public MonoDSymbolResolver(IObjectValueSource objectValueSource, DEW.DBGEngine engine)
     this.ObjectValueSource = objectValueSource;
     this.Engine = engine;
예제 #2
 public DDebugBacktrace(DDebugSession session, long threadId, DEW.DBGEngine engine)
     this.session = session;
     this.Engine = engine;
     fcount = engine.CallStack.Length;
     this.threadId = threadId;
     if (firstFrame != null)
         this.firstFrame = CreateFrame(Engine.CallStack[0]);
		public PlainDbgEngBasedBacktrace(DDebugSession session, long threadId, DEW.DBGEngine engine)
			BacktraceHelper = new DLocalExamBacktrace(this);
			this.session = session;
			this.Engine = engine;
			fcount = engine.CallStack.Length;
			this.threadId = threadId;
			if (firstFrame != null)
				this.firstFrame = CreateFrame(Engine.CallStack[0]);
예제 #4
				public DebugStackFrameMarker(TextMarkerService svc, DebugEngineWrapper.StackFrame frm, int text_offset)
					: base(svc, text_offset, true)
					Frame = frm;

					if (frm.FrameNumber < 1)
						BackgroundColor = Colors.Yellow;
						BackgroundColor = Colors.Green;
					MarkerType = TextMarkerType.None;
예제 #5
				public static DebugStackFrameMarker Create(TextMarkerService svc, DebugEngineWrapper.StackFrame frm)
					string fn;
					uint ln;
					ulong off = frm.InstructionOffset;
					if (Engine.Symbols.GetLineByOffset(off, out fn, out ln))
						var text_off = svc.Editor.Document.GetOffset((int)ln, 0);

						var m = new DebugStackFrameMarker(svc, frm, text_off);

						return m;
					return null;
 private AbstractType[] ResolveParentSymbol(DEW.DebugScopedSymbol parentsymbol, ResolutionContext ctxt)
     if (parentsymbol.Parent != null)
         return TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveFurtherTypeIdentifier(parentsymbol.Name, ResolveParentSymbol(parentsymbol.Parent, ctxt), ctxt, null);
         return TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveIdentifier(parentsymbol.Name, ctxt, null);
        public ObjectValue Resolve(ulong offset, string symbolname, string typename, string val, DEW.DebugScopedSymbol parentsymbol)
            DModule module;
            int codeLine;
            INode variableNode = null;

            // Search currently scoped module
            string file = "";
            uint line = 0;
            Engine.Symbols.GetLineByOffset(Engine.CurrentInstructionOffset, out file, out line);
            codeLine = (int)line;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(file))
                return null;

            AbstractDProject dproj = null;
            module = GetFileSyntaxTree(file, out dproj);

            // If syntax tree built, search the variable location
            if (module != null)
                var ed = Resolver.DResolverWrapper.CreateEditorData(IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument);
                var ctxt = ResolutionContext.Create(ed, false);

                CodeCompletion.DoTimeoutableCompletionTask(null, ctxt, () =>
                        ctxt.Push(module, new CodeLocation(0, codeLine));

                        AbstractType[] res;
                        if (parentsymbol != null)
                            var parentres = ResolveParentSymbol(parentsymbol, ctxt);
                            res = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveFurtherTypeIdentifier(symbolname, parentres, ctxt, null);
                            res = TypeDeclarationResolver.ResolveIdentifier(symbolname, ctxt, null);

                        if (res != null && res.Length > 0 && res[0] is DSymbol)
                            variableNode = (res[0] as DSymbol).Definition;

            // Set type string
            string _typeString = typename;
            if (variableNode != null)
                var t = variableNode.Type;
                if (t != null)
                    _typeString = t.ToString();

            // Set value string
            string _valueString = val;

            ObjectValueFlags flags = ObjectValueFlags.Variable;

            if (variableNode != null)
                ITypeDeclaration curValueType = variableNode.Type;
                if (curValueType != null)
                    if (!IsBasicType(curValueType))
                        if (_typeString == "string") //TODO: Replace this by searching the alias definition in the cache
                            curValueType = new ArrayDecl() { InnerDeclaration = new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Char) };
                        else if (_typeString == "wstring")
                            curValueType = new ArrayDecl() { InnerDeclaration = new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Wchar) };
                        else if (_typeString == "dstring")
                            curValueType = new ArrayDecl() { InnerDeclaration = new DTokenDeclaration(DTokens.Dchar) };

                        if (IsArray(curValueType))
                            flags = ObjectValueFlags.Array;

                            var clampDecl = curValueType as ArrayDecl;
                            var valueType = clampDecl.InnerDeclaration;

                            if (valueType is DTokenDeclaration)
                                bool IsString = false;
                                uint elsz = 0;
                                var realType = DetermineArrayType((valueType as DTokenDeclaration).Token, out elsz, out IsString);

                                var arr = Engine.Symbols.ReadArray(offset, realType, elsz);

                                if (arr != null)
                                    _valueString = BuildArrayContentString(arr, IsString);

                            flags = ObjectValueFlags.Object;

            return ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(ObjectValueSource, new ObjectPath(symbolname), _typeString, new EvaluationResult(_valueString), flags);
 public ObjectValue Resolve(DEW.DebugScopedSymbol symbol)
     return Resolve(symbol.Offset, symbol.Name, symbol.TypeName, symbol.TextValue, symbol.Parent);
        DEW.DebugScopedSymbol FindScopedSymbol(string symbolname, DEW.DebugScopedSymbol[] symbols)
            List<string> path = new List<string>(symbolname.Split('.'));

            for (uint i = 0; i < symbols.Length; i++)
                if (path[0] == symbols[i].Name)
                    if (path.Count > 0)
                        return FindScopedSymbol(string.Join(".", path.ToArray()), symbols[i].Children);
                        return symbols[i];
            return null;
        ObjectValue CreateObjectValue(string name, DebugEngineWrapper.DebugScopedSymbol symbol)
            string vname = symbol.Name;
            string typeName = symbol.TypeName;
            string value = symbol.TextValue;
            int nchild = (int)symbol.ChildrenCount;

            ObjectValue val = symbolResolver.Resolve(symbol.Offset, vname, typeName, value, symbol.Parent);
            if (val == null)
                ObjectValueFlags flags = ObjectValueFlags.Variable;

                // There can be 'public' et al children for C++ structures
                if (typeName == null)
                    typeName = "none";

                val = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(this, new ObjectPath(vname), typeName, new EvaluationResult(value), flags);
                val.Name = name;

            return val;
        StackFrame CreateFrame(DEW.StackFrame frameData)
            string fn;
            uint ln;
            ulong off = frameData.InstructionOffset;
            Engine.Symbols.GetLineByOffset(off, out fn, out ln);

            SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation (func ?? "?", sfile, line);

            long addr;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sadr))
                addr = long.Parse (sadr.Substring (2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                addr = 0;

            string methodName = Engine.Symbols.GetNameByOffset(off);
            SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation(methodName, fn, (int)ln);

            return new StackFrame((long)off, loc, "Native");

            string lang = "Native";
            string func = frameData.GetValue ("func");
            string sadr = frameData.GetValue ("addr");

            if (func == "??" && session.IsMonoProcess) {
                // Try to get the managed func name
                try {
                    ResultData data = session.RunCommand ("-data-evaluate-expression", "mono_pmip(" + sadr + ")");
                    string val = data.GetValue ("value");
                    if (val != null) {
                        int i = val.IndexOf ('"');
                        if (i != -1) {
                            func = val.Substring (i).Trim ('"',' ');
                            lang = "Mono";
                } catch {

            int line = -1;
            string sline = frameData.GetValue ("line");
            if (sline != null)
                line = int.Parse (sline);

            string sfile = frameData.GetValue ("fullname");
            if (sfile == null)
                sfile = frameData.GetValue ("file");
            if (sfile == null)
                sfile = frameData.GetValue ("from");
            SourceLocation loc = new SourceLocation (func ?? "?", sfile, line);

            long addr;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (sadr))
                addr = long.Parse (sadr.Substring (2), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
                addr = 0;

            return new StackFrame (addr, loc, lang);
			public DObjectValue(DEW.DebugScopedSymbol symb, PlainDbgEngBasedBacktrace backtrace)
				this.Backtrace = backtrace;
				Symbol = symb;

				/*var type = symb.TypeName.Replace('@','.');
				if (type.StartsWith("class"))
					type = type.Substring(5);
				if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(type))
					DType = DParser.ParseBasicType(type);*/
예제 #13
 public BreakPointWrapper(BreakEventInfo eventInfo, DebugEngineWrapper.BreakPoint breakpoint)
     EventInfo = eventInfo;
     Breakpoint = breakpoint;
예제 #14
        ObjectValue CreateObjectValue(string name, DebugEngineWrapper.DebugScopedSymbol symbol)
            string vname = symbol.Name;
            string typeName = symbol.TypeName;
            string value = symbol.TextValue;
            int nchild = (int) symbol.ChildrenCount;

            ObjectValue val;
            ObjectValueFlags flags = ObjectValueFlags.Variable;

            // There can be 'public' et al children for C++ structures
            if (typeName == null)
                typeName = "none";

            val = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive(this, new ObjectPath(vname), typeName, new EvaluationResult(value), flags);
            val.Name = name;
            return val;

            if (typeName.EndsWith ("]")) {
                val = ObjectValue.CreateArray (this, new ObjectPath (vname), typeName, nchild, flags, null);
            } else if (value == "{...}" || typeName.EndsWith ("*") || nchild > 0) {
                val = ObjectValue.CreateObject (this, new ObjectPath (vname), typeName, value, flags, null);
            } else {
                val = ObjectValue.CreatePrimitive (this, new ObjectPath (vname), typeName, new EvaluationResult (value), flags);
            val.Name = name;

            return val;
		public DDebugBacktrace(DDebugSession session, long threadId, DEW.DBGEngine engine)
			: base(session, threadId, engine)
			symbolResolver = new MonoDSymbolResolver(this, engine);