public override Vector2 <decimal> EquatorialCoordinates(DateTime date) { var pos = EclipticEarth3D(date); var X = pos.X; var Y = pos.Y; var Z = pos.Z; var R = DecimalMath.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z); var lambda = DecimalMath.Atan2(Y, X); var sinLambda = DecimalMath.Sin(lambda); var cosLambda = DecimalMath.Cos(lambda); var beta = DecimalMath.Asin(Z / R); var tanBeta = DecimalMath.Tan(beta); var sinBeta = DecimalMath.Sin(beta); var cosBeta = DecimalMath.Cos(beta); var tilt = CommonCalculations.GetAxialTilt(date) * DecimalMath.DegToRad; var cosTilt = DecimalMath.Cos(tilt); var sinTilt = DecimalMath.Sin(tilt); var RA = DecimalMath.Atan2(sinLambda * cosTilt - tanBeta * sinTilt, cosLambda) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg; var Dec = DecimalMath.Asin(sinBeta * cosTilt + cosBeta * sinTilt * sinLambda) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg; RA = CommonCalculations.From0To360(RA); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"R = {R} lambda = {lambda}, beta = {beta}, tilt = {tilt}, RA = {RA}, dec = {Dec}"); #endif return(new Vector2 <decimal>(RA, Dec)); }
public Vector2 <decimal> EquatorialCoordinates(DateTime date) { var DegToRad = DecimalMath.DegToRad; var d = JulianDateCalculator.ToJulianDaysJ2000(date); var L = FL(d); var Lrad = L * DegToRad; var M = FMMoon(d); var Mrad = M * DegToRad; var F = FF(d); var Frad = F * DegToRad; var lambda = (L + 6.289M * DecimalMath.Sin(Mrad)) * DegToRad; var beta = (5.128m * DecimalMath.Sin(Frad)) * DegToRad; var tilt = CommonCalculations.GetAxialTilt(date) * DegToRad; var sinLambda = DecimalMath.Sin(lambda); var cosLambda = DecimalMath.Cos(lambda); var sinBeta = DecimalMath.Sin(beta); var cosBeta = DecimalMath.Cos(beta); var tanBeta = DecimalMath.Tan(beta); var sinTilt = DecimalMath.Sin(tilt); var cosTilt = DecimalMath.Cos(tilt); var RA = DecimalMath.Atan2(sinLambda * cosTilt - tanBeta * sinTilt, cosLambda) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg; var Dec = DecimalMath.Asin(sinBeta * cosTilt + cosBeta * sinTilt * sinLambda) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg; return(new Vector2 <decimal>(CommonCalculations.From0To360(RA), Dec)); }
public override Vector2 <decimal> EquatorialCoordinates(DateTime date) { var pos = EclipticEarth3D(date); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Sun ecliptic position: X={pos.X} Y={pos.Y} Z={pos.Z}"); #endif var tiltRad = CommonCalculations.GetAxialTilt(date) * DecimalMath.DegToRad; var Xe = pos.X; var Ye = pos.Y * DecimalMath.Cos(tiltRad); var Ze = pos.Y * DecimalMath.Sin(tiltRad); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Sun equatorial position: X={Xe} Y={Ye} Z={Ze} with tilt {tiltRad}"); #endif var RA = DecimalMath.Atan2(Ye, Xe) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg; var Dec = DecimalMath.Atan2(Ze, DecimalMath.Sqrt(Xe * Xe + Ye * Ye)) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Sun RA = {RA} Dec={Dec}"); #endif return(new Vector2 <decimal>(CommonCalculations.From0To360(RA), Dec)); }
public void SinOne() { decimal expected = 1.0M; decimal actual = DecimalMath.PI / 2.0M; actual = DecimalMath.Sin(actual); Assert.AreEqual <decimal>(expected, actual); }
public void SinZero() { decimal expected = 0.0M; decimal actual = DecimalMath.PI; actual = DecimalMath.Sin(actual); Assert.AreEqual <decimal>(expected, actual); }
public static decimal GetAscendant(double longi, double lat, DateTime dateTime, bool isVedic = true) { var Pi = DecimalMath.Pi; var DegToRad = Pi / 180; var longitude = Convert.ToDecimal(-longi); // East should be positive, West negative var latitudeRad = Convert.ToDecimal(lat) * DegToRad; var tilt = CommonCalculations.GetAxialTilt(dateTime); var tiltRad = tilt * DegToRad; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"tilt: {tilt}"); #endif var siderealTime = SiderealTime.Calculate(longitude, dateTime); var siderealTimeRad = siderealTime * DegToRad; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"sidereal Time: {siderealTime}"); #endif var y = -DecimalMath.Cos(siderealTimeRad); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"y :{y}"); Console.WriteLine( $"sin(RAMC) = {DecimalMath.Sin(siderealTimeRad)}" + $"\ncos(TILT) = {DecimalMath.Cos(tiltRad)}" + $"\ntan(LAT) = {DecimalMath.Tan(latitudeRad)}" + $"\nsin(TILT) = {DecimalMath.Sin(tiltRad)}"); #endif var x = DecimalMath.Sin(siderealTimeRad) * DecimalMath.Cos(tiltRad) + DecimalMath.Tan(latitudeRad) * DecimalMath.Sin(tiltRad); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"x :{x}"); Console.WriteLine($"Decimal y/x: {y / x}"); Console.WriteLine($"Atan(y/x): {DecimalMath.ATan(y / x)}"); #endif var output = DecimalMath.ATan(y / x) * 180 / Pi; if (output < 0) { output += 180; } if (siderealTimeRad > Pi / 2 && siderealTimeRad < 3 * Pi / 2) { output += 180; output %= 360; } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"output before applying sidereal diff{output}"); #endif return(output); }
private Vector3 <decimal> EclipticSunXYZ(DateTime date) { var days = JulianDateCalculator.ToJulianDaysJ2000(date); SetTrigonometry(days); var S = FS(days); var P = FP(days); var lonecl = 238.9508m + 0.00400703m * days - 19.799m * sinP + 19.848m * cosP + 0.897m * sin2P - 4.956m * cos2P + 0.610m * sin3P + 1.211m * cos3P - 0.341m * sin4P - 0.190m * cos4P + 0.128m * sin5P - 0.034m * cos5P - 0.038m * sin6P + 0.031m * cos6P + 0.020m * sinS_P - 0.010m * cosS_P; var latecl = -3.9082m - 5.453m * sinP - 14.975m * cosP + 3.527m * sin2P + 1.673m * cos2P - 1.051m * sin3P + 0.328m * cos3P + 0.179m * sin4P - 0.292m * cos4P + 0.019m * sin5P + 0.100m * cos5P - 0.031m * sin6P - 0.026m * cos6P + 0.011m * cosS_P; var r = 40.72m + 6.68m * sinP + 6.90m * cosP - 1.18m * sin2P - 0.03m * cos2P + 0.15m * sin3P - 0.14m * cos3P; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Pluto lonecl = {lonecl}, latecl = {latecl}, r = {r}"); #endif var sinlon = DecimalMath.Sin(lonecl * DecimalMath.DegToRad); var coslon = DecimalMath.Cos(lonecl * DecimalMath.DegToRad); var sinlat = DecimalMath.Sin(latecl * DecimalMath.DegToRad); var coslat = DecimalMath.Cos(latecl * DecimalMath.DegToRad); var xe = r * coslon * coslat; var ye = r * sinlon * coslat; var ze = r * sinlat; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Pluto ecliptic Sun Xe= {xe}, Ye = {ye}, Ze = {ze}"); #endif return(new Vector3 <decimal>(xe, ye, ze)); }
public Vector2 <decimal> EclipticCoordinates(DateTime date) { var DegToRad = DecimalMath.DegToRad; var T = JulianDateCalculator.ToJulianCenturiesJ2000(date); var L = CommonCalculations.From0To360(FL(T)); var M = CommonCalculations.From0To360(FMMoon(T)); var Mrad = M * DegToRad; var F = CommonCalculations.From0To360(FF(T)); var Frad = F * DegToRad; var lambda = CommonCalculations.From0To360(L + 1e-6M * CalculateSumLongitude(date)); var beta = (5.128m * DecimalMath.Sin(Frad)); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Julian centuries passed: {T}, L = {L}, M = {M}, F = {F}"); Console.WriteLine($"Lambda: {lambda}, Beta : {beta}"); #endif return(new Vector2 <decimal>(lambda, beta)); }
public static decimal CalculateSumLongitude(DateTime date) { var T = JulianDateCalculator.ToJulianCenturiesJ2000(date); var sum = AL(T); foreach (var term in terms) { var e = Fe(T, term.m); var sinFs = DecimalMath.Sin(Fs(T, term)); var component = e * term.S * sinFs; sum += component; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Component no{}\t{component}\te {e} \tLCoeff\t{e * term.S}\tSinFs{sinFs}"); #endif } #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Sum SIGMA_L = {sum}"); #endif return(sum); }
private void SetTrigonometry(decimal days) { var S = FS(days) * DecimalMath.DegToRad; var P = FP(days) * DecimalMath.DegToRad; sinP = DecimalMath.Sin(P); sin2P = DecimalMath.Sin(2 * P); sin3P = DecimalMath.Sin(3 * P); sin4P = DecimalMath.Sin(4 * P); sin5P = DecimalMath.Sin(5 * P); sin6P = DecimalMath.Sin(6 * P); sinS_P = DecimalMath.Sin(S - P); cosP = DecimalMath.Cos(P); cos2P = DecimalMath.Cos(2 * P); cos3P = DecimalMath.Cos(3 * P); cos4P = DecimalMath.Cos(4 * P); cos5P = DecimalMath.Cos(5 * P); cos6P = DecimalMath.Cos(6 * P); cosS_P = DecimalMath.Cos(S - P); }
public Vector2 <decimal> EquatorialCoordinates(DateTime date) { var tilt = CommonCalculations.GetAxialTilt(date) * DecimalMath.DegToRad; var sintilt = DecimalMath.Sin(tilt); var costilt = DecimalMath.Cos(tilt); var pos = EclipticEarthXYZ(date); var xe = pos.X; var ye = pos.Y * costilt - pos.Z * sintilt; var ze = pos.Y * sintilt - pos.Z * costilt; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Pluto equatorial X= {xe}, Y = {ye}, Z = {ze}"); #endif var RA = DecimalMath.Atan2(ye, xe) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg; var Dec = DecimalMath.Atan2(ze, DecimalMath.Sqrt(xe * xe, ye * ye)) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg; #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Pluto Ra= {RA}, DEC = {Dec}"); #endif return(new Vector2 <decimal>(CommonCalculations.From0To360(RA), Dec)); }
public void Sin(decimal degrees) { DecimalMath.Sin(degrees); }
public override Vector3 <decimal> EclipticSun3D(DateTime date) { var degToRad = DecimalMath.Pi / 180; var days = JulianDateCalculator.ToJulianDaysJ2000(date); var M = MeanAnomaly(days); var MRad = M * degToRad; var e = Eccentricity(days); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Days = {days} Mean Anomaly={M} Eccentricity = {e}"); #endif var sinM = DecimalMath.Sin(MRad); var sin2M = DecimalMath.Sin(2 * MRad); var sin3M = DecimalMath.Sin(3 * MRad); var sin4M = DecimalMath.Sin(4 * MRad); var sin5M = DecimalMath.Sin(5 * MRad); var sin6M = DecimalMath.Sin(6 * MRad); var e2 = DecimalMath.Power(e, 2); var e3 = DecimalMath.Power(e, 3); var e4 = DecimalMath.Power(e, 4); var e5 = DecimalMath.Power(e, 5); var e6 = DecimalMath.Power(e, 6); var eccentricAnomalyRad = MRad + e * sinM + e2 * 0.5m * sin2M + e3 * (0.375m * sin3M - 0.125m * sinM) + e4 * (-(1m / 6m) * sin2M + (1m / 3m) * sin4M) + e5 * (-(27m / 128m) * sin3M + (1m / 192m) * sinM + (125m / 384m) * sin5M) + e6 * ((1m / 48m) * sin2M + (27 / 80) * sin6M - (4 / 15) * sin4M); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"Eccentric Anomaly {eccentricAnomalyRad * DecimalMath.RadToDeg}"); #endif // Calculate true anomaly var A = SemimajorAxis(days); var Xv = A * (DecimalMath.Cos(eccentricAnomalyRad) - e); var Yv = A * DecimalMath.Sqrt(1.0m - e * e) * DecimalMath.Sin(eccentricAnomalyRad); var v = DecimalMath.Atan2(Yv, Xv); var r = DecimalMath.Sqrt(Xv * Xv + Yv * Yv); //Calculate Heliocentric coordinates var N = LongAscedingNode(days) * degToRad; var cosN = DecimalMath.Cos(N); var sinN = DecimalMath.Sin(N); var i = Inclination(days) * degToRad; var cosi = DecimalMath.Cos(i); var sini = DecimalMath.Sin(i); var w = Peryhelion(days) * degToRad; var cosVW = DecimalMath.Cos(v + w); var sinVW = DecimalMath.Sin(v + w); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"LongAscNode : {LongAscedingNode(days)}, Inclination : {Inclination(days)}"); Console.WriteLine($"Peryhelion: {Peryhelion(days)} true anomaly : {DecimalMath.Atan2(Yv, Xv) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg}"); #endif var Xh = r * (cosN * cosVW - sinN * sinVW * cosi); var Yh = r * (sinN * cosVW + cosN * sinVW * cosi); var Zh = r * (sinVW * sini); #if DEBUG Console.WriteLine($"{Name} heliocentric coordinates {Xh} {Yh} {Zh}"); #endif return(new Vector3 <decimal>(Xh, Yh, Zh)); }
public decimal calculate(Queue <string> polska, decimal x) { decimal answer = 0; Stack <decimal> opers = new Stack <decimal>(); foreach (string s in polska) { if (standartOperators.Contains(s)) { decimal a; decimal b; switch (s) { case "+": opers.Push(opers.Pop() + opers.Pop()); break; case "-": b = opers.Pop(); a = opers.Pop(); opers.Push(a - b); break; case "*": opers.Push(opers.Pop() * opers.Pop()); break; case "/": b = opers.Pop(); a = opers.Pop(); opers.Push(a / b); break; case "^": b = opers.Pop(); a = opers.Pop(); opers.Push(DecimalMath.Pow(a, b)); break; case "%": b = opers.Pop(); a = opers.Pop(); opers.Push(a % b); break; case "sqrt": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Sqrt(opers.Pop())); break; case "sin": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Sin(opers.Pop())); break; case "cos": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Cos(opers.Pop())); break; case "tan": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Tan(opers.Pop())); break; case "atan": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Atan(opers.Pop())); break; case "acos": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Acos(opers.Pop())); break; case "asin": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Asin(opers.Pop())); break; case "acotan": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Atan(1 / opers.Pop())); break; case "exp": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Exp(opers.Pop())); break; case "log": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Log(opers.Pop())); break; case "ln": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Log10(opers.Pop())); break; case "sinh": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Sinh(opers.Pop())); break; case "cosh": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Cosh(opers.Pop())); break; case "tanh": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Tanh(opers.Pop())); break; case "abs": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Abs(opers.Pop())); break; case "ceil": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Ceiling(opers.Pop())); break; case "floor": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Floor(opers.Pop())); break; case "fac": opers.Push(factorial(opers.Pop())); break; case "sfac": opers.Push(semifactorial(opers.Pop())); break; case "round": opers.Push(DecimalMath.Round(opers.Pop())); break; case "fpart": a = opers.Pop(); opers.Push(a - DecimalMath.Truncate(a)); break; } } else if (s == "x") { opers.Push(x); } else { opers.Push(decimal.Parse(s)); } } answer = opers.Pop(); return(answer); }