static void DecompressProfile(string srcfile, string dstfile) { try { Console.WriteLine("Reading source..."); byte[] x = File.ReadAllBytes(srcfile); // load all bytes byte[] y = new byte[x.Length-0x1A]; Console.WriteLine("Copying array..."); Array.Copy(x, 0x1A, y, 0, y.Length); // skip hash (0x14) + uncompresed size (0x4) + zlib compression type (0x2) = 0x1A Console.WriteLine("Initializing streams..."); DeflateStream defStream = new DeflateStream(new MemoryStream(y),CompressionMode.Decompress); FileStream fs = File.Create(dstfile); Console.WriteLine("Decompressing data to destination..."); defStream.CopyTo(fs); Console.WriteLine("Decompression done.\n" + dstfile); defStream.Close(); fs.Close(); } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.GetType().Name + " | " + ex.Message); Console.Beep(); } return; }
// netz.compress.ICompress implementation public long Compress(string file, string zipFile) { long length = -1; FileStream ifs = null; FileStream ofs = null; try { ifs = File.Open(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); ofs = File.Open(zipFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None); DeflateStream dos = new DeflateStream(ofs, CompressionMode.Compress, true); byte[] buff = new byte[ifs.Length]; while(true) { int r = ifs.Read(buff, 0, buff.Length); if(r <= 0) break; dos.Write(buff, 0, r); } dos.Flush(); dos.Close(); length = ofs.Length; } finally { if(ifs != null) ifs.Close(); if(ofs != null) ofs.Close(); } return length; }
public static byte[] Decompress(byte[] data) { try { string result = string.Empty; byte[] buffer = { }; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data); Stream s = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress); int len = 4096; while (true) { int oldLen = buffer.Length; Array.Resize(ref buffer, oldLen + len); int size = s.Read(buffer, oldLen, len); if (size != len) { Array.Resize(ref buffer, buffer.Length - (len - size)); break; } if (size <= 0) break; } s.Close(); return buffer; } catch { return null; } }
public override void Close() { if (!initdone) { DoInit(); // can happen if never called write } if (closed) { return; } closed = true; deflateStream?.Close(); if (crcread is null) { // eat trailing 4 bytes crcread = new byte[4]; for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) { crcread[i] = (byte)rawStream.ReadByte(); } } if (!LeaveOpen) { rawStream.Close(); } }
static void CompressProfile(string srcfile, string dstfile) { try { Console.WriteLine("Reading source..."); byte[] x = File.ReadAllBytes(srcfile); int usize = x.Length; Console.WriteLine("Initializing memory stream..."); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); // write uncompressed size as big endian ms.WriteByte((byte)((usize>>24) & 0xFF)); ms.WriteByte((byte)((usize>>16) & 0xFF)); ms.WriteByte((byte)((usize>>8) & 0xFF)); ms.WriteByte((byte)(usize & 0xFF)); // then, compressed data // these two bytes are part of zlib standard, but aren't supported by DeflateStream ms.WriteByte(0x78); ms.WriteByte(0x9C); Console.WriteLine("Compressing data..."); MemoryStream compData = new MemoryStream(); DeflateStream ds = new DeflateStream(compData, CompressionMode.Compress); ds.Write(x, 0, x.Length); ds.Close(); ms.Write(compData.ToArray(), 0, compData.ToArray().Length); // Adler32 checksum as big endian - also not supported by DeflateStream, but required by zlib standard int checksum = GetAdler32(x); ms.WriteByte((byte)((checksum>>24) & 0xFF)); ms.WriteByte((byte)((checksum>>16) & 0xFF)); ms.WriteByte((byte)((checksum>>8) & 0xFF)); ms.WriteByte((byte)(checksum & 0xFF)); // start filestream Console.WriteLine("Creating file stream..."); FileStream fs = File.Create(dstfile); // write hash fs.Write(new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider().ComputeHash(ms.ToArray()), 0, 0x14); // write usize + compressed data fs.Write(ms.ToArray(), 0, ms.ToArray().Length); Console.WriteLine("Compression done.\n" + dstfile); fs.Close(); ms.Close(); compData.Close(); } catch(Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.GetType().Name + " | " + ex.Message); Console.Beep(); } return; }
public static byte[] Compress(byte[] data) { try { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); Stream s = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Compress); s.Write(data, 0, data.Length); s.Close(); return ms.ToArray(); } catch { return null; } }
public static byte[] Compress(byte[] data) { try { //Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.RealTime; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); Stream s = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Compress); s.Write(data, 0, data.Length); s.Close(); //Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.Normal; return ms.ToArray(); } catch { //Process.GetCurrentProcess().PriorityClass = ProcessPriorityClass.Normal; return null; } }
/// <summary> </summary> public static byte[] Compress(byte[] datas, int len) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(), comp = new MemoryStream(); DeflateStream zlib = new DeflateStream(comp, CompressionMode.Compress); byte[] aComp, result; zlib.Write(datas, 0, len); zlib.Flush(); zlib.Close(); aComp = comp.ToArray(); stream.WriteByte(0); stream.WriteByte(0x78); // Z_DEFLATE(8) | (0x7 << 4) stream.WriteByte(0x9C); // Z_CHECK(11100b) | (Z_DIR(0) << 5) | (Z_LEVEL(2) << 6); stream.Write(aComp, 0, aComp.Length); result = stream.ToArray(); stream.Dispose(); comp.Dispose(); zlib.Dispose(); return(result); }
private string UnzipContent(string emrContent) { try { if (emrContent == string.Empty) { return(""); } byte[] rbuff = Convert.FromBase64String(emrContent); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(rbuff); DeflateStream dfs = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress, true); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(dfs, Encoding.UTF8); string sXml = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); dfs.Close(); return(sXml); } catch (Exception e) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(e); return(emrContent); } }
protected virtual byte[] Unzip(byte[] zippedBytes) { MemoryStream memoryStream1 = new MemoryStream(zippedBytes); DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream((Stream)memoryStream1, CompressionMode.Decompress, true); MemoryStream memoryStream2 = new MemoryStream(); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int count; do { count = deflateStream.Read(buffer, 0, 4096); if (count > 0) { memoryStream2.Write(buffer, 0, count); } }while (count == 4096); deflateStream.Close(); byte[] array = memoryStream2.ToArray(); memoryStream2.Close(); memoryStream1.Close(); return(array); }
/// <summary> /// DataSet - > Byte[] Compress /// </summary> /// <param name="dsData"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static byte[] CompressDataSet(DataSet dsData) { //DataSet Serialize dsData.RemotingFormat = SerializationFormat.Binary; BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { bf.Serialize(ms, dsData); byte[] bytData = ms.ToArray(); //Data Compress using (MemoryStream objMs = new MemoryStream()) { using (DeflateStream objDs = new DeflateStream(objMs, CompressionMode.Compress)) { objDs.Write(bytData, 0, bytData.Length); objDs.Flush(); objDs.Close(); } return(objMs.ToArray()); } } }
public void Load() { var file = _world.Folder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + FileName; if (!File.Exists(file)) { return; } var stream = new DeflateStream(File.Open(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), CompressionMode.Decompress); var formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); var version = (uint)formatter.Deserialize(stream); while ((bool)formatter.Deserialize(stream)) { var position = (Vector3i)formatter.Deserialize(stream); var value = new UnloadedChunkGeneration(); value.Load(stream, formatter); _generations.TryAdd(position, value); } stream.Close(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { FileStream archiveStream = File.OpenRead(@"D:\archive_dfl.dfl"); FileStream destinationStream = File.Create(@"D:\txt_destnation_dfl.txt"); DeflateStream deCompressor = new DeflateStream(archiveStream, CompressionMode.Decompress); //В прошлых примерах цикл бы неправильный! нужно do - while do { var theByte = deCompressor.ReadByte(); if (theByte == -1) { break; } destinationStream.WriteByte((byte)theByte); }while (true); //появлялось"я" в файле, потому, что оно записывало -1. пришлось сделать do - while (true) и выход из цикла. deCompressor.Close(); destinationStream.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Deflate压缩 /// </summary> /// <param name="buffer">字节流</param> public static byte[] DeflateCompress(byte[] data) { if (data == null || data.Length < 1) { return(data); } try { using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream()) { using (DeflateStream gZipStream = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Compress)) { gZipStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); gZipStream.Close(); } return(stream.ToArray()); } } catch (Exception) { return(data); } }
public static string Decompress(Stream inputStream, Encoding encoding, int bufferSize) { using (MemoryStream decompressedStream = new MemoryStream((int)inputStream.Length * 4)) { DeflateStream gzip = new DeflateStream(inputStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true); byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferSize]; while (true) { int readBytes = gzip.Read(buffer, 0, bufferSize); if (readBytes <= 0) { break; } //decompressed.Append(encoding.GetString(buffer, 0, readBytes)); decompressedStream.Write(buffer, 0, readBytes); } gzip.Close(); decompressedStream.Position = 0; return(encoding.GetString(decompressedStream.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)decompressedStream.Length)); } }
[Category("StaticLinkedAotNotWorking")] // Native MPH loading issues public void CheckCompressDecompress() { byte [] data = new byte[100000]; for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { data[i] = (byte)i; } MemoryStream dataStream = new MemoryStream(data); MemoryStream backing = new MemoryStream(); DeflateStream compressing = new DeflateStream(backing, CompressionMode.Compress, true); CopyStream(dataStream, compressing); dataStream.Close(); compressing.Close(); backing.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); DeflateStream decompressing = new DeflateStream(backing, CompressionMode.Decompress); MemoryStream output = new MemoryStream(); CopyStream(decompressing, output); Assert.IsTrue(compare_buffers(data, output.GetBuffer(), (int)output.Length)); decompressing.Close(); output.Close(); }
public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] data, string key, string salt) { byte[] dec; try { dec = DecryptData(data, key, salt, PaddingMode.ISO10126); } catch (Exception e) { throw e; } int d_len = BitConverter.ToInt32(dec, 0); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(dec); ms.Position = 4; // Use the newly created memory stream for the compressed data. DeflateStream compressedzipStream = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress, true); //Console.WriteLine("Compression"); byte[] zdec = new byte[d_len]; int cnt = compressedzipStream.Read(zdec, 0, d_len); // Close the stream. compressedzipStream.Close(); ms.Close(); dec = new byte[cnt]; Array.ConstrainedCopy(zdec, 0, dec, 0, cnt); zdec = null; return(dec); }
public void SaveBin(string _fileName) { TaxonUtils.LockMainWindow(); try { using (ProgressDialog progressDlg = new ProgressDialog()) { progressDlg.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen; progressDlg.Show(); ProgressItem piSave = progressDlg.Add("Saving ...", null, 0, Count()); using (FileStream fs = File.Create(_fileName, 65536, FileOptions.None)) { using (DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(fs, CompressionMode.Compress)) { using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(deflateStream)) //using (BinaryWriter w = new BinaryWriter(fs)) { w.Write(SaveBinVersion); SaveBin(w, new SaveBinProgress(piSave)); w.Close(); deflateStream.Close(); fs.Close(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { Loggers.WriteError(LogTags.Data, "Exception while saving config file : \n " + _fileName + "\n" + e.Message); } finally { TaxonUtils.UnlockMainWindow(); } }
/// <summary> /// 解压缩字节数组. /// </summary> private void uncompress(string algorithm = "deflate") { position = 0; if (algorithm == "zlib") { int firstByte = _memoryStream.ReadByte(); int secondByte = _memoryStream.ReadByte(); if (((firstByte == 0x78) && (secondByte == 0x9C)) || ((firstByte == 0x78) && (secondByte == 0xDA)) || ((firstByte == 0x58) && (secondByte == 0x85))) { } else { position = 0; } } DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(_memoryStream, CompressionMode.Decompress, false); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); deflateStream.CopyTo(ms); deflateStream.Close(); _memoryStream.Close(); _memoryStream.Dispose(); _memoryStream = ms; _memoryStream.Position = 0; Reset(); }
/// <summary> /// Compresses data into zlib format. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Byte data to be compressed.</param> internal static byte[] CompressZlibData(byte[] data) { int Adler32(byte[] buf) { // Source: const int mod = 65521; int s1 = 1; int s2 = 0; foreach (var b in buf) { s1 = (s1 + b) % mod; s2 = (s2 + s1) % mod; } return(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((s2 << 16) + s1)); } using (var compressedData = new MemoryStream()) using (var decompressedData = new MemoryStream(data)) using (var deflater = new DeflateStream(compressedData, CompressionMode.Compress, true)) { // zlib 2 byte header: CMF + FLG compressedData.WriteByte(0x78); // CMF = deflate + 32k window compressedData.WriteByte(0x9c); // FLG = ? obtained from the reader decompressedData.CopyTo(deflater); deflater.Close(); // DeflateStream needs to be closed in order to write the compressed data // write adler32 checksum using (var binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(compressedData)) { binaryWriter.Write(Adler32(data)); } return(compressedData.ToArray()); } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the Manifest state from the provided File. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// This method expects a DEFLATE-compressed XML binary. /// </remarks> /// <returns> /// Instance of a Manifest type. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="FileNotFoundException"> /// Specified manifest binary does not exist on the filesystem. /// </exception> public Manifest Load() { byte[] Inflate(byte[] deflatedBytes) { using (var inflatedStream = new MemoryStream()) using (var deflatedStream = new MemoryStream(deflatedBytes)) using (var compressStream = new DeflateStream(deflatedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { compressStream.CopyTo(inflatedStream); compressStream.Close(); return(inflatedStream.ToArray()); } } if (!System.IO.File.Exists(_file)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Specified manifest binary does not exist on the filesystem."); } var deflatedData = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(_file); var inflatedData = Inflate(deflatedData); var utf8AsString = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(inflatedData); var serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(Manifest)); using (var reader = new StringReader(utf8AsString)) { try { return((Manifest)serializer.Deserialize(reader)); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { throw new ManifestException("Failed to deserialise decompressed metadata binary."); } } }
/// <exclude /> public static string ZipContent(string text) { if (text.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(text); } byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text); byte[] newBytes; using (var compressStream = new MemoryStream()) using (var compressor = new DeflateStream(compressStream, CompressionMode.Compress)) { compressor.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); compressor.Close(); newBytes = compressStream.ToArray(); } string base64 = Convert.ToBase64String(newBytes); if (base64.Length <= 512) { string urlFriendlyBase64 = base64.Replace("+", "_").Replace("/", ".").Replace("=", "-"); return(urlFriendlyBase64); } Guid stateId = GetMD5Hash(bytes); using (new DataConnection()) { SessionStateManager.DefaultProvider.SetState(stateId, text, DateTime.Now.AddHours(1.0)); } return(SessionUrlPrefix + stateId); }
public static String unDeflate(byte[] data, int len, Encoding encoding, String index) { String str = ""; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data, 0, len); DeflateStream ds = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress); MemoryStream outbuf = new MemoryStream(); byte[] block = new byte[1024]; try { while (true) { int bytesRead = ds.Read(block, 0, block.Length); if (bytesRead <= 0) { break; } else { outbuf.Write(block, 0, bytesRead); } } str = encoding.GetString(outbuf.ToArray()); } catch (Exception e) { Tools.SysLog("解压deflate发生异常----" + e.Message + "----" + index); } finally { outbuf.Close(); ds.Close(); ms.Close(); } return(str); }
public static void WriteFile(string str, string FileName, string CompressionType) { byte[] buffer = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str); switch (CompressionType) { case "gzip": { FileStream sw = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create); GZipStream gz = new GZipStream(sw, CompressionMode.Compress); gz.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); gz.Close(); sw.Close(); } break; case "deflate": { FileStream sw = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create); DeflateStream dz = new DeflateStream(sw, CompressionMode.Compress); dz.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); dz.Close(); sw.Close(); } break; default: { StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(FileName, false); sw.Write(str); sw.Close(); } break; } File.SetCreationTime(FileName, DateTime.Now); }
//public static string ToDeflatedCompressedBase64String(string inp, string ns) //{ // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // TextWriter textWriter = (TextWriter)new StringWriter(sb); // new XmlSerializer(typeof(string), ns).Serialize(textWriter, (object)inp); // textWriter.Close(); // sb.ToString(); // Deflater deflater = new Deflater(1, true); // MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(); // byte[] buffer = new byte[256]; // deflater.SetInput(new UnicodeEncoding().GetBytes(inp)); // deflater.Flush(); // int count; // do // { // count = deflater.Deflate(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); // memoryStream.Write(buffer, 0, count); // } // while (count > 0); // return Convert.ToBase64String(memoryStream.ToArray()); //} public static string CompressedBase64ToUnicode(string compressed) { try { using (MemoryStream memoryStream1 = new MemoryStream(Convert.FromBase64String(compressed))) { DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream((Stream)memoryStream1, CompressionMode.Decompress, true); byte[] buffer = new byte[256]; MemoryStream memoryStream2 = new MemoryStream(); int count; do { count = deflateStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); memoryStream2.Write(buffer, 0, count); }while (count > 0); deflateStream.Close(); return(new UnicodeEncoding().GetString(memoryStream2.ToArray())); } } catch { return(string.Empty); } }
public override void Close() { if (!initdone) { DoInit(); // can happen if never called write } if (closed) { return; } closed = true; // sigh ... no only must I close the parent stream to force a flush, but I must save a reference // raw stream because (apparently) Close() sets it to null (shame on you, MS developers) if (deflateStream is object) { deflateStream.Close(); } else { // second hack: empty input? RawStream.WriteByte(3); RawStream.WriteByte(0); } // add crc var crcv = adler32.GetValue(); RawStream.WriteByte((byte)((crcv >> 24) & 0xFF)); RawStream.WriteByte((byte)((crcv >> 16) & 0xFF)); RawStream.WriteByte((byte)((crcv >> 8) & 0xFF)); RawStream.WriteByte((byte)(crcv & 0xFF)); if (!LeaveOpen) { RawStream.Close(); } }
public static void ImageCreate() { Byte[] preData; while (!standardSignalObj.IsShutdown) { bmp = new Bitmap(sc[selectedScreen].WorkingArea.Width, sc[selectedScreen].WorkingArea.Height); g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); try { g.CopyFromScreen(new Point(sc[selectedScreen].Bounds.X, sc[selectedScreen].Bounds.Y), new Point(0, 0), new Size(bmp.Width, bmp.Height)); } // 가상 데스크톱으로 이동하면 화면을 복사하지 않음. catch (Win32Exception) { } using (MemoryStream pre_ms = new MemoryStream()) { bmp.Save(pre_ms, codec, param); preData = pre_ms.ToArray(); using (MemoryStream post_ms = new MemoryStream()) { using (DeflateStream ds = new DeflateStream(post_ms, CompressionMode.Compress)) { ds.Write(preData, 0, preData.Length); ds.Close(); } imageData = post_ms.ToArray(); post_ms.Close(); } pre_ms.Close(); } Array.Clear(preData, 0, preData.Length); } }
public static byte[] Compress3(byte[] data) { byte[] compressArray = null; try { using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (var deflateStream = new DeflateStream(memoryStream, CompressionMode.Compress)) { deflateStream.Write(data, 0, data.Length); deflateStream.Close(); //Must! } compressArray = memoryStream.ToArray(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LogWriter.Log(ex, "Error while compressing the channel."); } return(compressArray); }
/// <summary> /// 解压文件 /// </summary> /// <param name="filepath">源文件</param> /// <param name="dir">目标目录</param> /// <returns></returns> public void DerFileZip(Stream sourstream, string filepath, int filelen) { FileStream SerFile = null; try { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filepath)) { throw new Exception("解压失败:指定的文件路径(" + filepath + ")不正确"); } byte[] buffer = new byte[filelen]; string filename = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filepath);//获取文件名 CompressedStream = new DeflateStream(sourstream, CompressionMode.Decompress, true); int br = CompressedStream.Read(buffer, 0, filelen); SerFile = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write); SerFile.Write(buffer, 0, filelen); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (SerFile != null) { SerFile.Close(); } if (CompressedStream != null) { CompressedStream.Close(); } } }
/// <summary> /// The byte array to data table. /// </summary> /// <param name="byteDataTable"> /// The byte data table. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The <see cref="DataTable"/>. /// </returns> public static DataTable ByteArrayToDataTable(byte[] byteDataTable) { var outDs = new DataTable(); var inMs = new MemoryStream(byteDataTable); inMs.Seek(0, 0); var zipStream = new DeflateStream(inMs, CompressionMode.Decompress, true); var outByt = ReadFullStream(zipStream); zipStream.Flush(); zipStream.Close(); var outMs = new MemoryStream(outByt); outMs.Seek(0, 0); outDs.RemotingFormat = SerializationFormat.Binary; var bf = new BinaryFormatter(); outDs = (DataTable)bf.Deserialize(outMs, null); return(outDs); }
public void PerformPostProcessing(IDictionary <string, object> chunkProcessorState) { var chunkName = this.GetChunkName(); if (!chunkProcessorState.ContainsKey(chunkName)) { throw new ArgumentException($"Cannot read {chunkName} key from processor state."); } var stream = chunkProcessorState[chunkName] as Stream; stream.Flush(); stream.Seek(2, SeekOrigin.Begin); var outputStream = new MemoryStream(); using (var deflateStream = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { deflateStream.CopyTo(outputStream); deflateStream.Close(); } chunkProcessorState.Add(this.GetOutputStreamKey(), outputStream); }
public void Save() { const uint version = 0; var regionsFolder = _world.Folder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + World2dRegionFolder; FolderUtils.CreateRegionFolderIfNotExist(regionsFolder); var file = regionsFolder + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + _position.X + "-" + _position.Y + ".reg"; var stream = new DeflateStream(File.Open(file, FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write), CompressionMode.Compress); var formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); formatter.Serialize(stream, version); for (var x = 0; x < RegionLength; x++) { for (var z = 0; z < RegionLength; z++) { var biome = _biomes[x, z]; var height = _heights[x, z]; var interpolatedHeight = _interpolatedHeights[x, z]; var interpolatedColor = _interpolatedGrassColors[x, z]; formatter.Serialize(stream, biome.Id); formatter.Serialize(stream, height); formatter.Serialize(stream, interpolatedHeight); formatter.Serialize(stream, interpolatedColor.R); formatter.Serialize(stream, interpolatedColor.G); formatter.Serialize(stream, interpolatedColor.B); formatter.Serialize(stream, interpolatedColor.A); _sunlightData[x, z].Save(stream, formatter); } } stream.Close(); }
private static void compress(byte[] data, BinaryWriterEx bw) { byte[] compressed; using (MemoryStream cmpStream = new MemoryStream()) using (MemoryStream dcmpStream = new MemoryStream(data)) { DeflateStream dfltStream = new DeflateStream(cmpStream, CompressionMode.Compress); dcmpStream.CopyTo(dfltStream); dfltStream.Close(); compressed = cmpStream.ToArray(); } bw.WriteASCII("DCX\0"); bw.WriteInt32(0x10000); bw.WriteInt32(0x18); bw.WriteInt32(0x24); bw.WriteInt32(0x24); bw.WriteInt32(0x2C); bw.WriteASCII("DCS\0"); bw.WriteInt32(data.Length); // Size includes 78DA bw.WriteInt32(compressed.Length + 2); bw.WriteASCII("DCP\0"); bw.WriteASCII("DFLT"); bw.WriteInt32(0x20); bw.WriteInt32(0x9000000); bw.WriteInt32(0x0); bw.WriteInt32(0x0); bw.WriteInt32(0x0); bw.WriteInt32(0x00010100); bw.WriteASCII("DCA\0"); bw.WriteInt32(0x8); bw.WriteByte(0x78); bw.WriteByte(0xDA); bw.WriteBytes(compressed); }
/// <summary> /// Reads a message. Decomress and then applies the base formatter /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message to be read</param> /// <returns>The result object - goes to the message Body</returns> public object Read(Message message) { long bodyLength = message.BodyStream.Length; OriginalBodyLength = bodyLength; CompressedBodyLength = bodyLength; if (bodyLength < MessageHeader.Length) { return(m_BaseFormatter.Read(message)); // Message appeared to be uncompressed } MessageHeader messageHeader = new MessageHeader(message.BodyStream); if (!messageHeader.PrefixIsValid) { message.BodyStream.Position = 0; return(m_BaseFormatter.Read(message)); // Message appeared to be uncompressed } OriginalBodyLength = messageHeader.UncompressedBodyLength; using (MemoryStream decompressedBodyMemoryStream = new MemoryStream()) { DeflateStream decompressor = new DeflateStream(message.BodyStream, CompressionMode.Decompress); decompressor.CopyTo(decompressedBodyMemoryStream); decompressor.Close(); // Create a "clear" message and apply the base format to it Message clearMessage = new Message(); clearMessage.BodyType = message.BodyType; clearMessage.BodyStream = decompressedBodyMemoryStream; clearMessage.BodyStream.Position = 0; return(m_BaseFormatter.Read(clearMessage)); } }
public void CompressedUrlRoundtripTest() { var snippet = Snippets.GetCode("TableServerSidePaginateExample"); string urlEncodedBase64compressedCode, base64compressedCode, snippet1; byte[] bytes; // compression using (var uncompressed = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(snippet))) using (var compressed = new MemoryStream()) using (var compressor = new DeflateStream(compressed, CompressionMode.Compress)) { uncompressed.CopyTo(compressor); compressor.Close(); bytes = compressed.ToArray(); base64compressedCode = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); //Console.WriteLine(base64compressedCode); urlEncodedBase64compressedCode = Uri.EscapeDataString(base64compressedCode); Console.WriteLine(urlEncodedBase64compressedCode); Console.WriteLine("Length code: " + snippet.Length); Console.WriteLine("Length compressed: " + urlEncodedBase64compressedCode.Length); } // uncompress base64compressedCode = Uri.UnescapeDataString(urlEncodedBase64compressedCode); bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64compressedCode); using (var uncompressed = new MemoryStream()) using (var compressedStream = new MemoryStream(bytes)) using (var uncompressor = new DeflateStream(compressedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { uncompressor.CopyTo(uncompressed); uncompressor.Close(); //uncompressed.Position = 0; snippet1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(uncompressed.ToArray()); } // compare snippet1.Should().Be(snippet); }
/// <exclude /> public static string UnZipContent(string zippedContent) { if (zippedContent.IsNullOrEmpty()) { return(zippedContent); } if (zippedContent.StartsWith(SessionUrlPrefix)) { Guid stateId = Guid.Parse(zippedContent.Substring(SessionUrlPrefix.Length)); using (new DataConnection()) { string urlFromSession; bool succeed = SessionStateManager.DefaultProvider.TryGetState(stateId, out urlFromSession); Verify.That(succeed, "Failed to extract a url part from session"); return(urlFromSession); } } string base64 = zippedContent.Replace("_", "+").Replace(".", "/").Replace("-", "="); byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64); using (var ms = new MemoryStream(bytes)) using (var result = new MemoryStream()) using (var deflateStream = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { deflateStream.CopyTo(result); deflateStream.Close(); return(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(result.ToArray())); } }
private static byte[] Decompress(byte[] data) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data, 4, data.Length - 4, false); DeflateStream stream2 = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress); byte[] buffer = new byte[(BitConverter.ToInt32(data, 0) - 1) + 1]; stream2.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); stream2.Close(); return buffer; }
public override void FromXML(XmlNode node) { if (node != null && node.Name == "layer") { XmlAttributeCollection attrs = node.Attributes; m_name = attrs["name"].Value; m_layerDimensions.first = Convert.ToInt32(attrs["width"].Value); m_layerDimensions.second = Convert.ToInt32(attrs["height"].Value); foreach(XmlNode child in node.ChildNodes) { if (child.Name == "properties") { foreach (XmlNode propertyNode in child) { if (propertyNode.Name != "property") continue; XmlAttributeCollection propertyAtts = propertyNode.Attributes; m_properties[propertyAtts["name"].Value] = propertyAtts["value"].Value; } } else if (child.Name == "data") { m_data = new TileData(); attrs = child.Attributes; if (attrs["encoding"]!= null) { string[] encodings = { "", "csv", "base64" }; string encodingValue = attrs["encoding"].Value; int encodingIdx = Array.IndexOf(encodings, encodingValue); if (encodingIdx >= 0) { m_data.m_encoding = (TileEncodingType)encodingIdx; } string[] compressions = { "", "gzip", "zlib" }; string compression = attrs["compression"].Value; int compressionIdx = Array.IndexOf(compressions, compression); if (compressionIdx >= 0) { m_data.m_compression = (TileCompressionType)compressionIdx; } switch(m_data.m_encoding) { case TileEncodingType.kCSV: { string text = child.InnerText; string[] values = text.Split(','); foreach (string v in values) { uint value = Convert.ToUInt32(v); TileInfo info = new TileInfo(); info.m_horizontalFlip = (value & FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG) != 0; info.m_verticalFlip = (value & FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG) != 0; info.m_diagonalFlip = (value & FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG) != 0; value = value & ~(FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG); info.m_gid = value; m_data.m_tiles.Add(info); } break; } case TileEncodingType.kBase64: { byte[] bytes = null; switch(m_data.m_compression) { case TileCompressionType.kNone: { bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(child.InnerText); break; } case TileCompressionType.kGzip: { //Transform string into byte[] string str = child.InnerText; byte[] byteArray = new byte[str.Length]; int indexBA = 0; foreach (char item in str.ToCharArray()) { byteArray[indexBA++] = (byte)item; } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(byteArray); GZipStream gzip = new GZipStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress); byteArray = new byte[byteArray.Length]; int rBytes = gzip.Read(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(rBytes); for (int i = 0; i < rBytes; ++i) { sb.Append((char)byteArray[i]); } gzip.Close(); ms.Close(); gzip.Dispose(); ms.Dispose(); bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(sb.ToString()); break; } case TileCompressionType.kZlib: { //Transform string into byte[] string str = child.InnerText; byte[] byteArray = new byte[str.Length]; int indexBA = 0; foreach (char item in str.ToCharArray()) { byteArray[indexBA++] = (byte)item; } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(byteArray); DeflateStream zlib = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress); byteArray = new byte[byteArray.Length]; int rBytes = zlib.Read(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(rBytes); for (int i = 0; i < rBytes; ++i) { sb.Append((char)byteArray[i]); } zlib.Close(); ms.Close(); zlib.Dispose(); ms.Dispose(); bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(sb.ToString()); break; } } for (int i = 0; i < bytes.Length; i += 4) { uint value = (uint)bytes[i] | ((uint)bytes[i + 1] << 8) | ((uint)bytes[i + 2] << 16) | ((uint)bytes[i + 3] << 24); TileInfo info = new TileInfo(); info.m_horizontalFlip = (value & FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG) != 0; info.m_verticalFlip = (value & FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG) != 0; info.m_diagonalFlip = (value & FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG) != 0; value = value & ~(FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG); info.m_gid = value; m_data.m_tiles.Add(info); } break; } default: { break; } } } else { m_data.m_encoding = TileEncodingType.kNone; m_data.m_compression = TileCompressionType.kNone; m_data.m_tiles.Clear(); foreach(XmlNode tileNode in child.ChildNodes) { if (tileNode.Name != "tile") { continue; } TileInfo info = new TileInfo(); uint value = Convert.ToUInt32(tileNode.Attributes["gid"].Value); info.m_horizontalFlip = (value & FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG) != 0; info.m_verticalFlip = (value & FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG) != 0; info.m_diagonalFlip = (value & FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG) != 0; value = value & ~(FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG | FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG |FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG); info.m_gid = value; m_data.m_tiles.Add(info); } } } } } }
private static void writeMesh(Mesh m) { string filepath = folderName + "/" + + ".mesh"; if (File.Exists(filepath)) { File.Delete(filepath); } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms); Debug.Log("Write Mesh:" + + " to disk:" + filepath); // write length bw.Write(; // write name bw.Write(; // write matrix float[] rawData = new float[]{ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < rawData.Length; i++) { bw.Write(rawData[i]); } // write sub mesh count bw.Write(1); // write vertex count bw.Write(m.vertices.Length); Debug.Log("\tVertices:" + m.vertices.Length); foreach (Vector3 vert in m.vertices) { bw.Write(vert.x); bw.Write(vert.y); bw.Write(vert.z); } // write uv0 bw.Write(m.uv.Length); Debug.Log("\tUV0:" + m.uv.Length); foreach (Vector2 uv0 in m.uv) { bw.Write(uv0.x); bw.Write(1 - uv0.y); } // write uv1 bw.Write(m.uv2.Length); Debug.Log("\tUV1:" + m.uv2.Length); foreach (Vector2 uv1 in m.uv2) { bw.Write(uv1.x); bw.Write(uv1.y); } Debug.Log("normals:" + m.normals.Length); // write normal if (normal) { bw.Write(m.normals.Length); foreach (Vector3 n in m.normals) { bw.Write(n.x); bw.Write(n.y); bw.Write(n.z); } } else { bw.Write(0); } Debug.Log("tangent:" + m.tangents.Length); // write tangent if (tangent) { bw.Write(m.tangents.Length); foreach (Vector3 t in m.tangents) { bw.Write(t.x); bw.Write(t.y); bw.Write(t.z); } } else { bw.Write(0); } // skeleton weights bw.Write(0); // skeleton indices bw.Write(0); // write indices bw.Write(m.triangles.Length); for (int i = 0; i < m.triangles.Length; i++) { bw.Write(m.triangles[i]); } // bounds bw.Write(m.bounds.min.x); bw.Write(m.bounds.min.y); bw.Write(m.bounds.min.z); bw.Write(m.bounds.max.x); bw.Write(m.bounds.max.y); bw.Write(m.bounds.max.z); bw.Close(); int size = ms.GetBuffer().Length; MemoryStream compressionBytes = new MemoryStream(); // write to disk DeflateStream compressionStream = new DeflateStream(compressionBytes, CompressionMode.Compress); compressionStream.Write(ms.GetBuffer(), 0, ms.GetBuffer().Length); compressionStream.Close(); FileStream fs = new FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Create); BinaryWriter cbw = new BinaryWriter(fs); // write compression type cbw.Write(3); // write original size cbw.Write(size); // write compressed data cbw.Write(compressionBytes.GetBuffer()); cbw.Close(); fs.Close(); }
public const ResponseDataType DefaultDataType = ResponseDataType.PlainText; //PlainText ZipBinary ZipBase64 #endregion Fields #region Methods /// <summary> /// 将报表XML数据文本输出到HTTP请求 /// </summary> /// <param name="DataPage"></param> /// <param name="DataText"></param> /// <param name="DataType"></param> public static void ResponseData(System.Web.UI.Page DataPage, ref string DataText, ResponseDataType DataType) { //报表XML数据的前后不能附加任何其它数据,否则XML数据将不能成功解析,所以调用ClearContent方法清理网页中前面多余的数据 DataPage.Response.ClearContent(); if (ResponseDataType.PlainText == DataType) { // 把xml对象发送给客户端 //DataPage.Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; DataPage.Response.Write(DataText); } else { //将string数据转换为byte[],以便进行压缩 System.Text.UTF8Encoding converter = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); byte[] XmlBytes = converter.GetBytes(DataText); //在 HTTP 头信息中写入报表数据压缩信息 DataPage.Response.AppendHeader("gr_zip_type", "deflate"); //指定压缩方法 DataPage.Response.AppendHeader("gr_zip_size", XmlBytes.Length.ToString()); //指定数据的原始长度 DataPage.Response.AppendHeader("gr_zip_encode", converter.HeaderName); //指定数据的编码方式 utf-8 utf-16 ... // 把压缩后的xml数据发送给客户端 if (ResponseDataType.ZipBinary == DataType) { System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream compressedzipStream = new DeflateStream(DataPage.Response.OutputStream, CompressionMode.Compress, true); compressedzipStream.Write(XmlBytes, 0, XmlBytes.Length); compressedzipStream.Close(); } else //ResponseDataType.ZipBase64 { MemoryStream memStream = new MemoryStream(); DeflateStream compressedzipStream = new DeflateStream(memStream, CompressionMode.Compress, true); compressedzipStream.Write(XmlBytes, 0, XmlBytes.Length); compressedzipStream.Close(); //这句很重要,这样数据才能全部写入 MemoryStream // Read bytes from the stream. memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Set the position to the beginning of the stream. int count = (int)memStream.Length; byte[] byteArray = new byte[count]; count = memStream.Read(byteArray, 0, count); string Base64Text = Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray); DataPage.Response.Write(Base64Text); } } //报表XML数据的前后不能附加任何其它数据,否则XML数据将不能成功解析,所以调用End方法放弃网页中后面不必要的数据 DataPage.Response.End(); }
public static void DeflateCompressDecompress(string filename) { Console.WriteLine("Test compression and decompression on file {0}", filename); FileStream infile; try { // Open the file as a FileStream object. infile = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read); byte[] buffer = new byte[infile.Length]; // Read the file to ensure it is readable. int count = infile.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (count != buffer.Length) { infile.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Test Failed: Unable to read data from file"); return; } infile.Close(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); // Use the newly created memory stream for the compressed data. DeflateStream compressedzipStream = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Compress, true); Console.WriteLine("Compression"); compressedzipStream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); // Close the stream. compressedzipStream.Close(); Console.WriteLine("Original size: {0}, Compressed size: {1}", buffer.Length, ms.Length); // Reset the memory stream position to begin decompression. ms.Position = 0; DeflateStream zipStream = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress); Console.WriteLine("Decompression"); byte[] decompressedBuffer = new byte[buffer.Length + 100]; // Use the ReadAllBytesFromStream to read the stream. int totalCount = DeflateTest.ReadAllBytesFromStream(zipStream, decompressedBuffer); Console.WriteLine("Decompressed {0} bytes", totalCount); if (!DeflateTest.CompareData(buffer, buffer.Length, decompressedBuffer, totalCount)) { Console.WriteLine("Error. The two buffers did not compare."); } zipStream.Close(); } // end try catch (InvalidDataException) { Console.WriteLine("Error: The file being read contains invalid data."); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("Error:The file specified was not found."); } catch (ArgumentException) { Console.WriteLine("Error: path is a zero-length string, contains only white space, or contains one or more invalid characters"); } catch (PathTooLongException) { Console.WriteLine("Error: The specified path, file name, or both exceed the system-defined maximum length. For example, on Windows-based platforms, paths must be less than 248 characters, and file names must be less than 260 characters."); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("Error: The specified path is invalid, such as being on an unmapped drive."); } catch (IOException) { Console.WriteLine("Error: An I/O error occurred while opening the file."); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { Console.WriteLine("Error: path specified a file that is read-only, the path is a directory, or caller does not have the required permissions."); } catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { Console.WriteLine("Error: You must provide parameters for MyGZIP."); } }
public void Zlib_DisposedException_DeflateStream() { string TextToCompress = LetMeDoItNow; MemoryStream ms1= new MemoryStream(); Stream compressor= new DeflateStream(ms1, CompressionMode.Compress, false); TestContext.WriteLine("Text to compress is {0} bytes: '{1}'", TextToCompress.Length, TextToCompress); TestContext.WriteLine("using compressor: {0}", compressor.GetType().FullName); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(compressor, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII); sw.Write(TextToCompress); sw.Close(); // implicitly closes compressor sw.Close(); // implicitly closes compressor, again compressor.Close(); // explicitly closes compressor var a = ms1.ToArray(); TestContext.WriteLine("Compressed stream is {0} bytes long", a.Length); var ms2 = new MemoryStream(a); Stream decompressor = new DeflateStream(ms2, CompressionMode.Decompress, false); TestContext.WriteLine("using decompressor: {0}", decompressor.GetType().FullName); var sr = new StreamReader(decompressor, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII); string DecompressedText = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); TestContext.WriteLine("decompressor.CanRead = {0}",decompressor.CanRead); TestContext.WriteLine("Read {0} characters: '{1}'", DecompressedText.Length, DecompressedText); TestContext.WriteLine("\n"); Assert.AreEqual<String>(TextToCompress, DecompressedText); }
/// <summary> /// Decompress and display the update contents /// </summary> /// <param name="data">data bytes</param> private void DecompressDisplay(byte[] data) { var compressedStream = new MemoryStream(data); Int32 x, y, w, h; using (MemoryStream clearStream = new MemoryStream()) { using (DeflateStream zipStream = new DeflateStream(compressedStream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; byte[] szBuf = new byte[4]; int readAmt; readAmt = zipStream.Read(szBuf, 0, 4); Debug.Assert(readAmt == 4); UInt32 hdr = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(szBuf, 0); hdr = (UInt32)System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((Int32)hdr); width = (Int32)(hdr >> 16); height = (Int32)(hdr & 0xFFFF); readAmt = zipStream.Read(szBuf, 0, 4); Debug.Assert(readAmt == 4); hdr = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(szBuf, 0); hdr = (UInt32)System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((Int32)hdr); maskX = (Int32)(hdr >> 16); maskY = (Int32)(hdr & 0xFFFF); readAmt = zipStream.Read(szBuf, 0, 4); Debug.Assert(readAmt == 4); hdr = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(szBuf, 0); hdr = (UInt32)System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((Int32)hdr); maskWidth = (Int32)(hdr >> 16); maskHeight = (Int32)(hdr & 0xFFFF); if (!((prevMX == maskX) && (prevMY == maskY) && (prevMW == maskWidth) && (prevMH == maskHeight))) { DisplayMask(maskX, maskY, maskWidth, maskHeight, width, height); prevMX = maskX; prevMY = maskY; prevMW = maskWidth; prevMH = maskHeight; } readAmt = zipStream.Read(szBuf, 0, 4); Debug.Assert(readAmt == 4); hdr = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(szBuf, 0); hdr = (UInt32)System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((Int32)hdr); x = (Int32)(hdr >> 16); y = (Int32)(hdr & 0xFFFF); readAmt = zipStream.Read(szBuf, 0, 4); Debug.Assert(readAmt == 4); hdr = System.BitConverter.ToUInt32(szBuf, 0); hdr = (UInt32)System.Net.IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder((Int32)hdr); w = (Int32)(hdr >> 16); h = (Int32)(hdr & 0xFFFF); int read = 0; while (true) { try { read = zipStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); } catch (Exception e) { // Trace.WriteLine("{0} Error code: {}.", e.Message, e.ErrorCode); MessageBox.Show("Message: " + e.Message, "FATAL"); } if (read > 0) clearStream.Write(buffer, 0, read); else break; } zipStream.Close(); } DisplayUpdate(x, y, w, h, clearStream.ToArray()); } }
void ReadPacket( byte opcode ) { reader.Remove( 1 ); // remove opcode lastOpcode = (PacketId)opcode; switch( (PacketId)opcode ) { case PacketId.Handshake: { byte protocolVer = reader.ReadUInt8(); ServerName = reader.ReadAsciiString(); ServerMotd = reader.ReadAsciiString(); game.LocalPlayer.SetUserType( reader.ReadUInt8() ); receivedFirstPosition = false; game.LocalPlayer.ParseHackFlags( ServerName, ServerMotd ); } break; case PacketId.Ping: break; case PacketId.LevelInitialise: { game.Map.Reset(); game.SetNewScreen( new LoadingMapScreen( game, ServerName, ServerMotd ) ); if( ServerMotd.Contains( "cfg=" ) ) { ReadWomConfigurationAsync(); } receivedFirstPosition = false; gzipHeader = new GZipHeaderReader(); // Workaround because built in mono stream assumes that the end of stream // has been reached the first time a read call returns 0. (MS.NET doesn't) #if __MonoCS__ gzipStream = new DeflateStream( gzippedMap, true ); #else gzipStream = new DeflateStream( gzippedMap, CompressionMode.Decompress ); if( OpenTK.Configuration.RunningOnMono ) { Utils.LogWarning( "You are running on Mono, but this build does not support the Mono workaround." ); Utils.LogWarning( "You should either download the Mono compatible build or define '__MonoCS__' when targeting Mono. " + "(The Mono compiler already defines this by default)" ); Utils.LogWarning( "You will likely experience an 'Internal error (no progress possible) ReadInternal' exception when decompressing the map." ); } #endif mapSizeIndex = 0; mapIndex = 0; receiveStart = DateTime.UtcNow; } break; case PacketId.LevelDataChunk: { int usedLength = reader.ReadInt16(); gzippedMap.Position = 0; gzippedMap.SetLength( usedLength ); if( gzipHeader.done || gzipHeader.ReadHeader( gzippedMap ) ) { if( mapSizeIndex < 4 ) { mapSizeIndex += gzipStream.Read( mapSize, mapSizeIndex, 4 - mapSizeIndex ); } if( mapSizeIndex == 4 ) { if( map == null ) { int size = mapSize[0] << 24 | mapSize[1] << 16 | mapSize[2] << 8 | mapSize[3]; map = new byte[size]; } mapIndex += gzipStream.Read( map, mapIndex, map.Length - mapIndex ); } } reader.Remove( 1024 ); byte progress = reader.ReadUInt8(); game.Events.RaiseMapLoading( progress ); } break; case PacketId.LevelFinalise: { game.SetNewScreen( new NormalScreen( game ) ); int mapWidth = reader.ReadInt16(); int mapHeight = reader.ReadInt16(); int mapLength = reader.ReadInt16(); double loadingMs = ( DateTime.UtcNow - receiveStart ).TotalMilliseconds; Utils.LogDebug( "map loading took:" + loadingMs ); game.Map.UseRawMap( map, mapWidth, mapHeight, mapLength ); game.Events.RaiseOnNewMapLoaded(); map = null; gzipStream.Close(); if( sendWomId && !sentWomId ) { SendChat( "/womid WoMClient-2.0.7" ); sentWomId = true; } gzipStream = null; GC.Collect( 0 ); } break; case PacketId.SetBlock: { int x = reader.ReadInt16(); int y = reader.ReadInt16(); int z = reader.ReadInt16(); byte type = reader.ReadUInt8(); if( !game.Map.IsNotLoaded ) game.UpdateBlock( x, y, z, type ); else Utils.LogWarning( "Server tried to update a block while still sending us the map!" ); } break; case PacketId.AddEntity: { byte entityId = reader.ReadUInt8(); string name = reader.ReadAsciiString(); AddEntity( entityId, name, name, true ); } break; case PacketId.EntityTeleport: { byte entityId = reader.ReadUInt8(); ReadAbsoluteLocation( entityId, true ); } break; case PacketId.RelPosAndOrientationUpdate: ReadRelativeLocation(); break; case PacketId.RelPosUpdate: ReadRelativePosition(); break; case PacketId.OrientationUpdate: ReadOrientation(); break; case PacketId.RemoveEntity: { byte entityId = reader.ReadUInt8(); Player player = game.Players[entityId]; if( entityId != 0xFF && player != null ) { game.Events.RaiseEntityRemoved( entityId ); player.Despawn(); game.Players[entityId] = null; } } break; case PacketId.Message: { byte messageType = reader.ReadUInt8(); string text = reader.ReadChatString( ref messageType, useMessageTypes ); game.Chat.Add( text, (CpeMessage)messageType ); } break; case PacketId.Kick: { string reason = reader.ReadAsciiString(); game.Disconnect( "&eLost connection to the server", reason ); Dispose(); } break; case PacketId.SetPermission: { game.LocalPlayer.SetUserType( reader.ReadUInt8() ); } break; case PacketId.CpeExtInfo: { string appName = reader.ReadAsciiString(); Utils.LogDebug( "Server identified itself as: " + appName ); cpeServerExtensionsCount = reader.ReadInt16(); } break; case PacketId.CpeExtEntry: { string extName = reader.ReadAsciiString(); int extVersion = reader.ReadInt32(); Utils.LogDebug( "cpe ext: " + extName + " , " + extVersion ); if( extName == "HeldBlock" ) { sendHeldBlock = true; } else if( extName == "MessageTypes" ) { useMessageTypes = true; } else if( extName == "ExtPlayerList" ) { UsingExtPlayerList = true; } else if( extName == "PlayerClick" ) { UsingPlayerClick = true; } else if( extName == "EnvMapAppearance" && extVersion == 2 ) { usingTexturePack = true; } cpeServerExtensionsCount--; if( cpeServerExtensionsCount == 0 ) { MakeExtInfo( Utils.AppName, clientExtensions.Length ); SendPacket(); for( int i = 0; i < clientExtensions.Length; i++ ) { string name = clientExtensions[i]; int version = (name == "ExtPlayerList" || name == "EnvMapApperance") ? 2 : 1; MakeExtEntry( name, version ); SendPacket(); } } } break; case PacketId.CpeSetClickDistance: { game.LocalPlayer.ReachDistance = reader.ReadInt16() / 32f; } break; case PacketId.CpeCustomBlockSupportLevel: { byte supportLevel = reader.ReadUInt8(); MakeCustomBlockSupportLevel( 1 ); SendPacket(); if( supportLevel == 1 ) { for( int i = (int)Block.CobblestoneSlab; i <= (int)Block.StoneBrick; i++ ) { game.Inventory.CanPlace[i] = true; game.Inventory.CanDelete[i] = true; } game.Events.RaiseBlockPermissionsChanged(); } else { Utils.LogWarning( "Server's block support level is {0}, this client only supports level 1.", supportLevel ); Utils.LogWarning( "You won't be able to see or use blocks from levels above level 1" ); } } break; case PacketId.CpeHoldThis: { byte blockType = reader.ReadUInt8(); bool canChange = reader.ReadUInt8() == 0; game.Inventory.CanChangeHeldBlock = true; game.Inventory.HeldBlock = (Block)blockType; game.Inventory.CanChangeHeldBlock = canChange; } break; case PacketId.CpeExtAddPlayerName: { short nameId = reader.ReadInt16(); string playerName = Utils.StripColours( reader.ReadAsciiString() ); string listName = reader.ReadAsciiString(); string groupName = reader.ReadAsciiString(); byte groupRank = reader.ReadUInt8(); if( nameId >= 0 && nameId <= 255 ) { CpeListInfo oldInfo = game.CpePlayersList[nameId]; CpeListInfo info = new CpeListInfo( (byte)nameId, playerName, listName, groupName, groupRank ); game.CpePlayersList[nameId] = info; if( oldInfo != null ) { game.Events.RaiseCpeListInfoChanged( (byte)nameId ); } else { game.Events.RaiseCpeListInfoAdded( (byte)nameId ); } } } break; case PacketId.CpeExtAddEntity: { byte entityId = reader.ReadUInt8(); string displayName = reader.ReadAsciiString(); string skinName = reader.ReadAsciiString(); AddEntity( entityId, displayName, skinName, false ); } break; case PacketId.CpeExtRemovePlayerName: { short nameId = reader.ReadInt16(); if( nameId >= 0 && nameId <= 255 ) { game.Events.RaiseCpeListInfoRemoved( (byte)nameId ); game.CpePlayersList[nameId] = null; } } break; case PacketId.CpeMakeSelection: { byte selectionId = reader.ReadUInt8(); string label = reader.ReadAsciiString(); short startX = reader.ReadInt16(); short startY = reader.ReadInt16(); short startZ = reader.ReadInt16(); short endX = reader.ReadInt16(); short endY = reader.ReadInt16(); short endZ = reader.ReadInt16(); byte r = (byte)reader.ReadInt16(); byte g = (byte)reader.ReadInt16(); byte b = (byte)reader.ReadInt16(); byte a = (byte)reader.ReadInt16(); Vector3I p1 = Vector3I.Min( startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ ); Vector3I p2 = Vector3I.Max( startX, startY, startZ, endX, endY, endZ ); FastColour col = new FastColour( r, g, b, a ); game.SelectionManager.AddSelection( selectionId, p1, p2, col ); } break; case PacketId.CpeRemoveSelection: { byte selectionId = reader.ReadUInt8(); game.SelectionManager.RemoveSelection( selectionId ); } break; case PacketId.CpeEnvColours: { byte variable = reader.ReadUInt8(); short red = reader.ReadInt16(); short green = reader.ReadInt16(); short blue = reader.ReadInt16(); bool invalid = red < 0 || red > 255 || green < 0 || green > 255 || blue < 0 || blue > 255; FastColour col = new FastColour( red, green, blue ); if( variable == 0 ) { // sky colour game.Map.SetSkyColour( invalid ? Map.DefaultSkyColour : col ); } else if( variable == 1 ) { // clouds colour game.Map.SetCloudsColour( invalid ? Map.DefaultCloudsColour : col ); } else if( variable == 2 ) { // fog colour game.Map.SetFogColour( invalid ? Map.DefaultFogColour : col ); } else if( variable == 3 ) { // ambient light (shadow light) game.Map.SetShadowlight( invalid ? Map.DefaultShadowlight : col ); } else if( variable == 4 ) { // diffuse light (sun light) game.Map.SetSunlight( invalid ? Map.DefaultSunlight : col ); } } break; case PacketId.CpeSetBlockPermission: { byte blockId = reader.ReadUInt8(); bool canPlace = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0; bool canDelete = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0; Inventory inv = game.Inventory; if( blockId == 0 ) { for( int i = 1; i < BlockInfo.CpeBlocksCount; i++ ) { inv.CanPlace.SetNotOverridable( canPlace, i ); inv.CanDelete.SetNotOverridable( canDelete, i ); } } else { inv.CanPlace.SetNotOverridable( canPlace, blockId ); inv.CanDelete.SetNotOverridable( canDelete, blockId ); } game.Events.RaiseBlockPermissionsChanged(); } break; case PacketId.CpeChangeModel: { byte playerId = reader.ReadUInt8(); string modelName = reader.ReadAsciiString().ToLowerInvariant(); Player player = game.Players[playerId]; if( player != null ) { player.SetModel( modelName ); } } break; case PacketId.CpeEnvSetMapApperance: { string url = reader.ReadAsciiString(); byte sideBlock = reader.ReadUInt8(); byte edgeBlock = reader.ReadUInt8(); short waterLevel = reader.ReadInt16(); game.Map.SetWaterLevel( waterLevel ); game.Map.SetEdgeBlock( (Block)edgeBlock ); game.Map.SetSidesBlock( (Block)sideBlock ); if( url == String.Empty ) { TexturePackExtractor extractor = new TexturePackExtractor(); extractor.Extract( game.defaultTexPack, game ); } else { game.Animations.Dispose(); if( usingTexturePack ) game.AsyncDownloader.DownloadData( url, true, "texturePack" ); else game.AsyncDownloader.DownloadImage( url, true, "terrain" ); } Utils.LogDebug( "Image url: " + url ); } break; case PacketId.CpeEnvWeatherType: game.Map.SetWeather( (Weather)reader.ReadUInt8() ); break; case PacketId.CpeHackControl: { game.LocalPlayer.CanFly = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0; game.LocalPlayer.CanNoclip = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0; game.LocalPlayer.CanSpeed = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0; game.LocalPlayer.CanRespawn = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0; game.CanUseThirdPersonCamera = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0; if( !game.CanUseThirdPersonCamera ) { game.SetCamera( false ); } float jumpHeight = reader.ReadInt16() / 32f; if( jumpHeight < 0 ) jumpHeight = 1.4f; game.LocalPlayer.CalculateJumpVelocity( jumpHeight ); } break; case PacketId.CpeExtAddEntity2: { byte entityId = reader.ReadUInt8(); string displayName = reader.ReadAsciiString(); string skinName = reader.ReadAsciiString(); AddEntity( entityId, displayName, skinName, true ); } break; case PacketId.CpeDefineBlock: case PacketId.CpeDefineLiquid: { byte block = reader.ReadUInt8(); BlockInfo info = game.BlockInfo; info.ResetBlockInfo( block ); info.Name[block] = reader.ReadAsciiString(); info.CollideType[block] = (BlockCollideType)reader.ReadUInt8(); // TODO: Liquid collide type not properly supported. info.SpeedMultiplier[block] = (float)Math.Pow( 2, (reader.ReadUInt8() - 128) / 64f ); info.SetTop( reader.ReadUInt8(), (Block)block ); info.SetSide( reader.ReadUInt8(), (Block)block ); info.SetBottom( reader.ReadUInt8(), (Block)block ); reader.ReadUInt8(); // opacity hint, but we ignore this. info.BlocksLight[block] = reader.ReadUInt8() == 0; reader.ReadUInt8(); // walk sound, but we ignore this. info.EmitsLight[block] = reader.ReadUInt8() != 0; if( opcode == (byte)PacketId.CpeDefineBlock ) { byte shape = reader.ReadUInt8(); if( shape == 1 ) info.Height[block] = 1; else if( shape == 2 ) info.Height[block] = 0.5f; // TODO: upside down slab not properly supported else if( shape == 3 ) info.Height[block] = 0.5f; else if( shape == 4 ) info.IsSprite[block] = true; byte blockDraw = reader.ReadUInt8(); if( blockDraw == 0 ) info.IsOpaque[block] = true; else if( blockDraw == 1 ) info.IsTransparent[block] = true; else if( blockDraw == 2 ) info.IsTranslucent[block] = true; else if( blockDraw == 3 ) info.IsTranslucent[block] = true; Console.WriteLine( block + " : " + shape + "," + blockDraw ); } else { byte fogDensity = reader.ReadUInt8(); info.FogDensity[block] = fogDensity == 0 ? 0 : (fogDensity + 1) / 128f; info.FogColour[block] = new FastColour( reader.ReadUInt8(), reader.ReadUInt8(), reader.ReadUInt8() ); } info.SetupCullingCache(); } break; case PacketId.CpeRemoveBlockDefinition: game.BlockInfo.ResetBlockInfo( reader.ReadUInt8() ); break; default: throw new NotImplementedException( "Unsupported packet:" + (PacketId)opcode ); } }