예제 #1
        // // compressor runtime process
        public void Process(ref double in1, ref double in2)
            // sidechain

            // rectify input
            double rect1 = Math.Abs(in1);   // n.b. was fabs
            double rect2 = Math.Abs(in2);   // n.b. was fabs

            // if desired, one could use another EnvelopeDetector to smooth
            // the rectified signal.

            double link = Math.Max(rect1, rect2);           // link channels with greater of 2

            link += DC_OFFSET;                              // add DC offset to avoid log( 0 )
            double keydB = Decibels.LinearToDecibels(link); // convert linear -> dB

            // threshold
            double overdB = keydB - Threshold;  // delta over threshold

            if (overdB < 0.0)
                overdB = 0.0;

            // attack/release

            overdB += DC_OFFSET;        // add DC offset to avoid denormal

            Run(overdB, ref envdB);     // run attack/release envelope

            overdB = envdB - DC_OFFSET; // subtract DC offset

            // Regarding the DC offset: In this case, since the offset is added before
            // the attack/release processes, the envelope will never fall below the offset,
            // thereby avoiding denormals. However, to prevent the offset from causing
            // constant gain reduction, we must subtract it from the envelope, yielding
            // a minimum value of 0dB.

            // transfer function
            double gr = overdB * (Ratio - 1.0);                                         // gain reduction (dB)

            gr = Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(gr) * Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(MakeUpGain); // convert dB -> linear

            // output gain
            in1 *= gr;  // apply gain reduction to input
            in2 *= gr;
예제 #2
        public void Process(ref double in1, ref double in2)
            double arg_10_0 = Math.Abs(in1);
            double val      = Math.Abs(in2);
            double num      = Decibels.LinearToDecibels(Math.Max(arg_10_0, val) + 1E-25) - this.Threshold;

            if (num < 0.0)
                num = 0.0;
            num += 1E-25;
            base.Run(num, ref this.envdB);
            num = this.envdB - 1E-25;
            double num2 = num * (this.Ratio - 1.0);

            num2 = Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(num2) * Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(this.MakeUpGain);
            in1 *= num2;
            in2 *= num2;
예제 #3
        public void compressSample(ref float sample)
            double doubleSample = Convert.ToDouble(Math.Abs(sample)); //returns absolute value for sample and converts to double to account for decibel conversion

            doubleSample = Decibels.LinearToDecibels(doubleSample);   // convert to Decibels

            float dBOverLimit = (float)doubleSample + Threshold;      //figure out how many decibels over limit the sample is

            if (dBOverLimit > 0.0f)                                   // if over the threshold then apply the compression ratio to the sample
                float gainReduction = -dBOverLimit * (Ratio - 1.0f);
                gainReduction = (float)Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(gainReduction);
                sample       *= gainReduction;

            else // if under threshold then leave the sample be
예제 #4
        protected override void SetOutputs(int i, FFTOutSignal instance)
            if (instance != null)
//                var spreadComplex = FFFTOutComplex[i];
                var      spread  = FFFTOut[i];
                double[] fftData = instance.FFTOut;
                if (fftData != null)
                    if (spread == null)
                        spread = new Spread <double>(fftData.Length);

//                    if (spreadComplex == null)
//                    {
//                        spreadComplex = new Spread<double>(val.Length);
//                    }

                    var halfSize = fftData.Length / 2;
                    spread.SliceCount = halfSize;
                    spread[0]         = 0;

                    var nn = 2;
                    for (int n = 1; n < halfSize; n++)
                        var real = fftData[nn++];
                        var imag = fftData[nn++];
                        spread[n] = Decibels.LinearToDecibels(Math.Max(Math.Sqrt(real * real + imag * imag), FMindB)) / FdBRange[i] + 1;

//                    spreadComplex.SliceCount = val.Length;
//                    spreadComplex.AssignFrom(val);
                FFFTOut[i].SliceCount = 0;
예제 #5
        // Token: 0x0600036F RID: 879 RVA: 0x0000BC7C File Offset: 0x00009E7C
        public void Process(ref double in1, ref double in2)
            double val  = Math.Abs(in1);
            double val2 = Math.Abs(in2);
            double num  = Math.Max(val, val2);

            num += 1E-25;
            double num2 = Decibels.LinearToDecibels(num);
            double num3 = num2 - this.Threshold;

            if (num3 < 0.0)
                num3 = 0.0;
            num3 += 1E-25;
            base.Run(num3, ref this.envdB);
            num3 = this.envdB - 1E-25;
            double num4 = num3 * (this.Ratio - 1.0);

            num4 = Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(num4) * Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(this.MakeUpGain);
            in1 *= num4;
            in2 *= num4;
            private void Compress(float[,] samples, int sampleCount, float thresholddB, float ratio, float makeupGaindB)
                const int threadCount = 512;

                var makeupGainLin = Decibels.ToLinear(makeupGaindB);

                var devOverdBs = m_DevOverdBs;

                Gpu.Launch(threadCount, 1).GetOverDecibels(samples, thresholddB, devOverdBs);
                var overdBs = new float[sampleCount];

                Gpu.CopyFromDevice(devOverdBs, overdBs);

                // This bit is serial, can't be done on GPU
                for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                    // attack/release
                    var overdB = overdBs[i];
                    // assumes that:
                    // positive delta = attack
                    // negative delta = release
                    // good for linear & log values
                    if (overdB > m_EnvdB)
                        m_Attack.Run(overdB, ref m_EnvdB); // attack
                        m_Release.Run(overdB, ref m_EnvdB); // release
                    overdBs[i] = m_EnvdB;

                Gpu.CopyToDevice(overdBs, devOverdBs);
                Gpu.Launch(threadCount, 1).ApplyGains(samples, devOverdBs, ratio, makeupGainLin);
예제 #7
 private void osc3Gain_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double> e)
     osc3.Gain = Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(e.NewValue);
예제 #8
 private void slider_ValueChanged(object sender, RoutedPropertyChangedEventArgs <double> e)
     wave.Gain = Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(e.NewValue);
예제 #9
 // Calcul TaskBar to Gain
 private void tbToGain()
     lblGain.Text = tbGain.Value.ToString();
     wg.Gain      = Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(tbGain.Value);
예제 #10
 private void CalculateTrackBarToGain()
     lblGain.Text = tbGain.Value.ToString();
     wg.Gain      = Decibels.DecibelsToLinear(tbGain.Value);