public void VisitDebugConfig()
            //Init args
            DebugConfig debugConfig = new DebugConfig()
                IfStart = true

            List <string> expectedArgs = new List <string>()

            //Init visitor
            BuildRequestVisitor visitor           = new BuildRequestVisitor(BuildRequestVisitorTest.GetSettings());
            VisitorSubscriber   visitorSubscriber = new VisitorSubscriber(visitor);


            Assert.AreEqual(1, visitorSubscriber.TotalObjCount, "Unexpected number of objects created");

            StepConfig actual = visitorSubscriber.stepList[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("Start debugging", actual.Name, "Unexpected Name");
            Assert.AreEqual(ActionOnFailure.CONTINUE, actual.ActionOnFailure, "Unexpected ActionOnFailure");
            Assert.AreEqual("s3://elasticmapreduce/libs/script-runner/script-runner.jar", actual.HadoopJarStep.Jar, "Unexpected Jar");
            Assert.IsNull(actual.HadoopJarStep.MainClass, "Unexpected MainClass");
            Assert.IsTrue(expectedArgs.SequenceEqual(actual.HadoopJarStep.Args), "Unexpected args list");
예제 #2
    public GUIStyle fontStyle;                                          //!< for the font

     * Use this for initialization
     * Finds the debugger and populates all the text representations of values
    void Start()
        debugConfig = gameObject.GetComponent <DebugConfig>();                          // find a reference to the script on the debugger

        // get values from the debugger for the variables
        speed            = "" + debugConfig.NutrientSpeed;                      // populate the string representation of speed
        spawnTime        = "" + debugConfig.NutrientSpawnInterval;              // populate the string representation of spawnTime
        towerBaseCost    = "" + debugConfig.TOWER_BASE_COST;                    // populate the string representation of towerBaseCost
        towerLvl1Cost    = "" + debugConfig.TOWER_UPGRADE_LEVEL_1_COST;         // populate the string representation of towerLvl1Cost
        towerLvl2Cost    = "" + debugConfig.TOWER_UPGRADE_LEVEL_2_COST;         // populate the string representation of towerLvl2Cost
        towerLvl1Targets = "" + debugConfig.level1Targets;                      // populate the string representation of towerLvl1Targets
        towerLvl2Targets = "" + debugConfig.level2Targets;                      // populate the string representation of towerLvl2Targets
        towerBaseCD      = "" + debugConfig.BaseCooldown;                       // populate the string representation of towerBaseCD
        towerLvl1CD      = "" + debugConfig.Level1Cooldown;                     // populate the string representation of towerLvl1CD
        towerLvl2CD      = "" + debugConfig.Level2Cooldown;                     // populate the string representation of towerLvl2CD
        waveTimer        = "" + debugConfig.waveTimer;                          // populate the string representation of waveTimer
        waveDelay        = "" + debugConfig.waveDelay;                          // populate the string representation of waveDelay
        minBlobs         = "" + debugConfig.minBlobs;                           // populate the string representation of minBlobs
        maxBlobs         = "" + debugConfig.maxBlobs;                           // populate the string representation of maxBlobs
        colors           = "";
        // for populating the colors string represenation
        if (debugConfig.colors.Contains(
            colors += "R";
        if (debugConfig.colors.Contains(Color.yellow))
            colors += "Y";
        if (debugConfig.colors.Contains(
            colors += "G";
예제 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var screen = new ScreenConfig(8, 8);
            var debug  = new DebugConfig(updateTime: 0.15f, maxLogSize: 20);
            var config = ConfigurationLoader.Load(ArgumentSet.Parse(args));
            var root   = new CompositionRoot(
                () => new ReadConsoleReadInputSystem(),
                new Func <ISystem>[] {
                () => new ConsoleTriggerSystem(debug),
                () => new ConsoleClearSystem(),
                () => new ConsoleRenderSystem(screen),
                () => new ConsoleLogSystem()
                () => new FinishFrameRealTimeSystem(),
                () => new DeviceRenderSystem(screen, new DeviceRenderConfig(172)));

            var(entities, systems) = root.Create();
            Console.WriteLine($"Your score is: {entities.GetFirstComponent<ScoreState>()?.TotalScore}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Time: {entities.GetFirstComponent<TimeState>().UnscaledTotalTime:0.00}");
            if (config.IsReplayRecord)
                var replay = entities.GetFirstComponent <InputRecordState>();
예제 #4
파일: WE_UI.cs 프로젝트: tarsupin/Nexus
        public void Draw()
            // Draw Editor UI Components
            this.gridUI.DrawGridOverlay(,, this.scene.xCount, this.scene.yCount);

            if (Cursor.MouseY > 75)

            // Coordinate Tracker
            Systems.fonts.counter.Draw(Cursor.MiniGridX + ", " + Cursor.MiniGridY, 12, 5, Color.White);

            // Zone Counter (Which Zone)
            Systems.fonts.counter.Draw("Zone #" + this.scene.campaign.zoneId.ToString(), Systems.screen.viewWidth - (byte)WorldmapEnum.TileWidth - 184, 5, Color.White);

            // Debug Render
            if (DebugConfig.Debug)
예제 #5
        protected override void SetupConfig(IDictionary <FrameworkSetting, object> defaultOverrides)
            if (!defaultOverrides.ContainsKey(FrameworkSetting.ExecutionMode))
                defaultOverrides.Add(FrameworkSetting.ExecutionMode, ExecutionMode.SingleThread);


            DebugConfig.Set(DebugSetting.BypassFrontToBackPass, true);
 public void Visit(DebugConfig debugConfig)
         new List <String>()
예제 #7
    void Start()
        quaternion          = transform.rotation;
        quaternion.Duration = .5f;

        // get the debug config unless we are in the small intestine tutorial
        if (Application.loadedLevelName != "SmallIntestineTutorial")
            debugConfig = ((GameObject)GameObject.Find("Debug Config")).GetComponent <DebugConfig>();
예제 #8
        private void toolStripButtonSendEmail_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var model = new FormSendEmailConfigData.EmailModelData();

            model.HtmlContent = this.textBoxHtmlContent.Text;
            model.TextContent = this.textBoxTextContent.Text;
            model.Title       = this.textBoxSubject.Text;

            bool ok         = false;
            int  emailsSent = 0;

                using (DebugConfig.SetDebug(this.toolStripButtonDEBUG.Checked))
                    var checkedIndices = this.checkedListBoxClients.CheckedIndices.Cast <int>().ToArray();
                    for (int it = 0; it < checkedIndices.Length; it++)
                        var checkedItemIndex = checkedIndices[it];
                        var checkedItem      = this.checkedListBoxClients.Items[checkedItemIndex];
                        var user             = ((EmailData)checkedItem).ObjectData as User;
                        if (user != null)
                            var toAddress    = new MailAddress(user.Person.Email, user.Person.FullName);
                            var subject      = ProcessTemplate(model.Title, checkedItem, false);
                            var bodyText     = ProcessTemplate(model.TextContent, checkedItem, false);
                            var bodyHtml     = ProcessTemplate(model.HtmlContent, checkedItem, true);
                            var emailMessage = EmailHelper.CreateEmailMessage(toAddress, subject, bodyText, bodyHtml);

                            if (!this.toolStripButtonDEBUG.Checked)
                                this.checkedListBoxClients.SetItemChecked(checkedItemIndex, false);

                ok = true;
            catch { }

            if (ok)
                MessageBox.Show("E-mails were sent.", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("An error has occurred. Sent: {0}", emailsSent), "Message", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
예제 #9
        private static void DebugSpeed()
            string currentIns = ConsoleTrack.GetArgAsString();

            ConsoleTrack.PrepareTabLookup(debugSpeedCodes, currentIns, "Assign a debug speed / tick rate that the game runs at.");

            if (ConsoleTrack.activate)
                if (debugSpeedCodes.ContainsKey(currentIns))
        public void SkipDebugConfigIfStartFalse()
            //Init args
            DebugConfig debugConfig = new DebugConfig();

            //Init visitor
            BuildRequestVisitor visitor           = new BuildRequestVisitor(BuildRequestVisitorTest.GetSettings());
            VisitorSubscriber   visitorSubscriber = new VisitorSubscriber(visitor);


            Assert.IsFalse(visitorSubscriber.wasAnyEventFired, "None of the visitor's events should be fired!");
예제 #11
 internal void Configure(DebugConfig cfg)
     lock (Dispatcher.dispatchersLock) {
         if (cfg.EnvType != EnvType.Auto)
             Dispatcher.EnvType = cfg.EnvType;
         if (cfg.Enabled.HasValue)
             this.Enabled = cfg.Enabled.Value;
         if (cfg.LogFormat != LogFormat.Auto)
             this.Output = cfg.LogFormat;
         if (cfg.Directory != null && cfg.Directory.Length > 0)
         if (cfg.ErrorPage != null && cfg.ErrorPage.Length > 0)
         if (cfg.Depth != null && cfg.Depth.Value > 0)
             Dispatcher.DumpDepth = cfg.Depth.Value;
         if (cfg.LogWriteMilisecond != null && cfg.LogWriteMilisecond.Value > 0)
             Dispatcher.LogWriteMilisecond = cfg.LogWriteMilisecond.Value;
         if (cfg.SourceLocation.HasValue)
             Dispatcher.SourceLocation = cfg.SourceLocation.Value;
         if (cfg.Panels != null && cfg.Panels.Length > 0)
예제 #12
        public CompositionRoot(
            ScreenConfig screen,
            DebugConfig debug,
            Configuration config,
            Func <BaseReadInputSystem> inputSystem,
            Func <ISystem>[] preRenderSystems,
            Func <BaseFinishFrameRealTimeSystem> realTimeSystem,
            Func <BaseRenderSystem> renderSystem)
            _screen = screen;
            _debug  = debug;
            _config = config;

            _inputSystem      = inputSystem;
            _preRenderSystems = preRenderSystems;
            _realTimeSystem   = realTimeSystem;
            _renderSystem     = renderSystem;

            _systems = new SystemSet();
예제 #13
    private const float timer  = 2.0f;                          //!< a timer

     * Use for initialization
     * Finds debugger and checks if we are using it's values
    void Start()
        // make sure we aren't in tutorial
        if (Application.loadedLevelName != "SmallIntestineTutorial")
            // if we aren't in the tutorial get a reference to the debugger
            debugConfig = ((GameObject)GameObject.Find("Debug Config")).GetComponent <DebugConfig>();

            // if we are using the debugger values get the tower base cost from there
            if (debugConfig.debugActive)
                TOWER_BASE_COST = debugConfig.TOWER_BASE_COST;

        m_IsSpawnActive = false;                        // the spawn active should default to false

        // find a reference to the current intestine game manager
        m_GameManager = GameObject.Find("Managers").GetComponent <IntestineGameManager> ();
예제 #14
        private void OnSceneSetData(LoadParcelScenesMessage.UnityParcelScene data)
            state = State.WAITING_FOR_INIT_MESSAGES;

            DebugConfig debugConfig = DataStore.i.debugConfig;
            //NOTE(Brian): Don't generate parcel blockers if debugScenes is active and is not the desired scene.
            if (debugConfig.soloScene && debugConfig.soloSceneCoords != data.basePosition)

            if (owner.isTestScene)
예제 #15
    private bool m_CanFire;                                     //!< a flag that says whether a tower can currently fire

     * Use this for initialization
     * INitializes tower values on spawn
    void Start()
        gameObject.layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer("Tower");              // move the tower to the tower layer once placed

        // make sure we aren't in tutorial
        if (Application.loadedLevelName != "SmallIntestineTutorial")
            // if we aren't in the tutorial get the debugger
            debugConfig = ((GameObject)GameObject.Find("Debug Config")).GetComponent <DebugConfig>();
            if (debugConfig.debugActive)                        // if we're using the debugger get the costs from there
                TOWER_BASE_COST            = debugConfig.TOWER_BASE_COST;
        m_Cooldown        = BaseCooldown;                                                      // set the base cooldown
        m_CurrentCooldown = m_Cooldown;                                                        // initialize the cooldown timer
        m_CanFire         = true;                                                              // set that the tower can fire

        m_NutrientManager = GameObject.Find("Managers").GetComponent <NutrientManager>();      // find the nutrient manager
        m_GameManager     = GameObject.Find("Managers").GetComponent <IntestineGameManager>(); // find the game manager
예제 #16
        private IEnumerator LoadConfigs()
            // Game Config
            var debugConfigTextLoader = CreateTextLoader(DebugConfigPath);

            yield return(debugConfigTextLoader);

            DebugConfig       = new DebugConfig();
            DebugConfig       = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <DebugConfig>(debugConfigTextLoader.text);
            LogProxy.LogLevel = DebugConfig.LogLevel;

            // Photon Config
            var photonConfigTextLoader = CreateTextLoader(PhotonConfigPath);

            yield return(photonConfigTextLoader);

            var photonConfig = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ServerSettings>(photonConfigTextLoader.text);

            PhotonNetwork.PhotonServerSettings = photonConfig;

            _loaded = true;
예제 #17
파일: LevelUI.cs 프로젝트: tarsupin/Nexus
        public void Draw()
            // Coins / Gems
            this.atlas.Draw("Treasure/Gem", 10, 10);
            Systems.fonts.counter.Draw(this.levelState.coins.ToString(), 65, 10, Color.White);

            // Timer
            Systems.fonts.counter.Draw(this.levelState.TimeRemaining.ToString(), Systems.screen.viewWidth - 90, 10, Color.White);

            // Health & Armor
            if (Systems.localServer.MyPlayer.character is Character)
                CharacterWounds wounds = Systems.localServer.MyCharacter.wounds;
                byte            i      = 0;

                while (i < wounds.Health)
                    this.atlas.Draw("Icon/HP", 10 + 48 * i, this.bottomRow);

                while (i < wounds.Health + wounds.Armor)
                    this.atlas.Draw("Icon/Shield", 10 + 48 * i, this.bottomRow);

                // Power Icons

            // Debug Render
            if (DebugConfig.Debug)
예제 #18
파일: Vba.cs 프로젝트: debug-sharp/desharp
 /// <summary>
 /// Configure Desharp assembly from running application environment and override any XML config settings or automatically detected settings.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cfg">Specialized Desharp configuration collection - just create new instance with public fields of that.</param>
 /// <example>
 /// <code>Desharp.Debug.Configure(new Desharp.DebugConfig {
 ///     Enabled = true,				// enable dumps printing to app output
 ///     Depth = 3,				// dumped objects max. depth
 ///     Directory = "~/logs",			// file logs directory rel./abs. path
 ///     LogFormat = Desharp.LogFormat.Html,	// file logs format - text or html
 ///     ...
 /// });</code>
 /// </example>
 public void Configure(DebugConfig cfg)
예제 #19
파일: MvcConfig.cs 프로젝트: bevacqua/Swarm
 public MvcConfig()
     Debug = new DebugConfig();
     Drone = new DroneConfig();
     Site = new SiteConfig();
예제 #20
    public bool end = false;                          //!< to remember if we are done reading new waves from a script

     * Use this for initialization
     * Check if game was loaded properly. If not reload.
     * Start spawning waves.
    void Start()
        level = null;                                             // initially set the reference to null

        GameObject counter = GameObject.Find("ChooseBackground"); // try to find an instance of the background chooser

        if (counter != null)                                      // if the counter is not null we can continue as normal with initialization
            // if the counter was there we can just get the level
            level = counter.GetComponent <SmallIntestineLoadLevelCounter> ();
        else           // if we start the level from the game itself just start at level 0, 1, or 2 appropriately
            // this part should only happen if we start the game from the wrong scene in the unity editor
            // if the counter wasn't there reload properly
            // this will reload the entire game from the level it was supposed to be loaded from
            if (Application.loadedLevelName == "SmallIntestineTutorial")
                // if we load directly from the tutorial scene, then reload the si game from level 0
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DesiredSILevel", 0);
            else if (Application.loadedLevelName == "SmallIntestineOdd")
                // if we load directly from the si odd scene, then reload the si game from level 1
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DesiredSILevel", 1);
            else if (Application.loadedLevelName == "SmallIntestineEven")
                // if we load directly from the si even scene, then reload the game from level 2
                PlayerPrefs.SetInt("DesiredSILevel", 2);

        // load in the script info
        if (counter != null)            // guard check to prevent this code from executing before the game is reloaded
            // start loading in the script
            loadScript = new LoadScript();                                                                      // create a new script loader

            //if (!level.getTutorial ()) {									//if not tutorial

            waves = loadScript.loadIntestineLevel(level.getLevel(), level.isTutorial(), level.getTutorialNum()); // get the waves for the correct script

            currentWave = 0;                                                                                     // set the current wave index to 0

            waveDelay       = waves[0].startDelay;                                                               // get the start delay from the first parsed wave
            waveTime        = waves[0].runTime;                                                                  // get the run time from the first parsed wave
            SpawnInterval   = waves[0].nutrientSpawnInterval;                                                    // get the nutrient spawn interval from the first parsed wave
            speed           = waves[0].nutrientSpeed;                                                            // get the nutrient speed from the first parsed wave
            availableColors = waves[0].colors;                                                                   // get the colors for the first parsed wave
            minNutrients    = waves[0].minBlobs;                                                                 // get the min blobs for the first parsed wave
            maxNutrients    = waves[0].maxBlobs;                                                                 // get the max blobs for the first parsed wave

            m_TimeSinceLastSpawn = 0f;                                                                           // start the timesincelastspawn variable to 0

        // we don't use debug config in the tutorial level so check that we aren't in the tutorial level before
        // we look for a reference to the debugger to get the debug script
        if (Application.loadedLevelName != "SmallIntestineTutorial")
            debugConfig = ((GameObject)GameObject.Find("Debug Config")).GetComponent <DebugConfig>();
예제 #21
        protected override void SetupConfig(IDictionary <FrameworkSetting, object> gameDefaults)

            DebugConfig.Set(DebugSetting.BypassFrontToBackPass, true);
예제 #22
파일: MvcConfig.cs 프로젝트: jalex/Swarm
 public MvcConfig()
     Debug = new DebugConfig();
     Drone = new DroneConfig();
     Site  = new SiteConfig();
예제 #23
    public void LoadConfig()
        AnnouncementConfigData = new AnnouncementConfig();
        BadgeAttrConfigData    = new BadgeAttrConfig();
        ConstStringConfigData  = new ConstStringConfig();
        CommonConfig           = new CommonConfig();

        AttrNameConfigData        = new AttrNameConfig();
        RoleBaseConfigData2       = new BaseDataConfig2();
        AttrDataConfigData        = new AttrDataConfig();
        TeamLevelConfigData       = new TeamLevelConfig();
        RoleLevelConfigData       = new RoleLevelConfig();
        NPCConfigData             = new NPCDataConfig();
        SkillConfig               = new SkillConfig();
        GoodsConfigData           = new GoodsConfig();
        StoreGoodsConfigData      = new StoreGoodsConfig();
        BaseDataBuyConfigData     = new BaseDataBuyConfig();
        TaskConfigData            = new TaskDataConfig();
        AwardPackConfigData       = new AwardPackDataConfig();
        PractiseConfig            = new PractiseConfig();
        PracticePveConfig         = new PracticePveConfig();
        PractiseStepConfig        = new PractiseStepConfig();
        GameModeConfig            = new GameModeConfig();
        TrainingConfig            = new TrainingConfig();
        TattooConfig              = new TattooConfig();
        EquipmentConfigData       = new EquipmentConfig();
        TourConfig                = new TourConfig();
        GuideConfig               = new GuideConfig();
        FunctionConditionConfig   = new FunctionConditionConfig();
        RoleShapeConfig           = new RoleShapeConfig();
        FashionConfig             = new FashionConfig();
        FashionShopConfig         = new FashionShopConfig();
        VipPrivilegeConfig        = new VipPrivilegeConfig();
        pushConfig                = new PushConfig();
        presentHpConfigData       = new PresentHpConfig();
        LotteryConfig             = new LotteryConfig();
        starAttrConfig            = new StarAttrConfig();
        qualityAttrCorConfig      = new QualityAttrCorConfig();
        skillUpConfig             = new SkillUpConfig();
        RankConfig                = new RankConfig();
        signConfig                = new SignConfig();
        NewComerSignConfig        = new NewComerSignConfig();
        FightingCapacityConfig    = new FightingCapacityConfig();
        BodyInfoListConfig        = new BodyInfoListConfig();
        BadgeSlotsConfig          = new BadgeSlotConfig();
        GoodsComposeNewConfigData = new GoodsComposeNewConfig();

        SceneConfig = new SceneConfig();

        ReboundAttrConfigData    = new ReboundAttrConfig();
        CareerConfigData         = new CareerConfig();
        PotientialEffectConfig   = new PotientialEffectConfig();
        PVPPointConfig           = new PVPPointConfig();
        WinningStreakAwardConfig = new WinningStreakAwardConfig();
        ArticleStrengthConfig    = new ArticleStrengthConfig();
        PhRegainConfig           = new PhRegainConfig();
        MatchAchievementConfig   = new MatchAchievementConfig();
        SpecialActionConfig      = new SpecialActionConfig();
        StealConfig           = new StealConfig();
        CurveRateConfig       = new CurveRateConfig();
        DunkRateConfig        = new DunkRateConfig();
        AIConfig              = new AIConfig();
        AttrReduceConfig      = new AttrReduceConfig();
        qualifyingConfig      = new QualifyingConfig();
        qualifyingNewConfig   = new QualifyingNewConfig();
        qualifyingNewerConfig = new QualifyingNewerConfig();
        bullFightConfig       = new BullFightConfig();
        HedgingConfig         = new HedgingConfig();
        roleGiftConfig        = new RoleGiftConfig();
        DebugConfig           = new DebugConfig();
        shootGameConfig       = new ShootGameConfig();
        MapConfig             = new MapConfig();
        activityConfig        = new ActivityConfig();
        trialConfig           = new TrialConfig();
        gameMatchConfig       = new GameMatchConfig();
        shootSolutionManager  = new ShootSolutionManager();
        talentConfig          = new TalentConfig();
        ladderConfig          = new LadderConfig();
        matchSoundConfig      = new MatchSoundConfig();
        matchMsgConfig        = new MatchMsgConfig();
        MatchPointsConfig     = new MatchPointsConfig();
예제 #24
        public static void SaveState()
            string currentIns = ConsoleTrack.GetArgAsString();

            ConsoleTrack.PrepareTabLookup(autoSave, currentIns, "Save the level state to a macro key.");

            if (ConsoleTrack.activate)
                // Get My Character
                Character character = (Character)Systems.localServer.MyCharacter;
                if (character == null)

                // Get Macro Strings
                string headStr = character.head is Head ? "head " + character.head.subStr + " " + character.head.subStr + " | " : "";
                string suitStr = character.suit is Suit ? "suit " + character.suit.baseStr + " " + character.suit.subStr + " | " : "";
                string hatStr  = "hat " + (character.hat is Hat ? character.hat.subStr : "none") + " | ";
                string mobStr  = "power mobility " + (character.mobilityPower is PowerMobility ? character.mobilityPower.subStr : "none") + " | ";
                string attStr  = "power " + (character.attackPower is PowerAttack ? character.attackPower.baseStr + " " + character.attackPower.subStr : "none") + " | ";

                string healthStr = "health " + character.wounds.Health + " | ";
                string armorStr  = "armor " + character.wounds.Armor + " | ";

                // Get the macro substring:
                string macroStr = headStr + suitStr + hatStr + mobStr + attStr + healthStr + armorStr + " move room " + + " " + character.posX + " " + character.posY;


                // Apply the macro to the appropriate function:
                if (currentIns == "f1")
                    Systems.settings.input.macroF1 = macroStr;
                else if (currentIns == "f2")
                    Systems.settings.input.macroF2 = macroStr;
                else if (currentIns == "f3")
                    Systems.settings.input.macroF3 = macroStr;
                else if (currentIns == "f4")
                    Systems.settings.input.macroF4 = macroStr;
                else if (currentIns == "f5")
                    Systems.settings.input.macroF5 = macroStr;
                else if (currentIns == "f6")
                    Systems.settings.input.macroF6 = macroStr;
                else if (currentIns == "f7")
                    Systems.settings.input.macroF7 = macroStr;
                else if (currentIns == "f8")
                    Systems.settings.input.macroF8 = macroStr;

                // Save the macro into the new settings.
예제 #25
 public ConsoleTriggerSystem(DebugConfig debug)
     _debug = debug;
예제 #26
 public DebugState Init(DebugConfig config)
     _config = config;
예제 #27
파일: HUDFPS.cs 프로젝트: richardshi/mdp
    private float timeleft;     //!< Left time for current interval

    void Start()
        debugConfig = ((GameObject)GameObject.Find("Debug Config")).GetComponent <DebugConfig> ();              // find the debugger since
        // we enable frame rate display with that
        timeleft = updateInterval;