public async Task Should_Delete_User() { // Arrange User user = FakeUsers.Performer; // Act Unit result = await _handler.Handle(new Delete.Command(user.UserName), new CancellationToken()); // Assert result.Should().Be(Unit.Value); }
public async Task Expect_Delete_Article_With_Tags() { var createCommand = new Create.Command { Article = new Create.ArticleData { Title = "Test article 666", Description = "Description of the test article", Body = "Body of the test article", TagList = new[] { "tag1", "tag2" } } }; var createdArticle = await ArticleHelpers.CreateArticle(this, createCommand); var articleWithTags = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(context => context.Articles .Include(a => a.ArticleTags) .Where(d => d.Slug == createdArticle.Slug) .SingleOrDefaultAsync()); var deleteCommand = new Delete.Command(createdArticle.Slug); var dbContext = GetDbContext(); var handler = new Delete.Handler(dbContext); await handler.Handle(deleteCommand, new CancellationToken()); var article = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(context => context.Articles.Where(d => d.Slug == deleteCommand.Slug).SingleOrDefaultAsync()); Assert.Null(article); }
public void Should_Fail_To_Delete_Room_With_Invalid_Id() { var context = GetDbContext(); var locationId = Guid.NewGuid(); context.Locations.Add(new Domain.Location { Id = locationId, Name = "Test Location" }); context.SaveChanges(); context.Rooms.Add(new Domain.Room { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Test Room", LocationId = locationId }); context.SaveChanges(); var sut = new Delete.Handler(context); var nonExistingRoomId = Guid.NewGuid(); var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync <RestException>(() => sut.Handle(new Delete.Command { Id = nonExistingRoomId }, CancellationToken.None)); var thrownError = ex.Result.Errors.ToString(); var expectedError = (new { room = "Room Not Found" }).ToString(); Assert.Equal(expectedError, thrownError); }
public void Should_Delete_License() { var context = GetDbContext(); var modalityId = Guid.NewGuid(); context.Modalities.Add(new Domain.Modality { Id = modalityId, Name = "Test Modality" }); context.SaveChanges(); var licenseId1 = Guid.NewGuid(); var licenseId2 = Guid.NewGuid(); context.Licenses.Add(new Domain.License { Id = licenseId1, Name = "Test License", DisplayName = "TL", ModalityId = modalityId }); context.Licenses.Add(new Domain.License { Id = licenseId2, Name = "Test License 2", DisplayName = "TL2", ModalityId = modalityId }); context.SaveChanges(); var sut = new Delete.Handler(context); var result = sut.Handle(new Delete.Command { Id = licenseId1 }, CancellationToken.None).Result; var licenses = context.Licenses.Where(x => x.ModalityId == modalityId).ToList(); Assert.Single(licenses); Assert.Equal("Test License 2", licenses[0].Name); }
public void Should_Delete_Modality() { var context = GetDbContext(); var modalityIdOfDeleted = Guid.NewGuid(); context.Modalities.Add(new Modality { Id = modalityIdOfDeleted, Name = "Modality 1", DisplayName = "M1" }); context.Modalities.Add(new Modality { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Modality 2", DisplayName = "M2" }); context.SaveChanges(); var sut = new Delete.Handler(context); var result = sut.Handle(new Delete.Command { Id = modalityIdOfDeleted }, CancellationToken.None); var modalities = context.Modalities.ToList(); var deletedModality = modalities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == modalityIdOfDeleted); Assert.Single(modalities); Assert.Null(deletedModality); }
public void Should_Fail_Delete_License_W_Invalid_Id() { var context = GetDbContext(); var modalityId = Guid.NewGuid(); context.Modalities.Add(new Domain.Modality { Id = modalityId, Name = "Test Modality" }); context.SaveChanges(); var licenseId1 = Guid.NewGuid(); var licenseId2 = Guid.NewGuid(); context.Licenses.Add(new Domain.License { Id = licenseId1, Name = "Test License", DisplayName = "TL", ModalityId = modalityId }); var sut = new Delete.Handler(context); var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync <RestException>(() => sut.Handle(new Delete.Command { Id = licenseId2 }, CancellationToken.None)); var thrownError = ex.Result.Errors.ToString(); var expectedError = (new { license = "License not found" }).ToString(); Assert.Equal(expectedError, thrownError); }
public void DeleteJob_WithEmptyJobId_ShouldThrowException() { //Arrange var deleteJobCommand = new Delete.Command { Id = 0 }; var handler = new Delete.Handler(testContext); //Assert var ex = Assert.CatchAsync <RestException>(() => handler.Handle(deleteJobCommand, CancellationToken.None)); Assert.That(ex.Code, Is.EqualTo(HttpStatusCode.NotFound)); }
public async Task Should_Delete() { // Arrange _arpaContext.FindAsync <Appointment>(Arg.Any <object[]>(), Arg.Any <CancellationToken>()) .Returns(AppointmentSeedData.AfterShowParty); _arpaContext.SaveChangesAsync(Arg.Any <CancellationToken>()).Returns(1); // Act Unit result = await _handler.Handle(new Delete.Command <Appointment>(), new CancellationToken()); // Assert result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(Unit.Value); }
public async void DeleteShouldDeleteTheRecord() { // Arrange sut = new Delete.Handler(dataContext); // Act var result = await sut.Handle(new Delete.Command { Id = id }, new System.Threading.CancellationToken()); // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); }
public void DeleteJob_WithValidJobId_ShouldDeleteJob() { //Arrange var deleteJobCommand = new Delete.Command { Id = 1 }; var deleteHandler = new Delete.Handler(testContext); //Act var deleteResult = deleteHandler.Handle(deleteJobCommand, CancellationToken.None).Result; //Assert Assert.NotNull(deleteResult); Assert.That(deleteResult.Equals(Unit.Value)); }
public void Should_Delete_Shift() { var shiftIdToDelete = Create_Shift_For_Delete_Test_And_Return_Id(); var sut = new Delete.Handler(context); var result = sut.Handle(new Delete.Command { Id = shiftIdToDelete }, CancellationToken.None); var shift = context.Shifts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == shiftIdToDelete); Assert.Null(shift); }
public async Task Expect_Delete_Article_With_Comments() { var createArticleCommand = new Create.Command { Article = new Create.ArticleData { Title = "Test article 666", Description = "Description of the test article", Body = "Body of the test article" } }; var createdArticle = await ArticleHelpers.CreateArticle(this, createArticleCommand); var article = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(context => context.Articles .Include(a => a.ArticleTags) .Where(d => d.Slug == createdArticle.Slug) .SingleOrDefaultAsync()); var articleId = article.ArticleId; var slug = article.Slug; var createCommentCommand = new beeforum.Features.Comments.Create.Command { Comment = new beeforum.Features.Comments.Create.CommentData { Body = "article comment" }, Slug = slug }; var comment = await CommentHelpers.CreateComment(this, createCommentCommand, UserHelpers.DefaultUserName); // delete article with comment var deleteCommand = new Delete.Command(slug); var dbContext = GetDbContext(); var handler = new Delete.Handler(dbContext); await handler.Handle(deleteCommand, new CancellationToken()); var deleted = await ExecuteDbContextAsync(context => context.Articles.Where(d => d.Slug == deleteCommand.Slug).SingleOrDefaultAsync()); Assert.Null(deleted); }
public void Should_Not_Delete_Shift_With_Invalid_Id() { Create_Shift_For_Delete_Test_And_Return_Id(); //do not need to use return id in this test var sut = new Delete.Handler(context); var nonExistingShiftId = Guid.NewGuid(); var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync <RestException>(() => sut.Handle(new Delete.Command { Id = nonExistingShiftId }, CancellationToken.None)); var thrownError = ex.Result.Errors.ToString(); var expectedError = (new { shift = "Shift Not Found" }).ToString(); Assert.Equal(expectedError, thrownError); }
public void DeleteJob_WithWrongJobId_ShouldThrowException() { //Arrange var deleteJobCommand = new Delete.Command { Id = 9999 }; var deleteHandler = new Delete.Handler(testContext); //Assert var ex = Assert.CatchAsync <Exception>(() => deleteHandler.Handle(deleteJobCommand, CancellationToken.None)); if (ex.GetType().Equals(typeof(Exception))) { Assert.That(ex.Message, Is.EqualTo("problem saving changes")); } }
public void Should_Delete_Technologist() { var context = GetDbContext(); var modalityId = Guid.NewGuid(); context.Modalities.Add(new Domain.Modality { Id = modalityId, Name = "Test Modality", DisplayName = "TM" }); context.SaveChanges(); var technologistId1 = Guid.NewGuid(); var technologistId2 = Guid.NewGuid(); context.Technologists.Add(new Domain.Technologist { Id = technologistId1, Name = "Technologist 1", ModalityId = modalityId, Initial = "T1" }); context.Technologists.Add(new Domain.Technologist { Id = technologistId2, Name = "Technologist 2", ModalityId = modalityId, Initial = "T2" }); context.SaveChanges(); var sut = new Delete.Handler(context); var result = sut.Handle(new Delete.Command { Id = technologistId1 }, CancellationToken.None).Result; var technologists = context.Technologists.ToList(); Assert.Single(technologists); Assert.Equal("Technologist 2", technologists[0].Name); }
public void Should_Delete_Room() { var context = GetDbContext(); var locationId = Guid.NewGuid(); var location = new Location { Id = locationId, Name = "LocationForDeleteRoomTest" }; context.Locations.Add(location); context.SaveChanges(); var roomId1 = Guid.NewGuid(); var roomId2 = Guid.NewGuid(); context.Rooms.Add(new Room { Id = roomId1, Name = "Room 1", LocationId = locationId }); context.Rooms.Add(new Room { Id = roomId2, Name = "Room 2", LocationId = locationId }); context.SaveChanges(); var sut = new Delete.Handler(context); var result = sut.Handle(new Delete.Command { Id = roomId1 }, CancellationToken.None).Result; var room = context.Rooms.Where(x => x.LocationId == locationId).ToList(); Assert.Single(room); Assert.Equal("Room 2", room[0].Name); }
public void Should_Fail_Delete_Modality_W_Invalid_Id() { var context = GetDbContext(); context.Modalities.Add(new Domain.Modality { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Test Modality" }); context.SaveChanges(); var sut = new Delete.Handler(context); var nonExistingModalityId = Guid.NewGuid(); var ex = Assert.ThrowsAsync <RestException>(() => sut.Handle(new Delete.Command { Id = nonExistingModalityId }, CancellationToken.None)); var thrownError = ex.Result.Errors.ToString(); var expectedError = (new { modality = "Modality Not Found" }).ToString(); Assert.Equal(expectedError, thrownError); }