예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     This is an internal API that supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and not subject to
        ///     the same compatibility standards as public APIs. It may be changed or removed without notice in
        ///     any release. You should only use it directly in your code with extreme caution and knowing that
        ///     doing so can result in application failures when updating to a new Entity Framework Core release.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ToDebugString(
            [NotNull] this IModel model,
            DebugViewOptions options,
            [NotNull] string indent = "")
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.Append(indent).Append("Model: ");

            if (model.GetPropertyAccessMode() != PropertyAccessMode.PreferField)
                builder.Append(" PropertyAccessMode.").Append(model.GetPropertyAccessMode());

            if (model.GetChangeTrackingStrategy() != ChangeTrackingStrategy.Snapshot)
                builder.Append(" ChangeTrackingStrategy.").Append(model.GetChangeTrackingStrategy());

            foreach (var entityType in model.GetEntityTypes())
                builder.AppendLine().Append(entityType.ToDebugString(options, indent + "  "));

            if ((options & DebugViewOptions.IncludeAnnotations) != 0)

예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     This is an internal API that supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and not subject to
        ///     the same compatibility standards as public APIs. It may be changed or removed without notice in
        ///     any release. You should only use it directly in your code with extreme caution and knowing that
        ///     doing so can result in application failures when updating to a new Entity Framework Core release.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ToDebugString(
            [NotNull] this IKey key,
            DebugViewOptions options,
            [NotNull] string indent = "")
            var builder = new StringBuilder();


            var singleLine = (options & DebugViewOptions.SingleLine) != 0;

            if (singleLine)
                builder.Append("Key: ");

                ", ", key.Properties.Select(
                    p => singleLine
                        ? p.DeclaringEntityType.DisplayName() + "." + p.Name
                        : p.Name));

            if (key.IsPrimaryKey())
                builder.Append(" PK");

            if (!singleLine &&
                (options & DebugViewOptions.IncludeAnnotations) != 0)
                builder.Append(key.AnnotationsToDebugString(indent + "  "));

        /// <summary>
        ///     This is an internal API that supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and not subject to
        ///     the same compatibility standards as public APIs. It may be changed or removed without notice in
        ///     any release. You should only use it directly in your code with extreme caution and knowing that
        ///     doing so can result in application failures when updating to a new Entity Framework Core release.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ToDebugString(
            [NotNull] this IForeignKey foreignKey,
            DebugViewOptions options,
            [NotNull] string indent = "")
            var builder = new StringBuilder();


            var singleLine = (options & DebugViewOptions.SingleLine) != 0;

            if (singleLine)
                builder.Append("ForeignKey: ");

            .Append(" ")
            .Append(" -> ")
            .Append(" ")

            if (foreignKey.IsUnique)
                builder.Append(" Unique");

            if (foreignKey.IsOwnership)
                builder.Append(" Ownership");

            if (foreignKey.PrincipalToDependent != null)
                builder.Append(" ToDependent: ").Append(foreignKey.PrincipalToDependent.Name);

            if (foreignKey.DependentToPrincipal != null)
                builder.Append(" ToPrincipal: ").Append(foreignKey.DependentToPrincipal.Name);

            if (!singleLine &&
                (options & DebugViewOptions.IncludeAnnotations) != 0)
                builder.Append(foreignKey.AnnotationsToDebugString(indent + "  "));

        /// <summary>
        ///     This is an internal API that supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and not subject to
        ///     the same compatibility standards as public APIs. It may be changed or removed without notice in
        ///     any release. You should only use it directly in your code with extreme caution and knowing that
        ///     doing so can result in application failures when updating to a new Entity Framework Core release.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ToDebugString(
            [NotNull] this IServiceProperty serviceProperty,
            DebugViewOptions options,
            [NotNull] string indent = "")
            var builder = new StringBuilder();


            var singleLine = (options & DebugViewOptions.SingleLine) != 0;

            if (singleLine)
                builder.Append("Service property: ").Append(serviceProperty.DeclaringType.DisplayName()).Append(".");


            if (serviceProperty.GetFieldName() == null)
                builder.Append(" (no field, ");
                builder.Append(" (").Append(serviceProperty.GetFieldName()).Append(", ");


            if (!singleLine &&
                (options & DebugViewOptions.IncludeAnnotations) != 0)
                builder.Append(serviceProperty.AnnotationsToDebugString(indent + "  "));

        /// <summary>
        ///     This is an internal API that supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and not subject to
        ///     the same compatibility standards as public APIs. It may be changed or removed without notice in
        ///     any release. You should only use it directly in your code with extreme caution and knowing that
        ///     doing so can result in application failures when updating to a new Entity Framework Core release.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ToDebugString(
            [NotNull] this IEntityType entityType,
            DebugViewOptions options,
            [NotNull] string indent = "")
            var builder = new StringBuilder();

            .Append("EntityType: ")

            if (entityType.BaseType != null)
                builder.Append(" Base: ").Append(entityType.BaseType.DisplayName());

            if (entityType.IsAbstract())
                builder.Append(" Abstract");

            if (entityType.FindPrimaryKey() == null)
                builder.Append(" Keyless");

            if (entityType.GetChangeTrackingStrategy() != ChangeTrackingStrategy.Snapshot)
                builder.Append(" ChangeTrackingStrategy.").Append(entityType.GetChangeTrackingStrategy());

            if ((options & DebugViewOptions.SingleLine) == 0)
                var properties = entityType.GetDeclaredProperties().ToList();
                if (properties.Count != 0)
                    builder.AppendLine().Append(indent).Append("  Properties: ");
                    foreach (var property in properties)
                        builder.AppendLine().Append(property.ToDebugString(options, indent + "    "));

                var navigations = entityType.GetDeclaredNavigations().ToList();
                if (navigations.Count != 0)
                    builder.AppendLine().Append(indent).Append("  Navigations: ");
                    foreach (var navigation in navigations)
                        builder.AppendLine().Append(navigation.ToDebugString(options, indent + "    "));

                var serviceProperties = entityType.GetDeclaredServiceProperties().ToList();
                if (serviceProperties.Count != 0)
                    builder.AppendLine().Append(indent).Append("  Service properties: ");
                    foreach (var serviceProperty in serviceProperties)
                        builder.AppendLine().Append(serviceProperty.ToDebugString(options, indent + "    "));

                var keys = entityType.GetDeclaredKeys().ToList();
                if (keys.Count != 0)
                    builder.AppendLine().Append(indent).Append("  Keys: ");
                    foreach (var key in keys)
                        builder.AppendLine().Append(key.ToDebugString(options, indent + "    "));

                var fks = entityType.GetDeclaredForeignKeys().ToList();
                if (fks.Count != 0)
                    builder.AppendLine().Append(indent).Append("  Foreign keys: ");
                    foreach (var fk in fks)
                        builder.AppendLine().Append(fk.ToDebugString(options, indent + "    "));

                var indexes = entityType.GetDeclaredIndexes().ToList();
                if (indexes.Count != 0)
                    builder.AppendLine().Append(indent).Append("  Indexes: ");
                    foreach (var index in indexes)
                        builder.AppendLine().Append(index.ToDebugString(options, indent + "    "));

                if ((options & DebugViewOptions.IncludeAnnotations) != 0)
                    builder.Append(entityType.AnnotationsToDebugString(indent: indent + "  "));

        /// <summary>
        ///     This is an internal API that supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and not subject to
        ///     the same compatibility standards as public APIs. It may be changed or removed without notice in
        ///     any release. You should only use it directly in your code with extreme caution and knowing that
        ///     doing so can result in application failures when updating to a new Entity Framework Core release.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ToDebugString(
            [NotNull] this IProperty property,
            DebugViewOptions options,
            [NotNull] string indent = "")
            var builder = new StringBuilder();


            var singleLine = (options & DebugViewOptions.SingleLine) != 0;

            if (singleLine)
                builder.Append($"Property: {property.DeclaringEntityType.DisplayName()}.");

            builder.Append(property.Name).Append(" (");

            var field = property.GetFieldName();

            if (field == null)
                builder.Append("no field, ");
            else if (!field.EndsWith(">k__BackingField", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                builder.Append(field).Append(", ");


            if (property.IsShadowProperty())
                builder.Append(" Shadow");

            if (!property.IsNullable)
                builder.Append(" Required");

            if (property.IsPrimaryKey())
                builder.Append(" PK");

            if (property.IsForeignKey())
                builder.Append(" FK");

            if (property.IsKey() &&
                builder.Append(" AlternateKey");

            if (property.IsIndex())
                builder.Append(" Index");

            if (property.IsConcurrencyToken)
                builder.Append(" Concurrency");

            if (property.GetBeforeSaveBehavior() != PropertySaveBehavior.Save)
                builder.Append(" BeforeSave:").Append(property.GetBeforeSaveBehavior());

            if (property.GetAfterSaveBehavior() != PropertySaveBehavior.Save)
                builder.Append(" AfterSave:").Append(property.GetAfterSaveBehavior());

            if (property.ValueGenerated != ValueGenerated.Never)
                builder.Append(" ValueGenerated.").Append(property.ValueGenerated);

            if (property.GetMaxLength() != null)
                builder.Append(" MaxLength").Append(property.GetMaxLength());

            if (property.IsUnicode() == false)
                builder.Append(" Ansi");

            if (property.GetPropertyAccessMode() != PropertyAccessMode.PreferField)
                builder.Append(" PropertyAccessMode.").Append(property.GetPropertyAccessMode());

            if ((options & DebugViewOptions.IncludePropertyIndexes) != 0)
                var indexes = property.GetPropertyIndexes();
                if (indexes != null)
                    builder.Append(" ").Append(indexes.Index);
                    builder.Append(" ").Append(indexes.OriginalValueIndex);
                    builder.Append(" ").Append(indexes.RelationshipIndex);
                    builder.Append(" ").Append(indexes.ShadowIndex);
                    builder.Append(" ").Append(indexes.StoreGenerationIndex);

            if (!singleLine &&
                (options & DebugViewOptions.IncludeAnnotations) != 0)
                builder.Append(property.AnnotationsToDebugString(indent + "  "));

        /// <summary>
        ///     This is an internal API that supports the Entity Framework Core infrastructure and not subject to
        ///     the same compatibility standards as public APIs. It may be changed or removed without notice in
        ///     any release. You should only use it directly in your code with extreme caution and knowing that
        ///     doing so can result in application failures when updating to a new Entity Framework Core release.
        /// </summary>
        public static string ToDebugString(
            [NotNull] this INavigation navigation,
            DebugViewOptions options,
            [NotNull] string indent = "")
            var builder = new StringBuilder();


            var singleLine = (options & DebugViewOptions.SingleLine) != 0;

            if (singleLine)
                builder.Append($"Navigation: {navigation.DeclaringEntityType.DisplayName()}.");


            var field = navigation.GetFieldName();

            if (field == null)
                builder.Append(" (no field, ");
            else if (!field.EndsWith(">k__BackingField", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                builder.Append($" ({field}, ");
                builder.Append(" (");


            if (navigation.IsCollection())
                builder.Append(" Collection");

            builder.Append(navigation.IsDependentToPrincipal() ? " ToPrincipal " : " ToDependent ");


            if (navigation.FindInverse() != null)
                builder.Append(" Inverse: ").Append(navigation.FindInverse().Name);

            if (navigation.GetPropertyAccessMode() != PropertyAccessMode.PreferField)
                builder.Append(" PropertyAccessMode.").Append(navigation.GetPropertyAccessMode());

            if ((options & DebugViewOptions.IncludePropertyIndexes) != 0)
                var indexes = navigation.GetPropertyIndexes();
                builder.Append(" ").Append(indexes.Index);
                builder.Append(" ").Append(indexes.OriginalValueIndex);
                builder.Append(" ").Append(indexes.RelationshipIndex);
                builder.Append(" ").Append(indexes.ShadowIndex);
                builder.Append(" ").Append(indexes.StoreGenerationIndex);

            if (!singleLine &&
                (options & DebugViewOptions.IncludeAnnotations) != 0)
                builder.Append(navigation.AnnotationsToDebugString(indent + "  "));
