public static void DebugWriteLine(string module, string format, params object[] arg) { DebugWriteLineEvent?.Invoke("DEBUG (" + module + "): " + format, arg); DebugWithModuleWriteLineEvent?.Invoke(module, format, arg); }
public static void DebugWriteLine() { DebugWriteLineEvent?.Invoke("", null); }
public static void DebugWriteLine(string module, string format) { DebugWriteLineEvent?.Invoke("{0}", "DEBUG (" + module + "): " + format); }
/// <summary>Writes the specified string value, followed by the current line terminator, to the debug output console.</summary> /// <param name="module">Description of the module writing to the debug console</param> /// <param name="value">The value to write.</param> public static void DebugWriteLine(string module, string value) => DebugWriteLineEvent?.Invoke("{0}", "DEBUG (" + module + "): " + value);