placement.BelowCenter));
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new instance of the TwoChannelAdorner class
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adornedElement">The visual element this adorner is attached to.</param>
        public TwoChannelAdorner(PlatformVisual adornedElement)
            // set the data context for the control to itself. This lets us bind to the commands by name instead of having to use a more advanced binding
            DataContext = this;
            Model       = DesignerNodeHelpers.GetModelForVisual(adornedElement) as VisualModel;
            // set up the commands which are used by the adorner buttonsf
            LoadFirstPopupCommand  = new RelayCommand(ExecuteLoadFirstPopup);
            LoadSecondPopupCommand = new RelayCommand(ExecuteLoadSecondPopup);
            // Hook up event handlers.  We set up event handlers for when keys are pressed on the adorner as well as when the properties change on either of the channel
            // selection popups
            WeakEventManager <UIElement, KeyEventArgs> .AddHandler(this, "KeyDown", HandleKeyDown);

            WeakEventManager <UIElement, KeyEventArgs> .AddHandler(this, "KeyUp", HandleKeyUp);

            WeakEventManager <ChannelPopup, PropertyChangedEventArgs> .AddHandler(FirstUiSdfPopup, "PropertyChanged", FirstChannelPropertyChanged);

            WeakEventManager <ChannelPopup, PropertyChangedEventArgs> .AddHandler(SecondUiSdfPopup, "PropertyChanged", SecondChannelPropertyChanged);

            // add this adorner as an observer of the model
            FirstTextControl.Text  = ((PulseWidthModulationControlModel)Model).FrequencyChannel;
            SecondTextControl.Text = ((PulseWidthModulationControlModel)Model).DutyCycleChannel;