public void DecisionContextConstructorTest()
            IEnumerable <object> contextFeatures = new List <object>()
                new { Features = new { day = "Monday", time = "morning", weather = "sunny" } },
            List <PersonalizerRankableAction> actions = new List <PersonalizerRankableAction>();

                (new PersonalizerRankableAction(
                    id: "Person",
                    new List <object>()
                new { videoType = "documentary", videoLength = 35, director = "CarlSagan" }, new { mostWatchedByAge = "30-35" }
            DecisionContext decisionContext = new DecisionContext(contextFeatures, actions);

            Assert.AreEqual(decisionContext.ContextFeatures.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(decisionContext.Documents.Count, 1);
            Assert.AreEqual(decisionContext.Documents[0].ActionFeatures.Count, 2);
예제 #2
        public SelectedAction Select(ActionSet actionSet, DecisionContext context)
            var utilities = actionSet.Actions
                            .Select(x => new SelectedAction(x, x.Score(context)))

            var utilitySum = utilities.Sum(x => x.Score);

            var sortedListOfActionsByProbability = utilities
                                                   .Select(x => new
                Probability    = x.Score / utilitySum,
                SelectedAction = x
                                                   .OrderByDescending(x => x.Probability)

            var runningSum  = .0;
            var randomValue = context.RandomGenerator.Next();

            foreach (var actionProbability in sortedListOfActionsByProbability)
                runningSum += actionProbability.Probability;

                if (runningSum >= randomValue)

예제 #3
 public override float Score(DecisionContext context)
     if ((context.Target.Unit ?? context.Unit).IsEnemy(context.Unit))
예제 #4
        public override float Score(DecisionContext context)
            var unit = context.Target?.Unit;

            if (unit == null)

            return(unit.Body.IsPolymorphed ? polymorphed_score : not_polymorphed_score);
예제 #5
 static void Postfix(DecisionContext context)
     if (IsInCombat() && context.CurrentScore > 0f && (context.Ability?.RequireFullRoundAction ?? false))
         UnitEntityData unit = context.Target.Unit ?? context.Unit;
         if (!unit.IsSurprising() && !unit.HasFullRoundAction())
             context.CurrentScore = 0f;
예제 #6
        public override float Score([NotNull] DecisionContext context)
            var spellbook = context.Unit.Descriptor.DemandSpellbook(spellbookBlue);

            if (spellbook == null)
            int maxSpellLevel = spellbook.MaxSpellLevel;

            if (maxSpellLevel < level || level < 1)
            return(spellbook.GetSpontaneousSlots(level) > 0 ? 1f : 0f);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the result of the specified context.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A Decision indicating the result of the query.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task<bool> CheckAsync(DecisionContext context)
            // Apply Defaults
            context.SourceId = context.SourceId ?? defaultProvider.SourceId;

            // Wrap the Remote call in a Try/Catch to provide good debug information if an error occurs.
                var result = await client.GetStringAsync("Api/Decide/" + context.Id);
                return bool.Parse(result);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("A GET for {0} returned error: {1}", "Api/Decide/" + context.Id, e.Message));
예제 #8
        public double Score(Action action, DecisionContext context)
            var modificationFactor = 1.0 - 1.0 / action.Considerations.Count;
            var result             = action.Weight;

            foreach (var consideration in action.Considerations)
                var input       = context.Get(consideration.Input).Evaluate();
                var score       = consideration.ResponseCurve.Evaluate(input);
                var makeUpValue = (1.0 - score) * modificationFactor;
                score  += makeUpValue * score;
                result *= score;

        public SelectedAction Select(ActionSet actionSet, DecisionContext context)
            var    maxScore       = .0;
            Action selectedAction = null;

            foreach (var action in actionSet.Actions)
                var score = action.Score(context);

                if (score >= maxScore)
                    maxScore       = score;
                    selectedAction = action;

            return(new SelectedAction(selectedAction, maxScore));
예제 #10
        public override PlayerAction GetTurn(GetTurnContext context)
            if (context.MoneyLeft / this.BigBlind <= 5)

            var decisionMaker   = this.factory.GetDecisionMaker(context.RoundType);
            var decisionContext = new DecisionContext
                CommunityCards = this.CommunityCards,
                FirstCard      = this.FirstCard,
                SecondCard     = this.SecondCard,
                TurnContext    = context

            return(decisionMaker.GetAction(decisionContext, this));
예제 #11
        public Action Select(DecisionMaker decisionMaker, DecisionContext context)
            var    maxScore       = .0;
            Action selectedAction = null;

            foreach (var actionSet in decisionMaker.ActionSets)
                var pair = actionSet.Select(context);

                if (pair.Action != null && pair.Score >= maxScore)
                    maxScore       = pair.Score;
                    selectedAction = pair.Action;

예제 #12
        public override float Score(DecisionContext context)
            var unit = context.Target?.Unit;

            if (unit == null)

            float val = (float)unit.Descriptor.Stats.BaseAttackBonus.ModifiedValue / (float)unit.Descriptor.Progression.CharacterLevel;

            if (val < min_bab_part)
                return(Math.Min(max_score, val));
        public override float Score(DecisionContext context)
            var mark = context.Unit.Get <UnitPartSpiritualWeaponTargetMark>()?.buff;

            if (mark == null)
            var summoner = context.Unit?.Get <UnitPartSummonedMonster>()?.Summoner;

            if (context.Target.Unit == null || summoner == null)

            if (context.Target.Unit.Buffs.Enumerable.Any(b => b.Blueprint == mark && b.Context.MaybeCaster == summoner))
예제 #14
        private static async Task MainAsync()
            // Requires Visual C++ 2015 Runtime installed
            //  -
            // Requires platform to be x64

            // 1. Sign in on
            // 2. Create new app
            //   a.	Select "Custom App"
            //   b. Supply Azure storage account
            //   c. Empty Action Endpoint field - this disables action id based featurization
            //   d. Empty Action Set Endpoint field
            //   e. Set Provision FrontEnd field to "false" - avoids HTTP scoring provisioning
            //   f. Set Vowpal Wabbit arguments to --cb_explore_adf --epsilon 0.2 -q DT -q LT
            //   f. Click create
            // 3. Wait for creation and hit edit
            //   a. Copy Client Library URL and use in the sample code below
            // 4. nuget install Microsoft.Research.MultiWorldTesting.ClientLibrary
            //   a. at least version

            var config = new DecisionServiceConfiguration(settingsBlobUri: "<<INSERT URL FROM STEP 3A")
                ModelPollFailureCallback    = ex => Console.WriteLine(ex.Message),
                SettingsPollFailureCallback = ex => Console.WriteLine(ex.Message)

            // you should keep this object around (e.g. static variable) as it maintains the background process
            // to download new models and upload logged events
            using (var ds = DecisionService.Create <DecisionContext>(config, typeInspector: JsonTypeInspector.Default))
                // If you add the timestamp calculating reward latencies becomes very easy on our end
                // In general you can use existing request ids, just be careful as they're used to seed the random
                // generator for exploration.
                // Also they're used to join rank and reward calls, so they must be unique within the experimental unit duration
                var eventId = EventIdUtil.AddTimestamp(Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n"), EventIdUtil.BeginningOfTime);

                var context = new DecisionContext
                    Demographics = new DemographicNamespace
                        Gender = "female",
                    Location = new LocationNamespace
                        Country = "USA",
                        City    = "New York"
                    Actions = new[]
                        new ActionDependentFeatures
                            Topic = new TopicNamespace
                                Category = "Fashion"
                        new ActionDependentFeatures
                            Topic = new TopicNamespace
                                Category = "Technology"

                // get the decision
                var ranking = await ds.ChooseRankingAsync(
                    uniqueKey : eventId,
                    context : context);

                // report the reward if you observed desired behavior on first item in ranking
                // e.g. the first item returned by ChooseRankingAsync got clicked.
                ds.ReportReward(reward: 1f, uniqueKey: eventId);
예제 #15
 public ScoreResult(float score, DecisionContext context, AIAction action)
     this.score   = score;
     this.context = context;
     this.action  = action;
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the environment with the specified alias using the context provided.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="alias">The globally unique alias used to represent a specific environment.</param>
 /// <param name="context">The context.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// An environment specified to the provided information.
 /// </returns>
 public abstract Task<dynamic> GetAsync(string alias, DecisionContext context);
예제 #17
        public override float Score(DecisionContext context)
            float chance_to_hit_weight = Main.settings.ai_chance_to_hit_weight;
            float engaged_by_weight    = Main.settings.ai_engaged_by_target_weight;
            float distance_weight      = Main.settings.ai_distance_to_target_weight;

            UnitEntityData attacker = context.Unit;
            UnitEntityData target   = context.Target.Unit ?? context.Unit;

            if (attacker == null || target == null || !target.IsEnemy(attacker) || attacker.CombatState.AIData.UnreachableUnits.Contains(target) || attacker.IsPlayerFaction)
            var weapon = attacker.Body?.PrimaryHand?.MaybeWeapon;

            if (!attacker.Body.HandsAreEnabled && attacker.Body.AdditionalLimbs.Count > 0)
                weapon = attacker.Body.AdditionalLimbs[0].MaybeWeapon;
            int odds = 0;

            if (weapon != null)
                var attack_bonus = Rulebook.Trigger(new RuleCalculateAttackBonus(attacker, target, weapon, 0)).Result;
                var target_ac    = Rulebook.Trigger(new RuleCalculateAC(attacker, target, weapon.Blueprint.AttackType)).TargetAC;
                odds = attack_bonus - target_ac + 10;  // 0 means 50% chance to hit more is better

            int certainty = 0;
            var unit_part_attack_scores = attacker.Ensure <UnitPartAttackScoreStorage>();

            if (unit_part_attack_scores.attack_scores.ContainsKey(target))
                certainty = unit_part_attack_scores.attack_scores[target];
                var check_bonus = attacker.Stats.Intelligence.Bonus + attacker.Stats.Wisdom.Bonus + attacker.Descriptor.Progression.CharacterLevel;
                var dc          = 10 + (target.Stats.CheckBluff.ModifiedValue + target.Stats.SkillStealth.ModifiedValue) / 2 + attacker.Descriptor.Progression.CharacterLevel;
                certainty = rng.Next(1, 20) + check_bonus - dc;
                certainty = Math.Max(Math.Min(10, certainty), -10); // from -10 to 10

                unit_part_attack_scores.attack_scores[target] = certainty;

            odds = Math.Min(Math.Max(odds, -10), 10);                 //from -10 to 10
            float certainty_coeff = (1.0f + certainty * 0.1f) * 0.5f; //from 0 to 1
            float odds_coeff      = (1.0f + odds * 0.1f) * 0.5f;      //1 for auto hit, 0 for auto miss

            float score = 1.0f - chance_to_hit_weight * (0.5f + (0.5f - odds_coeff) * certainty_coeff);

            var distance       = Math.Max((target.Position - attacker.Position).magnitude, 5.Feet().Meters);
            var distance_coeff = 5.Feet().Meters / distance; //from 1 to 0;

            if ((weapon != null && weapon.Blueprint.IsRanged) ||
                (context.Ability?.Blueprint != null && context.Ability.Blueprint.Range >= AbilityRange.Close &&
                 context.Ability.Blueprint.Range <= AbilityRange.Unlimited)
                distance_coeff = 1.0f;

            score *= (1.0f - distance_weight * (1.0f - distance_coeff)); //will more likely attack closer units if does not have ranged weapon

            var tumble_toggle = attacker.ActivatableAbilities.Enumerable.Where(a => a.Blueprint == tumble).FirstOrDefault();

            if (tumble_toggle != null && !attacker.IsPlayerFaction)
                tumble_toggle.IsOn = attacker.CombatState.IsEngaged && attacker.Stats.GetStat(Kingmaker.EntitySystem.Stats.StatType.SkillMobility).ModifiedValue >= 10;

            var engaged_score = 1.0f - engaged_by_weight;

            if (attacker.CombatState.EngagedBy.Contains(target))
                engaged_score = 1.0f;

            score *= engaged_score;

            return(Math.Max(Math.Min(score, max_score), min_score));
예제 #18
 public override void SetContext(DecisionContext bestResultContext)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
예제 #19
 public override void SetContext(DecisionContext context)
     this.context = context as PointContext;