예제 #1
 protected virtual string GetActualPropertyCharSet(IProperty[] properties, DelegationModes currentLevel)
     return(properties.Select(p => p.GetCharSet()).FirstOrDefault(s => s is not null) ??
                p => p.FindTypeMapping() is MySqlStringTypeMapping {
         IsNationalChar: false
예제 #2
        private static void HandleCollationDelegation <TOperation>(
            TOperation operation,
            DelegationModes delegationModes,
            Action <TOperation> resetCollationProperty = null)
            where TOperation : MigrationOperation
            // If the database collation should not be applied to the database itself, we need to reset the Collation property.
            // It the CollationDelegation annotation does not exist, it is ApplyToAll implicitly.
            if (operation[MySqlAnnotationNames.CollationDelegation] is DelegationModes databaseCollationDelegation)
                // Don't leak the CollationDelegation annotation to the MigrationOperation.
                operation[MySqlAnnotationNames.CollationDelegation] = null;

                if (!databaseCollationDelegation.HasFlag(delegationModes))
                    if (resetCollationProperty == null)
                        operation[RelationalAnnotationNames.Collation] = null;
예제 #3
 protected virtual string GetActualEntityTypeCharSet(IEntityType entityType, DelegationModes currentLevel)
     // There are the following variations at the entity level:
     //    1. entityTypeBuilder.HasCharSet(null, null) [or no call at all]
     //            -> Check the charset and delegation at the database level.
     //    2. a. entityTypeBuilder.HasCharSet(null, DelegationMode.ApplyToAll)
     //       b. entityTypeBuilder.HasCharSet(null, DelegationMode.ApplyToColumns)
     //            -> Do not explicitly use any charset.
     //    3. a. entityTypeBuilder.HasCharSet("latin1")
     //       b. entityTypeBuilder.HasCharSet("latin1", DelegationMode.ApplyToAll)
     //       c. entityTypeBuilder.HasCharSet("latin1", DelegationMode.ApplyToColumns)
     //            -> Explicitly use the specified charset.
     return((entityType.GetCharSet() is not null ||                                               // 3abc
             entityType.GetCharSet() is null && entityType.GetCharSetDelegation() is not null) && // 2ab
            entityType.GetActualCharSetDelegation().HasFlag(currentLevel)                         // 3abc, 2ab
         ? entityType.GetCharSet()
            // An explicitly defined collation on the current entity level takes precedence over an inherited charset.
         : GetActualModelCharSet(entityType.Model, currentLevel) is string charSet && // 1
            (currentLevel != DelegationModes.ApplyToTables ||
             entityType.GetCollation() is not string collation ||
             !entityType.GetActualCollationDelegation().HasFlag(DelegationModes.ApplyToTables) ||
             collation.StartsWith(charSet, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
             ? charSet
             : null);
예제 #4
 protected virtual string GetActualModelCharSet(IModel model, DelegationModes currentLevel)
     // If neither character set nor collation has been explicitly defined for the model, and no delegation has been setup, we use
     // Pomelo's universal fallback default character set (which is `utf8mb4`) and apply it to all database objects.
     return(model.GetCharSet() is null &&
            model.GetCharSetDelegation() is null &&
            model.GetCollation() is null &&
            model.GetCollationDelegation() is null
         ? _options.DefaultCharSet.Name
         : model.GetActualCharSetDelegation().HasFlag(currentLevel)
             ? model.GetCharSet()
             : null);
예제 #5
        private static void HandleCharSetDelegation(MigrationOperation operation, DelegationModes delegationModes)
            // If the character set should not be applied to the database itself, we need to remove the CharSet annotation.
            // It the CharSetDelegation annotation does not exist, it is ApplyToAll implicitly.
            if (operation[MySqlAnnotationNames.CharSetDelegation] is DelegationModes charSetDelegation)
                // Don't leak the CharSetDelegation annotation to the MigrationOperation.
                operation[MySqlAnnotationNames.CharSetDelegation] = null;

                if (!charSetDelegation.HasFlag(delegationModes))
                    operation[MySqlAnnotationNames.CharSet] = null;
예제 #6
 protected virtual string GetActualModelCollation(IModel model, DelegationModes currentLevel)
         ? model.GetCollation()
         : null);
예제 #7
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MySqlCharSetAttribute" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="charSet"> The name of the character set to use. </param>
 /// <param name="delegationModes">
 /// Finely controls where to recursively apply the character set and where not.
 /// Ignored when <see cref="MySqlCharSetAttribute"/> is applied to properties/columns.
 /// </param>
 public MySqlCharSetAttribute(string charSet, DelegationModes delegationModes)
     : this(charSet, (DelegationModes?)delegationModes)
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MySqlCollationAttribute" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="collation"> The name of the collation to use. </param>
 /// <param name="delegationModes">
 /// Finely controls where to recursively apply the collation and where not.
 /// Ignored when <see cref="MySqlCollationAttribute"/> is applied to properties/columns.
 /// </param>
 public MySqlCollationAttribute(string collation, DelegationModes delegationModes)
     : this(collation, (DelegationModes?)delegationModes)