예제 #1
        // Derp-LineSegment Circle Casting - for field tile collisions
        // Returns: true if collision, false otherwise
        // out double t: this will be the parameter t, how far we can move along our vector before we get within Derp's radius of the line segment
        public static bool DerpLineSegmentCast(Derp d, myVector v, myLineSegment wall, out double t)
            myLineSegment derpMoveLine = new myLineSegment(d.x, d.y, v);

            t = derpMoveLine.SegmentIntersectionWithRadius(wall, d.stats.radius);

            return(t < 1.0 - 1e-6);
예제 #2
        static public double DerpCircleCast(Derp d1, Derp d2, myVector v)
            double distX = d2.x - d1.x;
            double distY = d2.y - d1.y;

            // make sure we are close before we do any of the computational checking
            if (distX * distX + distY * distY > distSquaredThreshholdX)

            // Intersect distance
            double radius = d1.stats.radius + d2.stats.radius;

            // solve the quadratic to find the intersection of two circles
            double A = v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y;
            double B = 2 * (d1.x * v.x - d2.x * v.x + d1.y * v.y - d2.y * v.y);
            double C = (d1.x * d1.x) + (d2.x * d2.x) - 2 * d2.x * d1.x + (d1.y * d1.y) + (d2.y * d2.y) - 2 * d2.y * d1.y - (radius * radius);

            // unreal answers or a t that is greater than 1.0 means no collision
            double discr = (B * B) - 4 * A * C;

            if (discr < 0.0)
                return(1.0); //imaginary answer
            double t = (-B - Math.Sqrt(discr)) / (2 * A);

            if (t > 1.0)
                return(1.0); // no collision with this step size
            // this is detecting a collision behind us
            // NOTICE: there may be issues here in the future... if someone moves into us? (wait... they can't though. we guarentee that no one will move somewhere they can't... I think...)
            if (t < 0.0)

            // BUFFER
            // if we let them get right up next to each other, sometimes the floating point error is enough to let them slip through (I think)
            // add a buffer if there is a collision
            if (t < 1.0 - 1e-6)
                t -= bufferDistance / Math.Sqrt(v.x * v.x + v.y * v.y);
                t  = Math.Max(t, 0.0);

예제 #3
    void spawnDerp()
        Derp   derpPrefab = pickRandomDerp();
        Sprite s          = derpPrefab.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite;

        float startX = getRightPos() + s.border.y / 2;
        float endX   = getLeftPos() - s.border.y / 2;
        float startY = getRandY();
        float endY   = getRandY();

        Vector3 start = new Vector3(startX, startY, 0);
        Vector3 end   = new Vector3(endX, endY, 0);
        Derp    e     = (Derp)Instantiate(derpPrefab, start, Quaternion.identity);

        e.gameObject.transform.SetParent(this.gameObject.transform, true);
        e.setPath(start, end);
예제 #4
        public void TestObjectLiteralCastAttr()
            object o = "string";

            Assert.False(o is Derp);

            o = Script.ToPlainObject(new { });
            Assert.False(o is Derp);

            o = new Derp();
            Assert.False(o is Derp); // no Foo

            o = Script.ToPlainObject(new { Foo = 1 });
            Assert.True(o is Derp);

            o = new Derp {
                Foo = 2
            Assert.True(o is Derp);
예제 #5
        // Save from Add page
        public IActionResult Save(string Title, IFormFile Image, int Rating)
            Derp newderp = new Derp();

            newderp.Title  = Title;
            newderp.Image  = Image.FileName;
            newderp.Rating = Rating;

            db.SaveChanges(); // saves all of the database stuff

            // save image on harddrive too
            // open up a new file
            FileStream fs = new FileStream("wwwroot/images/" + Image.FileName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate);

            // dump in all of the image data
            // close/save file

예제 #6
        public override void LoadContent()
            ContentManager Content = Game.game.Content;

            // Load Block Images and Set Offsets for necessary ones
            // srcOffset is if the image is actually a strip, it tells us which src to get it from
            // positionOffset tell how high off the ground this block is (for overlapping field blocks)
            Dictionary <char, Texture2D> blocks         = new Dictionary <char, Texture2D>();
            Dictionary <char, Rectangle> srcOffset      = new Dictionary <char, Rectangle>();
            Dictionary <char, int>       positionOffset = new Dictionary <char, int>();

            // 0 Grass
            blocks['0']         = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\Block_Grass");
            srcOffset['0']      = new Rectangle(0, 0, Field.BLOCK_WIDTH, blocks['0'].Height);
            positionOffset['0'] = 0;
            // + Road
            blocks['+']         = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\Block_Road");
            srcOffset['+']      = new Rectangle(0, 0, Field.BLOCK_WIDTH, blocks['+'].Height);
            positionOffset['+'] = 0;
            // - Growing Zone
            blocks['-']         = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\Block_Road");
            srcOffset['-']      = new Rectangle(0, 0, Field.BLOCK_WIDTH, blocks['-'].Height);
            positionOffset['-'] = 0;
            // * Hub Starting Point
            blocks['A']         = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\SpawnerInactive");
            srcOffset['A']      = new Rectangle(0, 0, Field.BLOCK_WIDTH, blocks['A'].Height);
            positionOffset['A'] = 0;

            // Diagonal Blocks
            // 1 bottom-right path
            blocks['1']         = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\Block_GrassCorner");
            srcOffset['1']      = new Rectangle(0, 0, Field.BLOCK_WIDTH, Field.BLOCK_HEIGHT);
            positionOffset['1'] = 0;
            // 1 bottom-right path
            blocks['2']         = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\Block_GrassCorner");
            srcOffset['2']      = new Rectangle(Field.BLOCK_WIDTH, 0, Field.BLOCK_WIDTH, Field.BLOCK_HEIGHT);
            positionOffset['2'] = 0;
            // 1 bottom-right path
            blocks['3']         = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\Block_GrassCorner");
            srcOffset['3']      = new Rectangle(Field.BLOCK_WIDTH * 2, 0, Field.BLOCK_WIDTH, Field.BLOCK_HEIGHT);
            positionOffset['3'] = 0;
            // 1 bottom-right path
            blocks['4']         = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\Block_GrassCorner");
            srcOffset['4']      = new Rectangle(Field.BLOCK_WIDTH * 3, 0, Field.BLOCK_WIDTH, Field.BLOCK_HEIGHT);
            positionOffset['4'] = 0;

            // Load other images
            Texture2D[] selector = new Texture2D[2];
            // 0 - SelectedBlock
            selector[0] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\Selector");
            selector[1] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\Deleter");

            field.InitializeBlocks(blocks, srcOffset, positionOffset, selector);

            // Load the DNA Content
            Texture2D[] SpawnerBase    = new Texture2D[2];
            Texture2D[] SpawnerBaseEnd = new Texture2D[4];
            Texture2D[] DNATexture     = new Texture2D[9];

            SpawnerBase[0] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\SpawnerInactive");
            SpawnerBase[1] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\SpawnerActive");

            SpawnerBaseEnd[0] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\SpawnerInactiveLeft");
            SpawnerBaseEnd[1] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\SpawnerActiveLeft");
            SpawnerBaseEnd[2] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\SpawnerInactiveRight");
            SpawnerBaseEnd[3] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\SpawnerActiveRight");

            DNATexture[0] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\RedDNA");
            DNATexture[1] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\BlueDNA");
            DNATexture[2] = Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"FieldBlocks\SolarDNA");

            Spawner.InitializeTextures(SpawnerBase, SpawnerBaseEnd, DNATexture, 0);

            // Load the Derp Spawn
            DerpSpawn.InitializeTexture(Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Derps\DerpSpawn"));

            // Load the Derp Content
            Dictionary <String, Texture2D>  baseTextures = new Dictionary <String, Texture2D>();
            Dictionary <String, SpriteInfo> baseOffsets  = new Dictionary <String, SpriteInfo>();

            Dictionary <String, Texture2D>  accessoryTextures = new Dictionary <String, Texture2D>();
            Dictionary <String, SpriteInfo> accessoryOffsets  = new Dictionary <String, SpriteInfo>();

            // Epoch 0

            // Medium Sized
            baseTextures.Add("e0s1", Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Derps\derp_e0_s1"));
            baseOffsets.Add("e0s1", new SpriteInfo(24, 24, 12, 17, 1));

            // Give the media to the Derp class. It will handle which ones to use.
            Derp.InitializeTextures(baseTextures, baseOffsets, accessoryTextures, accessoryOffsets);

            // Load the Attack Sprites
            Dictionary <String, Texture2D>  attackTextures = new Dictionary <String, Texture2D>();
            Dictionary <String, SpriteInfo> attackInfo     = new Dictionary <String, SpriteInfo>();

            // Small Close-Ranged Attacks
            attackTextures.Add("small-close", Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Derps\derp_attack_small"));
            attackInfo.Add("small-close", new SpriteInfo(16, 16, 8, 8, 5));

            // Give the media to the DerpAttack class.
            DerpAttack.InitializeTextures(attackTextures, attackInfo);

            // Load the GUI components
예제 #7
 public Derp ReturnEnum(Derp num)
     num = Derp.herp;
     return num;
예제 #8
        // Check for a Derp's Circle-Cast across the field
        // This will work like a BFS, starting from the initial position
        // then check all 4 corners around the position to build on the bfs
        public bool CheckFieldCollision(Derp d, myVector v, out double t, out myLineSegment col)
            // initial optimistic setup that there will not be a collision
            bool ret = false;

            t   = 1.0;
            col = null;

            // calculate starting point
            int startX = (int)(d.x / BLOCK_WIDTH);
            int startY = (int)(d.y / BLOCK_HEIGHT);

            // Unit Vector in desired direction
            myVector vUnit = new myVector(v.x, v.y);


            // set up the bfs
            Queue <SimpleNode> q = new Queue <SimpleNode>();

            bool[,] vis = new bool[height + 1, width + 1];

            q.Enqueue(new SimpleNode(startX, startY, 0));
            vis[startY, startX] = true;

            // Create the 4 line segments so we don't have to do quiiite as much object creation in this loop
            myLineSegment[] segs = new myLineSegment[4];
            for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                segs[i] = new myLineSegment(null, null);

            // BFS
            int[] dx       = { 0, 1, 0, -1 };
            int[] dy       = { -1, 0, 1, 0 };
            int   cur_step = 0;

            while (q.Count > 0)
                SimpleNode cur = q.Dequeue();

                // end early if we had a hit already in a previous step
                if (ret && cur_step != cur.step)

                // checking 4 nodes around us
                myPoint p1 = new myPoint(cur.x * BLOCK_WIDTH, cur.y * BLOCK_HEIGHT);
                myPoint p2 = new myPoint((cur.x + 1) * BLOCK_WIDTH, cur.y * BLOCK_HEIGHT);
                myPoint p3 = new myPoint((cur.x + 1) * BLOCK_WIDTH, (cur.y + 1) * BLOCK_HEIGHT);
                myPoint p4 = new myPoint(cur.x * BLOCK_WIDTH, (cur.y + 1) * BLOCK_HEIGHT);
                segs[0].Update(p1, p2);
                segs[1].Update(p2, p3);
                segs[2].Update(p4, p3);
                segs[3].Update(p1, p4);

                for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
                    int nx = cur.x + dx[i];
                    int ny = cur.y + dy[i];

                    if (nx < 0 || nx > width || ny < 0 || ny >= height || vis[ny, nx])

                    double possible_t;
                    if (Geometry.DerpLineSegmentCast(d, v, segs[i], out possible_t))
                        // We have a hit! If the next zone is safe to move in, then continue the bfs
                        if (gameGrid[ny, nx] != '0')
                            q.Enqueue(new SimpleNode(nx, ny, cur.step + 1));
                            vis[ny, nx] = true;
                        // We hit an unnavigable space. Stop the BFS, this is as far as we go
                            ret = true;

                            if (Math.Abs(possible_t - t) < 1e-5 && col != null)
                                // break ties by taking the furthest behind the direction we wish to go
                                // Calculate the center point on the wall, and get the dot product of the vector to that point.
                                // The most negative value is the furthest behind
                                myPoint  segMidPoint1 = new myPoint((segs[i].p1.x + segs[i].p2.x) / 2.0, (segs[i].p1.y + segs[i].p2.y) / 2.0);
                                myVector toMidPoint1  = new myVector(segMidPoint1.x - d.x, segMidPoint1.y - d.y);

                                myPoint  segMidPoint2 = new myPoint((col.p1.x + col.p2.x) / 2.0, (col.p1.y + col.p2.y) / 2.0);
                                myVector toMidPoint2  = new myVector(segMidPoint2.x - d.x, segMidPoint2.y - d.y);

                                if (vUnit.dot(toMidPoint1) < vUnit.dot(toMidPoint2))
                                    t   = possible_t;
                                    col = new myLineSegment(segs[i].p1.x, segs[i].p1.y, segs[i].p2.x, segs[i].p2.y); // careful... memory bugs
                            else if (possible_t < t)
                                t   = possible_t;
                                col = new myLineSegment(segs[i].p1.x, segs[i].p1.y, segs[i].p2.x, segs[i].p2.y); // careful... memory bugs

                // if we are a special diagonal case, then check the cross hit as well
                myLineSegment diag = null;

                char c = gameGrid[cur.y, cur.x];
                if (c == '1' || c == '3')
                    diag = new myLineSegment(p2, p4);

                if (c == '2' || c == '4')
                    diag = new myLineSegment(p1, p3);

                if (diag != null)
                    double possible_t;
                    if (Geometry.DerpLineSegmentCast(d, v, diag, out possible_t))
                        ret = true;

                        if (Math.Abs(possible_t - t) < 1e-5 && col != null)
                            // break ties by taking the furthest behind the direction we wish to go
                            // Calculate the center point on the wall, and get the dot product of the vector to that point.
                            // The most negative value is the furthest behind
                            myPoint  segMidPoint1 = new myPoint((diag.p1.x + diag.p2.x) / 2.0, (diag.p1.y + diag.p2.y) / 2.0);
                            myVector toMidPoint1  = new myVector(segMidPoint1.x - d.x, segMidPoint1.y - d.y);

                            myPoint  segMidPoint2 = new myPoint((col.p1.x + col.p2.x) / 2.0, (col.p1.y + col.p2.y) / 2.0);
                            myVector toMidPoint2  = new myVector(segMidPoint2.x - d.x, segMidPoint2.y - d.y);

                            if (vUnit.dot(toMidPoint1) < vUnit.dot(toMidPoint2))
                                t   = possible_t;
                                col = new myLineSegment(diag.p1.x, diag.p1.y, diag.p2.x, diag.p2.y); // careful... memory bugs
                        else if (possible_t < t)
                            t   = possible_t;
                            col = new myLineSegment(diag.p1.x, diag.p1.y, diag.p2.x, diag.p2.y); // careful... memory bugs

                cur_step = cur.step;
