예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Recupera uma entrada do cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key"></param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <param name="flag"></param>
        /// <param name="group"></param>
        /// <param name="subGroup"></param>
        /// <param name="cacheEntry"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public UserBinaryObject GetCacheEntry(string key, ProviderCacheItem item, ref BitSet flag, string group, string subGroup, out CacheEntry cacheEntry)
            UserBinaryObject val = null;

            cacheEntry = null;
            object serializableObject = null;

            if ((item != null) && (item.Value != null))
                if ((item.Group == null) && (item.SubGroup != null))
                    throw new OperationFailedException("Error occurred while synchronization with data source; group must be specified for sub group");
                if ((group != null) && !CacheHelper.CheckDataGroupsCompatibility(new GroupInfo(item.Group, item.SubGroup), new GroupInfo(group, subGroup)))
                    throw new OperationFailedException("Error occurred while synchronization with data source; groups are incompatible");
                if (flag == null)
                    flag = new BitSet();
                serializableObject = item.Value;
                Hashtable   hashtable   = new Hashtable();
                TypeInfoMap typeInfoMap = _context.CacheRoot.GetTypeInfoMap();
                hashtable["query-info"] = CacheLoaderUtil.GetQueryInfo(item.Value, typeInfoMap);
                if (item.Tags != null)
                    Hashtable tagInfo = CacheLoaderUtil.GetTagInfo(item.Value, item.Tags);
                    if (tagInfo != null)
                        hashtable.Add("tag-info", tagInfo);
                if (item.NamedTags != null)
                        Hashtable hashtable3 = CacheLoaderUtil.GetNamedTagsInfo(item.Value, item.NamedTags, typeInfoMap);
                        if (hashtable3 != null)
                            hashtable.Add("named-tag-info", hashtable3);
                    catch (Exception exception)
                        throw new OperationFailedException("Error occurred while synchronization with data source; " + exception.Message);
                if (!item.Value.GetType().IsSerializable&& !_type.IsAssignableFrom(item.Value.GetType()))
                    throw new OperationFailedException("Read through provider returned an object that is not serializable.");
                serializableObject = SerializationUtil.SafeSerialize(serializableObject, _context.SerializationContext, ref flag);
                if (_context.CompressionEnabled)
                    item.Value = CompressionUtil.Compress(item.Value as byte[], ref flag, _context.CompressionThreshold);
                val = UserBinaryObject.CreateUserBinaryObject(serializableObject as byte[]);
                EvictionHint   evictionHint = new PriorityEvictionHint(item.ItemPriority);
                ExpirationHint expiryHint   = DependencyHelper.GetExpirationHint(item.Dependency, item.AbsoluteExpiration, item.SlidingExpiration);
                if (expiryHint != null)
                    expiryHint.CacheKey = key;
                    if (item.ResyncItemOnExpiration)
                cacheEntry                    = new CacheEntry(val, expiryHint, evictionHint);
                cacheEntry.Flag               = flag;
                cacheEntry.GroupInfo          = new GroupInfo(item.Group, item.SubGroup);
                cacheEntry.QueryInfo          = hashtable;
                cacheEntry.ResyncProviderName = (item.ResyncProviderName == null) ? null : item.ResyncProviderName.ToLower();