예제 #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Read config
            config = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ExtractorConfig>(File.ReadAllText("config.json"));

            //Generate a revision tag and make it's folder structure
            log = new FileStream(config.GetProfile().log_path, FileMode.Create);

            //Do some logging
            Log.WriteHeader("Data created " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + " LOCAL");
            Log.WriteHeader("Deploying to " + config.enviornment);
            Log.WriteHeader("(C) RomanPort 2019");

            //Init the install
            ArkInstall install = ArkInstall.GetInstall(config.install_path);

            //Create a patch and run
            DeltaExportPatch patch = new DeltaExportPatch(install);


예제 #2
        public static void ProcessImages(List <string> readErrors, DeltaExportPatch patch)
            //Clean up any old and bad paths
            Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up old image conversions...");
            if (Directory.Exists("./Lib/UModel/in_temp/"))
                Directory.Delete("./Lib/UModel/in_temp/", true);
            if (Directory.Exists("./Lib/UModel/out_temp/"))
                Directory.Delete("./Lib/UModel/out_temp/", true);

            //Make structre

            //Get the queue
            var queue = patch.queued_images;

            //First, we copy all packages to a temporary path with their index
            Console.WriteLine($"Now copying {queue.Count} images...");
            for (int i = 0; i < queue.Count; i++)
                string source = queue[i].pathname;
                File.Copy(source, $"./Lib/UModel/in_temp/{i}.uasset");

            //Now, run the conversion
            Console.WriteLine("Now converting images using UModel...");
            Process p = Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo
                Arguments        = "",
                FileName         = "go.bat",
                WorkingDirectory = "Lib\\UModel\\",
                UseShellExecute  = true


            //Now, load and process these images
            int ok = 0;

            Console.WriteLine($"Now processing {queue.Count} images...");
            for (int i = 0; i < queue.Count; i += 1)
                QueuedImage q      = queue[i];
                bool        status = false;

                    //Get the directory. It's a little janky, as files are stored in subdirs
                    string[] results = Directory.GetFiles($"./Lib/UModel/out_temp/{i}/");
                    if (results.Length != 1)
                        throw new Exception("None or too many results found for image.");

                    //Open FileStream on this
                    using (FileStream imgStream = new FileStream(results[0], FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                        //Now, begin reading the TGA data https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Truevision_TGA
                        IOMemoryStream imgReader = new IOMemoryStream(imgStream, true);
                        imgReader.position += 3 + 5; //Skip intro, it will always be known
                        imgReader.ReadShort();       //Will always be 0
                        imgReader.ReadShort();       //Will aways be 0
                        short width      = imgReader.ReadShort();
                        short height     = imgReader.ReadShort();
                        byte  colorDepth = imgReader.ReadByte();

                        //Now, we can begin reading image data
                        //This appears to be bugged for non-square images right now.
                        using (Image <Rgba32> img = new Image <Rgba32>(width, height))
                            //Read file
                            byte[] channels;
                            for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                                for (int x = 0; x < width; x++)
                                    if (colorDepth == 32)
                                        //Read four channels
                                        channels = imgReader.ReadBytes(4);

                                        //Set pixel
                                        img[x, width - y - 1] = new Rgba32(channels[2], channels[1], channels[0], channels[3]);
                                    else if (colorDepth == 24)
                                        //Read three channels
                                        channels = imgReader.ReadBytes(3);

                                        //Set pixel
                                        img[x, width - y - 1] = new Rgba32(channels[2], channels[1], channels[0]);

                            //Apply mods
                            if (q.mods == ImageModifications.White)

                            //Save original image
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                                ms.Position = 0;
                                patch.asset_manager.Upload(Program.config.GetProfile().upload_images + q.hiId + FORMAT_TYPE, ms);

                            //Now, downscale
                            img.Mutate(x => x.Resize(64, 64));

                            //Save thumbnail
                            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                                img.SaveAsPng(ms, new PngEncoder
                                    CompressionLevel = 9
                                ms.Position = 0;
                                patch.asset_manager.Upload(Program.config.GetProfile().upload_images + q.loId + FORMAT_TYPE, ms);

                            status = true;
                } catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Failed to process image {q.classname} with error {ex.Message}");
                    readErrors.Add($"Failed to process image {q.classname} with error {ex.Message} {ex.StackTrace}");

                //Now, add to persistent storage
                patch.persist.external_assets.Add(new DeltaExportBranchExternalAsset
                    name     = q.name,
                    patch    = patch.tag,
                    sha1     = q.sha1,
                    time     = DateTime.UtcNow,
                    id_hires = q.hiId,
                    id_lores = q.loId,
                    ok       = status
            Log.WriteSuccess("ImageTool", $"Processed and uploading {ok}/{queue.Count} images.");

            //Clean up any old and bad paths
            Console.WriteLine("Cleaning up...");
            if (Directory.Exists("./Lib/UModel/in_temp/"))
                Directory.Delete("./Lib/UModel/in_temp/", true);
            if (Directory.Exists("./Lib/UModel/out_temp/"))
                Directory.Delete("./Lib/UModel/out_temp/", true);
예제 #3
        public static DeltaAsset QueueImage(string classname, string pathname, ImageModifications mods, DeltaExportPatch patch)
            //SHA1 this file for version control
            byte[] hashBytes = new SHA1Managed().ComputeHash(File.ReadAllBytes(pathname));
            string hash      = string.Concat(hashBytes.Select(b => b.ToString("x2")));

            //Get the game pathname
            ArkAsset asset          = ArkAsset.GetAssetFromFolderPath(pathname, patch.installation);
            string   namespacedName = asset.fullName;

            //Check for matching file pathnames and versions
            var matches       = patch.persist.external_assets.Where(x => x.sha1 == hash && x.name == namespacedName).ToArray();
            var queuedMatches = patch.queued_images.Where(x => x.name == namespacedName).ToArray();

            //Create or get
            string hiId;
            string loId;

            if (matches.Length >= 1)
                //We'll use this existing image
                hiId = matches[0].id_hires;
                loId = matches[0].id_lores;
            else if (queuedMatches.Length >= 1)
                //We'll use the existing queued image
                hiId = queuedMatches[0].hiId;
                loId = queuedMatches[0].loId;
                //We'll generate this

                //Generate IDs for the high res image and thumbnail
                hiId = GenerateUniqueImageID(patch);
                loId = GenerateUniqueImageID(patch);

                //Now, create an object and add it to a queue
                patch.queued_images.Add(new QueuedImage
                    classname = classname,
                    pathname  = pathname,
                    hiId      = hiId,
                    loId      = loId,
                    mods      = mods,
                    sha1      = hash,
                    name      = namespacedName

            //Now, create an ArkImage
            DeltaAsset r = new DeltaAsset
                image_thumb_url = GetAssetsUrl() + loId + FORMAT_TYPE,
                image_url       = GetAssetsUrl() + hiId + FORMAT_TYPE

예제 #4
        private static string GenerateUniqueImageID(DeltaExportPatch patch)
            string id = GenerateUnsafeImageID();

예제 #5
 public static DeltaAsset QueueImage(ClassnamePathnamePair name, ImageModifications mods, DeltaExportPatch patch)
     return(QueueImage(name.classname, name.pathname, mods, patch));
예제 #6
        public static ItemEntry ConvertEntry(UAssetFileBlueprint bp, UAssetCacheBlock cache, DeltaExportPatch patch)
            //Open reader
            PropertyReader reader = new PropertyReader(bp.GetFullProperties(cache));

            //Get primary icon
            DeltaAsset icon;

            if (reader.GetProperty <ObjectProperty>("ItemIcon") != null)
                icon = ImageTool.QueueImage(reader.GetProperty <ObjectProperty>("ItemIcon").GetReferencedFile(), ImageTool.ImageModifications.None, patch);
                icon = DeltaAsset.MISSING_ICON;

            //Get broken icon
            DeltaAsset brokenIcon;

            if (reader.GetProperty <ObjectProperty>("BrokenImage") != null)
                brokenIcon = ImageTool.QueueImage(reader.GetProperty <ObjectProperty>("BrokenImage").GetReferencedFile(), ImageTool.ImageModifications.None, patch);
                brokenIcon = DeltaAsset.MISSING_ICON;

            //Get the array of UseItemAddCharacterStatusValues
            ArrayProperty statusValuesArray = reader.GetProperty <ArrayProperty>("UseItemAddCharacterStatusValues");
            Dictionary <string, ItemEntry_ConsumableAddStatusValue> statusValues = new Dictionary <string, ItemEntry_ConsumableAddStatusValue>();

            if (statusValuesArray != null)
                foreach (var i in statusValuesArray.props)
                    StructProperty sv   = (StructProperty)i;
                    var            svp  = ((PropListStruct)sv.data).propsList;
                    var            svpr = new PropertyReader(svp);
                    string         type = svpr.GetProperty <ByteProperty>("StatusValueType").enumValue;
                    ItemEntry_ConsumableAddStatusValue sve = ArkItemEntry_ConsumableAddStatusValueReader.Convert(svpr, type);
                    statusValues.Add(type, sve);

            ItemEntry e = new ItemEntry
                hideFromInventoryDisplay = reader.GetPropertyBool("bHideFromInventoryDisplay", false),
                useItemDurability        = reader.GetPropertyBool("bUseItemDurability", false),
                isTekItem           = reader.GetPropertyBool("bTekItem", false),
                allowUseWhileRiding = reader.GetPropertyBool("bAllowUseWhileRiding", false),
                name            = reader.GetPropertyString("DescriptiveNameBase", null),
                description     = reader.GetPropertyString("ItemDescription", null),
                spoilingTime    = reader.GetPropertyFloat("SpolingTime", 0),
                baseItemWeight  = reader.GetPropertyFloat("BaseItemWeight", 0),
                useCooldownTime = reader.GetPropertyFloat("MinimumUseInterval", 0),
                baseCraftingXP  = reader.GetPropertyFloat("BaseCraftingXP", 0),
                baseRepairingXP = reader.GetPropertyFloat("BaseRepairingXP", 0),
                maxItemQuantity = reader.GetPropertyInt("MaxItemQuantity", 0),
                classname       = DeltaDataExtractor.Program.TrimArkClassname(bp.classname),
                icon            = icon,
                broken_icon     = brokenIcon,
                addStatusValues = statusValues

예제 #7
        public static List <DinosaurEntry> ExtractDinos(UAssetCacheBlock cache, List <ArkAsset> assets, DeltaExportPatch patch, PropertyReader primalDataReader, Dictionary <string, PropertyReader> dinoEntries)
            //Loop through assets and import them
            List <DinosaurEntry> dinos = new List <DinosaurEntry>();

            foreach (var a in assets)
                //Open file
                UAssetFileBlueprint f;
                    f = UAssetFileBlueprint.OpenFile(a.filename, false, a.name, a.installation.contentFolder);
                } catch (Exception ex)

                //Convert file
                    //Create a dino entry
                    DinosaurEntry entry = ArkDinoEntryConverter.Convert(f, cache, patch, primalDataReader, dinoEntries);
                } catch (Exception ex)
예제 #8
        public static List <ItemEntry> ExtractItems(UAssetCacheBlock cache, List <ArkAsset> assets, DeltaExportPatch patch)
            //Loop through all assets
            List <ItemEntry> items = new List <ItemEntry>();

            foreach (var a in assets)
                DateTime            start = DateTime.UtcNow;
                UAssetFileBlueprint bp;
                    bp = UAssetFileBlueprint.OpenFile(a.filename, false, a.name, a.installation.contentFolder);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.WriteError("Item Extractor", "Failed to open file " + a.fullName + ": " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

                    ItemEntry entry = ArkItemEntryReader.ConvertEntry(bp, cache, patch);
                    TimeSpan time = DateTime.UtcNow - start;
                    Log.WriteInfo("Item Extractor", "Successfully opened and converted " + a.fullName + " in " + Math.Round(time.TotalMilliseconds) + "ms");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.WriteError("Item Extractor", "Failed to import " + a.fullName + ": " + ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

            Log.WriteSuccess("Item Extractor", "Extracted " + items.Count + "/" + assets.Count + " items.");
예제 #9
        public static DinosaurEntry Convert(UAssetFileBlueprint f, UAssetCacheBlock cache, DeltaExportPatch patch, PropertyReader primalDataReader, Dictionary <string, PropertyReader> dinoEntries)
            //Open reader
            PropertyReader reader = new PropertyReader(f.GetFullProperties(cache));

            //Get the dino settings
            UAssetFileBlueprint settingsFileAdult = ArkDinoFoodConverter.GetAdultFile(f, cache);
            UAssetFileBlueprint settingsFileBaby  = ArkDinoFoodConverter.GetBabyFile(f, cache);

            //Get status component
            UAssetFileBlueprint statusComponent = ArkDinoEntryStatusConverter.GetFile(f, cache);
            PropertyReader      statusReader    = new PropertyReader(statusComponent.GetFullProperties(cache));

            //Use name tag to find entry
            string         tag   = reader.GetPropertyStringOrName("DinoNameTag");
            PropertyReader entry = dinoEntries[tag];

            //Now, load the material used for the dino image
            UAssetFileMaterial entryMaterial = entry.GetProperty <ObjectProperty>("DinoMaterial").GetReferencedFileMaterial();

            UAssetFileMaterial.TextureParameterValue entryMaterialTexture = entryMaterial.textureParameters[0];
            ClassnamePathnamePair entryTexture = entryMaterialTexture.prop.GetReferencedFile();

            DinosaurEntry e = new DinosaurEntry
                screen_name                       = reader.GetPropertyString("DescriptiveName", null),
                colorizationIntensity             = reader.GetPropertyFloat("ColorizationIntensity", 1),
                babyGestationSpeed                = reader.GetPropertyFloat("BabyGestationSpeed", -1),
                extraBabyGestationSpeedMultiplier = reader.GetPropertyFloat("ExtraBabyGestationSpeedMultiplier", -1),
                babyAgeSpeed                      = reader.GetPropertyFloat("BabyAgeSpeed", null),
                extraBabyAgeMultiplier            = reader.GetPropertyFloat("ExtraBabyAgeSpeedMultiplier", -1),
                useBabyGestation                  = reader.GetPropertyBool("bUseBabyGestation", false),
                statusComponent                   = ArkDinoEntryStatusConverter.Convert(statusComponent, statusReader),
                adultFoods = ArkDinoFoodConverter.Convert(settingsFileAdult, cache),
                childFoods = ArkDinoFoodConverter.Convert(settingsFileBaby, cache),
                classname  = DeltaDataExtractor.Program.TrimArkClassname(f.classname),
                icon       = ImageTool.QueueImage(entryTexture, ImageTool.ImageModifications.None, patch),

            //Finally, read stats
            ArkStatsRipper.DoRipStats(statusReader, e);
