public void CommentBuild(int id, string comment) { DefectBuild b = new DefectBuild(id) { STATUSTXT = comment }; b.Store(); }
public void FailBuild(int id) { DefectBuild b = new DefectBuild(id) { STATUS = DefectBuild.BuildStatus.failed.ToString() }; b.Store(); if (Settings.CurrentSettings.RELEASETTID == b.TTID.ToString()) { VersionBuilder.SendAlarm("❌Failed to build version. Please check the logs!!!"); } }
public static bool hasBuildRequest() { DefectBuild worker = new DefectBuild(); foreach (DataRow r in worker.GetRecords($"WHERE {_stat} = {(int)BuildStatus.progress} and DATEDIFF(MINUTE, {_dateUp}, GETDATE()) > {Settings.CurrentSettings.BUILDTIMEOUT}")) { DefectBuild d = new DefectBuild(); d.Load(r); d.STATUSTXT = "Time out - cancelled!"; d.SetBuildStatus(BuildStatus.cancelled); d.Store(); } return(Convert.ToInt32(GetValue(string.Format("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {0} WHERE {1} IS NULL OR {1} = {2}", _Tabl, _stat, (int)BuildStatus.progress))) > 0); }
public void FinishBuild(int id, string requestguid) { try { DefectBuild b = new DefectBuild(id) { STATUS = DefectBuild.BuildStatus.finishedok.ToString(), TESTGUID = requestguid }; b.Store(); if (Settings.CurrentSettings.RELEASETTID == b.TTID.ToString() && b.TYPE == (int)DefectBuild.BuildType.releasebuild) { //release builder sends its own notifications return; } Defect d = new Defect(b.TTID); DefectUser u = new DefectUser(b.TTUSERID); d.SetUpdater(new MPSUser(u.TRID)); List <DefectDispo> dsps = DefectDispo.EnumTestsStarted(); if (dsps.Count > 0) { string currentlock = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); LockInfo li = Defect.Locktask(b.TTID.ToString(), currentlock, u.TRID.ToString(), true); d.DISPO = dsps[0].ID.ToString(); if (d.PRIMARYHOURS == null) { d.PRIMARYHOURS = d.SPENT; } d.Store(); DefectEvent.AddEventByTask(id, DefectEvent.Eventtype.QualityAssurance, b.TTUSERID, "Sent for QA Automation"); Defect.UnLocktask(u.TRID.ToString(), currentlock); } if (Settings.CurrentSettings.RELEASETTID == b.TTID.ToString()) { VersionBuilder.SendAlarm("✅New internal release build has been finished. Testing is starting..."); } else { try { string mess = $"New task from {u.FULLNAME} is ready for tests!{Settings.CurrentSettings.GetTTAnchor(b.TTID, d.FIRE ? "taskfire.png" : "")}"; TestChannel.SendMessage(mess); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(e); } } string bst_b = d.BSTBATCHES.Trim(); string bst_c = d.BSTCOMMANDS.Trim(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bst_b) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(bst_c)) { string batches = string.Join(",", bst_b.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); string commands = string.Join(",", bst_c.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)); using (var wcClient = new WebClient()) { var reqparm = new NameValueCollection(); reqparm.Add("guid", requestguid); reqparm.Add("commaseparatedbatches", batches); reqparm.Add("commaseparatedcommands", commands); reqparm.Add("priority", d.TESTPRIORITY); //reqparm.Add("branch", d.BRANCHBST); wcClient.UploadValues(Settings.CurrentSettings.BSTSITESERVICE + "/StartTest", reqparm); } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(e); } }