public IActionResult GrantTicket(AuthRequest request) { Log.Information("Step #3. Received a Ticket Grant request: {@Request}", request); var tgsKey = _keyManager.Keys["tgs"]; if (!_keyManager.Keys.TryGetValue(request.Recepient, out var recepientKey)) { Log.Error("Requested recepient '{Recepient}' was not registered yet", request.Recepient); throw new ArgumentException(); } Log.Information("Step #4.1. Found requested recepient '{Recepient}' in the registered list with key {Key}", request.Recepient, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(recepientKey)); var ticketGrantingTicket = Des.Decrypt <Ticket>(tgsKey, request.EncryptedTicket); Log.Information("Step #4.2. Decrypted the Ticket Granting Ticket using the [AuthServer <-> TGS] key: {@Ticket}", ticketGrantingTicket); var clientToTgsKey = ticketGrantingTicket.Key; Log.Information("Step #4.3. Got a session key ['{Login}' <-> TGS] from TGT: {Key}", ticketGrantingTicket.From, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ticketGrantingTicket.Key)); var authBlock = Des.Decrypt <AuthBlock>(clientToTgsKey, request.EncryptedAuthBlock); Log.Information("Step #4.4. Decrypted the Auth Block using ['{Login}' <-> TGS] key: {@AuthBlock}", authBlock.Login, authBlock); if (!ticketGrantingTicket.From.Equals(authBlock.Login, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || ticketGrantingTicket.Timestamp + ticketGrantingTicket.Expiration < authBlock.Timestamp) { Log.Warning("Names in two blocks are not equal or the TGT has expired"); return(NotFound()); } Log.Information("Step #4.5. Verified the data of two blocks and the ticket expiration time"); var ticket = new Ticket { From = authBlock.Login, To = request.Recepient, Key = KeyManager.GenerateSessionKey(), Timestamp = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow).ToUnixTimeSeconds(), Expiration = 300 }; Log.Information("Step #4.6. Build new ticket with newly generated session key [{From} <-> {To}]: {@Ticket}", ticket.From, ticket.To, ticket); var authResponse = new AuthResponse { EncryptedTicket = Des.Encrypt(recepientKey, ticket), Key = ticket.Key }; Log.Information("Step #4.7. Encrypt the ticket using [Auth Server <-> {To}] key and pack it up into the response: {@Response}", ticket.To, authResponse); var encryptedResponse = Des.Encrypt(clientToTgsKey, authResponse); Log.Information("Step #4.8. Encrypt the message before sending using the [{From} <-> TGS] key", ticket.From); return(Ok(Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedResponse))); }
/// <summary> /// 初始化令牌 /// </summary> /// <param name="tokenKey"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool InitToken(string tokenKey) { try { _expireDate = DateTime.Now; _tokenKey = tokenKey; _tokenId = Des.Decrypt(_tokenKey, EncryptKey); return(true); } catch { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// token 解密数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="encrydata"></param> /// <param name="token"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string TokenDecry(string encrydata, string token) { try { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(encrydata) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { return(string.Empty); } string key = GetKeyByToken(token, 8); return(Des.Decrypt(encrydata, key)); } catch { return(string.Empty); } }
private static void 加密解密测试() { Console.WriteLine("--------加密解密测试---------"); string key, pwd; key = KeyGen.GenerateRandomKey(); key = KeyGen.GenerateAesKey(); key = KeyGen.GenerateDesKey(); key = KeyGen.GenerateTeaKey(); key = ""; // 自己指定Key pwd = "hello12345你好"; var p1 = Aes.Encrypt(pwd, key); var p2 = Aes.Decrypt(p1, key); Console.WriteLine($"Aes加密: {p1}, Aes解密: {p2}"); var p3 = Rc4.Encrypt(pwd, key); var p4 = Rc4.Decrypt(p3, key); Console.WriteLine($"Rc4加密: {p3}, Rc4解密: {p4}"); var p5 = Des.Encrypt(pwd, key); var p6 = Des.Decrypt(p5, key); Console.WriteLine($"Des加密: {p5}, Des解密:{p6}"); var p7 = Tea.Encrypt(pwd, key); var p8 = Tea.Decrypt(p7, key); Console.WriteLine($"Tea加密: {p7}, Tea解密: {p8}"); var p9 = Hash.Md5(pwd); Console.WriteLine($"MD5哈希: {p9}"); Console.WriteLine(""); }
public IActionResult Auth(AuthRequest request) { Log.Information("Step #5.1. Received an authentication request: {@Request}", request); var tgsKey = _keyManager.Keys[Credentials.Login]; var ticket = Des.Decrypt <Ticket>(tgsKey, request.EncryptedTicket); Log.Information("Step #5.2. Decrypted the ticket using the [server <-> TGS] key: {@Ticket}", ticket); var clientKey = ticket.Key; var authBlock = Des.Decrypt <AuthBlock>(clientKey, request.EncryptedAuthBlock); Log.Information("Step #5.3. Decrypted the auth block using the [server <-> client] session key: {@AuthBlock}", authBlock); if (!ticket.From.Equals(authBlock.Login, System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) || ticket.Timestamp + ticket.Expiration < authBlock.Timestamp) { Log.Warning("Names in two blocks are not equal or the ticket has expired"); return(NotFound()); } Log.Information("Step #5.4. Successfully verified the identity of '{From}'", ticket.From); _keyManager.Keys.Add(ticket.From, clientKey); Log.Information("Step #5.5. Stored the session key for [server <-> client] conversation"); var timestamp = authBlock.Timestamp + 1; Log.Information("Step #6.1. Incrementing the timestamp value by 1 to prove the server's identity: {Timestamp}", timestamp); var timestampWrapper = new TimestampWrapper { Timestamp = timestamp }; var encryptedTimestamp = Des.Encrypt(clientKey, timestampWrapper); Log.Information("Step #6.2. Encrypting timestamp using the [server <-> client] session key"); Log.Information("Step #6.3. Sending encrypted timestamp back to client"); return(Ok(Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedTimestamp))); }
static async Task DoWork() { var kdcClient = new KdcClient(); Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .MinimumLevel.Debug() .Enrich.FromLogContext() .WriteTo.Console(restrictedToMinimumLevel: LogEventLevel.Debug) .CreateLogger(); Log.Information("Sending a registration request with login '{Login}' and password '{Password}'", Login, Password); await kdcClient.Register(Login, Password); var mainKey = KeyManager.GenerateSessionKey(Password); Log.Information("Generated a [Client <-> AuthServer] key based on password. Key: {Key}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(mainKey)); Log.Information("Step #1. Send an authentication request with login '{Login}'", Login); var authEncrypted = await kdcClient.Authenticate(Login); Log.Information("Step #2.1. Bytes received from Authentication Server: {Bytes}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(authEncrypted)); var authResponse = Des.Decrypt <AuthResponse>(mainKey, authEncrypted); Log.Information("Step #2.2. Decrypting incoming bytes using [Client <-> AuthServer] key. Authentication Response: {@AuthResponse}", authResponse); var tgsKey = authResponse.Key; Log.Information("Step #2.3. Got a key that will be used for [Clien <-> TGS] conversation. Key: {Key}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(tgsKey)); var authBlock = new AuthBlock { Login = Login, Timestamp = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow).ToUnixTimeSeconds() }; var encryptedAuthBlock = Des.Encrypt(tgsKey, authBlock); var ticketRequest = new AuthRequest { EncryptedTicket = authResponse.EncryptedTicket, EncryptedAuthBlock = encryptedAuthBlock, Recepient = ServerName }; Log.Information("Step #3.1. Making up a Ticket Request message to send to the Ticket Granting Server. Decrypted Auth Block: {@AuthBlock}", authBlock); Log.Information("Step #3.2. Ticket Request: {@TicketRequest}", ticketRequest); authEncrypted = await kdcClient.RequestTicket(ticketRequest); Log.Information("Step #4.1. Bytes received from Ticket Granting Server: {Bytes}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(authEncrypted)); authResponse = Des.Decrypt <AuthResponse>(tgsKey, authEncrypted); Log.Information("Step #4.2. Decrypting incoming bytes using [Client <-> TGS] key. TGS Response: {@AuthResponse}", authResponse); var serverKey = authResponse.Key; Log.Information("Received a session key for [server <-> client] conversation"); authBlock.Timestamp = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.UtcNow).ToUnixTimeSeconds(); encryptedAuthBlock = Des.Encrypt(serverKey, authBlock); Log.Information("Step #5.1. Using the [server <-> client] session key to encrypt the renewed auth block: {@AuthBlock}", authBlock); var authRequest = new AuthRequest { EncryptedTicket = authResponse.EncryptedTicket, EncryptedAuthBlock = encryptedAuthBlock, Recepient = ServerName }; Log.Information("Step #5.2. Building the auth request for the server: {@AuthRequest}", authRequest); Log.Information("Step #5.3. Sending the request to the server"); var serverResponse = await kdcClient.AuthOnServer(authRequest); Log.Information("Step #6.1. Received {Length} bytes from the server, trying to decrypt", serverResponse.Length); var timestamp = Des.Decrypt <TimestampWrapper>(serverKey, serverResponse).Timestamp; Log.Information("Step #6.2. Decrypted the timestamp using the [server <-> client] session key: {Timestamp}", timestamp); if (timestamp - 1 != authBlock.Timestamp) { Log.Error("Server's timestamp didn't pass the verification. Client's: {T1}, Server's: {T2}", authBlock.Timestamp, timestamp); return; } Log.Information("Step #6.3. Server's identity verified. Client's: {T1}, Server's: {T2}", authBlock.Timestamp, timestamp); Log.Information("==== \n\nSuccess! Safe connection has been established. Now [client <-> server] conversation can be continued using the session key: {Key}", Encoding.UTF8.GetString(serverKey)); return; }