public void when_publishing_cancelled_it_should_report_about_it()
            var producer = new TestProducer <int, byte[]>(new ProducerConfig(), new Dictionary <string, object>());
            var sut      = new DefaultApiProducer <int, byte[]>(
                Mock.Of <IHeaderValueCodec>(),
                Mock.Of <ILogger <DefaultApiProducer <int, byte[]> > >());

            var cancelledToken = new CancellationToken(canceled: true);
            var context        = new MessagePublishingContext
                Key      = 555,
                Payload  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("payload"),
                Api      = Mock.Of <IEgressApi>(),
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Type", "Message1" }
                QueueNames = new[] { "commands1", "audit2" },
                Broker     = Mock.Of <IMessageBroker>()

            var publish = sut.Publish(context, cancelledToken);

            publish.IsCanceled.Should().BeTrue("publishing was cancelled");
        public void when_dispose_it_should_dispose_producer()
            var producerMock = new Mock <IProducer <int, string> >();

            producerMock.Setup(producer => producer.Dispose()).Verifiable("producer should be disposed");
            var sut = new DefaultApiProducer <int, string>(
                Mock.Of <IHeaderValueCodec>(),
                new Mock <ILogger <DefaultApiProducer <int, string> > >().Object);

        public void when_publish_with_invalid_arguments_it_should_fail()
            var apiProducer = new DefaultApiProducer <string, string>(
                Mock.Of <IProducer <string, string> >(),
                Mock.Of <IHeaderValueCodec>(),
                Mock.Of <ILogger <DefaultApiProducer <string, string> > >());

            // ReSharper disable once AssignNullToNotNullAttribute
            Func <Task> sut = () => apiProducer.Publish(context: null, CancellationToken.None);

            sut.Should().ThrowExactly <ArgumentNullException>("null is not valid context");
        public async Task when_publishing_to_properly_initialized_driver_it_should_publish_messages_and_log()
            var          container  = new Container().AddLogging(_testOutput);
            const string brokerId   = "broker-1";
            var          brokerMock = new Mock <IMessageBroker>();

            brokerMock.SetupGet(broker => broker.Id).Returns(brokerId);

            var          producer = new TestProducer <int, byte[]>(new ProducerConfig(), new Dictionary <string, object>());
            const int    key      = 555;
            const string topic1   = "commands1";
            const string topic2   = "audit2";
            var          context  = new MessagePublishingContext
                Key      = key,
                Payload  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("payload"),
                Api      = Mock.Of <IEgressApi>(),
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Type", "Message1" }
                QueueNames = new[] { topic1, topic2 },
                Broker     = brokerMock.Object

            var apiProducer = new DefaultApiProducer <int, byte[]>(
                Mock.Of <IHeaderValueCodec>(),
                container.GetInstance <ILogger <DefaultApiProducer <int, byte[]> > >());

            await apiProducer.Publish(context, CancellationToken.None);

            InMemorySink.Instance.LogEvents.Should().HaveCount(2 * 2, "message was published to 2 topics");
            InMemorySink.Instance.LogEvents.ElementAt(index: 0).RenderMessage().Should().Contain("Publishing")
            InMemorySink.Instance.LogEvents.ElementAt(index: 1).RenderMessage().Should().Contain("Successfully")
            InMemorySink.Instance.LogEvents.ElementAt(index: 2).RenderMessage().Should().Contain("Publishing")
            InMemorySink.Instance.LogEvents.ElementAt(index: 3).RenderMessage().Should().Contain("Successfully")
        public void when_publishing_and_error_happens_it_should_log_error_and_fail()
            var          container  = new Container().AddLogging(_testOutput);
            const string brokerId   = "broker-1";
            var          brokerMock = new Mock <IMessageBroker>();

            brokerMock.SetupGet(broker => broker.Id).Returns(brokerId);

            var producer = new TestProducer <int, byte[]>(
                new ProducerConfig(),
                new Dictionary <string, object>(),
                new IOException());
            const int    key     = 555;
            const string topic1  = "commands1";
            const string topic2  = "audit2";
            var          context = new MessagePublishingContext
                Key      = key,
                Payload  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("payload"),
                Api      = Mock.Of <IEgressApi>(),
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { "Type", "Message1" }
                QueueNames = new[] { topic1, topic2 },
                Broker     = brokerMock.Object

            var apiProducer = new DefaultApiProducer <int, byte[]>(
                Mock.Of <IHeaderValueCodec>(),
                container.GetInstance <ILogger <DefaultApiProducer <int, byte[]> > >());

            Func <Task> sut = () => apiProducer.Publish(context, CancellationToken.None);

            sut.Should().ThrowExactly <IOException>("should fail if publishing failed");

            InMemorySink.Instance.LogEvents.Should().HaveCount(2 * 2, "message publishing failed in both topics");
            InMemorySink.Instance.LogEvents.ElementAt(index: 0).RenderMessage().Should().Contain("Publishing")
            InMemorySink.Instance.LogEvents.ElementAt(index: 1).RenderMessage().Should().Contain("Failed")
        public async Task when_publishing_to_properly_initialized_driver_it_should_publish_message_to_producer()
            var container         = new Container().AddLogging(_testOutput);
            var publishedMessages = new Dictionary <string, Message <int, byte[]> >();

            var producerMock = new Mock <IProducer <int, byte[]> >();

                producer => producer.ProduceAsync(
                    It.IsAny <string>(),
                    It.IsAny <Message <int, byte[]> >(),
                    string topic,
                    Message <int, byte[]> message,
                    CancellationToken token) => publishedMessages.Add(topic, message))
            .Returns(() => Task.FromResult(new DeliveryResult <int, byte[]>()));

            var apiProducer = new DefaultApiProducer <int, byte[]>(
                new Utf8ByteStringHeaderValueCodec(),
                container.GetInstance <ILogger <DefaultApiProducer <int, byte[]> > >());

            const int    key         = 555;
            var          payload     = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("payload");
            const string headerKey   = "Type";
            const string headerValue = "Message1";
            const string topic1      = "commands1";
            const string topic2      = "audit2";

            var context = new MessagePublishingContext
                Key      = key,
                Payload  = payload,
                Api      = Mock.Of <IEgressApi>(),
                Metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                    { headerKey, headerValue }
                QueueNames = new[] { topic1, topic2 },
                Broker     = Mock.Of <IMessageBroker>()

            await apiProducer.Publish(context, CancellationToken.None);

            publishedMessages.Should().HaveCount(expected: 2, "published 1 message to 2 topics");
            publishedMessages.ElementAt(index: 0).Key.Should().Be(topic1, "should publish to topics in order of occurrence");
            publishedMessages.ElementAt(index: 0).Value.As <Message <int, byte[]> >().Key.Should().Be(key, "key should have expected value");
            publishedMessages.ElementAt(index: 0).Value.As <Message <int, byte[]> >().Value.Should()
            .Equal(payload, "payload should have expected value");
            var header = publishedMessages.ElementAt(index: 0).Value.As <Message <int, byte[]> >().Headers.Single();

            header.Key.Should().Be(headerKey, "single header should have expected value");
            header.GetValueBytes().Should().Equal(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(headerValue), "single header should have expected value");

            publishedMessages.ElementAt(index: 1).Key.Should().Be(topic2, "should publish to topics in order of occurrence");
            publishedMessages.ElementAt(index: 1).Value.As <Message <int, byte[]> >().Key.Should().Be(key, "key should have expected value");
            publishedMessages.ElementAt(index: 1).Value.As <Message <int, byte[]> >().Value.Should()
            .Equal(payload, "payload should have expected value");
            header = publishedMessages.ElementAt(index: 1).Value.As <Message <int, byte[]> >().Headers.Single();
            header.Key.Should().Be(headerKey, "single header should have expected value");
            header.GetValueBytes().Should().Equal(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(headerValue), "single header should have expected value");
        public void when_publishing_with_invalid_context_content_it_should_fail()
            var apiProducer = new DefaultApiProducer <string, string>(
                Mock.Of <IProducer <string, string> >(),
                Mock.Of <IHeaderValueCodec>(),
                Mock.Of <ILogger <DefaultApiProducer <string, string> > >());

            const int key     = 555;
            var       payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("payload");

            var metadata = new Dictionary <string, string> {
                { "Type", "Message1" }
            var queueNames = new[] { "commands1", "audit2" };
            var broker     = Mock.Of <IMessageBroker>();
            var api        = Mock.Of <IEgressApi>();
            var context    = new MessagePublishingContext
                Key        = key,
                Payload    = payload,
                Api        = api,
                Metadata   = metadata,
                QueueNames = queueNames,
                Broker     = broker

            Func <Task> sut = () => apiProducer.Publish(context, CancellationToken.None);

            context.Metadata = null;
            sut.Should().ThrowExactly <PoezdOperationException>().Where(
                exception => exception.Message.Contains("metadata", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase),
                "null is an invalid metadata");
            context.Metadata = metadata;

            context.QueueNames = null;
            sut.Should().ThrowExactly <PoezdOperationException>().Where(
                exception => exception.Message.Contains("queueNames", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase),
                "null is an invalid queue names");
            context.QueueNames = queueNames;

            context.Key = null;
            sut.Should().ThrowExactly <PoezdOperationException>().Where(
                exception => exception.Message.Contains("key", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase),
                "null is an invalid key");
            context.Key = key;

            context.Payload = null;
            sut.Should().ThrowExactly <PoezdOperationException>().Where(
                exception => exception.Message.Contains("payload", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase),
                "null is an invalid payload");
            context.Payload = payload;

            context.Broker = null;
            sut.Should().ThrowExactly <PoezdOperationException>().Where(
                exception => exception.Message.Contains("broker", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase),
                "null is an invalid broker");
            context.Broker = broker;

            context.Api = null;
            sut.Should().ThrowExactly <PoezdOperationException>().Where(
                exception => exception.Message.Contains("API", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase),
                "null is an invalid API");