예제 #1
        public void TestBasicWesternName()
            NameForm nameForm = new NameForm("John Fitzgerald Kennedy")
                                .SetPart(NamePartType.Given, "John")
                                .SetPart(NamePartType.Given, "Fitzgerald")
                                .SetPart(NamePartType.Surname, "Kennedy");
            Name name = new Name().SetNameForm(nameForm);

            Gx.Gedcomx gx = new Gx.Gedcomx().SetPerson(new Person().SetName(name));
            xmlSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(xmlSerializer.Serialize(gx));
            jsonSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(jsonSerializer.Serialize(gx));
예제 #2
        public void TestExample()
            PlaceDescription         popesCreek    = CreatePopesCreek();
            PlaceDescription         mountVernon   = CreateMountVernon();
            PlaceDescription         chestnutGrove = CreateChestnutGrove();
            Person                   george        = CreateGeorge(popesCreek, mountVernon);
            Person                   martha        = CreateMartha(chestnutGrove, mountVernon);
            Relationship             marriage      = CreateMarriage(george, martha);
            List <SourceDescription> sources       = CiteGeorgeMarthaAndMarriage(george, martha, marriage);
            Agent contributor = CreateContributor();

            Gx.Gedcomx gx = new Gx.Gedcomx();
            gx.Persons = new List <Person>()
                george, martha
            gx.SourceDescriptions = sources;
            gx.SetAttribution(new Attribution());
            gx.Attribution.SetContributor(new ResourceReference());
            gx.Attribution.Contributor.SetResource("#" + contributor.Id);
            gx.Places = new List <PlaceDescription>()
                popesCreek, mountVernon, chestnutGrove

            xmlSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(xmlSerializer.Serialize(gx));
            jsonSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(jsonSerializer.Serialize(gx));
        public void TestCensusAndResidenceLikeFacts()
            Person person = new Person()
                            .SetFact(new Fact(FactType.Census, "...", "..."))
                            .SetFact(new Fact(FactType.Emigration, "...", "..."))
                            .SetFact(new Fact(FactType.Immigration, "...", "..."))
                            .SetFact(new Fact(FactType.LandTransaction, "...", "..."))
                            .SetFact(new Fact(FactType.MoveTo, "...", "..."))
                            .SetFact(new Fact(FactType.MoveFrom, "...", "..."))
                            .SetFact(new Fact(FactType.Residence, "...", "..."));

            Gx.Gedcomx gx = new Gx.Gedcomx().SetPerson(person);
            xmlSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(xmlSerializer.Serialize(gx));
            jsonSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(jsonSerializer.Serialize(gx));
        public void TestExample()
            Agent             contributor       = (Agent) new Agent().SetName("Jane Doe").SetEmail("*****@*****.**").SetId("A-1");
            Agent             repository        = (Agent) new Agent().SetName("General Registry Office, Southport").SetId("A-2");
            Attribution       attribution       = new Attribution().SetContributor(contributor).SetModified(DateTime.Parse("2014-03-07"));
            SourceDescription sourceDescription = (SourceDescription) new SourceDescription()
                                                  .SetTitle("Birth Certificate of Emma Bocock, 23 July 1843, General Registry Office")
                                                  .SetCitation(new SourceCitation().SetValue("England, birth certificate for Emma Bocock, born 23 July 1843; citing 1843 Birth in District and Sub-district of Ecclesall-Bierlow in the County of York, 303; General Registry Office, Southport."))
            Fact birth = new Fact()
                         .SetDate(new DateInfo().SetOriginal("23 June 1843"))
                         .SetPlace(new PlaceReference().SetOriginal("Broadfield Bar, Abbeydale Road, Ecclesall-Bierlow, York, England, United Kingdom"));
            Person       emma               = (Person) new Person().SetName("Emma Bocock").SetGender(GenderType.Female).SetFact(birth).SetExtracted(true).SetSource(sourceDescription).SetId("P-1");
            Person       father             = (Person) new Person().SetName("William Bocock").SetFact(new Fact().SetType(FactType.Occupation).SetValue("Toll Collector")).SetExtracted(true).SetSource(sourceDescription).SetId("P-2");
            Person       mother             = (Person) new Person().SetName("Sarah Bocock formerly Brough").SetExtracted(true).SetSource(sourceDescription).SetId("P-3");
            Relationship fatherRelationship = new Relationship().SetType(RelationshipType.ParentChild).SetPerson1(father).SetPerson2(emma);
            Relationship motherRelationship = new Relationship().SetType(RelationshipType.ParentChild).SetPerson1(mother).SetPerson2(emma);
            Document     analysis           = (Document) new Document().SetText("...Jane Doe's analysis document...").SetId("D-1");
            Person       emmaConclusion     = (Person) new Person().SetEvidence(emma).SetAnalysis(analysis).SetId("C-1");

            Gx.Gedcomx gx = new Gx.Gedcomx()
            xmlSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(xmlSerializer.Serialize(gx));
            jsonSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(jsonSerializer.Serialize(gx));
예제 #5
        public void TestExample()
            //Jane Doe, the researcher.
            Agent janeDoe = (Agent) new Agent().SetName("Jane Doe").SetEmail("*****@*****.**").SetId("A-1");

            //Lin Yee Chung Cemetery
            Agent cemetery = (Agent) new Agent().SetName("Lin Yee Chung Cemetery").SetAddress(new Address().SetCity("Honolulu").SetStateOrProvince("Hawaii")).SetId("A-2");

            //Hanyu Pinyin, the translator.
            Agent hanyuPinyin = (Agent) new Agent().SetName("HANYU Pinyin 王大年").SetEmail("*****@*****.**").SetId("A-3");

            //The attribution for this research.
            Attribution researchAttribution = new Attribution().SetContributor(janeDoe).SetModified(DateTime.Parse("2014-03-27"));

            //The attribution for the translation.
            Attribution translationAttribution = new Attribution().SetContributor(hanyuPinyin).SetModified(DateTime.Parse("2014-03-27"));

            //The grave stone.
            SourceDescription gravestoneDescription = (SourceDescription) new SourceDescription()
                                                      .SetTitle("Grave Marker of WONG Aloiau, Lin Yee Chung Cemetery, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii")
                                                      .SetCitation(new SourceCitation().SetValue("WONG Aloiau gravestone, Lin Yee Chung Cemetery, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii; visited May 1975 by Jane Doe."))

            //The image of the grave stone.
            SourceDescription gravestoneImageDescription = (SourceDescription) new SourceDescription()
                                                           .SetTitle("Grave Marker of WONG Aloiau, Lin Yee Chung Cemetery, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii")
                                                           .SetCitation(new SourceCitation().SetValue("WONG Aloiau gravestone (digital photograph), Lin Yee Chung Cemetery, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii; visited May 1975 by Jane Doe."))
                                                           .SetSource(new SourceReference().SetDescription(gravestoneDescription))

            //The transcription of the grave stone.
            Document transcription = (Document) new Document()
                                     .SetText("WONG ALOIAU\n" +
                                              "NOV. 22, 1848 – AUG. 3, 1920\n" +
                                              "中山  大字都  泮沙鄉\n" +
                                              "生  於  前  清 戊申 年 十一 月 廿二(日)子   時\n" +
                                              "終  於  民國  庚申 年     七月    十二 (日)    午    時\n" +
                                              "先考  諱 羅有  字 容康 王 府 君 之 墓")

            //The transcription described as a source.
            SourceDescription transcriptionDescription = (SourceDescription) new SourceDescription()
                                                         .SetAbout("#" + transcription.Id)
                                                         .SetTitle("Transcription of Grave Marker of WONG Aloiau, Lin Yee Chung Cemetery, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii")
                                                         .SetCitation(new SourceCitation().SetValue("WONG Aloiau gravestone (transcription), Lin Yee Chung Cemetery, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii; visited May 1975 by Jane Doe."))
                                                         .SetSource(new SourceReference().SetDescription(gravestoneImageDescription))

            //The translation of the grave stone.
            Document translation = (Document) new Document()
                                   .SetText("WONG ALOIAU\n" +
                                            "NOV. 22, 1848 – AUG. 3, 1920 [lunar dates]\n" +
                                            "[Birthplace] [China, Guandong, ]Chung Shan, See Dai Doo, Pun Sha village\n" +
                                            "[Date of birth] Born at former Qing 1848 year 11th month 22nd day 23-1 hour.\n" +
                                            "[Life] ended at Republic of China year 1920 year 7th mo. 12th day 11-13 hour.\n" +
                                            "Deceased father avoid [mention of] Lo Yau also known as Young Hong Wong [noble]residence ruler’s grave.")

            //The translation described as a source.
            SourceDescription translationDescription = (SourceDescription) new SourceDescription()
                                                       .SetAbout("#" + translation.Id)
                                                       .SetTitle("Translation of Grave Marker of WONG Aloiau, Lin Yee Chung Cemetery, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii")
                                                       .SetCitation(new SourceCitation().SetValue("WONG Aloiau gravestone, Lin Yee Chung Cemetery, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii; visited May 1975 by Jane Doe. Translation by HANYU Pinyin 王大年."))
                                                       .SetSource(new SourceReference().SetDescription(transcriptionDescription))

            //the birth.
            Fact birth = new Fact()
                         .SetDate(new DateInfo().SetOriginal("former Qing 1848 year 11th month 22nd day 23-1 hour").SetFormal("+1848-11-22"))
                         .SetPlace(new PlaceReference().SetOriginal("Pun Sha Village, See Dai Doo, Chung Shan, Guangdong, China"));

            //the death.
            Fact death = new Fact()
                         .SetDate(new DateInfo().SetOriginal("Republic of China year 1920 year 7th mo. 12th day 11-13 hour").SetFormal("+1920-08-03"));

            //the burial.
            Fact burial = new Fact()
                          .SetPlace(new PlaceReference().SetOriginal("Lin Yee Chung Cemetery, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii"));

            //the principal person
            Person aloiau = (Person) new Person().SetName("WONG Aloiau").SetGender(GenderType.Male).SetFact(birth).SetFact(death).SetFact(burial).SetExtracted(true).SetSource(translationDescription).SetId("P-1");

            //the father of the principal (with an aka name).
            Person father = (Person) new Person().SetName("Lo Yau").SetName(new Name().SetType(NameType.AlsoKnownAs).SetNameForm(new NameForm().SetFullText("Young Hong Wong"))).SetExtracted(true).SetSource(translationDescription).SetId("P-2");

            //the relationship.
            Relationship fatherRelationship = new Relationship().SetType(RelationshipType.ParentChild).SetPerson1(father).SetPerson2(aloiau);

            //Jane Doe's analysis.
            Document analysis = (Document) new Document().SetText("...Jane Doe's analysis document...").SetId("D-3");

            //Jane Doe's conclusions about a person.
            Person aloiauConclusion = (Person) new Person().SetEvidence(aloiau).SetAnalysis(analysis).SetId("C-1");

            Gx.Gedcomx gx = new Gx.Gedcomx()

            xmlSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(xmlSerializer.Serialize(gx));
            jsonSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(jsonSerializer.Serialize(gx));
예제 #6
        public void TestExample()
            //Jane Doe, the researcher.
            Agent janeDoe = (Agent) new Agent().SetName("Jane Doe").SetEmail("*****@*****.**").SetId("A-1");

            //Lin Yee Chung Cemetery
            Agent fhl = (Agent) new Agent().SetName("Family History Library").SetAddress(new Address().SetCity("Salt Lake City").SetStateOrProvince("Utah")).SetId("A-2");

            //The attribution for this research.
            Attribution researchAttribution = new Attribution().SetContributor(janeDoe).SetModified(DateTime.Parse("2014-04-25"));

            //The parish register.
            SourceDescription recordDescription = (SourceDescription) new SourceDescription()
                                                  .SetTitle("Marriage entry for Samuel Ham and Elizabeth Spiller, Parish Register, Wilton, Somerset, England")
                                                  .SetDescription("Marriage entry for Samuel Ham and Elizabeth in a copy of the registers of the baptisms, marriages, and burials at the church of St. George in the parish of Wilton : adjoining Taunton, in the county of Somerset from A.D. 1558 to A.D. 1837.")
                                                  .SetCitation(new SourceCitation().SetValue("Joseph Houghton Spencer, transcriber, Church of England, Parish Church of Wilton (Somerset). <cite>A copy of the registers of the baptisms, marriages, and burials at the church of St. George in the parish of Wilton : adjoining Taunton, in the county of Somerset from A.D. 1558 to A.D. 1837</cite>; Marriage entry for Samuel Ham and Elizabeth Spiller (3 November 1828), (Taunton: Barnicott, 1890), p. 224, No. 86."))

            //The transcription of the grave stone.
            Document transcription = (Document) new Document()
                                     .SetText("Samuel Ham of the parish of Honiton and Elizabeth Spiller\n" +
                                              "were married this 3rd day of November 1828 by David Smith\n" +
                                              "Stone, Pl Curate,\n" +
                                              "In the Presence of\n" +
                                              "Jno Pain.\n" +
                                              "R.G. Halls.  Peggy Hammet.\n" +
                                              "No. 86.")

            //The transcription described as a source.
            SourceDescription transcriptionDescription = (SourceDescription) new SourceDescription()
                                                         .SetAbout("#" + transcription.Id)
                                                         .SetTitle("Transcription of marriage entry for Samuel Ham and Elizabeth Spiller, Parish Register, Wilton, Somerset, England")
                                                         .SetDescription("Transcription of marriage entry for Samuel Ham and Elizabeth in a copy of the registers of the baptisms, marriages, and burials at the church of St. George in the parish of Wilton : adjoining Taunton, in the county of Somerset from A.D. 1558 to A.D. 1837.")
                                                         .SetCitation(new SourceCitation().SetValue("Joseph Houghton Spencer, transcriber, Church of England, Parish Church of Wilton (Somerset). <cite>A copy of the registers of the baptisms, marriages, and burials at the church of St. George in the parish of Wilton : adjoining Taunton, in the county of Somerset from A.D. 1558 to A.D. 1837</cite>; Marriage entry for Samuel Ham and Elizabeth Spiller (3 November 1828), (Taunton: Barnicott, 1890), p. 224, No. 86."))
                                                         .SetSource(new SourceReference().SetDescription(recordDescription))

            //the marriage fact.
            Fact marriage = new Fact()
                            .SetDate(new DateInfo().SetOriginal("3 November 1828").SetFormal("+1828-11-03"))
                            .SetPlace(new PlaceReference().SetOriginal("Wilton St George, Wilton, Somerset, England"));

            //the groom's residence.
            Fact samsResidence = new Fact()
                                 .SetDate(new DateInfo().SetOriginal("3 November 1828").SetFormal("+1828-11-03"))
                                 .SetPlace(new PlaceReference().SetOriginal("parish of Honiton, Devon, England"));

            //the groom's residence.
            Fact lizsResidence = new Fact()
                                 .SetDate(new DateInfo().SetOriginal("3 November 1828").SetFormal("+1828-11-03"))
                                 .SetPlace(new PlaceReference().SetOriginal("parish of Wilton, Somerset, England"));

            //the groom
            Person sam = (Person) new Person().SetName("Samuel Ham").SetGender(GenderType.Male).SetFact(samsResidence).SetExtracted(true).SetSource(transcriptionDescription).SetId("P-1");

            //the bride.
            Person liz = (Person) new Person().SetName("Elizabeth Spiller").SetGender(GenderType.Female).SetFact(lizsResidence).SetExtracted(true).SetSource(transcriptionDescription).SetId("P-2");

            Person witness1 = (Person) new Person().SetName("Jno. Pain").SetExtracted(true).SetSource(transcriptionDescription).SetId("P-3");
            Person witness2 = (Person) new Person().SetName("R.G. Halls").SetExtracted(true).SetSource(transcriptionDescription).SetId("P-4");
            Person witness3 = (Person) new Person().SetName("Peggy Hammet").SetExtracted(true).SetSource(transcriptionDescription).SetId("P-5");

            Person officiator = (Person) new Person().SetName("David Smith Stone").SetExtracted(true).SetSource(transcriptionDescription).SetId("P-6");

            //the relationship.
            Relationship marriageRelationship = (Relationship) new Relationship().SetType(RelationshipType.Couple).SetPerson1(sam).SetPerson2(liz).SetFact(marriage).SetExtracted(true);

            //the marriage event
            Event marriageEvent = (Event) new Event(EventType.Marriage)
                                  .SetDate(new DateInfo().SetOriginal("3 November 1828").SetFormal("+1828-11-03"))
                                  .SetPlace(new PlaceReference().SetOriginal("Wilton St George, Wilton, Somerset, England"))
                                  .SetRole(new EventRole().SetPerson(sam).SetType(EventRoleType.Principal))
                                  .SetRole(new EventRole().SetPerson(liz).SetType(EventRoleType.Principal))
                                  .SetRole(new EventRole().SetPerson(witness1).SetType(EventRoleType.Witness))
                                  .SetRole(new EventRole().SetPerson(witness2).SetType(EventRoleType.Witness))
                                  .SetRole(new EventRole().SetPerson(witness3).SetType(EventRoleType.Witness))
                                  .SetRole(new EventRole().SetPerson(officiator).SetType(EventRoleType.Official))

            //Jane Doe's analysis.
            Document analysis = (Document) new Document().SetText("...Jane Doe's analysis document...").SetId("D-2");

            //Jane Doe's conclusions about a person.
            Person samConclusion = (Person) new Person().SetEvidence(sam).SetAnalysis(analysis).SetId("C-1");

            Gx.Gedcomx gx = new Gx.Gedcomx()

            xmlSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(xmlSerializer.Serialize(gx));
            jsonSerializer.Deserialize <Gx.Gedcomx>(jsonSerializer.Serialize(gx));