private void DepartmentStockInExtra_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { IList list = new ArrayList(); list.Add(new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 4, DefectStatusName = "Xuất tạm để sửa hàng"}); list.Add(new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 6, DefectStatusName = "Xuất trả về kho chính" }); //list.Add(new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 7, DefectStatusName = "Xuất đi cửa hàng khác" }); cbbStockOutType.DataSource = list; cbbStockOutType.DisplayMember = "DefectStatusName"; deptSODetailList = new DepartmentStockOutDetailCollection(bdsStockIn); bdsStockIn.DataSource = deptSODetailList; dgvDeptStockIn.DataError += new DataGridViewDataErrorEventHandler(dgvDeptStockIn_DataError); // create DepartmentStockIn if (deptSO == null) { deptSO = new DepartmentStockOut(); deptSO.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; deptSO.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; deptSO.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name; deptSO.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name; deptSO.ExclusiveKey = 0; CreateNewStockInDetail(); // btnBarcode.Visible = false; // numericUpDownBarcode.Visible = false; // btnPreview.Visible = false; // load products to extra combo box LoadProductMasterToComboBox(); deptSODetailList.RemoveAt(0); bdsStockIn.EndEdit(); } else { // btnBarcode.Visible = true; // numericUpDownBarcode.Visible = true; // btnPreview.Visible = true; IList deptStockInDetails = deptSO.DepartmentStockOutDetails; foreach (DepartmentStockOutDetail detail in deptStockInDetails) { if (detail.DelFlg == CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO) { deptSODetailList.Add(detail); //detail.OldQuantity = detail.Quantity; } } for (int i = 0; i < dgvDeptStockIn.Columns.Count; i++) { dgvDeptStockIn.Columns[i].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; if (i != QUANTITY_POS && i != PRICE_POS && i != SELL_PRICE_POS) { dgvDeptStockIn.Columns[i].ReadOnly = true; } } // txtDexcription.Text = deptSO.Description; } deptSO.DepartmentStockOutDetails = ObjectConverter.ConvertToNonGenericList<DepartmentStockOutDetail>(deptSODetailList); }
private void DepartmentStockInExtra_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { timer1.Start(); cbbStockOutType.Enabled = false; btnReset.Enabled = false; cboProductMasters.Enabled = false; rdoFastStockOut.Checked = true; rdoRetail.Checked = true; IList list = new ArrayList(); if (ClientSetting.IsSubStock()) { list.Add(new StockDefectStatus {DefectStatusId = 7, DefectStatusName = "Xuất đi cửa hàng khác"}); } else { list.Add(new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 4, DefectStatusName = "Xuất tạm để sửa hàng" }); list.Add(new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 6, DefectStatusName = "Xuất trả về kho chính" }); } DepartmentStockOutEventArgs eventArgs = new DepartmentStockOutEventArgs(); EventUtility.fireEvent(LoadAllDepartments,this,eventArgs); string directDept = ""; string marketDept = ""; if(eventArgs.DepartmentsList!= null && eventArgs.DepartmentsList.Count > 0) { BindingSource bdsDepartment = new BindingSource(); bdsDepartment.DataSource = typeof (Department); cboDepartment.DataSource = bdsDepartment; cboDepartment.DisplayMember = "DepartmentName"; foreach (Department department in eventArgs.DepartmentsList) { if (department.DepartmentId != CurrentDepartment.Get().DepartmentId) { /*if (!ClientSetting.IsSubStock()) {*/ bdsDepartment.Add(department); /*} else { string departmentId = department.DepartmentId.ToString(); string currentSubStock = CurrentDepartment.Get().DepartmentId.ToString(); if(currentSubStock.StartsWith(departmentId)) { bdsDepartment.Add(department); directDept = department.DepartmentName; } if(ClientSetting.MarketDept.Equals(departmentId)) { bdsDepartment.Add(department); marketDept = department.DepartmentName; } }*/ } } bdsDepartment.EndEdit(); cboDepartment.Refresh(); cboDepartment.Invalidate(); } cbbStockOutType.DataSource = list; cbbStockOutType.DisplayMember = "DefectStatusName"; /*if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(directDept)) { rdoFastStockOut.Text = " Xuất đến " + directDept; }*/ /*foreach (Department department in cboDepartment.Items) { string departmentId = department.DepartmentId.ToString(); string currentSubStock = CurrentDepartment.Get().DepartmentId.ToString(); if (currentSubStock.StartsWith(departmentId)) { cboDepartment.SelectedItem = department; cboDepartment.Enabled = false; break; } }*/ rdoFastStockOut_CheckedChanged(null, null); rdoStockOut_CheckedChanged(null, null); deptSODetailList = new DepartmentStockOutDetailCollection(bdsStockIn); bdsStockIn.DataSource = deptSODetailList; dgvDeptStockIn.DataError += new DataGridViewDataErrorEventHandler(dgvDeptStockIn_DataError); // create DepartmentStockIn if (deptSO == null) { deptSO = new DepartmentStockOut(); deptSO.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; deptSO.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; deptSO.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name; deptSO.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name; deptSO.ExclusiveKey = 0; CreateNewStockInDetail(); // btnBarcode.Visible = false; // numericUpDownBarcode.Visible = false; // btnPreview.Visible = false; // load products to extra combo box LoadProductMasterToComboBox(); deptSODetailList.RemoveAt(0); bdsStockIn.EndEdit(); } else { // btnBarcode.Visible = true; // numericUpDownBarcode.Visible = true; // btnPreview.Visible = true; IList deptStockInDetails = deptSO.DepartmentStockOutDetails; foreach (DepartmentStockOutDetail detail in deptStockInDetails) { if (detail.DelFlg == CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO) { deptSODetailList.Add(detail); //detail.OldQuantity = detail.Quantity; } } for (int i = 0; i < dgvDeptStockIn.Columns.Count; i++) { dgvDeptStockIn.Columns[i].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; if (i != QUANTITY_POS && i != PRICE_POS && i != SELL_PRICE_POS) { dgvDeptStockIn.Columns[i].ReadOnly = true; } } // txtDexcription.Text = deptSO.Description; } deptSO.DepartmentStockOutDetails = ObjectConverter.ConvertToNonGenericList<DepartmentStockOutDetail>(deptSODetailList); UpdateStockOutDescription(); cboDepartment.Enabled = false; GlobalMessage message = (GlobalMessage)GlobalUtility.GetObject("GlobalMessage"); message.HasNewMessageEvent += new EventHandler<GlobalMessageEventArgs>(Instance_HasNewMessageEvent); }
private void DepartmentStockInExtra_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'masterDB.Department' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.departmentTableAdapter.Fill(this.masterDB.Department); IList list = new ArrayList(); if (ClientSetting.IsSubStock()) { list.Add(new StockDefectStatus {DefectStatusId = 7, DefectStatusName = "Xuất đi cửa hàng khác"}); cboDepartment.Visible = true; label2.Visible = true; } /*else {*/ list.Add(new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 4, DefectStatusName = "Xuất tạm để sửa hàng" }); list.Add(new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 6, DefectStatusName = "Xuất trả về kho chính" }); list.Add(new StockDefectStatus { DefectStatusId = 9, DefectStatusName = "Xuất hàng mẫu" }); /*}*/ cbbStockOutType.DataSource = list; cbbStockOutType.DisplayMember = "DefectStatusName"; deptSODetailList = new DepartmentStockOutDetailCollection(bdsStockIn); bdsStockIn.DataSource = deptSODetailList; dgvDeptStockIn.DataError += new DataGridViewDataErrorEventHandler(dgvDeptStockIn_DataError); // create DepartmentStockIn if (deptSO == null) { deptSO = new DepartmentStockOut(); deptSO.CreateDate = DateTime.Now; deptSO.UpdateDate = DateTime.Now; deptSO.CreateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name; deptSO.UpdateId = ClientInfo.getInstance().LoggedUser.Name; deptSO.ExclusiveKey = 0; CreateNewStockInDetail(); // btnBarcode.Visible = false; // numericUpDownBarcode.Visible = false; // btnPreview.Visible = false; // load products to extra combo box LoadProductMasterToComboBox(); deptSODetailList.RemoveAt(0); bdsStockIn.EndEdit(); } else { // btnBarcode.Visible = true; // numericUpDownBarcode.Visible = true; // btnPreview.Visible = true; IList deptStockInDetails = deptSO.DepartmentStockOutDetails; foreach (DepartmentStockOutDetail detail in deptStockInDetails) { if (detail.DelFlg == CommonConstants.DEL_FLG_NO) { deptSODetailList.Add(detail); //detail.OldQuantity = detail.Quantity; } } for (int i = 0; i < dgvDeptStockIn.Columns.Count; i++) { dgvDeptStockIn.Columns[i].SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; if (i != QUANTITY_POS && i != PRICE_POS && i != SELL_PRICE_POS) { dgvDeptStockIn.Columns[i].ReadOnly = true; } } // txtDexcription.Text = deptSO.Description; } deptSO.DepartmentStockOutDetails = ObjectConverter.ConvertToNonGenericList<DepartmentStockOutDetail>(deptSODetailList); departmentBindingSource.Filter = " DEPARTMENT_ID <> " + CurrentDepartment.Get().DepartmentId; departmentTableAdapter.Fill(masterDB.Department); departmentBindingSource.ResetBindings(false); cboDepartment.Refresh(); cboDepartment.Invalidate(); }