예제 #1
 protected override ElementString TranslateToElementString(string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
     using (var engine = new V8ScriptEngine())
         var sScript = GetJavaScript(nCardIndex, zDeckLine, sRawString);
             var sValue = engine.Evaluate(sScript);
             if (sValue is string || sValue is int)
                 return new ElementString()
                     String = sValue.ToString()
         catch (Exception e)
     return new ElementString()
         String = string.Empty
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates a file export string for naming a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sRawString"></param>
        /// <param name="nCardNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="nLeftPad"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string TranslateFileNameString(string sRawString, int nCardNumber, int nLeftPad, DeckLine zCurrentPrintLine, Dictionary<string, string> dictionaryDefines,
            Dictionary<string, int> dictionaryColumnNameToIndex, ProjectLayout zLayout)
            string sOutput = sRawString;
            var listLine = zCurrentPrintLine.LineColumns;

            // Translate named items (column names / defines)
            //    1    2    3   4   5
            while (s_regexColumnVariable.IsMatch(sOutput))
                var zMatch = s_regexColumnVariable.Match(sOutput);
                int nIndex;
                string sDefineValue;
                string sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();
                if (dictionaryDefines.TryGetValue(sKey, out sDefineValue))
                    sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue.Trim() + zMatch.Groups[5];
                else if (dictionaryColumnNameToIndex.TryGetValue(sKey, out nIndex))
                    sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + listLine[nIndex].Trim() + zMatch.Groups[5];
                    sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + "[UNKNOWN]" + zMatch.Groups[5];
            // replace ##, #L, Newlines
            sOutput = sOutput.Replace("##", nCardNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0')).Replace("#L", zLayout.Name).Replace(Environment.NewLine, String.Empty);

            // last chance: replace unsupported characters (for file name)
            var zBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            foreach (char c in sOutput)
                string sReplace;
                if (s_dictionaryCharReplacement.TryGetValue(c, out sReplace))
                    // quadruple check against bad chars!
                    if (-1 == sReplace.IndexOfAny(DISALLOWED_FILE_CHARS_ARRAY, 0))
                    if (-1 == c.ToString().IndexOfAny(DISALLOWED_FILE_CHARS_ARRAY))
            return zBuilder.ToString();
예제 #3
        public ElementString TranslateString(string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine,
            ProjectLayoutElement zElement, string sCacheSuffix = "")
            string sCacheKey = zElement.name + sCacheSuffix;
            ElementString zCached;
            if (m_dictionaryElementStringCache.TryGetValue(sCacheKey, out zCached))
                return zCached;

            var zElementString = TranslateToElementString(sRawString, nCardIndex, zDeckLine, zElement);

            if (zElementString.String.Contains("#nodraw"))
                zElementString.DrawElement = false;

            // all translators perform this post replacement operation
            switch ((ElementType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ElementType), zElement.type))
                case ElementType.Text:
                    zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("\\n", Environment.NewLine);
                    zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("\\q", "\"");
                    zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("\\c", ",");
                    zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&gt;", ">");
                    zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&lt;", "<");
                case ElementType.FormattedText:
                    zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("<c>", ",");
                    zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("<q>", "\"");
                    zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&gt;", ">");
                    zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&lt;", "<");

            AddStringToTranslationCache(sCacheKey, zElementString);

            return zElementString;
예제 #4
        private string GetJavaScript(int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, string sDefintion)
            var zBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sDefintion))
                return "''";

            AddNumericVar(zBuilder, "deckIndex", (nCardIndex + 1).ToString());
            AddNumericVar(zBuilder, "cardIndex", (zDeckLine.RowSubIndex + 1).ToString());

            foreach (var sKey in DictionaryDefines.Keys)
                AddVar(zBuilder, sKey, DictionaryDefines[sKey]);

            for (int nIdx = 0; nIdx < ListColumnNames.Count; nIdx++)
                AddVar(zBuilder, ListColumnNames[nIdx], zDeckLine.LineColumns[nIdx]);
            return zBuilder.ToString();
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates the string representing the element. (also handles any nodraw text input)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="zDeck"></param>
        /// <param name="sRawString"></param>
        /// <param name="nCardIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="zDeckLine"></param>
        /// <param name="zElement"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override ElementString TranslateToElementString(Deck zDeck, string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
#warning Investigate using method references instead of anonymous methods (optimization/code easier to read)

            var listLine = zDeckLine.LineColumns;
            var sOutput  = sRawString;

            sOutput = sOutput.Replace("#empty", string.Empty);

            var zElementString = new ElementString();

            // TODO: maybe move these into classes so this isn't one mammoth blob

            LogTranslation(zElement, sOutput);

            // Translate card variables (non-reference information
            // Groups
            //     1    2    3   4   5
            // @"(.*)(!\[)(.+?)(\])(.*)"
            Func <Match, string> funcCardVariableProcessor =
                (zMatch =>
                string sDefineValue;
                var sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();

                // NOTE: if this expands into more variables move all this into some other method and use a dictionary lookup
                if (sKey.Equals("cardindex"))
                    sDefineValue = (nCardIndex + 1).ToString();
                else if (sKey.Equals("deckindex"))
                    sDefineValue = (zDeckLine.RowSubIndex + 1).ToString();
                else if (sKey.Equals("cardcount"))
                    sDefineValue = zDeck.CardCount.ToString();
                else if (sKey.Equals("elementname"))
                    sDefineValue = zElement.name;
                    IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Bad card variable: " + sKey);
                    sDefineValue = "[BAD NAME: " + sKey + "]";

                return(zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue + zMatch.Groups[5]);

            // Translate named items (column names / defines)
            //    1    2    3   4   5
            Func <Match, string> funcDefineProcessor =
                zMatch =>
                int    nIndex;
                string sDefineValue;
                var    sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString();

                // check the key for define parameters
                var arrayParams = sKey.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                if (arrayParams.Length > 1)
                    sKey = arrayParams[0];

                sKey = sKey.ToLower();

                if (DictionaryDefines.TryGetValue(sKey, out sDefineValue))
                else if (DictionaryColumnNameToIndex.TryGetValue(sKey, out nIndex))
                    sDefineValue = (nIndex >= listLine.Count ? string.Empty : (listLine[nIndex] ?? "").Trim());
                    IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Bad reference name: " + sKey);
                    sDefineValue = "[BAD NAME: " + sKey + "]";
                if (arrayParams.Length > 1)
                    for (int nIdx = 1; nIdx < arrayParams.Length; nIdx++)
                        sDefineValue = sDefineValue.Replace("{" + nIdx + "}", arrayParams[nIdx]);
                var result = zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue + zMatch.Groups[5];
                // perform the #empty replace every time a define is unwrapped
                return(result.Replace("#empty", string.Empty));

            // Translate substrings (column names / defines)
            //    1  2    3    4  5    6  7    8   9
            Func <Match, string> funcDefineSubstringProcessor =
                zMatch =>
                var sValue = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString();
                int nStartIdx;
                int nLength;
                if (!int.TryParse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString(), out nStartIdx) ||
                    !int.TryParse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString(), out nLength))
                    sValue = "[Invalid substring parameters]";
                    sValue = sValue.Length >= nStartIdx + nLength
                            ? sValue.Substring(nStartIdx, nLength)
                            : string.Empty;

                var result = zMatch.Groups[1] + sValue + zMatch.Groups[9];
                // perform the #empty replace every time a define is unwrapped
                return(result.Replace("#empty", string.Empty));

            // define and define substring processing
            sOutput = LoopTranslationMatchMap(sOutput, zElement,
                                              new Dictionary <Regex, Func <Match, string> >
                { s_regexColumnVariable, funcDefineProcessor },
                { s_regexColumnVariableSubstring, funcDefineSubstringProcessor },
                { s_regexCardVariable, funcCardVariableProcessor }

            // Translate card counter/index
            // Groups
            //     1   2    3  4    5  6    7  8   9
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexCardCounter, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                var nStart = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                var nChange = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString());
                var nLeftPad = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString());

                return(zMatch.Groups[1] +
                       // nIndex is left as is (not adding 1)
                       (nStart + (nCardIndex * nChange)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
                       .PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0') +

            // Translate sub card counter/index
            // Groups
            //     1   2    3  4    5  6    7  8   9
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexSubCardCounter, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                var nStart = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                var nChange = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString());
                var nLeftPad = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString());

                var nIndex = zDeckLine.RowSubIndex;

                return(zMatch.Groups[1] +
                       // nIndex is left as is (not adding 1)
                       (nStart + (nIndex * nChange)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0') +

            // Translate random number
            // Groups
            //    1  2         3      4  5      6  7
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexRandomNumber, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                int nMin;
                int nMax;

                if (!int.TryParse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString(), out nMin) ||
                    !int.TryParse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString(), out nMax))
                    return("Failed to parse random min/max");

                if (nMin >= nMax)
                    return("Invalid random specified. Min >= Max");

                // max is not inclusive
                return(zMatch.Groups[1] + CardMakerInstance.Random.Next(nMin, nMax + 1).ToString() +

            // Translate math (float support)
            // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/base-types/standard-numeric-format-strings
            // Groups
            //   1   2            3                  4         5                           6    7  8
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexMath, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                var sResult = "";
                if (ParseUtil.ParseFloat(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString(), out var fAValue) &&
                    ParseUtil.ParseFloat(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString(), out var fBValue))
                        var sFormat = zMatch.Groups[6].ToString();
                        var bUseFormat = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sFormat);
                        float fResult = 0;
                        switch (zMatch.Groups[4].ToString()[0])
                        case '+':
                            fResult = fAValue + fBValue;

                        case '-':
                            fResult = fAValue - fBValue;

                        case '*':
                            fResult = fAValue * fBValue;

                        case '/':
                            if (fBValue == 0)
                                throw new Exception("Cannot divide by zero.");
                            fResult = fAValue / fBValue;

                        case '%':
                            fResult = fAValue % fBValue;

                        sResult = bUseFormat
                                ? fResult.ToString(sFormat)
                                : fResult.ToString();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Logger.AddLogLine("Math float translator failed: {0}".FormatString(e));
                return(zMatch.Groups[1] + sResult + zMatch.Groups[8]);

            // Translate repeat
            // Groups
            //    1  2         3    4  5    6  7
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexRepeat, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                int nRepeatCount;
                var zBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                if (int.TryParse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString(), out nRepeatCount))
                    for (var nIdx = 0; nIdx < nRepeatCount; nIdx++)
                    Logger.AddLogLine("Unable to parse repeat count: " + zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());

                return(zMatch.Groups[1] + zBuilder.ToString() + zMatch.Groups[7]);

            // Translate If Logic
            //    1     2    3    4   5
            Func <Match, string> funcIfProcessor =
                (match =>
                var sLogicResult = TranslateIfLogic(match.Groups[3].ToString());
                return(match.Groups[1] +
                       sLogicResult +

            // Translate Switch Logic
            //    1    2         3    4   5
            Func <Match, string> funcSwitchProcessor =
                match =>
                var sLogicResult = TranslateSwitchLogic(match.Groups[3].ToString());
                return(match.Groups[1] +
                       sLogicResult +

            // if / switch processor
            sOutput = LoopTranslationMatchMap(sOutput, zElement,
                                              new Dictionary <Regex, Func <Match, string> >
                { s_regexIfLogic, funcIfProcessor },
                { s_regexSwitchLogic, funcSwitchProcessor }

            var dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            // Override evaluation:
            // Translate card variables (non-reference information
            // Groups
            //     1     2    3    4    5   6
            // @"(.*)(\$\[)(.+?):(.+?)(\])(.*)
            sOutput = LoopTranslateRegex(s_regexElementOverride, sOutput, zElement,
                                         (zMatch =>
                var sField = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();
                var sValue = zMatch.Groups[4].ToString();

                if (IsDisallowedOverrideField(sField))
                        "[{1}] override not allowed on element: [{0}]".FormatString(zElement.name, sField));
                // empty override values are discarded (matches reference overrides)
                else if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sValue))
                    dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue[sField] = sValue;

                return(zMatch.Groups[1].Value + zMatch.Groups[6].Value);

            zElementString.String = sOutput;
            zElementString.OverrideFieldToValueDictionary = dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue == null
                ? null
                : dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue;
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates a file export string for naming a file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sRawString"></param>
        /// <param name="nCardNumber"></param>
        /// <param name="nLeftPad"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string TranslateFileNameString(string sRawString, int nCardNumber, int nLeftPad, DeckLine zCurrentPrintLine, Dictionary <string, string> dictionaryDefines,
                                                     Dictionary <string, int> dictionaryColumnNameToIndex, ProjectLayout zLayout)
            string sOutput  = sRawString;
            var    listLine = zCurrentPrintLine.LineColumns;

            // Translate named items (column names / defines)
            //    1    2    3   4   5
            while (s_regexColumnVariable.IsMatch(sOutput))
                var    zMatch = s_regexColumnVariable.Match(sOutput);
                int    nIndex;
                string sDefineValue;
                string sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();
                if (dictionaryDefines.TryGetValue(sKey, out sDefineValue))
                    sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue.Trim() + zMatch.Groups[5];
                else if (dictionaryColumnNameToIndex.TryGetValue(sKey, out nIndex))
                    sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + listLine[nIndex].Trim() + zMatch.Groups[5];
                    sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + "[UNKNOWN]" + zMatch.Groups[5];
            // replace ##, #L, Newlines
            sOutput = sOutput.Replace("##", nCardNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0')).Replace("#L", zLayout.Name).Replace(Environment.NewLine, string.Empty);

            // last chance: replace unsupported characters (for file name)
            var zBuilder = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (char c in sOutput)
                string sReplace;
                if (s_dictionaryCharReplacement.TryGetValue(c, out sReplace))
                    // quadruple check against bad chars!
                    if (-1 == sReplace.IndexOfAny(DISALLOWED_FILE_CHARS_ARRAY, 0))
                    if (-1 == c.ToString().IndexOfAny(DISALLOWED_FILE_CHARS_ARRAY))
예제 #7
 public void Setup()
     _testDeck    = new TestDeck();
     _testLine    = new DeckLine(new List <string>());
     _testElement = new ProjectLayoutElement("testElement");
예제 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates the string representing the element. (also handles any nodraw text input)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sRawString"></param>
        /// <param name="nCardIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="zDeckLine"></param>
        /// <param name="zElement"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override ElementString TranslateToElementString(string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
            List <string> listLine = zDeckLine.LineColumns;

            string sOutput = sRawString;

            sOutput = sOutput.Replace("#empty", string.Empty);

            var zElementString = new ElementString();

            // Translate card variables (non-reference information
            // Groups
            //     1    2    3   4   5
            // @"(.*)(!\[)(.+?)(\])(.*)"
            Match zMatch;

            while (s_regexCardVariable.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexCardVariable.Match(sOutput);
                string sDefineValue;
                var    sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();

                // NOTE: if this expands into more variables move all this into some other method and use a dictionary lookup
                if (sKey.Equals("cardindex"))
                    sDefineValue = (nCardIndex + 1).ToString();
                else if (sKey.Equals("deckindex"))
                    sDefineValue = (zDeckLine.RowSubIndex + 1).ToString();
                    IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Bad card variable: " + sKey);
                    sDefineValue = "[BAD NAME: " + sKey + "]";

                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue + zMatch.Groups[5];

            // Translate named items (column names / defines)
            //    1    2    3   4   5
            while (s_regexColumnVariable.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexColumnVariable.Match(sOutput);
                int    nIndex;
                string sDefineValue;
                var    sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();

                // check the key for untranslated components
                var arrayParams = sKey.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                if (arrayParams.Length > 1)
                    sKey = arrayParams[0];

                if (DictionaryDefines.TryGetValue(sKey, out sDefineValue))
                else if (DictionaryColumnNameToIndex.TryGetValue(sKey, out nIndex))
                    sDefineValue = (nIndex >= listLine.Count ? string.Empty : (listLine[nIndex] ?? "").Trim());
                    IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Bad reference name: " + sKey);
                    sDefineValue = "[BAD NAME: " + sKey + "]";
                if (arrayParams.Length > 1)
                    for (int nIdx = 1; nIdx < arrayParams.Length; nIdx++)
                        sDefineValue = sDefineValue.Replace("{" + nIdx + "}", arrayParams[nIdx]);
                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue + zMatch.Groups[5];

            // Translate card counter/index
            // Groups
            //     1   2    3  4    5  6    7  8   9
            while (s_regexCardCounter.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexCardCounter.Match(sOutput);
                var nStart   = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                var nChange  = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString());
                var nLeftPad = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString());

                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                          // nIndex is left as is (not adding 1)
                          (nStart + (nCardIndex * nChange)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0') +

            // Translate sub card counter/index
            // Groups
            //     1   2    3  4    5  6    7  8   9
            while (s_regexSubCardCounter.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexSubCardCounter.Match(sOutput);
                var nStart   = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                var nChange  = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString());
                var nLeftPad = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString());

                var nIndex = zDeckLine.RowSubIndex;

                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                          // nIndex is left as is (not adding 1)
                          (nStart + (nIndex * nChange)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0') +

            // Translate If Logic
            //    1     2    3    4   5
            while (s_regexIfLogic.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexIfLogic.Match(sOutput);
                string sLogicResult = TranslateIfLogic(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                          sLogicResult +

            // Translate Switch Logic
            //    1     2        3    4   5
            while (s_regexSwitchLogic.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexSwitchLogic.Match(sOutput);
                string sLogicResult = TranslateSwitchLogic(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                          sLogicResult +

            zElementString.String = sOutput;

예제 #9
        public ElementString TranslateString(Deck zDeck, string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement, string sCacheSuffix = "")
            var sCacheKey = zElement.name + sCacheSuffix;

            // pull from translated string cache
            ElementString zCached;

            if (m_dictionaryElementStringCache.TryGetValue(sCacheKey, out zCached))

            var zElementString = TranslateToElementString(zDeck, sRawString, nCardIndex, zDeckLine, zElement);

            if (zElementString.String.Contains("#nodraw"))
                zElementString.DrawElement = false;

            // all translators perform this post replacement operation
            switch ((ElementType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ElementType), zElement.type))
            case ElementType.Text:
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("\\n", Environment.NewLine);
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("\\q", "\"");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("\\c", ",");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&gt;", ">");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&lt;", "<");

            case ElementType.FormattedText:
                // NOTE: never convert \n => <br> here. This will affect file paths that include '\n' (ie. c:\newfile.png)
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("<c>", ",");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("<q>", "\"");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&gt;", ">");
                zElementString.String = zElementString.String.Replace("&lt;", "<");

            AddStringToTranslationCache(sCacheKey, zElementString);

예제 #10
        public ProjectLayoutElement GetOverrideElement(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, int nCardIndex, List<string> arrayLine, DeckLine zDeckLine)
            Dictionary<string, int> dictionaryOverrideColumns;
            string sNameLower = zElement.name.ToLower();
            DictionaryElementOverrides.TryGetValue(sNameLower, out dictionaryOverrideColumns);
            if (null == dictionaryOverrideColumns)
                return zElement;

            var zOverrideElement = new ProjectLayoutElement();
            zOverrideElement.DeepCopy(zElement, false);
            zOverrideElement.name = zElement.name;

            foreach (string sKey in dictionaryOverrideColumns.Keys)
                Type zType = typeof(ProjectLayoutElement);
                PropertyInfo zProperty = zType.GetProperty(sKey);
                if (null != zProperty && zProperty.CanWrite)
                    MethodInfo zMethod = zProperty.GetSetMethod();
                    int nOverrideValueColumnIdx = dictionaryOverrideColumns[sKey];
                    if (arrayLine.Count <= nOverrideValueColumnIdx)
                    string sValue = arrayLine[nOverrideValueColumnIdx].Trim();

                    // Note: TranslateString maintains an element name based cache, the key is critical to make this translation unique
                    sValue = TranslateString(sValue, nCardIndex, zDeckLine, zOverrideElement, sKey).String;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sValue))
                        if (zProperty.PropertyType == typeof(string))
                            zMethod.Invoke(zOverrideElement, new object[] { sValue });
                        else if (zProperty.PropertyType == typeof(float))
                            float fValue;
                            if (float.TryParse(sValue, out fValue))
                                zMethod.Invoke(zOverrideElement, new object[] { fValue });
                        else if (zProperty.PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                            bool bValue;
                            if (bool.TryParse(sValue, out bValue))
                                zMethod.Invoke(zOverrideElement, new object[] { bValue });
                        else if (zProperty.PropertyType == typeof(Int32))
                            int nValue;
                            if (int.TryParse(sValue, out nValue))
                                zMethod.Invoke(zOverrideElement, new object[] { nValue });
            zOverrideElement.InitializeCache(); // any cached items must be recached
            return zOverrideElement;
예제 #11
 public void Setup()
     _testDeck    = new TestDeck();
     _testLine    = new DeckLine(new List <string>());
     _testElement = new ProjectLayoutElement(TEST_ELEMENT_NAME);
예제 #12
        public ProjectLayoutElement GetOverrideElement(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, int nCardIndex, List <string> arrayLine, DeckLine zDeckLine)
            Dictionary <string, int> dictionaryOverrideColumns;
            string sNameLower = zElement.name.ToLower();

            DictionaryElementOverrides.TryGetValue(sNameLower, out dictionaryOverrideColumns);
            if (null == dictionaryOverrideColumns)

            var zOverrideElement = new ProjectLayoutElement();

            zOverrideElement.DeepCopy(zElement, false);
            zOverrideElement.name = zElement.name;

            foreach (string sKey in dictionaryOverrideColumns.Keys)
                Type         zType     = typeof(ProjectLayoutElement);
                PropertyInfo zProperty = zType.GetProperty(sKey);
                if (null != zProperty && zProperty.CanWrite)
                    MethodInfo zMethod = zProperty.GetSetMethod();
                    int        nOverrideValueColumnIdx = dictionaryOverrideColumns[sKey];
                    if (arrayLine.Count <= nOverrideValueColumnIdx)
                    string sValue = arrayLine[nOverrideValueColumnIdx].Trim();

                    // Note: TranslateString maintains an element name based cache, the key is critical to make this translation unique
                    sValue = TranslateString(sValue, nCardIndex, zDeckLine, zOverrideElement, sKey).String;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sValue))
                        if (zProperty.PropertyType == typeof(string))
                            zMethod.Invoke(zOverrideElement, new object[] { sValue });
                        else if (zProperty.PropertyType == typeof(float))
                            float fValue;
                            if (float.TryParse(sValue, out fValue))
                                zMethod.Invoke(zOverrideElement, new object[] { fValue });
                        else if (zProperty.PropertyType == typeof(bool))
                            bool bValue;
                            if (bool.TryParse(sValue, out bValue))
                                zMethod.Invoke(zOverrideElement, new object[] { bValue });
                        else if (zProperty.PropertyType == typeof(Int32))
                            int nValue;
                            if (int.TryParse(sValue, out nValue))
                                zMethod.Invoke(zOverrideElement, new object[] { nValue });
            zOverrideElement.InitializeCache(); // any cached items must be recached
 public void Setup()
     _testDeck    = new TestDeck(new JavaScriptTranslatorFactory());
     _testLine    = new DeckLine(new List <string>());
     _testElement = new ProjectLayoutElement("testElement");
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Translates the string representing the element. (also handles any nodraw text input)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sRawString"></param>
        /// <param name="zDeckLine"></param>
        /// <param name="zElement"></param>
        /// <param name="sCacheSuffix"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override ElementString TranslateToElementString(string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
            List<string> listLine = zDeckLine.LineColumns;

            string sOutput = sRawString;

            sOutput = sOutput.Replace("#empty", String.Empty);

            var zElementString = new ElementString();

            // Translate card variables (non-reference information
            // Groups
            //     1    2    3   4   5
            // @"(.*)(!\[)(.+?)(\])(.*)"
            Match zMatch;
            while (s_regexCardVariable.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexCardVariable.Match(sOutput);
                string sDefineValue;
                var sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();

                // NOTE: if this expands into more variables move all this into some other method and use a dictionary lookup
                if (sKey.Equals("cardindex"))
                    sDefineValue = (nCardIndex + 1).ToString();
                else if (sKey.Equals("deckindex"))
                    sDefineValue = (zDeckLine.RowSubIndex + 1).ToString();
                    IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Bad card variable: " + sKey);
                    sDefineValue = "[BAD NAME: " + sKey + "]";

                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue + zMatch.Groups[5];

            // Translate named items (column names / defines)
            //    1    2    3   4   5
            while (s_regexColumnVariable.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexColumnVariable.Match(sOutput);
                int nIndex;
                string sDefineValue;
                var sKey = zMatch.Groups[3].ToString().ToLower();

                // check the key for untranslated components
                var arrayParams = sKey.Split(new char[] { ',' });
                if (arrayParams.Length > 1)
                    sKey = arrayParams[0];

                if (DictionaryDefines.TryGetValue(sKey, out sDefineValue))
                else if (DictionaryColumnNameToIndex.TryGetValue(sKey, out nIndex))
                    sDefineValue = (nIndex >= listLine.Count ? String.Empty : listLine[nIndex].Trim());
                    IssueManager.Instance.FireAddIssueEvent("Bad reference name: " + sKey);
                    sDefineValue = "[BAD NAME: " + sKey + "]";
                if (arrayParams.Length > 1)
                    for (int nIdx = 1; nIdx < arrayParams.Length; nIdx++)
                        sDefineValue = sDefineValue.Replace("{" + nIdx + "}", arrayParams[nIdx]);
                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] + sDefineValue + zMatch.Groups[5];

            // Translate card counter/index
            // Groups                 
            //     1   2    3  4    5  6    7  8   9
            while (s_regexCardCounter.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexCardCounter.Match(sOutput);
                var nStart = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                var nChange = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString());
                var nLeftPad = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString());

                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                    // nIndex is left as is (not adding 1)
                    (nStart + (nCardIndex * nChange)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0') +

            // Translate sub card counter/index
            // Groups                 
            //     1   2    3  4    5  6    7  8   9
            while (s_regexSubCardCounter.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexSubCardCounter.Match(sOutput);
                var nStart = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                var nChange = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[5].ToString());
                var nLeftPad = Int32.Parse(zMatch.Groups[7].ToString());

                var nIndex = zDeckLine.RowSubIndex;

                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                    // nIndex is left as is (not adding 1)
                    (nStart + (nIndex * nChange)).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(nLeftPad, '0') +

            // Translate If Logic
            //    1     2    3    4   5 
            while (s_regexIfLogic.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexIfLogic.Match(sOutput);
                string sLogicResult = TranslateIfLogic(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                    sLogicResult +

            // Translate Switch Logic
            //    1     2        3    4   5 
            while (s_regexSwitchLogic.IsMatch(sOutput))
                zMatch = s_regexSwitchLogic.Match(sOutput);
                string sLogicResult = TranslateSwitchLogic(zMatch.Groups[3].ToString());
                sOutput = zMatch.Groups[1] +
                    sLogicResult +

            zElementString.String = sOutput;

            return zElementString;
예제 #15
 protected abstract ElementString TranslateToElementString(string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine,
                                                           ProjectLayoutElement zElement);
예제 #16
        public ProjectLayoutElement GetOverrideElement(ProjectLayoutElement zElement, int nCardIndex, List <string> arrayLine, DeckLine zDeckLine)
            Dictionary <string, int> dictionaryOverrideColumns;

            DictionaryElementToFieldColumnOverrides.TryGetValue(zElement.name.ToLower(), out dictionaryOverrideColumns);

            var zOverrideElement = new ProjectLayoutElement();

            zOverrideElement.DeepCopy(zElement, false);
            zOverrideElement.name = zElement.name;

            if (null != dictionaryOverrideColumns)
                foreach (var sKey in dictionaryOverrideColumns.Keys)
                    var zProperty = typeof(ProjectLayoutElement).GetProperty(sKey);
                    if (null != zProperty && zProperty.CanWrite)
                        int nOverrideValueColumnIdx = dictionaryOverrideColumns[sKey];
                        if (arrayLine.Count <= nOverrideValueColumnIdx)
                        string sValue = arrayLine[nOverrideValueColumnIdx].Trim();

                        // Note: TranslateString maintains an element name based cache, the key is critical to make this translation unique
                        sValue = TranslateString(sValue, nCardIndex, zDeckLine, zOverrideElement, sKey).String;

                        UpdateElementField(zOverrideElement, zProperty, sValue);
                        Logger.AddLogLine("Unrecognized data-based override: [{0}] for element: [{1}]".FormatString(sKey, zElement.name));

예제 #17
 protected override ElementString TranslateToElementString(Deck zDeck, string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
     using (var engine = new V8ScriptEngine())
         var hostFunctions = new JavascriptHostFunctions(zElement);
         engine.AddHostObject("host", Microsoft.ClearScript.HostItemFlags.GlobalMembers, hostFunctions);
         var sScript = GetJavaScript(nCardIndex, zDeckLine, sRawString);
             var sValue = engine.Evaluate(sScript);
             if (sValue is string || sValue is int || sValue is double)
                 return(new ElementString()
                     String = sValue.ToString(),
                     OverrideFieldToValueDictionary = hostFunctions.dictionaryOverrideFieldToValue
         catch (Exception e)
     return(new ElementString()
         String = string.Empty
예제 #18
 protected abstract ElementString TranslateToElementString(string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine,
     ProjectLayoutElement zElement);
예제 #19
 protected override ElementString TranslateToElementString(Deck zDeck, string sRawString, int nCardIndex, DeckLine zDeckLine, ProjectLayoutElement zElement)
     using (var engine = new V8ScriptEngine())
         var sScript = GetJavaScript(nCardIndex, zDeckLine, sRawString);
             var sValue = engine.Evaluate(sScript);
             if (sValue is string || sValue is int)
                 return(new ElementString()
                     String = sValue.ToString()
         catch (Exception e)
     return(new ElementString()
         String = string.Empty