예제 #1
        //~Point() { Debug.Log("Point garbage collected"); }

        public static void DebugPointCount(List <Point> points)
            foreach (Point point in points)
                switch (point.edges.Count)
                case 0:
                    DebugScript.DrawCross(point.position, 0.1f, Color.gray);

                case 1:
                    DebugScript.DrawCross(point.position, 0.2f, Color.green);

                case 2:
                    DebugScript.DrawCross(point.position, 0.2f, Color.yellow);

                case 3:
                    DebugScript.DrawCross(point.position, 0.2f, Color.red);

                    DebugScript.DrawCross(point.position, 0.2f, Color.magenta);
예제 #2
        private void Update()
            map = BuildMapFromColliders(colliders);

            if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                center = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition - new Vector3(0, 0, Camera.main.transform.position.z));

            if (debugVisibility)
                DebugScript.DrawCross(center, 0.2f, Color.green);

            Visibility(center, map);
예제 #3
    void OnGUI()
        if (debug)
            DebugScript.DrawCircle(100, alertDistance, transform.position, Color.yellow);
            DebugScript.DrawCircle(100, startSeekDistance, transform.position, Color.red);

            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 10, 200, 30), "State: " + currentState.ToString());
            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 30, 200, 30), "Patrol Point Index: " + currentPatrolPointIndex.ToString());
            GUI.Label(new Rect(10, 50, 200, 30), "Alertness: " + alertTime.ToString("F1") + " ChickenCount: " + playingChickenCount.ToString());

            foreach (Vector3 point in patrolPoints)
                DebugScript.DrawCross(point, 0.5f, Color.green);
예제 #4
    void FixedUpdate()
        if (timeUntilNextUpdate > 0)
            timeUntilNextUpdate -= Time.deltaTime;
            if (!player)
                Debug.Log("PlayerRespawner: No player set.");

            if (!player.activeSelf)
                Invoke("RespawnPlayer", respawnDelay);
                if (!(requireGrounded && !_characterController.isGrounded))                //This blew my mind

                    locationBuffer[currentIndex % maxBufferSize] = player.transform.position;

            timeUntilNextUpdate = updateFrequency;

        if (debug)
            DebugScript.DrawCross(locationBuffer[(currentIndex + 1) % maxBufferSize], 0.5f, Color.green);
예제 #5
        List <Edge> BuildMapFromColliders(Collider2D[] colliders)
            List <Edge> map = new List <Edge>();

            foreach (Collider2D collider in colliders)
                if (collider is BoxCollider2D boxCollider)
                    Point downLeft = new Point(boxCollider.transform.TransformPoint(
                                                   new Vector2(-boxCollider.size.x, -boxCollider.size.y) * 0.5f + boxCollider.offset));
                    Point upRight = new Point(boxCollider.transform.TransformPoint(
                                                  new Vector2(boxCollider.size.x, boxCollider.size.y) * 0.5f + boxCollider.offset));
                    Point upLeft = new Point(boxCollider.transform.TransformPoint(
                                                 new Vector2(-boxCollider.size.x, boxCollider.size.y) * 0.5f + boxCollider.offset));
                    Point downRight = new Point(boxCollider.transform.TransformPoint(
                                                    new Vector2(boxCollider.size.x, -boxCollider.size.y) * 0.5f + boxCollider.offset));

                    map.Add(new Edge(upLeft, upRight, boxCollider));
                    map.Add(new Edge(upRight, downRight, boxCollider));
                    map.Add(new Edge(downRight, downLeft, boxCollider));
                    map.Add(new Edge(downLeft, upLeft, boxCollider));

                    DebugScript.DrawCross(upLeft.position, 0.1f, Color.red, 100);
                    DebugScript.DrawCross(upRight.position, 0.1f, Color.white, 100);
                    DebugScript.DrawCross(downRight.position, 0.1f, Color.blue, 100);
                    DebugScript.DrawCross(downLeft.position, 0.1f, Color.yellow, 100);
                else if (collider is EdgeCollider2D edgeCollider)
                    Vector2[] points = edgeCollider.points;

                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                        points[i] = edgeCollider.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(points[i]);

                    for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                        map.Add(new Edge(points[i - 1], points[i], edgeCollider));

                    //Color[] colors = { Color.red, Color.white, Color.blue, Color.yellow };
                    //for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    //DebugScript.DrawCross(points[i], 0.1f, colors[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i, colors.Length)]);
                else if (collider is PolygonCollider2D polygonCollider)
                    Vector2[] points = polygonCollider.points;

                    for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                        points[i] = polygonCollider.transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(points[i]);

                    for (int i = 1; i < points.Length; i++)
                        map.Add(new Edge(points[i - 1], points[i], polygonCollider));

                    map.Add(new Edge(points[points.Length - 1], points[0], polygonCollider));

                    //Color[] colors = { Color.red, Color.white, Color.blue, Color.yellow };
                    //for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    //DebugScript.DrawCross(points[i], 0.1f, colors[(int)Mathf.Repeat(i, colors.Length)]);
                //Unsupported type
                    Debug.LogError("Unsupported Collider2D type found during Visibility2D map generation");

예제 #6
        void Visibility(Vector2 center, List <Edge> map)
             * Algorithm Explanation:
             * Inputs: A map of all vision blocking edges (as line segments)
             * 1) Create a list of all unique angles from point of vision to each point on map
             * 2) Starting from an arbitrary angle, iterate through each angle the list as a
             *    ray to check for intersections with edges on map, storing the closest intersection
             *    for each angle
             * 3) Sort intersections by angle calculated in step 1
             * 4) The visibility polygon is constructd by iterating over intersections
             * 5) Build mesh by stitching each set of adjacent intersections
             *    and the origin into a triangle
             * Sources:
             * https://www.redblobgames.com/articles/visibility/
             * https://github.com/ncase/sight-and-light/blob/gh-pages/draft8.html
             *  Note: Adding the edges of screen to the map is necessary so the extents of the screen
             *        are inlucded in the visibility polygon

            // 1) Create a list of all unique angles from point of vision to each point on map

            map = new List <Edge>(map);

            //Find corners of screen
            Point lowerLeft  = new Point(Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)));
            Point upperRight = new Point(Camera.main.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(1, 1, 0)));
            Point upperLeft  = new Point(new Vector2(lowerLeft.x, upperRight.y));
            Point lowerRight = new Point(new Vector2(upperRight.x, lowerLeft.y));

            map.Add(new Edge(upperLeft, upperRight));
            map.Add(new Edge(upperRight, lowerRight));
            map.Add(new Edge(lowerRight, lowerLeft));
            map.Add(new Edge(lowerLeft, upperLeft));

            //Cull edges wholly off screen
            for (int i = 0; i < map.Count; i++)
                Edge edge = map[i];
                if ((edge.start.x < upperLeft.x && edge.end.x < upperLeft.x) ||   //Too far left
                    (edge.start.x > lowerRight.x && edge.end.x > lowerRight.x) || //Too far right
                    (edge.start.y > upperLeft.y && edge.end.y > upperLeft.y) ||   //Too far up
                    (edge.start.y < lowerRight.y && edge.end.y < lowerRight.y))   //Too far down

            Edge.MergePoints(map, 0.01f);

            //Get all points in map
            Point[] points = GetPointsInMaps(map);

            if (debugVisibility)
                for (int i = 0; i < map.Count; i++)
                    Debug.DrawLine(map[i].start.position, map[i].end.position, Color.yellow);

            //Debug points
            if (debugEdgeCount)
                Point.DebugPointCount(new List <Point>(points));

            // Update angles for points
            UpdateAnglesForPoints(points, center);

            // Remove identical angles
            HashSet <Point> uniqueAngles = new HashSet <Point>(new PointAngleEqualityComparer());

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
            points = new Point[uniqueAngles.Count];

            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                Point point = points[i];
                if (debugVisibility)
                    Debug.DrawRay(center, new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(point.angle), Mathf.Sin(point.angle)) * maxDist, Color.cyan);

            // 2) Starting from an arbitrary angle, iterate through each angle in the list as a
            //    ray to check for intersections with edges on map, storing the closest intersection
            //    for each angle

            //TODO should use object pooling for intersections or make an intersection struct
            List <Point> intersections = new List <Point>();

            // For each point find closest intersection, if any
            for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                Point point = points[i];

                Vector2 rayEnd = new Vector2(Mathf.Cos(point.angle), Mathf.Sin(point.angle)) * maxDist + center;
                Point   closestIntersection = new Point();
                closestIntersection.angle = point.angle;

                bool  edgeOnLeft  = false;
                bool  edgeOnRight = false;
                float epsilon     = 0.0001f;

                if (point.edges.Count > 1)
                    foreach (Edge edge in point.edges)
                        float sideOfLine = PointSideOfLine(edge.start.position, rayEnd, center);

                        if (sideOfLine < -epsilon)
                            edgeOnRight = true;
                        if (sideOfLine > epsilon)
                            edgeOnLeft = true;

                        sideOfLine = PointSideOfLine(edge.end.position, rayEnd, center);

                        if (sideOfLine < -epsilon)
                            edgeOnRight = true;
                        if (sideOfLine > epsilon)
                            edgeOnLeft = true;

                bool ignoreAdjacent = !(edgeOnLeft && edgeOnRight);

                //Compare ray to all edges
                for (int u = 0; u < map.Count; u++)
                    Edge edge = map[u];

                    //Handle corners by ignoring edges who's start or end points are at the intersection (ie, probably the target for this ray)
                    //but only if there isn't another edge sharing the point and on the other side of the ray. This skims corners but doesn't
                    //penetrate if two segments are connected
                    if (ignoreAdjacent && (edge.start == point || edge.end == point))

                    Vector2 intersectionPosition;
                    if (FindIntersectionLineSegments(center, rayEnd, edge.start.position, edge.end.position, out intersectionPosition))
                        if (closestIntersection.edges.Count == 0 ||
                            (intersectionPosition - center).sqrMagnitude < (closestIntersection.position - center).sqrMagnitude)
                            closestIntersection.position = intersectionPosition;

                if (closestIntersection.edges.Count == 0)
                    closestIntersection.position = rayEnd;


                if (ignoreAdjacent && (point.position - center).sqrMagnitude < (closestIntersection.position - center).sqrMagnitude)
                    intersections.Insert(intersections.Count - 1, point);

            //Debug intersections
            for (int i = 0; i < intersections.Count; i++)
                Point intersection = intersections[i];
                if (debugVisibility)
                    Debug.DrawLine(center, intersection.position, Color.magenta);
                if (debugVisibility)
                    DebugScript.DrawCross(intersection.position, 0.2f, Color.red);

            // 3) Sort intersects by angle
            Point[] intersectionsArray = intersections.ToArray();
            intersectionsArray.MergeSort(0, intersections.Count - 1, new PointAnglerComparer());

            // 4) The visibility polygon is constructd by stitching each two intersection points
            //    together with the origin to create triangles

            // 5) Build mesh by stitching each set of adjacent intersections
            //    and the origin into a triangle