예제 #1
        private void RebuildDetails()

            var bifurcationsProp = CommandItem.CommandProperty.GetChildProperty("bifurcations");

            var count = bifurcationsProp.GetProperty().arraySize;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                var bifurcationBox = new VisualElement();

                var item      = bifurcationsProp.GetArrayElementAt(i);
                var labelProp = item.GetChildProperty("label").GetProperty();

                var a = new Foldout();
                a.text = $"「{labelProp.stringValue}」"; // new Label($"「{labelProp.stringValue}」");
                var toggle = a.Q <Toggle>();
                toggle.style.marginBottom    = 0f;
                a.style.marginTop            = 10f;
                toggle.style.backgroundColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);

                var l = new CommandListView(CommandItem.ParentList, item.GetChildProperty("commandList.commands"));

예제 #2
        private void AddNewXYFields(int index)
            TableLayoutPanel[] tableColl = new TableLayoutPanel[2] {
                this.InputTableLayout, this.OutputTableLayout
            string type = "Input";

            foreach (TableLayoutPanel table in tableColl)
                Label   label    = new DefaultLabel(type + index, index + ":");
                TextBox xTextBox = new DefaultInput("X" + type + index, this.ImaginaryMessage);
                //xTextBox.Text = xTextBox.Name;
                TextBox yTextBox = new DefaultInput("Y" + type + index, this.ImaginaryMessage);
                //yTextBox.Text = yTextBox.Name;
                table.Controls.Add(label, 0, index - 1);
                if (type.Equals("Input"))
                    table.Controls.Add(xTextBox, 1, index - 1);
                    table.Controls.Add(yTextBox, 2, index - 1);
                    table.Controls.Add(xTextBox, 2, index - 1); //поменял 1 и 2 местами
                    table.Controls.Add(yTextBox, 1, index - 1); //
                table.RowStyles.Add(new RowStyle(System.Windows.Forms.SizeType.Absolute, 30F));
                type = "Result";
예제 #3
        private void RemoveBifurcation(int index)
            var bifurcationsProp = CommandItem.CommandProperty.GetChildProperty("bifurcations");



        public TopPanelItem(string title, View contentView = null, bool isSelected = false)
            HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand;
            Padding           = 8;

            titleLabel = new DefaultLabel {
                Text = title,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand,
                FontAttributes    = FontAttributes.Bold,
                CustomFontSize    = NamedSize.Small
            IsSelected  = isSelected;
            ContentView = contentView;

            GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
                Command = new Command(() => OnTap.Dispatch())

            Content = titleLabel;
예제 #5
        private void AddBifurcation(int index)
            var bifurcationsProp = CommandItem.CommandProperty.GetChildProperty("bifurcations");


            var bifurcationBox = new VisualElement();

            var item      = bifurcationsProp.GetArrayElementAt(index);
            var labelProp = item.GetChildProperty("label").GetProperty();

            var a = new Foldout();

            a.text = $"「{labelProp.stringValue}」";
            var toggle = a.Q <Toggle>();

            toggle.style.marginBottom    = 0f;
            a.style.marginTop            = 10f;
            toggle.style.backgroundColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
            DefaultLabel.Insert(index, a);

            item.GetProperty().FindPropertyRelative("commandList.commands").arraySize = 0;
            var commandArrayProp = item.GetChildProperty("commandList.commands");

            var l = new CommandListView(CommandItem.ParentList, commandArrayProp);


            CustomDetailRoot.Insert(index, bifurcationBox);


예제 #6
        public TaskPopup(TodoTask task, Action onCancel = null, Action onSubmit = null)
            Task = task;

            SelectedDate    = task.date;
            timePicker.Time = task.date.TimeOfDay;

            BackgroundColor = StyleManager.MainColor;
            WidthRequest    = 300;

            titleLabel = new DefaultLabel {
                Text = Task.title, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand
            titleEdit = new DefaultEntry {
                Text = Task.title, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand, BackgroundColor = Color.Transparent
            titleEdit.WidthRequest = 250;

            var editButton = new Image {
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, Source = "edit_task.png"
            var doneButton = new Image {
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, Source = "ok.png"

            titlePanel = new StackLayout {
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Padding           = 10,
                Children          = { titleLabel, editButton }

            var editPanel = new StackLayout {
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Padding           = new Thickness(10, 0),
                Children          = { titleEdit, doneButton }

            topPanel = new ContentView {
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Content           = titlePanel,

            editButton.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
                Command = new Command(() => Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    topPanel.Content = editPanel;

            doneButton.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
                Command = new Command(() => Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(UpdateTitle))

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(task.title))
                Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                    topPanel.Content = editPanel;
                    ((Entry)editPanel.Children [0]).Focus();
                ((Entry)editPanel.Children [0]).Focus();

            popupFragment = new ContentView();
            datePicker    = new PopupDatePicker {
                OnItemSelected = view => {
                    if (view != null)
                        popupFragment.Content = view;
            datePicker.DateChanged += (sender, e) => {
                SelectedDate = datePicker.SelectedDate;
            popupFragment.Content = datePicker.DefaultView;

            var categoryIcon = new Image {
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand, HeightRequest = 12, Source = task.GetCategory().IconSource

            categoryPicker = new CategoryPicker();
            categoryPicker.SelectedIndex = 0;

            foreach (Category category in CategoryHelper.AllCategories)
                if (task.category == category.Name)
                    categoryPicker.SelectedIndex = categoryPicker.Items.Count - 1;

            categoryPicker.SelectedIndexChanged += (sender, args) => categoryIcon.Source = CategoryHelper.AllCategories[categoryPicker.SelectedIndex].IconSource;
            var selectCategoryArrow = new Image {
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.End, Source = "select.png", HeightRequest = 10

            selectCategoryArrow.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
                Command = new Command(() => categoryPicker.Focus())

            var categoryLayout = new StackLayout {
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Children          =
                    new DefaultLabel {
                        Text = "Category", TextColor = StyleManager.MainColor

            isFavorite = task.isFavorite;
            var starResource = isFavorite ? FAVORITE_IMG : NOT_FAVORITE_IMG;

            var favoriteLabel = new DefaultLabel {
                Text = "Mark as favorite", TextColor = StyleManager.MainColor
            var favoriteImage = new Image {
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.EndAndExpand,
                Source            = starResource,
                HeightRequest     = 15
            var favoriteLayout = new StackLayout {
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Children          = { favoriteLabel, favoriteImage }

            favoriteImage.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
                Command = new Command(() => Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
                    isFavorite           = !isFavorite;
                    favoriteImage.Source = isFavorite ? FAVORITE_IMG : NOT_FAVORITE_IMG;

            var actionText = "Create";

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(task.title))
                actionText = "Update";

            var buttons = new StackLayout {
                Orientation       = StackOrientation.Horizontal,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                Spacing           = 0,
                Children          =
                    new DefaultButton {
                        Text              = "Cancel",
                        TextColor         = Color.White,
                        BackgroundColor   = Color.Silver,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        Command           = new Command(onCancel.Dispatch)
                    new DefaultButton {
                        Text              = actionText,
                        TextColor         = Color.White,
                        BackgroundColor   = StyleManager.MainColor,
                        HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
                        Command           = new Command(() => Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {

            var mainLayout = new StackLayout {
                Padding         = 15,
                BackgroundColor = StyleManager.AccentColor,
                Spacing         = 20,
                Children        =            // TODO time picker, pass time
                    timePicker, categoryLayout, favoriteLayout, buttons

예제 #7
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource

            // enable Nutiteq SDK logging


            // get MapView

            MapView view = FindViewById <MapView> (Resource.Id.mapView);

            // define mandatory parameters

            // Components keeps internal state and parameters for MapView
            view.Components = new Components();

            // define base projection, almost always EPSG3857, but others can be defined also
            EPSG3857 proj = new EPSG3857();

            // set online base layer with MapQuest Open Tiles
            view.Layers.BaseLayer = new TMSMapLayer(proj, 0, 18, 0, "http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/osm/", "/", ".png");

             * //set offline base layer from MBTiles file
             * //TODO: set path properly
             * String MbTilePath = "/sdcard/europe-tilemill-mbtiles.sqlite";
             * view.Layers.BaseLayer = new MBTilesMapLayer (proj, 0, 5, 1, MbTilePath, this);

            // start map

            // add a marker

            // define marker style (image, size, color)
            Bitmap pointMarker = UnscaledBitmapLoader.DecodeResource(Resources, Resource.Drawable.olmarker);

            MarkerStyle.Builder markerStyleBuilder = new MarkerStyle.Builder();
            MarkerStyle markerStyle = markerStyleBuilder.Build();

            // define label what is shown when you click on marker
            Label markerLabel = new DefaultLabel("San Francisco", "Here is a marker");

            // define location of the marker, it must be converted to base map coordinate system
            MapPos SanFrancisco = view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection.FromWgs84(-122.416667f, 37.766667f);
            MapPos London       = view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection.FromWgs84(0.0f, 51.0f);

            // create layer and add object to the layer, finally add layer to the map.
            // All overlay layers must be same projection as base layer, so we reuse it
            MarkerLayer markerLayer = new MarkerLayer(view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection);

            markerLayer.Add(new Marker(SanFrancisco, markerLabel, markerStyle, markerLayer));

            // 3d building layer

            Polygon3DStyle.Builder nml3dStyleBuilder = new Polygon3DStyle.Builder();
            Polygon3DStyle         nml3dStyle        = nml3dStyleBuilder.Build();

            StyleSet nmlStyleSet = new StyleSet();

            nmlStyleSet.SetZoomStyle(14, nml3dStyle);

            NMLModelOnlineLayer Online3dLayer = new NMLModelOnlineLayer(view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection, "http://aws-lb.nutiteq.ee/nml/nmlserver2.php?data=demo&", nmlStyleSet);

            // persistent caching settings for the layer
            Online3dLayer.SetMemoryLimit(20 * 1024 * 1024);              // 20 MB
            Online3dLayer.SetPersistentCacheSize(50 * 1024 * 1024);      // 50 MB
            Online3dLayer.SetPersistentCachePath("/sdcard/nmlcache.db"); // mandatory to be set


            // OSM Polygon3D layer

            Polygon3DStyle.Builder poly3dStyleBuilder = new Polygon3DStyle.Builder();
            Polygon3DStyle poly3dStyle = poly3dStyleBuilder.Build();

            StyleSet polyStyleSet = new StyleSet();

            polyStyleSet.SetZoomStyle(16, poly3dStyle);

            Roof DefaultRoof = new FlatRoof();

            Polygon3DOSMLayer Poly3DLayer = new Polygon3DOSMLayer(view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection, 0.3f, DefaultRoof, unchecked ((int)0xffffffff) /* white */, unchecked ((int)0xff888888) /* gray */, 1500, polyStyleSet);


            // set map center and zoom
            view.FocusPoint = SanFrancisco;
            view.Zoom       = 5.0f;

            // set listener for map events
            MapListener listener = new MyMapListener();

            view.Options.MapListener = listener;
예제 #8
        protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
            base.OnCreate (bundle);

            // Set our view from the "main" layout resource
            SetContentView (Resource.Layout.Main);

            // enable Nutiteq SDK logging

            Log.EnableAll ();

            // get MapView

            MapView view = FindViewById<MapView> (Resource.Id.mapView);

            // define mandatory parameters

            // Components keeps internal state and parameters for MapView
            view.Components = new Components ();

            // define base projection, almost always EPSG3857, but others can be defined also
            EPSG3857 proj = new EPSG3857 ();

            // set online base layer with MapQuest Open Tiles
            view.Layers.BaseLayer = new TMSMapLayer(proj, 0, 18, 0, "http://otile1.mqcdn.com/tiles/1.0.0/osm/", "/", ".png");

            //set offline base layer from MBTiles file
            //TODO: set path properly
            String MbTilePath = "/sdcard/europe-tilemill-mbtiles.sqlite";

            view.Layers.BaseLayer = new MBTilesMapLayer (proj, 0, 5, 1, MbTilePath, this);

            // start map
            view.StartMapping ();

            // add a marker

            // define marker style (image, size, color)
            Bitmap pointMarker = UnscaledBitmapLoader.DecodeResource(Resources, Resource.Drawable.olmarker);

            MarkerStyle.Builder markerStyleBuilder = new MarkerStyle.Builder ();
            markerStyleBuilder.SetBitmap (pointMarker);
            markerStyleBuilder.SetColor (NutiteqComponents.Color.White);
            markerStyleBuilder.SetSize (0.5f);
            MarkerStyle markerStyle = markerStyleBuilder.Build ();

            // define label what is shown when you click on marker
            Label markerLabel = new DefaultLabel ("San Francisco", "Here is a marker");

            // define location of the marker, it must be converted to base map coordinate system
            MapPos SanFrancisco = view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection.FromWgs84 (-122.416667f, 37.766667f);
            MapPos London = view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection.FromWgs84 (0.0f, 51.0f);

            // create layer and add object to the layer, finally add layer to the map.
            // All overlay layers must be same projection as base layer, so we reuse it
            MarkerLayer markerLayer = new MarkerLayer(view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection);

            markerLayer.Add(new Marker(SanFrancisco, markerLabel, markerStyle, markerLayer));

            // 3d building layer

            Polygon3DStyle.Builder nml3dStyleBuilder = new Polygon3DStyle.Builder ();
            Polygon3DStyle nml3dStyle = nml3dStyleBuilder.Build ();

            StyleSet nmlStyleSet = new StyleSet ();
            nmlStyleSet.SetZoomStyle (14, nml3dStyle);

            NMLModelOnlineLayer Online3dLayer = new NMLModelOnlineLayer (view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection, "http://aws-lb.nutiteq.ee/nml/nmlserver2.php?data=demo&", nmlStyleSet);

            // persistent caching settings for the layer
            Online3dLayer.SetMemoryLimit (20*1024*1024); // 20 MB
            Online3dLayer.SetPersistentCacheSize (50*1024*1024); // 50 MB
            Online3dLayer.SetPersistentCachePath ("/sdcard/nmlcache.db"); // mandatory to be set


            // OSM Polygon3D layer

            Polygon3DStyle.Builder poly3dStyleBuilder = new Polygon3DStyle.Builder ();
            poly3dStyleBuilder.SetColor (NutiteqComponents.Color.White);
            Polygon3DStyle poly3dStyle = poly3dStyleBuilder.Build ();

            StyleSet polyStyleSet = new StyleSet ();
            polyStyleSet.SetZoomStyle (16, poly3dStyle);

            Roof DefaultRoof = new FlatRoof ();

            Polygon3DOSMLayer Poly3DLayer = new Polygon3DOSMLayer (view.Layers.BaseLayer.Projection, 0.3f, DefaultRoof, unchecked((int) 0xffffffff) /* white */, unchecked((int) 0xff888888) /* gray */, 1500, polyStyleSet);
            view.Layers.AddLayer (Poly3DLayer);

            // set map center and zoom
            view.FocusPoint = SanFrancisco;
            view.Zoom = 5.0f;

            // set listener for map events
            MapListener listener = new MyMapListener ();
            view.Options.MapListener = listener;
예제 #9
        public LoginPage()
            NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, false);

            // Status bar for iOS.
            var statusBar = new BoxView();

            if (Device.OS == TargetPlatform.iOS)
                statusBar.BackgroundColor = StyleManager.DarkAccentColor;
                statusBar.HeightRequest   = 20;

            // Application title & subtitle.
            var titleString = new FormattedString();

            titleString.Spans.Add(new Span {
                ForegroundColor = StyleManager.AccentColor, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Italic, FontSize = 40, Text = "Todo "
            titleString.Spans.Add(new Span {
                ForegroundColor = StyleManager.DarkAccentColor, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Italic, FontSize = 32, Text = "app"
            var title = new DefaultLabel {
                FormattedText = titleString, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center

            var subtitle = new ItalicLabel {
                Text = "Helping you doing everything", TextColor = StyleManager.AccentColor

            var titleLayout = new StackLayout {
                Children = { title, subtitle },
                Spacing  = 2,
                Padding  = new Thickness(0, 30)

            // Start layout (down arrow).
            var login = new ItalicLabel {
                Text = "Log in", CustomFontSize = NamedSize.Medium
            var downArrow = new Image {
                Source        = "down_button.png",
                HeightRequest = 60
            var startLayout = new StackLayout {
                Padding  = new Thickness(0, 100),
                Spacing  = 18,
                Children = { login, downArrow }

            // Login layout.
            emailTextBox = new DefaultEntry {
                Placeholder = "Email"
            passwordTextBox = new DefaultEntry {
                Placeholder = "Password", IsPassword = true
            var entryLayout = new StackLayout {
                Spacing  = 15,
                Children = { emailTextBox, passwordTextBox }

            submitButton = new DefaultButton {
                Command = new Command(Submit)
            signUpString = new FormattedString();
            signUpString.Spans.Add(new Span {
                ForegroundColor = StyleManager.AccentColor, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Italic
            signUpString.Spans.Add(new Span {
                ForegroundColor = StyleManager.DarkAccentColor, FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold
            var toggleModeLabel = new DefaultLabel {
                FormattedText = signUpString, HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center

            var signInLayout = new StackLayout {
                Padding  = new Thickness(0, 20),
                Spacing  = 30,
                Children = { submitButton, toggleModeLabel }

            var loginLayout = new StackLayout {
                Padding   = new Thickness(0, 35),
                Children  = { entryLayout, signInLayout },
                IsVisible = false

            downArrow.GestureRecognizers.Add(new TapGestureRecognizer {
                Command = new Command(() => {
                    loginLayout.IsVisible = true;
                    startLayout.IsVisible = false;

            var toggleModeGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer();

            toggleModeGestureRecognizer.Tapped += (sender, ev) => toggleMode();

            // Main content layout.
            var contentLayout = new StackLayout {
                Padding           = 25,
                HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center,
                Children          =

            Content = new StackLayout {
                Children = { statusBar, contentLayout }
