예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Renames unit names found after the a keyword and before semicolen (;)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="aKeywordToken"></param>
        /// <param name="aOldUnitName"></param>
        /// <param name="aNewUnitName"></param>
        /// <param name="aVsTextLines"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual bool RenameUnitAfterKeyword(DelphiToken aKeywordToken, string aOldUnitName, string aNewUnitName, IVsTextLines aVsTextLines)
            TUnitScanner lScanner = new TUnitScanner(aVsTextLines);
            bool         lResult  = false;

            // any data found before Program,Package,Library,Unit is not valid
            lScanner.EndToken = DelphiToken.None;
            while (lScanner.GotoNextToken(aKeywordToken))
                lScanner.EndToken = DelphiToken.EndStatement;
                while (lScanner.GotoNextToken(DelphiToken.Identifier))
                    if (String.Compare(lScanner.TokenValue, aOldUnitName, true) == 0)
                        ReplaceText(lScanner, aNewUnitName);
                        AfterRenameUnitName(lScanner.TokenValue, aNewUnitName, lScanner); // for project files
                        lResult = true;
                        // NOTE: We keep looking just in case there are compiler directives.
                        lScanner.EndToken = DelphiToken.EndStatement;
                lScanner.EndToken = DelphiToken.None;
                // NOTE: Look for all uses clases just in case the are in compiler directives.
예제 #2
        protected virtual string[] GetUnitFilesAfterKeyword(DelphiToken aKeyword)
            List <string> lResult = new List <string>();

                TUnitScanner lScanner = new TUnitScanner(GetTextLines());
                lScanner.EndToken = DelphiToken.None;
                if (lScanner.GotoNextToken(aKeyword))
                    lScanner.EndToken = DelphiToken.EndStatement;
                    while (lScanner.GotoNextToken(DelphiToken.String))
            catch (Exception ex)
                ShowErrorMessageBox(ex.Message, "GetUnitFilesAfterKeyword() Error");
        public bool GotoNextToken(DelphiToken aToken, out int aStartLine, out int aStartIndex, out int aEndLine, out int aEndIndex)
            int       lCurrLine, lCurrIndex, lLineLen, lState = 0;
            int       lLastState = 0;
            string    lLineText  = "";
            TokenInfo lTokenInfo = new TokenInfo();

            lCurrLine  = StartLine;
            lCurrIndex = StartIndex;
            int lAddChrs = StartIndex;

            aStartIndex = 0;
            aStartLine  = 0;
            aEndIndex   = 0;
            aEndLine    = 0;
            lLineLen    = 0;
            if (aToken == DelphiToken.None)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(aToken != EndToken, "End Token and aToken parameter match in GotoNextToken");
            bool result = false;

            while (lCurrLine <= EndLine)
                if (lCurrLine == EndLine - 2)
                    result = false;
                if (lLineText == "")
                    // TODO: Read and check out whats the diff between NativeMethods.ThrowOnFailure and ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure?
                    ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(FTextLines.GetLengthOfLine(lCurrLine, out lLineLen));
                    ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(FTextLines.GetLineText(lCurrLine, 0, lCurrLine, lLineLen, out lLineText));
                    FScanner.SetSource(lLineText, lCurrIndex);
                lTokenInfo.Type     = TokenType.Unknown;
                lTokenInfo.EndIndex = lLineLen - 1;
                    FScanner.ScanTokenAndProvideInfoAboutIt(lTokenInfo, ref lState);
                catch { /* Do we care? */ }

                // lTokenInfo.StartIndex will = 0 for the first token even if
                // in line "FScanner.SetSource(lLineText, lCurrIndex)" lCurrIndex > 0
                // so we will need to add some values to make the values correct.
                if (lAddChrs > 0)
                    lTokenInfo.EndIndex   += lAddChrs;
                    lTokenInfo.StartIndex += lAddChrs;

                // if we have reached your end token then exit
                if (lTokenInfo.Token == (int)EndToken && lState == DelphiScanner.YYINITIAL)
                aEndIndex  = lTokenInfo.EndIndex;   // set end point
                aEndLine   = lCurrLine;             // set end line
                lCurrIndex = lTokenInfo.StartIndex; // Set new point

                if ((lState == DelphiScanner.YYINITIAL) && (lTokenInfo.Token == (int)aToken) && (lState != lLastState))
                    // no worries we found have the StartIndex and StartLine already
                    result = true;
                else if ((lState == DelphiScanner.YYINITIAL) || (lState != lLastState))
                    aStartLine  = lCurrLine;
                    aStartIndex = lCurrIndex;
                    lLastState  = lState;
                    result      = (lTokenInfo.Token == (int)aToken);

                if (result)
                lCurrIndex = lTokenInfo.EndIndex + 1;
                if (lCurrIndex >= lLineLen)
                    lLineText  = "";
                    lCurrIndex = 0;
                    lAddChrs   = 0;
            if (result)
                StartIndex = lTokenInfo.EndIndex + 1;
                StartLine  = aEndLine;
                // aEndIndex is correct but the GetLineText method does not read the text out correctly.
                ErrorHandler.ThrowOnFailure(FTextLines.GetLineText(aStartLine, aStartIndex, aEndLine, aEndIndex + 1, out FTokenValue));
        public bool GotoNextToken(DelphiToken aToken)
            int lStartLine, lEndLine, lStartIndex, lEndIndex;

            return(GotoNextToken(aToken, out lStartLine, out lStartIndex, out lEndLine, out lEndIndex));