private void buttonTaylor_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { a = float.Parse(textBoxA.Text); b = float.Parse(textBoxB.Text); } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Parsing error, aborted."); return; } DekartForm df = new DekartForm(150, 150, 50, 430); df.Size = new Size(440, 540); df.Text = "Red - error | Olive - Taylor's row | Green - f(x)"; df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(taylor_err), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Red); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(taylor), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Olive); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(f), a, b, DrawModes.DrawPoints, Color.Green); //df.DrawAllGraphics(); df.Show(); }
private void tool_f_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { a = float.Parse(textBoxA.Text); b = float.Parse(textBoxB.Text); } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Parsing error, aborted."); return; } if ((!checkBoxReuse.Checked) || (dForm == null)) { dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 50, 400); dForm.Size = new Size(440, 540); } else { dForm.RemoveAllGraphics(); } dForm.Text = "Green - f(x)"; dForm.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(f), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); dForm.Show(); }
private void buttonTask1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { a = float.Parse(textBoxA.Text); b = float.Parse(textBoxB.Text); } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Parsing error, aborted."); return; } DekartForm df = new DekartForm(40, 40, Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Width / 2, Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height / 2); df.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; df.Text = "Red - f(x) | Olive - df(x)/dx | Green - d²f(x)/dx²"; df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(f), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Red); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(deriv_f), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Olive); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(deriv2_f), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); df.Show(); //DrawAllGraphics(); }
private void buttonSysFailPeriodic_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ActiveMdiChild is FormChild) { FormChild activeMdiChild = ActiveMdiChild as FormChild; PointF[] pts = new PointF[activeMdiChild.DataAsRow.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++) { pts[i].X = i; pts[i].Y = (float)activeMdiChild.DataAsRow[i]; } dform = new DekartForm(30, 30, 100, 300); ToolStripButton tsb = new ToolStripButton("Рассчет"); tsb.Click += new EventHandler(dfSFPriodic_dfClosed); dform.toolStrip1.Items.Add(tsb); dform.AddPolygon(Color.Blue, 2f, DrawModes.DrawPoints, pts); dform.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(dfSFPeriodic_MouseClick); //dform.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(dfSFPriodic_dfClosed); dform.Use_IsVisible = false; dform.Show(); dform.Update2(); } }
private void RunWave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DekartForm dForm = new DekartForm(150, 150, 50, 175); dForm.Size = new Size(800, 420); dForm.Text = "f(x,t) = |cos(t)|*sin(4x)"; dForm.Show(); int tmpID = -1; for (t = 0; !dForm.IsDisposed; t += 0.1f) { if (t > +2 * Math.PI) { t -= 2 * (float)Math.PI; } if (tmpID >= 0) { dForm.RemoveGraphic(tmpID); } tmpID = dForm.AddGraphic(fun, -5, 5, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Red); dForm.Update2(); //.DrawAllGraphics(); Application.DoEvents(); } }
private void FindRoot() { double res = double.NaN; List <PointF[]> lines = null; #region prepare dform if (dForm == null) { dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 300, 300); dForm.Size = new Size(750, 600); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.toolStripContainer1.ContentPanel.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(dForm_MouseClick); dForm.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(delegate(object s, FormClosedEventArgs eva) { ReadPolynom(); textBoxFx.Text = poly1.ToString(); dForm = null; }); } else { dForm.RemoveAllGraphics(); } #endregion dForm.AddGraphic(f, x1, x2, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); dForm.Show(); dForm.Update2(); res = NewtoneRafson(f, df, p0, eps, out lines, false); lastRoot = res; #region Print results if (lines != null) { foreach (PointF[] pts in lines) { dForm.AddPolygon(Color.Red, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts); } } dForm.Update2(); if (double.IsNaN(res)) { dForm.Text = "Корни не найдены."; return; } listRoots.Items.Add("x" + (listRoots.Items.Count + 1) + " = " + res.ToString("F16")); listY.Items.Add("y" + (listY.Items.Count + 1) + " = " + poly1.Evaluate(res).ToString("F16")); #endregion }
private void task11ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { GetDelta(); DekartForm df = new DekartForm(30, 30, 100, 200); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(f11), -0.7f, 10f, DrawModes.DrawPoints, Color.SpringGreen); df.Show2(); }
private void fxItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DekartForm dForm = new DekartForm(75, 75, 320, 300); dForm.Size = new Size(700, 600); dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.Show(); dForm.Update2(); }
void dfSFProgress_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { if (ActiveMdiChild is FormChild) { FormChild activeMdiChild = ActiveMdiChild as FormChild; (sender as Form).Close(); double[] data = activeMdiChild.DataAsRow; double sx, sy, sx2, sy2, sxy, n; sx = sy = sx2 = sy2 = sxy = 0; n = data.Length; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { sx += i; sx2 += i * i; sy += data[i]; sy2 += data[i] * data[i]; sxy += i * data[i]; } double a, b; // y = ax +b a = (n * sxy - sx * sy) / (n * sx2 - sx * sx); b = (sy * sx2 - sx * sxy) / (n * sx2 - sx * sx); PointF[] pts = new PointF[data.Length]; PointF[] pts0 = new PointF[data.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++) { // i => x pts[i].X = pts0[i].X = i; // ax*b => y0, data => y pts[i].Y = (float)data[i]; pts0[i].Y = (float)(a * i + b); } // float oneThird = 1f / 3f; DekartForm df = new DekartForm(30, 30, 100, 150); df.AddPolygon(Color.Green, 3f, DrawModes.DrawPoints, pts); df.AddPolygon(Color.Red, 2f, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts0); df.Use_IsVisible = false; df.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(dfSFProgress_MouseClick); df.Show(); df.Update2(); } } }
public static double Muller(DoubleFunction f, double p1, double p2, double p3, double eps, ref DekartForm dForm, bool silent) { double p0; int stepsMaden = 0; Parabola parabola = new Parabola(p1, f(p1), p2, f(p2), p3, f(p3)); dForm.AddGraphic(parabola.Eval, (float)(double)Min(p1, p2, p3), (float)(double)Max(p1, p2, p3), DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Red); do { p0 = p1; p1 = p2; p2 = p3; p3 = NextRoot(f, p0, p1, p2); stepsMaden++; parabola = new Parabola(p1, f(p1), p2, f(p2), p3, f(p3)); dForm.AddGraphic(parabola.Eval, (float)(double)Min(p1, p2, p3), (float)(double)Max(p1, p2, p3), DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Red); if (stepsMaden % 100 == 0) { if (silent) { return(double.NaN); } if (MessageBox.Show("Performed " + stepsMaden.ToString() + " steps, continue?", "Разошлось наверно?", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1) != DialogResult.OK) { return(double.NaN); } } }while ((Math.Abs(p3 - p2) >= eps) && (Math.Abs(f(p3)) > eps)); return(p3); }
void solver_DebugMaxMin(FractionPoint max, FractionPoint min, Fraction f_tan) { if (df == null) { df = new DekartForm(100, 100, 100, 100); df.Text = "max & min"; } df.Use_IsVisible = false; // n df.AddPolygon(Color.Black, DrawModes.DrawLines, new PointF(1000, f_tan * 1000), new PointF(-1000, -f_tan * 1000)); for (float percent = 0; ; percent += .05f) { int id1 = df.AddPolygon(Color.Black, DrawModes.DrawLines, new PointF(1000 + max.X * percent, -1 / f_tan * 1000 + max.Y * percent), new PointF(-1000 + max.X * percent, 1 / f_tan * 1000 + max.Y * percent)); int id2 = df.AddPolygon(Color.Black, DrawModes.DrawLines, new PointF(1000 + min.X * percent, -1 / f_tan * 1000 + min.Y * percent), new PointF(-1000 + min.X * percent, 1 / f_tan * 1000 + min.Y * percent)); //int id1 = df.AddPolygon(Color.Orange, DrawModes.DrawLines, // new PointF(1000 + max.X * percent, -1 / f_tan * 1000 + max.Y * percent), // new PointF(-1000 + max.X * percent, 1 / f_tan * 1000 + max.Y * percent)); //int id2 = df.AddPolygon(Color.CornflowerBlue, DrawModes.DrawLines, // new PointF(1000 + min.X * percent, -1 / f_tan * 1000 + min.Y * percent), // new PointF(-1000 + min.X * percent, 1 / f_tan * 1000 + min.Y * percent)); if (percent >= 0.99f) { break; } df.Update2(); Application.DoEvents(); df.RemoveGraphic(id2); df.RemoveGraphic(id1); } //df.AddPolygon(Color.Orange, 3f, DrawModes.DrawPoints, new PointF(max.X, max.Y)); //df.AddPolygon(Color.CornflowerBlue, 3f, DrawModes.DrawPoints, new PointF(min.X, min.Y)); df.AddPolygon(Color.Black, 3f, DrawModes.DrawPoints, new PointF(max.X, max.Y)); df.AddPolygon(Color.Black, 3f, DrawModes.DrawPoints, new PointF(min.X, min.Y)); df.Show(); df.Update2(); }
private void tool_d3f_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { a = float.Parse(textBoxA.Text); b = float.Parse(textBoxB.Text); } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Parsing error, aborted."); return; } if ((!checkBoxReuse.Checked) || (dForm == null)) { dForm = new DekartForm(75, 75, 25, 150); dForm.Size = new Size(400, Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - 50 /*560*/); dForm.Top = 5; } else { dForm.RemoveAllGraphics(); } dForm.Text = "'Third derivate' | " + "Green - numeric | " + "Blue - analytic | " + "Red - error o(h^2) | " + "Magenta - error o(h^4)"; dForm.AddGraphic(d3f_numeric2, a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); dForm.AddGraphic(d3f_numeric4, a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Olive); dForm.AddGraphic(d3f_analytic, a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Blue); dForm.AddGraphic(d3f_error2, a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Red); dForm.AddGraphic(d3f_error4, a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Magenta); dForm.Show(); }
void dfSFPeriodic_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { if (ActiveMdiChild is FormChild) { if (clickSentinels == null) { clickSentinels = new List <int>(100); } DekartForm df = (sender as DekartForm); int pos = (int)(df.MouseMathLocation.X); if (pos < 0) { return; } if (pos > (ActiveMdiChild as FormChild).DataAsRow.Length - 2) { return; } if (clickSentinels.Contains(pos)) { return; } clickSentinels.Add(pos); PointF[] pts = new PointF[2]; pts[0].X = pos + 0.5f; pts[1].X = pos + 0.5f; pts[0].Y = 0.5f; pts[1].Y = -0.5f; df.AddPolygon(Color.Red, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts); df.Use_IsVisible = false; df.Update2(); } } }
private void buttonChe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { a = float.Parse(textBoxA.Text); b = float.Parse(textBoxB.Text); } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Parsing error, aborted."); return; } n = (int)numericN.Value; float h = (b - a) / n; givenPoints = new PointF[n + 1]; // fill table givenPoints with known values for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { double ksi = Math.Cos(Math.PI * (2 * i + 1) / (2 * n + 2)); double xi = (a + b) / 2.0 - (b - a) / 2.0 * ksi; givenPoints[i].X = (float)xi; givenPoints[i].Y = (float)f(givenPoints[i].X); } DekartForm df = new DekartForm(150, 150, 50, 430); df.Size = new Size(440, 540); df.Text = "n = " + n.ToString() + " | Red - error | " + "Olive - Chebyshev's polynom | Green - f(x)"; df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(lagrange_err), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Red); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(lagrange), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Olive); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(f), a, b, DrawModes.DrawPoints, Color.Green); df.Show(); //.DrawAllGraphics(); }
private void buttonSysFailProgress_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ActiveMdiChild is FormChild) { FormChild activeMdiChild = ActiveMdiChild as FormChild; PointF[] pts = new PointF[activeMdiChild.DataAsRow.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++) { pts[i].X = i; pts[i].Y = (float)activeMdiChild.DataAsRow[i]; } DekartForm df = new DekartForm(30, 30, 100, 300); df.AddPolygon(Color.Green, 2f, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts); df.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(dfSFProgress_MouseClick); df.Use_IsVisible = false; df.Show(); df.Update2(); } }
private void tool_df_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { a = float.Parse(textBoxA.Text); b = float.Parse(textBoxB.Text); } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Parsing error, aborted."); return; } if ((!checkBoxReuse.Checked) || (dForm == null)) { dForm = new DekartForm(150, 150, 50, 200); dForm.Size = new Size(730, 560); } else { dForm.RemoveAllGraphics(); } dForm.Text = "'First derivate' | " + "Green - numeric | " + "Blue - analytic | " + "Red - error"; dForm.AddGraphic(df_numeric2, a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); dForm.AddGraphic(df_numeric4, a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Olive); dForm.AddGraphic(df_analytic, a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Blue); dForm.AddGraphic(df_error2, a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Red); dForm.AddGraphic(df_error4, a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Magenta); dForm.Show(); }
private void buttonNewtone_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { a = float.Parse(textBoxA.Text); b = float.Parse(textBoxB.Text); } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Parsing error, aborted."); return; } n = (int)numericN.Value; float h = (b - a) / n; givenPoints = new PointF[n + 1]; // fill table givenPoints with known values for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { givenPoints[i].X = a + i * h; givenPoints[i].Y = (float)f(givenPoints[i].X); } DekartForm df = new DekartForm(150, 150, 50, 430); df.Size = new Size(440, 540); df.Text = "n = " + n.ToString() + " | Red - error | " + "Olive - Newton's interpolation polynom | Green - f(x)"; df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(newtone_err), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Red); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(newtone), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Olive); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(f), a, b, DrawModes.DrawPoints, Color.Green); df.Show(); //.DrawAllGraphics(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DekartForm df = new DekartForm(30, 30, 200, 200); List <PointF> pts = new List <PointF>(); double x1 = -3; double x2 = 3; double hx = 0.05; double y1 = -3; double y2 = 3; double hy = 0.05; for (y = y1; y < y2; y += hy) { double[] rootX = Iteration(fy0, x1, x2, hx); for (int i = 0; i < rootX.Length; i++) { pts.Add(new PointF((float)rootX[i], (float)y)); } } for (x = x1; x < x2; x += hx) { double[] rootY = Iteration(fx0, y1, y2, hy); for (int i = 0; i < rootY.Length; i++) { pts.Add(new PointF((float)x, (float)rootY[i])); } } df.AddPolygon(Color.Gray, DrawModes.DrawPoints, pts.ToArray()); df.Show(); df.Update2(); }
void solver_DebugPolygonEvent(FractionPoint[] polygon) { PointF[] pts = new PointF[polygon.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < polygon.Length; i++) { pts[i] = new PointF((float)polygon[i].X.Value, (float)polygon[i].Y.Value); } if (df == null) { df = new DekartForm(75, 75, 250, 200); df.Text = this.Text + " - графическое решение"; df.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(delegate(object sender, FormClosedEventArgs e) { df = null; }); //df.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; } //df.RemoveAllGraphics(); df.AddPolygon(Color.Black, DrawModes.DrawFilledPolygon, pts); df.Show(); df.Update2(); }
private void AutoFindRoots() { float x1, x2; double eps; errorProvider.Clear(); try { eps = float.Parse(textE.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textE, "Wrong float number"); return; } if (eps < 0) { errorProvider.SetError(textE, "Has to be > 0"); return; } try { x1 = float.Parse(textX1.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textX1, "Wrong float number"); return; } try { x2 = float.Parse(textX2.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textX2, "Wrong float number"); return; } float step = (x2 - x1) / 100f; DekartForm dForm; dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 175, 300); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.Size = new Size(350, 600); dForm.CenterView(); listRoots.Items.Clear(); listY.Items.Clear(); roots = new List <double>(); for (float x = x1; x < x2; x += step) { double res = double.NaN; List <PointF[]> lines = null; switch (selectedSolMeth) { #region Method Still Point case SolutionMethod.StillPoint: if (dForm.CountGraphics == 0) { dForm.AddGraphic(g, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Gray); dForm.AddGraphic(bisectress, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Blue); } res = FindRoot.StillPointMethod(h, x, eps, out lines, true); break; #endregion #region Method Bisection case SolutionMethod.Bisection: if (dForm.CountGraphics == 0) { dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); } res = FindRoot.Bisection(h, x, x + step, eps, out lines, true); break; #endregion //#region Method Newtone-Rafson //case SolutionMethod.NewtoneRafson: // MessageBox.Show("How to evaluate dh/dx?"); // return; // if ( dForm.CountGraphics == 0 ) // dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); // res = FindRoot.NewtoneRafson(f, df, x, eps, out lines); // break; //#endregion #region Method Cuttings case SolutionMethod.Cuttings: if (dForm.CountGraphics == 0) { dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); } res = FindRoot.Cuttings(h, x, x + step, eps, out lines, true); break; #endregion //#region Method Hord //case SolutionMethod.Hord: // if ( dForm.CountGraphics == 0 ) // dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); // res = FindRoot.Hord(f, d2f, x, x + step, eps, out lines); // break; //#endregion #region Method Muller case SolutionMethod.Muller: if (dForm.CountGraphics == 0) { dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); } res = FindRoot.Muller(h, x - step, x, x + step, eps, ref dForm, true); lines = null; break; #endregion default: return; } if (lines != null) { foreach (PointF[] pts in lines) { dForm.AddPolygon(Color.Red, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts); } } if (double.IsNaN(res)) { continue; } if ((res > x2) || (res < x1)) { continue; } roots.Add(res); } roots.Sort(); foreach (double p in roots) { listRoots.Items.Add("x" + (listRoots.Items.Count + 1) + " = " + p.ToString("F16")); listY.Items.Add("y" + (listY.Items.Count + 1) + " = " + f(p).ToString("F16")); } dForm.Show(); dForm.Update2(); }
private void buttonSolve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (checkAutoSearch.Checked) { AutoFindRoots(); return; } double p0, p1, p2; double eps; errorProvider.Clear(); try { eps = float.Parse(textE.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textE, "Wrong float number"); return; } if (eps < 0) { errorProvider.SetError(textE, "Has to be > 0"); return; } double res = double.NaN; DekartForm dForm = null; List <PointF[]> lines = null; switch (selectedSolMeth) { #region Method Still Point case SolutionMethod.StillPoint: try { p0 = float.Parse(textP0.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP0, "Wrong float number"); return; } dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 320, 300); dForm.Size = new Size(700, 500); dForm.AddGraphic(g, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Gray); dForm.AddGraphic(bisectress, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Blue); res = FindRoot.StillPointMethod(f, p0, eps, out lines, false); break; #endregion #region Method Bisection case SolutionMethod.Bisection: try { p0 = float.Parse(textP0.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP0, "Wrong float number"); return; } try { p1 = float.Parse(textP1.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP1, "Wrong float number"); return; } dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 175, 300); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.Size = new Size(350, 600); dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); res = FindRoot.Bisection(f, p0, p1, eps, out lines, false); break; #endregion #region Method Newtone-Rafson case SolutionMethod.NewtoneRafson: try { p0 = float.Parse(textP0.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP0, "Wrong float number"); return; } dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 300, 300); dForm.Size = new Size(750, 600); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); res = FindRoot.NewtoneRafson(f, df, p0, eps, out lines, false); break; #endregion #region Method Cuttings case SolutionMethod.Cuttings: try { p0 = float.Parse(textP0.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP0, "Wrong float number"); return; } try { p1 = float.Parse(textP1.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP1, "Wrong float number"); return; } dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 300, 300); dForm.Size = new Size(750, 600); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); res = FindRoot.Cuttings(f, p0, p1, eps, out lines, false); break; #endregion #region Method Hord case SolutionMethod.Hord: try { p0 = float.Parse(textP0.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP0, "Wrong float number"); return; } try { p1 = float.Parse(textP1.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP1, "Wrong float number"); return; } dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 300, 300); dForm.Size = new Size(750, 600); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); res = FindRoot.Hord(f, d2f, p0, p1, eps, out lines, false); break; #endregion #region Method Muller case SolutionMethod.Muller: try { p0 = float.Parse(textP0.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP0, "Wrong float number"); return; } try { p1 = float.Parse(textP1.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP1, "Wrong float number"); return; } try { p2 = float.Parse(textP2.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textP2, "Wrong float number"); return; } dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 300, 300); dForm.Size = new Size(750, 600); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.AddGraphic(f, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); res = FindRoot.Muller(f, p0, p1, p2, eps, ref dForm, false); lines = null; break; #endregion default: return; } #region Print results if (lines != null) { foreach (PointF[] pts in lines) { dForm.AddPolygon(Color.Red, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts); } } dForm.Show(); dForm.Update2(); listRoots.Items.Clear(); listY.Items.Clear(); if (double.IsNaN(res)) { MessageBox.Show("Корни не найдены."); return; } listRoots.Items.Add("x" + (listRoots.Items.Count + 1) + " = " + res.ToString("F16")); listY.Items.Add("y" + (listY.Items.Count + 1) + " = " + f(res).ToString("F16")); #endregion }
void dfSFPriodic_dfClosed(object sender, EventArgs e) { float oneThird = 1f / 3f; if (ActiveMdiChild is FormChild) { FormChild activeMdiChild = ActiveMdiChild as FormChild; double[] data = activeMdiChild.DataAsRow; DekartForm df = dform; PointF[] pts; if (!clickSentinels.Contains(data.Length - 1)) { clickSentinels.Add(data.Length - 1); } double[] m = new double[clickSentinels.Count]; clickSentinels.Sort(); if (grIds == null) { grIds = new List <int>(100); } else { try { for (int i = 0; i < grIds.Count; i++) { df.RemoveGraphic(grIds[i]); for (int l = 0; l < grIds.Count; l++) { if (grIds[l] > grIds[i]) { grIds[l]--; } } } } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) { } grIds.Clear(); } int first = 0; for (int i = 0; i < clickSentinels.Count; i++) { pts = new PointF[2]; for (int k = first; k <= clickSentinels[i]; k++) { m[i] += data[k]; } m[i] /= clickSentinels[i] - first + 1; pts[0].X = first - oneThird; pts[1].X = clickSentinels[i] + oneThird; pts[0].Y = pts[1].Y = (float)m[i]; grIds.Add(df.AddPolygon(Color.Red, 2f, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts)); first = clickSentinels[i] + 1; } //pts = new PointF[data.Length]; //for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) //{ // pts[i].X = i; // pts[i].Y = (float)data[i]; //} //df.AddPolygon(Color.Green, 3f, DrawModes.DrawPoints, pts); df.Use_IsVisible = false; df.Show(); df.Update2(); } }
private void RollStar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DekartForm dForm = new DekartForm(150, 150, 180, 175); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.Size = new Size(400, 425); dForm.Text = "f(x) = 5sin(x^3)-x"; dForm.Show(); int k = 7; int tmpID = -1; int grnVal = 150; int grnDx = 1; Random rnd = new Random((int)(DateTime.Now.Ticks)); for (float phi = -0.01f; !dForm.IsDisposed; //phi += phi/5 ) //for !crazy! phi += -0.008f) //normal { grnVal += ((grnVal < 100) || (grnVal > 200)) ? grnDx *= -1 : grnDx; if (phi < -2 * Math.PI) { phi += 2 * (float)Math.PI; } int l = 0; PointF[] pts = new PointF[k * k]; float r = 0.5f * (float)Math.Abs(Math.Cos(3 * phi)) + 0.5f; //Math.Abs(Math.Cos(t) + 0.5); for (int i = 0; i < k; i++) { PointF pti = new PointF( r * (float)Math.Cos(2 * i * Math.PI / k + phi), r * (float)Math.Sin(2 * i * Math.PI / k + phi)); for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if ((j == i - 1) || (j == 0 && i == k - 1)) { continue; } pts[l++] = pti; pts[l++] = new PointF( r * (float)Math.Cos(2 * j * Math.PI / k + phi), r * (float)Math.Sin(2 * j * Math.PI / k + phi) ); } } Array.Resize <PointF>(ref pts, l); Color cl = Color.FromArgb(100, grnVal, 100); if (tmpID >= 0) { dForm.RemoveGraphic(tmpID); } tmpID = dForm.AddPolygon(cl, 2f, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts); dForm.Update2(); //.DrawAllGraphics(); Application.DoEvents(); } }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); df = new DekartForm(100, 100, 300, 150); df.CoodrinateSystemDrawn += new PaintEventHandler(df_CoodrinateSystemDrawn); }
private void buttonSolve_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { double x0, y0; double eps; bool speedUp; #region get parameters from form errorProvider.Clear(); try { eps = float.Parse(textE.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textE, "Wrong float number"); return; } if (eps < 0) { errorProvider.SetError(textE, "Has to be > 0"); return; } speedUp = checkSpeedUp.Checked; #endregion double[] res = new double[] { double.NaN, double.NaN }; DekartForm dForm = null; List <PointF[]> lines = null; switch (selectedSolMeth) { #region Method Simple Iteration case SolutionMethod.StillPoint: try { x0 = float.Parse(textX0.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textX0, "Wrong float number"); return; } try { y0 = float.Parse(textY0.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textY0, "Wrong float number"); return; } dForm = new DekartForm(200, 200, 200, 300); dForm.Size = new Size(750, 600); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.AddGraphic(f1x, f1yS, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); dForm.AddGraphic(f2xS, f2y, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Blue); res = FindSysRoot.StillPointMethod( new double[] { x0, y0 }, new DoubleFunction[] { g1S, g2S }, eps, out lines, speedUp, false); break; #endregion #region Method Newtone case SolutionMethod.Newtone: try { x0 = float.Parse(textX0.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textX0, "Wrong float number"); return; } try { y0 = float.Parse(textY0.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider.SetError(textY0, "Wrong float number"); return; } dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 300, 300); dForm.Size = new Size(750, 600); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.AddGraphic(f1x, f1y, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Green); dForm.AddGraphic(f2x, f2y, -5f, 5f, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Blue); DoubleMultiDimFunction[,] J = new DoubleMultiDimFunction[2, 2]; J[0, 0] = df1x; J[0, 1] = df1y; J[1, 0] = df2x; J[1, 1] = df2y; DoubleMultiDimFunction[] F = new DoubleMultiDimFunction[2]; F[0] = f1; F[1] = f2; res = FindSysRoot.Newtone(F, J, new double[] { x0, y0 }, eps, out lines, false); break; #endregion default: return; } #region Print results if (lines != null) { foreach (PointF[] pts in lines) { dForm.AddPolygon(Color.Red, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts); } } dForm.Show(); dForm.Update2(); listRoots.Items.Clear(); listY.Items.Clear(); if (double.IsNaN(res[0]) || double.IsNaN(res[1])) { MessageBox.Show("Корни не найдены."); return; } listRoots.Items.Add("x" + (listRoots.Items.Count + 1) + " = " + res[0].ToString("F16")); listY.Items.Add("y" + (listY.Items.Count + 1) + " = " + res[1].ToString("F16")); #endregion }
private void buttonDraw_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { errorProvider1.Clear(); bool ok = true; try { x1 = float.Parse(textBox1.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox1, "Неверный формат вещественного числа"); ok = false; } try { x2 = float.Parse(textBox2.Text); } catch (FormatException) { errorProvider1.SetError(textBox2, "Неверный формат вещественного числа"); ok = false; } if (!ok) { return; } if (x1 > x2) { float t = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = t; textBox1.Text = x1.ToString(); textBox2.Text = x2.ToString(); } listBox1.Items.Add(string.Format("Интервал: [{0}; {1}]", x1, x2)); DekartForm df = new DekartForm(50, 50, 30, 150); df.Text = "y ≈ sin(x)"; df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(delegate(double x) { double a, sum = x; uint n = 2; a = x; do { a *= -x * x / n / (n + 1); sum += a; n += 2; }while (Math.Abs(a) >= eps); listBox1.Items.Add("x = " + x.ToString("f3") + ", n = " + n.ToString()); return(sum); }), x1, x2, DrawModes.DrawPoints, Color.Green); df.Show(); df.Update2(); }
private void FindRoot() { Complex res = Complex.NaN; #region prepare dform if (dForm == null) { dForm = new DekartForm(100, 100, 300, 300); dForm.ClientSize = new Size(600, 600); dForm.Use_IsVisible = false; dForm.FormClosed += new FormClosedEventHandler(delegate(object s, FormClosedEventArgs eva) { dForm = null; }); } else { dForm.RemoveAllGraphics(); } #endregion List <Root> roots = new List <Root>(); List <PointF> pts = new List <PointF>(); List <Color> colors = new List <Color>(); Color[] baseColors = new Color[] { Color.Red, Color.Orange, Color.Yellow, Color.Green, Color.LightBlue, Color.Blue, Color.Violet }; double y1 = x1, y2 = x2; DoubleOfVectorFunction[] dovf = new DoubleOfVectorFunction[] { f1, f2 }; Complex c = new Complex(0); for (double y = y1; y < y2; y += hy) { for (double x = x1; x < x2; x += hx) { int iterations; float percent; = x; = y; res = Newtone(dovf, c, eps, out iterations); bool inRange = true; inRange &= > x1; inRange &= < x2; inRange &= > y1; inRange &= < y2; if (Complex.IsNaN(res) || !inRange) { colors.Add(Color.Black); pts.Add(new PointF((float)x, (float)y)); } else { if (roots.Count == 0) { Root newRoot; newRoot.color = baseColors[roots.Count % baseColors.Length]; newRoot.value = res; roots.Add(newRoot); } percent = iterations / 15f; if (percent > 1f) { percent = 1f; } bool needAdd = true; foreach (Root r in roots) { if (Near(r.value, res)) { colors.Add(ColorModifer.Brightness(r.color, percent)); pts.Add(new PointF((float)x, (float)y)); needAdd = false; break; } } if (needAdd) { Root newRoot; newRoot.color = baseColors[roots.Count % baseColors.Length]; newRoot.value = res; roots.Add(newRoot); colors.Add(ColorModifer.Brightness(newRoot.color, percent)); pts.Add(new PointF((float)x, (float)y)); } } } } DotGraphic dotGraphic = new DotGraphic(pts.ToArray(), colors.ToArray()); dotGraphic.CurrentColorSchema = new MathGraphic.ColorSchema( Color.Black, Color.DimGray, Color.DimGray, Color.Gray); dForm.AddGraphic(dotGraphic); MathGraphic mg; mg = new MathGraphic(Color.White, DrawModes.DrawLines, f1x, f1y, -5f, 5f, 0.01f); dForm.AddGraphic(mg); mg = new MathGraphic(Color.White, DrawModes.DrawLines, f2x, f2y, -5f, 5f, 0.01f); dForm.AddGraphic(mg); dForm.Show(); dForm.Update2(); foreach (Root z in roots) { listRoots.Items.Add("z" + (listRoots.Items.Count + 1) + " = " + z.value.ToString("F6")); listY.Items.Add("f,g" + (listY.Items.Count + 1) + " = " + f1(,"F6") + ", " + f2(,"F6")); } }
void dfSFConst_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { if (ActiveMdiChild is FormChild) { FormChild activeMdiChild = ActiveMdiChild as FormChild; (sender as Form).Close(); int last_i1; last_i1 = (int)(sender as DekartForm).MouseMathLocation.X; //MessageBox.Show(last_i1.ToString()); double[] data = activeMdiChild.DataAsRow; double[] data1 = new double[last_i1 + 1]; double[] data2 = new double[data.Length - data1.Length]; for (int i = 0; i <= last_i1; i++) { data1[i] = data[i]; } for (int i = last_i1 + 1; i < data.Length; i++) { data2[i - (last_i1 + 1)] = data[i]; } PointF[] pts = new PointF[data.Length]; PointF[] pts0 = new PointF[2]; PointF[] pts1 = new PointF[2]; PointF[] pts2 = new PointF[2]; for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++) { pts[i].X = i; pts[i].Y = (float)data[i]; } float m0 = (float)StatisticsProcessor.Srednee(data); float m1 = (float)StatisticsProcessor.Srednee(data1); float m2 = (float)StatisticsProcessor.Srednee(data2); float oneThird = 1f / 3f; pts0[0].X = 0 - oneThird; pts0[0].Y = m0; pts0[1].X = pts.Length - 1 + oneThird; pts0[1].Y = m0; pts1[0].X = 0 - oneThird; pts1[0].Y = m1; pts1[1].X = last_i1 + oneThird; pts1[1].Y = m1; pts2[0].X = last_i1 + 1 - oneThird; pts2[0].Y = m2; pts2[1].X = data.Length - 1 + oneThird; pts2[1].Y = m2; DekartForm df = new DekartForm(30, 30, 100, 150); df.AddPolygon(Color.Green, 3f, DrawModes.DrawPoints, pts); df.AddPolygon(Color.Pink, 2f, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts0); df.AddPolygon(Color.Red, 2f, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts1); df.AddPolygon(Color.Red, 2f, DrawModes.DrawLines, pts2); df.Use_IsVisible = false; df.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(dfSFConst_MouseClick); df.Show(); df.Update2(); } } }
private void buttonSplines_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { a = float.Parse(textBoxA.Text); b = float.Parse(textBoxB.Text); } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Parsing error, aborted."); return; } n = (int)numericN.Value; float h = (b - a) / n; givenPoints = new PointF[n + 1]; // fill table givenPoints with known values for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { givenPoints[i].X = a + i * h; givenPoints[i].Y = (float)f(givenPoints[i].X); } double[] P = new double[n + 1]; double[] q = new double[n + 1]; m = new double[n + 1]; double[] _a = new double[n]; double[] _b = new double[n]; double[] _c = new double[n]; double[] _v = new double[n]; m[0] = m[n] = 0; _b[0] = 2 * (H(0) + H(1)); for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) { _a[k] = H(k); if (k > 0) { _b[k] = 2 * (H(k - 1) + H(k)); } if (k < n - 1) { _c[k] = H(k + 1); } if (k > 0) { _v[k] = 6 * (D(k) - D(k - 1)); } } P[n - 1] = givenPoints[n - 1].Y / H(n - 1); q[n - 1] = givenPoints[n].Y / H(n - 1); for (int k = n - 1; k > 0; k--) { P[k - 1] = -_a[k] / (_b[k] + _c[k] * P[k]); q[k - 1] = (_v[k] - _c[k] * q[k]) / (_b[k] + _c[k] * P[k]); } m[1] = (_v[1] - _c[1] * q[1]) / (_b[1] + _c[1] * P[1]); for (int k = 1; k < n - 1; k++) { m[k + 1] = P[k] * m[k] + q[k]; } DekartForm df = new DekartForm(150, 150, 50, 430); df.Size = new Size(440, 540); df.Text = "n = " + n.ToString() + " | Red - error | " + "Olive - Splines (natural), Green - f(x)"; df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(splines_err), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Red); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(splines), a, b, DrawModes.DrawLines, Color.Olive); df.AddGraphic(new DoubleFunction(f), a, b, DrawModes.DrawPoints, Color.Green); df.Show(); //.DrawAllGraphics(); }